The impending on the name of the coming king of Russia from the prophecy of the monk Abel. Russian king, soon there will be an arrival of the King Rus

On the eve of 2017, when the prophecies of many Russian saints should be made to restore the monarchy in Russia, even if you need to turn to many prophetic words again to understand not only the meaning of the monarchy for Russia and the Russian people, but the way, According to which the Russian power will go, as well as events occurring at this time in many countries of the world.

In February - March 2017 there will be a great event, a centenary circle of Russian history will be completed, which brought both great achievements and an unimaginable grief to prove his own right to Russia and its independence in the hands of the whole Russian people. This centenary cycle at its own completion brought to Russia a real revival of the Orthodox faith and awareness of the position of the Russian people in the holding of the Great State, which was built on the bones of the righteous and domes of our Orthodox Church, where the blood of martyrs and warriors joined the prayer and hope for salvation. This cleansing blood of many millions of the best Russian people transformed Russia and the Russian people, prepared a Russian nation for the meeting of the king, who stood and poured the Russian people who could take their monarch in his heart - the owner of the Russian land.

Blazers reading, and listening to the words of the prophecy of this and observing the written in it; For time is close (Apocalypse John the Bogoslova GL.1: 3)

Most of the Russian prophets about the coming Tsar, Holy Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky was announced (+1833), whose glorification occurred in 1903 by the sovereign of Nikolai II, despite the objection to the members of the Holy Synod. For several decades before that, in many respects of the Epochal Event, Seraphim Sarovsky said:

There will be no time the king that will glorify me, after which there will be a great trouble in Russia, a lot of blood flows for being rebeling against this king and his autocracy. But the god of the king will exalt.

For the renunciation of Nicholas II, for the betrayal of the oath, which was given all the subjects of His Majesty, the river of the blood flowed across Russia and more than once our state literally stood on the edge of the abyss, but the price of the sire of the Holy Passion Strapets and the sovereign of Emperor Nikolai II, Russia survived and strengthened Mature and spiritualized Russian people, who again became the people, whose shoulders will put the royal throne, as the foot of his own throne.

Abel Tynovidez (+1841):

And he will rise in exile from the genus of your prince Great, standing for his sons of his people. This will be the elect God, and on the chapter of his blessing. He will be one and everything is clear, he is taking into account the heart of Russian. The appearance of him will be kept and leveled, and no one counts: "King here or there", but all: "This is he." The will of People will submit the gravity of God, and he himself will confirm his vocation. The name of his trickly destined to the history of the Russian.

Approaches him to open in the radiance of light and signs. This will be called up from an angel having an image of a man-eunuha in white riza, which is a corner in his ear, an arcmed sleep: "Rolling, sleeping, and Sunday from the dead, and will highlight Christ. For he encourages you to graze the people of the Great. " The king he has special signs. On his nail of the right leg, he has a bright spot, and on both blades purple-like in the cross, the name of the king of this is intimately in the peoples. And the Lord will lay his hand on his hand.

And in 2017, he should come to the king, which will be the forerunner of the second and glorious coming of Jesus Christ, reviving Russia and its Orthodox church, but the scepter and the powers before the arrival of the Antichrist. The premature death of the Russian king will be strikingly and the premature death of the Russian king to the world will be the premature death of the Russian king, but such a sign is given in order for faithful to the faith there were no doubt about the arrival of the Antichrist, so that they did not ask themselves: "That who is destined to come by 3.5 years or need to wait. " That is, the welling of the Russian king is important for instructions on the arrival of the Antichrist, and the coming second coming of Jesus Christ in glory glory. As John the Forerunner did not see the wonders of Jesus Christ, besides the miracle of baptism, and the Russian king will not see the terrible time of Moshiaha's rule, but the great sacrence of the worship of all the challenges of Christian churches with a young cardinal Vatican - Zrava and Astarta in the capital of restored Palmyra.

For the secret of lawlessness is already in action, just not accomplish until it is taken from the environment retention now. And then the flaw will open (2 Fez. 2, 7-10)

He will save the rest of my people, those who have survived within my, and will make them (their reign), the Ministry will not come to the end (of this world), the day (terrible) court (3, 32-34)

Anthony Savvit (+1964):

In Russia, at this time there will be an Orthodox king, which the Lord Javits the Russian people. And after that, the world will be corrupted again and will not be capable of correction, then the Lord will buy an antichrist.

Prep. Nile Mynotes (+1651):

And the Antichrist will be done over the cities, over the villages and over the districts, after the Christians, a pious sovereign will be departed and there will be no chance in villages, cities and rural districts.

Holy. Faoofan Navitnik (+1894):

When there is no one to wait, the Lord swells the holding hand of the holding, the evil will break, and the Antichrist will appear.

Right. John Kronstadsky (+ 1908):

The apostle says that Dotole will not appear on Earth Antichrist, the Council will exist the autocratic royal power.

The time of the reign of the coming monarch will not be long - many of the holy prophets spoke about it - no more than 12-15 years old, but for this a short time the king will be able to make a lot.

The Lord raises Russia and lead it through suffering to the Great Glory. Before the end of times, Russia is somewhat in one sea of \u200b\u200bthe Great with other lands and tribes of Slavyansky, it will make one sea or that huge Ecumenical Ocean People's Ocean, about which the Lord God has sincere cried in the mouth of the saints: "Terrible and invincible Kingdom of the All-Russian, All-Russian Gogh and Magoga, In the thrill there will be all nations. "

Prep. Optinsky Netary (+ 1928):

Recently, it will be true to the same thing that was with the apostles before the Assumption of Our Lady. Each faithful, wherever he served, the cloud will be moved to one place. Ark - Russia. Only those who will be in it will be saved. All who will remain the faithful Orthodox Church, wherever they are scattered, the Lord will gather everyone together as the Apostles in the Assumption of Our Lady.

Prep. Martin Zedek (+1769):

The Great Sovereign in Europe will conquer his power in Europe, and no power to retain him can. Invalid Magomethane are completely exterminated. All Asia will take the Christian faith, and after many centuries the darkness will come light. Turks of the destination will be in unspecified rabies, and they will try to ever try to eradicate all Christians; But the Lord God will prepare them with a decent sentence.

Hieromona Agafangel (+ X century):

Konstantin founded, and Konstantin will lose the kingdom of Byzantine. But do not be afraid: both the arms of the people of Israel were conquered by Nebuchadnezzar, and the people of Greek will be ruled by the wicked Agaryan until a certain time and will be in the yoke before the execution of four hundred years. The king of the brown will restore the victorious sign of Christ in Byzantium and crushes the power of Izmailian.

In addition to the return of Constantinople, the defeat of Turkey, the association of all Slavic peoples in a single family, the preaching of the Gospel of Salvation in Asia is extremely important to strengthen the Russian Orthodox Church - the basis of the statehood and culture, spirituality and courage of the Russian people, replacing the coarse bishops and priests on those who are burning holy Orthodox faith, who is not constructed by the danger of ecumenism, for the Vatican has always been and remains the worst enemy of the Russian Church, as described in the prophecy.

Sv. Blessed Augustine (+430):

In recent times, most of the Church of God will have a majority and will be the nearest environment of the Antichrist.

This is a prophecy about the Catholic Church and those Orthodox churches, which was an unattop Cathedral in Crete in June 2016, finally renounced the faith in Jesus Christ, betraying him for Raying the Antichrist. Following Juda Idariota, selling the Savior for thirty Srebrenikov, the current "Christian" charters came again for their Mzzus, betraying the head of the Church of Jesus Christ. The Russian Church barely escaped the temptation to take part in the "Wolf Cathedral", but at the Bishop Cathedral approved all the documents of the Distribution Cathedral, thereby dividing Judino treachery with those who presided in Crete.

Prep. Seraphim Sarovsky (+1833):

Then the time will come when under the pretext of church and Christian progress, in favor of the requirements of this world, will change and pervert dogmats and statutes of the Holy Church, forgetting that they have the beginning of the very Lord Jesus Christ, who has given and giving instructions to their disciples, St. Apostles , On the creation of the Church of Christ and its rules, and the commanding of them: "Sedrah teach all the peoples that I commanded you" (Matt. 28:19). On this way, the Russian Earth's bishops and the clergy of recent times and the wrath of God will hit them.

Feofan Poltava (+1940):

In Russia, the monarchy will be restored, autocratic power. Lord the pre-brother of the future king. It will be a man of fiery faith, genius mind and iron will. He will, first of all, will bring order in the Church of Orthodox, removing all inexistible, recent and heat-hammer bishops. And many, very many, for small exceptions, almost everyone will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will become in their place.

Byzantine emperor Lion Vi Wise (+911):

Extlition is dishonesty, punish the cutting of Sodomskie. Over this, the yeres of vicious from the temple of the corner, and worthy of new to the service of God put.

The cleansing of the church from "fellow travelers" and just pests that decide their mercantile requests is also necessary, as well as the deliverance of power from corrupt officials, couch and frank banditism. The execution of officials is little related to concern about Russia, but often concluded in the satisfaction of their ambitions and the desire for enrichment through a simple fulfillment of their own duties. The official supplised to Kosht, he considers the breadplace of his position a source of well-being, and, given the rotation, and the need to catch in a short time (4-5 years old) to create such a binding for the future that the possible resignation did not argue him and the family for many years forced idleness and idleness. But nothing like this will occur surrounded by the coming king.

Prep. Seraphim Sarovsky (+1833):

When the Russian land is divided and one side will obviously remain with the rioters, the other will clearly be for the sovereign and the integrity of Russia, then the Lord will help the rightful case - our church and the Fatherland and the Holy Church - and will give a complete victory to the weapon for him, for the church And for the benefit of the inseparalism of the land of Russian. But not so much and here the blood goes, how much when the right for the sovereign becomes a party will receive a victory and transfer around the world of the royal trains and enemies of Christ and betray them in the hands of justice, then no one will send anyone to Siberia, and they are executed, and here Here - then even more than the former blood, but this blood will be the last cleaning blood.

Prep. Kirill Novozerian (+1532):

Now I saw the king, on the throne of the sitting and pre-standing two brave details having a royal crown on the chapters. And the Lord gave them into the hands of the weapon on the opposite, and the enemies will be defeated, and all the nations will worship and will be the kingdom of our designer God and arranged.

The coming king wise and Silen his will, as well as the hot faith in God, his prayer is similar to the morning dew, coming to all living, awakening those who died with heart and weak faith. His prayer is similar to the lightning, illuminating its strength, in front of which the enemies of Russia tremble, and the Thunder of the King's word, collecting in the Terrible hour of all the faithful sons of the dedication of Russian, on the defense of the Power and the Throng chosen one of God.

Prep. Seraphim Sarovsky (+1833):

The sovereign was the sovereign Emperor Peter I Alekseevich, for which the great and father of the Fatherland is rightly nained, and according to faith in the Lord (the coming sovereign) and it cannot be consistent. He and above Peter the Great, his Orthodox for the universal faith will help him in everything and exalted in his days so Russia over all the enemies, that it will become above all the kingdoms of Earth. That's at least the sovereign Emperor Pavel Petrovich as his church loved the Holy Church, how did the holy standards and how much did it for the good, not many of the kings of Russians, like him, served the Churches of God, and his imperial majesty (the coming sovereign) and still much more will help to make the Lord And for the Church of Saint Orthodox.

The last Russian king is his wisdom and a hot faith will surpass all Russian kings from the addition of Holy Rus, and many of the earthly Lord will envy perseverance, "so will be the last first, and the first to the last" (MF. 20:16), for he will connect his head of Russian Churches and owner of Russian land. From the addition of Russia, there was no such symphony of power, manifested in one person, and will not. The coming king "Alpha and Omega" of the monarch of power in Russia, the first and last, on it will end a huge circle of formation and the end of the existence of our Fatherland, which will fit the throne of the Lord and merges with the paradise abode after the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, who already having His His Design The pre-protected king, whose name is known over two thousand years old and put next to the last Russian king of the Flaming Sword of Arkhangel Mikhail, whose name is the Order of the Great Tsarist Guards, guarding the throne of the sovereign and Earth Russian from the enemies of the internal and external. And there will be no those who can withstand the Russian king and the Order of Archangel Mikhail, whose fiery sword will drive the Kramol from the Russian Church and from Russia, will restore the validity and will return strength and glory to the Russian people.

The beginning of the king ministry in Russia will occur in the defenders of 2017, which confirmation serve as an inscription in the basement of the Ipatiev house in Yekaterinburg, left by the Rabbi's hand, and the dates on the prophetic icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, compiled on the prophecies of Abel Tyounidein. The centenary circle closes at the descendant of Rurikovich - the last king, pre-liberated by God himself, the millennium Circle of Holy Rus, which has proven to all the existence of its strength and the truth of the divine fishery about the last yoke of the Virgin. As the Holy Ladyer's belt beloved his entire land of Russian from the edge and to the edge, and the last king will cover Russia with his care and will not let go until the time comes, meaning the death of the world, with the arrival of Moshiaha (Antichrist), when the Lord will give Small time for repentance and preparation for eternal life. Amen!

Prophecies about the coming king of the world and about the future of Russia.

