Edible insects are the basic rules for eating insects. Eating insects

For most people living in Europe, Russia or North America, the idea of ​​eating an insect may seem completely impartial, but residents of Asia, Africa and South America many species of insects are considered a real delicacy.

Edible insects in terms of nutritional value, they are not much different from crustaceans and molluscs, which people do not disdain at all. Both those and others belong to the type of arthropods. People who are allergic to crayfish, lobster, crabs and similar animals are also allergic to insects if they want to eat them.

In general, there are several reasons why insects can be used as food.

First, insects are high in protein and unsaturated fats, making them a good substitute for poultry or fish.

Secondly, physically collecting insects is much easier than caring for livestock.

Thirdly, throughout the world, the need for protein in developing countries is increasing, and there is nowhere to get it. Citizens of poor countries can not always afford to buy meat, but they can collect insects themselves.

Fourth, collecting insects could provide jobs for the unemployed in developing countries, which is also a big plus.

Let's see what types of insects are most commonly eaten.

1. Beetles

As a rule, only the beetle larvae are eaten, and not the beetles themselves. For example, in Cameroon, women collecting palm weevil larvae, put their ear to the trunk of a palm tree and listen. They have such good hearing that they can hear the movements of the larvae inside the palm tree!

In addition to the palm weevil, the larvae of aquatic and dung beetles, as well as bark beetles, are eaten.

In the Netherlands, some types of food worms are also eaten on a par with fish and reptiles, namely the larvae of the tarry beetle and the large flour beetle.

2. Caterpillars

Although representatives of some cultures willingly eat butterflies and moths, most of all others prefer only their larvae, or caterpillars. For example, in Mexico, the caterpillar of the moth that lives on the agave plant is highly prized by farmers. They are deep-fried or stewed. They are very tasty with a spicy sauce or as a filling for. They are also added to alcoholic beverages, as caterpillars are believed to enhance their taste.

The most popular in the world edible caterpillar - mopane... She lives in the forests of Mopane. Mopane is a huge swath of land that stretches across South Africa, Mozambique, Namibia, Botswana, Angola and some other countries. More than 9.5 billion tracks are assembled each year, resulting in $ 85 million in sales annually.

3. Wasps, bees, ants

Ants are very useful insects. They not only help control crop pests, but also have great nutritional value.

The larvae and pupae of the tailor ant are very popular in, where they are also called ant eggs. In Thailand, they are sold as canned food! In addition, the black tailor ant, found in the subtropics of China, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka, is used as an ingredient in healthy cuisine. It is also used in the production of tonics. All of these products can be purchased in the Chinese markets.

In Japan, hornet larvae are a delicacy and valuable commodity, which is brought there specially from Vietnam and Australia.

It is curious that the most valuable thing in a bee is not honey at all, but its nutritional value and amino acids, minerals and vitamins found in the bee's body itself. With the right approach, bees can be easily bred anywhere in the world. Except, of course, in the coldest regions.

In Thailand, for example, wasps and bee larvae and pupae are eaten. Here bees are highly valued and are quite expensive in the markets.

4. Grasshoppers, locusts and crickets

Grasshoppers, oddly enough, are also edible. The vast majority of the 80 species of grasshoppers found around the world can be eaten. In African countries, they are sold along the roads, both fresh and cooked. In Mexico lives chapulines - edible cricket, which is loved to eat in all countries of Latin America. It is usually peeled from the wings and fried in a pan with lemon, garlic and salt.

Locusts are eaten in Africa and the Middle East. Locusts are known to be a gregarious insect. It is very easy to catch a swarm of locusts. Since it constantly migrates, it can only be caught at certain times of the year. Edible locust species are brown, red and dessert. Since locusts are a pest, they are often poisoned with organophosphate pesticides. Locusts poisoned by pesticides were once collected in Kuwait. Naturally, this can no longer be eaten.

Grasshoppers and locusts should be collected early in the morning because they are cold-blooded and cannot move when it is cold in the morning.

They tried to breed the crickets on the farms, but nothing came of this idea, because they have their own life cycles... Therefore, only two types of them are used for commercial purposes. Cambodians claim that wild-caught crickets taste better than farm-raised crickets. In China, crickets are not only eaten, but also kept as pets, and crickets are fought during which they place bets.

