The technique of emotional freedom is a modification of experience. Emotional Freedom Technique - Practice

Gary Craig

Emotional Freedom Technique


Entering the Hall of Healing Opportunities

Tuesday night, I'm home alone. Light rain is quietly knocking on my window. And I myself am writing these lines ...

The work on the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) manual, which lasted two years, can be considered complete. Five minutes ago, tears rolled from my eyes. Because at that moment I realized why I became the author of this guide. More specifically, I always knew why I had to create it, but I didn't know how. And now I have managed to put my thoughts into words. My story is before you.

Five minutes ago, I was reviewing a video I filmed with my assistant, Adrianna Foley, at the Veterans Affairs Office in Los Angeles. During our six days there, we used TPP to help Vietnamese veterans overcome the eerie memories of the war. These people suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is one of the most severe emotional disorders. Every day, they have to go through the horrors of war again and again, as if in reality hearing orders to shoot unarmed civilians (including small children), and then dump the corpses into trenches; see the death of your close friends or their dismembered bodies. The echo of cannon fire, the rumble of exploding bombs and heartbreaking screams fills their heads day and night. Every now and then they break into a sweat. They cry at times. They are haunted by headaches and panic attacks. They are depressed, they are suffering. They are overwhelmed with fears and phobias. They are afraid to go to bed because of nightmares. Sometimes drugs alone can distract from this ongoing horror of war. Many veterans have been under medical supervision for twenty years, but they barely feel the slightest relief.

"Together, we will build a bridge within you that leads to the land of peace of mind."

I still remember the feeling of excitement that overwhelmed me when Adrianna and I received an invitation from the Veterans Affairs Office to introduce the soldiers to the power of the TPP. We were not limited in anything, and we could conduct classes with these people in any form convenient for us. For TPP, this should have become a real test of strength. We believed that even if all we could achieve was to bring modest but noticeable changes to the lives of these completely unsettled people, the method could already be considered successful and effective for others. But the actual result exceeded all our expectations.

We have not received any compensation from the Veterans Affairs Office. His budget did not include an item for external assistance. Moreover, we paid for flights and hotel stays out of our own pockets, ate and rented cars at our own expense. But that didn't bother us. We would have paid more for the chance given to us.

The video I watched gave an overview of everything that happened during those six days. One part was entirely devoted to Rich, who, suffering from PTSD, had been under medical supervision for seventeen years. He was tormented by various symptoms: more than a hundred obsessive memories of the war, most of which came to life in his head every day; fear of heights, developed as a result of fifty parachute jumps; as well as insomnia, which forced him to spend three to four hours every night waiting for sleep, and this despite the fact that Rich took strong sleeping pills... After using TPP, not a trace of these problems remained!

Like most people, Rich found it hard to believe that these seemingly strange procedures would work. But he agreed to try. To begin with, we focused on the fear of heights. And after fifteen minutes of working with the TPP, he disappeared. To make sure of this completely, Rich climbed several floors, went to the fire escape and looked down - to his amazement, there was no panic reaction. We then directed TPP to some of the most intense memories of the war and successfully neutralized them within an hour. Of course, they are preserved in his memory, but they no longer carry a traumatic emotional load.

We trained Rich in the necessary techniques (as we will teach you) so that he can work through the remaining war memories on his own. After a few days, they were all "neutralized" and did not bother him anymore. As a result, insomnia also receded, and at the same time there was no need for her medication under the supervision of a doctor.

At first glance, this technique seems silly. Okay, not just stupid - even absurd.

Because it looks like this: a person taps his fingers on the edge of the palm, the crown of the head, the bridge of the nose and other parts of the body and repeats words like self-hypnosis (“I accept myself as I am,” “I love myself, no matter what,” and so on ).

And it is completely incomprehensible: how can such actions help, for example, with claustrophobia ?!

However, feedback from people practicing the tapping technique (also called the Emotional Freedom Technique) suggests that it works. Works when overcoming phobias, experiencing unpleasant memories, to attract wealth, career achievements, love into your life, to combat addictions (but in this case only under the supervision of a specialist!).

However, enough intrigue - I'll start in order! Only in reverse order.

