Beautiful statements about the outgoing human time. Quotes about time: why you should value life

Money is expensive, human life is even more expensive, and time is the most precious thing. - A. V. Suvorov

Life is not given to pass the time. It is given as an opportunity to touch the depths of your being. Don't waste your time. - Osho

When a person kills time, then time does not spare a person. - Valentina Bednova

Your time is limitedso don't waste it on living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of dogma that tells you to live with other people's thoughts. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Somehow they already know who you really want to become.
- Steve Jobs

Waste of time is the worst of all. - C. Cantu

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste. - B. Franklin

Every hour devoted to hate is an eternity taken from love.
- L. Berne

Live as if you have to say goodbye to life now, as if timeleft to you is an unexpected gift.
- Aurelius Mark Antonin

Cherish every second of your life, love - love, miss - say, hate - forget, do not waste time on hate, there are so few time for life...

Don't expect it to get easier, easier, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy now. Otherwise, you will not have time.

You yourself feed your misery by giving it time... Time is his blood.
- Eckhart Tolle

The most precious thing is time... The older, the more expensive ...

People who cannot find time for rest will sooner or later find time for illness.
- John Vanamaker

Man finds time for whatever he really wants.
- F.M. Dostoevsky

Your time limited, so do not waste it on other people's affairs and other people's thoughts. Spend on yourself.
- Steve Jobs

I am convinced that without thrill the transience of life it is impossible to know the fullness of happiness.
- Steve Jobs

I still don't understand why people get angry with each other for a long time. Life is already unforgivably short, it’s impossible to get anything done, there’s so little time that, one might say, there’s no time at all, even if you don’t waste it on all sorts of nonsense like quarrels.
- Max Fry

We never have enough time. We win it back in the fight with ourselves, and therefore we must spend it wisely.
- Cecilia Ahern

Life is not given to pass the time. It is given as an opportunity to touch the depths of your being. Don't waste your time.
- Osho

Each of us has a time machine: that which transfers to the past - memories; what takes you to the future is dreams.
- HG Wells "Time Machine"

Know how to live, do not waste your time! It leaves like sand through your fingers. Love life, it is only one! Know how to enjoy this happiness !!!

Time is gold, but no gold is enough for you to buy time.
- Chinese proverb

Time flow. I. Kant was the first to suggest that the more impressions a person receives over a period of time, the more lasting it seems to him later.

The passage of time is a real natural and social process that is indeed amenable to change. So, it is quite possible to increase the speed of mechanical movement or labor productivity. In the named and similar cases, the temporal proportions change, the relationships in which the real temporal durations of real things and phenomena are located.

There is no single stream of time, obligatory for all living and nonliving.

“… Time is absolutely, autonomous and independent of the material world; it appears to be a homogeneous and unchanging flow from the past through the present into the future. "

“Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein had.
- Jackson Brown (born 1940) - American writer

It seems to me that man not only changed the climate of the planet, but also did something over time. Have you noticed? Now ten years pass as before three.
- Robert DeNiro

Everything is good only in its place and in its time.
- Romain Rolland

No matter how hard you try to pass your time, you won't!
- Stepan Balakin.

The biggest waste one can do is waste of time.
- Theophrastus

Every lost moment is a lost business, a lost benefit.
- Chesterfield

Money is expensive, human life is even more expensive, and time is the most precious thing.
- A. V. Suvorov

When a person kills time, then time does not spare a person.
- Valentina Bednova

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't fall into the trap of dogma that tells you to live with other people's thoughts. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Somehow they already know who you really want to become.
- Steve Jobs

Only in calm waters are things reflected undistorted. Only a calm consciousness is suitable for the perception of the world.

Life and time are two teachers. Life teaches us to manage time correctly, time teaches us to value life.

Today there is no time for health - tomorrow there is no time for health.

The absolute time is that which is observed. Absolute time is determined by clocks, the rotation of celestial bodies and other natural or artificial chronometers.
Subjective time is the apparent time experienced by a person. In one and the same person, it proceeds at different rates. It goes sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, depending on the surrounding impressions, state of mind or the composition of thoughts. It depends on the nature of the brain activity. In a dream, it flows faster.

Waste of time is the worst of all.
- C. Cantu

Human life is multiplied by the amount of time saved.
- f. Collier

The wise allocation of time is the basis for action.
- I. Komensky

The inability to take care of one's own and other people's time is a real lack of culture.
- N.K. Krupskaya

The one who does not know how to use his time properly is the first to complain about its lack: he kills days for dressing, eating, sleeping, empty talk, thinking about what to do, and just doing nothing.
- J. La Bruyere

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.
- B. Franklin

The most valuable gift you can give to someone is your time, because you give what you can never return.

Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.
- Hector Berlioz.

I went outside at five in the morning and looked around. Isn't the world beautiful without people at a time like this?
- F. Dostoevsky

He who can fill every moment with deep content will endlessly prolong his life.

