How to make a paper trailer. Paper train with your own hands - Different options for manufacturing and applying paper crafts

Maketing is a very interesting occupation.

I always dreamed of making a layout of the railway, I really had a few of the traits of experienced ways. Unfortunately, during the work, I encountered many problems and scarce details, in this article I want to discuss with you the most frequent issues when creating a layout of the railway canvase and transport.

In the second issue of MODELMEN magazine, I published an article and several photos from the site of one experienced model store, it builds railway layouts and participates in exhibitions with their creations. Even looking at the photo of the layout, you can already determine the amount of work for yourself, make a list of tools and materials. I will not bring the entire list of necessary because it may not be complete, let's look better together, which is done from what.


The railway canvase layout should stand on something, so at the very beginning it is necessary to construct the base (table) for the layout. The base can be solid and collapsible. It is easier to do a solid foundation, but then you need to decide in advance with the room for the layout, it should be a spacious room in case of expansion of the scale.

For the base you will need legs, they can be taken from the old school parties or make them on their own. The whole design can be easily made from plywood and wooden bars. For fasteners, screws are needed, metallic corners. To make a collapsible layout, you have to break your head over the base device and methods for its transportation.


To work there will be many different tools:

A hammer
- dumping
- Lamps and sponsors
- Emines
- Foods
- Spatulas
- scissors
- knives
- Tassels
- soldering iron
- and etc.

Railway cloth

In order for the trains to move in the right direction we need a rail, they can be purchased ready in specialized stores for modellers. If you, like me, do not have such shops in my city, you can buy them through online stores or spend yourself for them. In the extreme case, the rails will have to do on their own.

The easiest option of construction is the use of engine rails, they are glued or nailed with small carnations to the base, the joints can be soldered and cleaned with a file.

If there is no finished rail, then you need to think about how to do them yourself, you can take the size of the rails that are sold in stores and make their same. For sleepers, it will be necessary to drink a lot of thin bridges, it can be done on a small machine. The rail itself should carry out the current, so it is advisable to do from thick copper wire, which can be done on the hand-cutting machine to a rectangular cross section. You can attach the rail to the strips with a good glue or solder to cloves, driven into the sleepers, it can be done through 3-4 sleepers.

Electrical equipment

For the movement of the train, electric current is pipelined, unless of course you do not steam locomotive. As a power source, factory and homemade power supplies are used (see schemes, radio engineering), the outlet voltage should not be dangerous, usually use BP to 16 volts, for small models, 6-9 volts are enough.

The train moves with an electromotor, it can be taken from broken toys or purchased in a radio car. Electricity to the engine is supplied from two rails, the voltage is removed from them with two or more scores or from metal wheels of the train itself.

To wiring electricity on the layout (base), there will be copper wires and connectors.

In addition to the trains themselves, traffic lights, barriers, lanterns and other elements that need electricity can be located on the layout. Before wiring a wire thoroughly think over every detail, after installation it will be too late to conduct wires, it will have to go on a layout.


An unreliable part of a good layout is the design of the landscape, it is worth paying special attention. For similarity with reality, it is necessary to work on the imitation of hills, vegetation, buildings, men, vehicles, etc.

Many details can be used in finished form, i.e. Take toy machines, figures of people, also in children's stores you can buy animal figures, trees ...

To simulate hills, mountains, etc. need plywood, construction gypsum, papier-mâché, fiberglass, acrylic paints and other finishing materials.


Layouts of buildings can also be purchased in toy stores or make them alone from wood, cardboard, papier-mache, plywood, etc.

Often, modelists per sample take real stations, photograph them and turn into miniatures on the table.

On the site I will periodically publish my own and sent by the development, you are probably interested in how to make a train model, traffic lights, trees, bridges and other elements for the railway. As well as I publish electrical schemes, photos and drawings of old and new trains.

Recently, making a train from paper thanks is not so much. The abundance of toys of the most different format, quality and complexity almost outed the paper toys, which, besides, also need to do with their own hands. However, paper plastic is a very interesting occupation, and besides, useful. Spatial thinking is developing, small motor skills, logic, in the end. That is why in primary classes and kindergartens can still be seen on the stands a variety of volumetric crafts from paper.

