I went to the men's room in a dream. Dream interpretation of a toilet, why is a toilet in a dream, a toilet in a dream

Surprisingly, a public restroom in a dream is considered a good symbol, foreshadowing the fulfillment of desires, the satisfaction of needs.

However, dream books sometimes see a different meaning in this vision. After all, dressing room the place is intimate, therefore such an interpretation is not excluded - the sleeping person has secrets, secrets. What else can a public toilet dream of?

From dirt to Kings!

Strange, but the dreamed filthy, uncleaned toilet is a more favorable sign than the one where total sanitation was carried out, says the sorceress Medea. The seer believed that the cleanliness in the public closet should alert the sleeper, warn that he was living in the power of illusions, unrealizable plans.

But a dream about a street toilet, where no one has cleaned for a long time, promises wealth, huge profits. True, the dream book hints: it will be embarrassing, unpleasant to talk about the sources of income.

A nightmare in which you happened to fall into a cesspool or step on in reality will turn into an extraordinary financial success, a triumph!

Just physiology

The need of dubious purity, in a number of dream books, is a reflection of the sleeper's sexual fantasies, which he is embarrassed not only to realize, but even to voice, considering them obscene, perverted.

Why else is it a dream that you, not paying attention, are in a hurry to use an uncleaned street toilet? In some cases, this is just a manifestation of natural physiological needs, it happens. You are asleep, and then it was a matter of urgency ... But another interpretation is interesting, sometimes this vision is preceded by an unforgettable date, a fateful romantic acquaintance in reality!

Repair, cleaning

Why did you dream that you were washing the toilets in a public closet? This is an example of a classic "shape-shifter" predicting a promotion in a position, social status in reality.

Miller's dream book contains a very intriguing explanation for the same vision. It turns out that the one who is in night dream scrubbing public toilets in reality will have information about the unsightly secrets of one person who does not disdain the most dastardly methods of achieving goals.

However, you also need to think upon awakening: how to explain to interested persons the fact that they immediately, quickly got rich, after seeing themselves in a dream as a cleaner of public water closets.

Unexpected joy, exceptional luck, that's what a faulty toilet dreamed of. And if in a night fantasy you took up the construction and arrangement of a public toilet on your own, then in reality you will be able to do something extremely useful, meaningful not only for yourself, but also for other people.

Other situations

If in a midnight phantasmagoria you find yourself in, in which both ladies and gentlemen have gathered at the same time, please note that in reality you run the risk of finding yourself in a rather confusing, difficult position. However, after thinking hard, without panicking ahead of time, you can guess how to get out of the impasse of problems and conventions, the dream book is encouraging.

And what to think when, in a nap, you calmly go to the place where there is a public toilet room, but you do not find it there? This plot should make you think about the vicissitudes of life. Everything is so changeable and unstable, and therefore it makes sense to set aside part of the funds for a “rainy day”.

Are you angry, indignant, seeing in the night doze that everyone and everyone has begun to visit your home toilet? In vain, because there is no reason to panic. On the contrary, this is a sign that in life you will meet interesting, kind people who will become devoted comrades, reliable associates, like-minded people.

And finally, about how in a dream you make a mistake with a door and instead of a toilet room, you find yourself in another public space. Such a vision, in dream books, is considered a warning about how harmful it is to build unrealizable plans, live in captivity of illusions, and also unconditionally believe, trust certain people.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday are psychological and emotional characterization sleeping. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...

Our experts will help you find out what the public toilet is about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Explain → * By clicking on the "Interpret" button, I give.

    Good afternoon. Please give an interpretation to my dream, which I had tonight. The dream was associated with a dirty toilet in mall., When I entered it, I was very amazed that such dirty toilets had become in this mall. After that I saw feces in the toilet itself and on the rims of the toilet. I started to clean and wash it all, but it still remained. people come in. I did my job and that was the end of the dream. Thanks in advance.

