Sea battle game which ships. How to play sea battle

In Game "sea ​​battle" two people play, who take turns calling the coordinates of the ships on the enemy's map. If the coordinates are occupied, then the ship or part of it is "drowned", and the one who got in has the right to make one more move.

The game takes place on a field of 10x10 cells of each player, on which the fleet of ships is located. Contours are usually numbered from top to bottom, and verticals are labeled with letters from left to right. In this case, the letters of the Russian alphabet are used from "a" to "k" (the letters "e" and "y" are usually skipped) or from "a" to "and" (using the letter "e"), or letters of the Latin alphabet from " a "to" j ". Sometimes the word "republic" or "snow maiden" is used, since in these 10-letter words not a single letter is repeated. Since there are various options setting the coordinate system, it is better to agree on this in advance.

The fleet consists of

* 1 ship - a row of 4 cells "four-deck"

* 2 ships - a row of 3 cells "three-deck"

* 3 ships - a row of 2 cells "double-deck"

* 4 ships - a row of 1 single-deck cells.

When placed, ships cannot touch each other at their corners.

Ship decks should be built "in line", not bends. The main thing: you cannot build the decks of one ship diagonally.

Before the start of hostilities, players throw lots or agree who will go first.

The player making the move makes a shot - names out loud the coordinates of the cell in which, in his opinion, the enemy ship is located, for example, "К1!" ...
If the shot hit a cell that is not occupied by any enemy ship, then the answer follows: "Past!" and the shooting player puts a dot on someone else's square in this place. The right to move passes to the opponent.
If the shot hit a cell where a multi-deck ship is located (larger than 1 cell), then the answer is “Wounded!”. The shooter puts a cross on a foreign field in this cell, and his opponent puts a cross on his own field also in this cell. The shooter is entitled to one more shot.
If the shot hit a cell where a single-deck ship or the last unaffected cell of a multi-deck ship is located, the answer is "Sunk!" or "Killed!" Both players mark the sunken ship on a sheet. The shooter is entitled to one more shot.

The winner is the one who sinks all 10 enemy ships first. The loser has the right to ask the opponent to examine the playing field after the end of the game.


The player has his own field drawn incorrectly: the number of ships does not correspond to the rules; ships touch each other; wrong field sizes and wrong coordinate system.

The player made changes on his playing field that were not provided for by the rules of the game (during the game, you can only put dots and crosses and only according to the rules), for example, he completed the missing ship, the player peeped the location of the enemy's ships or missed his turn.

Incredible popular game on paper. And although now there are special play sets for " Naval battle", As well as a lot of computer implementations, classic version on a piece of paper remains the most demanded.

The goal of the game is to sink enemy ships before he has time to sink yours.

Rules of the game " Sea battle»

Two players are playing. Each of them needs a piece of paper (preferably in a cage), pencil or pen. The game begins with the preparation of the field. Two 10 × 10 squares are drawn on a piece of paper. On one of them their ships will be deployed, in the other they will "fire" at the enemy ships. The sides of the squares are signed with letters horizontally and numbers vertically. It is necessary to agree in advance which letters will be written (the main disputes arise as to whether or not to use the letter "E"). By the way, in some schools, instead of a boring alphabet, they write the word “ REPUBLIC"- it just contains 10 non-repeating letters. This is especially useful for those who have never mastered the alphabet.

Arrangement of ships

Next, the placement of fleets begins. Classic rules sea ​​battle they say that there should be 4 ships in one cell (" single-deck" or " one-pipe"), 3 ships with 2 cells each, 2 with 3 cells and one with four decks. All ships must be straight, curved and "diagonal" are not allowed. The ships are located on the playing field in such a way that there is always a gap of one cell between them, that is, they should not touch each other either by their sides or corners. In this case, ships can touch the edges of the field and occupy corners.

A game

When the ships are placed, the players take turns firing "shots", naming the squares by their "coordinates": "A1", "B6", etc. If the square is occupied by a ship or a part of it, the enemy must answer "wounded" or "killed "(" Sunk "). This cell is crossed out with a cross and one more shot can be made. If there is no ship in the named cell, a point is placed in the cell and the move goes to the opponent.