I will immediately describe how exactly it is necessary to perform tapping, and then I will give the rationale for this method and the opinions of scientists who have already studied the effect of using the technique of emotional freedom.

Therapy session

It consists of several stages, the main one of which is tapping fingers on certain points of the body. However, first you need to clearly define the problem with which to work.

For example: "I have a headache", "I'm afraid to ride the elevator", "I can't find mutual language with superiors "and so on.

Then - listen to your feelings and assess the strength of this problem on a 10-point scale. How many points does it “catch”? ..

Now you can proceed directly to the session. Only it is also necessary to tune in to it. Repeating words (three times in a row):

"Even despite the fact that (here you have to voice your own" sore point "), I deeply and completely accept myself"

At the same time, at the same time, lightly tap with the fingertips of one hand on the edge of the palm of the other. You need to tap the so-called "karate point" (it is highlighted in the next image under the number 12).

When full session with the fingertips, tap the points in the following sequence: the beginning of the eyebrow, the edge of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, the beginning of the collarbone, under the arm, thumb, forefinger, middle finger, little finger, karate point.

The exact location of the points can be seen in the image. In this case, it does not matter at all which hand and on which side the tapping is carried out.

For shortened session the points are: crown, above the bridge of the nose, the edge of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the lip, the beginning of the collarbone, under the arm. To more accurately imagine where to knock, take a look video ... By the way, following the example of this video, you can also understand what to say to yourself during therapy.

It is necessary to repeat the entire session about seven times, but it is better to focus on your own feelings: is it enough or can you go through another circle? ..

After that - the next stage: to take several deep breaths and exhalations and once again assess the state of your problem on a 10-point school. If the state is neutral (that is, equal to zero), then that's it - the exercise is complete, defeated! Otherwise, you need to repeat the session until the coveted number 0 is reached.


Again, if you believe the description and reviews, then even a beginner is quite capable of not only overcoming the technique of emotional freedom in 10-15 minutes, but also with its help to cope with his problem.

How it works?

In general, the essence of tapping technique is similar to Chinese acupressure (pressure on energy points) and acupuncture (impact on these points with special needles).

According to the traditional Chinese idea, energy flows constantly through a person. They walk along special meridians. However, physical or emotional pain can block these "pathways" and thereby block the flow of energy. To free them, it is necessary to act on special points of the body: either press on them, or stick needles there.

Tapping is the same effect, only by tapping the points.

The American engineer Gary Craig is considered the creator of the technique of emotional freedom. However, even before him, psychologist Roger Callahan used this technique in his sessions.

It all started with a patient named Mary, who was terribly afraid of water. She wanted, but everything traditional ways were powerless. For a year of work, the results looked like this: Mary could only sit on the edge of the pool and lower her feet into the water. At the same time, her heart continued to beat faster.

In one of the sessions, the woman complained:

“When I think about water, I have unpleasant sensation lower abdomen ".

And since Dr. Callahan was interested in meridian points, he decided to try an unconventional method: he asked Mary to tap the point directly under the eye (it is connected with the stomach) with her fingers for several minutes.

Surprisingly, the discomfort disappeared and the patient was able not only to approach the water without anxiety, but also to plunge into it.

After this incident, Roger Callahan began to develop new technique... But if he developed a whole (and complex) algorithm of influence: with one problem to knock on this point, with another - on this point, then his student Gary Craig simplified the procedure. He identified a basic set of points (and their sequence), the impact on which helps in any case - regardless of the problem.

At the physiological level

Scientists who research the tapping technique explain its effectiveness as follows.

The stress response in the human body begins in the amygdala. It is this area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that enters the limbic system (the source of emotions and long-term memory) and triggers the famous "Run or Fight!" If faced with a situation that ended very badly in the past.

For example, as a child, the boy was ridiculed by his classmates when he answered at the blackboard. The cerebellar amygdala "remembered" this. As a result, the boy grew up, but every time before performing in front of an audience, he experiences horror and stress.

At the same time, according to experts, if the amygdala triggers anxiety, then the body does not care: is there really a real threat for it or all these are unfounded fears. It simply reacts by releasing the same cortisol (stress hormone).

And here's what happens when tapping is connected. A person is immersed in his problem - and the amygdala immediately reacts to memories. However, tapping the endpoints of the meridian sends calming signals to the body.

