How to build a lightning rod with your own hands - preparation and installation. We make a lightning rod with our own hands: a complete instruction Lightning rod in the country with our own hands

A lightning conductor is necessary primarily because the charge accumulated in thunderclouds can cause a lot of damage if it gets into residential buildings.

Why are lightning bolts dangerous? Usually their capacity is 100,000 A, but sometimes this figure reaches 200,000.

Getting into something, such a powerful flow of energy causes heating, which in turn causes fires.

That is why it is necessary in houses that there is no danger of a fire, and the charge is discharged into the ground.

Lightning rod design

The lightning rod should consist of these elements:

  • lightning rod (takes on the charge, intercepting it);
  • down conductor (its function is the direction of the received current into the earth cavity);
  • earthing switch (allows you to connect the house, the device and the ground).

The lightning rod system must be made in accordance with the design features of the elements.

It is important that the metal used in the production of the entire system is the same.

Lightning rod for a lightning rod with your own hands

The receiver will be a rod made of steel. It should be higher than the highest point of the house. Key Features:

  • section 50 mm square;
  • wire rod should be with a diameter of eight mm;
  • the rod can be replaced by installing a copper one, but then the cross-section should be 35 mm.

Even a downpipe can be a lightning rod, since it is made of metal.

You can also stop at the roof, if they are similarly made of metal.

The installation diagram will look like this:

A lightning conductor in a house is installed if the roof is made of aluminum, iron, copper.

It is important that the material is complete, otherwise the current will not enter the diverting elements.

Also, when arranging a lightning rod, the presence of a roof insulation material should not be allowed.

In general, there should be no coatings. The exception is a thin layer of paint, which is designed to give an anti-corrosion effect.

To connect all elements of the lightning rod, it is necessary to use one-piece reinforcement.

If the thickness of the roof material exceeds the specified values:

  • for aluminum it is 7 mm;
  • for copper 5 mm;
  • for iron 4 mm.

Also, if it is covered with heat-insulating material, a pipe must be used as a lightning rod.

If the roof is divided into several separate elements, you can connect them with reinforcement.

Diy lightning conductor

The same material that the lightning rod is made of will serve as a down conductor. The following indicators will help to calculate the cross-section:

  • aluminum - 25 mm square;
  • copper - 16 mm square;
  • steel - 50 mm square.

The direct installation of lightning protection does not imply a down conductor that leads along a long path.

The length should be as short as possible. Also, you must not allow turns and, especially, sharp corners.

In this case, the likelihood that a spark will appear at the turn, which will lead to a fire, increases.

The down conductor consists of a metal strip and wire rod. It can be carried inside the wall if it does not consist of a highly flammable material.

Fastening is carried out with metal brackets in any case. If the walls are flammable, the down conductor must be installed no closer than 10 centimeters from them.

If you are conducting during the construction phase, make sure that there is a distance of more than 10 cm between the wires and the down conductor.

Attention: it is impossible to isolate and paint the elements of the lightning rod!

How to make a ground electrode for a lightning rod

Earthing switches are made from the following materials:

  • copper - cross-section 50 mm square;
  • steel - section 80 mm square.

How to install an earthing switch?

Very easy: you need to create a hole about 1-2 meters deep, insert rods of steel or copper, weld them together, fasten and connect with fittings.

All elements are easier to install from steel, since it is considered the most reliable equipment for lightning rods.

To avoid it, it is better to install the lightning rod as high as possible.

It is great if there is a tall tree near the house, on which the element of the system will be installed.

The earthing switch is installed no closer than 1 meter from the wall of the house. This is due to the fact that sufficient space is required to distribute the dissipated energy.

Otherwise, a short circuit may occur in the house, there will be voltage drops.

It is also necessary to remember that from roads and fences, especially if they consist of metal, there must be at least 5 meters to the ground electrode.

Why is it important to install the lightning rod as high as possible? In this case, he will be able to capture energy from the lightning at a large angle. The lower the receiver, the worse the capture is.

It will help you find answers to your questions.

Before you start developing lightning protection for your home or summer cottage, you need to figure out what a lightning rod is, in principle, and how to organize its installation. A lightning rod is a system of conductors that discharge an electrical discharge into the ground so that it does not harm the protected object. The task of any lightning rod is to protect a building from lightning strikes. In this video with a lightning rod in action, you can feel the full power of the elements.

Metal roofing is the most dangerous

The key to lightning protection is an integrated approach

Lightning protection of a private house is a fairly broad concept. First of all, it is subdivided into two subspecies: external and internal. Only an integrated approach and the correct arrangement of both external and internal protection guarantees the safety of the house.

The external component of lightning protection is a lightning rod. Depending on the design of the lightning rod, there are several types:

  • rod;
  • cable;
  • reticulate.

The most popular type of lightning rods for a private house is a rod. This is due to the simple design and ease of do-it-yourself manufacturing. A catenary wire lightning rod is one or more metal ropes stretched on supports above the roof of the house. An equally effective type of lightning rod is a mesh structure. It is a grounded metal mesh that breaks the roof over its entire surface.

Lightning protection device

Internal lightning protection should protect the house, its residents and everything in it from the consequences of a lightning strike. A discharge of such power cannot pass without a trace, even if a good lightning rod stands in its way. A super-powerful electromagnetic field is formed, in the coverage area of ​​which all conductors fall, most often engineering communications: gas pipeline, water supply, heating system. Severe overvoltage occurs.

For the internal protection of the building and electrical appliances, a special device is installed - a surge arrester or an SPD - a surge protection device. This equipment, in combination with high-quality external lightning protection, will make the house protected from lightning strikes.

Internal lightning protection is also important

What does a lightning rod consist of?

In order to personally design, manufacture and install protection against thunderstorms in your home, you need to figure out what elements it consists of. A lightning rod in a private house consists of several components:

  • lightning rod;
  • down conductor;
  • earthing switch.

In simple terms, the principle of operation of lightning protection can be described as follows: the lightning rod "collects" all lightning in its zone of action and directs them through the down conductor to the ground.

A lightning rod is that part of a lightning rod that is the first to receive a lightning strike. The most common option for homemade lightning rods is the rod type. Depending on the size and configuration of the house, it can be installed on the roof or on a free-standing support.

Roof-mounted lightning rod

Down conductor - a conductor that directs lightning into the ground. It is made of copper, steel or aluminum wire. The main condition is that the down conductor should not come into contact with other metal parts of the house.

