News of the development of promising landing ships. UDC "Priboy" is many times better than the vaunted "Mistrals" (3 photos)

The International Maritime Defense Show taking place in St. Petersburg has become the source of the most important news in the domestic shipbuilding industry. The representative of the command of the Russian Navy announced plans to build two helicopter carriers and one aircraft carrier.

To replace the "Mistrals"

Since 2015, discussions have not abated in Russia about the need to replace the French Mistral-class helicopter carriers, which Paris refused to give to Moscow under the pretext of the "aggressive policy of the Kremlin." As a result, two dock ships without weapons and helicopters were transferred to Egypt.

Today it is safe to say that the intrigue that had lasted for two years has been resolved. Vice-Admiral Viktor Bursuk, Deputy Commander of the Russian Navy for Armaments, confirmed that the construction of two Priboy UDCs was included in the state armament program (GPV) for 2018-2025.

  • Model of the landing ship "Priboy"
  • RIA News
  • Alexander Wilf

On May 25, 2017, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov told reporters that two helicopter carriers were included in the GPV until 2025 (which is still under discussion). However, he did not specify which project was being discussed.

On June 28, in an interview with TASS, Igor Ponomarev, vice-president of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC), said that the Priboy-type ships would be built at the facilities of two St. Petersburg enterprises - Severnaya Verf and Baltiysky Zavod, as well as at Sevmash (Arkhangelskaya region).

"Surf" was first presented at the international forum "Army-2015". The Russian Defense Ministry said that the project could become an alternative to French ships. “On the Priboy everything will be domestic: the landing craft, the air wing, and the weapon systems,” the ministry said in a statement.

The displacement of the UDC will be 14 thousand tons with a draft of 5 meters. The maximum speed of the ship is 20 knots (cruising - 15-16 knots), the cruising range is 6 thousand nautical miles (11 thousand km), the autonomy of the campaign is 60 days. The anti-aircraft system Pantsir-M, sea-based, will keep the air defense of the Priboy.

Up to 8 Ka-27 and Ka-52K anti-submarine and amphibious assault helicopters will be deployed on the Priboy deck. Also, the multipurpose ship will be able to carry on board four Project 11770M Serna landing craft and two Project 12061M Murena landing craft.

It is assumed that the "Priboy" will accommodate about 500 paratroopers and up to 60 units of various military equipment, including 20-30 tanks. The author of the project is the Nevskoe Design Bureau (PKB).

Increased need

"Priboy", like any other modern universal amphibious assault ship, will perform the widest range of missions. In the conditions of modern warfare, the UDC is an indispensable maritime transport, control ship and a means of patrolling the distant sea and ocean zones.

The appearance of two "Surf" will significantly enhance the expeditionary capabilities of the Russian Navy. The need for long-range military campaigns objectively increased in connection with the start of the Syrian operation and the creation of new bases in the Far East.

Domestic UDC should become a full-fledged alternative to the French helicopter carriers Sevastopol and Vladivostok, which Russia never received from France. Meanwhile, among the expert community, there is an opinion that two ships like a class are still not enough.

  • The Mistral helicopter carrier
  • Yannick Le Bris / Wikimedia Commons

In mid-June 2015, the head of the USC State Defense Order Department, Anatoly Shlemov, said that Russia needed 6-8 helicopter carriers. Two years ago, the Ministry of Defense estimated the needs of the Navy at least four "Surf", however, the department did not indicate the timing of their construction.

On this moment it is known that the Navy will receive two UDCs by 2025. The Priboy project will be a challenging task for Russian shipbuilders who have never built ships of this class. (In Soviet times, all aircraft-carrying ships were built at the Black Sea plant in the Ukrainian Nikolaev. - RT).

However, Russian shipyards gained a lot of experience working in cooperation with the French corporation Chantiers de l'Atlantique, which built Mistrals for the Navy. Domestic enterprises performed part of the assembly work, and engineers had the opportunity to observe the construction of ships at the French shipyards.

The editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, Viktor Murakhovsky, in an interview with RT, suggested that the construction of the two Priboevs would take at least 5 years. The cost of the contract with the USC, in his opinion, will be approximately $ 1 billion (excluding helicopters and weapons).

In general, the costs of domestic UDCs will be comparable to the money paid by Chantiers de l'Atlantique. Recall that the French corporation received $ 1.2 billion from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Armament, helicopters and some of the equipment were produced at Russian enterprises - this was one of the key terms of the contract.

Clean aircraft carrier

In addition to helicopter carriers, the Project 23000 Shtorm multipurpose aircraft carrier is called upon to ensure a strong presence of the Navy in the waters of the World Ocean. For the first time this project was demonstrated behind closed doors in July 2013. Its developer is the Krylov State Research Center (KGNTs).