You are pure Existence. Only form is temporary and changeable, and Existence is Eternal and Immutable.
- Gegam

Man is a part of the whole, which we call the Universe, a part limited in time and space.
- Albert Einstein

Time is priceless. Think carefully about what you spend it on.
- Bernard Show

"Isn't it ridiculous to save a penny for the whole century,
If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while -
Try not to waste your time! "
- Omar Khayyam

There is endless potential in every moment. Any new moment contains unimaginable possibilities. Every new day is a blank sheet that you can fill with the most beautiful drawings.
- John Parkin

Even if you are very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results simply take time: you will not have a baby in a month, even if you force nine women to become pregnant.
- Warren Buffett

The highest mountains will disappear into the darkness of time, the slightest movement of pure human soul - immortal.
- Wilkie Collins

The meaning of the New Year is not to get another year, but to find a new soul.
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Start now living the life that you would like to see it at the end
- Marcus Aurelius

A day is a small life, and you have to live it as if you have to die now, and you were unexpectedly given another day.
- M. Gorky

You need to appreciate every moment, because a person is not destined to know when his candle goes out ...
- Andrey Zhadan

Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks at the door of every person, but at this time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knocking.
- Mark Twain

And I see that people do not live, but everyone tries on, tries on and puts their whole life on it. And when they rob themselves, having wasted time, they will begin to cry at fate. What is fate here? Everyone is his own destiny !?
- Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

Youth is a state of mind, not a body. Therefore, I am still quite a girl, I just look bad for the last 70 years.
- Zhanna Kalman

Just as every drop in the ocean carries the taste of the ocean, so every moment carries the taste of eternity.
- N. Maharaj

Statements and quotes

Quotes famous people about the meaning of life

Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn to dust what turns out to be fragile.

The time given by God to each of us is like a precious fabric on which we embroider as best we can.

A person cannot order anything in to a greater extentthan time.

Time is the greatest innovator.

A person who does not know what to do with his time shamelessly takes away someone else's.

Time is the fabric that makes up life.

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today.

Don't waste time because it makes up life.

Keep all your things in their places, have their own time for each activity.

Since you are not sure of even one minute, do not waste one hour.

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

One today is worth two tomorrow.

Each business has its own time.

Take your time! Guard him any hour, any minute. Without supervision, it slips away like a lizard. Illuminate every moment with an honest, worthy accomplishment!

If you want to have leisure, do not waste your time.

Time is like a fickle and capricious mistress: the more you chase after her, the more you try to keep her, the sooner she leaves you, the sooner she changes.

Time is like a skilful steward constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared.

Starting your career, do not waste, O young man, precious time!

There was so little time in her watch that she couldn't keep up with anything.

Alarm clock: home phone time.

Listening to the ticking of the clock, we notice that the time is ahead of us.

Time - there is nothing longer in the world, for it is the measure of eternity, and there is nothing shorter, because it is not enough to fulfill our desires; nothing is slower for the one who waits, nothing is faster for the one who eats pleasure; it reaches infinity in the great and is infinitely divisible in the small; people neglect him, and when they lose, they regret; everything takes place in time; it destroys offspring unworthy in memory.

Cold witticisms, flat ambiguity, jokes, jokes and fake laughter mistaken for hilarity make up the brilliance of society. Thus, the pointless and vulgar crowd takes advantage of the time that flies away.

How terrible it is to feel that the passage of time takes away everything that you possessed!

Thanks to love, time passes imperceptibly, and thanks to time, love passes imperceptibly.

Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left.

He lived a long time, who lived well, and the time spent incorrectly was not spent, but wasted.

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden the soul with either the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive:
After all, all the same, in that world you will appear to have no property.

What has been will not be again.

Statements, quotes about time, about time in English with translation.

All in good time.
Everything has its time.

Everything is good in its season.
All is well in due time.

Happiness takes no account of time.
For happy time does not exist.

Lost time is never found again.
Wasted time can never be returned.

Time and tide wait for no man.
Time and tide wait for no one.

Time cures all things.
Time heals everything.

Time is a great healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time is money.
Time is money.

Time is the great healer.
Time is a great healer.

Time works wonders.
Time works wonders.

Then choose time is to save time.
Choosing time means saving it.

Time is a waste of money.
Time is a waste of money.

Statements, quotes about time, about time in Latin with translation.

Temporibus servire decet.
One should obey the (requirements) of the time. Wed: Keeping pace with the times.

Suis quaeque temporibus.
All in due time (i.e. in chronological order).

Haud multum distanti tempore.
A little time later.

Melioribus annis.
IN better times (that is, in those years that they remember with pleasure).

Fugit irreparabile tempus.
Irretrievable time is running. Wed: You can't stop time.

Omnia fert aetas.
Time takes everything away.

Sed fugit interea, fugit irreparabile tempus, singula dum capiti circumvectamur amore.
But meanwhile, the irreversible time is running, running, while we, captivated by love for the subject, linger on all the details.

Tempus fugit.
Time is running out.

Tempora labuntur, tacitisque senescimus annis, et fugiunt freno non remorante dies.
Time is running out and we are silently aging over the years, the days are running away and it is impossible for us to contain them.

Tempus edax rerum.
All-consuming time.

Tempus edax rerum, tuqu (e) invidiosa vetustas, omnia destruitis vitiataque dentibus aevi paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte.
Time is a devourer of things - and you, o envious old age. You destroy everything; wounded by time with a tooth, you destroy everything by gradual slow death.

Utendum (e) st aetate, cito pede labitur aetas: nec bona tam sequitur, quam bona prima fuit.
Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The day that has passed is always better than the present day.

Tempori parce.
Save your time.

Quem mihi dabis, qui aliquod pretium temporiponat?
Whom will you name me, who would be able to value time in the least?

Suum cuique rei tempus.
Each business has its own time.

Carpe diem.
Take advantage of the (current, present) day.
Seize the moment (Seize the day)

Currit ferox aetas.
Time runs (flies) uncontrollably.

Fuga temporum.
Running of times (time).

Rapit hora diem.
The hour carries along the day.

Tempus tantum nostrum est.
Only time belongs to us.

Grata superveniet, quae non sperabitur hora.
It will be pleasant to come to an hour for which you did not hope.

Honesta lex est temporis necessitas.
The rule of time is a law worthy of respect. Wed: Time dictates its own laws. The relentless power of time.

