The meaning of the biblical female name eve. What does the name Eva mean and its influence on the fate and character of the girl

The meaning of the name Eve, of course, will interest many of the fairer sex, because that was the name of our one biblical progenitor. What secret does it hide? Will its owners be happy and does the meaning of the name Eve affect the character of the girl?

What does the name Eve mean?

Name Eve: meaning for a child

As a child, this is a sweet, kind, dreamy child who, however, loves to be stubborn and play pranks. The girl is very mobile, which imposes certain obligations on her parents. The baby needs an eye and an eye, and when she grows up a little, her energy should be directed in the right direction. Eve is a name for a girl with many talents. She sings well, is flexible enough for gymnastics or dancing, can compose poetry. Eva is a mediocre student. She is not trying to be the best in class and prove her superiority to anyone. "As it will be, so it will be" - this is the principle by which Eve lives. In the character of the girl there is some mystery, mysticism. She loves various stories about magicians, psychics. She invents some events on her own, and tells them so realistically that she herself eventually believes in them. Eva is a very athletic girl. She enjoys skiing, swimming, hiking.

The mystery of the name

What is mysterious about Eve? The secret of the name appears already in the adolescence of the girl. One of them is her intuition. Eve is a secretive girl, she does not like to share her experiences with anyone, especially if this is manifested only at the subconscious level. That is why her amazing abilities go unnoticed.

What else is Eve remarkable for? The secret of the name lies in the girl's vulnerability. She absolutely cannot defend herself and does not tolerate aggression from people she knows. Eve really needs the support of her relatives, especially men. The best protector for little Eva is the father or older brother, in an older age - the husband.

Name characteristic

The main character trait that distinguishes an adult Eve is incredible sensuality. However, along with this there is jealousy, sometimes completely groundless. Despite this, there is no shortage of men. Moreover, fans do not give her a pass, so the girl can choose as much as she wants. Of course, there are many positive qualities in Eve's character. First of all, it is romance, kindness. The girl is diplomatic, in any situation she tries to find a compromise. However, he does not forget about his interests.

Unfortunately, the girl also has negative character traits. She believes that everything in the world will turn out by itself and she can only go with the flow and collect bonuses. Eve is completely incapable of concentrating and at least somehow acting in difficult situations. However, sometimes her passivity helps her get out dry from the most difficult rework.

Eve is usually very decent, which she requires from others. The girl is ethical by nature, strictly follows the rules of morality. She is responsive, but if she believes that a person can cope without her help, she can show firmness. Eve loves animals very much. In a fit of tenderness, he can bring home a homeless animal picked up on the street and faithfully care for him.

As friends, Eva prefers educated people with good manners. She does not like advisers and plans all her undertakings herself, not relying on anyone. Despite this, the girl turns out to be a very grateful person and tries to repay the same for any service rendered. Eve's quarrels with friends can arise due to her inconstancy and unwillingness to fulfill some promises.

Eva: full name and abbreviated version

  • Evushka, Evochka, Evulya, Evusik, Evita, Evusha is a diminutive name.
  • Efie, Eve, Efa - a shortened version.
  • Eve is the full name.


By nature, Eva is a careerist, but she cannot find herself in all areas. As a rule, a girl has the greatest inclination towards medicine, pedagogy, philology. As a boss, Eva can prove herself in an administrative position, as a subordinate girl, she is very attentive and executive. In the professional field, it is better for a girl to pay attention to work, which makes it possible to learn something new. It can make a good journalist, writer, circus worker, choreographer, advertising designer, translator.


Consistent, calculating in deeds, in love, Eve is the complete opposite. She is vulnerable and vulnerable. The girl is going through any insults hard, especially will not tolerate betrayal. Eve likes it when she is surprised; she gives preference to partners with a passionate, fiery nature. In the society of rationalists and "crackers" the girl is bored and feels insecure. Sexual relationships play a very important role for Eve. She herself is very inventive in bed and happy if she can give her partner unearthly pleasure. Prolonged abstinence can make her character overly hot-tempered, sometimes even unbearable. However, despite its sensuality, the moral side wins. Sexual intercourse before marriage for a girl is an exception to the rule and is almost impossible.

A family

The family is of particular importance to the girl. The name Eva left an imprint on the fate of its owner. A woman will not tolerate betrayal, but she herself will always be faithful to her husband. However, despite the fact that Eve is a wonderful wife, not every man can get along with her. This is influenced by her hard work and activity, which sometimes frighten the representatives of the opposite sex. Eva feels their fear and therefore is in no hurry to connect her fate with them, choosing a mate for herself for a long time. Eve's first marriage is usually unhappy. Often the mother-in-law is to blame for this, with whom the girl has a strained relationship.

Eva values \u200b\u200bher family very much. She knows how to create comfort, cooks well, but she rarely quits her career because of her family. The maximum that a girl is capable of is to take a break during the period of childbirth. If it happens that Eve will be the one to raise a child, then she will do everything for him, but with age she will require the same attitude towards herself. In her old years, Eve becomes despotic and tough.

Name compatibility

Eve can have a strong marriage with Eugene, Maxim, Alexei, Vitaly, Konstantin.

Evas born in winter, contradictory and quarrelsome, give birth, as a rule, sons. "Summer" owners of the name, on the contrary, have a soft character, are attentive to loved ones, have daughters. Those born in the autumn are patient, easily forgive insults. "Spring" Evas are intellectually developed, have impetuous character.

Meaning of the name

Eva is purposeful, active, rather tough, but at the same time sensual and temperamental nature, which lacks softness and sensitivity. Her strong-willed character, which is characterized by such qualities as perseverance, poise and restraint, is complemented by a rare ability for women to control herself and her emotions in any situation. The owner of this name is independent and has her own authoritative point of view on everything.