Russia currently has one aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov (Project 1143.5), which was launched in 1987. However, the ship belongs to the class of aircraft-carrying cruisers and is not a pure aircraft carrier.

For comparison: on the deck of the "Storm" can accommodate 80-90 units of aircraft, and on the deck of the "Admiral Kuznetsov" - no more than 52 aircraft and helicopters.

"Storm" will be significantly larger than aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov". The ship's displacement will be 90-100 thousand tons (versus 50-60 thousand tons), length - 330 m (versus 270 m), width at the waterline - 40 m (versus 33 m).

An important feature of the "Storm" will be a nuclear power plant, which provides the ship with almost unlimited autonomy of movement.

  • The cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov" during the passage of the aircraft carrier group of the Northern Fleet of Russia
  • RIA News

At Kuznetsov, the power plant runs on fuel oil. On the one hand, it increases the survivability of the ship, on the other, it negatively affects the speed and range.

At the naval show in St. Petersburg, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that the contract for the construction of the aircraft carrier is planned to be signed by the end of 2025. However, he did not name the shipyards that will participate in the project.

According to foreign media reports, the command of the Russian Navy expects to receive at least two Storms in the future. The construction of the head cruiser will cost $ 6.2 billion (excluding aviation and weapons), the second ship will cost less.

A daunting task

The editor-in-chief of the magazine "Arsenal of the Fatherland" Viktor Murakhovsky drew attention to the fact that the appearance of three aircraft-carrying ships in the Navy would require the construction of battleships of the first and second rank (with a displacement of over 3,000 and 4,000 tons).

The expert believes that the destroyers of Project 23560 "Leader" will probably accompany the helicopter carriers and aircraft carriers on campaigns.

“To escort one aircraft carrier requires 4-5 frigates or corvettes and one submarine. The "leader" would have solved these tasks unambiguously, but it is not yet clear whether this project will be included in the GPV until 2025, "Murakhovsky stated.

Vice-Admiral Viktor Buruk said that the destroyer design will be developed at the Severny Design Bureau (St. Petersburg). However, the deputy commander of the Russian Navy did not report the timing of the start of production.

  • Cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov"
  • RIA News

In turn, Viktor Murakhovsky hopes that in the future the Russian Navy will acquire about four Priboi-type UDCs, as the Ministry of Defense planned in 2015: “Helicopter carriers are important for the Russian Federation, first of all, for supplying all necessary exclaves and remote bases. Therefore, we need two ships in Pacific and one in the Baltic. And one more UDC should be on duty in the Black or Mediterranean Sea. "

“The implementation of such projects will require large-scale expenses. You cannot discount the cost of the wing, equipment, material and time costs for training pilots and sailors. This is a daunting task in the current environment. Probably, we will cope, but I would not make far-reaching conclusions today, ”Murakhovsky summed up.

IN recent times the story of the Mistrals quietly left the news pages. In general, it is understandable. Reading the details of litigation is boring and uninteresting. But the more time passes, the more often different details emerge, like pieces of a puzzle, forming an extremely curious picture.

And now another new fragment has appeared. Vladimir Kozhin, Assistant to the President of Russia for Military-Technical Cooperation, announced success in negotiations with France. Promises to complete preparation of the agreement for signing within a month. The exact amount of compensation has not been announced, but apparently it will be about a billion euros. The French are trying to bring it down below a billion. Like, this figure will be "easier to operate". Apparently it's like a figure on a price tag, ninety-nine kopecks looks somehow more comfortable than one ruble. However, Russia is unlikely to agree to anything less than nine hundred million. These are costs already incurred by us and are also subject to refund. So we didn't throw the money away. And this is good.

And even better, at last, confirmation began to appear that the story with the Mistrals was not started out of an empty whim. Even if we leave aside everything that Russia won geopolitically with this contract (and there is a lot in itself), we managed to gain access to the urgently needed modern technologies shipbuilding. Including the military. Only very naive and technically illiterate people can think that building a large ship is a trifling matter that anyone can do with one hand. Something like, I read the book "Programming for Dummies" and in the morning wrote my own operating system, cooler than "Windows". In reality, everything is very different. It is not enough to buy a licensed ACAD, you also need to learn how to use it fully. It is best to do this with a recognized master. It is not cheap, the master takes a lot for study. But in general, the result per circle is worth it, because it costs several times cheaper than an independent path of trial and error. The cost of a mistake is too high. So the order of two DCKs is exactly the very payment for the right to learn.