Aphorisms and quotes about time

They say that time does not exist, but people invented it. Whatever it was, but there are many aphorisms and quotes about time, from which you can learn that time in different periods of life moves at its own speed, and even that being on Earth at the same moment, you can live in different time. Aphorisms and quotes about time will be of interest to both children and adults, since they contain a lot of useful things.

"A child's hour is longer than an old man's day"
Arthur Schopenhauer

"You have to look at the day as a small life"
Maksim Gorky

"An hour spent in the company of a pretty blonde will always be shorter than an hour spent in a hot frying pan."
Albert Einstein

"Time and Tide Never Wait"
Walter Scott

"Time is the capital of the knowledge worker"
Honore Balzac

"Not for a single day to deviate from your goal - this is a means to extend the time, and, moreover, a very sure means, although it is not easy to use it"
Georg Lichtenberg

“Why are your hours running out? - they ask me. - But the point is not that they spread! The bottom line is that my watch is accurate. "
Salvador Dali

"I have observed that most people promoted at exactly the time that other people were just wasting."
Henry Ford

"Don't waste time with someone who doesn't want to spend it with you."
Gabriel Marquez

"True love is not one that can withstand years of separation, but one that can withstand years of intimacy."
Helen Rowland

"All human skill is nothing but a mixture of patience and time."
Honore Balzac

"Time is the matter that makes up life"
Benjamin Franklin

“Tomorrow is the great enemy of today; "tomorrow" will paralyze our forces, bring us to powerlessness, support inaction in us "
Edouard Laboulaye

"If we lived forever, we would have found time for everything - but there would hardly have been a hunt."
Vladislav Grzheshik

"Only that which is deprived of the strong grain of life and that, therefore, is not worth life, perishes in the stream of time"
Vissarion Belinsky

"The word" tomorrow "was invented for indecisive people and for children"
Ivan Turgenev

“The love of fame is usually just another name for the love of excellence; or is it a striving for supreme excellence, confirmed by the highest authority - the authority of the time "
William Gazlitt

"To work: to earn money and not have time to spend it"
Adrian Decursel

"It is impossible to stop time: the watch industry will not allow it"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students."
Hector Berlioz

"Time approaches slowly, but leaves quickly"
Vladislav Grzheshik

"We are crucified on the dial of the clock"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Killing time looking at the clock - what could be more stupid?"
Haruki Murakami

"Time is a tyrant who has its own whims and who every century looks at what they do and say with different eyes."
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

“Time heals sorrows and resentments because a person changes: he is no longer what he was. Both the offender and the offended became different people "
Blaise Pascal

"In nature, nothing arises instantly and nothing appears in the light in a completely finished form."
Alexander Herzen

"The only measure of time is memory"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

“The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is calm, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if the thoughts are wide, a tiny hut will accommodate the whole world. "
Hong Zicheng

"Time seems to me to be an immense ocean that has swallowed up many great writers, caused accidents to others, and smashed some to smithereens."
Joseph Addison

"He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory"
Luc Vovenargue

“Time served my love only for what the sun and rain serve for the plant - for growth ... All my spiritual energy and all the strength of my feelings are concentrated in it. I again feel myself as a person in the full sense of the word, because I experience great passion "
Karl Marx

"Modern man does not know what to do with the time and forces that he has released from his hands."
Pierre Chardin

"There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time left "
Coco Chanel

"Time is a moving image of motionless eternity"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"Year: a period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments"
Ambrose Bierce

"In a real time bomb, the explosive is time."
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

“What is time? If no one asks me about this, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don't know "
Aurelius Augustine

“One girl was asked which main person, what is the most important time and what is the most important thing? And she answered, thinking that the most important person is the one you are communicating with at the moment, the most important time is the one in which you live now, and the most important thing is to do good to the person with whom you are dealing at any given moment. "
Lev Tolstoy

"The Two Greatest Tyrants on Earth: Chance and Time"
Johann Herder

"That which lives for a long time grows slowly"
Henri Baudrirallar

"Time and chance can do nothing for those who do nothing for themselves"
George Canning

“Everything in this world is relative. For example, the length of a minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are on. "
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

"Time is shared with death in justice: to itself - all life, to her - all eternity"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

"It is common knowledge that a quarter of an hour is more than a quarter of an hour."
Georg Lichtenberg

"Everything is good only in its place and in its time"
Romain Rolland

"Time is like a skilful steward, constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared."
Kozma Prutkov

“Do you love life? Then don't waste your time; for time is the fabric that makes up life "
Benjamin Franklin

"Woe to those peoples who obey the times instead of commanding them!"
Karl Berne

“The time will come when national pride they will look at the same as at selfishness and vanity, and at war as at slaughter "
Joachim Rachel

“A person should not complain about the times; nothing comes of it. The time is bad: well, that's what a person is to improve it "
Thomas Carlyle

“To find out the price of a year, ask the student who failed the exam. To find out the price of a month, ask a mother who gave birth prematurely. To find out the price of a week, ask the editor of the weekly. To find out the price of an hour, ask a lover who is waiting for his beloved. To find out the price of a minute, ask the person who missed the train. To find out the price of a second, ask the one who lost loved one in a car accident. To find out the price of one thousandth of a second, ask the Olympic silver medalist "
Bernard Werber

“Time wasted is existence; time used for good is life "
Edward Jung

"I can say with pride that I spent whole days and nights not reading anything, and with iron energy I used every free minute to replenish my encyclopedic ignorance more and more."
Karl Kraus

"I am outraged that the precious hours of our life, these wonderful moments that will never return, are being wasted on sleep."
Jerome Jerome