5. Cicadas

Cicadas live in the USA, southern regions of Russia and some other countries. In the spring, these unusual insects crawl out of the ground, where they spent 17 years feeding on the sap of trees. Since cicadas feed on plants, they themselves acquire the taste of plants, namely asparagus. They are boiled or fried, and they are also used to fill pies, cakes and cookies.

6. Bedbugs

Bedbugs are bad because they emit an unpleasant smell. But this does not prevent them from being eaten. And in African countries, they are fried, and oil is squeezed out of them, with which food is flavored.

In food, in the main, they use not garden bugs, but water bugs. In Mexico, for example, several species of water bug are used to produce a product called Mexican caviar. Part of these bugs are caught, partly produced by farmers.

If you have not tried insects yet, but are going to visit the above countries and regions, you can try insects there as well. After all, only edible insect species are eaten, and they are prepared with the addition of oil, spices and herbs. Delicious, in a word!


The planet is inhabited by about 1900 edible insect species, half of which are common food products for many nations. Although the Western world is not particularly inclined to eat worms, cockroaches and spiders, Asians, for example, have long been accustomed to this and do not consider crawling creatures to be something disgusting.

It is estimated that two billion people on the planet eat a wide variety of insects every day, with both raw and cooked. Insects are rich in protein, fiber, healthy fats, and even vital vitamins!

For example, mealworm- beetle larva darkling beetles a certain species that lives in the temperate regions of the planet. These worms are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals and nutritional value comparable to meat and fish... Another very useful product- a grasshopper, which can be put on a par with beef meat, but this insect no fat, making it dietary.

Growing worms in captivity is not so expensive like raising cows, pigs and sheep. Insects do not need as much food as large animals need to produce protein. Ecologically, growing insects does not do the same harm to the planet as raising cattle.

One more interesting fact: many insects are pests, and if a person eats them, no need to use harmful pesticides to protect the crop. Moreover, the collection and processing of insects will provide employment more people, especially in developing tropical countries where they live.

But how to turn western people into insectivores if no one has eaten insects for a large number of generations? We suggest that you first get acquainted with the most popular edible insects and dishes from them, some of which can be called real delicacies.


Among the beetles that are most often eaten, there are stag beetles, dung beetles and rhinoceros beetles... They are especially loved by people living in the Amazon basin, in parts of Africa and other areas covered with dense tropical forests or temperate forests. These species of beetles live in tree crowns, in logs and at the foot of trees.

Native Americans are known to roast them over coals and ate like popcorn... These insects easily convert wood pulp into easily digestible fats. Beetles also have more protein than any other insect.

Butterflies and moths

These insects are perhaps the cutest of all. Who has not admired the smoothly fluttering multi-colored butterflies flying from one flower to another? However, it turns out that they too do not hesitate to eat... More precisely, their larvae and pupae, which are rich in protein and iron.

These foods are very popular in African countries and are an excellent supplement for children and pregnant women who are deficient in these nutrients... V Central and South America The fatty and fleshy caterpillars that live on agave plants and turn into butterflies are highly prized as food and are even added to the famous Mexican agave alcoholic beverage.

The use of worms for food allows keep their numbers under control.

Bees and wasps

We are respectful of bees, since they give healthy and tasty honey, however, bees - it is not only valuable honey, but also valuable "meat"... The indigenous peoples of Asia, Africa, Australia, South America and Mexico eat these insects, or rather their larvae.

The offspring of bees in the form eggs, pupae or larvae that are hidden in combs are eaten like peanuts or almonds. They are said to taste like pine nuts.


You probably think that for preparing a dish from ants huge numbers of these insects may be needed. but in 100 grams red ants (that is, about 1 thousand insects), for example, contains 14 g protein(more than in chicken eggs), approximately 48 mg calcium and among others nutrients, a large amount of iron. And all of this is less than 100 kcal... Also, this product is very low in carbohydrates.

Grasshoppers, crickets and locusts

Grasshoppers and their closest relatives are the most popular edible insects, apparently because they are common all over the planet and are easy enough to catch... There is a wide variety of species of these insects.