Characteristics of the name Eve

Winter Eve has a contradictory and quarrelsome character. She has no authority, but she herself will gladly command at the first opportunity that falls. This narcissistic woman revels in her power, sometimes forgetting about such qualities as kindness and responsiveness. When the winter Eve realizes her mistake, it is too late to fix it. It is not surprising that she has practically no friends, although she tries to do everything so that those around her believe in her sincerity.

Spring Eve - an intellectual whose art and science can not only replace communication with friends, but also become an obstacle on the way to improving their personal life. In fairness, we note that she is incredibly charming and interesting, but men are afraid of her mind, and women do not want to seem stupid against the background of spring Eve. However, this situation does not upset Eve, especially since there will always be those around her with whom she can talk about everything in the world.

Summer Eve - a gentle, attentive, good-natured and caring person who tries to create an atmosphere of love and happiness around himself. A smile never leaves her face, she is ready to give her last to those in need, she will always listen and help as much as she can. But those around her often take advantage of her kindness, which greatly injures the disinterested summer Eve, who should temper her character (a little toughness in relations with people has not hurt anyone yet).

Autumn Eve - a calm, balanced and patient woman, accustomed to be guided by the interests of other people when solving a particular issue. But this woman often forgets about herself, completely dissolving in the problems and concerns of others. Autumn Eve is easy to offend, but she does not know how to be angry for a long time, and therefore goes first to reconciliation, even if she is not the instigator of the conflict.

Stone - talisman

The stones that patronize Eve are ruby, sard and jade.


This precious stone has been used as an amulet since ancient times, while the symbolic meaning of the ruby \u200b\u200bin the cultures of different peoples did not differ significantly. So, the ruby \u200b\u200bwas considered a stone of security, power, power, invulnerability, valor and strength.

From time immemorial, the red color of the stone has been associated with passion and true love. In addition, the ruby \u200b\u200bis able to dispel sadness and instill hope and optimism in its owner.

Muslims believed that an amulet with this stone helps to fulfill the most difficult plans. But Christians identified the ruby \u200b\u200bwith devotion to faith and divine love.

In the East, the ruby \u200b\u200bsymbolized fearlessness and wisdom (it was believed that this stone bestows life-giving power).


The Romans and Greeks personified sardis with fiery energy, power and invincibility, while the Indians revered this stone as a symbol of fertility. Among Christians, the sard was considered a symbol of "the greatness of the Lord."

Sard improves concentration, awakens compassion, brings joy to life and enhances sensuality. Sard brings warmth to relationships: strengthens friendship, enhances passion between lovers, and establishes work contacts.


A symbol of gentleness, fairness, self-improvement, courage and purity. Charms with jade not only contributed to happy changes, but also helped to overcome any difficulties, so they were worn by those who wanted to radically change their lives.

In the East, jade symbolizes vitality, greatness, perfection, good health, longevity and immortality.

I must say that in China this stone embodies a number of virtues, including justice, sincerity, courage, harmony, loyalty and benevolence. It is believed that with the help of jade one can judge the essence of a person: for example, a cloudy and darkened stone indicates that its owner is prone to impartial actions.





Animal - symbol

Eve's totem animals are the doe and the dove.


This graceful animal symbolizes timidity, fearfulness, speed, gentleness, beauty and grace.

In the East, the fallow deer is the personification of tenderness, longevity, wealth, high social status, striving for self-improvement and self-knowledge. At the same time, this animal symbolizes passion for love.

The Japanese considered the fallow deer to be a symbol of loneliness and melancholy, but at the same time the beginning of the birth.

The Celts considered the fallow deer to be a divine messenger, so its skin and shoulder blades were used in the manufacture of ritual clothing.


This bird personifies the spirit of life in general and the human soul in particular, innocence, tenderness and serenity (although in some traditions the dove symbolizes voluptuousness).

In Christianity, the dove is identified with motherhood, purity, simplicity, meekness, innocence, ingenuousness, peace and renewal of life. Seven doves are a symbol of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, while a flock of doves means believers, and a dove with an olive branch represents peace, forgiveness, victory over death, as well as deliverance from sins.

For the Chinese, the dove is a symbol of spring, longevity, devotion, respect for elders.

In the Greco-Roman tradition, the dove symbolizes love (the image of a pair of doves represents family happiness and well-being).



Eve's plants are the date palm, magnolia and lily.

Date palm

It is a symbol of fertility, life, prosperity, longevity and material well-being (it is the date in the Christian tradition that is considered the personification of those chosen ones who received divine blessing).

In all cultures, the palm tree symbolizes the solar principle, glory, straightforwardness, constancy, victory, triumph and honesty (as you know, winners were awarded with a palm branch along with laurel wreaths).

Interesting fact! A date palm without fruit is the personification of the masculine principle, while a tree with fruits is a symbol of the feminine principle and fertility.


Magnolia symbolizes purity, nobility and perseverance.

In China, this amazing plant is considered the personification of spring, femininity, beauty, chastity, sincere love and the sweetness of love relationships. In addition, magnolia is one of the signs of prestige, well-being and sophistication.


This exotic plant has a rather contradictory symbolism, since it is the personification of truth and chastity, but at the same time sin and repentance.

In the East, lily is a symbol of purity, righteousness, harmony, tranquility, nobility, greatness and tenderness.

In the Christian tradition, this flower is identified with the Immaculate Virgin Mary, therefore it is considered a symbol of modesty, humility, humility, and also meekness.

In Rome and Egypt, the lily was considered a symbol of hope, prosperity and fertility.

Interesting fact! White lily is a symbol of purity and immortality, yellow is considered a flower of pride, inaccessibility and arrogance, while orange represents independence and originality, and pink represents youth and tenderness. Lilies in dark shades are the embodiment of desire and passion.


Gold is Eve's metal, symbolizing power, material well-being, fame, power and luxury.