How to make a step-by-step train from paper with your own hands: Practical application

Paper train is a fragile thing, unstable to deformation, and it is almost impossible to adapt it to active games. But this thing has practical use in the nursery. For example - the photo of the train, in the form of the composition, the lucky photo of the kid. This may be a composition with photos from the first month of life up to the year, or just favorite and touching family photos. Such a paper craft will not only be relevant, but also useful in children's - bright colors and volumetric details for the development of the baby are very useful.

To make an independently such a train, you will not need any special skills or tools. Just for work it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba stationery knife, adhesive pencil and scissors. In order to spend the train on the wall, it will additionally need a suitable braid or thick thread, two paper clips and two buttons that can be shockted into the wall.

Templates are printed on a color printer, the inner windows are cut off by a stationery knife. A small advice is better not to print on office paper, but on paper for drawing. It is perfectly friendly with the printer, but more dense, and it is not so deformed from the glue.

From the wrong side, how photos are inserted into the frame. Optionally, you can additionally decorate the train - for example, to stick buttons on the wheels, or add printed cute parts to the photos yourself - animals, asterisks, flowers - depending on the floor of the child and your imagination.

To raise the composition on the wall, you must first collect it on the thread. On the reverse side of each car, glue the thread along the entire composition, to fix the clips to the ends, and hang the entire design on the buttons, vanned into the wall.

Developing exercise.

Artistic work is not inclusive in the school program of primary classes. There teach and show the basic and most common directions of manual labor. Work with plasticine, clay, appliqués, and the like. However, the school program is very limited and the clock and directly themes. Yes, and the number of people in classes does not have to an individual approach to each student. Another thing is at home that is not in a hurry and slowly, to do the independent creation of trains from the priest, and often at all ottask materials.

For such a train will be required:

  • white or color cardboard - 2-3 sheets
  • silenut wire (fluffy sold in stationery departments)
  • glue, scissors, ruler, pencil
  • covers from plastic bottles and 2 covers from five-liter balak.

Progress. Each piece of cardboard cut into two equal parts is future wagons. Collapse into the pipe every piece and glue joints. To each car glue wheels - covers from plastic bottles. The lids should be glued so that the half is glued with the cardboard, and the second half was free.

In each end of the carriages, make holes, cut into small pieces to roll the double-sided hinges - one edge clings to the hole of the trailer, the second clips with the same shelling of another carbon black. Thus, cars are combined into composition.

The train must have a head locomotive. From the rest of the trains, it will be distinguished by the fact that he will have not only small wheels, but also large, as well as a pipe. Cardboard, by the way, is replaced with toilet paper bushings, but then they need to be made with colored paper or stickers.


Paper modeling exists like applied creativity for a very long time. Not one generation of boys enthusiastically glue the models of aircraft, steamers, tanks and trains. The result of such efforts directly depends on the skills and skills of the master, and its diligence. Not the latter role plays a scheme for which the model assembly is being built. There are actually a great many such schemes, and their complexity is designed for the most different age - a child will cope with some - it is, in fact, the box layout, which you just need to cut and glue.

Some have more complicated - there are an order of magnitude more, they are numbered and signed, and the assembly requires certain care and efforts.

However, the first two options do not go into any comparison with the schemes, or even patterns that real professionals are engaged in their case. Such schemes present these models of real trains, ranging from the first steam locomotives and locomotives, and ending with super-modern and high-tech models.

It would seem that the art that has long passed into oblivion, with new capabilities of the simulation programs received a new push.

Video about what models are embodied from paper on 1: 87, etc., not uncommon, and are very popular with lovers of this type of creativity.

Video on the subject of the article

"Making trains from colored paper with your own hands." Master class with step-by-step photo

Degtyartseva Natalia Vasilyevna, teacher Mau to DDTT
Vladikavkaz RSO - Alanya
Work is designed For children from 7 years and older, teachers and parents.
Purpose: Toy, interior decoration, gift for relatives and loved ones, exhibit for the exhibition of technical creativity.
Goal: Make a train from colored paper with your own hands.
Tasks: educational - to master the method of making a locomotive and a trailer; Developing - develop practical skills of students when working with scissors, develop fine motor skills, imagination and fantasy of the child; Educational - to bring up aesthetic taste.
Materials and tools: Colored paper, scissors, glue, line, simple pencil, eraser, circula.

Riddles for children.