Prep. Lavrenty Chernigovsky (+1950): "In Russia, there will be a spiritual explosion! Russia together with all Slavic peoples and lands will be a mighty kingdom. It will be the king of Orthodox, God's anointed. Thanks to him, all splits and heresses will disappear in Russia. "

Pressure prep. Seraphim Sarovsky (2002): "What I say pass to everyone! War will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people come from Diveevo, so immediately and begin! And in Diveevo I am not: I am in Moscow. In Diveevo, I, resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive with the king. The wedding of the king will be in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. "

Saint Feofan Poltavsky, 1930: « In Russia, the monarchy will be restored, autocratic power. Lord Previous Tsar . It will be a man of fiery faith, genius mind and iron will. He will, first of all, will bring order in the Church of Orthodox, removing all inexistible, recent and heat-hammer binders. And many, very many, for small exceptions, almost everyone will be eliminated, and new, true, unshakable bishops will be in their place ... There will be something that no one expects. Russia will resurrect from the dead, and the whole world will be surprised. Doves in it (Russia) will be revived and will triumph. But that Orthodoxy, which was before, will not be. God himself will be raised a strong and wise king on the throne. "

Prot. Nikolay Guryanov (+ 24.08.2002). In 1997, one woman asked the father: "Batyushka Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What do we wait for? ". - After the military -answered Batyushka . - What else will be? -again asked a woman . – After there is a king from the people - fair and wise! Said Father Nikolai.

In the chronicles are recorded the words of Vasily blissful: "The whole century Russia will live without the king, and the rulers will destroy many churches. Then they will be restored, but only the people to serve will not take God, but gold. "

In this way, the restoration time of the monarchy is somewhere for 2017.

Indirectly it is this date or close to it confirmed the prediction of Vasily Narychina: "They will come the most terrible ten kings for Russia for an hour." Since the revolution, Russian rulers have already been smoothly ten people. Medvedev - the tenth. As you can see, their time expires.

It is curious and the fact that it is in 2017 the term of the future (current) president of Russia will end.

Prediction of astrologer and clairvoyant Yuri Ovidin: "A representative of the Universe is already located on Earth, he will create a religion of the future, based on the idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual purity and universal order ..."

Clairvoyant Wang predicted In 1996: "A new person under the sign of a new teaching will appear in Russia, and he will rule Russia all his life ... A new teaching will come from Russia - this is the most ancient and the most true doctrine - will spread around the world and comes the day when all religions in the world disappear and will replace them This is a new philosophical teaching of the fiery Bible - a universal world, order and harmony. Socialism will be back to Russia in a new form, where everyone will find what is expensive for him. Russia will have large collective and cooperative agricultures, and the former Soviet Union will restore again, but The union is already new, on a true spiritual basis and natural laws. Russia will fix and grow. No one is given to stop Russia, there is no such strength that could break Russia. Russia will always be afraid on its path, and not only continue, but also will become sole The fearless "mistress of the world", and even America in the 2030s recognizes the full superiority of Russia. Russia will again become a strong and mighty real empire, and will again be called Aroma of the ancient name - Rus. "

Clairvoyant Edgar Casey predprinted: "It will not have time to finish the 20th century, as the collapse of communism will come to the USSR, but Russia waited by no progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will soon be reborn, but will be revived in a completely new form. . It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and the center of this revival of the whole world and the new life will be Siberia. Through Russia, the rest will come to the hope of a lasting and fair world. Each person will live for the sake of her neighbor. And this principle of life was born in Russia, But, before he crystallizes, many years will be held. However, it is Russia who will give the world to this hope. The new leader of Russia for many years will be not known to anyone, but one day it will suddenly go into power. This will happen due to his knowledge of the laws of nature and the strength of new, completely unique technologies whom no one will have to resist him. And then he will take all the highest power of Russia in his hands and no one can To resist. His intellect will allow him to master all the technologies about which the whole race of people dreamed throughout its existence, he will create unique new cars that will allow him and his associates to become fantastically strong and can almost like gods, and his intelligence will allow him to be His associates Almost immortal ... He will revive the religion of the mind and the monotheism and will create a culture based on good and justice. He himself and his new race will create worldwide the foci of a new culture and a new technological civilization ... His house, and his new race will be in southern Siberia ...".

"We have the prophecy of the greatest rash of God's St. Seraphim Sarovsky about the fact that Russia, for the sake of the purity of Orthodoxy, is of the profession, the Lord raises over all the troubles, and it will exist until the absenteeism of the century, as a strong and glorious Power ... The Lord will restore Russia, and she will again become Great and will be the most powerful stronghold in peace for the coming struggle with the antichrist himself and all of his hordes. " (From the book "Russian ideology" Archbishop Seraphim Sobolev)

St. Fauofan Poltavsky (Rector of St. Petersburg. The Spiritual Academy), wrote : "You ask me about the near future and about the upcoming recent times. I'm not talking about it from myself, but what I was open to the elders. The arrival of the antichrist is approaching and is already very close. But before his arrival - Russia should be reborn, although for a short time. The king will be there, elected by the Lord himself. And he will be a man of hot faith, deep mind and iron will. This is what it was open about it. And we will wait for the fulfillment of this revelation ... it is approaching. "

Prophecies of the 14th century Vasily Namina: "From the vague kingdom, 10 kings will rise. And after them, there will be a different person who is different from all the former rulers, they will be a sage and esoteric who owns secret knowledge, he was fatally sick, but himself completely healing - "Great Gonchar". He will publish the concept of a new state, built exclusively on an absolutely independent economy, based exclusively on self-sufficient principles. The Great Gonchar will come to the very top of the Russian authority when he personally complies with two top fives. With the "Great Gonchar" there will be an association of 15 leaders who will create a new great power. The state of Russia will be recreated in the new borders. "

Future king (leader) of Russia, who is he?

Rev. Abel Tynovidz (1801, conversation with st. GOOD. Emperor Paul I): "Impossible to people, maybe God. God is medleet with help, but it is said that she will give it soon and will erect the horn of the rescue of Russian. And he will rise in exile from your family (the words are addressed to the emperor Pavel Petrovich) Prince Great, Veliko Light, standing for his sons of his people. This will be the elect God, and on the chapter of his blessing. He will be one and everything is clear, he is taking into account the heart of Russian. The appearance of him will be kept and leveled, and no one counts: "King here or there", but all: "This is he." The will of People will submit the gravity of God, and he himself will confirm his vocation. The name of his noble tripod is destined to the history of the Russian. Two TezoMented already on the throne, but not royal. He will send to the royallike the third. In it salvation and happiness of the state of the Russian. Ways of other Syznov would be in the Russian mountain ... There will be a great Russia, dropping the Igo Zhidovsky. Returns to the origins of the ancient life of his own, to the times of Vladimir equivalent, the mind will learn to be a bad bloom. The smoke of Fimiam and Prayers will be filled and blossomes, Aki Krun Heavenly. Great fate is intended by Russia. That is why she will suffer to cleanse and burn light to the revelation of languages. "

Vasily Nemchin: « This person will be 55 years old in 2012. From these years, he will begin to actively act. Will enter, burst into history as a bright prince on a white horse ».

Georgian appearance Lelja Kakulia: "The head of the new Great State will be well educated and a great knowledgeable person, ... most likely with two higher education ... or great spiritual self-education ... a characteristic feature - he has a scar on the leg of the right leg, or not in the head, but not congenital ».

From the above, we can assume the following:

Possible names:Boris, Vladimir, Evgeny, Nikolay ... (Vitaly)

Middle name:Aleksandrovich,Vladimirovich, Viktorovich, Nikolaevich ... +

Surname:synonym the word "hyper" (big), "big, huge man." (Sundakov)

Year of birth: 1957. +.

Zodiac sign:Aquarius or fish. (Libra)

Place of Birth:South of Russia. +.

Place of residence: city above 48th degrees. latitude (between 51 and 53 degrees) (55 degrees)

Education:Two higher, or spiritual self-education - direct thoughts. +.

Characteristic feature: scar on the right foot, or not in the head, but not congenital. +.

He was fatal, but he was completely healed. +.

Sage and Esoteric who owns secret knowledge. Dumb-minded all laws of the universe and the principles of the world order. +.

All this time was on the side of things. +.

Full tex is here:

P.S. It's time to open the so-called "Pandora Box" and get "hope" from it.

  • Pandora (Dr. Greek. Πανδώρα - "Everyone gifted", and commercial, mercies), in ancient Greek mythology - the first woman, created at the destruction of Zeus to the punishment of people for the abduction for them to freeze fire. Discovered from curiosity received from Zeus vessel (πιθος) ( pandora's Box) From which all misfortunes and disasters spread on Earth, after which there was only hope at the bottom of the lid in it. (Wikipedia).

From the list given at the end of the article, the list of signs most fully corresponds to it (sign +), in my opinion, only one person in Russia, namely:

The owner of the Kremlin. Vitaly Sundakov

One of the last interviews with Vitaly Sundakov. In a conversation with an interesting person and an outstanding traveler, at first glance, it seems that the topics are not related to each other, they are so embarrassed from standard representations ...

In this place, it seems to fall out with a scatter in the past, the older pre-Christian times, in the era, when our ancestors are porking Yaril and Perun, bringing gifts-demand an ancient native gods ...

The Slavic Kremlin in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region appeared almost ten years ago. In the summer 7514 (2005 from R.Kh.) from the creation of the world, as his creator says, the Russian traveler Vitaly Sundakov. The Kremlin was built into the glory of the Russian land - for each people, if he wants to be proud of his own, it is necessary to remember the past, ancestors.

The Indian name Vitaly Sundakov - Shikiaca, which means "earth and sun intermediary".

And the Muslim name is Sundakov Bakhtiyar Abu Raichan Ibn Al Beruni, he says this name with almost patter, from which several names are woven into one, endless and mysterious ... It seems that he knows more than a hundred years old - as much as he knows. And where was not!

It was Sundakov who made the traveler's profession in the Cadastre of World Professions. "The tourist is looking for impressions and spends money, a professional world explores and earns on it" - this is the minimum difference.

Leading expert on magical cultures and lullaby civilizations of the planet, Vitaly Sundakov organized and conducted research and adventure expeditions to the most remote and hard-to-reach corners of the planet. He founded the first school survival in the USSR. He became a valid member of the Russian Geographical Society, a member of the Russian Academy of Life Preservation Problems, a member of the International Center for Spiritual, Moral and Physical Revival. Created the Museum Slavic Kremlin. Other, other, other ...

« The lines of the biography of this first professional traveler are read as fragments of the adventure novel ... The number of titles, professions and exotic feats of Sundakov, makes suspicious of a long-lived centenary of the centenary ...»

Sundakov Vitaly Vladimirovich, Russian. Born and formed in the USSR (the city of Alma-Ata) in 1957 on October 7 (easy to remember - in one day with V. V. Putin). Now he lives in the Moscow region (fundamentally, despite numerous proposals for the change of citizenship). He was a pupil of the regiment. From the twelve years, he was taking into account the children's room "For unauthorized parents, systematic travels around the country." The urgent service was held in the army, and then (at his own request!) And on a fleet in the Flood Sailing of the Northern Fleet (commander of the Operational Group separation). BOD "Admiral Isakov" Aviations "Kiev" and "Minsk". He worked as a test driver, self-defense instructor ... Higher education.

He is a valid member of the Academy of Life Preservation Problems. From Russian universities he graduated from the Nikolaev Pedagogical Institute (Philology Faculty) and Moscow State University (Faculty of Journalism). Seven years worked as a journalist, having passed the path from the correspondent of a multi-time newspaper to the deputy editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Ministry of Marine Fleet of the USSR (he was a slave, specialcor, a Radio correspondent, photojournalist, a responsible secretary, a scientific editor). In 1989, he headed the first school of security in the country at the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1991, he founded the first private survival school in Russia with a network of branches. Special seminars and trainings for cosmonauts, rescuers, MIA, special forces, firefighters, disabled, children, women. In 1993 he became President of the Transnational Association of Survival Schools. Being a valid member of the Russian Geographical Society, in 1998 founded and headed the Russian expedition and travel fund. Starting from 1978, organized and carried out more than thirty international expeditions. Their spectrum is extremely wide (automobile, underwater, extreme, research (ethnographic, theological, ufological, as well as adventurous and children ...)

Some results of its research expeditions (for example, in Papua New Guinea, in Amazonia, and even in Mexico) have become a sensation for the global scientific community. Expert on lullaby civilizations and extreme climatic zones. It has practical skills on speleology, mountaineering, historical fencing, is an instructor for hand-to-hand combat and underwater swimming. The author of Soviet Robinsonad for children and adolescents held on the islands of the White Sea. Sundakov - member of the Council of the Federation of Children's and Youth Organizations of Russia. His author's children's program "Revival" is implemented at the 72nd territories of Russia, as well as in the main children's international centers of the country of the country "Orlenka" and "Artek". He is the leading scientific editor of the children's encyclopedia ...

His press conferences are distinguished by a record number of journalists, and speeches collect large audience of listeners. In Russia, there is almost no publication and a popular TV show that would not cover the activity of Sundakov on their pages or on their air. (More than 700 publications and 70 televisers.) Valid by friendship with well-known scientists, writers, athletes, movie stars, politicians ... Word people of various ages, professions, social and age groups (from the former leaders of the country to the younger students of Siberian provinces). Sundakov is a kind of adventure and travel symbol. In five major cities of Russia there are Feng Clubs Sundakov. For a number of well-known writers and filmcererists, Sundakov served as a prototype of the main characters of their works. The leading designers of equipment and equipment for sports and outdoor activities call their products with the name of Sundakov. Sundakov B.lesloval leader - He realized a number of original Russian and international projects in the fields of education, recreation, science, culture, sports. For example, the author's course of Sundakov "Fundamentals of Safe Life Party" has become a mandatory school discipline in 62,000 secondary schools of Russia. The development, sundakov proposals and initiatives were based on the creation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia (MES). In the "Exam for Robinson" contest (with the support of the Pioneer True newspaper and television programs, "up to 16 and older") participated one and a half million Soviet children and adolescents.

