The jumping beetle is the fastest insect in the world. Which insect flies the fastest? Which insect flies the fastest

The fastest insects in terms of the ratio of movement speed and body size are horse beetles. They are capable of speeds up to 2 (!!!) meters per second. If you transfer this speed to the size of a person, then a person would run at a speed of 225 km / h!

Subfamily: Horses

Family: Ground beetles

Class: Insects

Order: Coleoptera

Type: Arthropod

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

Parameter name Meaning
Horse beetle size Depends on the type. Most often 1 - 2 cm. The largest representatives are up to 7 cm.
What does the beetle eat? Jumping beetles are predators by nature. Horses' favorite food is ants. They can also feed on small invertebrates, mosquitoes, beetles, etc.
Where does the horse beetle live? This type beetles can be found almost all over the world, except for the mainland of Antarctica, Tasmania and some other islands in the oceans.

Adult horse beetles are capable of flight. Sensing danger, they quickly take off and fly off 1-2 meters. After landing, they observe what frightened them. They can also catch prey in the air, but most often they easily catch up with it on the ground. They have a very strong jaw. When the victim is clamped in the jaw, the jumping beetle rolls it into a ball and pours it with gastric juice, which dissolves the hard parts of the insect. After that, the beetle eats the softened parts. Such digestion is called extraintestinal.

Jumping beetle video

Jumping beetles have very long and thin legs, which help them gain such high speed. They are active during the day, and some species are active at night.

Reproduction of the horse beetle

The reproduction of these beetles occurs around the beginning of summer. The female lays eggs in the soil. The eggs hatch into larvae. The larva begins to dig tunnels. She leads her hunt from the hole - only the head remains on the surface - as soon as the insect gets close - the larva attacks it.

Horse beetle larva:

The larva also spends the winter in the burrow. After pupation, the larva turns into an adult insect.

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Speed ​​of movement is the key to survival. Many animals in the course of evolution and in the struggle for survival have developed incredible abilities in themselves ...

peregrine falcon

Most people think that the fastest creature is the cheetah, but this is not true. Many birds are capable of much higher speeds than the spotted raptor. by the most fast birds rightfully considered representatives of the falcon family. The absolute record holder for the speed of movement is the peregrine falcon. This bird is capable of speeds 200 km/h when flying in a straight line. And in a dive flight during a hunt, the peregrine falcon is able to accelerate to 325 km/h (this is even faster than many famous sports cars)!


The cheetah is the fastest runner and generally the fastest land animal. Speed ​​in 100 km / h is the norm for this beast, almost every cheetah reaches this speed during the hunt. There are also cases when individual individuals picked up speed in 120 km/h But here it should be noted that running at such a speed greatly depletes the animal, and it is simply impossible to run at such a speed for a long time, a distance of 350-400 meters is considered the maximum. By the way, cheetahs do not know how to retract their claws, as all felines do, which probably helps them develop such incredible speed, providing good traction with the ground.


The sailboat is recognized as the fastest fish, and indeed the fastest representative underwater world. This fish is able to develop speed in 110 km/h Outwardly, the sailboat looks a bit like a marlin, and it got its name due to its dorsal fin, which is very similar to a sail.

pronghorn antelope

The pronghorn antelope (or as it is also called the pronghorn) is considered the fastest herbivore. Over short distances pronghorns can reach speeds of 85 km / h, there is also a case when a pronghorn antelope ran at a speed of 98 km / h. But most of all, the pronghorn antelope is distinguished from the rest of the "sprinters" by endurance, at a speed of 55 km / h it is able to run up to 6 kilometers.


And back to the birds. Yes, ostriches cannot fly, but their sprinting abilities more than make up for this shortcoming. Ostriches are able to run at a speed of about 80 km/h By the way, ostriches are the largest birds, they can reach 2.5 meters in height and weigh up to 130 kilograms.


The fastest animal among the equids is the kulan. This is a small animal that looks like a mule or donkey. At short distances, the kulan can reach speeds up to 70 km / h, and on long ones - about 50 km / h.


Naturally man is creature belonging to the class of mammals, therefore, human achievements also need to be included in this kind of rating. The average man can run at a speed of about 22-26 km/h for short distances (women's averages are slightly lower). The record belongs to a Jamaican runner. Usain Bolt. At the competition in 2009 in Berlin, Usain set a new world record in the 100 meters, running a distance of 9,58 seconds, which is approximately 37,5 km/h

It's hard to believe, but the leatherback turtle is the fastest reptile in the world! She is also the heaviest turtle. Leatherback turtle can swim at speed 35,5 km/h Agree, the fact is very interesting, because it is generally accepted that speed and turtles are not compatible concepts.

black iguana

Among all reptiles, the fastest is the black iguana. Its habitat is exclusively Costa Rica. The achievements of this lizard are even listed in the Guinness Book of Records, the recorded record is 34,9 km/h

There are many insects in the world that live in almost all parts of the world. They make up over 80% of all species. There are currently about 900,000 various kinds insects, and supposedly a million are still waiting to be discovered.

Different insects have different behavior, feeding habits, breeding habits, etc. Nevertheless, among them there are many champions in different categories. Today, here are the 10 fastest insects.

