Alien civilizations (races) of the Marvel universe. Alien races in the asmara teachings

Venus is the training center for gods and goddesses and the apotheosis of life in this solar system.

Venus is a transit base for beings from all over the galaxy. Here they are initiated into spiritual teachings; and many earthly Souls have chosen Venus as their first life after Ascension. Until you evolve into fifth density, you will not be able to see this paradise directly. For third density, Venus is a hot, poisonous, depleted earth, and this is discouraging for those who would attempt the shortcut to Heaven.

The key to Venus is love. And it is love that will take you there. Many Venusians (in earth bodies) look for a long time at the brightest Star in the evening or morning sky and wonder where these strange feelings come from. Perhaps you still have a long-lost love on Venus.

As you may have guessed, Venusians are tall, slender, feminine and god-like creatures. They have shining golden hair and a slender build. They have learned to materialize in third density using holographic projection and have done so many times. Often they incarnate or "enter". Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate, though ships can appear in different colors of the rainbow. They are able to travel in time, and many of them came here from the future.

Many times the Venusians appeared during the atomic bomb tests in the 1940s and 50s, interacting with George Adamsky, George Van Tessel and others. Although these people (now deceased) were heavily discredited by the whistleblowers, they left a lot of documentation, photographs and technical descriptions available if you know where to look.


Perhaps they could be our distant ancestors, who moved to another Planet long ago. The Nords are in conflict with the Grays - they oppose the Grays, as they interfere with the development of mankind. Sometimes they are called "blonds" or "tall". The people supposedly contacted say that they are here to observe the evolution of mankind, to preserve our culture and not interfere with our development. They are from the Pleiades (star cluster in the constellation Taurus). Weight 55 - 110 kg. Human eyes. Blond hair. Bright skin. Same-sex (male / female). Communication is telepathic. Nords are very beautiful. In addition to telepathy, they also have a number of supernatural abilities. General physical characteristics are similar to those of a human. Growth is slightly larger than the average human height, more muscle tissue than the average person.


They are said to have translucent skin, large almond eyes and small stature. The main idea of ​​their teaching is to "follow your feelings", to follow your own path, your own means, not to be influenced by anyone. Information about the Blues came from Robert Morninski. According to Morninski, the first contact with extraterrestrials occurred in 1947-1948 between the Grays and the US government and led to a treaty between them. Another race of aliens has landed, called the Blues. The Blues suggested that the government not make a deal with the Grays, saying that it would lead to disaster. They told the US to follow its own path. They said they could teach Peace and Harmony if the people would disarm and listen. The military refused. So they left, but some decided to stay and settled in the north of Mexico and in Arizona (USA) and continued contact with humanity through the tribes of the Hopi Indians. These aliens are known to the Hopi as the Star Wars. The Grays began to watch the Blues. The Blues left the reservation and went into hiding, a few elders left with them. According to Hopi legend, there were two races here, the children of the feather who came from the sky and the children of the Reptiles who came from the earth. The Reptilian children drove the Hopi Indians from Earth, these underground creatures are also called "two-hearted"

Race of the Ancients

They are usually described as mantis-like humanoids. They treat people extremely coldly, and sometimes with great hostility. They are absolutely not interested in the knowledge and achievements of our civilization. The tales of those who were kidnapped by the Old Ones are notable for their gruesome details of barbaric medical experiments. The Ancients often accompany the Grays, as if they were leaders or overseers. Growth 1.5m to 2m. Cold black almond eyes. Yellow-green skin. They are very thin, with elongated limbs and fingers.


This is a Nordic type race that came from the DAL Universe. They are the descendants of the Lyrans and are very advanced technically and spiritually, about 300 to 1.000 years ahead of the Pleiadians. They help the Pleiadians in much the same way that the Pleiadians help us. Often, when we are people of the Earth, we are trying to achieve personal transformation, we “set our eyes” towards the Pleiades. When the Pleiadians seek knowledge, they turn to their teachers, the Andromedans and the DAL group, for advice. Representatives of this race are quite attractive and have Caucasian features. They are so similar to the inhabitants of northern European countries that in ordinary clothes on our streets it would not cost them anything to mingle with the crowd. The bulk of DAL aliens can directly breathe our air, which means they don't need spacesuits or helmets when disembarking from a ship.


In the planetary system Capella (Constellation Auriga) inhabited by intelligent Beings, who are called "People of Dolphins", who live in the aquatic environment and intelligent Beings - Lizards. These types of intelligent Beings also visited the Earth thousands of years ago. Their evolutionary genotype is very far from ours and they might seem very unusual and scary to the people of the Earth.

Dragon Race

Lizard ships from the Capella region were the first to arrive on our planet before the Lyrans.

This kind and highly developed race of Dragons populated the Earth with primitive plants, then with amphibians and simple lizards. According to the Higher Plan, animal lizards had to have time to evolve to the level of their mentors - parents and quietly fly away to other, higher planets by the end of the development of the third race of people.

However, after they gave the earthly dinosaurs the necessary DNA for self-improvement, a space virus penetrated the planet from Sirius-B. As a result of a rapid epidemic on our planet, irreversible genetic mutations have occurred among reptiles. It was they who prevented the dinosaurs from developing sufficiently to instill highly developed Souls from the Auriga into their worn-out bodies.

As a result, sick animals suddenly degenerated into unreasonable and unpredictable giant lizards that hinder the development of earthly humanity. To correct the current situation, new beam ships from the Capella region arrived on Earth. Alien Space Marines performed a genetic experiment to breed a new type of animal - based on a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The experiment was a success. This kind of animal lizards was supposed to eventually become the bearer of highly developed Souls.

All this did not please the representatives of the humanoid civilizations of the Earth. The peoples of Mayataya were the first to enter the sticky war with the aliens. Then other human states joined them. It seemed that the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion: the science and technology of the lizards were several orders of magnitude higher than the human one. At first, the Dragons only defended their biological laboratories - they were fierce opponents of the war. But over time, when the lizards got a "taste", the land-based cities and countries of the earthlings were slowly burned by the ray UFOs of the Dragons. At the end of the conflict in world war the underground empire of Agartha entered.

Agartha's aircraft were heavily armed and outnumbered by the elastic ships of the Dragons. Flaming disks of alien UFOs fell to Earth like a meteor shower, set on fire by the "death rays" of the titans. A huge military fleet of the underground inhabitants of Agarta drove the Dragon ships out of the Solar System. Then, so that there would be no more reason for the Auriga lizards to send their military expedition to Earth, it was decided at the planetary council of humanoid races to quickly exterminate all wild dinosaurs. The flying discs of the Lumans, Agarts, and descendants of the Lyrans with the help of beam cannons destroyed almost all types of beast lizards. Only those dinosaurs remained who meekly worked in the fields and farms of the Mayataya as pets.


The name of a member of the Galactic Federation is Bellatrix Star Nation. Former member of the League of Orion, and this sector of command of the former alliance. Entry into the Galactic Federation - 3 years ago.

Location: One of the brightest stars in the Orion constellation, the brightest star found in Orion's Belt.

Distance from Earth: Approximately 112.5 light years.

Life Form: The main type is a dino-reptoid hybrid that migrated from the constellation of Sagittarius about 25 million years ago.

Physical Data: Very scaly and bony. From above, the head is surrounded by a large bony crest. They have large red or dull yellow eyes (these are similar to Earth reptiles), always directed upward, have a very small nose. They have a mouth with thin lips that run from one side of their head to the other. They have no ears, only their sign is a very smooth 7.62 cm circle on the side of the head or just behind the eyes. The skin is scaly, like that of a crocodile, and has colors: green, yellow, brown or red. A small bony comb moves from the middle of the back and connects to a large comb located on top of the head.

On the hands they have 6 long, clawed fingers. On the feet they have 5 fingers, at the ends of which there is a small and very sharp claw. They have a very small tail. Men are smaller than women. Men have a height of 2.44 m to 3 m, women have a height of 2.6 m to 3.12 m.

Special Abilities and Talents: Known to be good diplomats and leaders. In the past, as part of the Alliance, they ruled this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy for 6 million years.

Average need for sleep: 5-8 hours per day.

Tongue: Very coarsely guttural, full of growling and hissing noises.

Motherships and Other Flying Vehicles: The reconnaissance craft looks like dewdrops and is like a beetle, ranging in size from 30.5m to 122m. Motherships range in size from 1.6km to 640km. long and look like long tadpoles


Galactic Federation Member Name - Fomalhot Confederation

Time of entry into the Galactic Federation - a neutral star nation that became a member of the Galactic Federation 3 years ago.

Location - A bright star in the Constellation of Pisces (southern Pisces).

Distance to Earth - Approximately 23 light years.

Life Form - They have 2 types. The first is humanoid. These are the rebels from the Pleiades who first colonized Fomalhot 250,000 years ago and are found on the 3rd and 4th planets of Fomalhot.

The second type is a small dino-reptoid group from Bellatrix in Orion who colonized the 2nd planet of this solar system about 200,000 years ago.

These 2 parts created the Confederation after a series of very destructive wars that ended 20,000 years ago.

Physical Characteristics - The first variety of Fomalhotonen people closely resemble what are called "Nordic aliens", they are usually blond with very blue, earthy or steel gray eyes. The males are muscular and around 1.85m. The females are very pretty, and range in height from 1.65m to 1.83m.

The second type is dark-skinned and looks completely tanned, with dark and brown hair, gray or black eyes. Has a similar height and other data as the "Nordic" type.

The Dino-Reptoid Confederation is originally a hybrid from the star Bellatrix in Orion.

Special Talents and Abilities - Known for their courage and scientific ability. They are now part of the bulk of the staff of the first major Science and Exploration team sent to Andromeda (2 million light years of our Galaxy).

The average need for sleep is 2 to 6 hours per day.

Language - The language of the people is lyrical, but a little guttural. Dino - a reptoid language - is much more guttural.

Motherships and other flying vehicles - Human reconnaissance ships are egg-shaped, resembling a drop of water falling from a tap. Their size is from 18.3 to 26 meters.

Motherships are multi-layered cigars, from 3.2 km to 1.920 km. around.

Dino - reptoid scout ships look like huge beetles, approximately 30.5 meters in diameter. Motherships look like amoeba and range in size from 13 to 14,400 km around.


The level of development corresponds approximately to the level of terrestrial Neanderthals: they use the simplest tools, have speech. In addition to this, they have a huge learning rate and change very quickly. For example, they evolved from Pithecanthropus not in hundreds of thousands of years, like earthlings, but in thousands of years - a hundred times faster, moreover, without outside interference.


An extremely developed Civilization, for example, can transform one type of matter into another, which is equivalent to virtually unlimited resources, and has the most extensive knowledge about the Universe. It comes into contact extremely rarely, for some reason of its own, which it is not possible to understand.


They live in our Universe, in the Aldebaran Star System. They are a very high development, humanoid Yeti variety. Usually blond hair and very white skin. They avoid sunlight because it harms their skin and eyes. Previously, they were intelligent and peaceful, but over time they became less friendly.