UDC type "Mistral" in the port of Saint-Nazar

Apparently, the study of Russia clearly went for the future. First, the Nevsky Design Bureau has developed its own project for a universal landing ship. UDC "Priboy" has a displacement of 14 thousand tons, length - 165 m, width - 25 m, speed - up to 20 knots, cruising range - up to 6 thousand nautical miles, autonomy - up to 60 days. It is capable of carrying on board up to 500 paratroopers and 40-60 units of military equipment, as well as 8 Ka-52 and Ka-27 helicopters. Although the Priboi displacement is less than the Mistral (14 thousand tons versus 21.3 thousand tons), it is not inferior to him either in cruising range or in landing capacity, and even surpasses it in autonomy.

In general, this is a normal site for an expeditionary company of the Marine Corps. No mistake, just a company. Since when operating in isolation from the rear base, it is not enough to have only a soldier with a machine gun. Someone has to repair his weapons, deliver cartridges, provide communications and intelligence. Therefore, for one soldier directly there are usually at least two "auxiliary" people. And they also need to be placed somewhere. Therefore, it turns out that 500 paratroopers does not mean five hundred infantry.

Model of UDC "Priboy", Nevskoe Design Bureau

But that is not all. Secondly, besides the "Surf", the French desert wind also brought about the "Avalanche". At the military-technical forum "Army-2015" in Kubinka Central Research Institute. Academician Krylov presented their project of a universal amphibious assault ship. Displacement 24 thousand tons, 3 thousand tons more than the "Mistral". Details about the UDC "Avalanche" are still less known. Armament: Pantsir-ME naval anti-aircraft systems and AK-176M and AK-630M-2 Duet gun mounts. 16 helicopters: combat Ka-27, transport-combat Ka-29 and attack Ka-52K. 6 assault boats of type 03160 "Raptor". Airborne capacity up to 500 people or 50 units of armored vehicles. In essence, this is almost a complete analogue of the Mistral, with adjustments for differences in approaches to the composition of the landing group.

So, to all appearances, the issue of mastering experience can be removed from the agenda, and from the French, as they say, "take money". If at the Mistrals Russia built only stern sections at its shipyards, then we will do everything completely ourselves. It remains only to find the answer - why does the Russian fleet need ships of this class at all? And here is something to think about.

Model of UDC "Avalanche", TsNII im. Academician Krylov

Based on the current state of affairs, the Russian Navy does not have now and will not have in the near future the tasks, the solution of which requires universal amphibious assault ships. In general, UDCs are something like a large floating barracks, capable of bringing an autonomous amphibious unit to hell on the streets and ensuring its landing there and conducting full-scale hostilities. The Russian airborne forces were created and sharpened for much smaller missions. Therefore, the landing fleet was built according to completely different principles. The main one is the landing pattern "from coast to coast". Those. paratroopers are loaded onto a ship, which brings them to the landing site and delivers them directly to the shore. While the UDC scheme implies that from the side of the ship to the coast, the landing force is delivered by an intermediate link - landing boats, usually accommodating up to an infantry platoon. Or a couple of armored personnel carriers. Or one tank. Differences in the schemes lead to fundamentally different tactics of the landing itself and completely different organization of the entire operation as a whole. Therefore, it is impossible to simply take and integrate a ship of a different class into our usual system.

Landing of a Marine armored personnel carrier from a landing ship of the Russian Navy

However, the fact that such sums were "paid" for the development of large-scale shipbuilding technologies, and completely domestic projects appeared on the stands, at first glance, we do not need ships at all, makes us think. Work of this kind is not carried out off the beaten track. These are private companies that can afford any experiments on their own whim. Therefore, the country's leadership is already thinking about creating a full-fledged ocean-going fleet. Presumably, the fact that we do not see any need for it now does not mean that it will not appear in the medium term. And what should happen for Russia to need landings on very, very distant shores?

Heavy nuclear missile cruiser "Peter the Great", Russian Navy

In my opinion, this is possible only in one case, when its current hegemon, the US Navy, disappears from the Ocean. Of course, the NATO countries still have their own kind of fleet, but even in the very best case able to deploy only an auxiliary group with disabilities. So only the US Navy "keeps the sea". I mean, they are currently being controlled. But if we admit for a moment, say, the ruin of America, or some other serious crisis fraught with its weakening (at least in the form of the withdrawal of individual states from the general federation), then the picture takes shape ... The American fleet will inevitably leave the Ocean, and nature hates emptiness ...

Despite the latest statements, it is very difficult to talk about the prospects for the appearance of new landing ships in the Russian Navy, says Maxim Shepovalenko, an employee of the Center for Analysis and Technology, retired captain of the second rank.

This refers to the universal landing ships "Priboy"

The fact is that information appeared that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the United Shipbuilding Corporation decided to start building new Russian helicopter carriers at the Severnaya Verf plant in St. Petersburg, and work on the first ship should begin in 2020, and in 2022 this the project will go into serial production.

