Making a hammer handle at home. Light wooden hammer - a beater or simply a cusion with her hands

Wooden kiyanka can be used for different purposes, but the main works are associated with a carpentry and carpenter. For example, wooden cosyanka will need to build thorns connections. The fact is that when hitting with a conventional metal hammer, serious dents remain, which then have to be aligned or screaming. Wooden hammer does not leave such pointing dents.

We will make a wooden queen with their own hands. Assembly options for such a tool, oddly enough, quite a lot. The fact is that for different purposes, the form and weight of the product may differ significantly. One thing is the use of severe inquiry in construction, for carpentry. And completely different wood carving, I mean the creation of sculptural compositions.

Let's try to take a picture to the sample standard view, You can say the basic model.
Among other things, this option is the most universal.

First you need to pick up two blanks, for handle and head. Material can be used from different breeds Tree. Someone makes only oak queen, but for their own experience I will say, too dense wood leaves marked on wooden details Soft breeds.
Therefore, for different purposes, the corresponding material is selected. It may be oak, beech, birch, a pear of solid rocks, or maple, alder, cedar for softer.
In the photo of a cionee made of oak.

General sizes of wooden inquiry: Head - length 130 mm. , width of 90 mm. , Thickness 60 mm. . Length with a handle 350 mm. .

At the ends of the Cyan, you can make a bevelled surface. It is also more convenient when cutting into nests and other works with chisels and chisel. Usually make an angle of the bevel 6-8 *, but someone like it.

Next, we make marking in the center of the Cyanka, to hollow out through the jack.
The most reliable fastening option is when the handle goes to the cone and is inserted from above. So the sledgehames, Kirk, Koluna and Korhkoy Mason are satisfied.

Pictures from

Handle thickness 20-22 mm. , width 30-32 mm. , or so.
Accordingly, this section, mark the nest on both sides of the head and cut down the nest of the chisel, creating the eyes.

Then we customize the cross section of the handle under the socket so that it is in top of the cone.

The main error that may appear when assembling, is the mismatch of the handle and socket cone. Of course you can spit and make a new one, but in general, if you wish, everything is customized.

If the handle from the bottom is set with gaps, then they need to cut and drive wedges. The optimist can even go into account, but I think it is better to leave the opportunity to sink with these wedges overlooking on the handle. If there are big gaps, it is better to glue the wedge on the one hand, and the second to finish when fixing.

Homemade wooden oak kiyanka. You can still make a toy for a child, look at how to collect fake.

It is difficult to imagine a house in which there is no hammer. This tool is an indispensable thing. He will score a nail, helps to split nuts, and sometimes without it can not do in the maintenance work.

However, there are cases that he is broken or one head remained from him. And perform the work that are connected with the hammer is simply necessary.

Therefore, you need to figure out how to make a hammer with your own hands.

Use of hammer

The history of the hammer goes deep into times. They still used primitive people. They found him the most miscellaneous application. Used in construction, mining, hunting.

By modification of the hammer can be tracked as humanity developed. Preferably, the change was touched on only the material from which it was created. And the design itself remained unchanged

There is a huge number of types of hammers, which are used in various spheres of human life. So, it is used in medicine, construction, cooking, plumbing works. In these spheres without a hammer, it is not necessary. However, each sphere has its own definite type of hammer.

The most popular and in demand is the usual hammer that is used in everyday life. Its popularity is explained by the fact that it is multifunctional and universal.

Its main goal is to increase the strength of the human impact. Besides what it is needed to clog nails, it is also an indispensable assistant For other construction tools. For such as Kerner, chisel, the chisel.

The following works are performed hammer

  • clogged nails;
  • crushed tiles or concrete;
  • make holes;
  • right or bent metal objects.

Design hammer

In the photo of the hammer, it can be seen that it consists of two parts

  • lever
  • machine.

The handle can be made of the following materials.

  • wood
  • plastic
  • metal.

In the production of the browk use

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • lead;
  • wood;
  • rubber.

Its form and size depends on which area it is used. And on the cost of the hammer very strongly affects the shape of the bridge.

Square is much cheaper than a round form. Since its shock part has a much clearer accuracy, as well as greater impact power. The speed of any hammer can be adjusted only by a person.

