How to treat the wound after suturing. Preparations for the treatment of seams

Most often, the seams after the operation are treated with iodine and potassium permanganate. In addition to iodine and potassium permanganate, in modern conditions, various ointments can be used to heal sutures.

On what day after the operation the sutures are removed, postoperative suture care

On what day after the operation are the sutures removed and is scar care necessary? Most surgeries require an incision in the patient's tissues. For older people, it will take much longer for the incision to heal (about 2 weeks). The decision on when to remove the postoperative suture should be made by the attending physician. For this, indicators of age, health, and the characteristics of a particular operation are taken into account. Sutures require processing for two weeks after surgery. If they are damaged, the skin is re-injured and the cosmetic seam may become more noticeable. The time of suture removal may vary slightly depending on various factors - the nature of the operation, the depth of the incision, the health of the patient.

The process itself, characteristic of the healing of sutures after surgery, is quite lengthy and not always painless. The defect on the tissue is minimized, due to collagens, the scar becomes durable. Due to epithelialization, the body's ability to resist microbes, which are numerous near the wound, increases. Usually the stitches heal around the fifth day, if there were no complications.

You can solve the problem with the help of ordinary hydrogen peroxide, which is soaked through the bandage, allowing it and the dried blood to soak well. Many people are often interested in whether it is possible to process stitches after surgery with means traditional medicine.

But I will not write how and with what to process the seam after the operation at home. I can say one thing, when you leave the hospital, as a rule, there are stitches that should be removed in about a week. I’ll just add, I smeared it a couple of times with green paint, despite the fact that the seam was not inflamed. I processed the seam after the operation with the usual brilliant green. My mom recently had surgery to remove a tumor in her neck. The stitches have not been removed yet, the threads are sticking out. The next day they let me go home and said to come back in three days to see if the stitches were removed or not. In the hospital, they were only treated with alcohol, and at home they were told to treat with alcohol or vodka.

The first few days after the operation, the sutures are cared for in the hospital where it was performed. It is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the rules of asepsis, that is, wash your hands before treating the wound, do not touch the wound with your hands. Try not to stick the patch on the same places so that pressure sores do not occur there. In cases with heavy bleeding or prolapse of internal organs into the wound, an ambulance should be called, which in the supine position will take the patient to the department where he was previously operated on. If his immune system and other systems are strong, then the body copes with such stress as surgery and the postoperative period proceeds smoothly.

Threads are usually removed on the 6th day before discharge. When taking a shower, in no case should you press hard on the seam area and use hard sponges for washing. This can lead to keloid scars. Care should be taken of the external seams that are applied to the perineum.

Folk remedies for healing sutures after surgery

There are many methods of traditional medicine that effectively affect the treatment of patients after surgery and the healing process. The crushed fruits of Japanese Sophora (2 cups) should be mixed with goose or badger fat (2 cups). After thorough mixing, the ointment obtained at home should be poured into a glass or ceramic container. The crushed roots must be poured with an alcohol solution (water and alcohol equally).

One option is kontrubex ointment. Its use can be started after the wound begins to heal. It is not only applied to the skin, but also made applications, used for washing. For greater effect, you need to cover the top with a piece of polyethylene and a dense cloth made of natural materials.

Infected, purulent sutures cannot be treated on their own. Two to three weeks after the removal of the threads, phonophoresis can be used with special absorbable solutions. In this case, the seams heal faster, and the scars become less noticeable.

If you wish, you can also use ordinary brilliant green, which must be treated for wounds every day, for 6 days. It is very convenient to do this with ordinary cotton swabs. The problem is that under this medication it is often not visible how the wound heals and whether any complications have appeared. Often, after the operation, for one reason or another, the seams diverge, which causes severe pain and the appearance of unpleasant discharge. In such situations, doctors, as a rule, resort to the help of Vishnevsky's ointment. This tool helps to remove pus from the wound and promotes its speedy healing.

When a person is still in the hospital, the state of the postoperative suture is monitored by the medical staff. But after being discharged home, you will have to take care of the scar yourself. But whether it will be thin and almost imperceptible or thick and convex largely depends on how you care for it. If the suture is left untreated, complications are possible.