In Christianity, gold from time immemorial has symbolized nobility, divine principle, purity and steadfastness of faith.

Auspicious day



The origin of the name Eve

Name translation

From the Hebrew language, the name Eve is translated as "living", "life", "mischievous" or "mobile".

Name history

The name Eve comes from the Hebrew name Havva, which translates as "life-giving". In addition, it is believed that Eve is a short version of such female and male names as Evangeline, Eugene, Evdokia, as well as Evstigney and Eutropius.

Forms (analogs) of the name

Short forms of the name Eva: Evochka, Evushka, Eva, Evita, Evka, Evonka, Evulya, Evusya.

The mystery of the name Eve

Patrons of the name

  • Holy Great Martyr Eve.
  • Foremother Eve (Adam's wife).

Angel day (name day)

Eve celebrates her birthday in April (12th) and December (23rd and 25th).

The legend of the name Eve

The most famous owner of the name Eve is the first woman on earth, created by God from the rib of Adam in order to brighten up the last stay in paradise.

Adam and Eve lived in happiness and grace, but they disobeyed the Lord, who forbade picking and eating fruits from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which grew far from other trees. But Eve, seduced by beautiful apples, could not cope with the temptation to taste the forbidden fruit, but the tempter snake pushed her to this decision. Not only that, Eve shared an apple with Adam.

Having barely tasted the ruddy apple, Adam and Eve saw that they were absolutely naked, and they were ashamed of their naked body, and therefore did not dare to appear to God, who called them, having learned about the committed sin. As punishment for disobedience, Adam and Eve were forever expelled from paradise. In addition, from now on, all people on earth became mortal, while Eve (and, consequently, all women) was destined to have children in torment, and Adam - to get his daily bread through hard work.

But before leaving paradise, God ordered Adam to give names to all that exists: then the first man on earth named his wife Eve.

The exiles came out of paradise in leather clothes (in this way God took care of his children, who had turned from the true path, because outside paradise there was no eternal summer).

Famous people

Famous actresses named Eva:

  • Eva Rutkai;
  • Eva Braun (later wife of Adolf Hitler);
  • Eva Herzigova;
  • Eva Le Gallienne;
  • Eva Longoria;
  • Eva Mendes;
  • Eva Olin;
  • Eva Mary Saint;
  • Eva Lundgren.

Famous singers named Eva:

  • Eva Bushmina;
  • Eva Polna.

Famous women writers named Eve:

  • Eva Simonaity;
  • Eva Denise.

Famous athletes named Eva:

  • Eva Romanova - figure skater from the former Czechoslovakia;
  • Eva Serrano is a French rhythmic gymnast.

The meaning of the name Eve

For a child

Little Eva is a dreamer who, since childhood, gravitates towards everything mysterious and even mystical. She strongly believes in fairy tales, while real friends are often replaced by fictional characters of her wonderful stories, which she gladly shares with others. In adulthood, such a belief in mysticism can cause Eve to fall under the negative influence of false soothsayers.

In Eve, the stubbornness and independence of the mother, as well as the perseverance, responsiveness and good nature of the father, are surprisingly combined. The owner of this name grows up as an independent, but at the same time obedient and self-sufficient child, giving extremely little trouble to her loved ones.

Eva is cheerful, energetic and mobile, therefore she is always in the center of all events, life is constantly raging around her. She has several hobbies at once, and in each of them she achieves considerable success.

At school, Eva is interested in exact sciences, she is also interested in history, biology and chemistry. She is attentive to trifles and scrupulous, but she is extremely rare, because she does not strive to be the best in the class. Education for Eve is, first of all, a duty (a certain obligatory life stage), but in no way a tool for self-realization.

Diplomatic and sincere, Eva is a wonderful friend who will never betray.

For a girl

Young Eve has an unpredictable character: she can be irritable, principled and proud, and can be good-natured and affectionate. It can be influenced through calm dialogue and reasoning, while shouting and assertiveness can lead to the opposite result.

Eva, intelligent by nature, chooses as friends no less intellectual friends who are independent themselves and know how to respect the freedom of choice and the opinion of another person.

It should be noted that this girl does not like to share her inner experiences, therefore, for many, it remains an unsolved mystery that I want to unravel. But for Eve it is not difficult to see through a person, to understand his thoughts and motives.

Despite her strong character, Eve is very vulnerable. Moreover, she absolutely does not know how to defend herself, therefore it is extremely difficult for her to experience attacks from others. Therefore, Eve simply needs the support and protection of her family and friends.

Eva is smart, hardworking, self-confident, calculating, ambitious and selfish, she is secretive and touchy, so she doesn't have many friends, especially considering that this girl always strives to show her leadership qualities in everything.

For woman

Adult Eva is a sensual, romantic, responsive, active and inquisitive woman who tries to make her every day different from the previous one. At the same time, this woman makes many mistakes due to the changeability of her mood and impulsivity. She can be too strict and principled towards people, and her unwillingness to admit her mistakes sooner or later leads to the fact that she loses loved ones.

Eve cannot live without risk, and she knows how to charge others with her energy. Adventurism is one of the main qualities of this woman who does not tolerate monotony in life.

In general, Eve gives the impression of a cold and headstrong woman, who does not have any female weaknesses. But this is not at all the case: in fact, behind the dryness of this woman, there is a vulnerable and kind nature, ready to open up exclusively to close people who have actually earned her trust.

A leader by nature, Eva is used to winning, and for this she is ready to work hard. Easy victories do not suit her, so often she herself begins to look for more difficult tasks.

Note that strong and strong-willed Eve is absolutely not inherent in such qualities as envy and anger. On the contrary, she strives for harmony, peace, mutual understanding. But among the negative qualities of the owner of this name can be called secrecy and inability to adapt to the existing circumstances.

Description of the name Eve


Eve always adheres to high moral and ethical principles, she is decent and principled, especially in relations with a loved one. In other people, the owner of this name also values \u200b\u200bmorality.