There is no exact information on what kind of project it will be, but the Ka-52K attack helicopters should become the basis for the armament of the ships, and the latest diesel-gas turbine unit will be used as an engine.

All this correlates with the statement of the head of the USC Alexey Rakhmanovthat preparations for a large-scale government order are in full swing at the Severnaya Verf shipyard and a boathouse with a height of 75 meters is being built. The new facilities should allow this St. Petersburg shipyard to produce ships measuring 250 meters by 70 meters. At the same time, the USC is already in the mood that after the construction of helicopter carriers at this plant, the project 23560 nuclear destroyers "Leader" will be implemented.

All this allows us to conclude that we are talking here about the Priboi universal amphibious assault ships (UDC), which were developed by the Nevsky Design Bureau to replace the French Mistral helicopter carriers.

This naval project will be the largest for Russia

The layout of the Priboy UDC was presented to the general public at the Army-2015 exhibition, and then at the official level it was said that Russia was going to receive at least 4 ships of this class, and their construction should begin no earlier than 2018, which fully coincides with this information about the start of the project of new Russian helicopter carriers.

These ships will have a displacement of 24 thousand tons, powerful anti-aircraft artillery in the form of naval versions of the Pantsir-M and Broadsword systems, as well as an aviation group, which will include 16 combat helicopters.

Naturally, the presented layout and the actual execution of these vessels in practice will be radically different, but, in general, it is clear what the new Russian helicopter carriers will represent. In any case, this will be the largest domestic naval project since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Employee of the Center for Analysis and Technology, Captain of the Second Rank Maxim Shepovalenko in conversation with FBA "Economics Today" came to the conclusion that it is very difficult now to talk about the tactical and technical characteristics of this project.

Russia needs new landing ships

“It is difficult to say how much such vessels will replace the Mistrals for us. Moreover, the Mistrals are not so much amphibious ships as command ships of the amphibious unit. Landing capabilities, a floating hospital and so on in this spirit are already complementary to this project, "says Shepovalenko.

According to Maksim Yuryevich, it is difficult to compare the new Russian helicopter carriers and the French Mistral-class ships, but it must be concluded that the landing craft in the Russian Navy are extremely worn out today.

“This circumstance was greatly influenced by the“ Syrian Express ”, i.e. the supply of military cargo from Russia to Syria, which is why many ships will have to be delivered to overhaul", - Shepovalenko sums up.

For this reason, according to the expert, Russia needs new landing ships, but it is difficult to say how high priority this project is within the framework of the state armaments program. In addition, here we are talking about helicopter carriers, which in practice are a deeper and more complex project than conventional landing ships.

This project is a technological challenge for our country

“Today we have certain budgetary constraints, and in the context of the prospects for this project, it is necessary to assess its priority, both for the Russian Navy and for the Russian armed forces in general,” Shepovalenko concludes.

Obviously, the landing ships in the Russian Navy need to be changed, but, firstly, they are very expensive in themselves, and, secondly, we are dealing here with an expanded project, which in practice will cost a much larger amount.

“Today we cannot finally figure out the project 22350 frigates represented by the Admiral Gorshkov, but here we are talking about a completely new class of ships for us, which will be even more difficult to do,” states Shepovalenko.

If we take Soviet practice, then in terms of landing ships, the biggest thing we did was project 1174 "Rhino" with a total displacement of 14 thousand tons. For fifteen years in the USSR, three such ships were built - "Ivan Rogov", "Alexander Nikolaev" and "Mitrofan Moskalenko", and here it comes about much larger ships, which, according to the plan, will need to be built and put into service in a record time frame for our country.

“Today, the priority of such complex ships is not obvious, although it is clear that new landing ships, and in the very near future, will definitely be needed by our fleet to replace projects 775 and 1171,” Shepovalenko sums up.

However, we still need to live up to 2020 and, given the fact that military strategy Russia today, due to all known circumstances, is developing dynamically, during this time these plans may be amended.

Several years ago, the development of the Russian amphibious fleet was one of the main topics for discussion. Subsequently, well-known events occurred, as a result of which the cardinal renewal of the fleet was postponed indefinitely. Subsequently, the shipbuilding industry proposed new ways to modernize the navy. If they are implemented, the Russian Navy will receive a number of new landing ships, so far known under the general name "Priboi".

Let us remind you that the layout of a promising Priboy-class landing ship was first shown at the Army-2015 military-technical forum two years ago. At the same time, the calculated characteristics of the ship were announced. In the future, the landing ship project has repeatedly become the topic of official statements and publications in the press. The recent International Maritime Defense Show, held in St. Petersburg, has become a new reason for the emergence of reports on the progress and future of projects to create amphibious assault ships.