Earthing switch - metal rods that drain current into the ground. Most often, the ground electrode has the form of three long profile segments dug into the soil. They are connected to each other by a triangle. All lightning protection elements in a private house are connected to each other by welding. If this is not possible, use a bolted connection.

Preparing for self-installation of a lightning rod

The simplest stage of organizing lightning protection is its installation. Preparatory work is considered much more responsible: calculations, choice of location and materials. The absence of critical errors at this stage guarantees 60% success. This is why the importance of careful and meticulous preparation should not be underestimated.

Lightning strike diversion scheme

Formula for accurate calculation

It is not necessary to assume that any long piece of reinforcement installed on the roof of the house and connected to the ground by a wire will protect the house from lightning strikes. A lightning conductor is a rather complex and extremely demanding design. Before making a lightning rod in a private house, it is necessary to make all the calculations, assess the risks and take into account all the smallest nuances.

For the calculation, you do not need to study the manual on electromechanics and remember the gimbal rule. The task is to select the required size of the lightning rod in order to provide protection in the area you need. If you accurately calculate the coverage area according to the formulas, you can achieve 98% protection, which excludes lightning striking the house.

If we are talking about a rod-type lightning rod, which is ideal for protecting a small house or summer cottage, the protection zone is in the shape of a cone. By calculation methods, the coefficients were obtained, which are used to determine the required height of the lightning rod.

h = (rх + 1.63hx) / 1.5, where h is the height of the lightning rod; hx is the height of the protected building; rx is the required radius of the protection zone at the level of the upper point of the protected building.
This formula is correct for lightning rods with a height of no more than 150 m, which is more than enough for lightning protection of a private house.

Lightning rod protection zone

The choice of material for the lightning rod

Before making a lightning rod in the country or at home, you need to decide on the materials. The metal for manufacturing is of great importance. Today it is made from steel, copper or aluminum. The difference in the resistance values ​​of these materials results in a different required cross-sectional area.

To display the properties of all three types visually, the data is entered into the table:

Minimum conductor sizes when using different materials

The table shows that copper does the best job. It is cheaper to make a lightning rod with your own hands from a steel profile. The down conductor has a smaller cross-section than other lightning protection elements. It will be correct to gradually increase its thickness from the lightning rod to ground. It is best to use the same metal for the entire structure.

Copper is the most reliable material

Place of installation of lightning rod and earthing switch

It is equally important to choose the right place for installation. The lightning rod should be the highest point on the site. Do not forget about the cone-shaped protection zone. Make sure your entire house falls into this zone. It turns out that the farther the protection is from the house, the higher it should be.

For economic reasons, it is wiser to place a lightning rod on the roof of the house, then you will not have to spend money on additional construction of a high support. Professionals do not recommend installing the lightning rod in the center of the roof; it is better to fix it on one of the walls. So the likelihood that some element of the roof will become on the path of the lightning decreases.
Separately, you should think about the placement of the ground electrode. At the moment when the discharge of huge power goes into the ground, there should be no one near the ground electrode. Therefore, the minimum distance from the ground loop to the wall of the house is limited to 1 m, and to pedestrian paths and sidewalks - 5 m. Place the earthing switch in a secluded place, make a fence or install a warning sign.

The support must be securely fastened

Lightning rod installation algorithm

After all the necessary calculations have been completed, the installation site has been selected, and the required amount of suitable material has been purchased, you can proceed to the construction of lightning protection. Installation is carried out in several stages. The main assembly works are preceded by earthworks. Detailed instructions on how to make a lightning rod in a private house can be seen in the video:

Video: Lightning conductor of a private house

Mandatory work on grounding

Despite the fact that the lightning rod is located on high supports, its installation should be started from the ground. The first step is to dig a grounding hole. Before making a lightning rod in your country house or in your garden, decide on the type of grounding.
A closed earthing switch consists of three metal rods welded with a triangle using a metal strip. For this type of grounding, you will have to dig a hole of the appropriate shape and depth. The linear type of grounding requires a trench for installation. Grounding electrodes are installed in one line and connected by welding.

For a closed earthing switch, the pit will look like this

Do not dig a hole with a depth equal to the length of the electrodes. It is enough to go deep into the ground by 0.5-1 m. The rods of the ground electrode will still need to be driven into the ground. Analyze where the down conductor will meet the ground and connect this point to the location of the ground electrode system with a deep trench.

The internal lightning protection system must also be grounded. The shield is connected to the earthing switch with a long wire, which is laid underground. For these purposes, you need to dig another trench connecting the future ground electrode system with a surge protection device.

Take care of the soil. In order for the current to easily go into the ground, the soil must have a high electrical conductivity. Sandy soils cannot boast of this property. Often the soil in the grounding area is artificially impregnated with a salt solution in order to raise this indicator.

The order of the main work

The grounding design is simple, but it must meet all the requirements for reliability and safety of operation. Use several long sections of a steel profile as a ground electrode at home: a corner, a strip, a pipe. They are connected to each other very firmly - by welding. The material for the earthing switch should be taken with a large margin. Being underground in a humid environment, metal corrodes easily, rusts, collapses and shrinks.

Grounding a private house

Install the support for the lightning rod at the selected location. It must be stable and strong so that the lightning protection does not fall or break from strong winds even before a thunderstorm begins.

Prepare a rod lightning rod of the required length, which you calculated using the formula. If you don't have one long piece of rolled metal, it's okay. Several parts can be welded together. If you took a hollow pipe as a lightning rod, plug its edge with a metal plug and weld it. Install the lightning rod on the support.

The lightning rod must be securely fastened

A wire of suitable diameter and length must be very securely connected to the air terminal. A steel strip can be used instead of thick wire. It is also quite flexible and copes with the discharge of the discharge along the ground loop as well.

The down conductor must be isolated from the metal parts of the roof

Make sure that the entire length of the ground loop does not come into contact with metal parts of the house. As you know, the current moves along the path of least resistance. Incorrect organization of lightning protection can launch a lightning discharge of 200,000 A in the other direction.

Copper down conductor

The down conductor must be welded to the ground electrode not only at the point of their connection, but also along the entire length of the ground electrode, going into the soil. Drive the earthing switch into the ground, and fill the hole and all the trenches.

Regular maintenance of the lightning rod

A lightning rod is a structure made of metal. And metal is extremely poorly tolerated by aggressive environmental influences. To prevent your lightning rod from rusting and losing its properties, you need to regularly inspect and check the system.