Grasshoppers are very rich in protein, they have a neutral taste, so they can be combined with other foods. Locust also a fairly popular product, these insects are harmful agriculture, and their use allows you to significantly reduce their number.

Flies and mosquitoes

These insects are not as popular as snacks as some others, such as the same termites or even lice, but flies and mosquito eat too! Flies being fed different kinds cheese, acquire the taste of these products, and the species that live near the water, something taste like ducks or fish.


Easy to grow in captivity, these ubiquitous small insects lay eggs on the stems of aquatic plants that grow in both fresh and salt water. Their eggs are dried and shaken off the plants, and then made from them Mexican caviar or eaten raw... They say that they somewhat resemble shrimp or fish in taste.


If you don't mind the smelly smell, you can add these insects to your meals to get apple flavor... They are an excellent source of iodine. It is also known that shieldbugs have analgesic properties.

These green insects drink the sap of trees, have a green coloration and a shield-like body, hence the name. They are loved to be eaten peoples of some areas East Africa and Mexico.

Insect dishes

Cheese with worms... One of the most famous and disgusting cheeses is cheese Kazu-marzu made from goat milk and cheese fly larvae Piophila casei... Those who are already fed up with moldy cheeses can try another more original cheese with worms.

This dish is prepared on the island of Sardinia. Worms that are bred in rotten cheese are eaten alive, however, when eating cheese, there is a great risk of poisoning. However, it is believed that live larvae do no harm, but this cheese is still banned in Italy.

Boiled bees... This dish is called hatinooko took root in Japan. Bee larvae are boiled in soy sauce with added sugar. A side dish of rice goes well with it. The dish has become especially popular in the post-war years when more traditional dishes were in short supply. Boiled bees and wasps are still in great demand.

By the way, in Japanese stores you can find canned bees which are produced by beekeeping farms. Some hunters for wild bees and wasps track down wild hives by tying strings to insects, but this activity is quite difficult. Wild insect dishes are rare and expensive.

Water bugs in a creamy sauce... This popular Thai dish is made with insect species. Lethocerus indicus... They are deep-fried and then poured with creamy sauce. These insects are said to taste like shrimp. They are usually served as a snack. The Vietnamese make a sauce from water bugs, which is added in small quantities to soups.

Grilled dragonflies... This dish is preferred on the island of Bali (Indonesia). With the help of sticks coated with sticky juice, dragonflies are caught, their wings are separated, and then fried over a fire or boiled in coconut milk with various spices. There are also sweet versions of this dish.

Fried tarantulas... Giant tarantula spiders are loved in Cambodia. They are caught and then fried in pans over coals until black. They say that spider meat tastes like a cross between chicken and fish.

In addition to tarantulas, in Asia they also love other spiders, for example, in Laos and New Guinea, they do not disdain spiders of the family Nephilidae... Fried spiders resemble peanuts.

Once in China, we were invited to dinner. The table was filled with various dishes, I counted about 20 of them. Among other purely Chinese dishes, there was a dish of fried snake with various spices, small fried shrimps (1.5-2 cm in size) and grasshoppers.

According to etiquette, as my husband whispered to me, I had to try every dish. I even shuddered from this message, watched with horror how it was spinning round table and a dish of unpeeled shrimp "floats up" to me. I grabbed one of them with my chopsticks.

The crustacean did not change at all and looked quite natural, everything was in place: legs, tail (fan), whiskers - antennae and bulging eyes. I carefully began to pluck off my mustache, but looking up I saw that the owners were looking at me expectantly. Overpowering unpleasant sensation to this crustacean, I had to put it in my mouth, along with the legs and mustache ... and swallowing, also smile.

The Chinese sat and cracked the crustaceans like seeds, only the crunch was there. In another circle of rotation of the table, a dish with grasshoppers stopped in front of me. I don't even want to describe the sensations that I experienced, but I still had to eat one representative of insects ... Today, a conversation about edible insects:

  1. Entomoga is insect food.
  2. How do people benefit from eating edible insects?
  3. Edible insects.
  4. Dishes made from edible insects.
  5. Insect dessert.

Entomography - food from insects

The practice of including edible insects in the diet and eating insects is common in many parts of the world and the reason is their most valuable nutritional value. Scientists believe that there are already 2 billion people on our planet that feed on insects.