As a rule, Eva has good health, she is hardy and active, she tries to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But the love of tasty and not always healthy food can provoke digestive problems.


Affectionate, gentle, easy-going and mysterious Eve enjoys success with men, and, being in a relationship, she forgets about her inherent logic and rationalism. She completely surrenders to feelings, but also expects a similar attitude from her partner. But her man should be prepared for the fact that Eve will not take any decisive steps towards her happiness. Initiative is not her strong point.

Love for Eve is an explosion of feelings and emotions, so cold and judicious partners do not suit her. This woman will not stand boredom in a relationship.

I must say that in the life of a sensual and passionate Eve, love is given a special role, because it is the state of love that brings energy and the desire to move on into her life.


For a long time, Eva hesitates to tie her fate with strong marriage, because she is looking for the ideal man who would meet all her high requirements, that is, he was smart, temperamental, witty, open and active. Often the first marriage of this woman ends in a complete fiasco, which also postpones the moment of remarriage for an indefinite period.

Having found "her" man, Eva will become a faithful wife and a devoted friend, who will always be there in any situation.

Family relationships

In the family, Eva immediately tries to take the leading position. Moreover, her impulsiveness and imbalance can negatively affect family life, so Eve's husband will have to be patient if he wants to save the marriage.

Despite her rather harsh character, Eva is a wonderful and very hospitable hostess who is ready to delight relatives and guests with delicious dishes and a good mood.

Eva is very jealous of the interests of her family, so she does not allow anyone to interfere in her family relations. She rarely has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, since she is not going to share the love and attention of her husband with anyone.

Eva brings up children in severity, while trying to give them all the best. She is caring and demanding, affectionate and despotic at the same time.


Sensuality, sexuality and a certain mystery make Eve a desirable object for men who want to possess not only the body, but also the soul of this strong woman. At the same time, Eve herself considers the sexual component to be an integral part of any relationship.

Eva is a temperamental lover who prefers to give rather than take. She loves variety in the intimate sphere, so her chosen one will have to use maximum imagination in order not to let her impulsive and romantic partner get bored.

Mind (intelligence)

Eve has a well-developed intellect, which she does not get tired of improving. She thinks in terms of logic and rationalism, while feelings do not allow to gain the upper hand over reason.


Eva is not used to doing anything with half her strength, therefore, in any field, she will show herself exclusively on the positive side and will quickly climb the career ladder. But still there are professions that are the vocation of this woman: doctor, teacher, educator.

Eva will reach no less heights in the field of lawyer, journalist, translator, because she loves to discover for herself and in herself more and more new facets.

Thanks to her organizational skills, diligence, attentiveness and responsibility, the owner of this name will make an excellent boss. In addition, Eve is fair and rational, which helps her gain the authority of her subordinates and the respect of senior management.

Interestingly, she dislikes monotonous and routine work, especially if it is associated with stressful situations in which Eve is lost, which negatively affects the productivity of the work process.


Eve can easily be called a very successful person, so she is often lucky in business. However, one should not blame everything on luck, because this woman knows how to think soberly, she always analyzes everything that happens and makes the right conclusions. But still, she should remember that business is not a wheel of fortune, and therefore, for the prosperity of her business, she needs to work and work again.


Eva prefers to relax in good company, where fun reigns. She spares no expense for travel, because she draws a lot of energy from them. She also likes a quiet pastime (the main thing is that it is well thought out and organized).

Character type


Coldness and pragmatism prevail in Eve's character, while she tries not to open her feelings to anyone. But she still won't be able to hide her warmth, especially if she is surrounded by loving and understanding people.

This woman tries not to impose her opinion, but she will not allow anyone to indicate what to do either. It is easier for Eve to let the conflict situation go by itself than to zealously prove her innocence: her own spiritual harmony is much more important for her than ambitions.

Eve is easy to offend, while she will not take revenge on the offender, but she will not be able to forget about the wrongs.


Eve has an excellent intuition, which, unfortunately, never uses, preferring to act by trial and error.

Eve horoscope

Eve - Aries

Serious passions are boiling in this outwardly calm and balanced woman, which she carefully hides from others, fearing that they will consider her weak. Such secrecy can become not only the reason for the loneliness of Eve-Aries, but also the development of her depressive states. This woman needs a kind, affectionate and open man who can awaken sensuality and tenderness in her.

Eve - Taurus

She is an ambitious and purposeful woman, for whom the meaning of life is her professional activity. So, for the sake of achieving her goals and career growth, Eva-Taurus is ready to sacrifice family happiness and communication with friends, of whom she already has too few. An active, witty and strong-willed man can distract this careerist from work, although for this he will have to make a lot of efforts.

Eve - Gemini

Open, tactful, good-natured and friendly Eva-Gemini gives the impression of a slightly naive, flighty and frivolous person, in whose life there is no place for sadness and despair. In fact, even this cheerful optimist is characterized by bouts of apathy and indifference, with which she tries to fight through active pastime in the circle of loved ones. Next to her, Eva-Gemini sees the same cheerful and energetic partner.

Eve - Cancer

Shy, vulnerable and modest, Eva-Cancer does not like excessive attention to her person. On the contrary, she tries to stay in the shadows, so she has almost no friends, and she rarely spends time with the existing ones. At the same time, she does not feel left out or alone, since her friends are replaced by books and philosophical reflections on life. Eva-Cancer will feel comfortable next to a responsible and firm character of a man.

Eve - Leo

In this active nature, life is raging: for example, Eva-Leo cannot sit quietly for a minute, so she tries to direct her irrepressible energy in the right direction (for example, she takes on the obligation to organize various events). She is hardworking and assertive, so she expects a man to be determined and persistent in achieving her goals. The weak-willed and lazy representatives of the stronger sex do not interest her at all.