Brothers got shifted to visit
Machion clutched at each other
And rushed into the path far
Only left smoke.

Far is far
By the railway,
Maybe this younger
The whole village will take away.

Behind the smoke
Behind the whistle
Brothers run by the Guskom.
V. Stolovkov

Iron crawling
Passengers are lucky.

Iron Snake
In the steppes shook.
In the steppes is lost.
Voice ringing
Runs after stamping.
Sitted Flash.
Pulled down a long tail.

Fifteen fraternity
Love to ride.
First with pipe
Leads all of them.

One hundred barrels
Leads beeps.

Steel mare.
In the steppes azure rushing.
Sit down a hundred wool
Pulled down a long tail. (Train)

On steel tracks
Michie forty.
Round tickling heel.
With a cheating song
By Iron Forest.

V. Tunnikov
Every day there and back
Carries goods neatly.
In the rain, blizzard, heat, frost
Mid of the workman - ... (steam locomotive)

Step-by-step train making.

Making a locomotive.
Rates from the narrow edge of the A4 format sheet to 1 cm, the leaf run from two sides of the line. Putting the line with the left edge to the second bending, run again. Let's make four bends in this way.

Having received four broad strips, cutting the last bending of the insidious part of the sheet. Hence the edge of the sheet, retreating from the left edge to 1cm, and then bend the sheet on the other side of the line.

We cut the extra part of the paper, leaving for gluing on the middle square of the field 1cm. We will cover the edge of the square to the line, as shown in the photo.

Side sides of the square. Shug down the main part of the locomotive cabin, cutting it onto the width of the line with the right part of the part.

Gear the edges of the long strips, having received a column. We glue the roof to the column. Cabin Carrier is ready.

For the manufacture of the window, prepare a square with a side 2, 5 cm of colored paper, and a square with a side of 1.5 cm from white paper. For the door cut the rectangle 7x2.5cm and 1cm strip for the handle. For the front of the locomotive, running from the edge of 1 cm on top and bottom square with a side 4 or 5 cm. We will cover the curved parts of the sheet for gluing.

Gear in the tube prepared square. On the cabinet of the locomotive in the window and the door.

On the rectangle 6x5cm stick a color strip, 1,5 cm wide. On the previously cooked wide tube, the strips width are 0.5 cm along the edges.

We glue a small pipe in the center of a large pipe. We glue a large pipe by reducing the edges, to the cabin of the locomotive. On the free edge of a large pipe, we glue a piece of paper in the form of a square.

Let's make a strip 3x7cm. We spin the edges of the strip in different directions, having received the eight.

We make circles for wheels with a radius of 1.5 cm and 0.7 cm.

We cut the extra edges of the square on the large pipe of the locomotive, glue the wheels and the eight, as shown in the photo. The locomotive is ready.

Making a car.
Having retreated from the top edge to 1cm, the leaf on both sides of the line. Then the sheet on both sides, putting the line on the right and to the left of the edge of the sheet. The bottom of the sheet will cut on the width of the line. To do this, spend a line at the bottom of the sheet. We will do shorts, as shown in the photo.

From the second of the same sheet, we will only leave the middle part, cutting off the extra bends, as shown in the photo.

Sold by small rectangles from the side of the first part.

We glue the side parts on the first part, as shown in the photo.

We glue the second item to the top of the first part.

We glue the side parts of the car to each other.

Let's make a 11x5 cm rectangle for the door and two rectangles 7x5cm for windows. From white paper We will make a rectangle for the window of the door 3x6cm and for the windows of the car - two rectangles
3.5x5.5 cm. Let's make a strip for the inscription direction of the train 1.5x9 cm.

We glue the details of the door and windows to the car.

We produce six wheels on the previously proposed sample. The diameter of the large circle is 5cm, small - 3 cm. We glue the wheels around the edge of the car and in the middle. Car ready.

We glue the car to the fastening eight on the locomotive.

Our train is ready.

"People's crazy dedicated"

If your desires in building a railway layout exceed the possibilities of mass production, it's time to think about making yourself a model. There are different materials and technologies - there is a manufacturer of cardboard.

First of all, you should stock all necessary.

For a start, you need a good white cardboard (preferably 0.35 - 0.5 mm - it is determined to the eye according to the ruler).