The calm hippocampus (another component of the same limbic system) overestimates the situation, sees that there is no real threat. Quite the opposite. And "says" to the cerebellar amygdala: they say, do not worry so much - not because of what, after all!

As a result, “reprogramming” begins, the situation ceases to be stressful - and fear, discomfort, etc. go away. (By the way, I described this process briefly and in simple words - so, experts, do not judge strictly!)

Research scientists

American researcher Dawson Church (now he is the author of many books on tapping technique) conducted interesting experiment... He divided 83 volunteers into three groups.

One sessions of the technique of emotional freedom were held, during second - an hour of traditional psychotherapy through conversation, and thirdwas left without treatment.

Then the participants measured the level of cortisol in the body (it was measured before the start of the experiment). It turned out that the greatest decline was observed in the first group: on average, by 24 percent, and in some cases even up to 50. At the same time, neither in the second, nor even more so in the third, such a significant decrease in cortisol levels was not observed.

However, as already mentioned, the tapping technique can help not only with stress and experiencing negative emotions. With its help, you can get rid of the attitudes received in distant childhood, which now, in adulthood, prevent you from moving towards your goal.

True, it is not as easy to determine correctly what this attitude is as to your phobia.

How to do it?

Recommendations can be found in this video (I will not retell it). There you can also hear a lot more interesting things about the technique of emotional freedom.

By the way, if you think about it, mankind has already ceased to treat acupuncture with distrust.

Why tapping is worse? .. Maybe it's worth trying, what do you think?

Emotional freedom techniques are psychological methodsallowing us to get rid of negativity and unnecessary frames. Thus, they help to achieve the set goal. At the same time, the techniques of emotional freedom are easy to use and take a little time, although this is strictly individual. Some may need a few hours, and some may need a few minutes. But, in any case, this is a great way to cope with your ailments without resorting to the help of psychologists (on which, by the way, you have to spend money, unlike the budget TPP). AND

Technique of emotional freedom. This is a more familiar definition. At the same time, the same means another abbreviation - EFT: Technique of Emotional Freedom (Emotional Freedom Technique). It is about the same concept. If you come across an English-language acronym in response to a request for "Emotional Freedom Technique", don't be alarmed. You are on the right track.

Problems solved by TPP

Emotional freedom techniques are effective in areas such as:
1) Motivation and coaching (personal training to unleash potential).
Allows you to break down psychological barriers to achieve your goals.
2) Life trauma. Getting rid of life-poisoning events that pop up in your mind.
3) Mental problems. Helps to cope with various kinds of phobias, mental disorders, as well as lingering depression.
4) Dependencies. With the help of EFT, you can make alcohol addiction or smoking a thing of the past.

5) Problems related to health. Effective in the presence of headaches, migraines, allergies, pain in the joints, back, shoulders.

6) Excess weight... It can teach you to control yourself, get rid of annoying desires (such as addiction to sweets), teach you to eat only when you feel hungry. Shows that you don't have to torment yourself with diets to lose weight.

TPP technique

Emotional Freedom Techniques are implemented using a simple technique that you need to master if you decide to get rid of problems quickly and effectively.

1. The first step is to define your problem. You must boldly admit to your face that you have it, and then feel its fullness and depth. To do this, remember everything that does not suit you, force yourself to experience emotions (anger, rage, fear, shame) - be frank with yourself.
2. Imagine a 10-point scale. Assess your problem on it, setting it to a certain level.
3. Start tapping points on the edge of your palm, while saying: “Despite the fact that I feel ... (name the emotions that your problem causes you, or what does not satisfy you in yourself, for example, irascibility), I deeply accept and love myself". This is very important stagebecause you admit your mistakes to yourself and try to accept yourself with them. Next, go along the points: the inner edge of the eyebrow, outside corner eyes, under the eye, under the nose, at the top of the chin, junction of the collarbones, crown.
Why do you need to tap the points, moving along one line? On the line there are harmonizing, calming, energizing and signaling points that all need to be used.