In the first place in terms of nutritional value are beetles, then - caterpillars, ants, wasps, bees, locusts and grasshoppers, crickets and tarantulas. 1900 species of the insect class are considered edible.

The inclusion of insects in the diet and eating insects is called entomophagy. It is especially practiced in Africa, China, New Zealand and Australia, in not developed countries ah America. Insects are eaten in 29 Asian countries, 36 African and 23 American. Somewhere they are considered a delicacy, but somewhere, edible insects are the main diet of food.

In most developed countries, people are disgusted with eating insects and consider it a primitive culture. Meanwhile, according to scientists, insects contain a large amount of protein, calcium, iron, low fat content and they are as nutritious and healthy as regular meat, but they can be effective method fight obesity and diseases associated with it.

More and more often, the question is raised, instead of switching to genetically modified food, from which there is more harm than good, it can be switched to entomogapia ???

Not from a good life, Africans eat insects, in their countries people have long been suffering from malnutrition, experts note that 50% of child mortality under the age of 5 in these countries occurs only for this reason.

And insects are a cheap food source rich in healthy proteins and fats. According to ecologists, growing insects causes much less damage to nature than raising cattle. Nutritional composition, availability, simple methods Insect farming can provide a food alternative and help address future food shortages.

Indeed, the population by 2050 will increase to 9 billion people. This means that 50% more food will be needed, and according to projections, as a result of climate change, a 25% decrease in yields is expected.

Where to look alternative methods satisfying a person's need for food?

Why don't we like insect food?

It all depends on the culture of education. We were raised that way by our parents and the media. From early childhood, we hear what is edible and what cannot be eaten. If from childhood we knew that there are edible insects and we were treated to delicacies from fried grasshoppers, we would think that there is nothing better in the world and eating insects would be considered commonplace.

Insects in food. Nevertheless, insects still enter our stomach. It is believed that a person eats up to 0.5 kg of insects throughout his life.

According to Igor Bernikov, candidate of biological sciences, together with bread we eat flour worms, with jams and preserves, tomato paste, worms and their larvae also enter our stomach.

Culinary experts are familiar with the dye "conishel" (E-120), but meanwhile, it is prepared from the females of the insect of the same name - the conishel worm.

I heard that some beekeepers feast on bee larvae, which have a delicate creamy taste.

How do people benefit from eating insects?

I want to give you numbers showing the content of proteins and fats in various edible insects.

“So 100 grams of dung beetles contains 17.2 g of proteins and 3.8 g of fat, caterpillars - 14.2 g and 1.2 g, in grasshoppers - 20.6 g and 6.1 g, bees - 13, 4 g and 1.4 g, termites - 14.2 g and 2.2 g, respectively. For comparison, I will give an example of the content of these substances in 100 g of beef: 23.5 g of protein and 21.2 g of fat. "

In addition, insects contain chitin, which brings irreplaceable benefits in cleansing the body. Chitin is known to produce the substance chitosan, which is included in all drugs for weight loss.

In 2010, at the Space Exploration Congress, Japanese scientists presented an updated diet for astronauts, which includes insects.

In some countries, such as Thailand, edible insects are bred commercially. It is believed to be less labor intensive and costly to manufacture. Insects eat very little, compared to pigs, it is not required large rooms for their content. Scientists suggest that in the future, the main food producers in this country will be farms producing edible insects.

I bring to your attention an acquaintance with the most popular edible insects and dishes from them, which are considered delicacies.

Edible insects

Beetles. Of this order of insects, the following are considered edible: dung beetles, stag beetle, rhinoceros beetle. These insects are a delicacy for the natives of Africa and some areas in the Amazon River basin and other tropical regions. Rogac beetles and rhinos live in trees, eroding their bark. They easily process cellulose fibers, converting them into fats. The indigenous people roast them and consume them like popcorn.

Barbel beetle larvae are eaten raw and taste like peanut butter.

Moths and butterflies. Insects themselves are very beautiful, but not the butterflies themselves are used for food, but their larvae - pupae, rich in protein and iron.

