Where is Ingushetia located? Coordinates, map and photo. The Republic of Ingushetia

The history of a country or its individual region is worth studying in many respects from the history of its settlements. The cities of Ingushetia combine national motives and modernity architectural projects... It is worth visiting this republic to appreciate the beauty of its cities and understand why they reflect the entire life of this region.

Ingushetia is the "youngest" republic of the Caucasus

The Republic of Ingushetia is located in the northern part of the Greater Caucasus Range. Its borders are adjacent to, North Ossetia and. Despite the fact that in terms of its area it is considered the smallest Russian region, it is original and can be proud of its history. And Ingush cities are an integral part of it.

The republic was formed only in 1992. But this does not mean that the territory was empty before. Moreover, people already lived here in the 1st millennium BC. Archaeologists named this culture Koban, after the name of the aul in which excavations were carried out and interesting evidence of a whole people living here was discovered.

During the Middle Ages, local tribes united and began to be called dzurdzuks. Even after Islam penetrated the Caucasus and the era of Islamic culture began, people lived on the territory of the future republic according to pagan laws and customs. The Ingush themselves settled mostly in the mountains, and their return to the plains began only in the 16th century. At that time, cities as such did not exist - there were scattered settlements.

  • Nazran.

The oldest and one of the largest cities in the region in terms of population. There are over 113 thousand people here, which is a record for the republic. Nazran was founded in 1781 as a Russian fortification. Later, a settlement was spread out next to it, a school for children appeared, and a railway station was built at the end of the 19th century. Before the decision was made to give Magas a capital status, the capital of the region was located in Nazran. Currently, there are several industrial enterprises operating here, there is a well-developed infrastructure.

  • Karabulak.

It is located on the left bank of the Sunzha River. The name itself is translated from Turkic as "black spring", the city is the second most populous in the republic - about 40 thousand inhabitants live here. Karabulak cannot be called a young city; it was founded in 1859 as a Cossack village.

This fact proves once again how capriciously intertwined the ties of Russia and. By the way, Karabulak became a city of republican significance in 1995, before that it was considered a village. Before perestroika, both Ingush and Russians lived here in approximately the same proportions. However, after ethnic clashes began in 1991, the Russian indigenous population began to leave the city. Today, almost 98% of Karabulak is Ingush.

  • Sunzha.

This settlement was founded in 1845 by the Cossacks during. Initially, it was the village of Sunzhenskaya, during the war in 1852 it was named after Major General N.P. Sleptsov, later in 1939 it was renamed Ordzhonikidzevskaya. In 2015, it was renamed into Sunzha with the assignment of the status of an "urban-type settlement", and in 2016 it became a city.

Thus, it is the newest city. The population is about 65 thousand people who work at several enterprises of the city. By the way, it was in Sunzha that the Ingush State University, now only a few small buildings remained there, the rest were moved to Magas. From the industrial enterprise there is a creamery.

  • Malgobek.

Until the 30s of the twentieth century, it was a small village Voznesenskoe (the name also testifies to its Russian origin). However, after oil deposits were discovered in the vicinity, the area began to be actively populated and improved. First, Voznesenskoye was renamed into the village of Malgobek, and in 1939 it received the status of a city.

Malgobek is quite young, people who started to build it are still alive in it. Since the city arose thanks to oil development, the city-forming enterprise is the oil concern. Today Malgobek continues to expand, he has a great future. In 2007 he received the honorary title "City of Military Glory".

Attractions of the region

Ingushetia is a fairly young republic, which is confirmed by the history of its cities. Nevertheless, this land is ancient, and people lived here centuries ago. If you drive through the villages and towns, you can see a lot of interesting things.

For example, next to Magas there is "Acham-Boars" - a settlement where tourists try to get on excursions. Here, in the capital, the tallest Ingush building is located,.

A Memorial of Memory and Glory was erected in Nazran. It was erected at one time so that the residents and guests of the republic would remember the heroes of those wars in which Russia was forced to take part, and about the people who fell victims of the 1944 repressions. In addition, on the territory of the city there is the Borga-Kash mausoleum built in the 15th century, and you can also see an old Russian fortress.