A hostile civilization that tries to fight almost everyone with whom it has no trade relations. It is also difficult to conduct trade relations with her, because by hook or by crook he tries to lure out the greatest benefit for himself. The planet revolves around its Sun in a system about 20 light-years from a star that terrestrial astronomers call Epsilon Eridani. These aliens are large, 2m - 2.50m tall. Their bodies are covered with wrinkled skin, and their long arms end in three thick fingers. The abundance of folds and keratinization on the skin makes it look like a crocodile. Their faces are very unusual, with a large mouth and huge ears. These creatures have highly advanced technological knowledge.


Their planet is located at a distance of almost 10 light years from Earth. This Planet with an atmosphere, the aliens call Iarga. The mass and diameter of the Iarga is greater than that of the Earth, and the acceleration of free fall there, respectively, is also greater, and proportionally smaller bodies than ours. The atmosphere is denser than ours. Aliens reported that an earthly person, if he got caught in the rain on Iarga, would be “shot” to death with drops. The period of revolution around its own axis for this Planet is longer than the earthly one, so, accordingly, the days and nights there last longer than ours, however, some of their nights are “white”. Due to the denser atmosphere, which differs in composition from the earth's, Iarga does not know the bright sunlight, and its inhabitants never see either stars or moons. In the thickness of the atmosphere, the green gamut predominates. The creatures there are somewhat smaller than a man and differ from him in their structure, but they look stronger, stockier. The alien spacecraft, its equipment and the environment inside speak of a high level of their technological development.


The constellation Canis Major is a system of worlds with 24 inhabited Planets in a vibrational dimension similar to us. Humanoids related to earthlings live only on four. The remaining civilizations are lizard-like, insect-like and vegetable. The center of this System is the huge Planet Cron Alaba. On its three moons, each the size of the Earth, are automatic stations Greater Controlling Brain Constellation. The inhabitants of Kron Alaba are broad-shouldered, like weightlifters, short-legged and dog-headed. The stocky aliens are physically very strong. The Egyptian god of the dead, Anubis, was written from these aliens. Anubis often visited the Earth on the occasion of the holidays of Atlantis of the mysteries of the Sun and Sirius and were famous for their unsurpassed intelligence.

A very long time ago, the Southern Empire of Egypt flourished on Earth, founded by one of the Civilizations of the Constellation Canis Major. The dog-headed representatives of Kron Alaba landed their spacecraft in the area of ​​Lake Chad about 400,000 years ago. Shouldered Anubis founded a gigantic kingdom, which then occupied the territory of modern Sudan, Ethiopia, Chad and the Central African Republic.

Atlantean colonization Central Africa started a very long time ago. But before them, the aforementioned Anubis had already settled there.

The Dogheads first landed near what is now Lake Chad. Locals who saw the fossil wonder of the landing of spaceships passed on prominent legends about it to their descendants. Then the inhabitants of Kron Alaba more than once flew to Egypt for religious holidays dedicated to Sirius and the Sun.

Pharaoh of Egypt Teti II in his chant dedicated to the arrival of aliens from the Adara Star System - Canis Major (namely, from there the dog-headed Anubis arrived) describes this flaming event in this way: “Thoth comes out, being as the leader of the ship of the Sun ...” Hieroglyphic text holiday anthem has survived to this day without damage. The natives, seeing the landing rockets, fell to the ground, throwing their bows and spears. Then they knelt down, noticing that the curly flames around the spaceship had gone out. They named Thoth "The Extinguisher of the Flame" and carried a team of civilizers back to their capital. 9 aliens flew in rockets. They settled in the capital of what was then Egypt, the city of Hamuna, located in the middle of the Nile Valley. This nine Anubis subsequently divided for a long time: six humanoids remained in the wild and treacherous Egypt, and three departed for the no less dangerous jungle of Mesopotamia. There they created an insanely beautiful civilization equal to that of Egypt. The humanoids of Kron Alaba who remained in Egypt belonged to the same family. What the “gods” who arrived in Egypt did, built, raised and brought up, remained in the memory of Africans as the “Golden Age”. The progenitor of the Anubis family was the “goddess” Knight, but she remained on her huge planet. Ra's father brought three of his sons to Earth: Osiris with his wife Isis, Thoth with his wife Maat, and the youngest son Seth.

Under the magical reign of Osiris, the civilization of the land of Africa began. Patient and sensitive aliens did not enslave the local population, but managed to subdue and direct their work in the right direction with their kind attitude. He diligently gave away all his free time to creating the technical improvements necessary for the country and teaching the restless natives crafts. His father, Ra, also actively participated in this. Brother Seth also stubbornly helped Thoth. Osiris, on the other hand, taught the warlike Africans to peacefully cultivate the earth and eat its fruits. Isis and Maat taught scandalous women about housekeeping, raising children and animals. Details have been preserved of the curious method by which Maat (the goddess of order) taught their women.

Civilizers tenderly took care of planting good morals and Love among the toothy natives. It took more than one thousand years to create a beautiful state with a strong economy and good moral values. The ageless Osiris had a son, Horus. However, after solid successes in Egypt, Osiris went to enlighten other peoples of the Earth. He entrusted the duties of a gentle ruler to Thoth. But clockwork brother Toth was very busy with general technical problems, and decided to push administrative functions either to his brother Seth, or to the son of Osiris - Horus. Fortunately, the quiet and unassuming Seth possessed neither the organizational gift of Osiris nor the technical genius of Thoth. In addition, he was unmarried, which gave rise in the time of the earthly pharaohs to compose a dirty fable that Set, out of envy of Osiris, killed him. In fact, according to the ancient texts of the Memphian papyri, the following story happened: in order to avoid any friction between Set and Horus, they decided to ask the mother goddess Night for advice. Thoughtfully, Knight announced through a video computer that Gor was the ruler, and the tense Thoth relieved himself of administrative duties and began building high underground cities. Delighted, Thoth trained thousands of engineers and workers in schools for the local population. The construction of huge buildings and heavenly temples was carried out with the help of levitation, under the vibrations of mantras and the singing of flutes. He not only taught the natives creative work and literacy, but also gave them some technical knowledge. According to the dusty testimonies of the priests of Heliopolis, Thoth built a house of statues, which served to measure the Nile. On the sloping Mount Sari, he founded a terribly beautiful city with a half-kilometer lighthouse and mirror pyramids. In the same place, he erected a huge Temple of the Sun from precious and crystalline stones, self-luminous at night from the inside.

He gave the Egyptians enviable technologies for producing cobalt, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum and other materials that are still unknown to us. In Egypt, astronomy and public health were cleverly developed. It is no coincidence that the admiring Egyptians called Thoth the "God of Longevity" and the "Lord of Life." The Memphite priest states in his papyrus that the Egyptians of that time "lived without knowing sickness and old age." However, even the Anubis were not in control of Time. “After growing old, Ra retired to heaven, giving the kingdom in turn to the gods descended from him.” Thoth the First was replaced by That Second, later it was his ancient Greeks who called Hermias Trismegistus or Hermes Thrice the Greatest. He helped build both the Egyptians and the Atlanteans the first Great Pyramids in Northern Egypt. The successor of the affairs of Thoth II was his son Tat, but there are no details about him in the papyrus.

The civilizers of the Great Dog foresaw the rise and fall of the Egyptian state, for everything that exists is subject to the law of rhythm. A few thousand years later, a system of unlimited power of the pharaohs arose in southern Egypt. The long-headed sons of Set and other descendants of the aliens no longer interfered in the affairs of the state. They formed a closed caste of highly professional priests. main goal their invisible activity was the creation of hidden priestly schools for earthlings and the discovery of the caches of cosmic knowledge. They built two underground cities under the pyramids of Nubia and Memphis, equipped with fantastic alien technology. In the cryogenic chambers of the dungeons, the priests of the underground cities have always kept hundreds of soulless bodies of earthlings. At the ritual requests of the priests, the Souls of the Crystalline People of Sirius-B, bird-headed humanoids of the fifth planet of Sirius-A entered these bodies, dog-headed civilizers and Reptiles of other Star Systems of the Constellation Canis Major were also infused. They went out to the beautifully surprised disciples of the priests and taught them in human form, answered annoying questions. We see echoes of this exciting custom in the mummification of the bodies of the dead. Some representatives of the Pleiades also "rented" the frozen bodies of earthlings and, having answered all the questions of the priests, returned them to the general storage.

A little later, the Egyptian Civilization was successfully controlled by some representatives of the Grays until the Spiritual Hierarchy forced them to leave the Earth.

Discussions about the existence of aliens and the share of their participation in earthly life last a very long time and are worldwide. Some of us firmly believe that ancient astronauts were on Earth. And they not only visited the planet, but also communicated with the civilizations of the past, generously endowing earthlings with knowledge.
Others point out that there are still no real facts of the presence of extraterrestrial life, which means that we are the only intelligent species in the Universe. At the same time, there are many ancient texts describing the landing on earth of the Gods who descended from heaven.
Some believe that what was written by the ancient inhabitants should not be taken seriously. After all, it can be just mythology, human-made legends, or wishful thinking. Well, I think it's not worth convincing anyone of anything, everyone believes in what he believes in according to his understanding of the world.

Meanwhile, the theory of ancient aliens has gained wide popularity and is the subject of many ongoing discussions. According to the assumption, our planet thousands, and even hundreds of thousands of years ago, was visited by extraterrestrial beings - in our minds they were fixed as Gods.
Today, researchers who have studied and analyzed the occurrence of UFOs on Earth claim that there are several alien creatures that have influenced the development of earthly civilization. Here we highlight three significant alien races that exist according to ufologists and conspiracy theorists.
Although, of course, we remember the recent words of Professor Simon Morris that all alien life forms are the same, and the aliens look exactly like us. But, nevertheless, let's look at the hypothetically existing inhabitants of other stellar worlds.

1. Reptilians.

As the name implies, the Reptilians are descended from a branch of anthropomorphic reptiles whose civilizations spread from the Alpha Draconis system, which is why they are also known as "dragons/dragonosaurs". According to ufologists, they are about 4 meters tall and are characterized as fearless warriors.

Aliens Reptilians
The governance structure in their world has a hierarchical pyramid, where the party of the military system rules. They also have powerful psychic power, feeding on negative energy such as fear and hatred.
Some researchers consider reptilians to be a regressive species, noting a certain demonic beginning in them.
Many UFO hunters believe that the "Reptilians" are now firmly "settled" among the ruling elite of our planet. Deeply penetrated into our lives, seriously conspiratorial, they actually control the world of planet Earth. It is not excluded that they destroy the civilizations of other worlds that did not submit to them.

2. Gray aliens.
Gray aliens are the most famous beings from an alien planet among all alien races that have visited Earth, both in the past and in the present. Eyewitnesses describe the Grays as creatures with large heads, almond-shaped slits in large eyes, and small bodies (about 120 cm tall).

gray aliens
They come to us from the constellation Orion of the Zeta star system. According to ufologists and researchers of the problem, the population of their planet is very small - some believe that this is an endangered race, due to close family ties.
It is believed that, unlike humans, they do not have a soul, and therefore they behave like robots - others believe that they are artificial beings. Gray aliens "in absentia" are accused of most cases of abduction of people on our planet. According to one of the uncertain assumptions, the Grays may be in the service of the Reptilians.
According to some data (conspiracy theory), in the 50s between by the American government and an extremely secret pact was made by the Gray aliens. Under the terms of the agreement, the Grays share "magical" alien technology, while they themselves receive carte blanche to kidnap people and all sorts of human experiments.