Seam processing at home at the initial stage

And while taking a shower, and while dressing, and at any other time, you must not touch the seam or exert any mechanical influence on it. At first, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the seams. Castellani liquid or fukortsin are best suited for this.

Often, after the operation, a seal is observed under the suture in a patient, which was formed due to the accumulation of lymph. As a rule, it does not pose a threat to health and disappears over time. If you observe any of these symptoms, please contact your surgeon. Even if it later turns out that the resulting bump is not dangerous and will eventually resolve on its own, the doctor must examine and give his opinion.

The more complex the operation, the deeper the scar can be and the more difficult the healing process. Hypertrophic scar - appears when suppuration occurs over the formation or the suture is injured. To avoid such a scar, you should take care of the seam with special ointments. The advantages of this suture are that the material is not rejected by the body and is absorbed. Such a tool should be applied in a thin layer so that the skin receives the necessary substance and can breathe. This is not an ordinary, but a special patch that should be applied to the suture site after the operation.

After hygiene procedures, blot the seam with a bandage.

Attention, in each case, recommendations for the treatment of wounds can only be given by the operating surgeon. In situations specified by the doctor, as well as: if the sutures interfere (cling to clothing) or the wound is on a rubbing surface, it is possible to manage wounds under bandages. If you have stitches that don't dissolve, they will need to be removed in the operating room on the date your surgeon has scheduled. Before this period, interventions to correct the scar are not recommended if you do not like its appearance (laser resurfacing or surgical correction).

The main advantage of the drug is the virtual absence of an allergic reaction in patients, so that the drug can be used during pregnancy and lactation. It is applied to the immediate area of ​​​​the lesion every day until the discharge disappears completely. Dimexide is a solution widely used in postoperative practice. Also be sure to read the article on how to get rid of scars after surgery.

The surgical suture, which was superimposed with the help of threads, must be removed in time. Threads should be removed by a medical worker in the presence of special disinfected tools. However, if it is not possible to visit a doctor, and the time has come to remove the threads, you need to remove the foreign material yourself. It is not recommended to touch the staples or wire on your own.

After the operation, scars and stitches appear on the skin, which persist for a long time. The duration of their healing is determined by the overall resistance of the body, the characteristics of the skin and other factors. The main task in the postoperative period is to prevent the development of infection, and to accelerate the regeneration process in all possible ways.

After surgery on the abdomen and suturing, the healing process includes several stages

  1. Formation of collagen or connective tissue by fibroblasts. During the healing process, fibroblasts are activated by macrophages. Fibroblasts migrate to the site of injury, and subsequently they bind to fibrillar structures through fibronectin. At the same time, the process of active synthesis of extracellular matrix substances begins, among which collagen is also present. The main task of collagen is to eliminate tissue defects and ensure the strength of the emerging scar.
  2. epithelialization of the wound. This process begins as epithelial cells migrate from the edges of the wound to its surface. After the end of epithelization, a kind of barrier for microorganisms is formed, and fresh wounds are characterized by low resistance to infections. A few days after the operation, in the absence of any complications, the wound restores its resistance to infection. In the event that this does not happen, then the cause may have been the divergence of the seam after the operation.
  3. Reduction of wound surfaces and wound closure. This result can be achieved due to the effect of wound contraction, which is to a certain extent caused by the contraction of myofibroblasts.

The healing period after surgery is largely determined by the characteristics of the human body. In some situations, this process occurs quite quickly, while in other patients it can take quite a long time.

Treatment of sutures after surgery

Before answering the question of how long the suture heals after abdominal surgery, it is necessary to understand what affects this process. One of the conditions for a successful result is considered to be the correct therapy after the patient has been stitched. In addition, the following factors influence the duration of the postoperative period:

  • sterility;
  • materials for processing seams;
  • the regularity of the procedure.

After surgery, one of the important requirements is the observance of sterility. This means that only well-washed hands using disinfected tools can be used to treat seams.

How are sutures processed after abdominal surgery, and what disinfectants are the most efficient? In fact, the choice of this or that drug is determined by the nature of the injury, and for treatment you can use:

  • medical alcohol;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • iodine;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • brilliant green;
  • ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory action.