Initially, at the installation stage, all bolted connections must be insulated and protected from corrosion with a special compound. This procedure should be repeated annually. Welded joints should be painted for protection.

Check the system along its entire length

In the spring, before the start of the thunderstorm season, it is advisable to conduct a visual inspection of the entire circuit, check the contacts, and, if necessary, clean them of oxide. Poor contact in the lightning conductor circuit is very dangerous and may cause open system or fire.

The underground part of lightning protection should also be monitored. This can be done not annually, but at least once every three years. The earthing switch and down conductor are dug out and checked for damage and corrosive destruction. Sometimes rust "eats up" the metal so that some elements of the ground electrode have to be changed.

It is important to understand that it is better not to establish protection at all than to do it illiterately. When it comes to such high voltages and amperages, any mistake can be fatal. If you are not confident in your abilities and doubt that you can install a lightning rod in a private house with your own hands, it is better not to risk it, but turn to professionals for help.

Nobody is insured "from a bag and a prison", and even more so from a lightning strike. After a blinding flash and a deafening roar, the most pleasant thing is to get off with a slight fright and delight from the experiences we have experienced. It's not good if the electronics in the house burn out. It's even worse when there is a fire. It is completely unacceptable - the defeat of a person by a lightning strike. The conclusion is simple: we make a lightning rod!

A lightning strike on a house cannot be called beautiful

Lightning rod options for a private house

There are three main types of lightning rods by design type:

  • rod lightning rod;
  • in the form of a grid;
  • catenary wire lightning rod;
  • roof covering as a lightning rod.

A pin lightning rod can be purchased or made by yourself

A lightning rod in the form of a rod is the most famous and widespread. There are industrial products with ready-made fasteners. For those who like to create with their own hands, it is really possible to make an elegant structure that adorns the building. In any case, the steel pin must have a cross section of at least 70mm2, and 35mm2 is enough for a copper product. Thus, its diameter can be 7-10mm.

The length of the rod can vary within 0.5-2m, while it should protrude at least half a meter above all objects in the surrounding of the building. A rod lightning rod accepts a charge at one point and is especially effective when protecting small structures.

A mesh air terminal is convenient for a large roof

The lightning rod in the form of a mesh is made of wire with a diameter of about 6 mm. In the photo, you can evaluate how a structure of this kind looks in practice. There are ready-made structures with a cell size of 3-12m. This kind of lightning protection is convenient for use on large roof areas. To prevent the lathing from igniting, the lightning rod is mounted at a distance of 0.15 m from the roof surface.

Catenary wire lightning rod is conveniently placed on the ridge

In a private house, an air terminal in the form of a wire is more convenient to use. It is mounted on the ridge of the roof, fastened to two supports on opposite gables. A combined version is also possible, when pin lightning rods are installed in addition to the cable on the mentioned supports.

The cable must have a diameter of more than 5mm and must be installed at a safe height from the roof. This type of structure is usually used on a non-metallic roof.

Seam roofing as a lightning rod

The metal roofing of the roof, under certain conditions, can also act as a lightning rod. In this case, the thickness of the metal tile, corrugated board or galvanized sheet must be at least 0.4 mm. It is tempting to perform lightning protection without the use of additional materials.

In practice, this is not easy to do, since there should be no flammable materials under the flooring, while the lathing is most often made of wood. Moreover, it is necessary to ensure the connection of the down conductor with each separate sheet of the coating, which is laborious. This option is suitable for standing seam roofs where the metal sheets are already securely connected. In this case, the lathing cannot be ignited if the covering is laid on a metal lathing.

How the down conductor works

Ideally, for a self-made structure, the material of the air terminal, down conductor and ground electrode should be one and connected by welding, that is, steel. This solution provides reliability and durability of protection. In practice, it is possible to use galvanized and copper-plated elements, as well as various materials. Their connection is ensured by the use of clamps with bolts and nuts.

Down conductor on the roof, wall and basement of the house

The down conductor made of steel in the form of a rod or strip must have a cross-section of at least 50mm2, an aluminum conductor allows a size of 25mm2, and a copper wire can be used with a cross-sectional area of ​​16mm2, which approximately corresponds to a diameter of 8.6 and 5mm, respectively.

The down conductor is placed so that it connects the lightning rod and the ground electrode system along the shortest path. In this case, sharp bends are not allowed, which can lead to a spark discharge and ignition in this area. For the same purpose, the conductor is placed at a distance of at least 100 mm from the surfaces of combustible materials of walls and other building elements.

Requirements for the earthing switch

The earthing switch consists of several metal rods driven into the ground and connected to each other by a horizontal strip by welding. The strip is brought to the ground and welded to the down conductor. How to properly equip the ground loop is described in detail in the article "How to make grounding 220v and 380v in a private house with your own hands - device and all sizes."

This is what a ground loop, ready for testing, looks like.

Note that it is not recommended to use a protective ground loop for connecting a lightning rod. If a common earthing switch is used during a lightning discharge, hazardous voltages may arise on the surfaces of household appliances. To protect electrical wiring and household appliances in a private house from a lightning strike, impulse noise protection devices (SPD) are installed on the lead-in shield.

The grounding for the lightning rod is placed no closer than 5m from the porch and paths, and the horizontal connector is buried at least 0.8m. This is to reduce the likelihood of injury to people in the event of a lightning discharge.

Lightning rod protection zone

You should not be under the illusion that a lightning rod on a neighboring house or a nearby metal tower will completely protect your home from a lightning strike. The protective zone of the lightning rod has very specific boundaries. In any case, you will have to arrange your own lightning protection at the dacha.

The size of the protected area is determined by the height of the lightning rod

The safety cone created by the rod lightning rod has an angle of 45-50 °. This rule is valid for the height of lightning protection up to 15m. The above sketch shows that at a 45 ° angle, the radius of the protection zone is equal to the height of the top of the bar above ground level. At a value of 50 °, the protection zone will be slightly larger.

Thus, the higher we place the lightning rod, the larger the protected surface area will be. In any case, a private house must fall completely within the zone of protection cone. It is highly desirable that all buildings in the yard are protected according to the same rule. Thus, it is convenient to place the lightning rod on the roof of the house. It is easier to fix the pin on one side of the building than in the center, while the likelihood of lightning striking the roof is reduced.

In the case of a large area, it may be necessary to install another lightning rod. It can be mounted on a special mast.