3. Annunaki.

The Annunaki are the most famous alien race, they are our past because this extraterrestrial race gave birth to man. The Annunaki is the name given to the alien by the Sumerians, which means "those who descended from heaven to earth."

The Annunaki are our genetic ancestors

These creatures allegedly came from the planet Nibiru, which visits the solar system with a period of 3,600 years (although before Sitchin it was said that the time was 360 thousand years). According to Zecharia Sitchin (taken from a translation of the Sumerian tablets), the Annunaki mixed their own genetic materials with early humans. Thus, the aliens create a race of slaves for hard work in the mines. It is assumed that genetic experiments were carried out about 200,000 years ago. It was the Anunnaki that the ancient people kept in their memory under a high status - the Gods.


I agree that everything written above is more suitable for the theories of conspiracy theorists and "conspiracy theorists". But at the same time, even the Vatican - whose library holds incredible documents of the past - does not deny the existence of intelligent life on other planets. What the representative of the Holy See recently said: since God created man on Earth, he could do it on another planet. At the same time, he added that although aliens were part of the divine plan, he did not send Jesus Christ to them.

When civilizations were born and flourished on our Planet: the first, second and third, there was an intense life on Mars and Maldek. But the inhabitants of the Planet Maldek were so divided in disagreements that they blew up the planet with their own weapons. The souls of all the inhabitants began to incarnate on Mars, where at that time there was a full-fledged civilization, but a little later wars began to take place and those Souls that came from Maldek also helped to destroy life on Mars.

At the same time, the civilization of Lemuria was flourishing on our Planet, and all Souls, aggressive and embittered by the war, now incarnated on Earth. They helped destroy civilizations: Lemuria, Atlantis, and now they also want to enslave our civilization. To do this, they put in a lot of effort. But, the main problem that all this is the work of the Reptilians and the Grays. They helped destroy Maldek, some of them helped from the Orbit, and most of them incarnated into bodies through the Generic Canal (Mother's Bosom). Over time, more and more of them were embodied. The goal of the Reptilians and the Grays is to enslave and subjugate everyone they can, experiment on them and feed on their energy. Later, they successfully destroyed all life on Mars, although some still live in the depths of Mars and keep the history and knowledge of civilizations.

Now they are doing well on our Planet too - the collapse of Lemuria, Atlantis and the gradual preparation of our civilization. When about 2000 years ago some God Beings were born to give some knowledge for the progress of civilization, these were Jesus, and Buddha, and Mohammed (Mohammed) and many others. There were more than 40 Beings who were in different places on the Planet to lay down new thinking for the next 2000 years. But even here they did not sleep, the Souls of the Reptiles and the Grays began to intensively incarnate to change the Teachings of the Saints, which gave new knowledge. For example: they remade the Bible and other Scriptures so that people feel that they are God's servants, so that they have the shame that they are sinners, and Jesus took the sins of all mankind so that they have inferiority complexes and much more. But Jesus never told anyone that you are slaves, He did not take the sins of mankind, this is impossible, He took negativity from people if He healed them from an illness.

Around the Planet, the Reptiles and the Grays have created Special Three Grids for people to connect to when they show bondage, guilt, shame, aggression, etc. And sometimes, through the Grid, they themselves cause negative feelings in people.

First Grid. Craving for worship, bondage, guilt, aggression, fear, shame, etc.

Second Grid. Craving for Racial and National differences, Curses, Love spells, desire to hunt or love hunting for game, animals (for all living things), etc.

Third Lattice. Craving for terrorism, the desire to enslave people, subdue oneself, a sense of significance,
a sense of importance, a sense of superiority, etc.

There is some primary Co-Creation template of the original human DNA created for biological forms on the Planets with Magnetic Nature. Beings of Light with original DNA moved from the very beginning to another Universe, where the original DNA is stored. Later, under the influence of alien civilizations of different natures, they tried to change human nature through interbreeding, but the experiments were unsuccessful, because. Sirians were the curators of that time, and they are also Magnetic. These events took place over a million years ago. Later, the situation was taken more seriously. First, several alien civilizations placed an artificial Electro-Magnetic Field on the entire Solar System and on each Planet. In addition, they began to supply all of humanity with advanced technologies on electro-magnetism and radioactivity. Helped install electro-magnetic power crystals for power and well-being. Like in Atlantis. Then Spiritual Teachers and Masters from the Spiritual Hierarchies of Electro-Magnetism began to incarnate, give Teachings about Merkaba and teach that this is the true Light. Thus, after a full cycle of 25920 years, the Electro-Magnetic Fields became permanent, which entailed a reduction in size and increased subjugation. For example, most of the Grays and Reptilians have an Electrical Nature and their bodies are specially adapted for this. The human biological body cannot be compatible with electricity. We give an example: kittens were born, one was put in an environment of electricity: 80% - electricity, 20% - magnetism. Another in magnetism: 80% - magnetism and 20% electricity. They grew 3-4 years, and they were monitored, what is the result. Who has an increased Magnetic Field, was balanced, showed Wisdom, Love and individualism. The second is emotionally unstable, a manifestation of stupidity and savagery, more amenable to any violence, programming, and many other instability, it is not known what can be expected from him, but this is 80% electricity, not 100%.

Likewise with people. Now humanity has allegedly begun to develop electrical technologies, and maybe someone is interested in having an Electric Nature. The next step is the transition to electricity and humanity will not be able to be helped by any means. Therefore, it is important to start restoring your native Magnetic DNA given under the guidance of the Creator to the workers of Light for Evolution. For example, our brothers from Sirius with Magnetic DNA ascended into the 5-dimensional space with the whole civilization, they were vigilant and made sure that no one beat them and created a cocktail from their DNA, from which it is not known what to expect. If we do not save ourselves, then, alas, we will be doomed. It was noticed that when returning to Magnetic Nature, great changes take place both in man and in the surrounding world: a man increases in height, additional glands appear, the chemical composition of the organism changes, and much more; even plants increase in size by 2-3 times.

Our ancestors had 12 pairs of DNA, or rather not pairs, but tubes in which information is located, and as information is lost, the tube turns into 2-stranded DNA. In this case, a division into two halves occurs, i.e. duality arises. After interbreeding with alien civilizations, humans have 7 pairs of DNA left. After the activation of the Three Grids by the Reptilians and the Grays, 1 pair began to work - 2-stranded DNA. To overcome the Grids, it is necessary to change the Worldview, Character, Morality, in general, the attitude to everything and to life too. On the basis of religions, people form just such a mindset, worldview and mentality, which is immediately clear what kind of character, thoughts and attitude you have to everything that happens. Based on this, scientists, businessmen and creative people television, books, films are invented, i.e. all. And what vibration you radiate, you receive such information. It's like boiling in your own cauldron. Sitting in prison, creating comfort and enjoying your own imprisonment. For example: the countries of Tibet and Israel, which feel like a victim, feeding one Grid, while other tyrants like America, China and some African countries – if something is wrong, immediately a war, they feed another Grid. So is the whole of humanity – some religious people worship God and the Saints, feeding one Grid, as the rest of humanity walks arrogantly, proudly, does not believe in anything and feeds another Grid.

It's time to get out of prison, throw off the shackles, prison clothes and become a worthy Being of the Planet, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the Universe, and most importantly, the Source. This means that it is necessary to love, respect, revere the Saints, Avatars, Cosmic Hierarchs, especially the Source, and stop showing ignorance, redneck, boorishness, disrespect, etc.

Not all Reptilian Races are negative. Among the many evil-minded Races of Reptiles, about half also try to treat people with understanding, respect, and compassion. Unfortunately, even for them it is very difficult. In the Universe, almost all alien Races are not very well disposed towards people, since People from Earth are included in the category of one of the most primitive Beings in the Galaxy and the Universe. But still, most of the Races in the Universe hope that Humans will begin to awaken.

Physical bodies are not entirely bad, if you put in the effort, the bodies will be very impressive. Most alien civilizations are more advanced than Humans in terms of technical, spiritual and mental level of life. In this regard, the attitude to People, as to the Herd of Cattle. There are not many planets that have so many resources for life of different forms. Therefore, when they see how Humans kill themselves and the resources of their planet, it is hard for them to restrain themselves and not interfere.

At the moment, the Reptiles and the Grays are very much preparing for 2013, 2017, 2030. for the maximum lowering of the vibrations of people and the Planet, in order to almost completely begin to take power into their own hands. There is also control over the majority of Presidents and politicians, by influencing them to make the necessary decisions. Besides, since 2000 Souls of demons (that is, Beings that came from Destructive (Negative) Systems) began to incarnate, and this is also a big problem. To help the Souls living on our Planet, a decision was made to help. And at this time, in order to give new knowledge, raise vibration, 144,000 enlightened Beings (Vissarion, Ecumenical, Lapin, Starlion or New Age Masters, Strelnikova, Seklitova, Mikushina, Jasmukhim and many others) came and incarnated, 78 million Indigo and Crystal Beings , several tens of thousands of Beings of Light who came from the Constellations of the Pleiades, Orion, Canis Major, Andromeda, etc., as well as several Cosmic Hierarchs. In order to give the correct Teachings, ASMARU had to study what are the main problems people have and how to properly get out of the crisis and develop. Now He provides knowledge, a way of life and gives the Energy of the Source, which is called "ALL THAT IS" for development.

Perhaps some amount of information will help you (although it is closed to people, but let's try to open the curtain of the truth that is hidden ...). When opening archives and records from certain places of the Akashic Records and the DNA of mankind, many interesting things were revealed ...

More than 1 million years ago, in our section of the Milky Way Galaxy, and in particular the Constellation of the Pleiades, where We also enter, Archangel Melchizedek was appointed to the post of God - Co-Creator and Leader. At the very beginning of His reign, things were not going the way He wanted, and He decided to conduct an experiment. I made a decision to create a “concentration camp” from our Solar System for Souls in the form of punishment, which misbehave in incarnations and degrade. Thus, Souls with serious problems began to incarnate on Maldek, Mars and Earth, which subsequently also led to the death of Maldek (Phaeton), the destruction of life on Mars and on our Planet. When more and more problematic Souls began to incarnate, it all led 850,000 years ago to a global planetary cataclysm, in which most of the Lemurians were destroyed. Subsequently, when everything stabilized, a series of new events began. Since our Creation of Magnetic Nature was also Magnetic even before the Control of the Archangel Melchizedek. But these problematic Souls, according to the principle “like attracts like”, began to attract beings from the Cosmos with Electric, Electro-Magnetic and Radioactive Natures, who later began to install crystals and build pyramids interspersed with crystals to activate the Electro-Magnetic field of the Earth and the entire Solar System . This was also accompanied by powerful electrical discharges periodically penetrating all the Planets of our Solar System. Thus, an artificial Electro - Magnetic Field of the entire Solar System was formed. All living forms began to degrade. In turn, alien civilizations began to arrive from different Planets, both of Electric Nature (Greys, Reptiles, Insectoids, Humanoids, etc.), and Electro-Magnetic tyrants (Humanoids, Annunaki, etc.). Their plans began to come true - They began global enslavement, the creation of the Planet of Slaves and the extraction of treasures. For some: copper, DNA of people, animals; for others - gold, diamonds, protein material of people (DNA molecules, blood, skin, and other materials for their work and experiments). In addition to our Planet, the Destructive (Negative) System was also connected, because many Souls went through Evolution into Negative Systems. But also many Spiritual Beings were sent to awaken Souls, for example: the Order of Melchizedek, other Orders and Organizations of the Beings of Light. But the main problem is that all these Spiritual Beings fixed the Electro-Magnetic Nature. The same Nature was fixed by the Negative Beings, and what all this led to.

