I dreamed of a former classmate with a girl. Why classmates dream: interpretation of a dream

    If I dreamed this:

    Change, the whole class is sitting in the office. Then Philip begins to call me to himself, something like a tackle (a nasty person, in fact). I don't respond and he starts calling me names. Sasha (actually the one who seems to have fallen in love) gets up and says that you can’t do this, leave her alone and shut your mouth. Then he looked at me and we smiled at each other. After 5 minutes, the situation repeated itself, but this time Sasha was already furious and threatened Philip that he would punch him in the face.

    After the lesson, I approached Sasha from behind and hugged him around the waist, thanking him. In response, he kissed me on the cheek and hugged my hands.

    In reality, I liked Sasha once, somewhere in grades 3-4, and Philip in grades 1-2 (he deteriorated over time). Just knowing their classmates, they will not stand up for their classmates in life. And then I dreamed of such a miracle :) and in a dream, apparently, I reciprocated him. Why would this dream?
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    i dreamed of my classmate, we were at school with him bad relationship, were at enmity in general. the day before, my mother said that she had seen him, that night I dreamed of him: I was standing in some kind of assembly hall with girls, I don’t know them, we were in white T-shirts and black leggings and then I turn around and see how the company of guys is walking and there he, he I look at me at him, when suddenly he is barefoot and this “ball” flies over my head and he goes to the side of the “dressing rooms” rooms, I take off with a quick step, I go in after him and he sits on the sofa with a bewildered look . I- what is it? he-where are you talking about? I- what are you doing here why is this all? he-i-i don't know! I- .....? (don't remember the question) he-maybe but I don't know. on this my dream broke ((tell me what it means
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    I had this nightmare twice. I wake up in my already past school. The second floor, along the edges of the hall for fizra, and in the middle of the assembly. I go to the right, and there, near the wall on the right, on a bench, some of my classmates sit motionless and look at me, but instead of their eyes, darkness and a black liquid flowed out. The windows in the hall were black, as if they had been carelessly painted black. In fear, I run to another hall, and there is the same thing, even one of my classmates was without a head ... I did not have time to go into the assembly hall, because. woke up from shock ... I’m already 17, I don’t watch any horror stories and everything is fine with my nerves ... What does this dream mean, please help ...
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    I just dreamed that I was walking with my girlfriends to the school locker room, and my classmate was standing there, I had no good or bad relationship with him at all. But here I come closer and closer, he grumbled something. I ask why he does not communicate with me and always looks askance ... He answered something. I ask him why he hates me. He replies that I supposedly owe him. I ask what I owe him. He replies that I owe him a phone. I remembered some event in which he and the phone were: he did something good, but this was not in real life. And then the dream ended abruptly.