The game is played until the complete victory of one of the players, that is, until all the ships are sunk. At the end of the game, the loser can ask the winner to look at his ship placement.


If you think that sea ​​battle- a game built solely on luck and luck, then you are wrong. In fact, it has both strategy and tactics, which we will talk about in the conclusion. So - about the tricks as well as various honest and not very fair methods of playing sea ​​battle:

  • First of all (and this is the most important thing!), You need to keep your sheet with ships so that the enemy could not spy your location;
  • Be sure to keep track of your own and others' moves, noting them dots... This will exclude shots at the same cells;
  • After sinking an enemy ship, also surround it with dots so as not to shoot at places where there are obviously no ships;
  • Do not put ships in the corners of the field: usually beginners shoot at them first. However, exceptions will be discussed below;
  • It is necessary to develop a strategy for the placement. A good result is an uneven distribution of ships: collect all the "big" ships in one or two dense groupings, and hide the remaining "single-decks" separately in secret places of the playing field. In this case, the enemy will quickly calculate and defeat the group. big ships, and then will search for the remaining little ones for a long time;
  • After killing a large ship, the enemy surrounds it with dots. Hence, finding “ four-decker", The opponent immediately opens (4 + 1 + 1) * 3 = 18 cells (that is, 18% or almost 1/5 of the field). " Three-decker"Gives 15 cells (15%)," double-decker"- 12%, and" single-deck" - nine%. If you put the "four-deck" against the wall, then it will open only 12 cells (10 for a three-deck, 8 for a two-deck). If you put the “four-deck” in the corner, it will only open 10 cells (8, 6 and 4, respectively). Of course, if the enemy realizes that all the ships are on the edge, he will quickly sink them. Therefore, it is best to use this advice in conjunction with the previous one.
  • Shooting tactics can also vary. However, the best way to start the destruction of enemy ships is to search for a "four-deck". To do this, you can shoot diagonally, or draw a diamond, or shoot through 3 cells to the fourth. As soon as a four-deck ship is found, we are looking for a three-deck one, then two ... Of course, in the search process, "every little thing" will come across and make adjustments to the plans.
  • And here is the dishonest way: to arrange all the ships, except for the last single-deck (it will act as the submarine "Elusive"). And he will be placed (and killed) only in the last remaining cell. Dealing with this is easy enough: have the players arrange the ships in one color, and fire in another. It is possible, for example, for players to have pens or pencils different colors and after placing the ships, just change the handles.

A simple and addictive game that has been known since childhood is sea battle. The rules of the game are not very complicated, anyone can remember them. Adults and children like the sea battle, you can play it anywhere.

Sea Battle game rules

The essence of the entertainment lies in the fact that two players take turns calling certain coordinates on the opponent's map, which is unknown to them. The named point must hit the ship or part of it. The task of each player is to sink all enemy ships first. There are several options for such a game today:

  1. On paper. This method is considered a classic entertainment option. It lets you play anywhere. A checkered notebook or one leaf (not even lined) is suitable for battle.
  2. Desktop. The first version of such entertainment appeared more than 80 years ago. Board game naval battle was distinguished by its volume and color. Over time, many variations appeared with a different number of ships, different sizes of fields.
  3. On the computer. Modern gadgets can be easily turned into a battlefield of ships by downloading and installing the required application. There are online options. Features: the selected points are fixed automatically, there is a voice acting that adds reality to what is happening.


To understand how to play naval combat, you need to understand the basic concepts. You need to start by drawing your playing field. It is a coordinate plane, a 10 by 10 square. Each side has its own definitions: the horizontal one is numbered from top to bottom, the vertical one - by letter designations. The letters of the Russian alphabet are used from "A" to "K" or from "A to I" if "E" and "Y" are skipped. Often, instead of letter designations, the words "Snow Maiden" or "Republic" are used. They consist of ten letters, which corresponds to 10 squares on the playing field.

Next to "your" field you need to draw a "foreign" one, which has the same dimensions and coordinates. This is the site for the enemy flotilla. The field is empty, it is used to mark your opponent's moves and "hits". Given that there are several options for the coordinate system, it is recommended to agree in advance which one will be used. Next, you need to arrange the ships.