“The agony of our existence is also greatly facilitated by the fact that time constantly oppresses us, does not allow us to take a breath and stands behind everyone, like a torturer with a whip. It only leaves those alone who have passed on to boredom "
Arthur Schopenhauer

"As if you can kill time without hurting eternity!"
Henry Thoreau

"Time and money are mostly interchangeable"
Winston Churchill

“For love does not exist yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow. She eagerly reaches out to the present day, but she needs this whole day, unlimited, unclouded "
Heinrich Heine

“Since the will is not subject to time, the remorse of conscience does not pass over time, as other sufferings pass. Villainy depresses the conscience, even after many years, as painful as immediately after committing it "
Arthur Schopenhauer

"Time is a good medicine against backbiting, as well as against spiritual grief"
Giacomo Leopardi

“The time is long enough for the one who uses it; who works and thinks, expands its boundaries "

"To choose the time means to save time, and what was done out of time is done in vain"
Francis Bacon

"As time passes, our ancestors perform more and more glorious feats."
Wieslaw Brudziński

“People often float with the passage of time! And yet our fragile shuttle is equipped with a steering wheel; why is a man rushing along the waves, and not obeying his own aspirations? "
Dante Alighieri

"Beauty is a gift for several years"
Oscar Wilde

“Time paints something other than a memory. Recollection smooths out old wrinkles, time adds them "
Otto Ludwig

"Wealth is good because it saves time"
Charles Lam

“Time, this zealous artist, works for a long time on the past, polishes it, taking one thing away and discarding the other with great tact”
Max Beerbohm

"There was so little time in her watch that she couldn't keep up with anything."
Ramon Serna

"It was once a good hotel, but that doesn't mean anything - I was once a good boy too."
Mark Twain

"No matter how much time you lose, the years are getting added"
Emil the Meek

"Thanks to love, time passes imperceptibly, and thanks to time, love passes imperceptibly."
Dorothy Parker

"Truth was the only daughter of time"
Leonardo da Vinci

"Happy hours are not observed, and then they complain that the happiness lasted so shortly"
Henrik Jagodziński

"Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait"
Honore Balzac

"Those who chase after great wealth, never finding time to enjoy it, are like hungry people who always cook food and never sit at the table."
Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

“There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is lacking for all our undertakings ... All people neglect it, everyone regrets its loss "

"The work fills all the time allotted for it"
Cyril Parkinson

“I divide my time like this: one half I sleep, the other half I dream. In a dream, I do not see any dreams, and this is good, because being able to sleep is the highest genius "
Soren Kierkegaard

“As soon as she stopped, froze, bewitched by some sight, she immediately had a feeling that the precious time of her life, measured in minutes, was slipping between her fingers, that she would not have time to do many important things and meet the necessary and close people, and she it always seemed that this time could be found best use, for she still has so much to learn and understand "
Paulo Coelho

"Punctuality is a thief of time"
Oscar Wilde

“Save time: this is the fabric of which life is made”
Samuel Richardson

"It takes a century to restore what the day destroyed"
Romain Rolland

“It’s impossible to imagine how short a month is until you start paying child support.”
John Barrymore

"The clock is motionless, the pendulum oscillates, and time decisively moves forward"
Emil the Meek

"Time is money"
Benjamin Franklin

"The loss of time is the hardest for the one who knows best"
Johann Goethe

"Time is a loss of money"
Oscar Wilde

"Tomorrow is an old rogue who always manages to deceive you."
Samuel Johnson

“Time does not stop to admire the glory; it uses it and rushes on "
Francois Chateaubriand

"While we are thinking how to kill time, time is killing us"
Alphonse Allais

"Tomorrow is a big deceiver, and his deception never loses its charm of novelty."
Samuel Johnson

“A broken clock shows the right time twice a day and, after several years, boasts a long series of successes.”
Maria-Ebner Eschenbach

"Starting your career, do not waste, O young man, precious time!"
Kozma Prutkov

“There are seconds that are longer than others. It's like pause in a DVD player. A moment will pass, and time will become stretchable. All these people will finally meet. A moment will pass, and they will all turn into horsemen of the Apocalypse, unite at the End of the World "
Frederic Beigbeder

“Tell me, when did space and its fleeting bride - the time when their child was born - matter, along with which the suffering of the world came? For together with space, suffering began, together with time - death "
Arthur Schopenhauer

"Wise allocation of time is the basis for action"
Jan Komensky

"For lovers, the clock usually runs forward"
William Shakespeare

“Talent alone is not enough to create a literary masterpiece. The talent is to guess the time. Talent and time are indissoluble ... "
Matthew Arnold

"We are killing time, and time is killing us"
Emil the Meek

"Time and money are the hardest burdens in life, so the most miserable of mortals are those who have both in abundance ..."
Samuel Johnson

"Of all the critics, the greatest, the most ingenious, the most infallible is time"
Vissarion Belinsky

"Time: universal retainer and solvent "
Elbert Hubbard

"Happy people consider time to be minutes, while for unfortunate people it lasts for months."
James cooper

"On the wings of time, sorrow is carried away"
Jean Lafontaine

"A person cannot dispose of anything more than time"
Ludwig Feuerbach

"Beware of those who complain about the lack of time - they steal yours"
Hugo Steinhaus

"Time erases error and polishes the truth"
Gaston Lewis

"How quickly time flies: I didn't have time to wake up, but I was already late for work"
Mikhail Zhvanetsky

“Time is such a vague thing. One seems very long. To the other - on the contrary "
Agatha Christie