How to make a hammer

The tool begin to make it from the handle. Since the battleship itself is usually. Make it at home is problematic. Therefore, you should not throw the old hammer heads.

The handle is easiest to make a tree. For this, it is suitable for this, the following breeds of trees

  • birch;
  • maple;
  • rowan;


For the manufacture you need a tree bar. The size depends on what length the hammer is necessary. The grommet is pulled out of the head. After it is necessary to sand it, so that there is no discomfort in the work, and the skin did not suffer.

Prepared wood need to dry carefully, and then cover with varnish. The drying room is carefully selected. Since it must comply with the basic rules:

  • good ventilability;
  • lack of a large amount of sunlight;
  • permanent positive temperature.

It is important that wood can not be dried with artificial lighting devices. Since it can be deformed, and its size will change greatly.

The next stage is the most difficult, this is the connection of the handle with a brisk. The sense of the handle with some effort should be inserted into the hammer head.

Often there are cases that the tip is not suitable in size. In the manufacture of the handle, it turned out a little more. It is not scary with the help of a rashpil, you can process it before desired sizeand after sanding so that the surface is smooth.


The battlefields perpendicular to the base of the handle. In this case, the design must be kept in a vertical position.

The head is satisfied with the help of gradual blows about a solid surface, until the moment until the handle goes tightly into the head. Everything, the hammer is ready to use.

Make a hammer independently not difficult, the main desire. Of course, you can buy a new hammer in the store, but this does not give a complete guarantee that it will not be broken between the head and the handle in it. Therefore, it is advisable to make a hammer with your own hands.

Photo hammer do it yourself


Durable, able to withstand a greater force of impact and at the same time rubberized out the hammer, it is easy to make it yourself. The form for casting it is made elementary, and the materials you need will be quite affordable. Step-by-step process Manufacturing a hammer from concrete with their own hands is presented and clearly demonstrated further.


Before making a hammer with your own hands, make sure that:

  • lEGO designer;
  • a solution for mixing concrete;
  • solo epoxy resin;
  • wooden handle;
  • acute knife or screwdriver;
  • wax for polishing a tree;
  • chisels;
  • emery paper;
  • gloves;
  • corner.

Step 1. From the LEGO constructor, collect a shape for the casting of the impact part of the hammer. The designer is good because the details of it are adjacent as closely to each other, without allowing the solution to pour through the slots. The size of the product can be done any. In this case, the hammer was needed small. You can change it at your own discretion.

Step 2.. In the center assembled form For casting a hammer, put a wooden handle. Be sure to make sure that the detail of the future tool is durable and not drowning. For the handle, choose strong wood species, in this workshop it was a nut.

Step 3.. Instruct the concrete solution in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and fill it into the form. Watch that during the process the handle continued to stand strictly vertically. If necessary, correct it. Seal with a solution with hands, pre-injected gloves. Be sure to follow the air pockets not formed. The solution should be tightly tight.

Step 4.. After a few hours, disassemble the designer. Due to the smooth surface of the plastic, the process will go without special effortsbut if you doubt that it is possible to separate it from concrete, lubricate the shape before casting vegetable oil. Give the material some more time to dry out.

Step 5.. Run the epoxy resin solution. It must be drove. Neat with a pencil apply it to the concrete part of the hammer. Leave the product to complete materials drying. This process will take about a day.

Hello everyone. In today's project we do it yourself We will try to make a hammer like a hammer from a neuropathologist's office. You can, of course buy ready, but why buy an expensive rubber hammer, if you can make this tool from the chopsticks of thermoclause yourself?!

It is very simple, cheap and not take a lot of time.

So let's get up!

Step 1: What is needed for the project

Necessary materials:
- 4 thermoclause sticks (30 cm long and diameter 11 mm)
- Some water
- Steel carving rod at the end
- glass bottle from tablets (the greater the diameter, the greater the hammer ...)
- Soap
- 2 plastic bags

Tools (+ devices):
- Gun for hot glue
- Wooden vice
- drill with a diameter of 10 mm
- Universal knife
- Glass glass
- A hammer

Electrical / Power Tools:
- Microwave
- Refrigerator
- Drill

Cause of manufacture: I need a rubber hammer!
Precautions: Ventilated room, leather gloves, safety glasses
Cost: $2.50
Qualification: Basic
The approximate time: 3 hours (~ 60% of which is waiting time).