    I had a dream on the night of Sunday 03/06/16 to Monday 03/07/16
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    I dreamed that I had appendicitis and they cut it out, after which I had a scar on my stomach and I was immediately sent to school. At school, I see classmates and talk to them and we go to physical education together, and I tell the physical education teacher that maybe I won’t go to class, because suddenly the seams will open, and he says that it’s just appendicitis and that I would participate in the lesson . And then I went to the school corridor and my best friend is there and she says that she is transferring to my school, although she herself studies at the presidential school and I tell her that I am going to transfer to her school and the dream is broken due to the alarm clock
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    I dreamed that some classmates were sitting in the office, I go into it, and I like one of them a little, but we don’t communicate much like that. He drew a beard for himself, and the mathematician asked why you supposedly drew it. Then he offered to play some game, by phone and on the map, he explained for a long time and no one understood, and I didn’t understand for a long time, but I still listened and tuned in to play, then I woke up. He is the most cheerful in our class and knows everyone at school. what could all this be for. ah, yes, and in some fragment he kissed me. dreamed from Saturday to Sunday
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    and I dreamed that we were going to St. Petersburg with the class (we are going to have such a trip soon, but only 4 people are traveling from our class, but every single one of them is a dream), in general, we were sitting with the girls and then a classmate sat down (yes he told me handsome and nothing more, he is the cutest in our class.). we sat talking, in a dream I seem to have some kind of strong feelings for him. he hugs me and I him. and sat like that. then caressed, kissed. Well, then all the time in a dream they were together. what is it for?))))
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    And what does such a dream mean: I, a classmate and my girlfriend ended up in beautiful garden with a clean lake and a house. I walk in the garden and go up to the house. And a classmate comes up to the house from the other side of the lake. A friend disappears from my dream. Then when we met with my classmate. I kissed him on the cheek, and he became embarrassed and recoiled from me with the words “no need.” But not long ago he helped me and then the next day I had this dream . please tell me what that could mean!
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    And why this dream? I dreamed that I was in the forest at night with strangers played hide-and-seek, and I found a halobuda made of branches in which I hid, it was small only for one person, and a guy I didn’t know, whom I hit in the face with my fist from fear, found me in it ... but then he attacked me and began to kiss and said that he is my classmate from the school that I have already graduated ... (in real life I hated him) please help me find out what this dream is for
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    I dreamed of a deceased classmate who is talking to me in a dream (joyful), I listen to her and in a dream they prove to her that she actually died (in fact, she is) and another classmate (he is alive in reality), but in a dream I'm trying to prove to him that he's dead. This day is February 18, 2013. I ask him what he would like to convey to his parents and I get an answer ... What does such a dream mean. please explain if anyone can. I can write a continuation of the dream in a personal.
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    Hello everyone, I dreamed of a completely different me and a friend (Sergey) standing in the basement of our school where we had classes on simulators and suddenly another friend (Kamil) came up to us and he asked the gray one to go somewhere and I stood still then Kamil came up to hugged me tightly and began to kiss me passionately, we kissed for a long time, but then something else broke into my subconscious and all sorts of nonsense began to dream, but I remember this incident, why this dream ????
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    I dreamed a year ago a classmate that I don't like it and never had a feeling for her when I dreamed that we kissing hugging after sleep I wanted to continue the next day I am already a different girl I don't know her THAT WE ARE KISSING HICKYLY AND THIS IS COOL, PLEASANT. WRITE THE ANSWER TO ME BY MAIL.
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    My name is Asya, I'm 17 years old... Na this moment i’m in the hospital ... and I had a dream that a classmate who I’ve liked for a long time came to the hospital ... I saw that he lay next to me on the left side on the bed, and he didn’t like it, I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek he just lay...

    I understood nothing

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    i dreamed of a classmate and he asked me to play, and then I said I’ll go pyro and you wait for me, then I and my classmate brought trousers that were small at first and then they became big and I was too lazy to go pyro to dress I’m his head and his dad says you name he says that those it must be as if he forgot. Why is this?!!!
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    tell me what the dream means in which I and my company play hide and seek and a classmate found me and doesn’t say that he found me, I kissed him on the hand, and on the way back home he offered to meet me and said what act I should do for you, I said like Quit smoking and especially so was not against the relationship!
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    What does it mean if you dream of a classmate whom I hate to put it mildly and he is the same with me, but yesterday I saw him in a dream when I saw him I went up to him and we hugged and then I was surprised in a dream and then we held hands and he had very sweaty hands! And hugged tightly, I usually hug my mother like that!
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    But what if I’m just walking around and my classmate appears there and invites me to play, then something happens and I fall somewhere into the abyss, and he saves me!

    There will be problems in you, ale vin, but a friend of you will help you to overcome them
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    i dreamed that I was walking with my classmate, a seraphim at night. we were at school. we stood there, ate sweets and he walked me home. what does it mean? and then I dreamed about my classmate Masha. She suggested that I take a walk on some kind of playground. And then an unfamiliar number called me.
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    I also dreamed that my classmate Sonya was taking me to some kind of store. But this is not a store, but a boulevard, as it were ... I saw classmates whom I hate there. What is it for? and I also dreamed as if I went into the house of a classmate Danil. whom I hate too. so what is all this for?
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    I dreamed that I was walking through the frame in my usual clothes (jeans, blouse, sneakers). I stumble over this frame and fall into my classmate, he grabs me and starts circling. Although in reality he does not treat me very well.