    I had a dream as if my husband and I wanted to go to a public toilet, but it was dirty, then there was blood, the clothes were dirty, and my husband and I were running away as if we were in danger, we were looking in another country, and I say I will bear it, maybe in Russia let's go and run with him under the arm

    I dreamed that I was going to the toilet. right in the booths, sitting on filthy smelly toilets, freshmen from the university, which I graduated from last year, teach their lessons. I am very surprised that they did not find better place... everything is busy. Then I notice that there is another restroom inside. there are fewer people, but toilets without partitions. I feel uncomfortable doing my business near the teaching people. There is another toilet inside that room. it seems that here I find an unoccupied cabin, as I see a lot of men walking by and, as if, doing repairs. they passed and I understand that I do not want to go to the toilet at all. I feel annoyed that I just wasted so much time

    I clean a public toilet, many booths, no doors, dim light, but it seems not dirty, I sort of wipe the inside of the booths with a modern mop. I dreamed twice every night, not the same dream, but similar.

    I'm in public wooden toilet I can't climb onto the podium where the hole is and my ex-husband helps me (pushes me in), but I accidentally fall, he puts me back. I couldn't go (my husband dreamed for the first time that we parted for 2 years, but he never stops calling me and reminding me that he loves)

    I often dream of this situation in a public toilet. I'm standing in a booth. I do not see the toilet bowl, or whether the toilet is dirty ... I can only see in front of me short door booths, and a person (usually a lot of people and usually men) who talks to me. I try to pee, but at the same time I feel shyness and a complete feeling that the people standing outside the booth door see me. Please explain what this could mean. I have this dream very often.

    in a dream, I wanted to out of need, went into the old building, where the toilet is located. I stand in front of the door to the room itself and I understand that I have already been there once and I know that there is a terrible stench and dirt - I turn around and leave in the hope of finding another toilet

    Hello, I had a dream from Sunday to Monday. First, I went to the toilet, and 2 girls came after me from nowhere. They told me that this was a women's toilet, giggling. I replied that I did not care (in a light form), they Follow me. Later I went into the saaam right booth, and closed the door. There was a hole on my left, and there was a hole from the devri, they looked behind me saying:
    -Wow, that's a member!?!?.
    -Mmm, nifiga yourself ...
    Well, in that spirit! Further nothing happened, and I woke up

    I dreamed that I went into a separate toilet, where there are a lot of stalls, I open one stall, the toilet is dirty, I open another stall, which is also dirty (shit everywhere). So I went through almost all the booths. Then I had a desire to clean the toilet. I begin to open the door to each stall in turn and, trying not to look at the contents of the toilet, I press the flush button. So in every booth. In fact, I didn't see shit, I just knew that it was there. On one of the toilets, I slightly stained my hand with the blood of someone's period. I put on my gloves and continued to wash it off. Again, the toilet was full of toilet cubicles.

    I go to my toilet in my block, and the toilet is covered with some yellow bag on top. I went to the next block, everything is busy and closed. I went up the floor, did not find the toilet and went home with paper in my hands and woke up

    I dreamed that I went into a public toilet, the whole floor was dirty, I don't understand what. I run into cab 1, and it is so small that it is uncomfortable for me, I can neither sit nor turn around in it. I go out and understand that I am in the men's room, maybe a man comes into it. I run out and run into the women's one. Everything.
    Yesterday I had almost the same dream, but the toilet was clean and I could not relieve myself in any way. I got up and wanted to go to the toilet again. Repeatedly. For the 4th time I felt some relief. All this time my husband stood next to me and waited for me.
    Please help me decipher the dreams.

    In a dream, I go to the toilet there are filled toilets in a row, they are very dirty in human fertilizers and I don't know where to go, but I really want to go to the toilet. There are still several women sitting there. I have such a dream 2 times

    Hello, I dreamed of a public toilet with three stalls, it was not modern, rather a toilet in government organization, clean, I entered the booth in the middle, I wanted to go, but instead of the toilet I saw a small bathroom, it was also clean, even white, only I wanted to go, when suddenly a man entered the room, my booth was on a hill and I could watch him , I was waiting for him to come out, at first I saw him from the back, but he turned and looked at me and I saw a terrible face, or rather, he did not have one eye and I don’t remember exactly, but the view was terrifying, I woke up and didn’t saw what happened next, never went to the toilet