Sundakov is the initiator of the first lyceum of professional travelers in Moscow. (Issue Shkz 548) Sundakov is also the author of the creation of a museum of Russian expeditions in Russia, the Museum of Lummy Civilizations of the Planet and the Museum of Artifacts of the Man's Epoch. The exposition of these museums and photo exhibitions Sundakov was successfully exhibited in Moscow and S. Petersburg. Currently, Vitaly Sundakov, continuing to exercise its expeditionary projects, implements the International Tele-project "The Inhabited Island of Vitaly Sundakov", is a member of the editorial board of a number of magazines. Sundakov Author of the book: "Life without danger", "Fairy Tales of the Chest", "Win Life", "Sleeping Barbarian", "Paper Staff: Instruction for Destiny", Collection of poems "Epidemic of Love", as well as the leading scientific editor of the encyclopedia " Safety "for children (President of the President of the Russian Federation).

P.S. You can learn more complete information about this person from videos on YouTube.

I combine two questions:

  • responses Alexander
  • Yes, one God knows! But - there is always a logical explanation of any event. Let's start with the prophecies. On the main page of the site you can find a very important topic: prophecies in icons.
  • On the icon depicts the Christmas of the Virgin (September 21). The inscription on the left and downstairs:
  • "Christmas Blizzard Mother of God" Left: "In the summer of 5035, Essay on the throne of Chojo Your Mare is going on with the summer of 4 and 4 months and days 4 years." Down below: " 5263 Vsede for the throne of IMASH ROWBLIGHT Blessed in the war is bearer. In the year of 6019, the end of the end of the world of this Tlennago is purely yelo sinsnago because. Amen" On right: "During the day of the holiday, the holy icons of this pripe to the gift of the saints of Yako King, two-cell name of him, up to the gift of saints". (Read more - read on the site). Let's think about the first prophecy: the reign of Paul I (eight months before his advan on the throne) was predugaded with an accuracy of one day! Why was such a prediction? None of the Prophet never pointed out the rule of the ruler with an accuracy of one day. Moreover, it is unacceptable, because it is cruel and will not lead to anything but a great embarrassment. An explanation is one thing: if it came true with absolute accuracy. This prediction on the icon, therefore, the remaining events will definitely come true with the same accuracy. The main thing is on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin (the year is not specified) the king will be revealed after the "Iga of the Besysky power" (in another prophecy of Abel). Pasha Sarovskaya gave us two deadlines for the arrival of the monarchy: 2015th year (the result of "blame", as the impossibility of tolerate her further ...) - "And here - the worse, the better ... rather shout:" the monarchy to us! ". Putin, having a secret prediction of Abel in his hands (I was printed in "Materials from readers"), where everything is painted by everything that we now have and what we will have with our silent consent of our further, did everything so that we make and smear this smelly blame. They (with Medvedev) were also confident that with such a situation and taking into account the testament of Alexander III ("My descendant to turn to the conviction of the Union of Russia, if my descendant would be the ruler of Russia" - trillions of dollars in gold and silver are taught in one of the private banks of Alaska ), By 2010, the situation in Russia will be formed that it will be possible to voice this testament to the people, why they stated then that the "Third" election was stated. When Putin was asked who this third, he replied (May 2011): "You You will be satisfied. "And then - Molcho to! And an urgent decision - to put forward Putin's candidacy (where his excitement and tears come from). Because it is not enough to say: the people are not ready ... The people jerked, I was drunk, I drove, I cried ... Forgot the people, that was the prediction of the PSP. Seraphim Sarovsky: "Do not want through saliva (from 2010-2015), it will be through the diarrhea bloody (in 2024-2025). Let me remind you: "When the Russian Earth is divided and one side will clearly remain with the ruffers, the other will clearly be for the sovereign and the Fatherland and the Holy Church - and the Sovereign and the whole royal surname will remain an invisible to the country and will give a complete victory to the weapon for him, for the church and benefit the inseparability of the land of Russian - but not so much and here the blood will go, how much when the right of the sovereign becomes a party will get a victory and transfer all the traitors and betray them in the hands of justice, then no one will send anyone to Siberia, and they will be executed, and here it is still More than former blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last, cleaning blood, for after that the Lord bless people their world and will exacerbate his anointed David (the future king - the winner), the servant of his husband, her heart, "as well as: "The Lord raises Russia and lead it through suffering to the Great Glory!". About the future of the Fatherland also spoke and the Holy Older PRP. Lavrenty Chernigov: "Russia, together with all Slavic peoples and lands, will be a mighty kingdom. It will be the king of Orthodox, God's anointed. He will be afraid of the Antichrist himself ... With an antichrist, Russia will have the most powerful kingdom in the world .. and other countries will be ruled by Antichrist and experience all horrors and flour written in the Holy Scripture. "About previous restoration of the monarchy of tragic events, we warn and the holy PRP. Seraphim Veritsky. He said: "If the Russian people do not come to repentance, it can happen so that brother will rebel again on his brother"
  • Like this!
  • We all have children (today reported that the population of St. Petersburg reached 5,000 people, as in 1988!).
  • How will we postpone the fact that the destruction of most people in Russia in 2024 we are taken by us in 2012?
  • Of course, we want thoughtlessly to live these twelve years. But how scary payout!
  • And in 2025 the monarchy will be !!!
  • Read up to 36 - and you know how?
  • Read the topic on the site: "The lesson of history: the punishment of the people for the killing of Alexander II 36-yuistic."
  • Alexandra II "ordered" the Organization of People's Office, consisting of 36 people (six sixters. It was allowed to enter into their batch only 18 people immediately: multiple to three six).
  • After that, for the Holy Rus event, milestones took place: every 36 years - a change of ideology: it is 1917. , 1953 , 1989 (Gorbsch became the first president, the IHO of the Besysian power ended, exactly 70 years old: 10 years for each killed member of the royal family, as predicted BLZH. Pasha Sarovskaya! Followed - 2015! Where are not throwing, everywhere wedge!).
  • The Lord is waiting for us one: repentance for the sins of the ancestors ( "For I am your Lord, punishing children for the sins of parents to the third and fourth kind"- Exodus 20: 5).
  • But we still have time before 2015.
  • The Lord gives us another year, until September 21, 2013 (after the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the house of Romanov, can something turn into our empty souls?).
  • Another important event for understanding: Think about why this president of Medvedev in June last year introduced a new holiday: "House of Statehood of the Russian" - House Rurikovich, 1150 years of the reign should be solemnly celebrated (as all newspapers wrote last year) 21 September?
  • September 24 - in the press - not a word! Only a few words about Nizhny Novgorod, where the day of the city has been celebrated for 1150 years.
  • They did not even explain why - silence.
  • And because there is nothing to explain: everything is clear. "Because silence - gold!"
  • Now it is.
  • Anyway, we will not understand anything.
  • Blaxotine, gentlemen jurors, continues, strengthened to some sizes.
  • Then will be 2014.
  • Also - noise. Again we will wait - "Day celebration of the Icons of this" ...).
  • So - while Putin is in power, two years will be waiting for the blaume, increasing every year. "And here - the worse, the better: Rather, they shrine the" monarchy to us! "- Words of Pasha Sarovskaya.
  • Not urges - until 2024 we will live neither Shalko nor Valko - which they deserve.
  • And you will withdraw the "war of the bearer of the bearer" - Prophet Ale.
  • What do you think will enjoy?
  • The question is the search for us.

You can answer for a long time ... Materials are many. Save and excuses of us the Lord!

Russian fate and king in prophecies

Part of the third

Observing the king.

"The world of man is going on by the will of the person himself for the winning of God" by Jeroshimona Jerome Sanaksarsky (+ 2001)

"All hands and legs of human".

1. Cathedral repentance

"Russia will embarrass, there will be a new king, she will rise and free from this infection of Satanic, and life will be very good, pious, but it all depends on our repentance, you need a cathedral repentance, so that we have a new king, without repentance the king will not come."
"So far we do not show the rebee with the cathedral repentance, we will not live well, we will swim in the blood. The new king will come only after the cathedral repentance and after the war goes. " (Salt of the Earth (film 2), Schiarkhim. Christopher, 1:46).

"Next," said the saint, "four of your servants will be tortured with you. For each of the killed out of 11 people, the Lord puts for 10 years. For your family - seven people, take it away. Yes, the devil will walk in Russia. And for each of each Your servants of the Lord will need every ten years to recheck: And whether the Russian people repented? And if he did not repent, it's a pity to me this Russian people: the blaume must go, until he shouts: the monarchy to us! And here - the worse, the better, the sooner is shown. But I tell you, the king, by the end of these 110 years there will be a king in Russia from your dynasty "(Pasha Sarovskaya).

"Hold on, Russia, firm faith of your and the church, and the king of the Orthodox, if you want to be unshakable people of disbelief and irregularly and do not want to lose the kingdom and king of Orthodox. And if you disappear from my faith, how many intellectuals have already dropped away from it, "you will not be already Russia, or I have a sacred rus, and with a rattle of any infrares, seeking to destroy each other. Remember Christ's words with incorrect Jews: "The kingdom of God comes from you and will give a language (people), creating his fruit" (Matt. 21: 42-43). (John Kronstadt).

"Once Mother / Schimonahine Nile / asked a question, it's not too late to build new temples today, to which she replied: - yesterday late. But the Lord extended the time for Russia. In general, Mother said more than once that the Lord could postpone the execution of prophecies. Much depends on us, believers, from our prayer mood, repentance, from our attack of cleansing themselves "Schimonakhin Nile.

2. Tsarsky Chin and Prayer for the acquisition of the king

People cannot get what they do not seek. Even if God wishes for the benefit of people, but people reject the will of God - an event depending on the will of people cannot happen. If people do not want to have legitimate power over themselves - they have powerless power. And this power, according to God's closure, creates everything that wants. To learn those who can repent over previous sins in feelings, thoughts and affairs. And to punish those who ... inspire.

Refusal to prayer service with the announcement of the king of the Redeemer and the future king of the Savior - is a crime against the will of God to create under the proper leadership of the Orthodox kingdom, as the "ark of salvation" for "all languages \u200b\u200band peoples". And more than a possible third world war, which else can be avoided, like the power of the Antichrist, will be credited to the Orthodox bikes, the jewelery and the laity, refusing to pray to God to give the king and on the execution of his will, "both in heaven and on earth."

"After the renunciation of Russia from God and his anointed, the synodal Christian eurodes of the Orthodox Church's Sanitary Orthodoxes. Anorearies were disadvantaged from worship and generally all prayers perventing the head of the earthly militant church. In the Holy Tsarskie place of the head of the earthly militant church stopped commended God's chosen-king, as a result of which they came in the holy place of the king in church prayer the abuse of the defendant by the prophet Daniel "St. Prep. Anatoly Optina (Potapov, + 1922)

"The saints do not want to praise the legitimate king! This is the retreat from the resolution of the Holy Spirit, which will not forgive forever! Vladyka themselves reduced their oath to the anointed of God, so as not to serve the king and not to teach it the people! Does the clergy do not know what it is impossible to do this?! Know, but deliberately do! Predantichritiso Priesthood Everything will almost perish - the fire is eternal! The Aria was leaving the womb and the intestine fell - on the prayer of St. Athanasius the Great. That was a prayer book before God! And the current clergy of MNIT is high, but what kind of abyss are they going?! It is only necessary to accept them and start to praise the king of the sky and his anointed king - everything will become from the head to his feet, and life will come - honey and malemmalk! You can save the MIR from Antichrist, all in the hands of the bishops, but they are for godless power! " (Blessed Staritsa Pelagia Ryazanskaya (+ 1966)).

"The elder said that he had revealed about the future of Russia, he did not call dates, only emphasized that the time of the accomplishment of the said - in the hands of God, and much depends on how the spiritual life of the Russian Church will develop, how strong will be faith in God Russian people, what will be a prayer feat of believers. " (Schirchimandrite Seraphim (Treipochkin, + 6.4.1982) from rocket (1977)).

"Once Mother / Schimonahine Nile / asked a question, it's not too late to build new temples today, to which she replied: - yesterday late. But the Lord extended the time for Russia. In general, Mother said more than once that the Lord could postpone the execution of prophecies. Much depends on us, believers, from our prayer mood, repentance, from our dedication of themselves "(Nile Square).

"Another question was asked about the possibility of restoring the monarchy in Russia. The elder replied that this recovery should earn it. It exists as an opportunity, and not as a predestination. If we are worthy, you will choose the Russian people of the king, but it will become possible before the focus of the antichrist or even after it - for a very short time. " From Alexander Nikolaev article "Memories of the future." (Schirchimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin) from the village of Rakitit).

3. Search the king is one of the conditions for the acquisition.

The Orthodox king cannot offer himself on the throne, as applicants are made to the presidency or false kings. And even more so participate in the "electoral race"! But, waiting for its gain, can not be inaction. Since after anointing to the throne, the efforts of the king in the struggle for the salvation of all mankind and in the fight against the global antichrist system suggest the highest level of personality development and the most powerful dynamics of serving God. So, "inertia of struggle" should be dialed in advance.

"And it will tell him again:" awaken, sleep, go out, hiding, do not hide anymore; Many are looking for you. Everyone will come out, and you will enter one ... He will be written and will conquer them against Izmaillantians, and conquer them, because in those days people are sad and hit by persons to the ground and sprinkle their finger on their heads and recover to the Lord God ... »Handwritten Greek Facial Collection of tenderness. (1584-1595): (Russia before the Second Coming: S. Fomin).

From this prophecy, as from the logic of the search for the desired, the simple conclusion is suggested. The process of finding the king itself is a prerequisite for its gain! So, all the available materials should be collected by eager to escape and build an Orthodox kingdom during the arrival of the Antichrist and all possible efforts were made for the sake of the king's search.