If you look at the Dance of our Milky Way Galaxy 1 million years ago, everything went in Unity. Since then, many Star Systems have passed through the through corridors of Evolutionary Development. Let's say that 5-6 million years of evolutionary development took place in 1 million years. But today our Solar System and basically our Planet is late for 5 million years, because went down the wrong corridors due to the transition to the Electro-Magnetic Nature. It is equivalent if a person has one leg 1 meter long and the other 50 cm. Where does all this lead? Most likely, to the distortion of the entire skeleton. Similarly, it happens with the Milky Way Galaxy - the Pleiades constellation is undersized. Because of this, the Milky Way Galaxy launched a purge and now, in a couple of thousand years, everything in the Pleiades Constellation should be destroyed. But there is another way - to rebuild everything on the Magnetic Field not of the old model, but of the new one. In this period of time, this process has already begun to occur on our Planet. Everyone must decide for himself and make a decision and then firmly follow the path that he has chosen. If the choice was made correctly, then it will be possible to restore both the Planet, and the Solar System, and the Pleiades Constellation into a beautiful and full-fledged Dance. True, much more effort will need to be applied than just to live and be an accomplice in the destruction of all living forms on the Planets.

The Secret Veil of the CREATOR

The Creator knows what happened and is happening. Seeing from the beginning a complete picture of what was happening, He prepared a surprise, which was Secret for everyone. Knowing how much Karma was dumped on Humanity due to the reckless actions of the Archangels, who cannot have Karma, since they are the Helpers of the Creator and all this Karma fell on the “shoulders” of all living forms, the inhabitants of Maldek, Mars, Earth, Orions, Sirians , Pleiadians and many others. (In this case, Karma is meant by negative capsules, during the decapsulation of which a series of negative events occurs and, of course, Humanity must work them out. Example: You wanted to download a good movie. Next, you downloaded it in one file (our file is a capsule). After unpacking the file (capsule) you can view this film as an observer, but in our case you are not an observer, but an actor in a film called "Life" and at the same time it is also of a negative nature.

Now the time has come when the Creator decided to correct the current situation - where there was a minus, there will be a plus, because according to the law of the Cosmos, there is an equalizer in everything.

The Creator's surprise was to introduce the Universal DNA (Diamond DNA Threads) into all living things on the Planet, after which Humanity and all living forms on the Planet would be able to release the accumulated Karma. The Diamond Threads of DNA were a deep Mystery of the Creator and were very rarely given to anyone, but everything has its time. This stage affects first the Electrical, then the Electro-Magnetic, later the Magnetic, passing even through the Crystalline Nature and reaching the Universal Nature. Moreover, Magnetic and Crystalline Natures can also coexist with Universal Nature. At that time, the Electric, Electro-Magnetic and Radioactive Natures will begin to disappear forever. Around the Planet since 2003, 4 Primary and 2 Secondary Universal Grids (Consciousnesses of Light) have been launched (activated). At this stage of time, Energy and Knowledge are given and gradually introduced. This process can take several decades. The Creator is not interested in losing a part of the Milky Way Galaxy because of someone's mistakes and lessons.
So, everything is in your hands, believe or not believe, or take responsibility and help all living Beings of the Planet and the Planet itself, while there is a chance.

Alien Races. Asmar's teaching

In contact with


The Earth was created by the Divine Mother approximately 5 billion years ago. However, the first life forms appeared on its surface about 1 billion years ago. Shortly after the beginning of time, aspects of Divinity fragmented into a group of souls called the Eternal Ones. One of the Eternal Ones created the Central Sun of this sector of the Milky Way Galaxy, in the cluster of stars now known as the Pleiades. This huge soul then fragmented into smaller souls called Founders.

Founder and - beings of the twelfth dimension evolved back into Divinity. However, they retained their individuality and did not join the spiritual hierarchy. These great beings traveled throughout the universe using the power of thought as their means of transportation. There are no restrictions for them. They can shape themselves into any shape they choose and, at will, enter any dimension at any time. They can move forward and backward in time at will.

In the Vega star system, the Founders created a heavenly planet and named it Lyra. It was a special place, a place where they could come to explore the form. This was the original Garden of Eden, and it existed long before Paradise on Earth. Modern cosmology considers Lyra to be the birthplace of the human form. Contrary to the belief of the mass consciousness, the human form did not originate on Earth; it originated on Lyra and was recreated on Earth by genetic engineering after many millions of years.

The Pleiadians who gave birth to life on Earth were the descendants of the ancient Lyran race of Primal Creation. star system The Lyra vibrated in twelfth density, which is in the realms of Divinity.

When Divinity decided to explore duality, the world of Lyra appeared. And the souls living on it lowered the vibration by five levels - to the seventh density. This was the original fall from grace. From a scientific point of view, the Star Lyra became a supernova about a billion years ago. This forced the Lyrans to migrate. Some took refuge in the Pleiades and began to develop on a seventh density world. Over time, the Pleiadians created life on Earth. Many of these entities have already evolved back into twelfth density but are still involved in the Earth experiment. Other descendants of the Lyra race include the Vegans and Sirians, which will be discussed later.

Great experiment

Approximately 100 million years ago, the Pleiadians began to create life forms on the surface of the Earth based on carbon and silicon. Before continuing the history of the Earth, I would like to digress and explain how life was created. All physical life is created on the basis of an etheric template - an encoded geometric pattern, shaped by higher intelligence and lowered in vibration until it fuses into the format of an RNA/DNA molecule. Protein molecules are very much like an organic computer, and the ether template is the real program of this computer.

The program develops from pure consciousness to the subatomic state, and finally to the atomic state. Pure consciousness can be thought of as the binary numbers of a computer program (i.e., basic building blocks programs). The subatomic level is analogous to machine language, and the atomic level could represent a higher level language such as BASIC or COBOL.

All life-sustaining programs originate in the Universal Mind, the vast mind complex that represents the mind of God. Within this field of the mind are the Akashic Records, much like memory storage devices, except that they are actual energy fields held in place by a continuum of time. As evolution proceeds along the timeline, it leaves an electrical charge in the ethereal substance.

The process is in many ways reminiscent of experiments, when a neutrino leaves a trace in a Petri dish, or an electron leaves a trace on an oscilloscope. While a footprint or imprint is only a record of a real event, the Akashic medium creates a holographic image of the event. Then, by tuning into a specific place on the timeline, the image can be re-examined as a kind of "virtual reality". This process is reminiscent of watching a 3D video about the events of the past, but not just visually, but with all the physical and emotional sensations.

In essence, this is how people remember past life experiences. Each individual's personal Akashic Record is contained within the auric field of that individual's fifth density etheric body. The brain is simply a receiver of electromagnetic impulses emitted from the aura. The memories of the current life of the soul are also stored in the cells of the physical body. From the etheric body, memories of past lives can be brought into the cells of the physical body and a traumatic event from a past life can be explored in the current body.

This rather detailed explanation of the pattern of life is provided to illustrate that life was not a sudden or "one-off" event that happened as a happy accident. Rather, it was a premeditated and programmed event that could later be reprogrammed and changed through any number of permutations. Moreover, each permutation could be multidimensionally studied as many times as the researcher wants.

From an alien perspective, this was the opportunity that Earth offered to the Pleiadians. The Earth timeline was spread out in front of the higher dimensional mind, providing endless possibilities for evolution. If you're familiar with computer programming, you know that you can run a program any number of times and always get the same answer. However, if you change one line of code, the whole program changes. Working out the evolution of the Earth, the Pleiadians proved to be great experimenters.

They entered a template, and if the resulting life form did not meet expectations, they entered the data into a separate segment of the timeline in the Akashic Record, and then reworked the template and tried again. For almost 90 million years, the Earth has been a giant laboratory for developing exotic and unpredictable life forms.

Now on Earth, most of these forms are missing. One of them, dinosaurs, existed on Earth for many millions of years. Approximately 10 million years ago, the Pleiadians decided to come to Earth themselves and reap the fruits of their labor. And although they had a carefully programmed and formed humanoid at their disposal, they were not ready for the earthly experience. While in seventh density, they never took physical form. They explored the closest approximation to the form in the form of huge balls of bluish-white light, similar to stars.

Many times they tried to create bodies and land directly on the planet itself, but the intensity magnetic field limited their stay on the surface to a few days. After this period, undesirable changes occurred in the created bodies. Therefore, they prepared biologically evolved humanoid forms and merged these forms with fragments of their essence using the incarnation process.

The rest of their essence (99%) still resided in higher realms. Despite a significant drop in vibration, the Pleiadians, who incarnated on Earth 10 million years ago, created a Garden of Eden on the planet. It really was heaven, at least by today's standards. The density of the Earth was only four octaves below the level of their world on the Pleiades.

When the descent into form was complete, they began to lose their conscious awareness, which they projected into the tiny fragments of soul essence residing in humanoid bodies. As a result, there was a colossal loss of memory. The Pleiadians forgot about their huge oversouls in heaven. They have lost most of their intuitive and psychic abilities. The Pleiadians mingled with the energy field of the Earth and became trapped in their humanoid forms. The Pleiadians mated and their offspring became a port of entry for many other souls from the higher realms.

Some incarnations took place consciously, as a result of an agreement between parents and incoming souls, others - unconsciously due to the density of the Earth's magnetic field. Unconscious incarnations have brought souls to Earth that do not have the understanding and balance necessary for peaceful growth and development. As a result, the consciousness of souls on Earth continued to fall in vibration.

The Pleiadians on Earth were a soft female race that became attached to the female nature of Mother Earth. As the fall in vibration continued, they began to attract energies that were not in harmony with their original energies. In addition to unconscious incarnations, the Earth began to attract the attention of aggressive races from other star systems. Some of them were already vibrating at a low enough speed to land on the planet and mix with the Pleiadians. And very soon the Earth turned into a melting pot for souls from all levels of Creation, both highly developed and not.

As you may know, over time, conflicts and struggles began, and the young civilization was destroyed and scattered over the entire surface of the Earth. Over the next 10 million years, 16 different civilizations flourished and disappeared on Earth. Now the civilization of the planet Earth consists of many races of beings mixed as a result of interspecific crossing and experiments.

