Women's meditations for energizing. Meditation - Forgiving yourself (for women)

Select a blog entry Father Absolute - THE AWAKENING OF HUMANITY ( Internal energy- the creator of our reality). 6.03.2019. Archeia Vera - Children are an example for everyone. Archangel Gabriel (Daily Messages) ~ March 17, 2019 Don't be afraid to play with your own energy. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Window to the world). 4.03.2019. THE GROUP and Steve Rother - February 2019. The New Male Paradigm. Archangel Gabriel (daily messages) ~ March 16, 2019 Your soul chooses evolution. Tatiana Megerya - Help. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (your first reaction to what is happening). 4.03.2019. The week before the Full Moon from 13 to 21 March 2019. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Internal reactions towards oneself). 03.03.2019. Archangel Gabriel (daily messages) ~ March 15, 2019 How to get rid of blockages. Marina Semyonova - Celestial Souls. 02/19/2019. Subtle abilities (2). 03/15/2019. Subtle abilities. 03/14/2019. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY ( Energy impact on the situation as a whole). 2.03.2019. Tatiana Megerya - My gloomy I. 03/07/2019. Svetlana Dobrovolskaya - Sing your song. 5.03.2019. Archangel Gabriel (daily messages) ~ March 13, 2019 You are shifting energetically infinitely and diversely! Marina Semyonova - Gateway to the original Stream of Knowledge. 02/10/2019. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Energy mechanism of interaction with children). 1.03.2019. Arina Beletskaya - Small block. 03/13/2019. Svetlana Dobrovolskaya - Issues of finance. 02/26/2019. Tatiana Megerya - Resurrected self-confidence. 02/27/2019. Archangel Gabriel (daily messages) ~ March 12, 2019 Satisfying your needs, you anchor the energies of unconditional love in yourself. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Relationship with children). 1.03.2019. Metatron - "Physical" Transition. 10.03.2019. Tatiana Megerya - Poisonous Knowledge. 02/22/2019. Archangel Gabriel (Daily Messages) ~ March 11, 2019 Embrace Your Emotion Digitall Angell - Systemic Crisis of Civilization Let's not die, but change? Almin - What matters is who you are. Father Absolute - About returning Home. Pleiadians and Arcturians - Forecast for MARCH 2019. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Influence of the internal reaction on the situation). 02/27/2019. Archangel Gabriel (Daily Messages) ~ March 10, 2019 You are needed to shine with your truth and possess your energies. Dark side and its connections. Self-denial and the crystal of wisdom, 03/28/2019. Archangel Gabriel (daily messages) ~ March 9, 2019 You are always where you need to be. Motives and transformation by Venom. Why does a person need viruses and a switch. 02/25/2019. Metatron is the Undying Body of Light. 6.03.2019. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Conscious energy interaction with people). 02/27/2019. Father-Absolute - AWAKENING OF HUMANITY (Where it is subtle, there it is torn). 02/26/2019.

Today for you is a record of our Meditation from a series dedicated to accepting yourself and developing a state of value, sufficiency and worthiness in yourself to have all the best for which you strive.

And in this meditation, you will go deep into yourself for healing inner child that lives in you.

Regardless of age, gender and status, you live in Small child who needs your attention, acceptance, love and recognition.

It is important for him to recognize his value and significance. It is important for him to feel Love.

Every woman has a little girl inside - a little princess who needs your help, love and attention ...

Every man - little boy- a little prince who also asks for love, care and warmth ...

And the most important thing that you need to do is to accept in yourself everything that you do not recognize. Accept yourself for who you are.

Accept every unique and inimitable part of yourself - your little inner child in all its manifestations - fear, pain, resentment, disappointment ...

Accept and love. Your inner child should be calm that you will not reject him or leave him in trouble. Therefore, it is important for you to show him that everything is in order, you are there and will always love him no matter what.

Talking to your inner child is very powerful tool healing grievances, accepting oneself, gaining understanding and love for oneself.

This is what will help you get on the path finding a true connection with oneself, finding oneself present.

And in today's meditation, you can talk to him to build relationships. Ask for forgiveness that you did not always pay enough attention to him, express your gratitude, gratitude and love to him ... You will undergo cleansing and feel relief, freed from resentment, misunderstanding, pain that have weighed down on you inside, perhaps for many years ...

Before starting the practice, you need to decide on the desired state that you want to acquire at the exit and express your intention.