    What is it for?
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    And I dreamed that I was sitting at the table with my classmates. We all filled out some papers and had a nice conversation. I sat shoulder to shoulder with two boys with whom I communicate very well. We had a lot of fun. And I think this dream to something good)
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    I dreamed that my former classmate talking with friends, and then he started to leave, I said hello to him, but he did not pay attention to it, turned around and went to his friends, and then to school. tell me the meaning of sleep!
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    tell me please, what does the dream mean in which I had a classmate with whom I almost did not communicate at school and then did not communicate at all, in a dream I held her hand and kissed and she was happy and I seemed to be too, what is it for?
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    I dreamed that my classmate returned from another school. When he opens the door, I run and hug him and say that you are back and I woke up. WHAT DOES IT MEAN PLEASE TELL ME FOR ME IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.
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    from the tenth grade, the same classmate periodically took me down. I graduated from school 8 years ago. what that means I don't know. at school we are only hi-bye, no contact. once every two weeks will definitely dream
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    What does it mean if I stood with a classmate and asked him for something, I don’t remember, but he took my hands and pressed them to him, and he had them so hot that it seemed to me that he was holding them in reality.
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    i dreamed of two of my classmates around them there are a lot of people (girls) and only one of them spoke to me, wanted to introduce me and asked me to go up on stage to where they were standing))) What does this mean?
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    What does it mean if I dreamed of a classmate who held me by the throat, put me against the wall and threatened, or rather yelled at me for not helping him before and now he has problems because of me?
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    If I dreamed that my classmate first wanted to kiss me, then sleep with me, I dreamed about it 4 times, but I didn’t reciprocate because I have a boyfriend. What is it for?
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    I dreamed of a school, I go down to the floor below at school, and I see a classmate, I started kissing her. although I don't really talk to her at school. Why is this dreaming?

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    • It means that you will soon fall in love with someone
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      I dreamed that a classmate confessed his love to me. What could this mean? in life they are just classmates, we just say hello and that’s it. I don’t like him like my boyfriend.

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      If a classmate asked me to help him build a building for animals, and I refused him! Because I had other things to do and had to leave the next day! What does it mean?
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      I can not find an interpretation if I swear with the whole class in the presence of the teacher and the teacher. IN this dream I defend myself and my classmate who was spread rot. And it looks like I'm winning.
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      I dreamed that a classmate confessed his love to me. What could this mean? in life they are just classmates, we just say hello and that’s it. I don’t like him like my boyfriend.
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In the plots of dreams, what most often appears is what surrounds the dreamer in reality. School life contributes to dreams in which a classmate, school, or some events associated with them are dreaming - for example, control tests, trips somewhere with the class.

If we have already left the walls for a long time educational institution, acute nostalgia is caused by dreams in which former classmates or school dream. To understand what classmates dream of, one should remember well the details of the dream and the emotions that the dreamer experienced in it.

For people who have long left the walls of the school

What classmates dream of depends mainly on whether the dreamer is currently studying at school or has long been unlearned. Seeing in a dream your former classmates or the school where the dreamer studied usually means in reality experiencing either a powerful creative upsurge or a desire to get rid of burdensome obligations, relax, feel free and feel like a child. Exact values depend on the context of the dream.

If a meeting of former classmates occurred in a dream, the interpretation is given in the light of the emotions experienced by the dreamer. Meeting with former classmates, associated with an experience of warmth towards them and a feeling of support from them, according to Miller's dream book, means the dreamer's desire to get rid of loneliness in life, meet loved ones, and receive support.

If the meeting was accompanied by a sense of pride and a cheerful mood, the person is on the right track. The dreamer is happy with what is happening in his life. If the meeting brought great excitement, there was a desire to leave it or hide from classmates - it means that a person is deeply dissatisfied with life, he is worried that he could not realize his potential.

It is worth thinking about this dream: perhaps the dreamer should reorganize his life, reflect on the goals of his activity, remember his dreams and try to begin to embody them. Otherwise, there is a high probability of regrets about a wasted life. Do not consider time lost, but do not miss it in the present: at any age, you can act, win and strive for what is in tune with our heart.

Often seeing in a dream a former classmate who, in school days, showed sympathy for the dreamer, means that in reality the girl regrets that she did not take the opportunity to build a relationship. In most cases, such dreams speak of an unfulfilled desire to love and be loved.

Don't regret missed opportunities. IN adolescence we idealize others very strongly and attribute to them the ability to satisfy our desire for an ideal relationship, although they may not have this ability.

The dream book gives practically the same interpretation of such a plot of a dream for a man, if he often sees in his dreams a former classmate who in the past showed interest in him or whom he himself sympathized with. But for a man, such a dream can still be a symbol of the emergence in reality of the opportunity to radically change his life and try to achieve the goals that he set for himself in school years.