4. From the Romanov dynasty

"The gaze will open up all the solar solid in the clouds, the value of the threshold circle for six oxes, and will remove the purple cross from there, and the arc will appear on the left side of it, this forefathers in the sign of the covenant. And by adding all the positive chosen one, the arc is shy through the southern limit of the heavenly circle, and the lower edge will be over the place where the truth king's hut is gained. Then the people, giving glory to God, rushes with the lamps and olive branches to the place of the edge of the arc, and, having accepted the most honor of the Hercules of the royal order with the Great Honor, will wish at least a cunning to introduce him to the Great Zion * ... ". (Prophecy of Emperor Lion Wise) .

"I'm not talking from myself. And the fact that I heard from the mogood elders, I conveyed ... The Lord raises Russia for the sake of a small rest of truly believers. In Russia, the monarchy said, the monarchy will be restored, autocratic power. Lord the future king. This will be a man of fiery faith, ingenious mind and iron will. He, first of all, will lead order in the Church of Orthodox, removing all inexcons, recent and heat-hammering bishops. And many, very many, for small exceptions, almost everyone will be eliminated, And new, true, unshakable bishops will become in their place. In the female line, it will be from the kind of Romanov. Russia will be a powerful state, but only for "small time" ... and then the coming of the antichrist will come in the world, with all the horrors of the end described in the apocalypse. " (Vladyka Feofan. We are witnessed by Archbishop Syracuse Averkie Tauishev, mind. 1976).

"According to Mother of the genus Romanov", "Tsar'sky Rod". But in Russia the authorities are monitored by the pre-war and approved dynastic branches of only the "venance trunk"! And no one or almost no one knows the "lateral" and secret "branches" of Tree Boyar Romanov.

According to the prophecies, the King Orthodox opposes the Antichrist himself, who is even afraid of him! In the foreign house of Romanov, there is no such a applicant. Can not lead the state of the Holy Russia person, before the money and affairs served the hierarchy of the Roshovshchikov! Judging by what is happening in the royal houses of the world - all the royal dynasties serving Mamon, spiritually degenerated and have no right from God to the spiritual leadership of their peoples.

"And he will rise in exile from your prince Great, standing for your sons of your people. This will be the elect God, and on the chapter of his blessing. "Veusive abel.

This prophecy is often used as evidence that the house of Romanovs from the West has the full right to provide its heir and lead Russia. True, it is completely incomprehensible, who from the heirs "bent" in the house of Romanov? And also, what about the Romanovs oppose the empire Mammon and Antichrist?

About "Russia - the House of Romanov" tells us the elder Anatoly from Kiev.

(Memories of the spiritual chad of Hieromonach Anatoly on some of the recent events open to him (Batyushka had from the Lord the gift of witness). (03.10.1957-16.10. 2002) was buried in Kiev).

"He will come and assumes the East to Far, and he will light up the entire gift and the power at the time when he will be in a difficult time east behind the sea. There is even in Scripture that the holy fathers interpret, (l. 2) Prince Mikhail will come because of the sea. Some interpretation of America will come rider on a white horse, and I write you from the eastern side of Russia because of the sea, and it will not be abroad anywhere, and the whole path will be done in Russia, the perfect way will light up His in the East and flashes as lightning to the West, this is: when the whole gift in the husband is true, the title as God will take and matures, he will send to his homeland, where he created the church and his people of the tabernacle he created before He lit a fire, and he will send his own back there, i.e. the teaching of the open and appealing about the second resurrection and about the coming of the Lord of our Jesus Christ, to Earth in the spirit of the right and true husband as God, and will raise into the glory and he himself ascends , i.e. in the glorification of church will enter. It should be so "(Apocalypse Bishop Mikhail And Yershova) "Materials on the history of the movement of True-Orthodox Christians, Mikhailovtsev - Cheboksary, 2007).

"Exceived from the house" - not the same as expected from the country. This may mean in addition to real expulsion from his home for one reason or another (financial, including "fell in price") and rather not even "inrogenous", but "domestic" exile, reference or "Ramissary Mission" "for internal sea". What is most suitable for the prophecies about finding and coming by the king "By Sea". There is no "ingenious" coming of the king or acquiring it outside the borders of Holy Russia in prophecies.

The king on prophecies, together with the people, tolerates and experiences all the suffering of poverty, persecution, war and hunger, which people brought on their head with the denial of themselves the authorities of God's anointed. Waiting for ready to lead the country with proper folk repentance, prayerful work and work on the construction of the Orthodox kingdom.

5. The name of the king.

"And I saw a hole sky, and then the horse is white, and sitting on it called the faithful and true, which righteously judges and warps. The eyes of him like a firefire, and on his head there is a lot of diady. He had a name written, which no one knew, besides him.
It was clothed in clothes, blessing blood. His name: "The Word of God."
And the war of Heaven followed him on the horses whites, clothed white and clean.
From the mouth, a sharp sword is coming to hit the peoples. He grabs their rod iron; He whipped the wines of rage and the wrath of the god of the Almighty. On the clothes and on the hip it is written, the name: "King of the Kings and the Lord of the dominant" (Rev 19: 9-21).

This prophecy from Revelation, like other instructions from the prophecies, they say that no speculation by the names will not be the true search for the king, "blood-made blood." "His name:" The Word of God. " "The name of the king is hidden in languages." And all the prophecies confirm it. "The name written, whom no one knew, besides himself."

Knowledge that other prophecies give us only confirm that something or another name does not correspond to the name of the upcoming king.

"The name of his three-year destined to the history of the Russian. Two the asoimented were already on the throne, but not the royal "(prophetic abel).

Veusive Abel gave us a clear indication that this name was not on the royal throne. And this is logical to fit into the key in the history of mankind the arrival of the king. Even the last Pope has the only name in the history of the popes! And since we have no more throne, except the patriarch, it is quite possible that there and you can find the name of the king. But even then, only those who will be aimed at finding God's anointed! And then, when the king himself "confirms his calling" and will give "good" to those who found him on the "research" of all the remaining missing signs from prophecies.

In ancient and modern prophecies, the different names of the king - John, Peter, Vladimir, Elijah, Mikhail ... But they are not all the name of the birth of the king, but the symbols of his connection with those or other saints, kings, archrests. From prophecies it is clear that not the name is a key testimony of the truth of the king, and
... - All the combination of prophecies from God! The name of the king will be known in its time and will be confirmed, among other things, and this prophecy of Abel and the miraculous prophetic icons from Abel. As well as the hidden as part of the prophecy of Abel, in which the name of the king was clearly uttered. Otherwise, why was it to pronounce him? And it means - somewhere it is recorded for the seekers and what the signs of the king of the descendants.

"And he will rise in the exile from the house of your Prince Great, standing for his sons of his people. This will be the elect God, and on the chapter of his blessing. He will be one and everything is clear, he is learning Russian itself Russian. The appearance of him will be kept and leveled, and the nickname will count: "The king is here or there, but:" This is he. "The will People will submit the mercy of God, and he himself will confirm his vocation: his name is three times destined by the history of the Russian. Two theezhenmeni was already on the throne But not royal. He will drive in the royal, as the third. In it, the salvation and happiness of the state of the Russian. Wheels would be different Syznov were in Russian Mountain: and a little heard, as if afraid that the secret of the Palace walls are overhearding the mystery. Dark power, the name of this can be hidden until time ... "(Veusive Abel).

Once again, Abel confirms this prophecy through the inscription on the icon belonging to Queen Catherine and written over the blessing of Abel. "... Drokerate the name" the king is encrypted in the icons of Abel.

"In the summer 5530. Walkey on the throne of Chojo Your oemage is going on with summer 4 and 4 months old and day 4. Year 5786 Breaking on the throne IMASH ROAD BELIEVED BELIEVED IN WAR WAR MASTERSHIP WAY FOR THE HOLIDAY SIIAN ICONS ADDRESS DODAR SICHENIY YAKO KING DOCKOR So. Amen. " 1754 -1801.

There is a prediction that at least thirty applicants will pass before the eyes of people before God appears to the king. You should not gloom about false kings. Liazari create the necessary "information field" around the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe monarchy. It is enough to expose them to the knowledge of true prophecies to dream of Mishur royal claims. Not for that God gave such a number of prophecies about the king, the winner of the Antichrist, to ignore them, put into the list of canceled or even more so - to reject! After the phenomenon of the king, all applicants evaporate how dew in the morning sun.

"The appearance of him will be kept and led, and no one counts:" King here or there ", but" this is he. " The will of People will submit the gravity of God, and he himself will confirm his calling "(Veusive Abel).

The age of the king

"In his youth, he will ... [as a man] age, alien knowledge [before] time when he knows three books. [Tog] Yes, he will acquire wisdom and knowledge "and will receive a vision." ... and in old age with him there will be advice and prudence; [He] knows the secrets of a person, and his wisdom will decrease to all nations; He will know the secrets of all living things. All their maliciousness against him will turn into nothing; And the opposition of all living things will be great. [But] His [For] Thoughts [come true] because he is the chief of God, the make of his breath and the spirit of his breath ... His [For] Thoughts for Eternity ... "" (* Fragments of Kumran's Texts about the Messiah: Mesia horoscope (4Q Mess AR)).

"The gaze will open up all the solar solid in the clouds, the value of the threshold circle for six oxes, and will remove the purple cross from there, and the arc will appear on the left side of it, this forefathers in the sign of the covenant. And by adding all the positive chosen one, the arc is shy through the southern limit of the heavenly circle, and the lower edge will be over the place where the truth king's hut is gained. Then the people, rewarding glory to God, rushes with the lamps and olive branches to the place of the edge of the arc, and, accepted with the great honor of the elderly sibling of the royal kind, will wish at least trick to introduce him to the great Zion * ... and the Bulletin in all, but not being Himself, hesitate from heaven: "Do you get this?".
People, having driemented themselves in the chest and raising hands to the sky, with crying and a rubber river, "She is truly pleasing, Lord, for you gave it to us!". (The prophecy of the emperor Lion Wise).

7. When?

"- Batyushka Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What do we wait for?
- After will be a military.
- Will it soon?
- ... His power will be robust. But his century is small, and he himself. There will be a persecution, in the black workers and the church. Power will be like under the Communists and Politburo.
- What else will be?
- And after will the king Orthodox.
- Will we live, father?
- You're - yes. " (Amerator about. Nikolai Guryanov).

"Next," said the saint, "four of your servants will be tortured with you. For each of the killed out of 11 people, the Lord puts for 10 years. For your family - seven people, take it away. Yes, the devil will walk in Russia. And for each of each Your servants of the Lord will need every ten years to recheck: And whether the Russian people repented? And if he did not repent, it's a pity to me this Russian people: the blaume must go, until he shouts: the monarchy to us! And here - the worse, the better, the sooner is shown. But I tell you, the king, by the end of these 110 years there will be a king in Russia from your dynasty "(Pasha Sarovskaya).

A hundred decades of the glorification of Seraphim Sarovsky was noted in Russia in 2013. So, the time of gaining the king came. And therefore came the term and last war. But if the last war is an event almost inevitable, judging by what is happening around, the acquisition of the king is rather a miracle opposing the egoistic will of the majority of themselves as Orthodox! For the nationwide repentance - as it was not and not! And although the number of supporters of the monarchy is growing all the time, in the environment of believers there is no single impulse repentance for rejection by God of this device in the past.

But the process of implementing God's fishery and a favorable future scenario goes steadily! It is not by chance that the Nativity of Christ is not by chance that the Nativity of Christ is 6.01. 2014 The holy gifts of the Volkhvov arrived. We do not know the starting event that made the elders of Athos, although for a small time, but to part with the gifts. But there is no doubt that there was an indication of God and one of the hierarchs of Orthodoxy to bring gifts to Russia. The event again, in many indirect factors, the indicating that from this year it comes to the acquisition of Christ the Lord or the Orthodox king.

"... True king, living in a wet place due to the heat, the one whom people expelled from his dwelling and gave his bed on the islands when he sailed and fishing in the saddemic seventh year. With the end of the Izmail, it will be open. "

In the prophecies of the war, the statute of the situation in the country and in particular - the enemy of Russia is in Turkey. Which the ancient enemies of Holy Rus from the NATO block once again put in front of themselves, to weaken Russia and do not fall under the opposite blow. The collapse of Turkey, depending in many respects from the transit of goods and tourism, and not having its raw materials, can actually be "instant."

"... Bind to the throne of Imasha's blessed blessed in the war of the bearer beastly." Veusive ability.

But much more worse than war, even atomic, is the spiritual war, with the death of billions of souls immersed by all his divine nature in the global system of low-lying entertainment and in the market economy of the Antichrist?! And if the elders had in view of this war, then there had long been taking the king to save the dying souls!

There are prophecies and about the specific time of the key moment of gaining the king. One of them is written on the icon of the icon painter of Lazarus, Clacer of the Belove Abel in March 1796, 8 months before the death of Catherine I. Prophecies are located in the fields of the icons.

On the icon depicts the Christmas of the Virgin (September 21).
The inscription on the left and downstairs:
"Christmas Blizzard Mother of God"
Left: "In the summer 5035, the Alliance on the throne of Chojo Your Velin is going on with the summer of 4 and 4 months and days 4 years."
Down below:
"5263 bills for the throne of Imashe is boring blessed in the war of the bearer beast.
In the year of 6019, the end of the end of the world of this Tlennago is purely yelo sinsnago because. Amen"
On the right: "On the days of the holiday, the holy icons of this pripe to the gift of the saints of Jaco, the king, two-cell name, to the gift of the saints."

That is, - the parish (acquisition) of the king will occur on September 21. And since "in war ...", that means that the war must begin, or has already begun, before.