For example in this way:

I express my pure intention for my highest good and the good of all living beings, so that during today's meditation I will free myself from painful experiences of the past, forgive, let go and accept myself, feel and realize my value and significance, feel love in myself. Acquired a state of lightness, calmness, harmony, inner strength and values. This is my will. Thanks to.

And you can start doing meditation.

Meditation for Self-Acceptance, Self-Sufficiency and Self-Love. Life Changing Practices Series

Full version of the practice of Meditation

Recording of the Meditation of self-acceptance, self-sufficiency and self-love

At the end of the Meditation, be sure to share with us your feelings, experiences, images and feelings. How your state has changed now.

And admit to yourself in Love! Tell yourself - "I love you!"!

This Meditation can be practiced regularly in the morning and / or evening to build a steady state of acceptance and a sense of self-love.

Use the peace of meditation for your benefit, during which you can restore the trinity - the Unity of body, mind and heart!

✍ Observe changes in your condition and your life and share your feedback with us in the comments and our Skype chat "Bright Life".

P.S. You can deeply work out the state of love and self-acceptance, remove restrictions and blocks that prevent you from living happily, being healthy, loved and achieving success at our Consultations on Spiritual Transformation Technology.

You can sign up for a special offer for clients here:available on our Youtube channel in a separate playlist:

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Feminine energy is more subtle than masculine. Although the 21st century requires equal efforts from men and women, the female psyche is more stressed. Due to stress and the modern standard of living, the level of female energy decreases, and with it the quality of life. Women's meditations will help restore energy and improve life.

What is meditation

The Hindu definition says that it is a state of inner peace and concentration that helps to achieve insight.

Meditation can help you achieve the following results:

  • reduce stress levels;
  • get rid of anxiety;
  • improve concentration and memory;
  • understand if you are moving in the right direction;
  • heal the body.

Many people believe that it is imperative to meditate in the "lotus" position and in nature. But this is not the case. There are different postures for meditation: in motion, sitting, standing, lying down. The main requirement is a straight back.

In the 21st century, meditation practices are gaining popularity, since the modern rhythm of life adversely affects the human psyche. With the help of various practices, a person can regain harmony, find balance and find peace.

Benefits of female meditation

Although there are many techniques that are suitable for both men and women, there are selected practices only for women. Feminine power meditation has several benefits:

  • reduces stress levels;
  • helps to get rid of anxiety;
  • lets you know yourself;
  • increases energy levels;
  • increases resistance to stress and other mental problems;
  • helps control emotions;
  • contributes to the preservation of youth;
  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • helps to accept and love yourself.

Energy for a woman is an important part of her life. A woman who is in harmony with herself and nature radiates happiness, love for herself and the world. It is easier for such women to succeed, they are happy marriage and become loving mothers.

Unfortunately, in the 21st century it is difficult to find a woman who is in complete harmony. Women, like men, go to work, experience stress and often do things they don't like.

Meditation can restore a state of harmony and fulfillment, and at the same time, health and life will improve.

Rules for practicing female meditation

Before proceeding with women's practices, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the rules, thanks to them, you will get the best results:

  1. Age is not an obstacle. You can meditate at any age, but many women with age begin to think that learning new things is no longer for them, but this is not so. Having started meditating at the age of 60, a woman will become more energetic and give more love grandchildren and children, so do not be afraid.
  2. Learn to concentrate. During the session, you need to focus on some subject, so try to control yourself and keep your attention. Start with a short amount of time, and soon you will be good at it.
  3. Smile during the session. Smiling helps to relax the third eye as well as to develop attractiveness.
  4. Keep your hands and the tip of your tongue in the correct position. Press your tongue to the upper palate, this is how the heavenly channel connects with the earthly. Cover your right hand with your left hand to accumulate positive, not negative energy.
  5. Make time for your emotions. Do not practice energy replenishment if you feel angry or resentful. Work through negative emotions first with other techniques, and then move on to basic practice.
  6. Create a comfortable atmosphere. Light candles, incense, turn on music - all this contributes to relaxation and immersion in a meditative state.
  7. Do Kegel exercises. This is a set of exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. If you strengthen these muscles, then the energy received in the process of meditation will not flow away from you.

By knowing and applying these rules, you will achieve good results. Do not be discouraged if after the first meditation you do not notice any result. Remember that only regular meditations give results.