The native race of the Earth (which is descended from the Pleiadians) is called the Adamic race. These are the souls who chose this planet as their original sphere of development and whose genetic roots go back to the first souls who took on a bodily form. In other words, Earth is their home planet. The story of Adam and Eve in Genesis is largely symbolic, although its dynamics played out a billion years ago on Lyra, 100 million years ago on the Pleiades, and 10 million years ago on Earth. Adam really represented Heavenly Father, and Eve - Divine Mother. The garden represented the state of their consciousness before separation, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil represented the worlds of duality in which they were embodied. When the male and female aspects of God descended into duality, they forgot their true origin; they were lured, hypnotized and bound to themselves by the lower densities.

Inbox and Starseed

As time passed on Earth, entities from the higher realms tried to develop different ways to enter the Earth's magnetic field without losing consciousness or forgetting who they really are. They tried to incarnate with full memory through the process of birth and interbreeding with the people of the Adamic race. Such entities have been called "starseeds" because they had neither prior earth programming nor previous earth incarnations. The essences of the all-seeding crop were different from most earthlings. Some became great scientists, others - outcasts and losers. However, they all had one thing in common: at some point in their incarnation, they almost completely forgot who they really were and where they came from. Some forgot immediately after compaction and entry into the womb. Others were born with full awareness but gradually lost it as they interacted with the Adamic race.

It turned out that the most favorable period of development for memory loss is the age between two and eight years. Therefore, another technique was developed, called "entry". The soul volunteered to enter for the first few years biological life, then she "swapped places" with another incoming soul. The new soul took on a biological form and continued to inhabit it. This was a little risky because the new soul had to "download" the previous soul's life information into the memory banks and immediately begin to function in third density.

Some entrants have been more adept at this than others. Over the past 10 million years, many races of beings from many star systems and galaxies have come to Earth. They came from many levels and dimensions: some through incarnation, others through implantation, and still others directly from spaceships. It is estimated that at one time or another about 55 star systems were involved in working with the Earth.


Today, the Orions are the dominant race on Earth, but this has not always been the case. Although the Earth was visited by many groups and in some cases interbred with its inhabitants, until 500,000 years ago the Adamic race did not dissolve enough to become a minority. Around that time, entities from the star systems of Rigel and Betelgeuse, located in the constellation of Orion, came to Earth. At that time, the Adamic race had a very peaceful, feminine nature. The Orions carried the aggressive masculine principle and came as "gift-bearers". With expertise in mind control and manipulation, they quickly subdued the Adamic people and began to spread throughout the planet. The Rigel faction had the appearance of reptiles, and the Betelgeuse group were tall, red-skinned people who looked like Vikings. The Rigel faction became known as the "Dark Lords" and the Betelgeuse group became known as the "Lords of Light". These names are used only for the purpose of conveniently and habitually demonstrating the extreme polarization of these two groups.

Groupings of Orion were aggressive not only in relation to the Earth, but also in relation to each other. The planetary war between the Orions from Rigel and the Orions from Betegeuse took place between 500,000 and 200,000 BC. Two civilizations were fighting for control of the Earth, so aggressive energies began to dominate the Earth. Many wars took place on the surface. During this time, several civilizations flourished and disappeared. Most of these civilizations were destroyed by chemical and nuclear weapons, and Mother Earth herself was drawn into the wars. Although both Orion races were quite aggressive and warlike, the souls from Betelgeuse turned out to be more peaceful than the representatives of Rigel. The "Council of Light" Betelgeuse wanted to consolidate its presence as the rulers of the Earth, but the people from Rigel retained control of the planet. This is where in some scriptures the Earth appears under the name "Urantia".

The civilization of Orion is one of the relatively young, but rapidly developing civilizations, significantly ahead of the earthly one. She preaches "technos" - the technogenic cycle of evolution, and therefore, in terms of the level of development, she is one step below the super-civilizations of Sirius and Cygnus. But they have already mastered the technique of interstellar flights, have achieved outstanding success in mastering the mental capabilities of their body. They have long ago realized the dream of K.E. Tsiolkovsky to create space settlements on huge artificial orbital stations located in convenient orbits. They are not afraid of comets and asteroids, external protection is so reliable and effective. They are not dangerous powerful radiation emanating from their suns: special protective films protect all living things. Their achievements in science are great. They are energetic, kind, natural, loving…
Orions have dark brown skin with a greenish tint. Their average height is 185 centimeters, but among the male half, many reach 3 - 3.5 meters. They are athletically built, with broad shoulders, powerful muscles, very strong physically and unusually hardy. They are literally bipolar. Against the background of its powerful body and broad shoulders, the head of an Orion with signs characteristic of Negroids seems disproportionately small, which, however, does not in the least affect their mental abilities. Orions physically look much more modest than the male half, but, like them, they have signs characteristic of Negroids. Among them there are very beautiful ones, as evidenced by their portraits in front and profile. Orion beauty is looking at you from the portrait. She has huge and hot, like their sun, eyes of black or dark brown color. The nose is correct, softly rounded and slightly widened at the tip. Lips are full. Ears are small and rounded. The forehead is convex. And a long, slender, slightly convex neck from the front. Very thick, finely curly black hair grows on the head. Just like the inhabitants of the earth from the island of Fiji in the Pacific Ocean or ancient rock paintings in the mountains in northern Australia! And this is not a coincidence, but more on that below. Sometimes the hair is shaved, which is reflected in the figure. This procedure is mandatory for members of the crew of a stellar expedition. But at home they are happy to wear their magnificent hair and often with the help of special holders give it the shape of a turban. And they love to decorate them with long hairpins depicting various cosmic symbols: stars, arrows, pyramids ... They are made of platinum, gold, aluminum alloys, and also from metals unknown to us.

Earth Orions

After the Supreme Council of Intelligent Humanoid Civilizations allowed Orion to settle on Earth, he landed his troops on the huge island of Lanka in the Indian Ocean. Most of this island is now at the bottom of the ocean. Only its northern tip is still on the surface. This is the island of Sri Lanka, also known as Ceylon. Later, the Orions settled in those areas of the planet where it was warm: Africa, Australia, India, the islands of the Pacific and Indian oceans. As a result of adaptation to earthly conditions and intermarriages with other peoples, they have changed somewhat, but, in general, they have retained many of the features and knowledge of their ancestors, especially in medicine, magic and witchcraft. Orions - earthlings belong to the black race. They have a muscular body, wide bone, extraordinary endurance. Only they were able to endure the backbreaking labor on the plantations that the white slave traders had doomed them to. It is not surprising that in our time many high results in sports belong to them. By nature mobile, sociable, musically gifted, temperamental, sexually active. In those regions of the Earth where the influence of the Orions used to be felt, the cult of sex occupied almost the first place. It was reflected in religion, ritual dances and even in architecture. Monuments of that era, including temples that preached the cult of sex, still exist in South India. This is what the young, strong and love-hungry blood of an Orion means! Who can resist her! “Desire is the basis of the Universe,” says the ancient Indian book on architecture “Shilpa Prakasha”, “all living things arose from desire.” Many ancient peoples, which had already begun to degenerate, into whose blood the descendants of the Orions poured their blood as a result of mixed marriages, received a new vital impulse. They are distinguished by great vitality and fertility. An example of this is the people of India, the result of a mixture of black Orions with white-skinned Dessites - Aryan peoples who came from the north after the death of Hyperborea. By the way, the resettlement of the Orions on Earth also pursued this goal.

The descendants of the Orions have always coexisted with the Egyptians along the southern border of the most ancient civilization on the Nile. Their cultures influenced each other. Dark-skinned figures are found in ancient reliefs and drawings of Egypt, and Egyptian symbolism is found in ancient states south of Egypt. In our time, Sudan, a state with a black population, occupies a vast territory south of Egypt. From the southeast it borders on Ethiopia. During the time of Ancient Egypt, this entire territory was called Kush, and was known in history as the Kushite kingdom. The Kushites lived here - the black people. These were, as reported biblical prophet Isaiah, "tall people, fearsome, aggressive people speaking in a strange language." The pharaohs of Egypt always sought to expand their possessions at the expense of their southern neighbors, but met with stubborn resistance from the Kushite warriors. And only Pharaoh Ramesses II from the 19th dynasty managed to accomplish this. Five hundred years later, in the VIII century BC. already black peoples captured Egypt and founded their Ethiopian dynasty. By their nature, the celestial Orions are mortal, but they, like the super-civilizations of Sirius and Cygnus, have mastered various methods of life extension. In order to save themselves from death and get rid of the aggressive energy accumulated during their lifetime - the imperila, they also practice a “cleansing trip” of their souls to Earth to instill in the bodies of newborn earthly Orions. The soul is a bunch of energies so far unknown to modern scientists, which determine the essence of a person, his mind. When an earthly person dies or perishes, the soul is separated from his body. After some time, the energy of the soul is "recorded" on the beam of the ethereal channel, which connects the Earth with the star. It is the ray that plays the role of transport when the soul goes to the constellation of Orion to its true homeland, to its true body. During the "recording" there is a slight loss of soul energy. This lost part of the rational soul of the Orion randomly finds a new "master", but it can only be an animal. The "remainder" of the soul will remain so on Earth as long as animal life exists on it. He goes through the animal cycle of evolution. And if life on Earth exists long enough, the "remainder" of the soul can complete the full cycle of evolution in the animal stage and then move into the human body. If life on Earth ceases, these “remnants” of souls, which did not have time to complete the full cycle of evolution in the animal stage, will disperse into Cosmos. More details about the origin and features of the imperil, about death and immortality are described in the previous article “Civilization of the Swan - the patron of mankind. The Secret of Death and Immortality.
Orions today

Due to interbreeding and soul fragmentation, the Orions make up almost 80% of the current population of the Earth (based on the bloodline models above). The masculine, aggressive traits of the Orions are so pervasive and ingrained in the Orions that most people consider these traits inherent in "human nature."

Since the time of the galactic wars, the Orion constellation has evolved significantly, and most Orion civilizations are now vibrating at higher densities. However, the strong magnetic energies of the Earth have slowed down the progress of the Orions of the Earth and prevent the same rapid development as their counterparts in the constellation Orion. Much of what the terrestrial Orions are going through now has already been completed 100,000 years ago on Rigel and Betelgeuse. Emissaries from these stars were not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the Earth for many years, which limited assistance to our planet.

Help is now coming from the Confederation and other galactic organizations representing hundreds of star systems. When the Orions developed to a certain extent on their home planets, they were accepted into the Confederation of Planets, so today they help along with other organizations that are part of the Confederation.

Note: These galactic groups are named for convenience only and are not recognized by the members of these groups themselves. The diagram at the end of the chapter shows many of the names of the organizations that make up the Confederacy and the races that make up each group.