On June 28, Igor Ponomarev, Vice-President of the United Shipbuilding Corporation for military shipbuilding, spoke about the progress of work towards the creation of new landing ships. According to him, the leadership of the shipbuilding industry already has some considerations about further work... There is an understanding of all the main technologies, and the development has also started. In addition, the circle of possible builders of promising ships was determined. Ships of the Priboy type can be built at the Severnaya Verf enterprise, at the Baltic Shipyard or at Sevmash. All of these factories have extensive experience in the construction of surface ships.

New details soon became known. ongoing work... On June 29, the TASS news agency published an interview with the General Director of the Nevsky Design Bureau, Sergei Vlasov. The topic of the conversation, which took place at the IMDS-2017 salon, was a promising landing ship project, which is considered as a possible addition or even a replacement for existing ships. The head of the design organization revealed some details of her work in the field of promising landing ships.

According to S. Vlasov, the promising landing ship is still at the stage of pre-design study. At the same time, the exact shape of the new ship has not yet been determined. Many options for the ship are being considered, and the final look will be chosen by the customer. Also, the head of the Nevsky Design Bureau noted that it is possible to use different options landing ship. You can create a helicopter carrier, a universal amphibious assault ship, or an amphibious helicopter dock ship. S. Vlasov suggests that the most probable option looks like a universal amphibious assault ship, reminiscent of the French "Mistrals", but with some differences from them.

The interviewer of the TASS publication recalled the new developments of the Nevsky Design Bureau, mentioned in the reporting documentation. So, in the annual report of the design bureau, work was mentioned to create a new modification of a promising helicopter-carrying dock ship, adapted for work in the Arctic and capable of landing troops directly on the ice. The displacement of such a ship, like the base model, should reach 15 thousand tons. S. Vlasov noted that the design bureau is indeed developing such ships.

Landing ships of the Arctic class are created on an initiative basis, taking into account the prospects for the development of the fleet. Nevsky PKB cannot stand still, and therefore is engaged in new projects that are offered to the navy. According to the general director of the design bureau, there is nothing complicated in the project of the landing ship for the Arctic with points of view technology. In order to avoid sad consequences, the ship should be distinguished by a reinforced ice class structure.

The same report mentioned the existing projects of amphibious assault ships built on the basis of a universal design module with a displacement of 10 to 35 thousand tons. First of all, on the basis of such a product it is proposed to develop a universal amphibious assault ship with a displacement of 30 thousand tons or a helicopter landing dock ship twice smaller displacement. As S. Vlasov explained, similar results can be obtained by using the available volumes in different ways. This is what leads to different displacement.

S. Vlasov also noted that some developments of the Nevsky Design Bureau are included in the new state armaments program. At the same time, he did not specify which projects will be developed in the foreseeable future.

On June 30, new information appeared about the possible ways of developing domestic amphibious ships. This time, Vladimir Pepelyaev, the head of the advanced shipbuilding department of the Krylov State Scientific Center, raised an important topic. In this case, we were talking about the already well-known Priboy project, which can be developed and even reach the construction of ships. The research organization has already evaluated some of the features of the new project, and also determined the approximate time frame and cost of the required work.

According to V. Pepelyaev, the promising landing ship will cost the customer about 40 billion rubles. This "estimate" includes all the required design work, the construction of the lead ship and its subsequent tests.

Also, the specialist announced the approximate deadlines for the completion of work in the event of an order. According to V. Pepelyaev, the preliminary design will take about a year. The subsequent preparation of the technical project will take about six months. It will also take some time to create working-design documentation, after which a rather lengthy construction will start. In total, no less than five years will pass from the start of the design to the transfer of the ship to the customer.

However, the Krylov State Research Center or related design organizations have not yet begun work on the landing ship project due to the lack of a corresponding order and technical specifications. In his interview V. Pepelyaev revealed the possible course of further events. If the Ministry of Defense in the very near future makes a fundamental decision on the start of work, then by the end of the year the Center, in cooperation with the Nevsky PKB, will be able to complete the preliminary project. Then the Design Bureau will be able to start developing a full-fledged project, according to which construction will be carried out.

Certain features of the current project may contribute to the relatively quick completion of preliminary work. During IMDS 2017 general director Krylov Center Vladimir Nikitin said that the concept of the Priboy project has not undergone significant changes since its presentation at the Army-2015 exhibition. Nevertheless, at the request of the customer, certain changes can be made to the project. In accordance with the requirements of the military, the position of the missile systems can be changed, and it is also possible to use a bow ramp.

While representatives of the shipbuilding industry are talking about existing plans and possible ways of developing the fleet, the leadership of the Ministry of Defense remains silent. The issue of building new landing ships in addition to the existing ones is regularly raised at various levels, but real action in this direction are not yet available. The command recognizes the need for such ships, but the development of new projects and construction has not yet begun. Moreover, at the moment it is not known when such works will have to start.