Do-it-yourself lightning protection installation

First of all, it is necessary to choose an air terminal in accordance with the above recommendations and the materials at hand. It is easiest to mount an ordinary steel pin on the roof of a country house. A galvanized pipe or aluminum bar will work even better. When using a pipe, its upper end must be plugged.

If you have a piece of cable of the required length and diameter, it will not be difficult to stretch it along the ridge. On a large roof area, it is more efficient to use the mesh option. An air terminal of any design should be fixed so that it will not be disturbed by the wind.

Please note: the electrical contact of the entire system is easier to ensure by making all three components of the lightning rod from one material.

If you do not bear in mind welding, it is easier to make a down conductor from a thick copper wire in accordance with the recommendations above. A reliable connection to the air terminal can be achieved using galvanized clamps with bolts and nuts. It is practical to attach the conductor to the downpipe supports.

Dimensions of the ground loop in the form of a triangle

The ground loop is best placed where there is the least likelihood of people being found. It is also beneficial to place it in a place where moisture is always present. This will improve the contact of the earthing switch with the ground. It will not be superfluous if a warning sign is installed next to it. It is better to make a bolted connection to the ground electrode above the ground on the basement of the building, and to ensure contact in the ground by welding.

After the entire system has been installed, the electrical connection from the lightning rod to ground can be checked with a multimeter. The resistance of the ground loop can only be checked with a special device. Its value should be no more than 10 Ohm in the event that the presence of people nearby is possible. For a separate lightning rod installed far from the house, the grounding resistance should not exceed 50 Ohm.

Standard instrument for measuring earth resistance

At least once a year, it makes sense to check the integrity of the entire system visually. Every few years, you should dig out the ground and assess the degree of corrosion of the metal. If the rods become noticeably thinner in the ground, they must be replaced.

Why do you need a lightning rod

Some not very competent developers think that a metal pin attached to the ridge of the house will attract all lightning bolts along a cylindrical circle above it and lead them to the ground along a wire. For this purpose, a piece of wire rod is specially buried near the house. Such ideas are very far from science; a metal pin stuck into the ground near the house and tied to a bar on a ridge will not bring any benefit. Why?

  1. Where can you find a wire that would withstand a current of 500,000 A and a voltage of 1,000,000,000 V? This is exactly the kind of discharge that lightning has when it meets the ground.
  2. Why, in principle, attract lightning and guide them along the wire, risking igniting the structure due to overheating of the down conductor?
  3. What to do if there are several buildings of different storeys in the summer cottage? Do you have to make a lightning rod system for everyone?

Output. It is necessary to install not a lightning rod, but a lightning rod. All actions should be aimed not at attracting lightning, but, on the contrary, at creating conditions that minimize the likelihood of it hitting the structure.

A lightning rod protects the building from lightning strikes

These are very complex calculations, simplified formulas give a big error. Sometimes it is not possible to fulfill the initial technical conditions, there may be several reasons, some of them are objective and not amenable to human influence.

When you need to install a lightning rod in a private house

Again, we need to remember a little theory about lightning - the actions during the installation of a lightning rod will become clearer. There can be several types of lightning, but we are only interested in the cloud-to-ground direction. At the initial stage, streamers appear, which later unite and form step leaders. It is they who shine brightly and are rapidly heading towards the ground.

Lightning earth-cloud

As we approach, the voltage of the eclectic field on the ground increases, all electrons in it rush upward and, at the highest point, throw out a reciprocal streamer towards it. It connects to the leader, the circuit closes, the electrical discharge goes into the ground. The channel heats up to 20,000–30,000 ° C, the air expands and creates strong sound waves (thunder).

Now it will be clearer when it is necessary to install lightning rods on the house.

  1. If the earth in a given area has a large number of ions. Such zones are located in waterlogged areas, they can accumulate a large amount of charge. Pay attention to how often lightning occurs in your area, talk to old-timers. If they cannot remember the cases of lightning striking any objects, then there is no need to mount a lightning rod.
  2. The house is located on lands that can accumulate a charge, lightning strikes in this area are not uncommon. Installation of a lightning rod is mandatory, but you must strictly follow the installation rules and perform preliminary calculations.

It is worth taking care of protecting your home from lightning

How does a lightning rod work

An effective lightning protection system aims to minimize the direction of lightning step leaders into the building area. And for this there is only one condition - the electrical potential of the land in this area must be minimal and necessarily much lower than on the neighboring ones. This task must be performed by lightning rods. They constantly, and not only during a thunderstorm, direct electric charges into the atmosphere and thereby significantly reduce the voltage potential. The conditions for the appearance of oncoming streamers disappear, the lightning finds other points of energy drainage.

Important. If lightning has hit the lightning rod, it means that it is not installed correctly and instead of doing good it brings harm.

A lightning strike is followed by a fire. And it's better to warn him than to extinguish

The size of the protected area depends on the number and quality of the grounding rods, they collect electrons and send them through wires to the vertical rod of the lightning rod. From there, electrons gradually pass into the atmosphere. Due to this continuous process, the potential under the house is reduced and the likelihood of lightning striking it is automatically minimized.

Now that the principle of operation of the lightning rod is clear, the tasks of each element of the system are clear, you can start installing the protection of the house.

Step-by-step installation instructions

As it is already clear from the above, lightning protection should be installed only in conjunction with effective grounding, otherwise the system will not function.

It is recommended to go to work only after calculating the number, size and location of ground electrodes. Only qualified specialists can perform such calculations. By the way, after installation, they must check the effectiveness of grounding with special devices (megohmmeters), if the indicators turn out to be unsatisfactory, then it will have to be corrected or completely redone.

The roof on which the lightning protection will be installed

Step 1. Fold back the tendril of the wires, assemble the two halves of the ridge holders.

How to bend a tendril

How the part should look

They are made in such a way that with the help of adjusting holes and screws it is possible to change the main parameters. The elements can be firmly fixed to the skates of various sizes, while the reliability of the fastening remains the entire period of operation, spontaneous unscrewing is completely excluded.

Fixing elements

Step 2. Attach the holders of the down conductors to the ridge. If you buy an industrial-made lightning protection system - great, it has all the elements you need to install the equipment. You can make them yourself, but this will take additional time. In addition, handicraft holders are significantly inferior in design and do not decorate the building in any way.

The distance between them is about one meter, it is necessary to ensure that the wire does not touch the roof covering. Try to fasten at the same pitch, so the system looks much better and does not negatively affect the appearance of the house.

Practical advice. On roofs, always work with a safety rope, especially for metal surfaces. If it is not possible to purchase industrial equipment for climbers, then make the elementary ones yourself.