"Prophecies warned, and who opposes - to come true."

The maximum saving logic of the parish of the king is anyone before the war, or at the beginning of the war. But the worst option is traced in the prophecies, when the king cannot come to the authority over the people who are not wishing to have the kingdom, the king and not repentable for his murder.

Above the inevitability of the arrival of the antichrist on the "Jerusalem Trone", billions are working, and over the arrival of the king - a handful of true monarchists with the prayer-repeated works of the few true people of Russian! Therefore, the question of the arrival of the king is so acute! The best option of the earlier coming of the king can be missed. And then, first, the Antichrist will come and starts the persecution on the land of Russia and only then the king will appear on the wave of the great suffering of the Russian people.

"Once it says to me," the Antichrist will come to power and will begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will open his king in Russia. He will be the royal family and will be a strong defender of our faith! " (Pelagia Ryazan).

The logic of prophecy suggests that God is pleased that the king would come before the Antichrist and prepared Russia and the Church to the battle with the Armadas of the Global Mamon Empire. But if people do not want, then only suffering from the actions of lawlessness can make them take them to the adoption of legal authorities. And these sufferings, judging by the prophecies from persecutions, hunger and war, will be such what mankind has not seen! Therefore, it is very important to prepare the arrival of the king in advance and if possible, to find the king before the war before the coming of the Antichrist into power!

"The sword of the terrible war is constantly hanging over Russia, and only the prayer of the Holy Tsar Nicholas will take the wrath of God. We must ask the king so that there is no war. He loves and regrets Russia. If you knew how he was crying for us! " (Older Nikolai (Guryanov)).

The missed time before the start of the war, or at the beginning of the war, when the whole structure of the state could be very expensive! Therefore, preparation for the focus of the Orthodox Tsar should be conducted now! During the war, "When people remain a little," may not have enough strength and time to create an Orthodox kingdom! If the people do not hinder the king prayer and affairs - people will only vote for the antichrist!

The devil needs that all humanity accepted the Antichrist and died! First - spiritually, and then physically! And for this there should be no "well-being" oasis on the planet. The whole world should be in the fire of destruction! And America and Israel are doomed to hell for the destruction! And therefore - the servants of Satan will strive to even unleash the war, capturing all new territories and states! And there is only one spiritual barrier on their way! Holy Orthodox Monarchic Rus!

The devils and their obedient performers from the sorcerer hierarchy on the fishery of God there is no choice! Not trying to destroy Russia in the last war - they will not receive power over the world. And trying to destroy the Holy Rus inside and outside - they awaken her people on the wave of suffering for repraining by Antichrist! Therefore, the acquisition of the king by the people who repented the people most of all is at the moment the most tragic for the country. When there is no other choice, except for choosing between an antichrist and king! And it will be clear even the most advanced rearburses and anarchists that the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an antichrist empire is the idea of \u200b\u200bdestroying humanity! And the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an Orthodox kingdom is the only saving idea for all people! So for each person!

8. Technology of gaining or chronicle of one prophecy

There is one old prophecy that gives us an understanding that the acquisition of the king is subordinated to the simple logic of sensible and consistent actions. "The acquisition of the war premissal" suggests the initially preparatory stage. Basically, prophecies talking about the acquisition of the king do not give details and details of this hidden from prying eyes, but the fateful event is gaining. After all, maybe not to be?! But at the same time - give information - as it should be!

"... True king, living in a wet place due to the heat, the one whom people expelled from his dwelling and gave his bed on the islands when he sailed and fishing in the saddemic seventh year. With the death of Izmailtyan, it will be opened; Will he follow in the days of Liva [southwestern wind? bloody stream?]. And there will be the first second, and the second one. And after that, he will escape [beating] in the middle of the city on the street Placot, on Friday's Day, in the third hour of the day. And when three are indignant, then the third is the first. And the anointed one will open; having to open appears by rainbows and signs [Lord; Christ]. He will be announced by the visible angel, discovered in the image of the Skatts, dressed in a white apparel; This will tell him in his ear sleeping, and taking him for his right hand will tell him: "awaken, sleeping, and rebel from the coffin and will highlight you by Christ [Eph. 5, 14; cf. IP. 26, 19]: For he causes you to graze the people special [elected; Titus, 2, 14]. " And secondally he will say: "awaken, sleep, come out, hiding, do not hide anymore; Many are looking for you. Everyone will come out, and you will enter one. " And for the third time, he will give him stone, on which two commandments were cut out: "Mark and tongues to convert to Christians [Peoples to make good or morals to improve], and wicking up, and creative sodom soda will burn fire. Equally and thin priests from the sanctuary to expel and deserve to restore to the Divine (teaching) for the wakeholder [who launched God] God of the sky and the Earth. " ... He will be laughter and humiding, sociable, generous, terrible, noble. On his right hand he has two compositions; On both blades of crimson chains and crimps; On the chest and on the back of the whole; He has chains, and on the neck, and on the hips, and on the top of the hands. The name of the king is hidden in languages. He is like the last day, on the seventh. He is written first in the middle of the top, that is, in three hundred first. He guards piety and proceedings. Who people thought for nothing and for nothing to do, the Lord will lay his hand to the chapter and will enjoy him with a little at the end of days. He droves the anointed and squeaks against Izmaillany, and will conquer them, because in those days people are saddened and hit by persons to the ground and sprinkle their heads on their heads and recover to the Lord God ... "Handwritten Greek facial collection of gentlemen. (1584-1595): (Russia before the Second Coming: S. Fomin).

In this prophecy, a huge amount of information is concluded! At the same time - no wonders. Miracles will create an antichrist. And with the king everything will be in human simply, "" hands and legs, "in God's blessing and participation.

The acquisition of the king, "living in a wet place, catching fish, sleeping on the islands, in a quiet, will be a simple act of invitations of the king to the kingdom of a holy man of high church rank. "White Skobc" is clearly a priest in the status of the Patriarch or at least - Metropolitan. "He will be announced by the visible angel, discovered in the image of the Skopman, dressed in a white robe."

In order to "announce," - you need to establish yourself in such a responsible decision. And for this without the preparatory stage it is not necessary to do. And since the king is elected by God - the Holy Hierarch should be given to the Holy Spirit signs, knowledge, ... Visions, dreams ... For his aspiration to find, to the search place, ... king. And then - with a "initiative group-commission", consisting of "messengers" and "experts", which will be made to collect and analyze more specific information should be organized with a "initiative group" or metropolitan.

The acquisition in prophecies is not a gift identified as "second". At first, the Metropolitan or Patriarch himself should make sure that the chosen is the king. And the first acquaintance and appeal to the king with a request to adopt the kingdom of prophecies seem to be rejected as premature and not blessed by God.

During the first and second appeal, in secret from the whole world, the ritual of anointing of the king and the place of coronation should be prepared. Vologda, Tver, Vladimir, Diveevo ...? Must be prepared for this great event, many hidden details of which will most likely have been known later when the gogling power in the church and the state will be completely and deficiently shifted.

The Commission must be a secret. The official commission for the search and acquisition of the king, for example, in the patriarchate of the ROC MP, with the existing domination of Freemasonry, can only find both Judas find and betray the Satanists' Roster's hands to kill the true king. What does not exclude that one or two hierarch of the ROC MP can create such a secret commission within its neighbor of trusted persons. The hidden monarchist Metropolitan or Patriarch monarchist can do a lot to the construction of the Orthodox kingdom. And first of all - to find and anoint to the kingdom of the true king!

Judging by this Greek prophecy, it was the monarchist who is not lower than the Metropolitan in its rank, it is necessary for the "announcement" of the king on the fishery of God. If there is no metropolitan - the monarchist, the king - Christ of the Lord and the Anointer of God, as the first Hierarch of the Earth Church appoints the whole hierarchy of the church himself. And then the entire Hierarchy of the ROC will be shifted and subjected to the royal court. As reflected in prophecies. "In addition to one or two faithful bishops." Which may be in the "Commission of Observing".

The cruel validity of the Godothesity of most of the First Hierarchs of the ROC can lead to very simple variants of the king. The elder, who informs the master's hierarchy in disgraces with the authority hierarchy, where to look for the king or the king himself - a professed eartere, can report all the necessary data for gaining. And then the anointing for the kingdom during universal ruin may be a modest ritual in a modest temple with a small monastery.

All these details "King's search" are most likely included in the so-called repentance of the Russian people. Repentance cannot be in one of the "knee-putting". Repentance, like love - without any deeds! And therefore, the prayerful desire to find a dead, and the living king, should be complemented by the desire to realize the savings of the Orthodox kingdom, the desire to find the king, and the desire to construct the Orthodox kingdom in community communities, as a church who is militant with the Empire of the Antichrist.

"Russia will have to take advantage of his His Himself, the situation in the history of the Militant Church on Earth." Vladyka Mikhail, Bishop Tavricheic (1856-1898) ("Tsar-Bell". No. 8. M. 1990. P. 23).

A simple analysis of prophecies says that the act of anointing to the kingdom will be made in two or three stages. The king will be gained for a "small dedicated circle" "White Bobzts" before the war! And gained, accepted and anointed to the kingdom for the entire Orthodox world - during ona. For the war will break through all or almost all ties and many, if not all agreements concluded before it will be powered in blood and chaos! And this event should be committed alone and the health of peaceful life. There should be no "hardness of urgent acquisition", justified by the disastrity of the situation!

The situation of the king's gain is very complicated by the fact that almost the entire Hierarchy of the MP RPC belongs to the secret communities of Mason or cryptocatolics. Or serves silence to those who serve Mamon. But it is precisely this church according to the logic of the maximum number of parishioners in Russia to gain the king. And therefore, must be found by the date of the Patriarch or at least one Metropolitan - the servant of God, not an antichrist! "White Skobc" will be glorified before God and people in eternity! But, unfortunately, we cannot say with confidence that it will be the first heier of the RPC MP. The Judo-Masonic hierarchy has too much permanent influence on this hierarchy, which has become in its extreme in Zionist-Satanian.

Recently, the situation in the MP RPC exacerbates the process of ecumenism, headed by Jesuit Lobby Vatican! Of course, if there is no metropolitan of the monarchist, worthy of understanding the saving idea of \u200b\u200bthe monarchy and the Orthodox kingdom to understand, this honor of the acquisition and anointing of the king can also accept the Metropolitan ROC with or other ROC branches. But it will be extreme, additionally aggravating the terrible fate of the entire MP hierarchy. Who is given a lot - from that and demand is great! After all, even if you collect all the parishioners of the Western Orthodox Churches, they will not have half from the number of members of the MP RPC. And therefore, the anointing ritual of the king "Western Metropolitan" will initially be accepted by a much smaller number of Orthodox Russia. And the consequences of correcting the situation in the ROC of this act will be much more serious. Although it is precisely the formal association of overseas churches under the rule of the ROC MP, which would be favorabled by God, so that Western Metropolitans were in the same status of Russian primaries?!

"" The times of Terrible are coming, but after certain terrible events ... And three forces will gather in Russia - the Communists, True Democrats and Orthodox Patriots. The Orthodox Tsar will be elected by the grace of God "(Blessed Joseph Watopedsky).

The logic itself of this prophecy suggests that "Communists and Democrats" "after certain terrible events" simulating with the communist idea and the democratic power in ideological discrepancies will still take strand of Orthodox patriots and will not only vote for the monarchy, but also for the Orthodox Patriots "Tsar. And in this case, nothing contradicts the logic of the initial acquisition of the king by the" Orthodox patriots ", which will only wait for the moment of" general consent ". Surviving the military shocks" White Skobc ", who fans the" Cathedral of the Three Forces "on the king at the same time The same is necessary, as in the version of peaceful acquisition. All the respected and honorable old man, which indicates the king, can just be resurrected or embodied Seraphim Sarov.

9. The sign of the covenant ... from the "heavenly chariot".

Continuing the "manuscript-agricultural facial collection of tenderness. (1584-1595): (Russia before the Second Coming: S. Fomin) There is a prophecy of "Emperor Lion Wise: about the multicolmental king." It describes in detail the acquisition of anointed anointed from God from the standpoint of the signs of its signs. Calling the anointed "in the human image" by Arkhangel, the prophecy reveals our part of the great secret of incarnation.

"The prophecies of the emperor Lion Wise: about the multicolmental king, who lives on the outskirts of Byzantium, the wretched and [God] elected, famous and unknown. True king ... Exculted by people from his dwelling ... It will appear at the end of [the dominion] of Ismailian ... In the third hour ... pleases to open in the radiance of light and [other] signs. ... "
"In those days, people will undergo great tightness, and they will bow to the face, and they will be sprinkled by the head of the head and land to the Lord. Then the Lord will hear them to pray for them, and turn his hearing to the inhabiting land, and will send his archangel in Human , And he spreads on the islands. And he will find the Holy God, Dotol is invisible and not known. Poted and for all the obsessive, led only to the Lord and himself, he will be from the dot of the prince and from the kind of royal ... Satory God. This will open and ate at the end of days God himself ...
Open the same way. Three days and three nights will be at the top of the star of the star, and not from among the planets, but this is a sacrament one. And three days will sound the voice of a messenger, calling about the [king] to open. Then everything, having misfortune and the thumbtail of the messenger, in the frenzy and fear of the reissue in response, which this is unknown. But following how, lezing on the sky, the "Lord, Homes!" And surfactant NIC, with tears of grief will be sprinkled by the head of the head, hear God will hear, it seems on them with a gracious eye and for the remaining chosen elections of their revelaced.
The gaze will open in the clouds, a value similar to a threshold circle for six oxes, and a purple cross will remove from there, and an arc will appear on the left side of it, given to our plants in the sign of the covenant. And by adding all the positive chosen one, the arc is shy through the southern limit of the heavenly circle, and the lower edge will be over the place where the truth king's hut is gained. Then the people, rewarding glory to God, rushes with the lamps and olive branches to the place of the edge of the arc, and, accepted with the great honor of the elderly sibling of the royal kind, will wish at least trick to introduce him to the great Zion * ... and the Bulletin in all, but not being Himself, hesitate from heaven: "Do you get this?".
People, having driemented themselves in the chest and raising hands to the sky, with a crying and a rubber Rubber: "She is truly pleasing, Lord, for you gave it to us!" And bowing to the king, they will introduce him to the Great Zion. And when he poured, the sealed gates will be rejected ... All of the Burests will gather with a great thrill and, erecting him on an exalted place, will be announced to the king and so among the nights will be introduced into the palace, accompanied by two angels in the guise of Belorizsev's husbands. This angels will be raised to him in the ears, instructing any reason that it should be done. "

"The slope will open all the solar solid in the clouds, the value of a similar threshing circle for six oxes, and will remove the purple cross from there ...".