Number and placement of ships

There is a certain layout of the ships on the playing field. A vessel consists of several decks or pipes (hence the name, for example, "double-deck" or "double-pipe"). On the playing field are located:

  • 1 four-deck, ship, battleship, - a row of four cells,
  • 2 three-deck, cruisers, - rows of 3 cells;
  • 3 double-deck, destroyers, - rows of 2 cells;
  • 4 single-deck ships, torpedo boats, - 1 cage.

In the classic game, you need to draw ships on the playing field according to the rules. For example, all ships by sides or corners cannot touch each other. There are variants of the game, when the ships are placed with the letter "L", squares or zigzags, touching the corners is not prohibited. There are also battles with a different number of ships or their structure, for example, a five-deck (aircraft carrier), several four-deck ones. Using more ships use a different form of the field, 15 by 15. It is necessary to decide on the choice of the game in advance.

Game progress

It is necessary to play naval combat on paper in accordance with certain rules. The instruction defines the conditions and order of moves:

  1. Initially, it is chosen who will walk with the first. To do this, the players throw lots.
  2. When making a "shot", the player names the coordinates, for example, B3.
  3. If there is nothing in the cage, the opponent says "by". The ship is located according to the named coordinates, then "wounded" - if it was hit, "killed" - when completely destroyed.
  4. The cross marks the hit on the enemy ship. With such a successful shot, according to the rules, the player moves a second time. The right to move is passed to the second player if the blow fell on an empty field.
  5. The winner is the one who is the first to sink all the ships of his opponent.
  6. At the end of the game, opponents can demand from each other playing fields for verification. The loser will be the one whose fields are filled in incorrectly. Victory goes to those who fought honestly.

There are certain limitations in the game. The game can be ended earlier if there is a violation of the rules. Gross violations are:

  1. Incorrectly Drawn Margin — the number of vessels is too large, the sides or the coordinate system are incorrect.
  2. One of the players spied on the location of the ships from the other.
  3. Skipping a turn due to inattention.

Winning strategy

An easy battle isn't all about luck. To achieve victory, there is a strategy and tactics for playing sea battle. It is as follows:

  1. The sheet with the drawn field must be held so that the enemy cannot look.
  2. For convenience and reporting, it is recommended to mark enemy shots with dots.
  3. The most vulnerable ships are the battleship and the torpedo boat. The first one is very large and therefore easy to spot. Torpedo boats are small and hard to find on the field, but they sink with one blow.
  4. Beginners often aim at the corners of the game square, so it is not recommended to draw them there.
  5. Experienced players are advised to immediately come up with the layout of the ships on the field. Good results can be achieved by arranging the flotilla units according to the scheme. For example, by collecting cruisers and battleships in one place, and placing boats and destroyers in a chaotic manner.
  6. Flotilla shooting techniques can be different. To quickly destroy the battleship, it is recommended to start searching for it diagonally. You need to shoot at the squares at 4, after 3 cells. Then you need to move in descending order: look for three-deck, double-deck and single-boats.


For both games from this article, and for the game "Tanks" and for the game "Sea Battle", you will need a sheet of paper and two pens. They are played by two participants. The players either agree in advance about who will go first, or they decide by drawing lots, for example, toss a coin or use children's counters.

And if the game "Sea Battle" is familiar to almost all people in our country, whose childhood was in the 80s - 90s or earlier, then the game on paper in tanks, or as many affectionately called it, "Tanchiki", was famous, but not by that much. In spite of military theme Both of these games were very popular among both boys and girls. They were played both at home and at school, and not only during breaks, but also in class, blocking the map with the location of their ships from a neighbor on the desk with a notebook or textbook.

These games will still help children to have fun and usefully spend their time. The benefits of these games are not only that they are live communication, a way to do something interesting, get distracted from something, and relax. For preschoolers, this is a way to prepare the hand for writing, in the game "sea battle" to repeat some letters and numbers.

Another game of tanks develops the eye, and the game of sea battle allows you to train your intuition, teaches you to find a square with given coordinates on the playing field (though one of them is indicated by a letter), makes it possible to develop your own battle strategy, try to unravel the opponent's strategy, imagine, how he thinks, how he could arrange his ships.