"Happy hours are not observed"
Alexander Griboyedov

"Time is a space for the development of abilities"
Karl Marx

"The boss should have enough someone else's time for everything"
Georges Elgozi

“Time is the greatest illusion. It is only an internal prism through which we decompose being and life, an image under which we gradually see that which is timeless, in the idea. "
Henri Amiel

"If you love life, do not waste time - time is what life is made of."
Bruce Lee

"Time doesn't like to be wasted"
Henry Ford

“How long does it take for people to understand the century they have lived? Three centuries. When will humanity understand the meaning of its life? 3 thousand years after his death "
Vasily Klyuchevsky

“What grief does not time carry away? What passion will survive in an unequal struggle with him? "
Nikolay Gogol

"Since nothing is more precious than time, it is the noblest to spend it apart from"
Marcel Juandot

"The world was created not in time, but together with time"
Aurelius Augustine

"Time is motionless, like a coast: it seems to us that it is running, but, on the contrary, we are passing through"
Pierre Bouast

"Delay is a thief of time"
Edward Jung

"All times are critical"
Karol Izhikovsky

“People who are outstanding for their talents should spend their time in the way that it requires respect for themselves and their offspring. What would the offspring think of us if we left nothing to them? "
Denis Diderot

"Years teach many things that days do not know"
Ralph Emerson

"The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time"
Dante Alighieri

"If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste."
Benjamin Franklin

“The old people who, on every occasion, say:“ Now in our time… ”- they blame, and rightly so. But it's even worse when young people mumble the same about modernity. "
Karol Izhikovsky

"Excessive time reserve often speaks of a person's lack of assembly."
Cyril Parkinson

"The average person is concerned with how to kill time, while a talented person seeks to use it."
Arthur Schopenhauer

“There is no time for a higher mind; what will be, that is. Time and space are fragmentation of the infinite for the use of finite beings "
Henri Amiel

Year: a horse that gallops, but in small steps
Adrian Decursel

"Love is the only passion that does not recognize either the past or the future"
Honore Balzac

"Time flies like an arrow, although the minutes creep"
Jacob Mendelssohn

"Nothing puzzles me more than time and space, and at the same time nothing worries me less: I never think about either one or the other."
Charles Lam

"Since you are not sure even in one minute, do not waste a single hour"
Benjamin Franklin

"Of all things, time belongs least of all to us and most of all we lack it"
Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon

"Time is the same as money: don't waste it and you will have plenty of it."
Gaston Lewis

“Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today”
Benjamin Franklin

"What you can prove to yourself and your time by the power of reason, logic, science - that time wants"
Ferdinand Lassalle

“For a long time not the future tense - it is not; a long future is only a long wait for the future. Long is not the past, which does not exist; a long past is a long memory of the past "
Aurelius Augustine

"When it comes to time, I'm a drug addict: the more I use it, the more I need it."
Tadeusz Kotarbinski

"Contrary to appearances, it is winter that is the time of hope"
Gilbert Sesbron

"Only time does not waste time"
Jules Renard

"Time is a great teacher"
Edmund Burke

“Good use of time makes time even more precious”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

"A person who has decided to waste at least one hour of his time is not yet mature enough to understand the full value of life."
Charles Darwin

"No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for those who only observe its movement."
Samuel Johnson

"A year is like a chunk of time, it is cut off, but time remains as it was"
Jules Renard

“Time is passing! - you are accustomed to talking due to the established wrong concept. Time is eternal: you pass! "
Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

"Time strengthens friendship, but weakens love"
Jean La Bruyere

"Any savings ultimately come down to time savings."
Karl Marx

"Time ... the great master to cut all the Gordian knots of human relations"
Alexey Pisemsky

"Happiness is when time stops."
Gilbert Sesbron

"Time is money, and many pay their debts with their time."
Henry Shaw

"Many of those for whom the day drags on too long lament that life is too short."
Charles Colton

"Regret about the unwisely wasted time that people indulge in does not always help them to wisely use the rest of it"
Jean La Bruyere

"If you want you to have little time, do nothing"
Anton Chekhov

“Life is an album. The man is a pencil. Business is a landscape. Time is gumielastic: both bounces and erases "
Kozma Prutkov

"There are no such strong sorrows that reason and time could not soften"
Fernando Rojas

"Every lost moment is a lost business, a lost benefit"
Philip Chesterfield

"Idleness in class, lack of mental work where it should be, is the main reason for the lack of free time"
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

"Listening to the ticking of the clock, we notice that time is ahead of us."
Ramon Serna

"The day is dear for those who know how to live"
Ernst Spitzner

"One today is worth two tomorrow"
Benjamin Franklin

"Alarm clock: home time phone"
Ramon Serna

"Time discovers that they hide the folds of deceit"
William Shakespeare

"Not to postpone anything until tomorrow is the secret of someone who knows the value of time"
Edouard Laboulaye

"Wealth mainly depends on two things: hard work and moderation, in other words - do not waste either time or money, and use both in the best possible way"
Benjamin Franklin

"Time is a bad ally"
Winston Churchill

"If you want to have leisure, do not waste your time"
Benjamin Franklin

"Time takes the most, but gives everything"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

"We would have had plenty of time if it did not exist"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Minutes are long, but years are fleeting"
Henri Amiel

"Time is the greatest innovator"
Francis Bacon

"Time is an honest man"
Pierre Beaumarchais

"One of the worst losses is the loss of time"
Georges-Louis-Leclerc Buffon

“Time is shrinking. Each next hour is shorter than the previous one "
Elias Canetti

"Use the current time so that in old age you do not reproach yourself for your youth, lived in vain."
Giovanni Boccaccio

"Life takes too long for people"
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

"Time flies faster, the closer we get to old age"
Etienne Senancourt

"Time is the mother and nurse of all the best"
William Shakespeare

"You can't kill time without harming eternity!"
Henry Thoreau

"Days and months rise, but years die forever"
Vladislav Grzegorchik

"One hour today is worth two hours tomorrow"
Thomas Fuller

"Time is the sin of eternity"
Paul Claudel

“Time is ticking for different persons different "
William Shakespeare

Amazing, tiny glimpses of the smallest beauty will be forgotten, time will smooth and dissolve them, like a film illuminated by the rays of a bright star. The growth will change the picture, adding colors and surroundings to the masterpiece.