The sign of the rainbow ("arc, given to our plants in the sign of the Covenant") by the Heavenly Hitness will be a special sign for seeking the true king.

It is not difficult to realize the idea of \u200b\u200bthe servants of Satan, which took the rainbow for the symbol for sodomites. Like a blue color - the color of the new era, next to our green, and blue sword in the hands of a terrible judge. Attempts by the "monkey of God" to distort and desecrate all the saving signs and signs of data for humanity, are traced at all times.

The coming event, which was described by the emperor Lion Wise, is very similar to the sign for Christians the event of a century ago, which happened in Portugal. His witnesses became more than 70 thousand people. And it is also associated with the advent of the "heavenly disk" and rainbow signs in response to the request of people to God.

"The main event, which, in fact, glorified Fatima, took place on October 13, 1917. Between the afternoon and an hour of day the air temperature dropped sharply. The impression was that solar eclipse began. At this moment, the rain clouds, tightly closing the sky, spread out as the theater curtain, and the eyes of the crowd appeared a glowing disk hanging in the blue sky: "A huge day star led to the mind of a silver wall plate, you could look at it without unpleasant sensations. She did not burn, did not blind. But there was a colossal cry, and we heard the nearest observers to us shouted: a miracle, a miracle!
The disc emitted light multicolored rays: red, orange-blue, purple. They illuminated trees, grass, faces of people, throwing colored shadows. "Luminous" three times changed the color of the spectrum. Then shuddered and the zigzags rushed down, right on the heads of those present. People terrified were trying to escape and fell NIC. The object approached the crowd so much that people felt unbearable heat, then the same rapid zigzag movement returned to the previous place in the sky. It must be said that this dancing and sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow disk saw for 40 and even for 100 kilometers from Fatima. The most interesting thing is that this demonstration of the power of higher forces occurred in response to the request of children to show people some miracle so that they believe in the reality of the visions of Lucia, Francisco and Jasinta. And the supernatural forces fulfilled this request. " (Published in the newspaper "Oracle" 05. 2001).

Our time is the time of scientific discoveries about the incredibly complex and diverse device of the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe ... We are just beginning to know the world in which we live and get knowledge about the forces that affect our lives. The forces of darkness that use humanity like slaves and cattle. But also the unified strength and hierarchy of the God-light, thanks to which we were created, alive and have a chance to save from the Golden Taurus absorbing the humanity. This power that we are habitually call God, has all the necessary means. Including - spacecraft!

This event of 1917 in Fatima, which is directly related to Russia, also confirms the presence and use of the Light hierarchy, headed by God, Christ, the Virgin ... "Heavenly chariots." Space ships are described many times in the Bible as "Silver Clouds" or "Heavenly Chariots" participating in the salvation of people.

"Then the command of the Lord was taken again - to come close to Him to His ArchReart Mikhail.
At that same hour, one angel appeared, holding a huge and loud pipe.
The Lord taking his pipe into his hands, quarried three times and said three words.
Then I gave it to Michael and ordered him:
"I order you with all God's army to crumble across the land, and in the clouds to collect me all the saints of my and from the south, and from the north, and from the East, and from the West.
And to collect them here everyone for greetings with me, as soon as the pipe is knotted. "(Vision of the Holy Nifon Bishop Constanta of the Terrible Court of God).

"Then they see the son of the human coming on the clouds with the power of Much and Glovy. And then he will send his angels and collect his chosen from four winds, from the edge of the earth to the edge of the sky "(Mark 13).

With awareness of the prophecies and already accomplished events with "silver clouds" and "heavenly fiery chariots", the Testament of God with a Noah and the prophecy and the king - "Nooy Apocalypse" looks like an abstract.

"8 And God said Noah and his sons with him:
9 Here, I supplies my covenant with you and with the offspring your after you,
10 and with every soul to an animise, which is with you, with birds and cattle, and with all the beasts of the earth, which you have, with all the ark, with all the animals of the earth;
11 I suppose my covenant with you that it will not be more exterminated by every flesh by the waters of the Flood, and there will be no flood on the empty of the Earth.
12 And said (Lord) God: Here is the sign of the covenant, which I deliver between me and between you and between all the souls of the anima, which is with you, in the childbirth forever:
13 I suppose my rainbow in the cloud, so that it was a sign of (eternal) covenant between me and between the earth.
14 And it will be when I invite a cloud to Earth, then the rainbow (mine) will appear in the cloud;
15 And I remember my covenant, who between me and between you and between all the souls of an animase in any flesh; And there will be no more water with a flood for extermination of any flesh.
16 And there will be a rainbow (mine) in the cloud, and I will see her, and I will remember the Testament of the Eternal between God (and between the Earth) and between all the souls of the anima in any flesh that on Earth.
17 And God said Noah: Here is the sign of the covenant, which I put between me and between all the flesh, which is on Earth. (Genesis, chapter 9, verses 8-19)

Knowing about God's mercy and strength, people should not be able to wait for salvation from heaven. Sudimians are fishery. And in the fishery, people should build the kingdom of truth on earth and keep the heavenly kingdom and a military. For only there is their salvation!

"The thin citizen of the Kingdom of Earth and for the Heavenly Kingdom is not a good" (Svt. Philaret (Drozdov)).

"Only allied with the kingdom of God's kingdoms of the Earth can be firm and truly prosperous."

"Blessed NA Earth is a report, which delivers to its citizens to achieve the fatherland of heavenly" (St. Filaret Metropolitan Moscow)

So there is nothing surprising that the "Heavenly Chariots" from God will take part not only in the salvation of the chosen, but also in the designation of the true king.

10. Psychological portrait of the king.

The range of the king's personality in the prophecies is huge! From the "sociable" with the "meek mind", to the "terrible", "with Yarym Glear"! On the one hand, the psychological portrait of the king can illustrate the great prophetic icon "Lord Yellow Oko". On the other hand, a very common version of the computer Christ. "... the eyes of Ortre, the mind of the Maunder."

"He will be a man of fiery faith, the great mind and iron will. So it is open about it. We will expect the execution of the open" (from the letter received by E.Yu. Kontavich from Faofan Poltavsky).

"He will be a gloom and humoring, sociable, generous, terrible, noble. Whom people thought for nothing and for nothing, the Lord will lay out his hand to the chapter and will enjoy it with a little at the end of the days .... "(handwritten Greek facial collection of gentlemen).

Blessed elder, Father Joseph Watopedsky told me, (by Jer. Rafail (Berestov)), that "... And our king will be very bright, strong, talented man, ruling with love and wisdom. This is evidenced by the Holy Fathers of the Church, including the father of Nikolai Guryanov. This is our hope, our consolation. "

"It will happen that no one expects. Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will surprise. Orthodoxy in it will be revived and enthusiasm. But that Orthodoxy, which was before, no longer be ... God will be a strong king on the throne. He will be a big reformer and he will have a strong Orthodox faith. He will ease the wrong hierarchs of the church, he himself will be an outstanding personality, with a clean, holy soul. He will have a strong will. " (Saint Feofan Poltava)

"All the suggestions of the Saints of Russians with the Virginia are asked to sprocket Russia ... The Russian Orthodox King will be afraid of the Antichrist himself. With Antichrist Russia will have the most powerful kingdom in the world. And other countries, except for Russia and Slavic lands, will be ruled by Antichrist and experience all horrors and flour written in the Holy Scripture. " (Rev. Lawrence Chernigov).

"Once it says to me:" The Antichrist will come to power and will begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will open his king in Russia. He will be a royal family and will be a strong defender of our faith! Write, Petya, - for a short time - on Two years and eight months. A lot of people will meet this king from all over this king. He will not allow the Antichristian power in Russia and himself will give a report to God for each of his loyal people. When the Lord gives us this smartest person - life will be good! Write, Petya, Wall and lead countdown "(Pelageya Ryazan).

"And he will rise in the exile from the house of your Prince Great, standing for his sons of his people. This will be the elect of God, and on the chapter of his blessing. He will be one and everything is clear, he is taking into account the heart of Russian. The appearance of him will be kept and leveled, and no one counts: "King here or there", but "this is he." The will of People will submit the gravity of God, and he himself will confirm his vocation. " (Veus Abel).

"On naughty voice will take off the heaven, and take the desny countries of the seventh-headed country, and the people are righteous, the darity of the pillars, the sledines are righteous and the mildhness of the weares, the back of the Ortre, the reason, the messenger, the middle laymend, is available on the gum, in the middle of the shin, Belege, undress him and crowned the king - that there is Vladyka to you, there is a friend of MI and will be creative. " (Prophetic vision of the monk Daniel).

11. Physical signs

"Pilgrims heard and more about one amazing revelation. He told them about him, with the blessings of the elders, the novice of the Russian St. Panteleimonov Monastery Georgy:

"The vision was revealed this year to one statement of the Holy Mountain Athos on the day of the killing of the royal family - seventeenth. Let his name stay in secret, but this is a miracle that the whole world can hit. He consulted with the elders of Athos, thinking that maybe this is spiritual beauty, but they said that it was a revelation. He saw a huge-premium ship, thrown on the rocks in a gentle darkness. He sees that the ship is called "Russia". The ship leans and is about to collapse from the cliff in the sea. On the ship thousands and thousands of people who are in panic. They already think that the end of their life should come, help to wait nowhere. And suddenly the rider figure appears on the horizon, he rushes on a horse right through the sea. The closer the rider, the more clearly it can be seen that this is our sovereign. He, as always, is dressed simply - in the soldier's cap, in the soldier's uniform, but the signs of the differences are visible. His face was bright and kind, and his eyes said that he loves the whole world and suffered for this world, for Orthodox Russia. A bright ray from the sky illuminates the sovereign, and in this moment the ship smoothly descends and falls on its course. A great recovery of saved people can be seen on the ship, which is impossible to describe. "

In the elders of Athon, melted spiritual insights, did not cause any doubts that it was Nikolai second that will be the Savior of Russia! From this and other prophecies and signs it is clear that the face of the Orthodox king will be very similar to Nicholas of the second. But the acquisition during the "bearer of a faster war," hunger and intense work on saving Russia will be imposed on his "imprint of suffering." Therefore, the appearance of the king of the Orthodox can be easily compared with the latest photos of the king Nikolai Alexandrovich.

The spirit is primary - the matter is secondary. Human appearance and individuality creates his soul. According to a set of prophecies, it is clear that in order to fulfill the mission of the King of the Savior, it comes to Earth in the new incarnation, or rather, the same monarch who was confronted with the Jew-Satanists in the Iudo-Satanists in the Iudoevian House of Yekaterinburg in 1918! And then it becomes clear how the fishery of God at the rideways on Calvary Tsar Redeemer! For the sake of the salvation of mankind during the arrival of the antichrist at the end of the world! Without the second coming, the king is absolutely not clear - why in the fishery needed the whole horror of the most severe unprecedented ritual killing of the Holy Family? !!!

On the new coming of the "last king" - the Tsar Nicholas says the old man of Anatoly Kievsky.

"Nikolai will come, put his servants. This (that is, now) is not Orthodoxy. Failure state. Floor monastery will be cleared. This is possible only with the king. Blessed is openly that the Lord himself (Nicholas II) accepted. All sins of the people he took over. There were own sins, but he washed off with blood. If the church then agreed to become a patriarch, would take a monk ...

Tsar-Batyushka. Why did we glorify, and not pray to him? So, no repentance. And if we pray, then without a heart. It is necessary to contact: "Batyushka, help, manage, sweeping us." Contact as children to father. And the icon of royal martyrs should be in every home, as the Lord, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas. Tsar Nikolai - Nikolay our own new. This is the last king, he has the biggest crown. Russia is the house of Romanov. And the one that the king will be - that from the Lord. "

To search for the physical appearance of the king, most likely, it is enough to take two portrait of his portrait - in a state of happiness and joy and the state of grief, anxiety, and, if there is anger - anger and indignation. According to these portraits or photos, it will be possible to virtually unmistakable to judge the appearance of the upcoming anointed. You can also go with portraits of family members. Evidence of the truth of the king can be the portrait similarity of his wife - Queen Alexandra Fedorovna and his children. Which, on the prophecies of the king, there will be a story in the new reign. Nothing is said about the number and membership of the "highest surname". But it is said that she will be near the king.

ON THE. Motovilov, a rich landowner healed by the Holy Seraphim from the incurable disease of the legs, and remaining until the end of his days in the service from the senior on November 8, 1867 recorded:
"There will be time when all the words of the predictions of the Lord, said the Grand Start of Seraphim about the fate of the fourth lot in the Mother of God's universe, will quite come true. For the promise of the Lord will rise for some time and will rise from the coffin the Grand Stameth Seraphim and walks on foot from the Sarov desert to the village of Diveevo - and at the Song of the Highest Surname, Grand Justice, Tsarist, Imperial and Russian and Foreign Disclaimed Many people ... ".