Illuminati, Lucifer, and the Confederation of Planets


The angelic being Lucifer influenced both factions of Orion. Lucifer is the god of duality: light against darkness or darkness against light. In fact, Lucifer is indeed a great being of light, having polarized against darkness to the point of giving it strength. There were many loving beings in Heaven who were overwhelmed by the condition of the Earth and who wanted to help restore the light. Lucifer brought them closer and convinced them to take the side of Betelgeuse and fight against Rigel. When the beings of light joined him, they took on the veil of duality and became trapped in the lower vibrations of the Orions. This is known in ancient scriptures as the “Lucifer Rebellion”. In a certain sense, the light and darkness of the Orions were reflections of the non-acceptance of selves of other selves. Both civilizations of Orion were masculine in nature and, along with the Sirians, continue to dominate the more feminine races of Earth right up to the present day. Orion brought patriarchy to Earth, which eventually replaced the existing matriarchy on the planet.


For the last 200,000 years, control of the Earth has changed hands between Rigel and Betelgeuse. Orion's latest resort is an organization commonly known as the "Illuminati", which means "enlightened ones". This organization originated thousands of years ago as a secret society of occultists and mystics. It includes fraternities, communities, mystery schools and financial institutions. The true history of the Illuminati is too complex to go into details now. Suffice it to say that the original Illuminati society was created in order to take power away from Orion and return it to the Adamic people through advanced spiritual teachings and scientific methodology. The Illuminati flourished during the time of Atlantis and inspired many of the great technical and spiritual achievements of that time.

Brought to Earth by the Pleiadians as a true mystery school, this organization was later corrupted by the Sirians, another alien group responsible for many of today's religions. The Illuminati have been controlled by the Betelgeuse faction from time to time. The Betelgeuse Council of Light practiced "white magic", a form of mind control and ritual designed to banish darkness and favored by some members of the spiritual hierarchy. Representing the positive pole of duality, the Council of Light was highly polarized against darkness. Many of the members of the Betelgeuse Council of Light are higher dimensional beings drawn into the Earth drama by Lucifer and his angelic helpers. As long as polarization exists, the pendulum will always swing. Therefore, a grouping from Rigel (dragons) penetrated the environment of the Illuminati and upset the balance towards the pole of suppression and concealment of the light. A few recent centuries ago, a powerful "hungry" Rigel group introduced the practice of "black magic".

And today the Illuminati is still controlled by the Rigel group. Later, the Illuminati broke up into several smaller societies, including Freemasons, Rosicrucians, the Knights of Malta, and international banking communities founded by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and others.

Confederation of Planets

In the 20th century, due to the advances in technology that led to the creation of atomic bombs, it became apparent that the polarization of the Illuminati would lead to the destruction of the Earth. As a result, the intervention of the Confederation of Planets, an intergalactic organization directed by Divinity, was allowed. The interference was allowed because there were a small but sufficient number of souls on Earth asking for help, and also because the destruction of the planet would create a strong imbalance in neighboring worlds within the solar system. Once in the solar system, the destruction of the planet has already occurred. The planet known as Maldek was located between Mars and Jupiter, in what is now the asteroid belt.

The confederation has evolved beyond the dualistic nature of the Orion factions. Members of the Confederacy began to quietly infiltrate Illuminati society, often outwardly agreeing with the decisions made by the modern power structure, but slowly bringing in ideas of unity and unification. Such interference gradually shifted the balance of power in the opposite direction of the Orion factions, although at the time of this writing, the Rigel faction still holds 60% of the power, the Betelgeuse faction 20%, and the Confederation 20%.

Now many members of the Illuminati society do not know who is who in the organization. There are spies and counter-spies. There are those who “backed up”, claiming to have been hired without knowing anything. In individual societies of the organization, such as the De Molay group, there are those who know almost nothing about their real roots. There are also many splinter factions, such as the Trilaterals, who have become the backbone of the government. These are the US State Security Agency (and the State Security Council), the Federal Reserve and the CIA.


You may be wondering why it took so long for the Earthly Orions to evolve before coming out of aggressive energies. Apart from the Earth's dense magnetic field, part of the reason can be found by looking at the Sirians. The Sirians from the Sirius star system have been meddling in the affairs of Earth for thousands of years. They were one of the first alien races to interbreed with the Adamic/Pleiadian breeds. Like the Pleiadians, they are the descendants of a star in the Lyra system that went supernova many millions of years ago.

Unlike the Pleiadians (more like humans), the Sirians, in their natural state, have large eyes (diamond shaped) and lighter skin. Now they are peaceful, but they had a lot of confusion in the past. Many times they tried to take over the Earth because their home planet was heavily polluted as a result of wars. Many Sirians became gods in earthly mythology because they possessed unusual psychic abilities and a messiah complex. They enjoyed power over others, which contributed to the drop in vibration as a result of interbreeding. There are stories that the ancient gods (Sirians) interbred with the Nordic people (Oriots and representatives of Antares); over time, this led to the fall of ancient Egypt and Greece.

The Sirians conquered the Earth approximately 10,000 years ago and had a great influence on Egypt and the Holy Land. The priests-pharaohs of ancient Egypt were the descendants of the Atlanteans - a civilization that disappeared 25,000 years ago. The Atlanteans reincarnated in Egypt around 11,000 BC. They were assisted in the construction of civilization by the Pleiadians of the seventh density. The Great Pyramid was built by the Pleiadians. They also brought to Egypt the secret knowledge of the mysticism of the Atlanteans. When the Sirians conquered Egypt and began to interbreed, the vibration of the Egyptians dropped so much that the Pleiadians had to remove the secret knowledge, as the Sirians misused it to destroy the Earth.

In the last period of the development of Ancient Egypt, the Sirians interbred intensively. They became new kings, pharaohs and priests, and later Malachites and Israelites. In The Gods of Paradise, William Bramley explains how these "gods" subjugated the people of Egypt and instigated conflict, caste division, and social systems in the region.

V bible stories predominantly Sirians. Jehovah, the God of Moses, was once a seventh-density Syrian. In part, this explains many of the contradictions in the Old Testament. In the early Bible, Jehovah is portrayed as an evil and jealous God who frequently visits the Israelites and sends pestilence, plagues, and other punishments on their enemies. As the leader of a power-hungry alien race, Jehovah has tyrannically ruled the Earth. He demanded strict obedience to his doctrine, better known as the Ten Commandments. In the book Gods of Paradise, the author tells that the alien rulers of the Earth maintained their dominion by instilling division and enmity between the tribes and peoples, preventing the unification that would strengthen the Adamic race so much that it would allow the chains of the Illuminati to be thrown off. In his book, he suggests that Adam and Eve were the progenitors of a race of slaves created to work in the mines and harvest the Earth for the Sirians. According to his theory, the reason for the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden was the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, which could give them true spiritual knowledge, which the slave owners (Sirians) would not have tolerated.

The Sirians have been a major factor in the continued deterioration and corruption of the Illuminati. In essence, a secret alliance was concluded between the Sirians and the Rigel group. In Bremley's book, the Sirians and Orions are referred to as the "Keepers". The control of the world's religions by the Guardians has been, and is, one of the best-kept secrets of modern times. Moreover, it seems that it was they who had a hand in most of the wars that have taken place on Earth since ancient Egypt.

Pascat - Feline from Sirius A

The Pascats are a race of intelligent felines that have left a mark (cat's paw print) on Earth's history.

As representatives of the energy of Sirius, pascats are associated with the cult of the deification of cats in ancient Egypt, and, of course, are imprinted there. In the channeling, the Pascats are represented by the original inhabitants of the Sirius star system, along with the crystalline people. This affinity gives us some analogies of apprenticeship giving ordinary people, through the information presented, a chance to expand their areas of intention. According to some information, cats, as one of the highest mammals on Earth, today play a special role in the transformation of the energies of the planet, as they take on part of the burden of the energies of people's subconscious distortions.

Pascats are also observers of processes on Earth and can see ongoing processes through the bodies of Earth cats and cats.

Although the "Earth" Sirians were allied with the "Earth" Orions, the Sirians living in their star system still visit the Earth. Since the time of ancient Egypt, they have evolved significantly and are now returning to Earth primarily through telepathy and trance channeling.
Their ships rarely land on Earth, but remain in the air during human contact. Their spaceship is golden and radiant, sometimes triangular, but not matte. It is mistaken for swamp gas.
Many Sirians are "benefactors of mankind" redeeming their power in the past and transmitting vast amounts of information through their channels.


There is a constellation Canis Major in the sky. He became widely known for the main star Sirius - the brightest in our night sky and one of the stars closest to us, the seventh in order of distance from the Sun. It has long attracted earthlings. She beckons...
Sirius was worshiped in ancient Egypt.
The goddess Isis, symbolizing Sirius, and her husband, the god Osiris, symbolizing the constellation of Orion adjacent to Sirius, were among the most revered gods. Their son was Horus, the sun god.
The most common images of Isis - Mother and her Son Horus were compositions in sculpture, reliefs and drawings in which they were together: Isis holds him on her knees or feeds him with her breasts. The ancient Egyptian canon, established to depict the image of Isis (Sirius) together with the Son (Sun), was well known to other peoples who in one way or another encountered the culture of the ancient civilization on the Nile. Subsequently, it was used in the Christian religion to create icons of the Mother of God - the Immaculate Virgin Mary and her Son Jesus.
But what does Sirius and our Sun have to do with it? What is the connection between them? What is the depth of this mystery and what is its nature? The answers to these questions, oddly enough, were given in the middle of the 20th century by the priests of the Dogon African tribe, who have long lived according to their own laws on the inaccessible and arid Bandiagara plateau in the southwest of the Sahara. But they talked about Sirius in such detail as if they had just arrived from this star system! As I managed to find out later in an unconventional way (by contact), the ancestors of the Dogon were indeed brought to Earth from the Sirius system on the starship of the Sirian civilization. Sirius-friendly civilization Dessa from the constellation Cygnus also took part in the transportation of the Dogon.
According to the legends of the Dogon, the Sirian starship was huge, with two decks and a round bottom.
It had 60 compartments containing all living beings and forms of existence of the native planet of the Dogon. All this is very reminiscent of the biblical story of Noah and his family saving themselves and all kinds of animals in a huge ark. Since only the Sirians were engaged in the adaptation (accustoming) of the Dogon to earthly conditions, they introduced their priests to part of their worldview doctrines. They also contained information about the origin of our Sun and Earth. It followed from it that our Sun was born in the Sirius system. This knowledge was also generally accepted in ancient Egypt, where during the first dynasties the strong influence of the Sirian doctrines was felt. And no wonder: the first pharaohs of Egypt were the Sirians.
One of them, Djer, was the fourth of the first dynasty. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the Egyptian pantheon of gods, the god Horus (our Sun) was considered the Son of Isis (Sirius). When catastrophic changes took place in the Sirian system, the Sun, together with the Earth, began to move away from Sirius. As modern astronomers have already established, the escape velocity of our solar system from Sirius, if measured relative to neighboring stars, is 8 km per second! And we are flying in the general direction to the constellations of Hercules and Lyra. Here, Lebed and his Dessa are nearby…
Why did the Sirians evacuate part of the peoples from the Sirius system to Earth?
This happened due to the high probability of an explosion of one of the stars of Sirius. Indeed, a year after the Dogon resettlement to Earth, this explosion occurred. From the Earth, it was clearly visible how Sirius suddenly shone brightly, and then, after 240 years, its brilliance began to gradually decrease. As is known from astronomy and the article “The Fourth Seal. Virgo is the "pale horse" of the Apocalypse, Sirius is a double star. One of them is called Sirius-A, and the other is called Sirius-B. According to Dogon legends, Sirius includes another star that greatly affects the other two stars and their planets, but it is an invisible black dwarf, and therefore cannot be detected even with a telescope. Sirius B exploded. It turned into a white dwarf, a small, faintly luminous star with superdense matter. In the Sirian system, this was a catastrophe on a global scale, many Sirians died in the process.