Tanks (tanks) - a game on paper. Rules

To get acquainted with the game for novice players and younger children, it is advisable to take a double notebook sheet in a box (it is torn out from the middle of the notebook). In the next games, it is better to use a sheet of clean office paper folded in half - this will make it more difficult for opponents to hit the target. And yet each player in this game will need not a felt-tip pen or a pencil, but ball pen... It will turn out more beautiful and clearer if the colors used by the rivals' pens are different, but it is possible for them to be the same.

Preparing to play

The fold is the border. On one side of the sheet is the territory of one participant, on the other - the other. Each participant draws their tanks on their side of the sheet. The number of tanks is agreed in advance, it should be the same (from 5 to 10 units each). Tanks should be small, about 1x2 cells. It is better to draw them farther from the border and from each other - so it will be more difficult for the opponent to hit them.

Agree on the rules before the shelling begins.

The rules of the game "Tanks"

A variation of this game with various military equipment: in addition to tanks, participants draw ships, airplanes, you can even draw parachutists. About what military equipment to draw and in what quantity, the participants agree before the start of the game.

Sea battle is a game on paper. Rules

Now "Sea Battle" can be played both in the computer and in the desktop version, however, the simple classic paper version has not yet been forgotten. The game allows you to feel like a military leader, in it you need to set the coordinates for shelling the enemy's fleet and think over the location of the ships of your fleet so as to destroy the fleet of another participant before he destroys yours.

Preparing to play

Before the start of the game, participants draw fields with coordinates on sheets of paper and place ships of their fleet in them. At the same time, they necessarily agree on the number of ships, their shape, location and rules. This is very important so that later there will be no misunderstandings, resentments and quarrels. Because there are several options for the game.

For example, in my childhood, I and all my friends and acquaintances with whom we played in "Sea Battle" drew three-cell and four-cell ships in an arbitrary order: in the form of rectangles, the letter "z", the letter "z", a square. But it turns out that according to the rules of the classic version of the game, this is unacceptable - the ships can be located only evenly, without bends.

Playing fields of the game "Sea Battle"

For the game "Sea Battle", each of the participants will need a piece of paper in the box and a pen (you can use a pencil or felt-tip pen).

Before the game, the participants draw on their piece of paper two squares with sides of 10 cells. In the cells to the left of each square vertically from top to bottom there should be numbers from 1 to 10 in ascending order, and above each square horizontally from left to right - letters from "A" to "K", with the exception of the letters "E" and "Y ". Those. here is such a row: "A B C D E F G H I K". Sometimes, instead of letters of the alphabet, a word is written horizontally, consisting of ten non-repeating letters.

In the first square, each player places his own fleet, in the second he marks the location of the opponent's fleet.

The shape, number and location of ships in the game "Sea Battle"

How many ships should there be in a sea battle game? In the classic version, each player has 10 ships:

  • 1 PC. - 4 cl.,
  • 2 pcs. - 3 cl.,
  • 3 pcs. - 2 cl.,
  • 4 things. - 1 cl.

More details:

  • one ship, consisting of four cells - a battleship (such ships are also called four-deck or four-pipe)
  • two ships, consisting of three cells - cruiser (three-deck)
  • three ships, consisting of two cells - destroyer (double-deck)
  • four ships, consisting of one cell - submarine or torpedo boat (single-deck)

Ships should be positioned in an even vertical or horizontal row without bends, and never diagonally. It is strictly forbidden to position ships so that they touch each other at sides or corners. That is, there must be a distance of at least one cell between them. Ships can touch the sides of the field in which they are located.

It is very important that none of the players see the location of the opponent's fleet.

Rules of the game "Sea Battle"

The first player shoots (names the coordinates of the cell in which, as he assumes, the opponent may have a ship, for example, K-10).

The second player on the first field (the field with his ships) finds this cell.

  • If the cell is empty, the second player puts a dot in it and says aloud: "Pass." The first player also marks this cell with a dot, but on the second field. The turn goes to the second player.
  • If there is a medium or large ship in this cell, the second player puts a cross in it and says: "Wounded", if a small one (single-deck), then "Killed". Also, "Killed" is said in the case when the opponent falls into the last whole (not marked with a cross) deck of a multi-deck ship. The first player in this cell on the second square also puts a cross and makes another move.