In the event that it is necessary to process postoperative sutures at home, then for this purpose you can use the following traditional medicine:

  • butter tea tree in its purest form;
  • tincture of livestock roots from 20 grams of herbal remedy, 200 ml of water and 1 glass of alcohol;
  • cream with calendula extract, to which you can add a drop of orange or rosemary oil.

Before using these folk remedies at home, it is recommended to consult with a specialist first.

What influences healing?

The duration of wound healing after suturing depends on the following factors:

  • the age of the patient - in young people, tissue repair occurs much faster than in the elderly;
  • body weight - the wound healing process can slow down if a person is overweight or obese;
  • nutritional features - lack of energy and plastic material can affect the quality and speed of reparative processes in the wound;
  • dehydration - lack of fluid in the body can lead to electrolyte imbalance, which slows down the healing of stitches after surgery;
  • the state of blood supply - wound healing occurs much faster if there are a large number of vessels near it;
  • chronic pathologies can slow down the recovery process and cause various complications;
  • the state of immunity - with a decrease in the body's defenses, the prognosis of surgical intervention worsens and suppuration of wounds is possible.

Entry into the wound required amount oxygen is considered one of the main conditions for wound healing, as it participates in the synthesis of collagen and helps to destroy bacteria by phagocytes. Anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the healing process in the first few days, but subsequently have little effect on this process.

One of the common reasons for the deterioration of the wound after surgery and the slowdown in the healing process is secondary infection, which is accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate.

Processing rules

In order for the healing of the sutures to take place as soon as possible without the development of complications, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  • before starting the procedure, it is necessary to disinfect hands and tools that may be needed for its implementation;
  • you should carefully remove the applied bandage, and if it sticks to the skin, then pour it with peroxide;
  • you need to smear the seam with an antiseptic preparation using a cotton swab or gauze swab;
  • must be carefully bandaged.

It is important to remember that the seams should be treated twice a day, but if necessary, the number can be increased. In addition, it is necessary each time to carefully examine the wound for the presence of any inflammation in it. It is not recommended to remove dry crusts and scabs from the wound, as this can lead to scarring of the skin. Take a shower with care and do not rub the seam with a too hard sponge. In the event that the seams on the abdomen turn red or purulent exudate begins to stand out from them, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Only a doctor can decide when stitches are removed after abdominal surgery. This procedure is carried out under sterile conditions using special tools and usually 5-10 days after surgery.

Means for healing

In order to speed up the resorption and healing of sutures after surgery, antiseptic agents can be used at home. Experts recommend using them not for treating wet wounds, but already when the healing process has begun. The choice of one or another ointment depends on the nature of the damage and its depth. For shallow superficial wounds, the use of simple antiseptic agents is recommended, and with the development of complications, it is necessary to use preparations containing hormonal components.

How to remove a scar after abdominal surgery, and what ointments are considered the most effective when treating sutures?

  • Vishnevsky's ointment accelerates the removal of pus from the wound;
  • Levomekol has a combined effect;
  • Vulnuzan contains natural ingredients and is easy to use;
  • Levosin destroys bacteria and stops the inflammatory process;
  • Stellanin helps to get rid of tissue swelling and destroy infections, and also accelerates skin regeneration;
  • Argosulfan has a pronounced bactericidal effect and helps to achieve an analgesic effect;
  • Actovegin successfully fights the inflammatory process in the wound;
  • Solcoseryl minimizes the risk of scars and scars.

Such medicines, when used correctly, help speed up the wound healing process after surgery and avoid infection. It is important to remember that before smearing a postoperative suture on the abdomen, it is imperative to consult a doctor. The fact is that self-treatment postoperative sutures can result in severe suppuration of the wound and its further inflammation. Compliance with simple rules is the key to successful treatment of postoperative sutures and helps to prevent the formation of scars.

Ointment for healing sutures and wounds after surgery is used only as directed by a doctor. Surgical wounds are divided into 2 groups. Clean sutures are found in healthy people who have received an accidental injury. It is enough for them to use antiseptic liquids to suppress the microflora on the surface of the injury.

The surgical postoperative suture left after a planned operation, which was performed to remove the diseased tissue, may rot. The healing of tissues in the postoperative period is delayed due to the existing chronic intoxication resulting from hormonal or metabolic changes, long-term use medicines. Then the question arises of how to treat and how to process the sutures after the operation in order to suppress pyogenic bacteria and speed up the regeneration processes.