Those who come to Karabulak can visit the Republican Museum of Fine Arts. In the same city there is a church of Kazan icon Mother of God- this is one of Orthodox churches available in Ingushetia in very small numbers. But the main decoration of the cities of Ingushetia is, of course,. It is she who serves as the background on which all five cities become a real necklace of a young, but such a promising region.

Ingushetia is a republic within the Russian Federation, located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus Range. A satellite map of Ingushetia shows the region bordered by Georgia, Chechnya and North Ossetia. The region occupies 3700 sq. m. is the smallest constituent entity of Russia in area.

Republic is divided into 4 municipal districts and several cities of republican subordination. The largest cities of Ingushetia: Nazran, Magas (capital), Maglobek, Karabulak and the village of Ordzhonikidzevskaya. Ingushetia's economy is based on agriculture, livestock, oil and petrochemical industries.

There is an unstable political situation in the region. Ingushetia has territorial disputes with North Ossetia and Chechnya. Terrorist acts, kidnappings and murders of people still frequently occur in the republic.

Fortress in the village of Vovnushki

A brief history of Ingushetia

In 1770, the territory of modern Ingushetia became part of Russian Empire... In 1860, the Terek region was formed on the territory, in which the Terek Cossacks settled. In 1917, the Mountain SSR was created, and then the ASSR. In 1924, the Ingush Autonomous District was created, which in 1936 became part of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

After the Great Patriotic War many Ingush were deported. In 1944 the region became part of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and in 1956 the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was restored. In 1992, the Republic of Ingushetia was formed.

Ancient city of Egikal, Ingushetia

Sights of Ingushetia

On the Show detailed map The following natural attractions can be seen from a satellite in Ingushetia: the Dzheyrakh-Assinsky Museum-Reserve, the Erzi Reserve, the Ingush Reserve, the Shan Mountains (4500 m), Khakhalgi (3032 m) and the Dining Room Met-Lam (2993 m) .7

Temple Tkhaba-Yerdy, built in the VIII-IX centuries

In Ingushetia it is worth seeing the Tsey-Loam ridge, the Sunzha and Assa rivers, the gorges of the Assa and Armkhi rivers, and mountain ranges. It is also recommended to visit the medieval fortresses and towers in the villages of Erzi, Metskhal, Vovnushki, the Myattsil sanctuary, the Targim village, the Bogra-Kash mausoleum and the Tkhaba-Yerdy temple.

There is something futuristic about Magas. This is not connected with the architecture, which is extremely ordinary, it is a triumph of "Luzhkov's style" over the ancient traditions of architecture in Ingushetia. This is approximately how new courts look like in Moscow, or, for example, the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University and regional administrations. It's about the general atmosphere, not the architecture. The capital of Ingushetia, which has no history, looks strange and unusual. One gets the impression that you are in an experimental sterile laboratory that works for a single purpose: forward into the future.

Population, main buildings

The capital of Ingushetia has been striving for the future consistently, starting in 1995, and since 2000 - in the status of the capital, already an official one. During this time, the city grew by 4 km in length and 3 km in width; it also acquired a population (about 5 thousand people permanently live in Magas in 2012, and more recently, at the beginning of 2010, its population was only 524 resident). About 5-6 thousand more people come here to work every day. About 90% of all republican state institutions are located in this city, including the residence of the president, ministries and parliament, as well as small divisions of the administrative apparatus. It is also located here, and for the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the republic, a television building was completed. The capital of Ingushetia also has its own republican bank, and recently the business center began to actively develop.

Objects under construction

Adds futurism and future tense, which dominates the news from this city. Basically, they talk about the dates when it is planned to open the objects under construction today: the Drama Theater, the Cathedral Mosque, the diagnostic center, the House of Friendship of Peoples North Caucasus, schools, business center, residential buildings, kindergartens and other buildings. The feeling of sterility is reinforced not only by the cleanliness and novelty of city streets, but also by the absence of any kind of industry. Factories, plants and agricultural enterprises are not built here in principle.

Some features of the city

Magas - students sitting with laptops in between classes on the alley of the Republic, officials and a few schoolchildren dressed in smart uniforms. Lurid signs, noisy markets, hustle and bustle - all this you will meet in Nazran, checkpoints are located in border zones and gorges, history and ancient architecture - in the mountainous, southern part of the republic. This city was honored to be an ideal settlement, like those that were built by Soviet citizens with great enthusiasm in the last century, who at the same time dreamed of building new life... Let's hope that Ingushetia (the republic, the capital of which we are describing) will be no less understandable, open and, most importantly, calm than its main city today.