Players take turns, but after each well-aimed hit, the player gets another move. The winner is the one who is the first to blow up all the ships of the other participant. When the game is over, the participants can watch each other's playing fields.

If the winning player breaks the rules, the other player is considered the winner.

Possible violations:

  • made a mistake in the signature or the size of the fields
  • made a mistake in the shape, number or location of the ships
  • moved the ship during the game
  • tried to spy on the position of the opponent's ships, etc.

How to play Sea Battle to win

In the game "Sea Battle", there are tricks, some of which few know, and therefore play, hoping only for chance. But by applying certain strategies, you can significantly increase the chance of winning.

© Yulia Valerievna Sherstyuk, https: // site

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Any adult who did not have computers and consoles in childhood can play perfectly games on paper... For such fun activities, you don't need anything but a clean piece of paper and a pencil or pen. Today, many children know how to win at Diego Forward, a fun online game, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what Tic-Tac-Toe is. Of course, the computer game "Diego Forward" also teaches a lot, for example, attentiveness and kindness towards animals, but do not forget about the most simple games that help children develop logical thinking, ingenuity and creative thinking... There are a lot of fun on paper, most of which are applied use.

One of the very first games that a person learns in his life, known in England under many names.

Number of players: two.

Equipment: pencil and paper or any surface on which you can make notes.

Difficulty: it is decisively difficult for an adult or a child to win.

Duration: Each game takes a few minutes, but you won't get by with one round.

Tic-tac-toe has undeniable dignity- they can be played almost anywhere: at home, in the car, on the train or on the beach, where you can draw the markings on the sand. First, draw two pairs of parallel lines perpendicular to each other to make nine squares. Then the players take turns filling the squares with crosses and zeroes (each with their own signs), trying to make a row - horizontal, vertical or diagonal - of three identical symbols. The player who starts the game has an advantage, so it is wiser to start the games one at a time.

There are about 15 thousand options for how you can make the first five moves in the game, but in almost any situation the second player can lead to a draw.

One of the winning strategies is shown in Figure 1: if you put a cross in the corner, and your opponent put a zero in the corner below, then it makes sense to close the opposite corner with the next move, forcing your opponent to interrupt your diagonal line by placing the next zero in the central sector. Then place a cross in the remaining corner, and on the next move you will win anyway. But even using this strategy will not provide you with a 100% win, and in any case, most of the games come down to draws.

The easiest way to describe this game is to mention that it is similar to Scrabble. "Scrabble" without a board, squares, letters and a scoring system. Success depends on a rich vocabulary and a rich imagination, but it is very difficult to win in the version of the game when the basic rules are used, so it is worthwhile to agree in advance and modify them a little.

Number of players: two or more.

Equipment: pencil and paper.

Difficulty: the game is suitable for both children and adults.

Duration: in the very simple version- about half an hour.


Each player writes out for a separate piece of paper all letters of the alphabet, an additional sheet is used as a field.

The first player (toss a coin or define it in another way) writes down a word on a piece of paper, making equal spaces between the letters, then crosses out the letters that he used from his alphabet.

The next participant enters the game, writing down his word perpendicular to the first and using one of the letters already in it, also crossing out those letters that he added, but not those that are already written on the game sheet.

This continues until each player writes down a word, and then the move again goes to the first, after which a new circle begins. Subsequently, players are only allowed to use the unstressed letters of their alphabet.

Which words you can write is governed by the same rules as in the Scrabble game. As the example in fig. 2, the first player wrote down the word "kitchen", the second player used the letter I, wrote down the word "lizard" and deletes all letters from his sheet, except for I. The third player used the letter I of the second player and wrote "World", but the first player, when the move returned to him again, he wrote down the word "spruce", thereby getting rid of the soft sign.