According to the heads of shipbuilding enterprises, several preliminary projects of promising amphibious assault ships of different classes, differing in technical features and capabilities, are currently being worked out. In particular, the Nevskoe Design Bureau has worked out a number of options for the appearance of such ships, and the Krylov State Scientific Center continues to demonstrate materials for the Priboy and Avalanche projects. Which of the proposals will be approved and will be developed in the interests of the navy is still unknown.

The most elaborated and interesting at the moment is the project under symbol "Surf". This project, proposing the construction of a universal amphibious assault ship, was created by the Nevsky PKB several years ago and presented in 2015. From the very beginning, the new ships were considered as a possible replacement for the Mistrals, which were never transferred by France. Subsequently, suggestions were made about the possible start of construction of new ships, but so far the Priboi were not laid down and were not even ordered.

The mission of the "Priboy" -type ships is to land troops on the equipped and unequipped coast using helicopters or landing boats. For the solution of such tasks, the Priboy has characteristic features that distinguish it from other domestic amphibious ships. So, for the transportation and operation of attack and transport helicopters, it was proposed to use a large flight deck, which occupies almost the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe hull.

According to the published data, the ship will have to have a displacement of 14 thousand tons, thanks to which it will be able to carry a fairly large payload. In the internal compartments of the hull there were areas sufficient for the transport of several dozen units of armored vehicles or hundreds of paratroopers. The dimensions of the deck made it possible to transport up to eight helicopters and ensure their operation. It was planned to include both transport helicopters and attack or anti-submarine vehicles in the aviation group. In the aft part of the hull, it was proposed to place a dock chamber suitable for transporting two or four landing craft. existing types... The ship is supposed to be equipped with a gas turbine power plant capable of providing sufficiently high running characteristics.

The possibility of equipping the ship with a developed complex of weapons for various purposes was considered. In particular, it was assumed that air defense in the near zone could be carried out using the Pantsir missile and cannon complex of a special ship modification. It should be noted that a few days ago, an official presentation of such an air defense missile system took place, which led to a new wave of discussions on the spheres of its application, including in the context of development landing fleet... Probably, the project does not provide for its own strike weapons.

The model of the Priboi ship, demonstrated since 2015, has a number of important features... So, for disembarking equipment, a bow ramp and a stern docking camera can be used. The first can be used by self-propelled amphibious vehicles, while the second is designed to work with landing craft. In addition, the assault force can be delivered from ship to shore using existing types of helicopters. As has been repeatedly noted earlier, the need to use certain means of landing will be discussed with the customer. In particular, the topic of such a discussion will be the bow ramp, which is necessary for landing equipment in the immediate vicinity of the coast.

Currently, the Priboy landing ship exists only in the form of working documentation and an exhibition model. The situation is similar with the Avalanche project. This project of domestic designers provides for the construction of a larger universal amphibious assault ship with improved characteristics and increased capacity of internal compartments.

With a length of about 200 m and a maximum width of more than 30-32 m, the Avalanche ship should have a displacement of 23-24 thousand tons. With the help of a gas turbine power plant, it will be able to reach speeds of up to 24 knots, and the cruising range will reach 6,000 miles with autonomy up to 25-30 days. In the cargo compartments, it will be possible to transport up to 50 units of armored vehicles of various classes. It also provides for the transportation of 500-900 paratroopers from. The aviation group will include 16 helicopters for different purposes... The dock camera will allow the use of boats of existing and future types. The weapons complex will include various systems to defend against air attack.

According to recent reports, the design and construction of new amphibious ships is included in the new state armaments program. According to various statements and estimates, the first ships of the new type could be built by the middle of the next decade. With a successful combination of circumstances, by 2025, the lead and the first serial amphibious assault ships of a new type will enter the combat composition of the Russian Navy.

Of latest news it follows that the command of the navy, after several years of preliminary study of the issue, decided to initiate the development of promising amphibious assault ships capable of supplementing the existing grouping and significantly increasing its potential. At the same time, however, the new program has not yet started, which is why a lot of the most important issues have not yet been resolved. Work in this direction, most likely, will begin next year, together with the start of a new state program, scheduled for 2018-25.

To date, the leading shipbuilding enterprises have worked and proposed to the military department whole line variants of the appearance of landing ships of one purpose or another, differing in all the main parameters, capabilities, etc. Thus, the command of the fleet has the opportunity to form its own requirements and choose one of the proposed options that best corresponds to the terms of reference. In addition, it is possible to start developing a new project from scratch.