The civilization of Sirius is one of the oldest and very influential civilizations in our Galaxy, which has played and continues to play a large role in the spread and preservation of life on the planets of other star systems.
It is not surprising that the Dogon called the Sirius system the “Navel of the World”, and all other star systems included in their zone of influence, including the Earth, called the cosmic ring, “the support of the foundation of the World.”
The Sirians have long completed the stage of "technos" - the technogenic cycle of evolution.
They preach "homos", which is characterized by complete mastery of the mental forces of their body.
They belong to the humanoids of the higher spheres of mind and consciousness, they have the ability to levitate, telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation.
During meditation, they can pause for for a long time all life processes in your body. At the same time, the soul leaves the body and can make controlled flights into near space alone or in groups. This is yoga at the highest level. The Sirians are small, no more than 150 centimeters tall.
The hands are five-fingered with long fingers and narrow palms.
Nails are human, but longer than the nails on our hands.
The shoulders are sharp and narrow (The head is egg-shaped. Without hair. There are none on the body either. The ears are somewhat “pointed” in the upper part. The lips are thin, inactive. This is one of the consequences of their lifestyle.
The Sirians do not use coarse vegetable and animal food for food, which must be chewed. Their food is a high-molecular substrate resembling a dense fog or airy “cotton wool”. It contains all the substances necessary for growth and maintenance of life. Above the eyes are not eyebrows, but arcuate protrusions of the upper edge of the eye sockets. The eyes are almond-shaped, and the pupils are vertical, like those of snakes or cats. "Transverse pupils!" - so it is written in ancient Chinese chronicles. They are able to change their shape from a narrow slit to a round pupil, depending on the strength of the light. The eye sockets themselves are strongly sloping towards the temples. It was with such eyes that were strongly slanted to the temples that the Chinese and Japanese depicted themselves in ancient miniatures. But why? Because the representatives of the yellow race on Earth (Chinese and Japanese) are the descendants of the Sirians who have adapted to life on our planet! In them, even in our time, one can notice some of the characteristic features inherent in real Sirians. They are mostly small in stature, with yellowish skin, slanted, almond-shaped eyes.
Secretive, cunning, smart by nature. You will never understand what is hidden behind their polite smile: a flower or a dagger. They are very hardworking and meticulous in everything they do. The color of the skin of real Sirians is from greenish-yellowish to greenish-brownish.
Shortly before death, their body acquires a bluish color as a result of age-related changes.
This serves as a signal to take specific measures to prolong life.
Nobody wants to die, especially in higher civilizations! Therefore, special technologies were developed to extend life, including by moving the soul from an aged body that has served its time to another, already young body, grown in advance by cloning. It is often practiced to send souls through special ethereal channels to Earth to inhabit the bodies of newborn human children.
In addition to Sirius, this technique is used by some other humanoid civilizations in our Galaxy. Basically, from Cygnus, Orion, Pleiades, Ursa Major and Centaurus. Here, on Earth, experiencing physical and mental suffering and torment of various kinds, characteristic of earthly existence, they temper their spirit, gain additional experience and are cleansed of the previously accumulated negative energy - imperil. He stays on earth. The more aggressive imperil accumulates on the planet, the more wars and all sorts of troubles on earth. It can even destroy the planet itself. To prevent this, cleansing actions such as global floods and other great catastrophes are sometimes carried out on Earth. It is this destructive energy, accumulated in the process of life by a rational being, that often causes the aging of his body and death. Higher humanoid civilizations also have other life extension methods that allow them to eliminate various negative karmic ties by adjusting the astral and mental energy shells of a living body.
Sirius civilization is very pragmatic.
It owns economic thought and power, has carefully developed and scientifically substantiated programs that, when introduced into terrestrial and other civilizations, can lead to significant technical progress. An example of this is China, which is rapidly developing in our time. For a long time, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of Intelligent Humanoid Civilizations, which is based in the Alpha star system - the main one in the constellation of Centaurus, Sirius has been the curator and mentor of the Earth's humanity. Therefore, he bears full responsibility for the state of affairs on our planet. But as the solar system moves away from Sirius and approaches it to the zone of influence of the civilization of Dessa from the constellation Cygnus, the supervision of the Earth, by decision of the Supreme Council, can be transferred to Dessa, the main principle of which is high spirituality and Love. This civilization will be discussed in the next article.


The Venusians are another race that has had a huge impact on Earth. Almost 0.5% of the current population of the Earth are the descendants of those who “entered” from Venus. Although these beings come from the solar system, many of them are space travelers who only occasionally incarnate on Venus or Earth.

Venus is the planet of a special initiation instituted by the Confederacy to prepare souls for higher spiritual truths when they are between earth incarnations. Many souls, including the author, often travel to Venus between incarnations.

Venus is a sixth density world of incredible beauty and artistic achievement. Because of its high vibration, it is invisible to the eye of third and fourth density. Venus is considered the planet of love, named after the goddess of great beauty. I remember my lives on Venus and I assure you that everything you read is true. Imagine the most beautiful sunset. Imagine life in a world where the sky always shines with bliss. The eye is blinded by yellow, gold, orange, pink and red colors. Majestic temples spiral into the sky. Huge gardens abound with exotic plant life. Radiant streams of liquid light flow everywhere, nourishing all life forms. Sparkling crystal palaces and golden temples await initiates who come to learn the secrets of the universe.

Few remember these images; on Earth they can only be seen on the canvases of seeing artists. And everywhere there is music coming from a place above time and space, a place long forgotten by earthbound souls, a place where love reigns. It permeates everything, eliminating division forever. Venus is the training center for gods and goddesses and the apotheosis of life in this solar system. Venus is a transit base for beings from all over the galaxy. Here they are initiated into spiritual teachings; and many earthly souls have chosen Venus as their first life after Ascension. I have gone through at least two ascensions and both times my route was Venus.

Until you evolve into fifth density, you will not be able to see this paradise directly. For third density, Venus is a hot, poisonous, depleted earth, and this is discouraging for those who would attempt the shortcut to Heaven. The key to Venus is love. And it is love that will take you there. Many Venusians (in earthly bodies) look for a long time at the brightest star in the evening or morning sky and wonder where these strange feelings come from. Perhaps you still have a long-lost love on Venus. I have left, my favorite twin flame is the Venusian Leah.

As you already know, Venusians are tall, slender, feminine and god-like creatures. They have shining golden hair and a slender build. They have learned to materialize in third density using holographic projection and have done so many times. Often they incarnate or "enter". Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate, though ships can appear in different colors of the rainbow. They are able to travel in time, and many of them came here from the future. Many times the Venusians appeared during the atomic bomb tests in the 1940s and 50s, interacting with George Adamsky, George Van Tessel and others. Although these people (now deceased) were heavily discredited by the whistleblowers, they left a lot of documentation, photographs and technical descriptions available if you know where to look.


Outwardly, Vegans resemble the Sirians, but they are a little more feminine. They are also descendants of the Lyrans. Adhering to the doctrine of non-intervention, they refrain from coming to the fore and prefer to help from the inner planes through telepathy and channeling. Vegans are peace-loving, and have not interfered in the affairs of the Earth in the past. Often they were conquered and conquered by more aggressive races. They are great artists and their music has influenced the Earth by inspiring classical composers and now some New Age artists. They are loyal to the Shining One and are members of the Confederation.

Vegans have been embodied on Earth for centuries, striving to bring here the values ​​​​of peace and beauty. Being a star seed, they grew up in a friendly environment, but remained a calm, self-absorbed people. Often they were brutally persecuted by religious fanatics. Today they can be found in the Baha'i religion and as other severely persecuted people. Vegans brought musical instruments such as the harp and lyre to Earth.

Zeta Networks

Although the Zeta Grids represent only a small percentage of the current population of the Earth, their influence is currently one of the strongest on the planet. And if you include off-planet presence, their number is much larger than the number of Sirians and Vegans.

Near the Earth is their ship with millions of creatures on board.

The representatives of Zeta Seti can be divided into three groups, so for convenience I will call them Zeta Seti-1, Zeta Seti-2 and Zeta Seti-3. They originated from three different civilizations in the Zeta Reticuli star cluster. They are all third and fourth density (physical) but, like humans, have a wide variety of levels of consciousness. Due to their physical nature, they make up the largest percentage of human contact reports. If you have seen a UFO with the naked eye, there is a very good chance that it belongs to the Zeta Reticuli.

Note: Not all beings that fit the description below belong to the Zeta Reticuli. This humanoid form can be found in several parts of the galaxy and even in other galaxies.

The Zetas are here for many reasons, including biological experiments, the capture of the Earth's natural resources, and the psychological study of earthlings. However, the most serious reason for their presence is interbreeding. Due to underuse, Zeta's emotions have atrophied, along with other body parts. They function more like an insect colony and are highly group oriented and mechanistic. Considering themselves philanthropists, they are not spiritually developed enough and do not quite understand the “basic directive” of non-intervention.

The Zeta Networks are involved in abductions and human experimentation, presumably for the purpose of researching and gaining an understanding of human emotions. The real reason for their being here is the serious imbalance of the race that threatens its existence. They believe that they can be saved by adopting some of the qualities of people. The Zeta Grids are creating a hybrid race by interbreeding with humans in the hope that the new race will retain the group mind but accommodate the emotional nature of humans.

Zeta Seti-1

The first subgroup of Zeta Reticuli is Zeta Reticuli-1. These are creatures with white skin, 90-120 cm tall; they have huge skulls, diamond-shaped eyes, and small, long, thin arms and legs.

This group is the most numerous, and its spaceship is often observed in the night sky in many parts of the world. The Zeta Grids-1 vibrate in third and fourth density. They are technologically advanced and possess strong telepathy and mental projection. They can project holographic images and be visible or invisible to humans, although they themselves are physical beings.

The ship has a spherical plate shape, gray or dark gray. The mother ship is cylindrical or cigar-shaped. As a propulsion force, all ships use an electromagnetic system and have devices that prevent detection by radar or physical vision.

Zeta Reticuli 1 is often accompanied by tall blue beings from another star system, as well as tall, slender gray beings from the star Altair. These three races form what is called the "Triad".

There are now over 20 million Zeta Seti-1 on Earth and around the planet.

Zeta Seti-2

Zeta Reticuli 2 belong to another star in the constellation Zeta Reticuli. Usually they are called "gray". Their height is about 120 cm, rough skin of dark brown-gray color, and huge eyes that are not covered by eyelids. They have four fingers and the thumb is connected to them by a membrane. These beings have been in contact with various earth governments since two of their ships were wrecked in the 1940s. It is they who are involved in abductions, animal experiments (cow dismemberment) and gene manipulation, in cooperation with the secret departments of the US National Security Administration, directed by the Illuminati.