At first, it’s easy to come up with better words than the ones chosen by the players in our example, but as the game progresses, it gets harder and harder. However, a player who is stumped can say “pass” and skip a move. The winner is the one who crosses out the entire alphabet first, but since the players only have 33 letters at their disposal, this is not at all easy. If all the players said "pass", then the winner is the one with the least number of uncrossed letters on the sheet. As you might guess, this game is much more difficult than Scrabble, due to the limited supply of letters.


There are countless variations of the Alphabet Race, but it is very important that all conventions are approved prior to the start of the game to avoid unnecessary controversy. You can, for example, double or even triple the vowel supply for each player. You can also give each of them two alphabets, without repeating such rare letters as b, b and b. It's up to you to choose.

They say that the game was invented by English prisoners of war during the First World War, and since then, children from many countries of the world have fallen in love with this unpretentious occupation. By the way, to add interest, you can easily transfer the action into the future.

Number of players: two Equipment: pencil and paper.

Difficulty: the factor of luck plays a significant role; the game is more suitable for children than adults.

Duration: about 15 minutes, but the loser usually demands revenge.


Each player draws two fields of 10 x 10 cells, numbers them with numbers from 1 to 10 on the left side, and also marks them with letters from A to K (omitting Y and E) at the top. One field is intended for your own fleet, the second - for the enemy, and now there will be no markings on it, except for the markings. Each player's fleet consists of one battleship (four squares), two cruisers (three squares), three destroyers (two squares), and four submarines (one square). This means that each player from one hundred cells of his field will have twenty cells occupied by ships. Players place ships on the field for their fleet, marking them with the corresponding letters - L, K, E and P. The cells that form one ship must touch each other vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

But ships cannot stand close to each other, even if they touch at least one corner. The possible location of the fleet is shown in Fig. 4.

To determine who is starting, a coin is tossed. At the end of the first game, the loser will move first.

Each player takes turns trying to hit the enemy ships, making three shots per turn. This is done through what they call the coordinates of the cell where they shoot. Accurate hits are announced by the enemy, while he also names the type of damaged ship.

In fig. 5 player shot the cage Picture No. 5

G-3 missed, then G-6 and missed again. But the third shot caught one of the enemy cruisers on the B-8. All this information, including misses, is tagged on the enemy fleet board. Then the turn goes to the second player. The winner is the one who destroys the enemy ships first.



Large-scale naval battles are the heritage of the bygone century, so many children will enjoy playing "Spaceships" - a disguised "Sea Battle". Swap a battleship for an intergalactic rocket ship, a cruiser for a laser frigate, a destroyer for a space infantry transport, and a submarine for a fighter, or let the kids come up with their own names - and here's a new game for you.

This sophisticated version of Naval Combat requires a more thoughtful approach from the players. The fields for your own and foreign fleets remain the same, but the ships used and the principle of the game change somewhat. Each player now has one battleship (five squares), one cruiser (three squares), and two destroyers (two squares). Ships are distributed across the field according to the above rules. But, unlike "Sea Battle", in which you can make three shots per turn, in the "Volley" game there are as many as seven of them: three for a battleship, two for a cruiser, and one for destroyers. The enemy notes where the shots hit on the field of his fleet, but does not specify which of the shots was effective. Instead, he can say, "one hit on a cruiser and one on a destroyer." If the ship has been hit more than once, this must also be reported.

After that, a volley is fired by the ships of the second player, and at this time the first player must think carefully into which cells he should shoot in the first move in order to find out which of his first hits were accurate.

A ship is considered sunk when all of its cells are damaged, and players must report this immediately. This is very important, because the number of shots for the next player will be reduced by the number that the lost ship provided. Therefore, if you lose a battleship, your firepower will decrease by three units and the next time you will have only four shots. As in "Naval Battle", the winner is the one who sinks all enemy ships first.

Games on paper are of varying complexity, there are even those whose strategic plan is equated to chess game... You can play en masse, or you can solve puzzles yourself. A number of such fun have no restrictions on the number of players, for example, intellectual quizzes, funny sheets, folding.

Games are very different: tactical, adventure, creative, applied, artistic. Main advantages games on paper- this is the difference in genres, simplicity, ease of learning the rules and tactics, accessibility for every child or adult. You can teach a child to such interesting activities from the age of five, starting with the simplest and most understandable games. Adults should play with their children, showing them the variety of games on paper.