If former classmate kisses the dreamer in a dream, then the man lacks openness in contacts, he restrains emotions and feelings too much, so they fade, and his emotional life becomes gray. Communicate more with friends and family, surround your beloved with attention, try to diversify your life with impressions, take care of others - and it will return to you tripled. If a woman is kissed in a dream by a former classmate, in reality she lacks support and care from loved ones. To get help, contact them openly.

In addition to pastoral plots, even people who have been married for a long time may dream of former classmates studying with them or seducing them in every possible way. Such a dream speaks of the problems of understanding that arose between the spouses in reality, no matter who dreamed of this plot. Therefore, you should carefully sort out all controversial issues with your spouse or wife and reassure yourself.

If sex with a former classmate was dreamed of by a girl or a man who does not yet have a permanent partner, interpretations vary. For a girl, this plot means fear of making new acquaintances, searching for the old and proven, so in reality there is an avoidance of possible very good relations with strangers. Don't be afraid to try something new - it might be just what you need.

All events in childhood and adolescence are almost completely determined by circumstances beyond our control, and as adults, we ourselves form a social circle and our own living conditions. For a man - the need to reconsider his attitude towards women, to show more responsibility and perseverance.

A dream in which a former classmate dreams has several interpretations. First, the deceased symbolizes the inability to accept the thought of death. If such a plot greatly worries the dreamer and appears in dreams often, you should think about contacting a specialist.

Secondly, the deceased is a symbol of the crossroads in life. In such situation the best strategy behavior will be a withdrawal from activity and withdrawal into oneself. Spend some time in solitude and serious reflection, this will help you decide and set the right accents.

Thirdly, such a plot may be a reflection of anxiety about the inexpedient waste of energy in reality. A person is too carried away by trifles and forgets about his goals. The fear that the goals will never be achieved and the deeds completed is very disturbing and does not allow one to relax. Don't waste energy on nonsense.

Interpretations for schoolchildren

School is a place where we learn, communicate and develop. Therefore, dreams in which classmates or school, school events or trips with classmates somewhere were dreamed are usually a reflection of daytime experiences. But some dreams are worth considering in detail and find out what classmates dream of, according to the dream book. The category of dreams that matter usually includes those that have caused a storm of emotions in the dreamer's soul.

If in a dream you dreamed of a classmate (or classmate) who the dreamer does not like, then you should think about how justified this person’s assessment is: perhaps you should take a closer look at him.

Teenagers not only have innocent dreams, but also those with sexual overtones. Such dreams speak of a certain similarity between actors dreams. Most likely, they have a similar style of thinking and could become great friends in reality.

School is not a place for flings, but it is very suitable for joint development in areas of interest, so dreams with elements of romance often mean an opportunity for young people to become a good team.

Classmates enter the dream book as a symbol of our hobbies, goals, victories, and also as a reminder of loyalty, friendship, real and proven relationships. If you dreamed about your former classmates, you should think about your attitude towards others, about the existence of genuine feelings and vivid emotions in your life, about the fulfillment of what you have long dreamed of and what you considered your main goals.

Schoolchildren dream of their classmates as a reflection of the process of becoming a person and the falsity of the first judgments about others. In general, a dreamer of any age should first of all be honest with others and with himself, choose the right vector for applying efforts and think more about the consequences of his actions.

The years spent at the school desk remain with us forever. And even if during the day we don’t remember the school where we studied, at night the subconscious mind, freed from daytime worries, returns us to happy days when the only problem was an unlearned task. The school and classmates seen in a dream are rather ambiguous symbols that can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the situation presented in the dream.

We’ll make a reservation right away that it’s worth asking only the question of what former classmates are dreaming of, because if school is still ongoing, then dreams about classmates do not carry a secret meaning and can only symbolize the dreamer’s hidden or explicit likes and dislikes.

back to school

Dreams in which an adult sees himself again as a schoolboy remind that life is the main teacher, and learning its wisdom continues. Therefore, any experience and any knowledge that he receives should not be treated with disdain, even if the source of this knowledge is his own dreams.

In a dream, the brain processes information that was not perceived by consciousness during the day, so any image or situation can have a certain interpretation and carry certain knowledge.