What local remedies can be used for suppuration

"Baneocin" is used in surgical practice as a local antibacterial agent. The drug contains neomycin and bacitracin, which suppress different ways growth of opportunistic microflora. The different capabilities of the two antibiotics make it possible to destroy all the pathogenic microflora present on the surface of the wound. The remedy is active against Staphylococcus aureus, which has strains resistant to many antibiotics. This determines the great potential of the ointment of the drug in the fight against infection. It can be used several times to process a wet seam with signs inflammatory process. The remedy is used for 5 to 10 days, then canceled, switching to lighter drugs.

Ointment for postoperative sutures "Stellanin PEG", containing diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide, has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation and significantly accelerates tissue regeneration. It is often used in surgery to treat weeping sutures. At active substance there are serious contraindications. Before using it, you should consult a doctor for advice. He must say whether it is possible for a sick person to use it.

This ointment is often used in surgical practice. It is applied in a thin layer to the seam, a sterile gauze bandage is applied. Pharmaceutical form treats the skin around wounds to suppress the reproduction of pyogenic bacteria. The duration of treatment with this remedy is up to 14 days.

Ointment for the healing of postoperative sutures "Levomekol" can be used if there is purulent content. This drug is traditionally used by doctors to treat any infected wounds. He has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Eplan cream, which has the ability to shorten the duration of phases and increase the speed of regeneration processes, allows the surgical wound to heal faster. When applied to a place where there is a suture material, swelling is removed and the feeling of pain decreases. He is advised if bacteria, microorganisms and fungi have begun to multiply under the bandage.

All these ointments should be used on the recommendation of the attending physician, who must monitor the healing process and take timely measures if the wound has festered.

How to smear the seam after surgery

If the doctor did not recommend an external remedy for speedy healing, then you can use the Mummy ointment, which is often used to speed up regeneration processes. It accelerates the scarring of postoperative sutures. The external agent, which includes active ingredients that stimulate the production of collagen, has antiseptic properties. The ointment inhibits the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora and contributes to the rapid cleansing of the wound from pus. When using mummy externally and internally, the process of healing surgical wounds in the elderly is significantly accelerated.

The production of collagen is promoted by the water-soluble ointment "Solcoseryl". This drug has a good wound healing property. The active ingredient affects the functioning of cells and accelerates regeneration processes. Its action is poorly understood, but practical use proved that the external agent improves all processes in the layers of the epidermis.

External agent "Stellanin" has the same characteristics as "Stellanin PEG", but does not contain a moisturizing complex. It is used for the speedy healing of sutures that do not have liquid secretions.

The drugs that help accelerate the regenerative processes include "Kontraktubeks". This gel is used on clean, closed wounds. It is used to form an inconspicuous scar. The gel is applied several times a day to the seam and rubbed into the skin with a light movement.

Prolonged use evens out the surface of the scar in relation to the healthy part of the body and improves the elasticity of the epidermis. The gel softens coarse fibers, reduces pain.

Calendula ointment can be attributed to the means that stimulate healing. A few drops of tea tree oil and rosemary are added to its composition and used to treat stitches in the elderly during the healing period. The tool has an antiseptic effect and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Why ointments do not help

A patient who wants to recover as soon as possible needs to know that with age, the speed of all processes slows down and the healing time increases. If practically healthy young man it takes 3 weeks for a postoperative scar to form, then an elderly person may need 2 months. All this time, you need to keep the skin clean, keeping the surface crust and making the dressings correctly.

The use of an ointment for healing and resorption of postoperative sutures is an adjunct. For a sick person, it is more important to improve vitality and restore the function of the internal secretion organs. This can be done with a normal diet and correct operation digestive system. To improve it, it is recommended to take cold-pressed oils, mummy and honey, flower pollen, royal jelly, walnuts, which are natural stimulants endocrine system.

The organs of internal secretion, having received the necessary substances for the production of hormones, will be able to start the necessary processes that will improve the recovery of damaged cells. Only in this case, the sick person will be able to recover after the operation.

Stitches after surgery are a very unpleasant consequence, reminiscent of medical intervention in the body. They can pull, whine, hurt, not heal, disperse - in general, cause a lot of inconvenience to the former patient.