    Hello, I very often dream of toilets, they are very dirty, there are a lot of people and in a dream they are like a cafe, there people sit and communicate and immediately relieve their needs, everywhere there is floor walls, i I go there I try not to step, but sometimes it doesn’t work and I’m disgusted. Toilets are always different, public, no toilets. In the morning I feel very bad. I dreamed of a two-floor toilet there are holes, people poop and it goes to the first floor, and there others run away from it, in general, it's creepy

    I had a dream that I went with my school friends and the public toilet was either in a cafe or at the bus station. This place is dirty and old. A man ran into it (confused the door) and did not leave, but took a place in a booth that does not close. At the same time, a friend was sitting on the toilet, and he saw her. I tried to close it with my body.

Dreams can be safely called illogical and unpredictable. Going to bed, a person cannot even imagine that he will dream at night.

Dream interpretation helps find mutual language between the consciousness and the subconscious of the sleeper. To be able to correct decryption of all the symbols that were present in the dream, all the emotions experienced should be re-experienced. There is an opinion that sleeping with a public toilet is a way to realize your desires, taking into account the opinions of others.

Public toilet in a dream

To dream of a public place, which in this case is a toilet, means real life conflicts at work. Also, such a vision acts as a warning for the sleeping person, and symbolizes negative impact of society on a person's life. Probably, in order to simplify your existence, you should listen to the opinions of people, but do not forget that it is never unambiguous.

Dirty toilet

Despite all discomfort, which the sleeper experienced at the sight of such a dream, he is auspicious and portends to his master good luck in business and happiness in his personal life.

In addition, you should take a close look at your friends, probably some of them are insincere and use the dreamer to their advantage.

Plus, a dream can be perceived as a warning that soon it will fall on the sleeping head senior management anger.


If in the plot of the vision the toilet was rustic, built of planks and in very poor condition, in reality you will have to face problems that will be brilliantly solved. Build a toilet in the village, or repair it, portends obtaining material wealth... A happy atmosphere will develop in the family, order and cleanliness will always be present in the house.

To see a restroom made of wood in your dream symbolizes the hard work that will have to be done in order to get what was conceived and get closer to main goal In my life. Efforts will not be wasted, thanks to them the dreamer will receive invaluable experience and knowledge. In addition, on his life path can meet very nice and interesting people that will help you make your dreams come true.

Walk big

When the owner of the dream is in his dream, this means that in real life he will feel significant relief after get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary a load that impedes progress and delays the sleeper in his striving for vital renewal. You should not regret what you have to part with, you need to switch to new level development.

To want to write in a dream and have time to run to the toilet, moreover, from the process of emptying the bladder to experience pleasure at the same time with relief, means an interesting love adventure. It will end with great sex. For married people, this vision symbolizes affair on the side... In order not to be convicted of treason, you should not agree to different proposals with dubious content.

Toilet with feces

Depending on the actions of the dreamer in the plot of the vision, the dream has different interpretations... If the sleeping person raked out of the toilet, this is poverty. Soon it can happen, as a result of which the owner of the dream will lose all his savings.

If there is a lot of feces, this symbolizes about the gloomy mood of the person who had a similar dream.

He deliberately does not perceive the joyful and bright sides of his life.

With urine

To see urine spilled on the floor in a public toilet portends in reality an improvement in the financial situation and financial profit. It also symbolizes the desire of the sleeper to relieve himself: to remove unnecessary trash in everyday life, to avoid communicating with an unpleasant person, to quit a job that he hates and to look for something to his liking. If such desires arise often, shouldn't resist them... Probably, in this way you can improve your life.

A well-equipped and well-groomed toilet room in a dream portends stability to the sleeper in everything that concerns material values. This period will come very soon, and with its arrival a calm, measured life will begin. It is possible that at work the dreamer will move forward on the career ladder. To have such a dream to favorable moments... The plot does not carry negative information.

If in real life the sleeping person has some secret plans, they will become known to the public. This will lead to negative consequences. The dream also has a different interpretation, foreshadowing a difficult choice in making a decision. This event will be of great importance and the dreamer's future depends on the quick reaction of the dreamer. Washing a very dirty public toilet means that in real life there will be a chance to make good money and change your current material position. However, this is not connected with honest actions, so the hero of the dream needs to be careful and not get involved in adventures and illegal enterprises.