Our dreams remind us that it's never too late to learn.

school days

When you returned in a dream to the school of your childhood, the dream speaks of the nostalgic feelings that you are experiencing. Remember what could have been the reason for such a dream, perhaps the day before you were leafing through your graduation album, or a long-forgotten classmate called you? When dreams brought you to a strange school, this is a sign that hard work awaits you in reality with an unknown outcome.

Dreams are interpreted differently depending on whether you are going to school or leaving it. If in a dream you enter the school building, then this is a good sign; a dream in which you leave the school building portends a scandal in reality. When in a dream you are sitting at a desk in a classroom, in reality you will get the opportunity to show talents still unknown to others.

In dreams about school, as a rule, life situations familiar from childhood are played out. If the teacher called to the blackboard, in reality you will have to use the knowledge gained long ago. Answer from a place in a dream - expect trouble in reality. Waiting for a call to the board and afraid to answer? Such a dream warns of future troubles at work. If homework you have not prepared, fate is preparing for you a difficult situation in which you will feel weak.

Not knowing the answer to a teacher's question in a dream - to waking difficulties

Dream Interpretations warn: having dreamed about school, do not abuse the trust of loved ones anymore, it is already running out.

If during a school lesson that appeared in a dream you behave badly - make noise, indulge - in reality you can become an object for an evil prank. Being late for classes in a dream indicates your inability to navigate in time in reality. And if you ran away from the lessons - take a risk in reality, and you will definitely succeed. Dreams about passing exams speak of the dreamer's desire to be the center of attention.

Big change

At school, you can not only study, but also relax during a break, so the subconscious mind often forms dreams that are not related to gaining knowledge. If you dreamed of school corridors filled with students, such an image portends a situation that will cause you fear. Students who play school yard, symbolize your career growth - the more children in the yard, the higher you will rise.

If you get lost in the school corridors, then in reality you cannot find their way out. difficult situation. Look for your desk in a dream, but forgot where it is - perhaps it's time for you to think about changing your field of activity, since the current occupation is not at all yours. If you want to leave the school class, but you can’t, this is a bad sign.

Participation in the construction of your own school is a dream of useless chores, like dreaming textbooks and notebooks. A school board in a dream portends bad news, a satchel portends an unfortunate oversight.

I grew up!

When a person sees himself again sitting at a school desk, but not as a child, but as an adult, this may indicate some infantilism of the dreamer, or that he does not learn anything from his mistakes and repeats them again and again. If the dreamer has become young again, then life is preparing a test for him, overcoming which, he will step onto a new step.

Hit school at the current age? The dream hints that it's time to grow up

Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you work at a school. If you had to teach in a dream, then in reality someone close to you may need your knowledge, and perhaps you will not be happy about this. Also, such a dream may portend a quick change of profession.

If in a dream you became a technical employee at a school, in reality, expect problems in the family, especially if schoolchildren made fun of you.

You can also see yourself as an adult in the school walls at the parent meeting. Usually this dream portends trouble with the authorities.

Friends of bygone days

As in reality, in the school walls, we were constantly surrounded by classmates, so in dreams, the images of classmates continue to arise again and again in various situations. After all, school is not only a place where we went for knowledge, but also a place where a strong friendship arose, first love or real enmity.

What good does the dream promise?

If in a dream classmates met you unfriendly, in reality you will get out of a difficult situation with an unsullied reputation. No gossip can discredit you or upset your plans.

The unfriendly faces of classmates from a dream should please you

The meeting of graduates seen in a dream, to which you went with joy, personifies life achievements to be proud of. If a classmate or classmate appeared in a dream, with whom or with whom you were connected by a feeling of mutual love, this portends an important meeting in reality. The person you meet will become your other half or reliable friend.

When you receive gifts from former classmates, a dream promises an improvement in the financial situation or pleasant surprises, changes, meetings.

Negative interpretation of sleep

Having fun in the company of former classmates in a dream portends that your past sins will return from oblivion and can cause serious damage to your reputation.

If you met a classmate, but he did not recognize you, then the dream symbolizes your life, in which you stopped paying attention to loved ones and are about to forget how they look. Maybe you should take a break from work and spend some time with your family.

A quarrel with a classmate in a dream indicates that you are hiding something from your family and are very worried about this. When classmates fight, the dream portends future conflicts in your family. Perhaps quarrels will be caused by mistakes in the distant past.