Zeta Seti-2 are not as friendly as Zeta Seti-1, although some of them are spiritually advanced. For the most part, Zeta Reticuli 2 is here to breed and exploit the Earth and its resources. They deal with some of the Earth's governments (mainly the United States), trading technological secrets for the right to stay here without interference from others. Their secret bases are at Groom Lake in Nevada, at Dulce in New Mexico, and two other locations.

The TV movie "Intruders" (based on the book by Bud Hopkins) is an accurate portrayal of the abductions by Zeta Seti-2. However, the film did not mention that embryos are removed from the bodies of abductees around the third month of pregnancy and transferred to special biological conditions aboard the spacecraft.

Over a million earthly women have been kidnapped for the purpose of interbreeding. Often, abductees are chosen at an early age and “programmed” with the help of implants. The programming is done not only to "track" and maintain telepathic links between the abducted women and Zeta, but also to prepare the proper conditions for subsequent fertilization.

The abducted women return to Earth complaining about "loss of time", discover they are pregnant, and three months later a "wonderful mistake" occurs, along with another episode of time loss. To erase the memory of the abducted women, the Zetas use biological implants. But since all soul experience is recorded in the Akashic Record, abductees often remember the abduction by contacting their personal Akashic record under hypnosis. Although the Zetas appear to be violating their free will by interfering in people's lives, some earthlings have agreed to this experience on a soul level, and all earthly souls have attracted this experience as a reflection of something that exists in their consciousness.

If you've been kidnapped and your involvement has helped save a race of beings from extinction, you're less likely to view the Zetas as evil conquerors. You can see in their actions a desperate attempt to survive.

One more note on abductions: Many, if not most, abductees are Zetas incarnated in human form to experience the abduction "first hand" as they say. In such a case, Zeta is calling on its members for a new pact between the souls of the kidnappers and the abductees. Zeta-2 ships are usually gray saucers or triangles that are often seen near their bases. Their number is approaching 100,000.

The NSA has prototype spacecraft designed from Zeta Seti-2 blueprints, and their technology is being used in some military installations around the world. Some members of the Illuminati are involved in regular contact between humans and Zeta-2. For the most part, Zeta Seti 2 (like the Illuminati they deal with) do not intend to respect the free will of humans.

Essentially, the Illuminati enlisted the support of the Zeta Reticuli 2 to help bring in their version of a "New World Order" based on control, manipulation and domination. One of the proposals they are considering is to create an artificial crisis (something like "invaders from space"), with friendly people on white horses (Illuminati) coming to save humanity from the Zeta, and thereby gain respect people.

Uniting the world in the face of a common threat from outer space, the Illuminati expect to control the world government. Not all, but at least something. In short, the “accomplices” simply turn to face each other. Especially now, when it becomes obvious that the Divine Mother has her own plans for the New World Order.

Zeta Seti-3

The Zeta Seti-3 are the most unfriendly Seti race on Earth. They have been at war with the other Zetas for a very long time. Zeta Reticuli 1 and 2 consider them to be an evil force that must be destroyed. They are only allowed to come to Earth when the fear and negativity on the planet is strong enough to accept their presence. If the mass consciousness of Earth integrates negativity enough, the Zeta Grid-3s will no longer be able to vibrate on Earth as they are reflections of their own fears.

Zeta Seti-3 ships - black and red plates. Zeta-3 are experts in mind control, black magic and psychological manipulation. They seek to play on and amplify the fears of humanity, using anger and fear as an opportunity to enter the psychic space of the Earth. If you encounter one of their ships, under no circumstances approach or attempt to communicate. Immediately ask for Divine Protection in the way that works best for you.

In the late 1940s, it was Zeta Seti 3 that shot down the spacecraft Zeta Seti 2 over New Mexico. The wreckage of the ship was recovered by the US military; thus began a long term contact between Zeta Reticuli 2 and the government. Prior to this crash, Zeta's presence on Earth was limited to a few isolated contacts between Zeta and the Earth's Orios and Sirians.

Outwardly Zeta Seti-3 resemble lizards. And with the help of psychological deception, they could well take over the Earth as shown in the television mini-series "V".


In addition to the Adamic race, there are three other groups of Pleiadians currently working with our planet. Only one of the three groups is visible to the eye of people in third density.

Fourth Density Pleiadians

They are tall, feminine and peaceful (even men are very feminine). They are easily identified by their elongated earlobes and long silver hair. There are even photographs of some of them, although the government is doing everything to make them difficult to obtain. Their ship is shaped like a metallic plate and very complex in design. They also use devices that make the ship either visible or invisible.

Motherships look like a huge candelabra, reminiscent of the ship in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The most popular of these creatures is the creature known as Semjase (described in detail in Billy Meyer's material). Although there have been numerous attempts to discredit Billy Meyer and a small number of other Pdeadean contacts, these creatures are very real and most of the photographs are correct.

Pleiadians seventh density

These beings are not as well known as the fourth density Pleiadians. They possess luminous bodies of light that are humanoid in shape. Because they vibrate at such a high level, they do not have the characteristics of a body, but only the luminous outline of a humanoid. Unlike star beings, they are not transparent. The light color is golden.

The seventh density Pleiadians travel in an interdimensional spaceship that can change shape and move in and out of third density at will. Although they are very rarely seen, I have seen one of the ships resembling a green luminous sphere and flying horizontally at great speed. Some of these entities travel through time. They are explorers and many of them are future incarnations of the primary Adamic race who have evolved into more high measurements after lowering the vibration for incarnation on Earth. They communicate primarily telepathically and through channeling.

At present, their teachings are being disseminated on Earth by several well-known channels.

Twelfth Density Pleiadians

They are the descendants of the Founders mentioned earlier. In addition to the native Pdeiadians, who have hardly changed over the past 100 million years, there are the Pleiadians who evolved to twelfth density from the legendary Lyra star system. All of them have developed above the physical form and appear before the spiritual gaze only in the form of huge radiant balls, glowing blue and white. They look like the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades constellation in miniature. There are only 100 such beings in Creation. It is believed that their oversouls are also stars.

The Founders periodically come to Earth at the moments of certain planetary initiations. They travel through all dimensions of space and time, using as a means of transportation pure consciousness. Someday all evolving souls will reach such a boundless state. Although the Founders are aware of the existence of the Brotherhood of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy, they do not directly influence these groups. By the time the soul reaches twelfth density, the concept of hierarchies and levels becomes irrelevant.


The Arcturians are another group of multi-dimensional beings that have visited Earth many times since early times. There are two main groups of Arcturians.

Seventh Density Arcturians

Seventh density Arcturians are tall, bluish-skinned beings (not to be confused with the Triad), not visible to the eye third density. When I first saw them with my inner vision, they looked like a branching tree made up of energy that spread out in all directions. It seems that their height is 2.4-3 meters, and they swim in the ethers. Their ships are ethereal, in the shape of a bluish plate, like the color of the skin. They have underground bases on Earth, but due to the ethereal vibration, they are rarely seen in physical world. I visited one of the sacred places in the Southwest, located literally at the top of the entrance and exit of the spaceship. Some people living there have reported the feeling of being in a spaceship.

Tenth Density Arcturians

Tenth density Arcturians are fragments of the original archangels. Like all stellar lifeforms, they are luminous, iridescent, and very large. The most suitable physical depiction that I know of is the paintings of Herbert Williams and Aeolia.

The Arcturus system is a multi-dimensional time portal, also known as the half way staging post. The halfway staging area is a bridge between the Star Spheres (densities 7-9) and the Intermediate Spheres (densities 4-6). It provides an opportunity for acclimatization along the way through the dimensional shift. In addition to being iridescent white-and-bluish creatures that resemble luminous crystalline light bodies, the Arcturians also possess an enormous winged form.

Pegasus and the White Serpent of folklore have their origins with the Arcturians. These powerful entities have a wingspan of up to 15 m or more, as they fly through the ethers at great speed. Emissions of light from their auric fields shine like the noon Sun.

The Arcturians are very fond of humanity and are members of the Confederation. Their purpose on Earth is to balance the auric field of the planet and restore balance with the etheric fields above the planet.


Andromedans appeared in the constellation Arromeda, a system that is a separate galaxy and neighbors the Milky Way galaxy. They are tall, slender creatures with white skin, somewhat reminiscent of Zeta Seti. The main difference between them is their high growth, reaching 1.8-2.1 meters. Their eyes are also diamond-shaped, but smaller. Their heads are elongated and narrow, and resemble an inverted pear. They are very similar to the Essasani, one of the hybrid races of humans and Zeta Reticuli.

Andromedans are explorers who spotted this planet as a result of testing atomic weapons. Their desire is to help humanity prevent a nuclear catastrophe. They have the manners of a messiah and are known for interfering with people's free will in an attempt to save them from themselves.

I am not aware of any connection between the Andromedans and the governments of the Earth, although they seem to be very interested in certain minerals and rare elements of the Earth. Because they are fourth density beings, it takes them a long time to travel the distance between Earth and their home planet. Their home planet is over 1 million light years away in third dimensional terms, so they pose no threat to humanity. Their ship is cylindrical or cigar shaped and uses speed distortion systems like the Enterprise in Star Trek.


Like their native red giant star Antares, the Antaresians are a race of giants with reddish skin. They incarnated on Earth at different times. Due to the extreme gravitational and physiological differences between Earth and their planet, they rarely visited Earth in their natural form or landed directly on the planet's surface. They made contact with an underground race of beings that will be discussed later. Like themselves and everyone around them, their ships are huge spheres or cylinders, reminiscent of the ship from the movie A Space Odyssey 2001.

The Antaresians have highly developed telepathic and psychokinetic abilities, but consider Earth a danger to their mental health. Many Antaresians who have incarnated here have become trapped in third density and look to the skies for answers to long-lost questions.

Other races

In addition to those mentioned above, there are many other alien races that have incarnated or visited Earth from various star systems. Some of them rule the Earth only from other realities. Here is a short list of some of the other races:

Deneb- Member of the Solar Cross (an intergalactic organization). They provide spiritual guidance through channeling and telepathy.

Altair- Member of the Triad. They are taller than Zeta Seti.

Trantor- Head of the government of the Councils of Light of the Solar Cross.

Aldebaran- The star system, its members advise the Ashtar Command - another intergalactic group.

Alcyone- Starworld advising the Great White Brotherhood (a spiritual order that predates the mystical orders of the Illuminati before corruption).

Polaris- A twelfth density race that provides spiritual guidance through telepathy and channeling.

solar system

There are several races in our solar system in different densities. In addition to Venus and Earth, there is a fourth density subterranean race on Mars, a fifth density race on Jupiter and Saturn, a number of outposts and alternate life forms on Uranus and Neptune. Also, there is a Hall of Records on Pluto.

The asteroid belt was originally a planet destroyed by laser and nuclear weapons. Many souls who originally incarnated on this planet emigrated to Mars.

There are a number of outposts on the dark side of the moon that have been watched by the secret government and NASA, and have of course hidden this from the people.