Lack of toilet

A public toilet without a vision in the plot is considered a warning to the emergence of difficulties, troubles and problems of various kinds on the dreamer's path.

The street restroom symbolizes large amount of work and a lot of effort expended to achieve the set goals.

Looking for a toilet in a dream, in real life, symbolizes the occurrence of an unforeseen situation, during which money will be needed.

Obsessive thoughts that constantly pester the sleeping person and the negative emotions caused by them will soon cease to exist. If in the plot of the vision a person experienced a feeling of disgust, and it was very unpleasant for him to be in such a place, in reality there will be a chance to make a good career and take a high position... This will lead to an improvement in the dreamer's social status.

Overflowing sewage

If, during a night's sleep, the owner of the dream went into a public toilet and found that excrement began to flow out of him, in real life he would soon become a rich man. maybe someone left him good legacy or the investment will be so successful that the profits will be enormous. Wanting to get out of the toilet and face such problems as no way out or a locked door, then in the near future there will be misfortune or major troubles.

right into the sewage when visiting the toilet, when it turns out to immediately get out of them, indicates that the dreamer will soon find himself in an unpleasant situation, but can find a way out of it on one's own. If in the plot the visions of the sleeping person were pulled out, he was not given the opportunity to solve the problems himself. Perhaps this is for the best, because relatives will also come to the rescue, and friends are known in trouble. This will once again give the dreamer an opportunity to be convinced of the loyalty of the people around him.

Dream interpretation: Dream interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why is the toilet dreaming

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream interpretation toilet

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you went to the wrong toilet, soon you will meet interesting person... This will happen shortly after they see a shooting star.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were stuck in the toilet, then someone will try to slander you. To prevent a person from working out, urinate out of the window at night.

Dream interpretation: Dream interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream interpretation toilet

  • The toilet is also a place of cleansing and healing, getting rid of hassle or past experiences.

Dream interpretation: Chinese dream book Zhou-gun

To see a toilet in a dream

  • Cleaning latrine... - Heralds wealth acquired in an unfair way.
  • You go to the toilet and you find yourself standing among urine and feces. - Happiness joy.
  • In the latrine, excrement spills over the edge. - Great luck, profit.
  • Your body is soiled with urine and feces. - portends wealth.
  • Excrement is visible all over the earth. - portends wealth, nobility.
  • To suffer, to suffer, being in the restroom. - Soon there will be an appointment.
  • You fall into the latrine and get out back - fortunately, you can't get out - unfortunately.
  • You lie in a latrine in the covered part of the yard. - Foreshadows profit, wealth.
  • The toilet is dry and clean. - Get an appointment.
  • Build a latrine in the house. - portends wealth and happiness.

Dream interpretation: Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream interpretation toilet

  • troubles;
  • to fall into it - to receive money;
  • feces - gold.

Dream interpretation: Dream interpretation Hasse

Why is the toilet dreaming

  • Do - you will be respected.

Dream interpretation: Erotic dream book by Danilova

Why is the toilet dreaming

  • The toilet that appears in a man's dream symbolizes his sexual dissatisfaction. Subconsciously, he longs to have sex with the woman he is interested in. For a woman, such a dream means the desire to know same-sex love.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Dream interpretation toilet

  • To direct the toilet - to a problem with the skin; Seeing the toilet building is a problem with the organs of the digestive tract.

In the dream book, the site is the most big dream book Runet, contains 75 best dream books: Longo's dream book, Sivananda's Vedic dream book, Slavic dream book, Otavalos' dream book, Daniel's medieval dream book, female dream book, dream book of Tarot symbols, Russian dream book, dream book for women, Chaldean dream book, culinary dream book, erotic dream book Danilova, an ancient Russian dream book, male dream book, old english dream book(Zedkiel's dream book), an old French dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, Solomon's dream book, a dream book Of the Yellow Emperor, Cleopatra's dream book, Martyn Zadeka's dream book, symbols dream book (symbolic), fairy tale and mythological dream book, Pythagoras' numerological dream book, and others.