Tighten the lugs (nuts) tightly, use open-end wrenches or pliers. Remember that it is difficult to correct the mistake later, you will have to climb onto the roof again. Make sure that all vertical wire posts are in a straight line.

Tightening the nuts

Step 3. Start laying the wire on the ridge holders. It should be even, the diameter is calculated by a specialist, but in most cases it cannot be less than 6 mm. It is desirable that the surface of the wire be coated with a layer of zinc, thereby significantly improving performance.

Fastening the wire in the holders

  1. The wire will not rust and brown streaks will not appear on the roof. Traces of rust greatly impair the appearance of the building.
  2. Due to the fact that the wire does not rust, the resistance indicators remain unchanged for a long time. And this is a very important parameter of any lightning rod.
  3. At the junction points, the resistance decreases; during operation, it does not deteriorate the physical and electrical characteristics.

You should not save on the quality of all lightning protection elements, otherwise the efficiency will be insufficient, the money for the purchase and installation can be considered wasted. Clamp the wire with special tongues with pliers.

Step 4. Bend the end of the wire protruding beyond the slope at a right angle, leave a piece about 50 cm high, cut off the excess with special nippers.

Step 5. Smear the threaded connections with special mastic, if it is not there, then you can use ordinary grease. Mastic additionally protects metal surfaces from oxidation. The fact is that when the nuts are tightened, the zinc on the thread breaks off due to strong friction, and the metal requires protection for openings.

Application of mastic or grease

Step 6. Proceed to fasten the wire on the ramps in the longitudinal direction. Here, the installation technology depends on the type of roofing material.

Practical advice. There are situations when, according to the lightning rod project, it is required to transfer one wire from the front slope to the rear one. At the point of intersection with the ridge wire, it is recommended to connect them, use elements with bolted tightening for this. Thus, you will achieve reliable contact of the down conductors.

Step 7. Screw the brackets to the edge of the spillway gutter, the wire is bolted to them. Tighten the connections firmly.

Brackets screwed to the edge of the gutter

Method of laying down conductors

Down conductors installed on the house are connected to the ground.

To connect the down conductor coming from the air termination grid to the ground electrode, use a cross clamp with a dividing plate

Control clamp of the down conductor

Manufacturing grounding

This is the most important element of a lightning rod, as it was already reported above, only a specialist with special education should calculate the parameters. He must know the resistance of the soil, its composition, the proximity of groundwater and other initial data. Based on the calculations, the material for the manufacture of metal pins, the distance and quantity, and the depth of burial for each grounding are selected. Depending on the size of the house, a specific arrangement of ground electrodes is selected.

Why lightning rods are grounded

  1. For steel pins, the cross-sectional area must be at least 80mm2, for copper pins 50mm2. It must be remembered that both steel and copper oxidize at different rates, and oxides negatively affect the current conductivity. The cross-section and surface area of ​​the rods must be selected with a margin, and resistance measurements should be made annually. When critical values ​​are reached, it is recommended to dig out the rods and clean them from rust.
  2. The depth of the trenches is not less than 5.0 m, the length is not less than three meters. These indicators largely depend on the physical characteristics of the soil, the decision is made by a specialist at the place of work.
  3. All ground connections are best done by welding, the clamps quickly lose their initial resistance values. Welding is done on both sides, the seam length is at least five centimeters.
  4. Professionals advise using a metal strip with a thickness of at least 1 mm and a width of about three to four centimeters instead of round pins. Such metal is not only cheaper, but also significantly increases the operating time of the lightning rod due to the large area of ​​contact with the ground.

To make or not to make a lightning rod is the business of every developer. Strict requirements are established only for public buildings and premises with a large number of people. There are no exact statistics on the system's performance, no one knows how many lightning strikes were taken away from the building and what the efficiency of the device is.

Now you know how to properly mount a lightning rod in a private house. But once again we remind you that before starting work, you need to carefully analyze all the factors that affect the likelihood of a lightning strike in a building, and only then make a final decision. In order for the installation of a lightning rod to give the expected effect, the roof of the house must meet the existing building codes. And how to achieve this, you can read on the pages of our site.

Thunderstorms with thunder and lightning in the middle lane are not so uncommon. According to statistics, only 30% of all lightning strikes the ground. All the others hit objects that rise above the surface: high-voltage lines, towers, buildings. In this case, the lightning charge has a capacity of thousands of kilowatts. Anyone who has at least some idea of ​​the strength of the current can imagine what destructive power this natural phenomenon has. Failure of expensive equipment, fires, severe injuries to people are only part of the troubles that the disaster can bring.

Installing a lightning rod in a private house is of great importance. This precautionary measure can not only save you from the huge costs of buying new equipment or restoring a building after the first fire caused by a lightning strike, but also save more than one human life. At the same time, it is quite possible to install a lightning rod in a private house with your own hands. There is nothing particularly complicated in its design.

The simplest lightning rod circuit

The likelihood that lightning will hit a building in the first thunderstorm is directly proportional to its height. An electrical discharge of colossal power, enclosed in a lightning, is most likely to hit what is closer to it and farther from the ground. The principle of a lightning rod is built on this regularity.

The lightning rod consists of 3 main parts:

  • a lightning rod, which is a long metal rod;
  • current conductor, along which the discharge is directed from the lightning rod to the ground;
  • grounding is a device due to which a powerful electrical discharge of lightning is discharged into the soil.

Lightning rod

Since the roof in any, including a private house, is the highest point of the structure, the lightning rod must always be higher than it and must be made, of course, of metal. Thanks to this feature, he takes on the blow, as if "intercepting" lightning on its way to the roof. Typically, receivers are installed on the gables of the building.

The rod (or mast) of the lightning rod is installed at different heights, but it should be borne in mind that the entire roof of the building must enter the protection zone (as in diagram 1.1). Only in this case the lightning rod will cope with the task assigned to it. On average, the lightning rod should not be lower than 2 meters (photo 1.2). For example, if the height of the building is 7 meters, then together with the lightning rod it should be at least 9 m. But you should not get carried away too much, since a too high rod will attract even those lightning bolts that, in theory, could bypass it.

You can securely fix and fix the mast on the house with your own hands using steel cables. Even in the strongest storm, they will keep the rod upright. It should not be painted, as this will significantly reduce the receiving properties of the lightning rod. If the metal has corroded over time, it can be cleaned (of course, in dry, clear weather, in compliance with all safety rules).