Eve - Virgo

This is a creative person who thinks in abstract categories and is well versed in everything that is not related to everyday everyday problems.

She understands philosophy, painting and literature, but is absolutely not adapted to the realities of modern life. Therefore, Eve-Virgo needs a male guide who will take on all the burning problems, thereby giving her the opportunity to focus on thinking about the global problems of humanity.

Eve - Libra

Eva-Libra, interesting in communication, intelligent, sincere and incredibly benevolent, tries to make a good impression on everyone around her, and she does this naturally and unobtrusively. She is insecure, so she craves approval from the outside. Sometimes Eve-Libra is too dependent on the opinions of outsiders. She can forget about her fears only with a strong character of a man who will protect her from all troubles and misfortunes.

Eve - Scorpio

The silent, modest and shy Eve-Scorpio is afraid to trust people. She wants to become more sociable and open, but she cannot always get over her shyness. And in this she should be helped by a loved one, namely, a beloved man, next to whom Eva-Scorpio will certainly bloom. This woman can only trust a time-tested man who is confident in himself and is ready to treat Eve-Scorpio with patience.

Eve - Sagittarius

This woman does not tolerate loneliness, so she tries to meet more often with her friends, whom she values \u200b\u200bvery much. Due to her kindness and kindness, Eva-Sagittarius often gets into various adventures, so over time, this woman stops trusting people. Moreover, it is very difficult for her to open up to a man, so for a long time Eve-Sagittarius cannot build her personal life (she does not succeed in creating a happy family the first time).

Eve - Capricorn

Practical, fair, honest and responsible Eve-Capricorn is authoritative and respected, because she tries to live according to her conscience. She is not much interested in material goods, especially if, in order to achieve them, one must go to betrayal or deception. The main thing for Eve-Capricorn is to do what you love and be useful to people. Men consider this woman withdrawn and arrogant, and only a sensitive and perceptive man will be able to discern in her a tender and sensitive woman.

Eve - Aquarius

Charming, charismatic and witty Eva-Aquarius is always in a good mood. She is diplomatic and tactful, therefore she maintains equal friendly relations with everyone, which helps her achieve a lot both in work and in her personal life. The chosen one of Eve-Aquarius will never fully solve this mysterious woman who plays the role of everyone's favorite. And with this he will have to come to terms.

Eve - Pisces

This is an idealist and a dreamer rolled into one, who lives in her own special world, far from reality. She hides shyness and indecision behind a mask of sociability and fun. And only a few people know that real Eva-Pisces, which attracts with its sincerity and kindness. This woman needs a gentle and caring man who will not manipulate or play with her feelings and emotions.

Eve name compatibility with male names

Eva and Dmitry

Eve and Anton

Eva is ready to forget about her career for the sake of her family, while Anton does not want to part with the bachelor lifestyle, which implies complete freedom of action. The time comes when Eve gets tired of fighting the love of her chosen one and leaves.

Eve and Michael

A strong and purposeful Eva tries to bring up the desire to act in the hardworking, but absolutely not ambitious Michael. But he is completely satisfied with such a state of affairs in which he is not responsible for anything. As a result, the pair diverges.

Eve and Nikolay

If Eva and Nikolai do not learn to yield to each other, then their family life will end, barely having time to begin. They must remember that building successful family relationships is hard work and requires patience.

Eva and Igor

The charming Igor loves to flirt with women, so Eva has many reasons for jealousy, while being a secretive and vulnerable person, she tries not to show her feelings. But in the end she gets tired of enduring the adventures of Igor, and she leaves him.

Eva and Anatoly

There are more than enough difficulties in this union: these are the different characters of Eve and Anatoly, and their opposite views on life. But nevertheless, these two know how to overcome difficulties, therefore their union often turns out to be very strong.

Eva and Vyacheslav

Practical Eva cannot come to terms with the frivolous attitude to Vyacheslav's life. The woman in this union seeks to create a cozy family hearth, while the man is more concerned with his own interests, which are not always connected with the family. This tandem quickly disintegrates.

Eva and Ilya

Life is in full swing in Eve, while Ilya is used to doing everything thoroughly and measuredly. Such slowness of Ilya can annoy Eve, which over time can cause scandals and a break in the relationship of the couple.

Eva and Vladislav

Happiness, harmony and tenderness are the foundation of the relationship between Eve and Vladislav, who protect their family nest from any troubles and hardships. These two manage to create an ideal family in which there is no place for scandals.

Eva and Vitaly

Ambitious Eva and conservative Vitaly can become not only a wonderful family, but also excellent business partners with ambitious plans. They are united by hard work and honesty, as well as loyalty to family traditions.

Eve and Nikita

Emotional and impulsive Nikita, although he loves his energetic companion, nevertheless believes that Eve lacks adventurism and a certain ease. Eve, on the other hand, is constantly jealous of her chosen one, which ultimately destroys the relationship.

Eva and Vadim

Practical Eva knows what she wants from life, while Vadim is used to relying on fate and going with the flow, which absolutely does not suit his active companion. Eve's straightforwardness does not give strength to the relationship, which directly points to Vadim's shortcomings.

Eva and Oleg

The union of Eve and Oleg can have prospects only if both learn to adapt to each other, if they can cultivate such qualities as patience and understanding.

Eva and Ruslan

There is no unrestrained passion in the relationship between Eve and Ruslan, but they have a deep and real feeling of that calm love that can survive any storms of life. Eva and Ruslan are devoted friends and loving spouses.

The name Eve is the oldest of all names, the first woman on Earth was its owner. It has survived to this day and is especially popular lately. What is the meaning of the name Eve - read the article to the end and you will understand everything.

Origin and characteristics of the name

This name first appeared in ancient Israel, and it sounded like Khava. In those days, it had its meaning “life”, “giving life”, “breathing”, “giving life”.