If you dreamed that you also entered into a fight with your classmates, then such a dream speaks of your vigor in reality and that great luck awaits you soon.

If a classmate died in a dream, the dream represents your inability to keep promises in reality. There is a high probability that you will have to answer for this. Perhaps you should pay more attention to the important things, rather than the little things.

Video - Yeralash "Sorry, Zhmurikov!"

Women's and men's dreams

Some dreams about classmates can be interpreted in different ways, depending on who sees the dream. If a woman dreams of a classmate who was once in love with her, but she did not have feelings for him, the dream can symbolize her distrust of men. Or perhaps the past reminds of itself, because she has revised her view of men and now finds her former admirer attractive.

Kiss in a dream with a classmate with whom a woman was previously associated romantic relationship, personifies the dreamer's need for attention and care, it is likely that the current partner does not suit her in some way, which is why the subconscious mind presents idyllic pictures from the past in a dream.

A kiss with a classmate in a dream may mean dissatisfaction with reality.

Also, when a classmate hugs and kisses in a dream, the dream can be interpreted as a desire for change in intimate life. Perhaps the dreamer is waiting for a new romance, or she will have a desire to change her spouse.

An intimate relationship with a former classmate in a dream speaks of a woman's dissatisfaction with her relationship with her chosen one. If such a dream was preceded by a quarrel with a spouse, then without a common effort aimed at reconciliation and compromise, the dream may portend a break in relations or a divorce.

Men who see school girlfriends in a dream will have a chance in the near future to somehow change their lives, maybe return to the goals set in their youth, or revive an old love.

When a man sees a classmate in a dream, changes await him.

Whatever dream you have about classmates, the subconscious mind shows these images for a reason. Of course, they could be provoked by a memory that flashed during the day, or an event that somehow reminded them of school days - it’s not for nothing that most dreams about school and classmates come on holidays of knowledge, or when their own children go to school.

At the same time, the experience of generations, concentrated in dream books, says that such dreams have a hidden meaning, it is only important to interpret them correctly.

Classmates in a dream- Former classmates usually dream that childhood memories are the warmest, and sometimes you want to go back to your school years.
Seeing your classmates in a dream- a sign that in life you have many unresolved problems and difficulties, from which you see no way out. You want to get rid of the oppression of these difficulties at least for a while, and you subconsciously want to return to those times when you were carefree and could enjoy life to the fullest.
Meeting with classmates suggests that you need a real, pure and disinterested friendship. Most likely, in the near future you will meet with friends of those times.
Meeting with classmates dreams of a real meeting with friends in reality. It's time to put aside all the affairs and get together in a warm company, discuss how the life of the rest of the guys turned out.
Did you have fun, joke, have fun with classmates in a dream? This means that in reality you will face serious worries, worries about your career and reputation due to deeds committed in school days.
For those who have not finished school yet, such dreams usually do not mean anything special.
If you dreamed of a meeting with classmates, it means that soon you will meet with one of your old acquaintances, whom you have not seen for a long time.
If you dreamed that you were very bored and sad at a meeting with classmates, it means that even in your school years you may have offended someone very much and cannot forgive yourself for this.
If you dreamed of a classmate cheating from your notebook, it means that there is a person in your environment who is inclined to shift his affairs to you. You don’t need to endure it - ask him to deal with them on his own, and find time for rest yourself, you need it. Such a dream can also speak of internal problems associated with a lack of autonomy and independence. You just need to take full responsibility for your actions, and you will find the desired freedom.
If you met your classmates in a dream, it means that very soon the results of the consequences of an act committed by you in your school years may be revealed.
If you have already graduated from school a long time ago, and your classmates dreamed about the same as they were during your studies, then you, deep down, miss your childhood.
If you are a schoolboy and you dreamed about your classmates, then you are missing something. Perhaps you need to brush up on your knowledge.
If at a meeting with classmates you feel the happiest in a dream and are very happy, then some kind of trouble lies in wait for you. You should ask your friends for help.
If classmates in a dream were unfriendly to you, looked askance at you, it means that in life everything will be the other way around and you will easily get off, avoiding serious problems.
If you dream of classmates as old, sick, infirm people, then in reality you should seek advice from older relatives or colleagues. Only they will help to unravel the tangle of problems that have fallen on you.
Dead classmates dream of an unexpected invitation, receiving a parcel, gift or money order.
However, all you need to get out of a difficult situation is to believe in yourself and find those people who care about you and who are ready to help you cope with your problems.
Classmates in a dream appear at that moment in your life when you are torn away from your old friends, you rarely see old friends, the bustle has swallowed you up and made your lifestyle monotonous.
See as classmates strangers or not to recognize them - a dream promises doubts in personal life, fears when investing a large amount of money in a business or in securities. There is a high probability of losing or losing a large amount of money in real life.
To dream that you are burying one of your classmates means to forget about your past, about your childhood. Such a dream suggests that memories of school years are not very pleasant.
Seeing your classmates as kids again- a dream indicates that you are a person who is unsure of himself and his abilities. You are too cramped in the image you have created of a diligent, executive, trouble-free worker and family man.