The humility of the king of the Redeemer during the Antichrist can not be not completed by the rage of the Terrible King to the enemies of Russia and Orthodoxy! There are several miraculous icons of John IV - Grozny, written on the blessing of the elder Nicholas (Guryanova). And they also fall into the canvas of the description of the coming king and the Orympic, which "Saint Rus and all the Earth" will be slept. "The gaze of Ostra", "terrible," punishing the "Cold Jewel Jewels" and traitors of Russia.

"On naughty voice will take away from heaven, and take the desny countries of the seventh-hearth, and they are constructed by a person, the darity of the pillars standing, the sledines are righteous and the mildh of the bearer, the bell, the eyes of Ortre, the mind, the messenger, the middle lay ...".

The growth of the king is defined in prophecies as "average". The king will not be a heroic growth and addition. But his affairs will be like a hero of Ilya Muromets - fabulously royal and heroes.

Another sign of the king will be his poverty or poverty. In prophecies, this is described as "poverty" and "intensity." And concerns both its economic condition and his clothes and his dwellings at the time of the acquisition.

"In the last days, the Lord God of the Tsar will restrain from poverty, and the guilt will begin in the truth and will striculate anywhere. The beggars will create and there will be summer, but there will be no one for those who are weakened to attach them. Will be more Velmi in the Mir grand is puppies and piguing and praising and encroaching and walking without fear of Ratnia and without sorrow [Wed. Matt. 24.37 and Next]. There will be no swords, the arrows and a copy of the braids and sickles and The iron is yelled with them by the land of making [Mih. 4, 3; Is. 2, 4]. "(From" Life of Sangered Blessed Andrei, Christ for the sake of urbano, tartegradskago, ")

"... Rebel to a person, in the two pillars standing, the righteousness of the righteous and the mildh of the weares, the bench, ..." (prophetic vision of the monk Daniel).

"Sedins is righteous" most likely denotes a smooth "non-blinky" seeding.

"Most" is translated as "raw-walled" and difficult to decipher. The color of the modern military form "Khaki" or the color of green eyes? ("My God God, My Green-eyed!" Okudzhava).

In addition to the "blessing on the chel" in prophecies, other explicit physical signs are given to acquire and confirm the truth of the king from God.

"He has two compositions on his right hand; On both blades of crimson chains and crimps; on the chest and on the back of a whole (?); He has devices on the edges, and on the neck, and on the hips, and on the upper part of the hands "(handwritten Greek facial collection of gentlemen).

"He has two compositions on his right hand ...". "Two compositions", or rather, the "joint" should somehow explicitly stand out among the fingers of the right hand. The absence of fingers or "trialness" would be called in other words. So not fingers, namely the joints are key designation. On icons, the Lord with a blessing blessing is often depicted. Perhaps the king does not be flex or the joints of the two fingers on the right hand are not infruncted? The right hand of a Christian is making a criste. So recognizes the Orthodox world by adding fingers from the Orthodox Tsar and a true criticism.

"On the chest and on the back of a whole".
"Other", most likely, as with the "compositions" indicates the resulting or incorrectly struck fabric. Who are clearly distinguished by the king from all other people!

"On both blades, crimson chains and crimps", "on the edges of his chains, and on the neck, and on the hips, and on the top of the hands."

The "Human Commission" from the "White Schet" will have to deal with the multiplicity of moles in the marked places. And as Christ gave Fome to the Unbelieving to touch his ribs, and the king will have to "testify" with his "hands and legs", "head and breast" about the truth of prophecies. Although "external signs" on the king will be more than enough to "not be offended" before his subjects. Or, in extreme least it will be enough - unbutton the shirt on the chest and ... lift the staff on the right foot.

Probably the most key sign of the king will be "Belege" or a sign in the center ("in the middle") on the right hip. For it is marked in two very famous prophecies.

"On the naughty voice will take off with heaven, and take the gums of the seventh-hearth country, and they are constructed by a person, the two pillar stands, the sheds are righteous and the mildh of the weares, the back of the Ortre, the mind, the midst of the mandrel, which is located on the gum nose, in the middle of the shin ( Hip), Beleg (sign), undress him and crowned the king - that there is a Vladyka to you, a friend of MI is and will be creative. " (Prophetic vision of the monk Daniel).

"He grabs their rod iron; He whipped the wines of rage and the wrath of the god of the Almighty. On the clothes and on the thigh it is written, the name: "King of the Kings and the Lord of the dominant." (Open 19).

In the ectoological dictionary of the Russian language of Max Fasmer, the word "Beleg" means: a sign, a stain, a label, a track from the wound ... The word "Beleg" says that the sign-stain mark must be white.

According to the prophecy of Daniel "Beleg" - a white mark should stand out on the right hip of the king in the center ("In the middle")! There can be no curvature, since the sign on the right hip of the king is delivered by God! And put as the designation of the king and as an additional sign for the people of the seekers who found and who have acquired the king. So the sign must be "unambiguous" and "multivalued" at the same time! There are various "cross-tick-tags", but what can they mean? The cross in the form of the letter "x" can mean Christ! But what else? And "zero" - or "o" - for example, the name "Oleg"? But again - what else?

The tsarist sign "Beleg" should be a very informational sensory sign and symbol! Carrying many values \u200b\u200bdenoting the consideration of one! As, for example, the Latin letter-sign "V". Indicator - "Victoria", "victory" or "winner".
A Russian letter is possible - "y" - denoting "teachers" or "holding", or "comforter" - the same - "Victoria" or "V", and in the inverted "Russian version" - "l" - or "lion". When turning 90 gr. The same "L" turns into Latin "L" and means again "Leon" - the king. When coup "V" or "L" to the other side by 90 gr. We get - "g" - or "Lord" - "Mr.", "Lord of the dominant." When turning 90 gr. Right from "G" we get "7" or the seventh Archangel and the seventh Angel from the revelation of John. Latin "V" can be a sign or a flying eagle.

"I called the eagle from the East, from the far country, the performer of determining my" (the book of the Prophet Isaiah 20. 11).

Confirms this option of consideration and prophecy from revelation and other prophecies.

"He grabs their rod iron; He whipped the wines of rage and the wrath of the god of the Almighty. On the clothes and on the thigh it is written the name: "King of the Kings and the Lord of the dominant" (Rev 19).

Prophecies about the arrival of the teacher are filled with the prophecies of Buddhism.

"... The world's blissful named after Maitreya - Saint, Truly, all-spirited, perfect in jurisdiction and behavior, who came for the good, connoisseurs of people, unprincipled, tamer violent husbands, teacher of gods and people. Enlightened, blissful. ... he is a teach The dharma is beautiful at the beginning, beautiful in the middle, beautiful at the end, good in meaning and expression, full and complete, completely clean, (lead) to brahmansky lives, - as well as I teach the dharma perfectly at the beginning, beautiful in the middle, beautiful At the end, the good in meaning and expression, full and complete, absolutely clean, (lead) to Brahmanse. He will lead to the many thousands of the community of monks, as well as I now lead a multi-community of the monks "
("Chakkawatti-Sihanad-Sutty", "Sutra on the King Chakravartina King River").

Prophecies about the king - "Lev" - Catholics.

"The lion whom you saw the rising from the forest and the roaring, speaking to Eagle and implacing it in the unlikely by him with all the words you heard (3. 11.38-46), this is anointee, saved by the Almighty to the end of world history against them And they are notching them, which is attaching to them and will prevent their oppression of them. He will put them on the court of living and, the implusion of them, will punish them. He will relieve the rest of my people, those who have survived within my, and will pay them to their reign, The dollar will not come the end of the world (darkness), the day of the court, which I told you at the beginning "(3. 12.31-34)."

"After World War II, the world will come, but there will be no lasting peace. People will start to wade one on the other ...
Residents of Europe will suffer from unnecessary wars before the appearance of a holy person. Pannonia people will cause a big war when they want to defeat their neighbors, to separate and become an independent state. Then the Beach of God will come and punish them. The lion that will reign over the people will come from a high mountain from the enlightened nation living between the Rhine and the Northern Sea. It will take advantage of them with a large army from the mouth of the Rhine and in cruel battle almost completely destroy them "(St. Illarion (approx. 291 - 371 g).

"The Great Monarch (" L "Aquila") will come to Muslim countries, the promised world will enter the land. The world and abundance will return to the world ... "" will destroy the seven Jewish and Muslim leaders, and will restore the Church of Saint-Sofia (in Istanbul - former Constantinople ) And the whole world will live in peace and prosperity, and new cities will be built in many places "(Holy Brigitta Swedish (1303-1373))

Another sign from God, confirming the greatest probability that "Belege" will be in the form of a Latin letter "V" or Russians - "y" - "l" is a sign from the wound on the right cheek on the miraculous icon of the Virgin Czestochovskaya. And, - twice "droof" repeated with a saber blow! Another name of the icon of Czestochovskaya - "swept of the governor" or "invincible victory" also speaks for itself.

Tropear, voice 4

"Invincible Victory, Vladychitsa Czestochovskaya, anciently izh about us as an impressiveness, frequently saving the guardian, repentance of the coming tsar."

Proposals about the arrival of the comforter or holding or Christ the Lord or the Orthodox King are filled with all the prophecies of Orthodoxy about the coming Orthodox kingdom!

What exactly on the hip is, not on the shin (translators error possible?) Gives the sign of the king speaks and earlier than the revelation of John - prophecy
Isaiah 11.

"And the industry will occur from the root of Jesseev, and the branch will grow from his root;
And he worsens the Spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom and mind, the spirit of the Council and the Fortress, the spirit of refinery and piety; And the fear of the Lord will turn, and will not judge the eyes of his eyes and do not earn their ears of their decisions.
He will judge the poor in truth, and the cases of the Earth's sufferers to decide in truth; And the rod of the mouth will hit the earth, and the spirit of his mouth will kill the wicked.
And it will be a pregnancy of his truth, and the presented of his thighs - truth. "

Which once again confirms that in prophecies, the image of Jesus Christ is given in the second coming, and the image of the king ruling on Earth is given.

12. Wedding to the kingdom

In prophecies, several anointing (coronations) of the king of the winner on the kingdom appear. The first or one of the first to the kingdom over the Orthodox Russia. Second - over Serbia. The third above ... and the last on the conquest of Constantinople - over New Byzantium.

On the eve of the celebration of the acquisition of the relevant seraphim of Sarovsky (08. 2002), the slave of God, Nicholas, who arrived in Diveevo from Stavropol, was the wonderful phenomenon of St. Seraphim, who not only fully healed him from the kidney disease (with an instant disappearance of pain, which and told the following:

"What I say says to everyone! The war will begin immediately after my holiday. As soon as the people go from Diveevo, it will immediately begin! And in Diveevo I am not: I am in Moscow. In Diveevo, I am resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive Together with the king. The wedding of the king on the kingdom will be in the Assumption Cathedral of Vladimir. "

"But through these tests will come Sunday, and after those great sorrow, the Great Glory and the joy for Serbia will come. The old man of Gabriel said that this would not happen, until Russia becomes an empire and while the Russian king will not pass the coronation in our crucian, because Belgrade will no longer be the capital ... "(old man of Gabriel, from Bosnian monastery).

"On naughty voice will take off with heaven, and bearing on the desny (right, east from) the country of the seventh-headed country, and cuddling a person, the dar of the pillars standing, the righteies are righteous and the mildh of the weares, the bench, the eyes of the Ortre, the mind, the messenger, the middle layme The gum nose, in the middle of the shin, Beleg (sign), undress him and crowned the king - that there is Vladyka, a friend of MI is and will be created by the will. And the two Angels of the Livestone and will introduce him to the Holy Sophia, and his king walked, and they will give his weapon in the gum, the verbulantly to him: to have their own and defeat their enemies. " (Prophetic vision of the monk Daniel).

"Blessed elder, father Joseph Watopedsky told me, (Ier. Rafail (Berestov)), that" the times of the Terrible, but after certain terrible events, many Slavic nations will join Russia, and Greece will also come to the Union with Russia. Thus, New Byzantium will be created. To which I objected the old man - Russia disarmed, our military arsenal, our plants were destroyed. But he told me like this: "Russia will win! Heavenly military will enter the battle on the side of Russia, and will shoot down enemy aircraft and winged rockets. After such a miracle, the whole world finds out that God won, and that he is with Russia! After that, the whole world will dare to us. And three forces will gather in Russia - the Communists, True Democrats and Orthodox Patriots. The Orthodox King will be elected by the grace of God. And then church purification will occur in Russia. Now our church is sick, very sick. There are many spies that work on the enemies of Christ. And the government is not yet. And our king will be very bright, strong, talented man, ruling with love and wisdom. This is evidenced by the Holy Fathers of the Church, including the father of Nikolai Guryanov. In this, our hope, our consolation. "

"Once it says to me:" The Antichrist will come to power and will begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will open his king in Russia. He will be a royal family and will be a strong defender of our faith! Write, Petya, - for a short time - on Two years and eight months. A lot of people will meet this king from all over this king. He will not allow the Antichristian power in Russia and himself will give a report to God for each of his loyal people. When the Lord gives us this smartest person - life will be good! Write, Petya, Wall and lead countdown "(Pelageya Ryazan).