Train station and airport

The airport of the same name is located 30 km from Magas, and the railway station is located eight kilometers from the city, in Nazran. The capital of Ingushetia is located on the "Kavkaz" (federal) highway, therefore, in terms of transport, everything is quite convenient. You can get around the city by minibus or bus, but walking is easier - the distances are very short. The Sunzha, a mountain river, flows near Magas. The former capital nearby is also located on this river.

What may be of interest to tourists

There are very few Russian residents in the city, the population is overwhelmingly Ingush. Magas, the capital of Ingushetia, does not yet have a mosque. It is planned, however, by 2016 to complete the construction of the Cathedral Mosque, as well as the spiritual center, along with the madrasah and a number of other institutions.

In the city because of construction works it can be quite noisy during the day. However, the center of Magas has already been built, so it is clean, there are no trucks.

A hotel in this city is still under construction - there are no tourists here. Those who want to look at the current capital of Ingushetia today will have to stay in another city. The closest one is the former capital. But it is not very far away, besides, buses often go there. It is also not easy to rent an apartment here, since the population of the city is constantly growing, and temporary housing is simply snapped up here.

Buildings in the city are low-rise, and there will not be any buildings with a number of storeys higher than 5-6 in the near future. This policy of building Magas is due in part to the fact that the maximum population, according to forecasts, in the capital should not exceed 30 thousand people.

An observation tower is being built near the government house and the presidential residence, which is made in the form of a tower. Therefore, soon the city and its surroundings can be admired from a bird's eye view.

In Magas, as in other cities of this republic, the majority of women and girls wear headscarves and long skirts... Visitors are not obliged to observe local traditions, but it is recommended to do so. You can do without a scarf, but it is better to replace jeans with a skirt that is no higher than the knees.

Magas's story

Magas today is a blank sheet, which since 1995 has been painted in the colors of the state Ingush flag.

It is the only new city that was built in the post-Soviet era on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as one of the few in the world, originally founded as a capital.

Residents of Ingushetia, speaking about Magas, often remember Peter the Great and the city he founded on the Neva. But the circumstances of the formation of these two capitals are fundamentally different. The city of St. Petersburg "took away" the status of the capital from the ancient, but fully capable and lively Moscow. The Republic of Ingushetia, after the disintegration of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, whose center was in Grozny, was forced to remain without an administrative center at all.

How Magas became the capital

The capital of Ingushetia (formerly) Nazran, temporarily acting as the main city, could not accept this role, since it was and remains, in fact, a large rural settlement. The Ingush consider Vladikavkaz to be the historical capital, however, as you know, it has long been the main city of another republic, North Ossetia.

The way out of this difficult situation was the construction of the capital from scratch. Other similar examples include Astana in Kazakhstan, but it appeared 2 years later than the city of Magas. In 1995, 4 km from Nazran, a garden city grew up, right in the field - cultural, economic and administrative center this is the youngest in the new capital of Ingushetia.

Hypotheses about the whereabouts of ancient Magas

According to legend, Magas was the name of the capital of the Alanian ancient state (which was a union of mountain tribes). The exact location of the historic city has not been established. Translated from the Ingush language, the name of the capital means "city of the Sun". It is known that in 1239 ancient Magas was destroyed by Batu's troops. According to some version, it was located exactly on the site of the current Ingush capital. But this assumption has not been confirmed. There are two solar signs on the flag and coat of arms of the city, which is a reference to the city of the Sun.

There is, however, a more prosaic hypothesis, according to which the lands of the present capital once belonged to the family of Ruslan Aushev, the first president of the republic. During his reign, the city of Magas was founded.

We told you about what the new capital of Ingushetia is like. Scanwords, which come across in many newspapers and magazines, often ask about its name. Now you know which answer to write.

MAGAS, city ​​in Russian Federation, the capital of the Republic of Ingushetia. Population 10 thousand people (2002). Founded in 1999.

Completed buildings include the presidential palace and the administrative quarter.