Suitable tools are also needed:

  • mechanical pencil with a 0.5 mm rod,
  • pVA glue,
  • 30 cm ruler,
  • corner
  • erasure,
  • threads (preferably not very dilated)
  • transparent plastic, double-sided adhesive
  • emery of two species (large and small),
  • paper knife, normal scissors,
  • manicure scissors,
  • clothespins (preferably plastic with flat surfaces),
  • and also something else on the little things, what will be indicated below.

And most importantly - you need sincere desire to make a layout!

Here will be considered the production of the model on the ready-made chassis. As a donor, you can use wagons from the TT-model or VTTTV.

In the production of any layout requires reference materials in the form of drawings and illustrations of the modeling object. To save time, I also used CMV from the TT-model.

So, let's begin. If the drawing is used, then all sizes need to be recalculated on an appropriate scale, in my case - 1: 120. Next, on a sheet of cardboard, you should draw the basic screwdriver without a roof (as a result, the elongated parallelepiped without a floor) ( Fig. one).

On it we draw everything that should be on the walls of the car, i.e., windows, doors, lines, where the ribs should be ribs, etc. After everything is drawn, all windows cut through the knife.

Now it is necessary to increase the rigidity of the future body - on the reverse side you need to stick on the walls of the second layer of cardboard with already cutting windows so that the windows of each other coincide ( Fig. 2.).

Since the cardboard during wetting has a bad property to swell, it is not necessary to smear a lot of glue, but you need to smear one side quickly and thin layer and immediately press and press and put on the press.

Now we will deal with ribbies. They are made from threads that glue along the drawn lines: first the adhesive strip is applied, on which the thread is superimposed and pressed his finger. The essence is to impregnate the thread with glue and remove the excess glue from the surface. When all the ribs are stuck, it's time to turn the door. To do this, the door contour cuts a thin groove with a knife. After that, we scroll the carved outline of the doors and already glued threads. When it all dried, on the surface of the threads, it is necessary to neatly walk with small emery and quarrels again. With all the displacements, we try to leave as little glue as possible so that the excess irregularities can not increase. The handrails are made from thin cardboard strips.

Now it's time to make an assembly. Places of folds on the reverse side we put on scissors. Then cut out, thoroughly bend and glued together ( Fig. 3.).

Roughly protruding cardboard in places of gluing gently sand.

Roof.To get the roof of the desired form, you first need to create a parallelepiped from the layered cardboard, the height of which is equal to the height of the roof itself (usually separates in gray). The width and length should be 1 and 2 mm exceed the width and the length of the wagon blank, respectively (these are exemplary indicators). It is necessary so that after gluing the roof (by the way, it is also desirable to glue using the press) it was possible to stall from the sides and thereby fit into the size of the carriage. Next, the roof must be added to the convex form - for this, with the ends, we draw the roof profile and longitudinally cut off excess. After that, we grind first with a large emery, and then small. After that, they fault the roof of glue and wait until he dried. We proceed with small emery and repeat the operation. Now you can glue the roof. If you find than to press it until you dry, it will be good. If in the original on the roof there are rigidity ribs, then they are made in a similar way with the help of threads. The junction of the roof with the body with glue. After that, the air intakes can be attached to the roof. From the ends of the wagon, we stick cardboard to hide the joint, although, depending on the situation, you can do without it. With the help of toothpicks are made transitional souffles ( Fig. four).

Let's talk a little about the courses. First you need to make the floor from 2-3 layers of cardboard. Next, on it, we place the scheme of partitions, which, after cutting "put" on glue. The overall height of the indoor with the floor should be seamless, taking into account the height of the running part. To the walls glue the upper shelves, and the lower, most likely, will have to glue on the floor. After that, the partition is glued to the cardboard strip 1 cm and 2 cm long smaller than the length of the wagon.

Now you can paint. It is desirable to use indelible paints. You can use aerosol, ordinary oil or special model paints. Further use tape and brushes of different sizes to obtain the desired color.

When everything dried, from the inside of the wagon walls with the help of two-sided adhesive sticks with a strip of transparent plastic. From the inside side to the roof we stick bilateral scotch, and then we press the inside of the car. From the bottom to the floor of the wagon again glue bilateral tape and presses the running part to it ( Fig. five).

Car ready!

Think also video how to make a cargo cargo car.