How did the name Eve come about? The first woman was created by God so that a man would not be bored alone. They lived in paradise, but disobeying God, they were expelled from it. But before that, God ordered Adam to give a name to his companion. Then the first man on earth named a woman Eve.

The meaning of the name Eve - how to explain in modern language? In the modern world, the interpretation has changed somewhat. Now it means "full of life", "mischievous", "lively". This name characterizes the girl from the good side, all its meanings bear fruit and affect the fate of the child.

The influence of the name on the character

The main character trait is perseverance. This can be found in ancient scriptures. This is manifested in almost all the fair sex. They always listen only to themselves, they are characterized by stubbornness and persistence. A strong character is manifested since childhood. It is very difficult to subdue a girl to your will.

Ancient origins leave their mark on the fate of Eve. She shows leadership qualities, knows how to manipulate people. In a family, such women tend to dominate, pushing their chosen one into the background. However, despite this, they never hurt other people's feelings.

Self-sufficiency is the main feature of her character. These are quite self-confident individuals who reserve the right to make all decisions for themselves, since they do not trust other people's opinions. They have their own vision of the world, which runs counter to the stranger.

Calmness and "cold mind" are another virtue of Eve's character. She is always restrained, does not show excessive emotionality. This is a rather balanced person. But it is very easy to hurt her feelings, she is very vulnerable. However, this character trait is hidden from prying eyes.

Biblical origins

The biblical origin of the name indicates the special mindset of the child. The baby is endowed with intelligence, good intuition, insight. The girl is inclined to trust only facts and her logic. Rarely uses a momentary impulse to make a decision.

Today's Eve is far from the biblical ideal, but she always looks good. Although she perceives personal care as nothing more than a necessity. It is not typical for her to show off in front of a mirror, she rejects all sorts of female joys: shopping, going to salons.

The meaning of the name Eve for a girl

How else does the origin of the name affect the character of the girl? The meaning of the name Eve will always be closely intertwined with the fate of the child. The girl is always cheerful, full of strength, kind and energetic. These qualities are manifested at all stages of life.

From childhood, the child studies well, although he does not show much zeal for science. She has several favorite subjects, she knows the rest of the disciplines superficially. Study will never be a subject of self-realization for a girl. A special love for physical education is shown in the girl from school. Therefore, adult Eva is distinguished by good health and well-being. But in adolescence, the child is often carried away by his own affairs, and forgets about food. Parents need to pay special attention to this.

Eva is unlikely to face psychological problems. For her, a strong relationship with family is very important. In the future, these are good mothers. A little girl should grow up in love and affection. An adult woman always gives love to those around her, her family and loved ones. Family for her is happiness, she is not ready to exchange it for career growth. Harmony and respect always reigns in her relationship with her beloved. Intimate life is filled with bright moments and emotions.


If the baby was called this beautiful name, then its characteristics are always traced in the adult life of a woman.

  • Eva at any age remains cheerful and mobile, energetic.
  • This is not an office worker, the girl prefers space for creative activities, in the office she is “suffocating”.
  • An adult woman enjoys traveling, skiing and active weekend activities.
  • At any age, a woman dresses elegantly, she cannot be called a "gray mouse".
  • The girl prefers a male society, it is easier for her to find a common language with the opposite sex.
  • He approaches the choice of a life partner responsibly. She needs a temperamental and unusual man.
  • She loves to cook and is always glad to guests who are delighted with her culinary talents.
  • In relationships, Eve values \u200b\u200bmorality and ethics.

An adult girl is in no hurry to get married, for a long time looking for "her" man. Sometimes a union leads to a breakup if a woman is bored. She needs an intelligent, open and honest partner who is active in all areas of life. After an unsuccessful marriage, a woman puts off thoughts of a second marriage for a long time.

Name forms

The full form of the name always remains unchanged - Eve. But the girl can be called diminutive names: Evochka, Evushka, Evita, Ivochka, Khavoy.

Declination of name

I. p. Eve
R. p. Eve
D. p. Eve
V. p. Eve
Etc. Eve
P. p. Eve

Ecclesiastical significance

The ancient biblical name is present in the scriptures, so the girl is named Eve when she is baptized, there is no need to take other names.

What male names is combined with

Good compatibility: Dmitry, Eugene, Sergey, Andrey, Alexey, Ivan
Unwanted union: Alexander, Vasily, Nikolay

Translation into other languages

English - Eve (Ivy), Eva (Iva), Evie (Ivy)
Spanish - Eva (Eva), Evita (Evita)

Eve's famous namesake

Eva Green is a Hollywood actress, E. Deniza is a writer in France, E. Romanova is a figure skater, E. Serrano is a French athlete, E. Polna is a Russian singer.

The name Eve came to us from the Hebrew language. There it had the form of Havva and the translation "giving life". Today the name itself in its usual sound is translated as "life", "alive" or "mischievous". This fully reflects the character that is inherent in women with the biblical name of the first woman created by the Lord God Himself from the Garden of Eden for Adam. Other options: Eva, Iva, Hava.

Astrology named after Eve

Auspicious day: Sunday

Years later

Little Eve is a cheerful, active and kind child. She constantly comes up with something and she herself is carried away by her own ideas. Likes to move a lot, spend time in companies, but does not mind being left alone with his thoughts. A rich imagination allows the girl to think out the circumstances that she lacks.

Believes in fairy tales, interesting stories, often becomes their author and main character. Eva studies diligently, is a good student, but rarely becomes an excellent student. Understands that learning is a must, but never more than required. Since childhood, she has been prone to mysticism, an interest in everything otherworldly.

Adults definitely need to watch this moment so that it does not develop too much. If this situation is missed in the future, Eve could become the first candidate for getting into the sect. This is somewhat surprising, because a child from an early age always has his own opinion, does not follow the lead of adults. But everything related to the occult and mysticism can literally cloud the mind.