How to determine your energy level

Before you start filling with energy, you need to know the level of the energy that you already have. Thanks to this, you will understand how often you need to meditate, and whether you need the practice in its entirety or only periodic recharge. The determination of the energy level is as follows:

  1. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. As you exhale, focus on the reproductive system. Your uterus is separate world with trees, flowers and birds.
  2. Look around and notice the things you don't like. Mentally cleanse the world of everything that spoils harmony in it. Feel that in the process of cleaning you rise higher. Get a bird's eye view of this world and admire its beauty after the work done.
  3. Remember if you imagined a body of water in this world. Water is associated with feminine energy, the more there is, the higher the energy level.
  4. If you have not imagined a water source (well, trickle), return to this world again and find it.
  5. You have found a waterfall in this world. Take a dip in it and feel how the water dissolves all fears and resentments. Dissolve in water, become a drop and feel how the current carries you into a larger body of water.
  6. Feel how the waves carry you and pull you into a funnel that pulls you to the bottom. Don't be afraid to drown, dive in and explore the bottom instead. You have found the sink. Open it and find a pearl there. Place the found treasure in your bosom and feel how it is filled with shimmer.
  7. Float to the surface of the water and, as you emerge from the water, feel your reincarnation. Out of the water, you emerge in a new guise of a strong and fulfilling woman.

This practice helps to establish a connection with the source of feminine power. It also promotes healing and rejuvenation of the soul.

Energizing Meditation

Once you have diagnosed your energy level, you can start filling with energy. The energy level in the previous practice was reflected in how the world looked and how big the body of water was. If you, when immersed in this world, found devastation there and the absence of reservoirs - this is a sign that you need to pay more attention to the restoration of energy.

The essence of this meditation practice consist in working with the chakras. In total, you will work with three:

  1. Svadhisthana. The second chakra of a person, which is responsible for sexuality. This chakra gives energy to the entire body, and this is where energy originates. The chakra is located above the pubic bone, about 3 centimeters below the navel.
  2. Anahata. The fourth chakra is responsible for emotions and feelings. It forms an emotional shell. Located at the level of the heart.
  3. Ajna. Located between the nose and eyebrows. Responsible for spirituality, intuition and creativity.

These chakras are close to women and play a significant role in their energy level.

Relax and tune in before you start meditating. Energy Filling Meditation includes the following steps:

  1. Get into a comfortable position, close your eyes. Place your palms at the level of the uterus. Concentrate on the second chakra, the area just above the pubic bone. Breathe with your womb. Contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles. Breathe deeply through your nose.
  2. After 5 minutes, direct the energy accumulated in the second chakra to the fourth chakra, which is at the level of the heart. With each breath, imagine energy flows running down your back. As you exhale, release energy from the body through the chest. Do this for 10 minutes.
  3. Focus on the sixth chakra, which is located on the forehead. Let go of all thoughts, keep your eyes half-closed and contemplate different objects without concentrating on them. Sit like this for about 5 minutes.
  4. Over the next 5-10 minutes, walk again through all three chakras, feel the energy flows in the vertebrae and release the energy.

To exit meditation, take a deep breath cycle and open your eyes completely. Don't go straight back to your daily activities. Allow the body to first come out of the meditative state.

The main result of this meditation is the energized chakras that are important to a woman. Remember that in order to achieve results, you need to constantly practice. Exercise every day, or at least three times a week, then you will be happier, more emotionally stable.

For women - 90% of female and 10% of male energies, for men - on the contrary (according to other sources, this is a ratio of 60 to 40). Much more or less is overkill.
What is it and how does it manifest itself in our life?
Women with a predominance of the masculine side are endowed with an excess of masculine energy, respectively, they behave like a man, think like a man, look at the world like a man. And what's wrong with that, you ask, because behaving like a man means being active, purposeful, achieving your goal at all costs, going ahead, being a leader, organizer, and so on. But these are the qualities of a man. For a man it is their nature, for them it is easy and natural - to compete, to lead. Remember how males behave in nature, competing for the attention of the female, leading in flocks. And for the soul in a woman's body, such a position is an incredibly difficult and heavy burden. A woman with her inherent softness and anxiety of thought begins to quickly deplete, taking a masculine position, her psyche quickly gets tired, her feminine intuition dulls, luck in life leaves her, because with all her actions she tells the Universe - I will achieve this myself, I will achieve everything myself. So she pulls this cart herself, loaded with life's worries about herself, children, and also puts her husband on this cart. Violence in the family often arises because of this: after all, the husband does not beat the woman, he beats the man in the skirt, who for him is a kind of competitor, who does not allow himself to actively manifest himself in life, nor to make decisions, but takes over all male functions.