Butterfly pupae are considered a delicacy, they are recommended for weakened children and pregnant women suffering from anemia. In America, its Central South regions, caterpillars of butterflies are also prized, especially the fat and fleshy caterpillars of the butterfly that lives on agave trees. These caterpillars are added to an alcoholic drink made from agave, a favorite of the Mexicans.

Bees and wasps. The larvae of these hymenoptera and their eggs are loved by the indigenous people of Australia, Africa, Asia. America and consume them like nuts.

Ants. Mostly red ants, which are large in size, are eaten, but other representatives of this order are often used as well. There are about 1,000 individuals in 100 g of red ants, which contain 14 g of protein (this is much more than chicken eggs), 48 mg of calcium, iron and other minerals.

Locusts, grasshoppers, crickets. Orthoptera have a neutral taste and protein content, which is why they are very popular in the cuisine of many countries. They can be combined with other foods. The use of locusts for food allows you to control their numbers, everyone knows what harm these insects cause to agriculture.

Flies and mosquitoes have less culinary popularity. Of their numerous order of Diptera, only a few representatives go for food. For example, flies that feed on cheeses, acquire their taste, and species of mosquitoes and flies living near the water taste like fish.

Rowing boats. These insects are inextricably linked with water, as they lay their eggs on plants growing in the water. The natives collect insect eggs to prepare Mexican caviar, and they also eat them raw. Eggs taste like shrimp.

Shields Are representatives of the bedbug family. They are an excellent source of iodine and if you ignore them unpleasant smell secreted by special glands, you can get apple cider vinegar from them. They also have pain-relieving properties. Green tree bugs that feed on leaf sap are used for food.

Insect dishes

Cheese with worms... It is called kazu-marzu and is made from goat's milk and cheese fly larvae. This product can only be found in Sardinia, in Italy it was banned because it is believed that it can be poisoned. Worms made from rotten cheese are eaten alive.

Boiled bee larvae. The dish is called hatinoko in Japan. The larvae are cooked in a sweet soy sauce that is paired with rice. The dish was especially popular in the difficult post-war times, and now it continues to be in demand.

One more bee delicacy can be found in shops in Japan - canned bees.

Grilled dragonflies. This dish is popular in Indonesia. The dragonflies are caught with sticks smeared with sticky juice, the wings are removed and fried or boiled in spiced coconut milk.

Fried red ants salad. Fried red ants are added to salads instead of lemon juice and lemon, because they are acidic (formic acid). They are eaten with pleasure in Thailand.

Fried tarantulas preferred in Cambodia. They are fried in pans and eaten with pleasure; their meat tastes like fish and chicken. They also eat fried spiders, which taste like peanuts.

Fried bushbugs are loved in Mexico. They taste like cinnamon. They are ground and mixed with chili sauce or used as a filling.

Rich in protein, chitin, calcium and minerals, edible insects are an integral part of the diet in many cultures.

Today, restaurants are opening in European countries, serving gourmet dishes from:

  • Orthoptera,
  • hymenoptera,
  • Orthoptera,
  • lepidoptera,
  • bedbugs,
  • cockroaches,
  • termites.

So far, this is only a modern, fashionable hobby, but already in demand.

A sample menu of such establishments:

Insect dessert

Believe it or not, it really is. The man is so enterprising that he learned to make dessert out of insects. Speaking of desserts ... the Bible says that John the Baptist loved to feast on "locusts with wild honey." Our contemporaries have gone further, they offer insect dessert:

In many countries, such desserts are in great demand. Experts assure that they are not only tasty, but also beneficial for health, as they add energy and strengthen the immune system. And the desserts look exotic.

Restaurant visitors, when trying insects for the first time, are more likely to choose dishes where they are used as a filling, for example, a cricket in chocolate glaze is easier to eat than a fried cockroach.

Several years ago, in the center of London, right on the street, there was a restaurant that offered visitors to taste unusual insect delicacies for free. In this unusual way one of the companies celebrated its 85th anniversary. The stream of people wishing to taste exotic dishes was endless.

The event discussed possible global hunger and the usefulness of insects as food alternatives for humans.

Anticipating the reaction of readers, I would like to note that the article is offered not for the purpose of promoting insect eating, but as a cognitive material.

  • But what is really useful for us, read.

Health to you, dear readers!