Healing stitches after surgery

On someone, the stitches heal "like on a dog", and some suffer for quite a long time. In fact, everything depends, firstly, on the human body, and secondly, on the sterility of the seam. If it is correctly performed, namely, without the formation of a cavity, then a couple of weeks will be quite enough for it to heal.

How to smear the seam after the operation, the doctor will definitely tell you, but if for some reason this did not happen, then use calendula cream. You can prepare it yourself: to do this, you need to mix a drop with rosemary and add this elixir to the calendula cream. If the seam does not heal after the operation, you can also anoint yourself with this wonderful healing composition.

The cosmetic seam after the operation will become less noticeable, more elastic if used to soften it. You need to start the course of treatment immediately after the operation and continue it for a week.

The problem of a hard seam after surgery can be solved with Contractubex ointment or a silicone patch. These funds do not allow the scar to become hard, and if this has already happened, they soften it.

After surgery, it is imperative to monitor the condition of your suture; if blood, bile, swelling or redness appears, you must inform the doctor. If you have a seam open after surgery, then all the more so, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible, because. microbes and bacteria can get into the wound.

Traditional means for processing any seams are iodine and potassium permanganate. They have an antibacterial effect and help the seams to tighten calmly.

How to process seams?

Many do not know what tools are being processed or are afraid to remove the bandage. It is necessary to remove it, because. A scar needs air to heal properly.

If you have a dressing, then it should only be removed in a hospital or clinic. It is advisable to perform this procedure as often as recommended by the doctor. If you are allowed to process the seams at home, then use sterile cotton wool, tweezers or a cotton swab. But even at home, at first you need to wear a bandage and, most importantly, keep the seam clean.

The patient is not always given recommendations on how to process the postoperative suture for better healing. Modern means presented in a wide variety, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice. Products with the same purpose may not be suitable for different situations. The patient should know in which case to apply this or that method of therapy.

Why is it important to properly process the suture after surgery?

The attending physician should provide information about further manipulations, but unfortunately, this does not always happen in modern clinics and hospitals. The patient returns home after long-term therapy and does not know how to properly process the postoperative suture for better healing. The correctness of tactics is important for quick and quick healing. Surgeons focus on home suture processing, they become common cause complications.

If redness, swelling develops at the site of the postoperative suture, blood, pus, bile, etc. are released, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, this indicates a complication. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the wound after surgery.

Conduct correct handling Wounds are important for the following reasons:

  • to avoid serious complications that may lead to a second operation;
  • to maintain the sterility of the wound, to prevent suppuration, infection;
  • for a speedy recovery;
  • to prevent pain;
  • to avoid the inflammatory process.

If a person correctly manipulates the seam, recovery occurs on average after 2 weeks. It all depends on the type of operation, severity, type of suture.

How does rapid healing happen?

Wound healing occurs differently in each patient, depending on the type of suture, the severity of the surgical intervention. Never leave a wound unattended. Processing is needed in order for a quick recovery to occur, the seam is tightened without complications.

Get rid of quickly unpleasant consequences after surgery on the skin, ointments and other medications with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effects help. They are necessary in order to:

  • rapid tissue regeneration occurred (recovery, wound closure);
  • there was no inflammatory process due to antibacterial and antiseptic properties;
  • improve the quality of newly formed tissue;
  • reduce internal toxicity.

Healing occurs in several stages, they are clearly visible during processing manipulations. Firstly, the wound is decontaminated, which promotes healing, bacteria cannot prevent the wound from healing. Secondly, the ointments and creams used help speed up regeneration, that is, help the skin recover and improve the quality of the new tissue that is formed.

In the complex, all actions lead to the fact that the seam heals soon.

Treatment - how to speed up the healing of postoperative sutures with ointments and other means

At the initial stage, each operated patient should learn the steps of the suture treatment in order to understand when it is necessary to perform the bypassed actions (apply ointment, clean the wound, etc.).