Initially, girls from childhood grow up with a predominance of masculine qualities, there may be many reasons for this. This is also the wrong upbringing, when parents set a primary goal for their daughter - a brilliant study in order to have a prestigious and high-paying job... Often mothers tell their daughters: "You have to learn so that you do not depend on anyone and be independent." And practically no attention is paid to the development of feminine qualities and the role of wife and mother in the family. Another reason for male-female disharmony is that the girl imprints the image of her unhappy mother, who leads and pushes her husband around, does not give him a dime. Therefore, the daughter has a picture of the weakness of men: how such men can provide for a family, you have to do everything yourself and rely only on yourself.

Therefore, our task now is to become women ourselves, to comprehend our feminine essence, feminine share and teach this to our daughters and granddaughters, since the world in the family is created by a woman. It is from feminine energies that a family is created, a woman fills her family with her energies. The climate and atmosphere in the family depends mainly on the state of the woman, and the breakdown of the family is essentially a woman's decision. Even if a man found himself another, it is not only his responsibility, but also the responsibility of a woman. Men very rarely initiate divorce, and mistresses are often given birth precisely because of the lack of female energy that his wife does not give him. Feminine energy is a means for a man to make money, so you can attribute complaints that your husband earns little money by asking yourself the question: how much feminine energy, attention, care, love do I give him for this?

That a man makes him a woman is an indisputable fact. Therefore, dear women, look at your man. If he does not suit you in something, then ask yourself: how much I am a true woman, how much female qualities are manifested in me, do I always behave like a woman. If you are still with this man, then there are reasons for this, among which may be your low self-esteem, and your undeveloped femininity. As you begin to develop your femininity, your husband will either start to become a real man, or you will naturally break up if he is not ready for change. Remember one important thing: do not try to remake others, take care of yourself, develop feminine qualities in yourself, and the world around you will begin to transform!

Feminine awareness meditation:

Put on some calm, pleasant music. The meditation is done while lying on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Place your hands on your lower abdomen, palms down. Left hand above. Close your eyes and relax. Feel the warmth radiating from your palms and filling your uterus. Imagine the whole room is full pink... Inhale and feel like inhaling pink color fills your uterus. And exhale all your clamps, resentments and irritations go out. With each breath you are filled with pure, rosy energy and dissolve all adversity with it. And breathe them out. Now imagine that you are lying in a wonderful garden. Birds of paradise and many flowers are singing around. A warm breeze envelops your body, and light floral aromas come to you. Feel what these smells are, it can be a delicate naive aroma of a tea rose, or a mysterious aroma of jasmine, or any other aroma that comes from your wonderful garden ... Inhale this aroma through the womb and fill with it. With each breath it fills your uterus, gradually filling your entire body. This is how the ancient priestesses filled themselves. Now you are one of them - the Goddess of love, who has access to the invisible laws of this world. Be filled with this scent. Feel how your whole body now radiates this scent. Stay in this state for a while and gradually open your eyes. Roll over onto your stomach and stand up like a cat. Do everything smoothly and calmly. Never jump up suddenly.

Do this every day, at least for 28 days (or better, of course, use it as a daily meditation, you can do it before bedtime). And you will be very surprised by the miracles that will begin to happen in your life, as well special attention from the side of men.

Meditation to enhance feminine energy:

Basic Women's Meditation on Revealing the Feminine energy center- "Heavenly Lotus of the Goddess"

This meditation will help you become aware of your feminine center, your feminine essence. It will give an opportunity to start changes in the hormonal system, increasing the amount of female hormones and start producing large quantity pheromones that attract men to women. This meditation allows a woman to accumulate feminine energy, increasing her energy attractiveness to men, to maintain youth, beauty and health.

Posture: This meditation is best done in the "two moons" position. Sit with your legs crossed to form one moon. Round your back a little. Lower your chin slightly, the top of the head looks up to the sky. Put your hands on the lower abdomen, almost on the pubis. Left hand on top. You should be comfortable in this position. If you feel more comfortable, you can lean your back on something, but do not sink your back. Check that there is no tension in the shoulders. If it still exists, raise your shoulders as high as possible and hold them for half a minute and then release them, and they relax themselves. Relax your stomach.