4. Continue tapping the dots 5-7 times and speaking your problem. If at the same time images or images appeared in your mind, they also need to be spoken. They relate to a problem that has stuck in you, and the more fully you talk about it, the easier it will be for you to get rid of it. You can repeat the cycle.
5. Now that we have relived these emotions, released them, we need to replace them with something pleasant. In this case, you also need to tap on the same points and say "Despite ... (voicing the problem), I want to change this." At the same time, you must be open to joy, a thirst for change, a feeling of lightness. Also repeat the cycle to consolidate the result.
In the end, you can cheerfully approve the work done with the phrase "Let it be so!", "I believe in myself!" Take a deep breath.

How to improve results?

In order for the result to be more effective and more successful, experts in the field of thermal power plants recommend using this technique regularly. Thus, you will create an impenetrable wall for external problemsthat can come, you should forget about emotional release.

TPP literature. Gary Craig - Psychotechnician in Energy Psychology

The author of the technique is Gary Craig. The Technique of Emotional Freedom is a book created specifically for our salvation. Its main goal is to combat our physical and psychological ailments. It presents techniques that can help us open our minds and face our torments unarmed. In this book, the traditional oriental medicine, and Western psychology. The techniques are based on acupressure (therapy by pressing on certain points) and deprogramming of consciousness (cleansing from programs established in the head). The interaction of these methods lies in the fact that we simultaneously act on certain points and concentrate our attention on the problem. After reading, you will learn how to self-purify and renew, while being cured of fears, anxieties, addictions, and even insomnia and physical pain! So, Harry Craig, "Emotional Freedom Technique" is the best helper in the fight against yourself.

Philip Bogachev - author and psychologist

Bogachev's Technique of Emotional Freedom is another book dedicated to self-training. It includes three large blocks and several sub-blocks.

1. Self-hypnosis.
After reading this section, you will be able to independently plunge into a state of trance, open interior doors subconscious, on unconscious level set yourself certain goals that will be fixed and towards which you will go already on a subconscious level.
● The first step is self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is effective in achieving goals, combating your fears, and you are offered 5 safe techniques for self-hypnosis.
● Further - the section "Fear and Phobia". You will be taught to get rid of negative states and fears at all levels, say goodbye to beliefs that are tightly sitting in your head, and overcome childhood fears.
● Third - "Unconscious". The section is devoted to working with dependencies. For example, quitting smoking in two hours.
● Fourth - "Look into your future and model it." You will be able to step over past grievances that prevent you from coming to a happy future, and learn to influence it. You can also learn to identify what exactly prevents you from moving on and how to get rid of it.

Emotional freedom. What's in this block?

In this block, you will learn why you need to deal with negative emotions, how to track them and how to deal with them. Learn to manage yours and call positive emotions.
● The Habits and Beliefs: Benefits and Harms part tells how to move from fear and indecision to action, what is the habitual way of thinking and how it affects you. Will help expand your capabilities.
● “Choosing a Thinking Strategy” also encourages you to actively participate in the near future. You can fulfill a dream in 3 weeks, which until recently you did not know how to approach! Understand how silly your fears are, and you can use real perspectives.
● "Be better than you were before" - about the importance of control and tracking emotional states, about “recycling” your past and how to define a goal and follow it.
● “Important basic techniques for every day "- several techniques are presented:" How to automatically achieve any goal in 1 hour a day "," Getting rid of fatigue in 20 minutes "," Creative visualization, or the shortest path to your goal. "

3. Bonus theme: "Creative logic is the key to powerful resources." You will learn how creative logic solves problems, about the infinity of the unconscious and internal resources, what needs to be done to achieve goals automatically.

Alina Lovett is an unconventional figure

Alina Lovett is engaged in cleansing karma using the technique of emotional freedom, clairvoyance, the science of laughter and others. But we are interested in the technique of emotional freedom. In her videos, Alina clearly demonstrates how to carry out the basic TPP technique and, before starting, gives the following recommendations:

Drink a glass or two of water before and after training: water supports the working capacity of the body, and most importantly - the brain;
- before drinking, take a look at the water and tell her that you love her; yes, just say, "I love you." This will help you in healing, as it will make the structure of the water a life-giving elixir.
As Alina Lovett puts it, the technique of emotional freedom is working with the subconscious. She teaches us so that we can end our problems and open up to joy.