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You may not believe it, but insects are edible. What do they taste like and why are some species regularly eaten in many countries of the world? We will learn about this from the materials of the next publication.


This type of insect is eaten not only in Asian countries, but also in many parts of the United States. Cicadas practically do not crawl to the surface, live deep underground and feed on the juice of the roots. They can live up to 17 years, periodically crawling to the surface to reproduce offspring. At this time, many people are impatiently awaiting their prey, because it is necessary to catch the insect before the shell hardens. Cicadas can be boiled, fried, or served with a side dish. They are valued for their low calorie content and high protein content (up to 40%).

There is also an annual (annual) cicada in nature, which is much easier to catch. Despite its name, it has been in operation for 2 to 7 years. The insect tastes like asparagus or potatoes.


In Indonesia, people practice the eating of dragonflies, mainly as a medicinal measure. They are fried or boiled. They catch dragonflies at the moment when they hunt mosquitoes, and for this they arm themselves with sticks from palm trees dipped in sticky juice. Dragonflies taste like the soft shell of a crab.

Ant eggs

The next dish is popular in Mexico. Giant black ant eggs are harvested from agave roots. They are boiled or fried in oil and added to tacos or some other popular national dishes... However, the larvae have a mild nutty flavor. There is also a curd aftertaste.

Mopani worms

These insects are eaten in Botswana, South Africa and Zimbabwe. In general, caterpillars are traditionally used all over the world. However, these blue-green spiny caterpillars are prized for their high protein content. Mopani worms are sun dried or smoked. Served with sauce or stew. This African exotic has a mild, oily flavor.


The Mexicans have already excelled on our list. We continue to voice their gastronomic preferences. Grasshoppers are fried, seasoned with chili and lime. Enterprising people sell ready-made dish in market squares. Passers-by happily devour the fried grasshoppers in handfuls, like chips. They have a salty and spicy taste.

Silkworm pupae

The people of Vietnam, China and Korea eat silkworm pupae, which are considered an edible by-product of the silk industry. If in Korea this insect is usually boiled, then in China and Vietnam residents prefer fried silkworm pupae. The dish is salty in taste, similar to dried shrimp with a chewing consistency.

Water beetle

These insects are eaten in Thailand. These massive critters are very popular as a snack, and you can buy them at any kiosk. Thais prefer them fried with hot sauce or steamed. They are also rolled into banks. It tastes like slightly salted fish.


This formidable insect is eaten by the inhabitants of China, Thailand and Vietnam. They are caught on the street and deep-fried. The scorpion tastes like the soft shell of a crab or shrimp in a shell.

Weevil beetle larva

Another "treasure" is eaten in Nigeria, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea. In rural areas, weevil larvae are considered the main product, they are valued for their high content of protein, calcium, potassium. They are collected directly from the tree, strung on a skewer and fried over hot coals. Sometimes it is fried in flour and wrapped in sago leaf. When raw, the larvae taste like a coconut, and in finished form bacon.


Ants are eaten in Australia, Colombia and Thailand. Australian aborigines wait for the insects to grow to the size of a grape and consume them raw as sweets. Colombians consume their fat-assed ants like popcorn or peanuts. In Thailand, they prefer to fry red ants with eggs and add them to salads.


These arachnids are fried in oil until crispy in Cambodia and Venezuela. Salt, sugar and sometimes garlic are added and sold as street food. Tarantulas are eaten whole. And if the legs of the creatures are crispy, then the fat bellies are quite sticky. In the jungles of Venezuela, you can find a tarantula the size of a plate. This type of tarantula is considered a delicacy and is fried over an open fire. It tastes like crab meat.


V West Africa, Australia and parts of Latin America, residents eat termites. They are eaten raw, fried over charcoal or oil. Termites taste like carrots.

Wasp larva

The people of Japan love to eat wasp larvae. They are carefully removed from the nest, cooked in soy sauce with added sugar. Eaten as a snack. Taste: sweetish, crunchy

Huhu beetle larvae

These insects are adored by the natives of New Zealand. The huge fat larva is considered a delicacy and is eaten as a snack. People collect them under rotting tree trunks. Prized for their high protein content, they taste like peanut butter.