Dreams about former or current classmates are visited by many dreamers. For a correct interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to the circumstances preceding the dream.

About memories

Memory plays a big role in dream formation. When a person sleeps, his brain processes the information received earlier.

If a dream with the presence of former classmates is inspired by memories of them, then this is just a projection that the subconscious created. It makes no sense to decipher such a vision.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

Interpretations of various dream books

If a dream about old friends - classmates visited you suddenly, without prior memories, you should remember the details of the vision and the emotions that accompany it. It is possible that such a dream is intended to convey some important information.

Various sources give different versions of the interpretation of dreams in which classmates are present:

  • A home dream book says that a person who communicated with former school friends in a dream, very stubborn, and he needs to try to smooth out the hard traits of character.
  • Miller's dream book portends trouble and disappointment.
  • Esoteric predicts a threat to reputation, perhaps retribution for past sins.
  • Worldly dream book assumes that soon friends will be able to provide the necessary assistance.
  • Dream Interpretation of Juno claims that seeing a classmate in a dream means wrong actions, miscalculations, calls to think and understand where the mistake was made and try to correct it.

Details of dreams about past times

When school years are over, and a sudden dream reminded of them, you should remember all the details in order to find the right interpretation:

  • A deceased classmate is dreaming - this indicates the collapse of plans, hopes in private and professional life. It is necessary to reconsider the views on problems, relationships with loved ones, correct the mistakes made.
  • If you dream of a quarrel with classmates in which they behave aggressively and rudely, this is a positive sign, meaning that you should not be afraid of scandals and gossip.
  • An aged classmate dreams of a person facing a difficult choice, in which case one should think more carefully about one's future plans.
  • Meeting or partying with former school friends means it's time to relax and unwind in the company of trustworthy people.
  • If in a dream a classmate hugs you, he really remembers the sleeping person, misses you and wants to talk.
  • When a woman dreams that her former lover a classmate confesses his love, this suggests the opposite: he does not want to think about her, he tries to forget and intrigues.
  • A kiss from a classmate in a dream tells a man that he should open up, stop holding back in showing emotions.
  • A dream about a deceased classmate, when in reality he is alive, reports that this person needs help, the support of his comrades.
  • A fight with a former classmate in a dream means that you will achieve your goal, while offending friends or loved ones.

The sadness or fear that arose after sleep from meeting friends at school shows dissatisfaction with life, with oneself or specific situation.

Dreams about the present

Teenagers who go to school often dream of their classmates. Sometimes they reflect recent events in student life.

Real emotions that have not come out are unconsciously transformed into a dream, so the plots of night visions reflect young dreams and fantasies.

Despite this, there are some interpretations of teenage dreams:

  • Love and kisses with classmates in a dream express the dreams and desires of the dreamer.
  • If you dream of a school team, noise and bustle - this portends a lot of things in reality, a lack of time to complete tasks.
  • A fight with a desk mate in a dream portends a showdown and indicates existing problems.
  • A dream about a joint trip indicates the fulfillment of a common assignment given by a school teacher.

When your child tells his dream and asks to explain it, you should interpret the dream in a positive way, but if the events of the vision cause anxiety, then you need to observe his behavior and relationships with peers.

Remember, children's dreams can be direct clues to adults about needed help and support.

Sometimes dreams about classmates are just a reminder of the passing youth, but do not neglect separate interpretations which will help to avoid many mistakes.