Beware of time - for it is a changeable fabric that envelops fleeting life. - Samuel Richardson

Everyone has their own countdown, running in different ways, but only directly. - W. Shakespeare

Over the years people change not in better side... Now you are a handsome bumpkin - the master of life. After a couple of dozen years - a tired uncle who retired.

The universe around is changing, the world does not disappear, but is reborn qualitatively. Time is to blame. - Ovid

Mistakes that are not corrected can be avoided by providing the odds of winning. The lost time, too, cannot be returned, although it is within our power to stop.

Time is a part of eternity that only moves forward. It has not yet been possible to turn the clock back - attempts continue.

A beautiful moment cannot be stopped, just like time. - Johann Goethe

In imagination and time, life flows from one manifestation to the next, pulling the human soul afterwards. - Plotinus

Continuation best aphorisms and quotes read on the pages:

Time passes, that's the trouble. The past is growing and the future is shrinking. There are fewer and fewer chances to do anything - and more and more offensive for what he did not have time to

There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is lacking for all our undertakings ... All people neglect it, everyone regrets its loss. - Voltaire F.

- Goethe,

How unjustly time had been to him, passed so quickly, piling up on him year after year, sooner than he had time to dispose of them.

Time is a tyrant who has its own whims and who every century looks with different eyes at what they say and do.

Time passes slowly when you follow it ... it feels being followed. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we are following and the one that transforms us. - Camus A.

- Albert Camus

What are you sad about? You chose death, not life. Elements of the sea.

Time is a precious gift given to us to become smarter, better, more mature and more perfect in it. - Thomas Mann, 1875-1955, German writer

Anyone who cannot attach to any final point, to any moment in the future, to any stop, is at risk of an inner fall

One of those waste that cannot be recycled is wasted time.

Time passes slowly when you follow it. It senses being followed. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

I see no reason to be sad, because you yourself chose death ...

The biggest problem is that time is running out. It is impossible to go back in time. Correct mistakes. Change something. And gradually more and more mistakes. And the future is less. It's a shame!

Time is ambiguous. There is a lot of it - for the universe. And people do not have time for anything. A person indifferently wastes minutes. days ... and then dreams of returning them. - Voltaire F.

People have learned to recycle any waste - except for wasted time.

Time! Why do you treat me so disgustingly? Why are you running away? Second by second, day by day, year by year, you just slip through your fingers, not allowing you to keep up with anything.

It is imperative to get attached to something. Otherwise, the time will come when you will simply collapse downward. And you will not rise. And this is inevitable.

When you follow. Or you wait. Time goes by slowly. It's tricky. And smart. Turns us around as he wants. And one has only to turn away, get distracted, think - frantically accelerates its pace. After all, there are two times: when we wait and which we manage ourselves. - Camus A.

Read the continuation of the aphorisms on the pages:

Everything disappears in time and disappears without a trace, and this is the true essence of time.

all of this is Now. Yesterday won't end until Tomorrow comes and Tomorrow began tens of thousands of years ago

Each act is nothing in comparison with the infinity of space and time, and at the same time its action is infinite in space and time

Among the unknown in the nature around us, the most unknown is time, for no one knows what time is and how to manage it. - Aristotle

Times change, and we change with them. - Quintus Horace

Foresight is valued by history and confirmed by time.

There is no atonement, no remission of sins; sin has no price. It cannot be redeemed back until time itself is redeemed

In fact, there is no time, there is no “tomorrow”, there is only the eternal “now”. - B. Akunin

Losing time is the hardest part for the one who knows the most. - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and naturalist

Life is not the days that have passed, but those that remain. - Pisarev D.I.

There is no time, there is only a moment. And therefore, in this one instant, you must put all your strength into it. - L.N. Tolstoy

Between success and failure lies a chasm for which I have no time

In life, apart from health and virtue, there is nothing more valuable than knowledge; and it is the easiest to achieve. And the cheapest thing is to get it: after all, all work is peace, and all expense is time that we cannot keep, even if we do not spend it. - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, 1749-1832, great German poet, thinker and naturalist

If your watch is broken, this does not mean that time has stopped ...

Usually people don't notice how time passes. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The soul has no age, and I don't understand why we are so concerned about the running of time. - Paulo Coelho

Time has an exceptional gift of persuasion. - Yu. Bulatovich

He who allows his time to slip away loses his life; the one who holds his time in his hands holds his life in his hands. - Alan Lacane, author of the bestselling book "How to Become Master of Your Time and Life", renowned American expert on "time saving strategies"

People change over the years. I, too, was once such a handsome hulk like you. And soon you will become a tired uncle like me.

She loved him and wanted for him. Burn as a traveling star in heaven.

Eternity? Time unit

The hour has come - it seemed to me that I was waiting for it forever. An hour has passed - I can remember endlessly.

Time flies - that's bad news. Good news - you are the pilot of your time.

The future must be in the present.

Time is the relation of being to non-being. - Dostoevsky F.M.