According to the estimates of design organizations, with the earliest start of the full development of one of the proposed projects, all the required work, including the construction and testing of the lead ship, will take at least five years. Thus, within the framework of the new state armaments program, it will be possible to build and transfer to the fleet no more than a couple of ships.

The latest on the development of promising landing ships for the Russian fleet look optimistic, but there are no serious reasons for joy so far. Shipbuilding and design organizations have worked out the issue and proposed their options for promising ships, but the Ministry of Defense has not yet initiated full-fledged work, the result of which will be the start of construction. However, recent statements show that the military department understands this situation and is already planning to launch new project... Thus, the development of a promising landing craft can begin in the very near future.

Based on materials from sites:

UDC-helicopter carrier pr. "Priboy" will be equipped with everything necessary for use in most operations of the Navy

Events related to the "freezing" of the contract on the Mistral universal amphibious assault helicopter carriers were acquired by the French side in last year completely stupid and dysfunctional. Already in the autumn-winter of last year, it was approximately clear that this project could be put to an end, but the French continued to invent various "myths" and to delay the time, than our military departments and negotiators knocked down the table.

This could not last long, especially since a powerful and status superpower is participating in the negotiation process, which has established itself as a reliable and stable party both in the arms market and in any other areas, such as the economy and energy. Why does Russia, which launched such ships as the Pyotr Veliky heavy nuclear missile cruiser and the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft-carrying missile cruiser, need an empty French dock hull, which still needs a long time to be refurbished and refined to a proper condition that meets the needs of the Russian Navy? So the command of the Navy began to look for ways to solve the problem.

A lot of all kinds of options for a promising amphibious assault helicopter carrier were considered, which should become a worthy alternative for the fleet and even more meet our conditions of use and needs. One of these options was the possible modernization of the BDK pr. 1174 "Ivan Rogov", but structurally this ship is more intended for the internal transportation of light and heavy armored vehicles and troops, the deck is not capable of fully ensuring the use of helicopter aircraft. The front and rear parts of the deck are separated by a large superstructure along the entire width of the ship, which in difficult meteorological conditions will pose a certain danger to helicopters landing and taking off.

A solution was required that is most suitable for the use of helicopter aviation in different conditions, i.e. - a compact superstructure at the side and the most spacious deck. results design work on the creation of the first visual aid of the promising ship, which became the model presented on June 16 at the exhibition of the Army-2015 forum, were not long in coming.

UDC-helicopter carrier pr. "Priboy" will be equipped with everything necessary for use in most operations of the Navy

The universal landing ship of the Priboy project, developed by the Nevsky Design Bureau, is a product with an exclusively Russian element base, which combines all the features of Soviet-Russian shipbuilding, as well as the most modern trends that appeared in the late XX - early XXI century and provide for a decrease in radar signature due to original design superstructures.

The superstructure itself has a width of no more than 8 meters and a length of about 30 meters, all corners of the superstructure provide for a minimum number of right angles, due to which its RCS should have very small values, comparable to the RCS of small patrol boats. Recently, it is precisely the reduction of the radar signature of the architecture on the deck of the ship that has been given special attention shipbuilders.

The ship will be much smaller than the French Mistral , its length is about 165 meters, width is 25 meters. The Russian fleet absolutely does not require huge amphibious assault ships, since the current capabilities of the Ka-52 and Ka-52K attack helicopters have stepped far forward, and no more than ten such combat helicopters are enough to ensure combat stability in the maritime theater of operations.

Thus, the modern Ka-52K will be able to carry out a complex list of anti-ship missions due to the use of the Kh-31A and Kh-35U anti-ship missiles; targets within a radius of up to 80 km; It is likely that the R-77 air-to-air missile (RVV-AE) will be unified with the Ka-52K in the future, and helicopters will be able to master all types of operations at sea and in the coastal zone.

Such a radical improvement in the concept of using helicopters can become an important part in providing "closed airspace" over the coastal area, where UDC Priboi will carry out the tasks of landing armored vehicles and troops on enemy territory. Now the Priboy project provides for the transportation and use of 8 attack helicopters from the deck of the ship, but after the complete design work, these figures may change. Also on the surf deck can be placed multi-purpose Ka-27 helicopters. It is worth considering that such helicopter-based naval strike systems are not being developed either in Western Europe or in the United States.

The compactness of the ship with a displacement of 14,000 tons is not limited to small length and width. The draft of the ship will be only 5 meters, at the Mistral -6.3 m, at the Ivan Rogov - 7 m. Such a draft gives the UDC of the far sea zone many advantages of maneuvering in waters, bays and straits, where shallow water is often observed (the ship will be able to enter seas such as the Azov sea almost without restrictions). Draft indicators are the most important precisely for helicopter carriers and UDC from a tactical point of view, because sometimes, at the time of the operation, it is necessary to approach the enemy as close as possible, and shallow water can prevent a ship with a large draft from doing this; attack helicopters, on the other hand, often have a combat radius of no more than 400 km, because of which the enemy on land may remain out of the reach of attack helicopters.