Current lead

A current lead is essentially a line along which an electric charge is transferred from the receiver to the ground electrode. You can make it with your own hands from a thick metal wire with a cross section of 0.5 cm available on the farm (or purchased for the occasion). Do not forget about insulation. For this purpose, you can use a smooth reinforced plastic pipe.

The wire is connected to the lightning rod mast using metal clamps or welding. If the lightning rod is secured with clamps, then they must be fastened with bolts and nuts. The current lead is launched along the roof, then along the wall of the building and buried in the ground.

By the way, the lightning rod is not always mounted on the roof of the house. It can also be installed next to it on a sturdy pole that should be painted to protect it from corrosion. A current lead is lowered along this pole to ground.


Perhaps the most difficult part of a lightning rod device is grounding. If you decide to do everything yourself, you will have to take up the shovel too. The earthing switch can also be made by hand. Use a steel bar (D = 18 mm) or a thick strip of metal that you can cut into pieces and weld them together.
By the way, if you know how to handle welding equipment, it will be much easier to make a lightning rod. Otherwise, you will have to find a welder or look for suitable parts in building materials stores.

The construction of the ground electrode system is the simplest: it should be an elementary "frame" (square or triangular, to the corners of which sharp steel pins are welded perpendicular to the base. It is not difficult to hammer them into the ground with your own hands, with a little effort).

Please note that this "frame" or the ground loop must be immersed in the ground by 0.8 m. Steel pins (they are also electrodes) must sink into the soil by at least 1.5 meters. Diagram 1.3 shows the main parameters of the grounding structure. The length of the electrodes depends on the height of the building: the higher the building, the deeper the electrodes need to be buried. For a one-storey house, 2 meters are enough, for a 2 or 3-storey house - three.

We must not forget that the lightning rod is intended to divert the discharge from the house, and not to pass it through the building. The current lead must be mounted at some distance from the roof and walls, and the grounding must be installed 1-1.5 meters from the building itself.

How well a lightning rod constructed in this way will do its job well depends on the quality of the soil. If a building is built on rocky, sandy and generally very dry soil that does not conduct electricity well, you will have to improve its electrical conductivity on your own.

This can be done using regular salt or charcoal. They conduct electricity perfectly. After digging a hole for grounding, pour salt into it. During the first rain, it will get wet and saturate the deeper layers of the soil. This will enhance the conductive properties of the soil and, consequently, the entire lightning rod. So, it's not quite difficult, you can make a simple and at the same time effective design with your own hands, which will save your whole family from many troubles.

Arrangement of a lightning rod at a summer cottage is an important condition for the safety of being on it during bad weather. Discharges of electric current of enormous strength in the presence of a lightning rod do not affect the structures of the house and other elements located in the protection zone. However, do not think that a lightning rod prevents lightning strikes. This is not the case. It becomes a conductor for the discharge of the discharge from the house, leading to a current of up to 100 thousand amperes into the ground electrode system.

Lightning rod options

A classic lightning rod can be made in one of two versions: in the form of a single rod or a system of cables stretched between lightning rods. The first option is usually used to protect an individual house, while the second is used to create a safe zone for an entire lot. Catenary wire is also recommended for buildings of considerable length.

Components of the lightning rod

First of all, houses with a roof made of metal or metal tiles need protection from lightning, since such options do not have grounding, therefore, during a thunderstorm, they accumulate electrical charges.

In the case of a metal roof without an insulating layer, having a coating thickness for iron - 4 mm, for copper - 5 mm, or for aluminum - 7 mm, a simplified lightning rod device is possible, when its surface takes over the role of a lightning rod. In this case, grounding is made every 20 meters of the roof. Here you need to take into account the quality of the roof, because if there are any gaps, then such a lightning rod will not have the desired effect.

In other cases, the lightning rod must consist of the following elements:

  • a lightning rod (1) in the form of a thin electrode or a system of electrodes installed above the house at a certain height;
  • down conductor (2) - the cable connecting the receiver to the ground;
  • earthing switch (3), which leads the current into the ground.

Lightning rod

The element into which lightning strikes in the presence of a lightning rod is a lightning rod. It is usually made in the form of a rod made of steel, copper or other material with similar conductivity. You do not need to cover it with paint or varnish to avoid corrosion, otherwise it will lose the desired properties.

Sectional area: for steel - 50 sq. mm, for copper - 35 sq. mm, for aluminum - 70 sq. mm.

Lightning rods can be installed from different sides or in the center of the roof. If several lightning rods are installed, then they are connected into a common circuit closed to the ground electrode. The rod can be placed not only on the roof surface, but also on the chimney or the nearest tall tree. The optimum height will be no more than 15 meters. If it is installed on a tree, then the fastening is done in such a way that the rod rises above the crown by at least 0.5 m and 10-15 cm higher than the house.

In addition to the rods, there are options for a protective mesh (reinforcement 6 mm thick) and a cable system. The second method is more rational for a country house, since the cable is pulled at a height above the roof level, and the mesh is placed on the roof itself. A cable with a diameter of at least 5 mm is pulled over the ridge of the roof on the racks, and then lowered down, where it is connected to the ground electrode. Thus, it performs both the function of a lightning rod and a down conductor.

Also, individual parts of the structure (drainpipes, metal fences) can be used as receivers. Their use is permitted if they have a larger cross-section than necessary for normal protection.

The down conductor is designed to connect the lightning rod and the ground electrode. It is made of large section aluminum or copper wire. For these purposes, a twisted wire is suitable, which is used for laying overhead power lines. The down conductor is fastened using terminal blocks, couplings or crimp tubes.

The distance between the lightning rod and the grounding conductor should be minimal, so the wire is directed straight down. The number of down conductors depends on the area of ​​the house. For cottages of about 200 sq. m it is recommended to install 2 down conductors at a distance of about 20 m from each other.

It is fixed on a special pole or directly on the wall of the house using plastic fasteners. To protect the down conductor, you can isolate it from the environment using a cable duct.

Earthing switch

Since a ground electrode is needed to divert a lightning discharge into the ground, it must have a small electrical resistance. For these purposes, both expensive materials, such as copper, aluminum, brass and other stainless metals, and cheaper conventional steel are suitable. The earthing switch should not have any damage or traces of rust, as they can cause a reduction in the diameter of the rods due to the destruction of the metal.