What is time? If no one asks me about this, I know what time is. If I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don't know. - Augustine Aurelius

Working more, you cannot have more free time - working more, you can only earn more.

Time is the most precious of all treasures. - Theophrastus, 372-287 BC e., ancient Greek naturalist, philosopher, scientist

Those who are attacked by their time are not yet far enough ahead of them - or behind them. - Nietzsche F.

The world is moving so fast these days that a person who said it could never be will be overtaken by someone who does it.

Whoever won time won everything.

Times change, and we change with them.

An ordinary person thinks about how to spend time. Intelligent man thinks about how to use the time.

Time should be disposed of as deliberately as money. - Randy Pausch

I need time to get rid of this feeling.

Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students ... - G. Berlioz

Don't say you don't have time. You have exactly the same amount of time as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Pasteur, Helen Keller, Albert Einstein

And all the smallest glimpses of beauty, such as this morning, will be forgotten, dissolve in time, like a videotape left in the rain, and they will quickly be replaced by thousands of silently growing trees.

"Time is passing!" - you are accustomed to talking due to the established wrong concept. Time is forever: you pass! - M. Safir

Time is a tyrant who has its own whims and who every century looks with different eyes at what they say and do.

You need not waste time, but invest in it

Time goes on differently for different people. - W. Shakespeare

Time is the relation of being to non-being. - F. Dostoevsky

One has only to take a closer look at the present, the future will suddenly appear by itself. - Gogol N.V.

Everything changes, nothing disappears. - Ovid

There is a time to work, and there is a time to love. There is no other time. - Coco Chanel

Stop for a moment! You are great! - Johann Goethe

Time is the life of the soul, which is in a transitional movement from one vital manifestation to another. - Plotinus

Time is a moving semblance of eternity. - Plato, 427-347 BC e., ancient Greek philosopher and writer

We have enough free time. But do we have time to think?

Time is thought or measure, not essence. - Antiphon

Time may exist, however, we do not know where to look for it. If time exists in nature, then it has not yet been discovered ... - K. Tsiolkovsky

Everything disappears in time and disappears without a trace, and this is the true essence of time. - Yu. Molchanov

Time has an exceptional gift of persuasion.

Time passes and freezes. Like cement in a bucket. And then you can't go back. - Haruki Murakami

Time passes slowly when you follow it. It senses being followed. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

Time is the most precious of all means. - Theophrastus

Time is like a child being led by the hand: looking back ...

There are always problems with the nobility. They cling to life harder. The average peasant is just waiting - he can't wait to leave this world.

Time is the relation of being to non-being.

Save time - this is the fabric life is made of. - Samuel Richardson, 1689-1761, English writer

Whoever won time won everything. - Moliere Jean Baptiste Poquelin, 1622-1673, French playwright, actor, theatrical figure

Time is the most valuable thing that a person can spend.

Time is a moving semblance of eternity.

The mistakes that have been made, probably, cannot be corrected, but it seems to me that there is every chance of avoiding them, and since it comes to that, the lost time, probably, cannot be returned, but in this case it is simply possible to stop it.

If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste. - B. Franklin

The aphorisms published below about time will enable the reader to understand the essence of time and how to use it. After all, time in our life is an important detail. Time in eternity, as such, is not. In essence, this is our perception. An hour of happiness seems like a minute, a minute of misery seems like an hour. Differences in the rate of passage of time in childhood and old age.

And in a critical situation - in a state of passion, in general, such a slowdown occurs that everything around begins to move slowly. From this it follows that you can also learn to control its course. However, be that as it may, everything in the manifested universe is subject to time, it changes constantly, every moment, however, like us. The body is aging, even though each has a different and different length, again the same time.

After all, the moment of perception immediately becomes the past, time, as it were, constantly flows and under its influence everything changes. At the same time, the future is approaching, coming, and few people are turned to face this future. People, for the most part, in best case with their backs to future events. A person who is in the moment of his full perception can face the meeting of life. Keeping up with the times, so to speak! After all, walking with your back forward is not convenient both physiologically and internally. And the person, naturally, will turn around. Time is sacred and more deeply studied for all true schools leading to the evolution of awareness. Any perception of the past, present and future is the result of tuning. Any waste of time should be inconceivable, to do this means to miss the opportunity that arises to be in the universal every second creation of the world, which, just like once started and continues to be created in this moment, how can you measure it? This is a broader topic.

These aphorisms, as well as sayings on other topics of our life, contain deep meaning and wisdom. An explanation of the laws and laws of life, in all its breadth. You will learn the essence of time and its patterns, for a reasonable use ...

♦ Truly great is the person who managed to master his time!


♦ Time doesn't like to be wasted.

Henry Ford

♦ When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.


♦ A person who has decided to waste at least one hour of his time is not yet mature enough to understand the full value of life.

Darwin C.

♦ A person cannot dispose of anything more than time.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

♦ The average person is concerned with how to kill time, while a talented person seeks to use it.

Arthur Schopenhauer

♦ The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

Dante Alighieri

♦ Time is an honest person.

Beaumarchais P.

♦ The wisest thing is time, for it reveals everything.


♦ Alas, not time passes, we pass.

Pierre de Ronsard

♦ Wise timing is the basis for action.

Comenius J.

♦ It's not about running fast, it's about running out early.

Francois Rabelais

About the difference in the perception of time ...

♦ The days are so long and the years are so short!

Alphonse Daudet

♦ ... Happy people consider time as minutes, while for unfortunate people it lasts for months.

Cooper F.

♦ Time is such a vague thing. One seems very long. To the other, the opposite.