The matured Eva tries to surround herself with a large number of people - the attention of smart and interesting personalities is simply necessary for her. But among them there are not many real friends who are allowed close. These should be exceptional personalities, tested by time and circumstances - only they can be trusted by a girl.

She hides to the last what is going on in her soul, very selectively shares the details of her personal life. Young Eva often becomes a kind, comfortable person in communication. But the opposite can also happen: without warm family support, a girl becomes nervous, she can quarrel with others.

This is a very rare option. Usually the transitional age is accompanied by the search for true friends, this period for Eve passes quite calmly. Already at this time, such a character trait as self-confidence begins to form. And here it is important to teach Eve, explain to her at what moment confidence turns into self-confidence and selfishness.

Adult Eva often forms a cold, unapproachable image in the eyes of others. But in reality, she is a romantic nature, fragile and tender. A woman will not show this to everyone. If she does not find a way out for her tenderness, she can become irritable, quick-tempered.

Eva loves to get carried away with something new, non-standard, she likes a job that brings moral and financial satisfaction. With age, her friends become less and less, but those that remain usually go with the owner of this wonderful name the entire life path.

As a leader by nature, Eve always strives for some kind of achievement. Demanding of herself, sometimes overly demanding of her surroundings. If this woman quarrels with someone, then she cannot be at odds for a long time.

Eve's personality

This is a friend who is always ready to help. Dislikes boredom and monotony, strives to try something new. With leadership qualities, he can lead people. In a critical situation, he makes decisions well, helps others to cope with their feelings.

Eve has almost 100% no envy of others' success, no anger at people. If something causes such feelings, she understands: she needs to identify their cause and correct. You can always rely on such a friend. It almost never makes the same mistake twice. If life teaches anything, Eve memorizes this lesson diligently.

Among the significant disadvantages is closeness. It also works with loved ones. A woman can carry in herself some doubts, resentments for a long time, cultivate negative emotions and feelings. If her nerves are strained to the limit, an emotional explosion can occur - for a woman this is a real disaster, although others do not always understand what the reason is.

Lack of flexibility in life is another plus. Eve always needs to understand what situation she is in and what way out of it. She cannot quickly adapt to changes, instantly find her place if everything has changed dramatically.

Eve's fate

The future of this woman is unpredictable. She can lead a calm, measured life in the circle of loved ones or become a celebrity, every step of which will be in plain sight. One thing is for sure: fate always provides the opportunities that are required at the moment. Eve can always achieve what she dreamed of. If the desire is really strong, all the necessary doors will open at the right moment.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

This woman can make an excellent career, since all her qualities are sharpened to achieve goals. He will show himself in pedagogy, jurisprudence, journalism, translator work.

She can become a big boss, and her subordinates will respect and love her. Your own business is also an excellent choice for such a woman. She rarely has difficulty with money because she almost always knows how to make more money.

Marriage and family

Eva is one of those women who are looking for the perfect man and are not ready to settle for less. Fate often throws her not the most worthy options, but in the end she finds “the one” with whom a wonderful relationship develops. Although this woman loves strong, strong-willed, stable men with a core, there will still be a relentless struggle in the family for the first place.

In this case, a partner is needed who will perceive such a situation as a game and not take it personally. Men with wounded pride quickly lose interest in such a woman, the marriage can fall apart. Eva is a strict but caring mother, a good wife, but rarely a loving daughter-in-law. She is good in her world and she will not allow others, even the closest people, there.

Sex and love

In a relationship, a usually rational woman loses all her rationality. She is guided by feelings, emotions. Rarely chooses a partner with his mind, is more focused on his internal response. Does not tolerate boredom, coldness, calmness.

Eve must see that a man is going crazy over her - then she is ready to give him unforgettable emotions. She is also temperamental in sex, loves variety, something new and non-standard. An excellent lover who always takes care of the partner and his pleasure.


Since her youth, Eva has been trying to monitor her health, play sports, or at least lead an active lifestyle. She usually looks good, has a slim, fit figure.

The girl's only weakness is delicious food in large quantities. In this case, it is worth limiting fatty, fried, sweet. If this is abused, problems with digestion and excess weight will not keep you waiting.

Hobbies and hobbies

Eva is undemanding in her rest: she can have a great time in a noisy cheerful company or relax on the couch with a new book. She never regrets money for what gives her pleasure.

Often spent on travel and gaining new energy, going to different countries. Likes to spend time together with his family.

The meaning of the name Eve is the life-giving one, this is a religious beautiful multinational name that is gaining popularity in Russia. In other countries, parents have always been happy to call their girls that.

Brief description of the name

According to one legend, Eve was the name of Adam's second wife. Lilith, his first wife, left him and provoked Eve to taste the apple. The origin of the name is Jewish. In Hebrew, this name sounds like Hawa. It is also consonant with the name of the Slavic goddess of spring - Zhiva, this allows us to speak of his Christian origin.

The owners of this name are sensual and charming women, distinguished by great diligence. Highly emotional, they can inflate a problem from a trifle and make a scandal from scratch, are prone to jealousy, which makes life difficult for them. Home comfort and children are of great importance for Eva, they are family-oriented, and they put work in the first place if it brings them a lot of income.

At present, this name is in the calendar, Abbess Eva, abbess of the Penza monastery, was canonized, she was shot in 1937 for anti-revolutionary activities. The memory of this saint is August 27, there are other days when Eve can celebrate name days - March 11, December 24, 31, January 5.

The full name sounds Eva, but affectionately girls can be called Evochka, Evushka, Evusha, Evulya, Eonka. They will appreciate gifts with a stone talisman - ruby \u200b\u200bor jade. Ruby gives a person power and strength, power, is associated with love for God. Jade helps to solve difficulties and problems, to avoid troubles, and promotes happy changes.