Brown marble bug

In Mexico and South Africa, locals eat stinky bugs. So that the smell is not felt, insects are soaked in warm water... In Africa, they are first decapitated and then boiled and dried in the sun. Consumed as a snack. The insect tastes like a mixture of cinnamon and iodine.

Many people may think that eating insects is terrible and disgusting. But if you think about it, this is no different from eating the body parts of cows, pigs and chickens. Moreover, the eastern civilization has been eating insects for quite some time, and the western civilization is gradually starting to connect to this trend. Find out where you should start if you want to try insects.

An introduction to entomophagy, or insect eating

Insects are an important food source in many places on our planet, and they are gradually becoming more recognized and popular where they were usually avoided. Why are there? Insects are abundant and highly nutritious. They contain an impressive amount of fat, minerals, vitamins, and most importantly, protein. What they taste like and what their nutritional value is depends on what they eat themselves, what species they belong to, what stage of development they are, and how they are prepared. Therefore, an insect, which in one situation may taste like chicken, in another situation may taste more like fish or even fruit. If you've tried eating an insect before and didn't like it, you should consider giving them a second chance. If you've never tried insects before, this article will provide you with a list of ones to start with.

Grasshoppers and crickets

There are about two thousand edible insect species, but grasshoppers and crickets are the most popular when it comes to eating them. They can be eaten fried, baked, boiled, or deep-fried. In some countries, they are grown to be ground into an edible protein powder. Crickets, locusts and grasshoppers belong to the Orthoptera order.

Mopane caterpillars

Almost every species of grasshopper or cricket is edible, but this is not the case with caterpillars. Caterpillars are the larvae of butterflies and moths. As with the adult forms, some caterpillars are venomous. The mopane worm (which is actually a caterpillar) is one of the species used for food. It has a particularly high iron content - from 31 to 77 milligrams per 100 grams (for comparison, 100 grams of dry weight of beef contains only 6 milligrams). Caterpillars are an important food staple in Africa, but they are slowly gaining popularity in other parts of the world. The agave worm is another edible species caterpillars, which are often found in agave liqueur. The same can be said for silkworms and bamboo worms.

Palm grubs

Palm grubs are the larval form of palm weevils. This delicious delicacy is most often fried in its own fat. Larvae are especially popular in Indonesia, Central America and Malaysia. Cooked maggots taste like sweet bacon, while fresh ones are praised for their creamy texture. Palm larvae are tropical creatures who live in South-East Asia... Although they are usually harvested from palm trees, they are also grown in culture in Thailand.


In Western countries, people are already feeding mealworms to their birds and other pets, and gradually they are gaining acceptance as a food product for humans. Mealworms can be easily grown in temperate climates compared to many other edible insects that prefer the tropics. When raised as food, the larvae are fed oats, grains, and wheat bran, adding apples, potatoes, or carrots for liquid. The nutritional value of these larvae is exactly the same as that of beef. For human consumption, they can be ground to powder or served baked, fried, or deep-fried. Their flavor is more like shrimp than beef, which makes sense because mealworms are the larval form of mealworms. Like shrimp, beetles are arthropods. Many other types of beetle larvae are also edible.


Certain types of ants are highly prized as delicacies. The lemon ants found in the Amazon jungle have a lemon scent, as their name implies. Leaf cutter ants are used for frying and taste like bacon and pistachios. Honey ants are not cooked at all, and they taste sweet. In Western civilization, the most common food ant species is the carpenter ant. You can eat absolutely anything: adult ants, their larvae and even their eggs. Ant eggs are considered to be a kind of insect eggs and are usually very expensive. Insects can be eaten raw (even live), fried, or ground as a beverage additive. Bees and wasps belong to the same order of insects, therefore they are also edible.

Other edible insects and arthropods

Other edible insects include dragonflies, cicadas, bee larvae, cockroaches, and pupae and fly larvae. Earthworms are annelids, not insects. These edible worms are rich in iron and protein. Centipedes are not insects either, but humans eat them too. Although they are not insects, people generally classify scorpions and spiders in the same category. Like some previous creatures, arachnids belong to the order of arthropods. This means that they are related to crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs. Scorpions and spiders taste like earthy shellfish. Lice are also edible, however, if you eat them in front of other people, they may very well look at you strangely. Beetles are also classified as arthropods and are edible.