Agatha Christie

♦ Time is the mother and nurse of all the best.

Shakespeare W.

♦ To choose the time means to save time, and what is done out of time is done in vain.

Francis Bacon

♦ Moments are always replacing each other.

♦ Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The day that has passed is always better than the present day.


♦ Use the current time in such a way that in old age you do not reproach yourself for youth that was lived in vain.

Boccaccio Giovanni

♦ Time is the most precious of all means.


♦ Good use of time makes time even more precious.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

♦ He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

Luc de Clapier Vovenargue

♦ If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

Benjamin Franklin

♦ There is time for everything: your hour for conversation, your hour for rest.


♦ In life, every minute is fraught with a miracle and eternal youth.

Camus A.

♦ With every new minute a new life begins for us.

Jerome Klapka Jerome

♦ Time is the enemy of people who love a quiet life ...

Maksim Gorky

♦ Time goes by different people.

Shakespeare W.

♦ Very few people know how to properly manage their wealth, even fewer are those who know how to allocate their time, and of these two things, the last is the most important.

Chesterfield F.

♦ How scary it is to feel that the passage of time takes away everything you possessed.

Pascal Blaise

♦ The closeness of the beloved shortens the time.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Time heals love anguish.


♦ Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn to dust what turns out to be fragile.

Anatole France

♦ Time is the doctor of all inevitable evils.


♦ Time is an endless movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be thought otherwise.

Tolstoy L. N.

♦ The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is at rest, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if the thoughts are wide, a tiny hut will contain the whole world.

Hong Zicheng

♦ Any savings ultimately come down to time savings.

Marx K.

♦ You cannot kill time without harming eternity!

Henry David Thoreau

♦ A millennium in comparison with eternity is a shorter period than the blink of an eye in comparison with the movement of the slowest celestial body rotating in infinite space.

Dante Alighieri

♦ A thousand years is hardly enough to create a state, one hour is enough for it to crumble to dust.

George Gordon Byron

♦ Anyone who is in no hurry succeeds everywhere.

Michael Bulgakov

♦ What is time? If no one asks me about this, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don't know.

Aurelius Augustine

♦ Time is the best teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

Hector Berlioz

♦ Time even crumbles a stone.

Sergey Yesenin

♦ Losing time is the hardest for the one who knows the best.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ All that is hidden now, time will reveal once.

Quintus Horace Flaccus

♦ Time passes slowly when you are watching it ... It feels being followed. But it takes advantage of our absent-mindedness. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

Camus A.

♦ Never be afraid of moments - this is how the voice of eternity sings.

Rabindranath Tagore

♦ Of all critics, the greatest, the most ingenious, the most infallible is time.

Belinsky V.G.

♦ Those who are under attack from the side of their time are not yet far enough ahead of them or behind them.

Nietzsche F.

♦ No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for the one who only observes its movement.

Samuel Johnson

♦ Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

Balzac O.

♦ Time is a mirage, it shrinks in moments of happiness and stretches out in hours of suffering.

Aldington R.

♦ Keep track of every day, count every minute spent! Time is the only place where stinginess is commendable.

Mann T.

♦ Whoever won time - won everything in the end.


♦ The rainbow, which has been visible for a quarter of an hour, is no longer looked at.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Every lost moment is a lost business, a lost benefit.

Chesterfield F.

♦ The time is quite long for the one who uses it; he who works and who thinks expands his limits.


♦ ... time is expansive. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with.

Samuel Marshak

♦ Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

Jean Paul

♦ Consuming time.


♦ There is nothing longer than time, since it is a measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is lacking for all our undertakings ... All people neglect it, everyone regrets its loss.


♦ Time is such a fleeting thing that it is impossible to keep up with it.

Ali Apsheroni

♦ Time is like money: don't waste it and you will have plenty of it.

Gaston Lewis

Phrases folded into rhyme ...

♦ As the waters flow quickly into the sea, so days and years flow into eternity.

Derzhavin G.R.

♦ Time is a horse, and you are a buster; Ride bravely in the wind.
Time is a sword; become a sturdy stick to win the game.


♦ Patience and time provide more than strength or passion.


♦ Time like the tide never waits.

Walter Scott

♦ The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time.


♦ Time is running out and we are silently getting older over the years, the days are running away, and we cannot contain them.


♦ Time is the most faithful ally of perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ The power of time is a law worthy of respect.


♦ Neither the river nor the fleeting time can stop.


♦ If you want you to have little time, do nothing.

A.P. Chekhov

♦ Time erases the error and polishes the truth.

Gaston Lewis

♦ Most people work most of the time to live, and the little free time they have is so worrisome that they do their best to get rid of it.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

And then whole paragraphs of the characteristics of time went ...

♦ Take your time to live. There is a time for everything - and everything will be your joy. For many, life is too long because happiness is too short: they missed the joys early, did not enjoy them enough, then they would like to return them, but have gone far from them. Throughout life, they rush on postal, add their haste to the usual running of time; in one day they are ready to swallow something that they will not digest in their entire life; they live their joys in debt, devour for years ahead, hurry and hurry - and squander everything. Even in knowledge it is necessary to know the measure, not to gain the knowledge that is not worth knowing. More days are given to us than blessed hours. Enjoy slowly, but take action. The deeds are over - good; the joy is over - it's bad.

Second expression ...

♦ A person who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to rule yourself, then you will rule over others. To an auspicious occasion you have to go long ways of time. As long as you deliberately hesitate, future successes grow, secret plans mature. With the crutch of time you will go further than with the bound mace of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a blunt. It is wisely said: "Time and I - for any enemy." Fortune herself rewards patience with her gifts.

Gracian y Morales

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