Studying with a child, parents will remember their childhood and get no less pleasure than their kids.

To play "sea battle", the participants should take a piece of paper in the box and draw two battlefields on them. Their sizes are 10 by 10 cells, two squares. One field for placing your ships on it. The second is to mark the results of hits or misses on enemy ships. The upper part of the squares is marked with letters of the alphabet, horizontally; vertical left - in numbers. So, each selected point will have coordinates: 1a or 9d. The more hits in the target on the enemy field, the closer the victory and playing "sea battle" becomes more interesting.

Each player has the same number of ships that have different sizes... The more interesting it is to play "sea battle", the more varied the arrangement of the "armed forces" on the field. Each player will have ten ships:

Four ships with one deck

Three - with two,

Two - with three decks,

One is the largest, four-deck.

Place your ships only in cells: vertically or horizontally - no touching corners. There should be a distance between the ships - one cell. If everything is prepared by the participants, then you can start playing the "sea battle".

The playing fields during the battle are closed: opponents should not see how the ships are located. The first who starts the battle names the coordinates of the point, marking it on his second field. If it hits, then marks the square with a cross. Otherwise, a dot. Play "sea battle" until the first miss. If you missed, the move goes to the second participant.

Participants find the coordinates of the named points and inform the enemy: "hit", "by", "wounded". So, there is a "shooting". Participants continue to play "sea battle" until the moment when all of the ships of one of them are destroyed.

And again Sea battle, but this time about the classic school game, played on notebook sheets. History has not preserved information about who and when invented this amazing game, but the fact that many generations of schoolchildren played it Soviet Union, it is a fact. Legends were made about this game, they wrote poems, came up with different variants battles and new rules. It is not surprising that the boom in naval combat continues and is even gaining momentum, now you can play not only with an opponent, but also with a computer, tablet and even a phone ...

Quite recently, on our website, we described, and today we will talk about the classic rules of the Sea Battle game on paper. The classic version of the sea battle game is played by two people. To play you will need two notebooks in a cage and two pencils or pens. The players take a piece of paper and a pen and sit down so that they cannot see each other's sheets - this is a real military secret and the fate of the whole company depends on the secrecy of the positions of the fleet. Then the players draw two squares measuring 10 by 10 cells and number the vertical side, and write the letters of the alphabet on the horizontal side. You should pay attention to the spelling of the same letters for two players, otherwise the game will be ruined. Of course, you can change the location of letters and numbers, you can increase or decrease the size of the playing field, but a prerequisite is that this must be done the same for two players.

After the squares of future hostilities have been drawn, you should well hide them from the eyes of the opponent and begin to place your fleet, but before that, carefully read the following rules:

  • in the classic rules of the "Sea Battle" game, the ships are located only horizontally or vertically and cannot be bent;
  • in the classic game "Sea Battle" the ships cannot touch each other with neither sides nor angles, there must be a distance of at least one cell between the ships;
  • In the classic Sea Battle game, each player places 10 (ten) ships of different sizes:
    • 1 (one) four-cell battleship;
    • 2 (two) three-cell cruisers;
    • 3 (three) two-cell destroyers;
    • 4th (four) one-cell submarines or torpedo boats (whichever you prefer).

Ships should be placed on the left square, and the right one will be used to mark your shooting, analyze the situation and fire at enemy ships. The figure shows an example of the placement of ships. Attention, if you decide to change the rules of the game to increase the number of ships, then it is necessary to increase the size of the game squares, otherwise there will simply not be enough space for placing the ships.

When the ships are placed, it is time to start a sea battle and one of the admirals, according to the lot, makes his first shot. This is done like this: the player looks at the right square and chooses any place available for a shot and names it aloud. For example: "e2" or "u9". The second participant in the sea battle looks at his left square, on which his ships are located, finds the indicated point and reports the result of the shot:

  • by (miss) - if this point is empty, in this case both players mark a point at this place, which means they have already fired at these coordinates and there is no ship there;
  • wounded - if this is one of the places where the ship is standing and this ship still has whole fragments of the hull, in this case, a mark is made with a cross with the beginning of the lines in the corners of the square;
  • killed (sunk) - if there is a one-cell submarine or another ship in this place, in which all the fragments of the hull are already damaged, in this case a cross is placed and the whole ship is surrounded by dots, because the ship is sunk, its coordinates are fully determined, and according to the rules of naval combat, other ships cannot be located on adjacent cells. Thus, a mark is made and no more fire will be fired along these coordinates.