UDC pr. Priboy will have a cruising range of about 11,500 km, a cruising speed of 15-16 knots, and a maximum speed of 20 knots, which does not differ from the Mistral. Only on an economical run, the Mistral has an almost 2-fold advantage in range up to 20,000 km. The Surf's autonomy will be 2 times higher than the Mistrals's (the duration of an autonomous campaign is more than 2 months).

A sufficiently important criterion can be considered the landing capabilities of docking cameras and armored holds for transporting heavy and light armored vehicles, landing boats, as well as fully equipped marines or landing forces. Here "Priboy" is also no different from foreign products such as "Hyuga" and "Mistral". The ship is capable of taking 60 units of light armored vehicles and at least 20-30 main battle tanks into the internal compartments, as means of operational landing, in conditions of the impossibility of approaching the coastal zone of the UDC, 4 landing boats, etc. 11770M or 2, etc. 12061M, are provided on the ship.

One of the most important indicators of the versatility of this ship in front of the western ones is equipping with a bow landing device and a 25-35 meter strong gangway, which is pulled out from under the upper deck before landing. hydraulic drives, everything is in the traditions of the old, kind and reliable Soviet school of shipbuilding!

The small size of the Priboy UDC, as well as a decrease in radar signature are also provided for the possibility of using this ship as a command and staff ship KUG / AUG of the Russian Navy. It is known that at the moment of a "star raid" of enemy anti-ship missiles, an active radar homing head captures a more radio-contrast target, i.e. a larger and more visible ship, and the radar signature of this ship will not be greater than that of the frigate EM pr. 956. But there is also a smarter WTO with TV and IR-seeker, for example, AGM-84E or such products as the tactical missile "NLOS ", In this case, you will obviously need to fight back. For this purpose, the Priboy is equipped with at least 3 combat modules of the Pantsir-M multichannel shipborne ZRAK.

The Pantsir-M / Palitsa anti-aircraft missile-gun system is a naval modification of the Pantsir-S1 land-based air defense missile system and inherited its similar fire characteristics. ZUR 57E6E has a radio command control system by coordinates, which are transmitted to the onboard computer of the missile from optoelectronic and radar detection and target designation on the combat module. To guide the missile, radar and optical transponders are used in the tail of the missile, which allow the fire control system on the combat module to most accurately correlate the coordinates of the missile-interceptor and the target for bringing the missile to the target.

The flight speed of the SAM is 1300 m / s, the range and interception ceiling are 15 and 20 km, respectively. The maximum speed of the targeted target is about 3650 km / h. The guidance speed is 100 deg / s, due to which even PRLR flying into a neighboring support ship that broke into the close line of defense can be intercepted.

The "Palitsy" radar channel is represented by a "Fazatron" multifunctional radar with 1PC2 HEADLIGHTS and 1PC1-1E RLO, in which a "friend or foe" radio recorder is installed. The autonomous optical direction finder is a two-channel TV / IR sighting device capable of capturing HARM-type missile launchers from a distance of 14 km, AGM-86C cruise missiles - 13 km, and Harpoon anti-ship missiles - about 9-11 km. The multifunctional radar and optical direction finder are capable of capturing 2 air targets each, realizing the simultaneous firing of 4 air targets, while up to 10 targets can be fired at in a minute. The productivity of KZRAK "Pantsir-M" together with 2x6 30-mm AP exceeds the performance of KZRAK dagger by almost 2 times.

BM KZRAK "Pantsir-M" / "Palitsa" will be installed on the "Priboy" in the amount of at least 3 BM, which will provide all-round air defense / missile defense from enemy missiles

On the UDC Priboy project, 2 Pantsir-M modules are installed in niches along the edge of the starboard side of the ship, as well as in the front part on the edge of the left side, it is possible to install one more module in the rear niche of the side. Thus, the Priboy air defense system can fire simultaneously on 12 attacking missiles, and up to 30 dangerous objects can be fired upon in a minute. In fact, this UDC can be both a command and staff ship and a short-range air defense ship of a small ship formation.

Today, only one helicopter carrier has similar air defense parameters - the Japanese Hyuga, on which the Japanese-Dutch FCS-3A radar and the last export version of the RIM-162 ESSM air defense missile system are installed.

The command of the Russian Navy expresses the hope that in the coming years at least 4 ships of the Udaloy project will be laid down, which will be able to partially compensate for the lack of modern landing, strike and anti-ship marine systems in the Russian fleet.

/Evgeny Damantsev/