Unlocks the 10 fastest insects, being in the tenth position - locusts, which can reach speeds of up to 20 km / h in search of food. With a sufficient amount of food, the insect leads a predominantly solitary lifestyle. But if the locust gathers in a large swarm, then this is a real natural disaster, which causes serious damage. agriculture. A swarm of locusts can eat about 192 million kg of plants in a day.

No one can compete on the surface of the water with water striders that easily glide through the water at a speed of 4 km / h. They are thin, miniature insects that are usually no more than 5mm in length. During times of lack of sufficient food, water striders have been known to prey on each other.

Among the 10 fastest insects are hornets. These insects can make 100 swings per second and fly at a speed of 25 km/h. The main diet of the hornet consists of other small insects. A provoked insect can sting with a poisonous sting. Hornets are found in most parts of the world. Their diet also consists of vegetation, which is rich in sugar and nectar.

Moth hawks are the fastest in the world. Able to fly at a speed of 50 km / h. Very often they are confused with due to, at first glance, similar appearance. They, like hummingbirds, do not sit on a flower, but hover over it in the air. The smooth streamlined body of hawks is ideal for fast flight.

Having collected nectar, the bee is able to fly at a speed of 30 km / h. Adult representatives vary in size from 2 mm to 4 cm. Bees are completely dependent on flowers. Their practical value as pollinators is enormously greater than the cost of their honey and wax. To gain 1 kg. nectar, the bee needs to make up to 150 thousand flights from the hive. As a result, in one such flight, the insect overcomes up to 3 km.

  1. horseflies

Adult horseflies are fast, strong fliers, capable of speeds up to 60 km/h. They are usually found around streams, swamps, and wooded areas. They can carry various animal diseases such as anthrax, tularemia and trypanosomiasis. Horseflies overwinter in the larval stage, pupate in the spring, and emerge as adults by the end of June.

Opens the top three of the 10 fastest insects of the jumping beetle. Sometimes its speed is more than 2 meters per second. Slender, long-legged adults are 10 to 20 mm long and have a wide variety of bright eyes: blue, green, orange, scarlet, which provide sharp vision. Although jumping beetles are found throughout the world, most species are found in subtropical and tropical regions. Species that inhabit sandy areas are often light in color and match their environment.

The record holder among land insects is the cockroach. Species Periplaneta americana in 1991 set a record - a top speed of 5.4 km / h. Cockroaches are terrible absorbers, they can eat glue, grease, soap, skin, hair. They are able to survive amazingly for a long time without food. Some species can last up to 6 weeks! In nature, cockroaches provide an important service by consuming organic waste.

The absolute winner of the 10 fastest insects is the dragonfly, which flies at a speed of 97 km/h. Dragonflies are most commonly found near water and tend to stay within a few kilometers of where they hatch from their eggs. At the larval stage, the dragonfly eats tadpoles or small fish. Adults feed on small insects, primarily mosquitoes.

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    The highest flight speed is developed by the moth epsilon (Agrotis ipsilon), which ranges from 97 to 113 km/h. The flight speed of a butterfly directly depends on its mass, air temperature, humidity, solar radiation, wind speed are also taken into account. Dragonflies, hornets, bees fly pretty fast.

    Dragonflies are considered the fastest flyers among insects. Some species of these insects can reach speeds of up to 55-60 kilometers per hour.

    Some butterflies fly at almost the same speed, which seems very surprising, because for us the butterfly seems to be slowly flapping its wings and many are sure to catch butterflies with their hands on the fly. But there are butterflies, for example, some hawks, which fly at speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour. If you look at a picture of such an insect, you can see a certain resemblance to modern high-speed aircraft in the form of wings:

    Also, locusts fly quite quickly, up to 35 kilometers an hour.

    The profession of a person who studies flying insects is called Entomologist, these scientists proved that it was the DRAGONFLY that is the fastest flying insect in the world, after conducting research on the speed of insects, they found out that a dragonfly can reach speeds of up to 55-60 km per hour.

    Insects, despite their small size, can fly quickly. They are virtuosos in the air, they not only fly, but also know how to hover in one place. For example, bells make wings up to 1000 strokes per second.

    However, dragonflies are the fastest and most agile of insects. They can fly from average speed 40 km / h, and for a short time - up to 55 or 65 km / h. Among other insects, only a few can temporarily maintain a speed of 16 km / h. Dragonflies, on the other hand, can hover in place and make quick and swift turns up, down and sideways.

    The fastest insect is the dragonfly. Indeed, when you watch dragonflies on a pond, it is very difficult to catch her movement, a second ago she was here, and now we have to look for her, where did she move in a second.

    The record holder for the speed of its flight is the Dragonfly, which lives in Australia. She can accelerate her wings to almost 60 kilometers per hour!

    For us, people, this speed does not seem very high ... But if we consider that the average statistical ordinary dragonfly flies at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour, then an increase in this speed by 2 times by the Australian dragonfly significantly changes the situation!

    In general, the fastest of flying insects is considered to be a dragonfly, and of the dragonflies themselves, the Australian dragonfly is Austrohplebia stails. This dragonfly usually flies at a speed of about 30 km / h, and the maximum recorded speed is 52 km / h. Among insects, the record belongs to the American cockroach - 5.4 km / h.

    Many factors influence the flight speed of insects: air temperature, wind strength, humidity, weight of the insect itself. Dragonflies are often called the fastest, but some insist on hawks and horseflies.

    Gadfly - 40 km / h This hefty buzzer can get great.