The zodiac signs of the name are Taurus and Pisces, which means this name is most suitable for those born under these signs. This is not the best name for a girl born in August-September or November. Little girls prefer saturated colors - green, red, blue. The most successful day for them is Sunday, and luck overtakes them in the summer.

Girls with this name will prefer lilies among flowers, which are a symbol of purity and humility, and a date palm tree with fruits is the personification of femininity and fertility. Animal totems are a dove, symbolizing well-being in the family and tranquility, and a doe, which gives a woman grace and gentleness.

Meaning of the name

Name characteristics depend on the time of birth. Winter Evas are controversial and difficult to get along with. Those born in the fall are softer and more flexible, but they also do not know how to sit still. They need movement, travel, travel. It is interesting that a woman with this name, as a rule, has one child whom she is madly in love with.


The main character traits that determine the name are stubbornness and perseverance, sometimes unpredictability... Evas outwardly are always cheerful and sociable, surrounded by interesting people, have good acquaintances. This is a grateful person who does not like being in debt. Due to inconstancy, she can often conflict with friends and acquaintances, not fulfill the promise.

By nature, Evochka is a real choleric. Along with hard work and high intelligence, envy and secrecy coexist in her, she rarely shares her thoughts frankly, while those around her often consider this person kind and self-confident. For Eva, the main thing is to have close people nearby whom she really appreciates and loves.

Confident in disputes, she easily defends her point of view, is not afraid of difficulties, but she experiences failures hard, they can even cause her depression and a nervous breakdown. As a result, the girl withdraws into herself and stops communicating.

Touchiness is the main negative quality; it can be hurt by any carelessly spoken word. At the same time, she will never leave everything just like that, she will definitely find an opportunity to protect not only herself, but also the other.

Evas are law-abiding girls who have strong moral principles. A kind and vulnerable heart is often hidden behind a mask of indifference. Intelligence, logic and well-developed intuition allow her to solve all matters on her own. But flexibility is not enough, it often goes against the circumstances, which provokes conflicts.

Evochka is a strong and strong-willed girl, she strives for mutual understanding in relationships, but due to her nature, she does not always succeed. Women with this name do not have such qualities as deceit and wickedness.

Much depends on what zodiac sign the girl was born under. The Aries sign gives the character secrecy and loneliness, behind which serious passions are hidden, unlike her, Eva-Leo simply burst into energy. They do not tolerate weak men. Born under the sign of Taurus, the girl will become an excellent leader and in order to achieve high career heights, she will easily give up family happiness and communication with a few friends.

Virgo gives character a creative streak, a woman is well versed in everything that concerns philosophy, painting, literature, but she is simply not adapted to solving everyday problems. Scorpio is a shy and modest person who is afraid to trust people, like Libra, the girl is slightly unsure of herself, needs constant support from a strong person.


Eva has pronounced leadership qualities, among the guys she is considered a ringleader and leader. Energy is overwhelming, so it is important to direct it in the right direction. Eve's destiny is going well, the main thing is to competently organize her life. Often little girls do not get married because they have high demands on a partner.

But happy spouses and mothers devote themselves entirely to family and children, they arrange a cozy nest where family members and their many friends like to gather. Their house is always hospitable, Evas love male attention and society, devote a lot of time to their appearance in order to always look dignified.


Due to their high moral principles, Evas rarely start sex life before marriage, it is important for them to remain a model of morality. At the same time, without love, these women become unbearable, hot-tempered. They often create a family not at a very young age, they are looking for their ideal man for a long time. But starting a family, they give themselves completely to her. Husband and children always come first for Evochka, blocking even career aspirations.

In marriage, Evochka is a faithful wife, an excellent housewife, and loves to cook. Women with this name have a fad about loyalty, this quality is of decisive importance, therefore she is very jealous, and often scandals in the family arise for this very reason. The first marriage is often unsuccessful and ends in divorce.

Relationships with parents, both with their own and with the mother-in-law, are difficult. Eva tries not to let anyone into her family, limiting relationships simply by communication. She does not listen to the advice of her elders and decides everything herself. Relations with relatives are complicated by Eve's high suspiciousness.

As a mother, Eva is sensitive, she takes care of her babies, they inspire her, bring joy. She zealously guards their lives, not allowing anything to darken her. Evas quite often agree to a foster child.

A woman is important for such qualities in a representative of the stronger sex as gentleness and complaisance, delicacy and sensitivity, intelligence. But an imperious, rude and rebellious person will not suit her. She is very picky in choosing a spouse.

Choosing the right man by name is important. Eva can create a stable and strong marriage with Konstantin, Eugene, Alexei, Pavel, Peter, Vitaly and Maxim. But the relationship and marriage with Yaroslav, Oleg, Stanislav and Arthur will be complex and contradictory.


Eva has very versatile abilities and interests; she can handle many difficult cases. She naturally has many talents, a sharp mind, good flexibility, which allows her to stand out among colleagues. Assertiveness, self-orientation and inability to listen to the opinions of others prevent her from making a quick career.

Often she refuses to follow the ideas of others, this interferes with teamwork, so in order to move up the professional ladder, she will have to learn to listen to the people who are nearby and humble pride. Respect for the opinions of others should be instilled in Eve by her parents as early as childhood.

The inclinations of women with this name are good, they can become excellent teachers and linguists, modeling clothes are interesting, you can try yourself in the field of management. Professions related to medicine and pedagogy suit her, she easily agrees to frequent and long business trips, because she loves travel.

Eva has excellent organizational skills and can organize the work process competently. She will always arouse the respect of others, enjoy the authority of her subordinates. Thanks to her luck, everything she does is successful. Evochka counts money well, but is not inclined to adventurous ways of earning income.

Eve women will never work if they get bored. They are ready to work with full dedication, therefore, when choosing a profession, they take this factor into account as the main one.