Dreams are a great opportunity to look behind the curtain of the future. One of the auspicious signs promising good luck and enrichment is a dream about a toilet. How different dreamers interpret it - below.

Dreaming of a toilet according to Freud

The Austrian psychoanalyst believed that the toilet in a dream is female symbol... It can denote the genitals. If a person dreamed about visiting a latrine, in reality he may lack sexual satisfaction. To achieve what he wants, he uses dirty methods of which he is ashamed.

Sigmund Freud said that a woman who dreamed about going to the toilet has a hidden homosexuality. If you dreamed of flushing the toilet, according to Freud's dream book, this is a signal of determination to have a child. The founder of psychoanalysis associated the flow of water with ejaculation.

Is the toilet clogged in your sleep? You need to pay attention to the state of the body. A broken toilet can indicate fertility problems.

Toilet - Vanga's dream book

The famous fortuneteller Wanga believed that going to the toilet in a dream means getting rid of bad thoughts. The sleeper moves to a new level, clearing himself of evil intentions. Now nothing holds back his ability to express himself.

What is the dream of a toilet according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that you were reading a book or a newspaper while sitting on the toilet, this means that in real life you can relax and unwind. Positive changes are coming in the future.

Does the room suddenly turn into a toilet? You need to listen to your intuition: the ventures you are planning are likely to fail.

Unclean toilet bowl - the dream of a long-awaited vacation may not come true.

Details in a dream about a toilet

Public toilet in a dream - reflects the relationship of a person with the people around him. Gossip can be detrimental.

A large toilet promises money and a successful completion of the plan.

Dreams of falling into the toilet - to find wealth and prosperity.

Wooden latrine - you should pay attention to the state of health. An examination may be required. Another interpretation of sleep is that you need to change the environment, relax and get together before the upcoming life changes.

A dirty toilet promises a lot of success ahead. A full toilet - unexpected profit is just around the corner. Outdoor toilet in a dream speaks of a difficult situation that has developed, for the resolution of which the help of outsiders will be required. A clogged toilet is a bad sign, saying that problems are coming that will be difficult to resolve.

A clean latrine means a quick promotion. Some dream books decipher a spotless toilet as a sign that what was conceived will not come true.

A dream in which you go to the toilet in a big way marks an increase in status in the eyes of the public. Going to the toilet in a small way in a dream is a sign from the subconscious that it is high time to complete the work started.

To clean someone else's toilet means to reveal the evil thoughts of enemies in reality. When you dream of falling into the toilet, you should expect a pleasant event related to money in the future. A new source of income or inheritance will appear.

Want to go to the toilet in a dream - signals a real need to visit this place. If there is none, the search for a toilet indicates a lack of material resources.

Seeing a lot of faeces is a windfall. Build or create beauty in the toilet - there will be prosperity and tranquility in the house.

To wash the toilet in a dream - soon there will be an opportunity to get rich illegally. But it will take a lot of effort to succeed.

Did you get in trouble while going to the toilet? Evil tongues should be feared. Sitting in the toilet for a long time is career advancement.

Visiting an unfamiliar toilet heralds something new interesting acquaintance that will completely change your life.

The presence of other people in a dream

Had a dream that other people were watching the satisfaction of a physiological need? This is a sign that in reality a person lacks freedom. He needs to find new sources of self-expression.

If there are strangers in a dream, in reality there is not enough help and support. A man watching a toilet visit signals a shortage thrill... A woman in such a dream warns of the possible appearance of a rival in real life.

Ukrainian dream book interprets the toilet in a dream as a sign coming soon new love. If a man had a dream, he may speak of deep sexual dissatisfaction.

A dreamed toilet bowl means a desire to get rid of the past. The time has come to leave the painful thoughts. Breaking the toilet is a joy.

A toilet in need of renovation could represent a delay in resolving cases. It will take time to deal with the problems.

A beautiful room that turns into a toilet - a seemingly profitable business will end in failure. You need to be careful and listen to the opinions of your friends.