For high-quality grounding, not one, but several rods can be used, which are immersed in the ground away from the paths and the roof, especially if it is made of flammable material. In suburban conditions, you can also use any large metal object at hand as a ground electrode: a back from an old bed, a cast-iron bath, a reinforcing mesh, and the like.

The type of grounding depends on the parameters of the house and the characteristics of the soil. Dry soil has a low water table. Vertical grounding is required for the current to reach wet soil. The earthing switch in this case is made of two rods with a cross section of 100 mm and 2-3 m in height, driven in at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. The rods are connected to each other by wire, cable (copper, aluminum) or tinned iron plates, to the center of which a down conductor is welded.

Wet soil is characterized by a higher water table, therefore, vertical grounding can be avoided by replacing the rods with corners of strip steel, water pipes or other similar metal elements. A horizontal earthing switch is laid to a depth of 1 m.

In this case, the role of a ground electrode can be played by a down conductor laid in the ground in such a way as to occupy the largest possible area of ​​contact with the soil. The connected structure can be in the form of a comb (letter W) or a triangle. It is unacceptable to use manual twisting and pliers when fastening the wire, only normal or cold welding is allowed.

Special attention should be paid to the placement of the ground electrode system. This should be a place far from the house and paths, inaccessible to children and pets, preferably fenced. The minimum distance to the house must be at least 1 m.

Since water is an excellent conductor of electric current, it is better if the soil around the ground electrode is moist, then the discharges will quickly go into the ground without accumulating on the rod. Additional moisture can be provided by the flow of rainwater from the drain from the roof or by targeted irrigation of the soil.

For each structure, it is necessary to calculate the lightning rod, since each configuration is capable of providing a protection zone of various sizes. The parameters of this zone can be calculated independently, taking into account the features and dimensions of the country house.

A single rod forms a protective zone, which in geometry is close to a cone with an apex angle of approximately 45 °. The top of this cone will be at the highest point of the lightning rod. For a wire-type air terminal, the protection zone has a more complex geometry, in which the wire serves as an edge, and each rod forms its own cone.

The calculation of the protection zone of a single bar can be performed using the following formula:

where R is the radius of the zone above the highest point of the house, h is the distance from the highest point of the house to the peak of the lightning rod.

The following calculation can be used to determine if the rod is high enough to protect a specific area at ground level. Let's say the height of the cone will be indicated h o, radius on the ground - R o, building height - h x, radius at the level of the building height - R x, the height of the rod is h. Then, taking into account the height of the existing lightning rod and the height of the house, the unknown values ​​will be calculated by the formulas:

R x = 1.5 * (h-h x / 0.92).

In practice, the calculations look like this: if the rod has a length of 10 m, then the radius of the protection zone on the ground will be 1.5 * 10 = 15 m, the rest of the parameters are calculated in the same way.

To calculate the required length of the bar, you can use the same formulas, substituting the desired radius of the protection zone in them. In the case of complex geometry of the lightning rod, you need to draw a graphic model of the house and the lightning rod and calculate the protection zone in a geometric way.

The height of the lightning rod should not exceed 12 m, therefore, if it is not possible to meet these restrictions using a single rod, it is recommended to use several masts to expand the protection zone.

Installation of a lightning rod

In order for the installation of the lightning rod to be carried out correctly, it is worth adhering to the following technique:

  1. Measure the height of the roof and determine its geometry. For clarity, draw a diagram by which you can determine the future protection zone.
  2. Decide on the type of lightning rod. For square houses, a single rod is sufficient; for long buildings, the use of a cable system is optimal.
  3. Calculate the protection zone and determine the required height of the bar (s). The minimum cross-section of the lightning rod should be related to its height in the proportion of 5 sq. mm per meter.
  4. Determine the point of attachment of the lightning rod and fix it on the roof or wall.
  5. Dig a hole for the ground electrode and place it to the desired depth.
  6. Connect the earthing switch and the lightning rod to each other.
  7. Check the lightning rod with a multimeter. Its resistance should not exceed 10 ohms.

It is also possible to equip a lightning rod on a tree, which is 2.5 times higher than the house and is located at a distance of at least three meters from it. In this case, the lightning rod is attached to a long metal pole fixed to the tree with synthetic halyard clamps. The connection to the earthing switch is made with a wire of at least 5 mm in cross-section.

Further exploitation

The installed lightning rod does not need special care. It only needs to be periodically checked for damage and the quality of the metal connections. If the air-termination rod has decreased in diameter or the joints have lost their integrity, then these elements need to be replaced. The location of the earthing switch should also be checked, and the ground around it should be kept moist.

Recently, we are increasingly faced with situations where lightning strikes at home and, due to the lack of appropriate protection, a fire occurs. To prevent this and to protect yourself, you can make a lightning rod with your own hands.

Moreover, such a device will be quite functional and productive, if, of course, it is correctly mounted. It is worth saying that although the lightning rod has a fairly simple design and, if there is free time and the necessary materials, everyone can make it, nevertheless, you need to take into account many factors to determine the correct installation parameters, since it is important not only to have protection for your home and electrical appliances, but also to be sure of its correct functioning.

How does a lightning rod of a country house work

A lightning rod is a special installation that attracts the electrical charge of lightning and redirects it from the house along a conductor to the ground. Thus, the lightning will not cause any damage or damage. The lightning rod consists of two blocks:

  • outdoor;
  • internal.

The outdoor unit is a current collector (lightning rod) connected to a current conductor (down conductor), which together act as receiving and distributing the lightning charge, as well as a ground electrode that dissipates this charge in the ground.

The indoor unit will protect your home from power surges, and therefore prevent the failure of electronics. Probably everyone has heard that if the electric charge of lightning has a great strength, then all electrical appliances in the house burn out.

So there is another reason to make a lightning rod.

Lightning conductor rules

For the correct choice of the scheme of the device for a summer cottage lightning rod, it is first necessary to study the structure of the building and, in accordance with the "Instructions for the device of lightning protection of buildings and structures" (Instruction RD 34.21.122-87), determine the required level of protection. Low and small in size private houses usually belong to the III category of lightning protection.

An effective lightning protection is one that reliably protects the building and everything inside it from direct lightning strikes into it and from its secondary discharges in electrical networks. A summer cottage lightning rod is usually a lightning rod that is connected to ground using a down conductor system.

Lightning rod

A device that directly receives a lightning strike on itself is called a lightning rod. This is the most noticeable and significant element of the scheme of an industrial or suburban lightning rod. There are rod, cable, mesh receivers.