13. Apocrifers about the king

Fragments of Kumran texts about the Messiah:

Horoscope Messiah (4Q Mess AR)

"In his youth, he will ... [as a man] age, alien knowledge [before] time, when he knows three books. [Tog] Yes, he will acquire wisdom and knowledge" and will receive a vision. "... and in old age with him there will be advice and prudence; [he] knows the secrets of a person, and his wisdom will decrease into all the peoples; he will know the secrets of all living things. All their malfaction will be taught against him in nothing; and opposition to all living things will be Veliko. [But] His [For] Thoughts [come true], because he is a chosen one, his breath's breath and the spirit of his breath ... His [for] Thoughts for Eternity ... "(4Q Mess AR) 1.

"Son of God" or "Aramaic Apocalypse" (4Q PSDAN D)

In one of the Kumranian manuscripts, called the Aramaic Apocalypse and Paleographically dated the last third I century. BC, i.e. The time of invasion of Judea Romans, about the Messiah says:

"[... ve] she (Messiah) will be named, and he will be nailed. He will be called the son of God, and the Son of the Most High, they will call him. Like a comet's vision, such their kingdom will be; (several) years they will reign over the ground and everyone will pour; the people will pour the people, and the city - (another) Goro [D], as long as he will not rise with God, and he (Messiah) will give peace from the sword. His kingdom (will) The Eternal Kingdom, and all of his ways - in righteousness. He will judge the land of righteousness, and everyone will do the world. The sword with the (face) of the earth will disappear, and all areas will worship. God is great to help him, and (will Support) To him in the war; the peoples will give him to his hand, and he will leave them before him. The dominion of him is the rule of eternal ... "(4Q 246 \u003d 4Q psdand).

"Messiah of Heaven and Earth" or "Messianic Apocalypse" (4Q 521)

Another text called Messianic Apocalypse, Paleographically dated from the first quarter I century. BC, about the Messiah reports:

"... [not] Besa and the Earth will obey his Messiah, [And all, h] then they will not disappear from the Holy Commandments. Make the force seeking Mr. in serving him. It's not that you will find Mr., all Who hopes in his hearts? For Mr. pious will visit, and the righteous name will call; and his spirit will soar on the poor, and he will refresh up with his strength "(4Q 521, Fr. 2, count 2 + 4, 1-12 ).

14. The last king and the queen from the Virgin

In many prophecies, the king opposing the Antichrist is called the latter. And in prophecies, the dynasty of the king or the activities of its receivers are practically not reflected. He dates back to the kingdom - "for a very short time." But at the same time we know that "his kingdom will not end." External apparent contradictions are allowed by knowledge that the era of the Mother of Peace comes.

"Nicholas of our new one. This is the last king, he has the biggest crown. Russia is the house of Romanov. And the one that the king will be - that from the Lord"
(Hieromona Anatoly).

"It is necessary to firmly to know that Russia is the lot of the Queen of Heaven and she cares about her and pursuant about her. All the premises of the saints of Russians with the Virgin Orthodox, they ask to spare Russia ... The Russian Orthodox Choir will be afraid of the Antichrist himself. With Antichrist Russia will be the most powerful kingdom in the world. And other countries, except for Russia and Slavic lands, will be ruled by Antichrist and experience all the horrors and flour written in the Holy Scripture "(Rev. Lawrence Chernigovsky).

"When it comes to an end to the end of the thousandth, who came for the current age, a man will lose the undivided kingdom, with him a woman will raise the Scepter and becomes the mrs of future times: he wonders something, she will make the men to create and become the mother of Tom Millennaya, who came to the current age. Entit will be delicate The sweetness of the mother after days, when the devil hosted, and the Krasoy will become on the days who came to the barbaric days. Millennium, who came for the current age, will suddenly become easy. And people will love again, and getting ready, and will dream again, and their dreams again Associate. (John Jerusalemsky: The book of prophecies is the vision of the future of the Great Prophet of the 3rd century, Monaco "Di Bavier 1995.35).

According to the prophecies and in the logic of the imbalance, after Qatarsis, the era of harmony and the blue fire of Christ with the Orthodox kingdom under the control of the Blessed Virgin Mary comes. In 1917, the Mother of God took the spiritual power from the hands of King the Great Martyr and the Redeemer Nikolay Alexandrovich in order to convey in our time for a short period of the great transition to the last Orthodox "king from the Lord." According to the prophecies, the task of this king the winner of the Antichrist - to revive Orthodoxy in the original Christian form, save the statehood of Russia and after the brief time of Russia's direction in the direction of the fishery, to convey the power of the Power to the Carian woman. Those. - Defend Russia of God's Mother or Mother of the World. For the implementation of this fishery specified in the prophecies, and the rescue of the peoples of Russia and all mankind, and was touched by the God of Russian Calvary in Yekaterinburg.

"Tsar-Batyushka. Why did we glorify, and not pray to him? So, no repentance. And if we pray, then without a heart. It is necessary to contact: "Batyushka, help, manage, sweeping us." Contact as children to father. And the icon of royal martyrs should be in every home, as the Lord, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas. Tsar Nikolai - Nikolay our own new. This is the last king, he has the biggest crown. Russia is the house of Romanov. And the one that will be the king is that of the Lord "
(Memories of spiritual Chad Ieromonach Anatoly. (+ 2002) buried in Kiev).

"Once it says to me:" The Antichrist will come to power and will begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will open his king in Russia. He will be a royal family and will be a strong defender of our faith! Write, Petya, - for a short time - on Two years and eight months. A lot of people will meet this king from all over this king. He will not allow the Antichristian power in Russia and himself will give a report to God for each of his loyal people. When the Lord gives us this smartest person - life will be good! Write, Petya, Wall and lead countdown "(Pelageya Ryazan).

"Anointed, preserved by the Most Highs by the end of world history against them enemies and their nobody, who will attach them and present them to oppress them. He will put them in front of them to oppress them to the court of living, and, having them, will punish them.
He will relieve the rest of my people, those who have survived within my, and will pay them [the reign], the dollar will not come to the end [darkness], the day of the court "(3 eczel 12; 34).

"In the late ends, the triumph of my immaculate heart will be performed. My pure heart will enthusiasm. Holy Father will dedicate Russia to me, she will appeal to God, and the millennium of the world will come "(the second prophecy of the Virgin in Fatima.1917).

"Russia Russia, who agrees with Christ for a thousand years and do not bother the beast, will fall down the people with the Rod of Iron" Jerome Sanaksar (+ 6.O6.2001).

The upcoming time is the time of the bright future under the control of love. And our time of the Great Transition puts forward to the control position of these mothers. Women legally come to power, saving the future of their children.

Yes, your kingdom will come!

1 part
Russian Secret Fatima or Hidden Sensation

When we think how the king can be elected in Russia in the future, then there should be no reference to its legal, constitutional election, but to the words of the Holy Fathers and God's worships. That's what the righteous John Kronstadsky spoke about this: "Who is planted for the throne of the kings of the earth? The one who is one of eternity sits on the throne of fire, and one reigns over all the creation - heaven and earth ... the royal power is given to the land of him from him ... Therefore, the king, as the royal power received from the Lord ... must be autocraved. Calculate you, dreamy constitutionalists and parliamentarians! Get away from me, Satan! Only king is served by the Lord power, power, courage and wisdom to manage their subjects. "

Yes, and the Supreme Governors of Russia, the Great Princes and the kings of All-Russian, was aware of their responsibility to Christ - the king of the reigns, and they looked at the servants of God: "And therefore, St. John's Bishopan Shanghai wrote, - Russian kings were not kings "By the will of the people", and the kings of "God's grace".

The same way can be revealed by the Russian people, the king propheted Rev. Abel QueenImidz. So in 1801, in a conversation with Emperor Paul I, he said: "It's impossible to man, maybe God. God is medleet with help, but it is said that she will give it soon and will erect the horn of the rescue of Russian. And he will rise in exile from the genus of yours (the words are addressed to the emperor Pavel Petrovich) Prince Great, standing for his sons of his people. This will be the elect God, and on the chapter of his blessing. He will be one and everything is clear, he is taking into account the heart of Russian. The appearance of him will be kept and leveled, and no one counts: "King here or there", but all: "This is he." The will People will submit the gravity of God, and he himself will confirm his vocation ... There will be a great Russia, dropping the needle Zhid. It will return to the origins of the ancient life of his own, to the times of Vladimir equivalent to the Apostles, the mind will learn the mischievous blooming smoke Fimiam and prayers will be filled and blossomes, Aki Krun Heavenly. Great fate is intended by Russia. That is why she will suffer to cleanse and burn light to the revelation of languages. "

The monarchy of St. Fauofan Poltava will be restored in Russia, in 1930 he spoke to his Clacer: "You ask me about the near future and about the upcoming recent times. I'm not talking about it from myself, but what I was open to the elders. The arrival of the antichrist is approaching and is already very close. But before his arrival - Russia should be reborn, although for a short time. The king will be there, elected by the Lord himself. And he will be a man of hot faith, deep mind and iron will. This is what we were open about it. " When Cemenik asked him: "Will the last Russian king Romanov?" Vladyka Faofan said: "He will not be Romanov, but he will be from the Romanov ..."

Saint Seraphim Sobolev in the 1930s also argued: "We have the prophecy of the greatest desires of God's sv. Sarrefima Sarovsky that Russia, for the sake of the purity of Orthodoxy, is of the profession, the Lord meries away from all the troubles, and it will exist before the Lord of the Century, as a strong and glorious Power ... The Lord will restore Russia, and she will again become Great and will be the most powerful stronghold in the world for the coming struggle with the antichrist himself and all of his hordes ... if we want to save and revive Russia, then you must always strive for, we again were the autocratic king of the Posannik of God, who, as the soul of the Russian people, will revive Russia, and she Again, it will be great and glorious for the fear of all enemies, on the happiness of your people. We will not be embarrassed by such a common opinion that the autocratic system in Russia as if already outlived. This opinion is aimed against the Holy Scriptures in order to destroy the saving on us influence. After all, the royal, autocratic power in Russia was founded on the words of the Holy Scriptures. And these words are the verbs of the eternal abdomen. "

In 1950, Rev. Lawrence Chernigov prophesied: "In Russia, there will be a spiritual ascent. Russia together with all Slavic peoples and lands will be a mighty kingdom. It will be the king of Orthodox, God's anointed. Thanks to him, all splits and heresses will disappear in Russia. "

The last of the predictions about the revival of the monarchy in Russia and the ruling in our power of the king belongs to the famous old man Archpriest Nikolay Guryanov. So in 1997, the Starta asked the question:
- Batyushka Nikolai, who will be after Yeltsin? What do we wait for?.
"After will be a military man - the father of Nikolai replied.
- What else will be?
- After being the king Orthodox! - said the old man.

For the revival of the monarchy and the supply of the king to the kingdom, many of the Last Centers were spoken to the kingdom. Among them are such famous saints and righteous, as John Kronstadsky, Feofan Poltava, Seraphim Sobolev, Lavrentini Chernigov, Nikolai Guryanov. Orthodox kingdom will restored in Russia, there is practically no prophecies. And only who lived in the 16th century St. Vasily blissfully said: "The whole century Russia will live without the king ..." If you follow these words, it turns out that 2017 may be the beginning of the restoration of the monarchy in Russia. In this regard, it is interesting to note that it is in 2017 that the term of stay as president of Russia ends.

Well, we will live in - we will see, but we will unshabibly believe that the monarchy in Russia will be restored that the Lord will send us an Orthodox king. Many say that it is incredible. But yesterday we seemed incredible execution of the prophecies about the Third World War. And according to the same prophecies, after the war, from which Russia will be released by the winner, the monarch will have a Russian Orthodox Tsar. Yesterday we could not even imagine that the Third World War would begin from the territory of Russia, (namely, as historically, Ukraine is for us). And nevertheless it happened. (I note that today the third world war against Russia comes from course not as common in our understanding of the war. It is held as the financial, economic, political and information war. Although the hot phase of this war can flare out at any time).

But let's remember even that's what. Yesterday, we could not even imagine that the revival of the monarchy in Russia will speak at the highest state level. But it also happened.

Since on August 14, 2014, an unprecedented meeting of President Vladimir with the leaders of political parties, deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, leading public and political figures, was held in the Crimea in Yalta. And at this meeting, Vladimir Zhirinovsky for the whole country and on the whole world loudly stated that in Russia it is necessary to urgently change the state device to the monarchical. His performance, as usual, was a rapid and eccentric. And nevertheless, the word sounded.

If we consider that Zhirinovsky, this is a "trial ball of the Kremlin," then it should not be treated for its offer, as to the next anticipation of a political jester. Moreover, this jester has a large political weight and a rather large and stable electoral base. And no laughter and even smiles among the countries of the country did not cause his speech. Moreover, Zhirinovsky applauded.

Personally, I have never doubted that Russia will rule the Orthodox King. But today I hope that this will happen in some distant future, but at my life. Although it seems that our people are absolutely not ready for it. And some respected monarchists go further and argue that we are not only not ready for the coming of the king, but we didn't even deserve it, did not squeeze it ... But wasn't the pagan people of Byzantium for the arrival of the Orthodox king? Did he deserve the Saint Constantine, poured him off him? Did the pagan Russian people were ready for baptism? Did you deserve or stentered the holy prince Vladimir? We would never have been ready for the adoption of baptism and the focus of the Orthodox Prince if not the mercy of God, not his fishery over us. The king for Russia cannot be deserved. It can only be approved. As Wheel Tyundovide said, "he is learned by the heart of Russian ... and no one counts:" King here or there ", but all:" This is he. " The will People will submit the gravity of God, and he himself will confirm his vocation ... "

Therefore, let us and are not ready for monarchy rule in Russia, but the will of God has already been proclaimed through the prophecies of Russian saints and elders. And we need to prepare not to change the state system, but to the adoption of God's will and to follow it.