Please note that according to the rules of the classic sea battle game, the player who fired a successful shot and wounded or killed the enemy ship continues the game and fires one more shot. He continues to shoot until he misses. The game continues until the moment when all ships of one of the fleets go to the bottom, that is, until one of the fleets is completely destroyed.

Attention, if you wish, you can change the rules of the game and add your own elements. For example, some people put into play one or two sea ​​mines... When hitting such a mine, the shooting player must name the coordinates of any of his not sunk ships. In addition, you can play three, then the players draw three squares each and the shooting is carried out at once at one squadron, and then at another. In addition, you should mark not only your own shots, but also the shots of your opponents when they shoot at each other. The introduction of new rules into the game will diversify it and make it more fun, but these rules need to be carefully thought out and tested in practice.

In the following articles, we will definitely analyze the tactical techniques for deploying fleets and the correct strategy for firing at an enemy squadron. Enjoy your leisure time.

On our site you can find others that you can play with your friends.

Do you think you know how to play Sea Battle? Well, let's say, and in which one? Yeah, have you puzzled?

Let's start with the original version and remind those who have forgotten: two are playing. Each of them places 10x10 ships in their own field:

  • 1 battleship
  • 2 cruisers
  • 3 destroyers
  • 4 boats

Ships should not touch each other, neither corners nor sides. It is forbidden to move and paint ships during the battle.

Field columns have letter designation(a-k), lines - numeric (1-10). They walk in turn: the first player names the opponent the cell where the shot is fired (for example - 6), the enemy marks this place on his field and reports the result of the shot - missed or hit. If there is a hit, the player shoots again, if not, the move to the enemy. A ship is considered wounded if it has at least one intact tap hole, otherwise it is sunk. The battle is fought until the complete destruction of the fleet of one of the players.

Usually, each player draws an additional field, where he marks his shots and their results - it is much easier to do tactical analysis this way. As a result, the game through the eyes of one of the players looks like this (shots are shown with dots, hits - with crosses. On the left field, enemy shots are marked, on the right field is its own shooting, in principle, the enemy's 4-deck battleship has already been determined - the next move is to aim at a square g4):

Firstly, you can enter and not only direct ships, we also admitted such bizarre models of the navy:

Secondly, you can play three of us according to the rule "Everyone against all", when a player in his turn makes a shot at any of the opponents. But there is one BUT. Such games end with the fact that almost always two unite against the third (this is the form of manifestation of a well-known psychological law), first overwhelm his fleet, and then deal with each other. To prevent this from happening, you can play four of us according to the "pair for pair" rule.

Thirdly, shooting can be carried out in volleys - we played three shots in a volley, but then as you agree, at least all ten. In this case, the enemy is told the number of hits, but it is not said in which cells the hit occurred.

And finally fourthly... I don’t remember who brought this option, but honor and praise. The field was the size 20x15 cells, was divided by a wavy line into "land" and "sea" ("land" was shaded a little for clarity). The figures were also special - they were subdivided into land, sea and were placed on the corresponding part of the field, the advantage was also the air force, which could be installed in any cell of the field. No contact between them was allowed. In total, each had 14 figures:

Ground forces: tanks, battery, anti-aircraft gun

Naval forces: battleship, cruisers, destroyers, aircraft carrier

Air force: stormtroopers

The battle was fought according to standard rules. There was scope for tactics - to determine where the enemy's border between land and sea passes and to estimate their size.

Naturally, during the game there were often “clever guys” well, why not just think of this, not draw the last boat when placing ships, but put it on the field at the last moment on the remaining square. Previously, these were beaten with candelabra. The game suddenly becomes uninteresting, which is true for all games where the win is provided by cheating. Therefore, be nice and do not deceive your own, otherwise they may recall the good old law about the candelabrum.