Technique of emotional freedom - reviews

How do people feel about these techniques? How trustworthy is the technique of emotional freedom? Reviews can be found both positive and negative. Many people have already tried miraculous thermal power plants on themselves. Most were satisfied. The technique is universal, since everyone can use it; the technique is free, since in the Internet resources you can find information in the public domain; the technique is amazing, because in a short period you are amazingly transformed! So why not give it a try? Anyone who decided to use it and spend a little (mind you!) Time was satisfied.

Estimates by Marsha Wieder, Coaching Specialist

This specialist admits that she herself did not understand how this process could help her, because she is a practical person. But after she tried EFT on herself, she became convinced how simple, fast, and most importantly - effective it is! Marsha dealt with the problem that had been holding her back all the time through emotional release, and now her life is different.

The technique of emotional freedom has collected numerous and diverse reviews. Social network users were also satisfied and shared their impressions.

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often referred to as tapping (tapping), is universal toolwhich helps to achieve amazing results in the fight against physical and emotional problems. EFT is based on the assumption that personal emotional problems must be resolved on the path to improving any area of \u200b\u200blife. Even physical ailments - chronic pain or diagnosed illnesses - can be caused by emotional stress that interferes with the human body's natural healing process.

When is the emotional freedom technique used?

In many cases, the emotional freedom technique is used directly to relieve physical symptoms without focusing on the emotional components of the problem. However, the most powerful effect and lasting results can be achieved precisely by eliminating emotional problems.

The essence of EFT is that the more unresolved emotional problems you manage to eliminate, the more emotionally free you will be in life. To do this, you must master the Procedure for achieving personal peace (or tranquility, peace).

Emotional Freedom Technique - Secrets of Efficiency

The technique of emotional freedom is fairly easy to learn. It will give the opportunity to:

  • get rid of negative emotions;
  • suppress food cravings;
  • relieve pain or completely get rid of it;
  • achieve your goals.

The Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of psychological acupressure based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over 5,000 years. However, EFT does not include acupuncture. Instead, it is enough to tap certain points with your fingertips to "bring" energy to certain meridians. When tapping (tapping), you need to think about a specific problem (psychological trauma, addiction, pain) and say positive affirmations.

This combination of tapping energy meridians and repeating positive affirmations aims to eliminate “ short circuits»(Emotional blockages) of the bioenergetic system of the body. As a result, you will be able to restore the balance of body and mind, which is necessary for optimal health and cure for physical illness.

A Practical Guide to the Emotional Freedom Technique

There are two main points in applying the technique of emotional freedom:

  • Tapping points.
  • Tapping techniques and positive affirmations.

1. Technique of TPP-tapping

  • It is important to tap the correct area without focusing on a specific point - a positive effect can be achieved by affecting the overall tapping area.
  • Tapping is done with your fingertips. There are a number of acupuncture meridians at your fingertips that are used during tapping along with the meridians you tap on your body.
  • Traditional tapping is done with the tips of the index and middle fingers of one hand (right or left - no difference). The side of the body that you tap (right or left) also does not matter: for example, you can start with the right eye and then move on to the left hand, etc.
  • Ideally, it is necessary to tap with your fingertips (if the length of the nails allows), and not with their pads.
  • Before tapping, watches and bracelets must be removed - they will interfere with tapping the wrist meridian.
  • Tap with moderate force so that you do not experience pain during the procedure.
  • The number of taps of each point is approximately 5–6. In fact, the number of taps is not critical - the main thing is that they continue during one breathing cycle.

2. Points to be tapped

3. Affirmations - address your problem

Now that you are familiar with tapping with the emotional freedom technique, pay attention to the positive affirmations that will need to be repeated while tapping.

"Despite this problem, I completely and completely accept myself "or" ... love and accept myself "(instead of the words" this problem»Name your personal problem). For example:

  • "Despite my fear of public speaking, I fully accept myself."
  • "Despite the pain in my neck, I love and accept myself."
  • "Despite my alcohol addiction, I love and completely accept myself."

However, you can formulate affirmations yourself, adhering to the basic principle: you need to realize your problem and accept yourself, despite its existence... After all, the technique of emotional freedom involves addressing the problem and eliminating negative thoughts that prevent your mind and body from functioning normally.