The most popular and famous thanks to Benjamin Franklin is the lightning rod, which is a metal rod made of stainless steel, aluminum or copper. It is usually installed 2 m above the highest point of the building to be protected. This type of lightning rods is the simplest in execution and quite cheap.

A catenary wire lightning rod consists of two masts installed along the perimeter of the protected object, and tensioned steel cables between them. An air termination network is a mesh made of metal rods laid on the roof of a building with a certain pitch.

For small private houses, a metal roof can be an excellent lightning receiver. If the roof of the house is made of a different material, then it is better to choose an air terminal mesh for the protection device, and active protection is more often used for wooden country houses.

Down conductors

The current flows to the grounding device through down conductors. In accordance with the above-mentioned Instruction RD 34.21.122-87, down conductors in a residential building can be various structures of a building made of steel, aluminum or copper (frames, fire escapes, reinforcement of reinforced concrete slabs). Special down conductors are usually laid outside along the perimeter of the building with a step of 25 m. The efficiency of down conductors depends on the continuity of the electrical network. Usually they are connected by welding to the lightning rod and grounding devices.


The lightning charge in the soil is dissipated by means of grounding devices. In accordance with Instruction RD 34.21.122-87, they are most often reinforced concrete foundations or vertical electrodes that go deep into the ground. The last type of grounding is necessarily protected from corrosion (therefore, it is usually made of copper-plated or galvanized steel), and the electrodes are reliably connected to the horizontal bus and to each other by means of special connectors.

Making a lightning rod in the country with your own hands

So, if you come to the conclusion that you want to make a lightning rod for a country house with your own hands, then you need to know how this device is made. To begin with, you need to make a rod collector, to which a current lead will then be attached, which can be made from ordinary iron wire. Just choose a wire with the largest possible cross-section, for example 6-8 mm. The current lead also connects the pantograph to the ground loop.

The ground loop can be made from a strip of iron approximately 4x50 mm in size. The electrode should be made of a steel rod, choosing a diameter of at least 18 mm for this. Please note that all connections should only be made with a welding machine. If this is not possible for you, then bolted steel clamps can be used, but such connections will be less effective.

2) The material of handicraft fasteners during the passage of the lightning current with a high degree of probability may not withstand huge temperatures and will simply melt. Therefore, it is always necessary to know the parameters of the materials used and perform the necessary calculations. But it is easier to buy ready-made components from lightning protection manufacturers, especially since the prices for fastening elements, especially those of good quality, are reasonable. Plus, you will receive the necessary expert advice on competent installation.

3) There is such a rule: you either make insulated lightning protection and maintain the required breakdown distance, or connect all metal elements together and bring them to ground. Here the author uses insulators and, accordingly, the first method, which means that the air gap between the receiver / down conductor must be no less than the minimum distance R, which in this particular embodiment should be equal to 300-400 mm, which is not noticeable. Without grounding and the roof, a dangerous potential difference is guaranteed here.

4) The version of the ground electrode system in the form of a single pin stuck into the ground cannot be considered reliable at any ground resistance, especially since the down conductor through which the discharge from the lightning rod comes is also the only one. Even in the days of the USSR, with a complete lack of knowledge and design parameters of soil resistance, focal grounding was always done in the form of a triangle or U-shaped contour.

Basic typical schemes of country lightning rods

Once again, in more detail, we will talk about three well-known types of protection devices installed on the roof of buildings.

The type of lightning rod selected for the country lightning rod determines the type and scheme of its protection. Typical schemes include the organization:

  • lightning protection mesh;
  • rod lightning rods;
  • catenary wire lightning rods.

For flat and gable roofs of cottages, regardless of the roof material, experts recommend using a lightning mesh. For its organization, steel, copper or aluminum rods with a diameter of up to 8 mm are used. The mesh is installed directly on the roof or under the insulation, if the base of the roof is not flammable (Instruction RD 34.21.122-87).

Depending on the level of protection, down conductors are mounted directly to the grid along the entire perimeter with a step of 10 to 25 cm.

A lightning protection rod is a metal rod attached to a chimney or other roof structures at least 2 m above its highest point.

The installation of the rod is done correctly if the protected object completely enters the base of the cone with the apex at the extreme point of the air terminal. Increasing the height of the bar widens the protected area. This type of lightning rod is suitable for both private and industrial facilities with complex roofs.

For gable roofs of low buildings, you can also use the cable scheme of a country lightning rod. To do this, a steel cable is pulled between the supports installed on the skates. Its ends are usually adjoined by one down conductor, which transmits current to the ground in the ground, which looks like a "chicken's foot". If the scheme of the country lightning rod is executed correctly, the lightning discharges go into the soil outside the protected house. When arranging lightning protection of this type, it is important to take into account the sagging of the cable.

The choice of the organization scheme for a country lightning rod is influenced by many factors, parameters and conditions. Therefore, this is a rather complex and responsible event that requires certain professional knowledge and experience. Our company will help you design and install the most effective lightning protection for your home. In addition, we provide turnkey lightning protection services. In the section "Our objects" there are photos of lightning rods and a description of our completed projects.

How and where to buy a lightning rod

A lightning rod that protects against a direct lightning strike will work like a clock if you correctly and correctly choose the necessary materials to create effective and reliable lightning protection of a building. The following parameters affect the price of a summer cottage lightning rod:

  • level of protection;
  • lightning rod circuit;
  • technical difficulties in project implementation;
  • type of materials used and scope of work.

Today, numerous online shops offer a large selection of rods and cables made of steel, copper and stainless steel, as well as holders and clamps, and give an excellent description of their products. However, it is difficult to make an impeccable quality lightning rod on your own. In addition, no one will give a guarantee for the operation of a system assembled from materials with different performance characteristics.

Our company offers from a warehouse in Moscow to buy components for lightning rods from well-known and well-proven manufacturers from Germany, Russia, France, Turkey and other countries: OBO Bettermann, J. Propster, BS-Technic, DEHN + SOHNE, Voltstream, Elmashprom, Duval Messien, Citel, Forend and others.

Our services

The specialists of our company will help you choose the most reliable and efficient country lightning rod at an affordable price, taking into account all the features of your home. Our consultants will answer in detail any questions of interest and make an estimate.

You can order the necessary measurements of transition resistances, resistance of grounding devices, check the presence of a grounding circuit and grounded elements from us. The company's experienced professionals can also design and install a turnkey lightning rod. We provide maintenance services for various lightning protection systems before the start of the thunderstorm season and, upon agreement with the client, we repair them.