Close your eyes.
See and feel your body, the floor you are sitting on, how it presses on your buttocks. See and feel your right big toe. See and feel your left thumb. See and feel the thumb right hand... See and feel your left big toe. See and feel the top of your head. Now you can see and feel a funnel of light emerge over your head. A stream of light from the sky descends directly to the crown of your head. Begin to breathe in light from the top of your head. Light white light from the crown of your head fills your head with every breath, removing unnecessary thoughts. Washing it, cleaning it. A light light washes your face, removing tension from your forehead, washes your eyes, relaxing and soothing, washes your cheeks. The cheeks relax. A light, pleasant light flows down to your chin, washing it and relaxing. A light, pleasant light fills your mouth and relaxes your tongue more and more. The tongue lies relaxed on the palate near the teeth. You can feel a slight flow of energy through your tongue.
A light pleasant light even more relaxes the tongue and descends in a gentle stream onto the shoulders along the back of the neck. We continue to breathe in a light pleasant light with the crown of the head and in a light, pleasant stream, it spreads over the shoulders, relaxing them. With each inhalation, the light fills our shoulders more and more and washes our forearms with a gentle stream, sinking into the elbows, wrists and fills the hands. Our hands are filled with a light, pleasant light that we breathe in through the crown of our head. And this light washes away all the tense dark, unnecessary from our hands, removing the tension in contacts with men and women from our lives.

We breathe in a light pleasant light with the crown of our head, and it, washing our shoulders, begins to spread over the back and chest and fill our torso with light, pleasant relaxation. A light pleasant light fills our body more and more, relaxing it, washing our internal organs, removing everything dark, unnecessary from them, healing and rejuvenating them
Allow light light to penetrate through the diaphragm into the abdomen and relax it, flushing tension out of it, washing it, cleansing the intestines. We breathe in a light, pleasant light through the crown of the head, allowing it to fill the muscles of the buttocks, ovaries, and uterus.

Continuing to breathe in the light, soft, pleasant light through the crown of your head, let it, filling your body, sink into your thighs, washing them, taking away all unnecessary, all tense and filling them with a light, pleasant light. A light pleasant light fills our thighs and then flows down to our knees, washing them with light, healing them, and flows down into the legs and calves. The shins and calves are filled with a light, pleasant light, relaxing more and more.
We breathe in a light pleasant light through the crown of the head, and it fills our body more and more, flowing down and filling our feet to the very toes, washing our body, healing it, washing away everything dark, unnecessary, tense.

Our body is completely filled with light, pleasant light. There is so much light in the body that our body begins to emit light through the skin to the outside, filling the space around us with light, pleasant light, filling it with light. Our body and space around us will be filled with light more and more, healing us, rejuvenating and relaxing more and more.

And in this state of light, pleasant relaxation and light, feel and see the palms of your hands and, perhaps, you will feel a light, pleasant flow of warmth going from your hands to the lower abdomen. Let the light, pleasant flow begin to fill your belly with the light, pleasant warmth more and more.

A warm, pleasant relaxation fills your belly more and more. And perhaps in this warm, pleasant relaxation inside the abdomen, you can see and feel and become aware of your feminine center - your uterus. It can be an image, thought, sensation, sound, pulsation. Just keep your focus on your feminine center and the warmth from your hands down your belly.

What is your women's center? How she looks like? How does she feel? Maybe she wants to tell you something? Maybe you would like to talk to your women's center? Ask for something or ask for help. Now you can do this ... The answer can come in the form of an image, sensation, thought, symbol, word, state. Remember this. And when you're done, thank your feminine center and smile at her. And when you're ready, take a deep breath and come back into the here and now. See and feel your feet, hands, shoulders, back, hips, head. Stretch gently with your entire body. Smile at your body, thank it for its help, and open your eyes. Do not rush to get up, allow yourself to enjoy this state of touching the sacred feminine center and her energy. When finished, draw your feminine center as you saw it in meditation. With this image, you can always return to the state of being in the feminine center. This amazing experience of your feminine essence.