Seam processing at home is performed as follows:

  • the bandage is carefully removed from the seam, applied in medical institution(if the bandage is dry, it should be slightly soaked with hydrogen peroxide);
  • analyze the condition of the postoperative wound to exclude the appearance of pus, bile, swelling, etc. (with these symptoms, you should contact a medical institution);
  • if there is a small amount of blood, it should be stopped before starting manipulations with a bandage;
  • first, you should not feel sorry for the liquid, it should moisten the wound abundantly;
  • it is necessary to wait until the agent stops contacting the seam (stops hissing), then wipe it off gently with a sterile bandage;
  • after, with the help of a cotton swab, the wound along the edges is treated with green paint;
  • ointments should be applied only after the suture begins to heal a little, approximately 3-5 days after discharge.

You can accelerate the healing of postoperative sutures with the help of special ointments. They are aimed at accelerated tissue regeneration, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. The following ointments are popular:

  1. Iodine is an inexpensive and easy-to-use remedy, you can call it an analogue of greenery. But it is not recommended to use it often, every day, it is worth carrying out a replacement course with ointments, since the liquid can dry out the skin pretty much, which will cause slow regeneration.
  2. Dimexide is a solution widely used in postoperative practice. With the help of the drug, you can not only treat the wound, but also make lotions, compresses.
  3. Miramistin is suitable as an antiseptic. It can be used instead of hydrogen peroxide. It is believed that due to the antimicrobial properties of the drug is more effective in therapy. Apply throughout the treatment to cleanse the wound.

Possible complications - what to do if the seam is inflamed?

complication of postoperative suture in the photo

To begin with, the patient should understand what inflammation is, how it manifests itself and is recognized, in what situation it is necessary to carry out home therapy, when to seek medical help. The following symptoms may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process of the postoperative suture:

  • there is redness and swelling in the wound area;
  • pain syndrome becomes stronger every day;
  • during palpation, a seal is palpated, it, as a rule, does not have sharp boundaries;
  • on the 4-6th day there is a temperature, chills, symptoms of intoxication;
  • the emergence of a specific substrate from the wound, suppuration.

The following factors could be the cause of such complications:

  • penetration into the wound infection;
  • improper care or lack thereof for the postoperative suture;
  • improperly installed or inadequate drainage installed after surgery;
  • surgical error after surgery.

When the first signs of inflammation appear, it is worth carrying out hygienic treatment of the wound every day with the help of hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green. Repeated manipulations may be required depending on the condition of the lesion. When there is no pus, there is redness, swelling, you can use a one-time treatment. In other cases, 2 to 4 times a day. After treatment, it is recommended to apply a sterile bandage with ointment, which can be used in the inflammatory process.

There are typical instructions assuming the norms and rules of the patient's behavior, described for the speedy recovery of a postoperative wound. They should be observed by every patient at home. They consist of the following points, described in the table below.

Type of loadRules for the care of the postoperative suture
General recommendationseat right, follow the diet prescribed by the doctor;
Use only water to wash the wound baby soap;
observe the hygiene of the wounded area, wash and clean every day;
Do not use ointments, creams, gels, rubbing without consulting a specialist.
ShowerIt is worth taking a shower only when the wound begins to heal, becomes dry and gradually heals. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes. Bath or shower water should not be too hot or cold.
Physical exerciseIn the first 2-3 months, you should follow the recommendations:
Do not stand in one place for more than 15 minutes, you can only do homework of a light nature;
increase the load gradually;
Take daily walks fresh air;
Try not to load the area where the seam is located;
It is worth including daytime sleep in therapy if there are minor loads;
Perform exercises only with your own weight, refuse to lift weights;
Only walking is considered acceptable.
SexDoctors recommend waiting for a full recovery, then start sexual activity. You should not experiment and take risks when intimacy brings shortness of breath, excessive sweating, fatigue. This indicates the need for a temporary renunciation of sex.
After recovery, it is worth gradually picking up the pace and rhythm in sexual relations.
Trip abroadTrips abroad can be carried out after agreement with the attending doctor.
DietAfter the operation it is recommended:
Exclude junk food (smoked, overly salty, fried, canned);
plant foods should predominate in the diet;
Take extra vitamins
include bran in the menu;
meat and fish - low-fat varieties.
EmotionsAll negative emotions are contraindicated. They will adversely affect the condition nervous system leading to a long recovery.

All recommendations are for general use. It must be borne in mind that any wound has its own characteristics, which should be discussed with the attending physician. Proper therapy will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant physical and moral symptoms.