Step 2: Heating a glass of water

Work begins with the heating of the glass of water. This action will prevent glass from cracking due to the temperature difference, and will also help hot glue to cool slowly (the next step).

I put a glass of water for a minute next to the microwave. The kettle will also fit this operation.

Step 3: Filling hot glue into a glass bottle

Start pouring hot glue into a bottle. Try to inside the bottle through the neck, water did not hit.

Step 4: Give a heat meter cool

Give the thermoclate to cool for one hour. After 60 minutes it will be a little warm.

Then I placed a bottle of refrigerator, and (intentionally) forgot about it. it a good ideaSince the thermocons in the cold is better hardening.

Step 5: Spread the glass bottle by throwing on the floor!

First wrap the bottle into two plastic packages. Then quit with power to the floor. My first time did not come out. I had to throw a bottle 5 times to crack!

Do not forget to wear protective glasses, security is always needed!

Step 6: Carefully remove the glass

Hot glue is strongly adhesive to the glass, I had to use the hammer. Remove the residues of the glass, pre-put on the hands of leather gloves.

Step 7: Rinse the harvesting from hot glue

You should remove dirt residues and pieces of glass. To do this, rinse the resulting workpiece with water, wash, and then rinse again. Further wipe dry with a towel.

Step 8: Cutting off the unnecessary slips of a thermoclaus from the workpiece

Extra influx of thermoclause are formed in a bottle neck. Cut them with a universal knife.

Step 9: Drilling holes for handle and fixing it

I covered the resulting harvesting from hot glue in my wooden vice. Next, I drilled a hole in the center of the workpiece, about ¾ inch (1.9 cm) inch. In this hole, insert the hammer handle.

Now screw the handle. It turned out perfectly!

Sometimes it happens that normal view The tools are pretty quickly coming and is not original, since it does not stand out from others what it usually looks sad and does not cause any delight. That is why the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a carved hammer handle was taken, and as the author did it, I will tell in this article. Before moving to the process of manufacturing a carved handle, it is necessary to determine the choice of tool, namely, in this case, the hammer, as it is very popular at the workplace of each self-delicate.

In order to make a carved handle with your own hands, we will need:
* Hammer with wooden handle, normal, standard, in this case is 600 grams.
* Cutters in wood.
* Stationery knife.
* Bormashinka with grinding nozzles.
* Varnish for wooden products.
* Pencil.

Making sure that all the details are, you can start a creative process.

Step one.
Armed with a pencil, draw the pattern that you want to see on your handle, in this case it is a rhomatic pattern that looks quite original and tastefully.

After all marking are ready, you can start cutting out a template, the so-called repetition of the first layer, we do it with the help of a stationery knife, exactly cutting out the part of the tree. When working with sharp tools, be careful, and also do not forget about safety measures, it is better to protect your hands with gloves. In the process of cutting patterns for more accurate processing of the ends, it is better to cut them through them with a greater force so as not to leave the scope.

Step second.
Next, we use cutters intended for cutting with a tree, with the help of them you will have a deeper place of patterns, which will give them more clearness and will look more spectacular than a shallow groove. Chinese-made cutters do not boast high reliability and stability to loads, so in the process of cutting their blades have repeatedly broken, so be on the check, and work with them carefully, since in when processing there is a risk to drive the blade in the hand that is not pleasant Exodus event. After the final work, the cutters turned out something similar to the rhombus.

Step Three.
The refinement of the patterns is made using the borders and nozzles for grinding, after this processing process, the handle accepted more beautiful aesthetic species, as well as smooth angles.

When working with the borders completed, we make a surface with a smooth with the help of sandpaper, which it is necessary to clean all sides of the handle.

Step fourth.
For greater convenience, a decision was made to make a hole in the handle to place a hammer on the shelf or hanging it on the carnations next to other tools. We do it with the help of a drill installed in the screwdriver, this hole after grinding and increase it by the borders.

Pitch fifth.
The final stage is to cover our surface carved hammer Pre-decorative layer, then cover with varnish in several layers.