The new capital of Ingushetia is located a few kilometers from the former capital - Nazran. According to Vainakh legends, it was founded in the II century. n. e., was located on the territory of the modern Ingush villages of Aliyurt, Surkhai and Yandyrka and was an ancient fortress of fabulous heroes. In the Middle Ages, Magas (translated from Ingush - "City of the Sun") was the capital of Alania, but at the beginning of 1239 the city was razed to the ground by the troops of the Mongolian Batu Khan.

In 1994, the construction of the new capital of Ingushetia with the same name began on the supposed site of ancient Magas. The opening of the new capital took place on October 31, 1998. The dried-up bed of the Sunzha River passes through Magas. It is planned to fill the channel with water and create a park recreation area.

SUNZHA, the river to the North. Caucasus, right tributary of the Terek. 278 km. the basin area is 12.2 thousand km2. Average water consumption approx. 86 m3 / s. Used for irrigation.

NAD, a city in the Russian Federation, Republic of Ingushetia, located in the west of the Chechen Plain, 1,916 km south of Moscow. Railroad station. Population 113.5 thousand people (2001). District center. City since 1967. The largest city Ingushetia. Until 1999 the capital of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Cafe in Nazran.

The main industrial enterprises: LLC "Ingush light alloy plant" Vils ", plant" Electroinstrument ", LLC" Ingush sewing association "Teimakh", CJSC "Betonny plant", CJSC "Nerudprom", a printing plant, a mill and other enterprises.

In the middle of the 19th century. referred to as the aul Nazran. With the abolition of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in 1944, the village was included in North Ossetia and renamed Costa-Khetagurovo in honor of the Ossetian poet, founder Ossetian literature K. L. Khetagurova (1859-1906). After the restoration of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the village was returned to its original name Nazran in 1957.

MALGOBEK, in the Republic of Ingushetia, republican subordination, regional center, 110 km west of Grozny. Located in Ciscaucasia, on the southern slope of the Tersk ridge, 43 km south of railway station Mozdok on the Prokhladnaya - Makhachkala line. The population is 20.8 thousand people (1992; 20 thousand in 1979).
It arose in connection with the discovery in 1933 of an oil field on the site of the former Chechen farms of Malgobek-balka and Chechen-balka. City - since 1939. Center of the region of oil fields; the oil produced is pumped through pipelines to Grozny and further to Tuapse. Gas Processing Plant. Building materials production; enterprises Food Industry... The city is mainly built up with multi-storey buildings of the 1940-60s. Due to lack of fresh water M. has little greenery.

The largest settlement in Ingushetia, the city of Nazran, is divided into sections belonging to Ingushetia and Ossetia. It served as the capital of Ingushetia before the capital was moved to Magas.

Unforgettable mountain landscapes, amazing nature and rich cultural life of the republic attract tourists. 2015 was declared the year of tourism in Ingushetia, which is an indicator of improved economic and political stability. There is a map of Ingushetia with regions on the Internet.


Despite the fact that Ingushetia is located in a mountainous area, transport links, both between inland settlements and between Ingushetia and other regions, are well established. You can get there like this:

  • By plane. Departure from Moscow to Magas (the air complex was built near Ordzhonikidze), to Beslan in the North. Ossetia, the terminal in Grozny.
  • Railway route Moscow-Nazran.
  • Bus routes: Stavropol, from Nalchik, from Grozny.
  • With taxi drivers from Vladikavkaz.

Travelers often prefer to travel along the roads of Ingushetia by private vehicles. The roads in the republic are quite comfortable, the satellite map of Ingushetia allows you to orient yourself well on the terrain.

Map of the Republic of Ingushetia with settlements

An online map of Ingushetia with borders shows in detail the location of the main settlements, this allows you to navigate well on the ground. However, special measures are taken to ensure the safety of tourists. All pedestrian tourists are required to register with search organizations, having indicated the route in advance.

In the Dzheyrakh region, a border regime has been established; when passing through, permits and passes must be shown. Cultural sights are also indicated on the map of Ingushetia with regions.

In 2013, the first ski resort “Armkhi” was opened. Tourists come to admire the original stone buildings in mountain villages: Dzheyrakh gorge, Vovnushki settlement, Metskhale, Erzi.