Performing the Feminine Energy meditation, day after day and step by step, you will begin to increase your feminine energy, allow the feminine energy to rejuvenate you, heal and restore your soul, which will certainly lead to attracting the attention and admiration of men towards you. Your feminine energy will become completely controlled by you. You will learn to receive help, support and confidence in your feminine beauty and feminine charms from your feminine energy.

Meditation "Feminine Energy"

Information progress is striding across the planet by leaps and bounds, and now we are already beginning to relate to ourselves more consciously, comprehending the secrets of our hidden corners of the soul. We consciously go for a deeper knowledge of ourselves in order to become fully happy.

Mental balance is a rather hidden thing and in order to find it, it is necessary to go through a series of emotional and spiritual changes; a special procedure, meditation, can help in this.

Meditations for women are of particular importance, since the subtle mental organization of the weaker sex often makes them too emotionally perceive what is happening around them. The woman's habit of completely plunging into her problems is a stereotype of thinking and forces you to close the sources of energy, without which you will not be able to enjoy life to the fullest. And, for example, meditation before going to bed for women who have had a very busy day will allow them to abstract from the negative stream of thoughts and fully reveal their inner mental reserves.

Objectives of Meditations

Women need meditation for many reasons. Female meditation- This is a special practice that allows you to solve problems of a purely female nature.

Slimming meditations for women will help tune in healthy image life, to achieve the long-awaited goal by reducing weight to normal, such procedures will restore self-confidence and allow you to surprise others.

Self-forgiveness meditation for women will help to work through deep grievances, remove negative emotions, forgive yourself and take the first steps towards an all-encompassing self-love. And these are not all variants of ancient spiritual practices. Meditation teaches you to think in a positive way, treat yourself and others more indulgently, helps to improve your health and find the long-awaited mental calm.

Not everyone fully understands what meditation really is. This is a state that completely stops a series of exciting thoughts, plunging a person into the world of relaxation and concentration only on the inner "I". After moving away for a while from the cycle of events, it becomes possible to plunge into inner world and direct your energetic forces to the recovery process. Let's take a look at the most famous and common types of meditation programs.

Best meditations for women

Among the hundreds of meditation practices created, there is a group intended only for the fairer sex. Everyone can choose their own, depending on the pressing problems that bother her.

  1. Increasing the energy forces of a woman

Such a meditation, conducted at night for women, will help to regain the strength lost during the day, to replenish energy reserves. Every woman tries on a lot of roles in a day: a caring mother, a loving wife, a responsible worker, and that's not all. All these activities take up a lot of physical and moral strength, therefore full recovery as necessary as air. Regular meditation practice will help keep your energy recovery and inner harmony under control.

  1. Complete relaxation

Such a meditation before going to bed for women listened to online will completely get rid of the stress accumulated during the day, relax the entire body and completely eliminate mental anxiety.

Also, this practice is able to influence physical recovery: it normalizes blood pressure and heart rate. Applying meditation for relaxation every day, peace and tranquility will become your constant companions in life, and the regular production of endorphins will give you a feeling of true happiness and contentment.

  1. Development of sexual potential and strengthening of female energy

All women are initially endowed with a natural sexual attraction, a distinctive "feminine energy". However, the mass external factors, such as improper upbringing, negative experience of adolescence in relationships with the opposite sex, are forced to forget about their inherent abilities at the origins. Developing sexuality with morning meditation for women regularly , you will achieve shocking results in a relatively short period of time. You will be able to restore feminine sensuality and bring into life the forgotten feeling of falling in love.

  1. The inner child - connecting with him

This meditation practice is considered one of the most productive and beneficial for women. The goals that she allows to achieve, something without which it is impossible for any woman to live what makes her move on and reach new life heights - unconditional love for herself, acceptance of herself with all her positive and negative sides, forgiveness of their mistakes and failures.

We grow, change outwardly and, although in the mirror for a long time not a young person, a little defenseless girl still lives in her soul, who most of all wants love, understanding and approval. Reuniting with her into a single whole means finding yourself anew. This meeting can forever change your life and present new opportunities for drastic changes in your life.

  1. We dive into ourselves

Such meditations are aimed at healing mental wounds and knowing yourself.

Daily worries dictate the rules, and we simply do not have enough energy and time to immerse ourselves in the inner world and analyze true desires and aspirations. Going with the flow, our life turns into a routine. Practice will find a way to one's own resources, will give an opportunity to understand oneself deeper, awaken intuitive forces, and regain lost harmony and confidence.