The anniversary of death: how to remember the deceased and tradition. Mourning

The people say that a person is dying when they stop talking about him and remember people who loving him during his lifetime. Save the bright memory of the close relative - the task that needs to be understood and take regardless of the vehicles of our time and pain of loss. Love and gratitude for all the good things are difficult to convey words, and in order to correctly honor the mind of the deceased, it is necessary to figure it out for which and how they organize a comment in his honor.

When should I remember?

The traditional is considered to be a commemoration immediately after the funeral, on the ninth and 40 day, as well as on the anniversary. Believing it says that during the first nine days after the death of the soul of the deceased is in the paradise bunks, and then goes on the sky to appear before the Lord God. This date is timed to nine "angelic ranks". The commemoration on the 40 day allow the general prayer to correct the sins that the deceased managed to create for their lives. The date itself - a fortieth day, - personifies the ascension of Jesus Christ on the sky after the resurrection. The next day, when it is customary to read the memory of the deceased, the anniversary of his death is considered. On the meal on this day, only the closest people come, remembering how he lived and everything that is connected with the earthly life of which has improped. Believers Christians also celebrate the birthday and the day of the deceased angel. If relatives are configured to hold a prayer, the commemoration can be arranged as a few months later, and six months after death.

A visit to the cemetery

The first duty on the day of the commemoration is considered to visit the grave of the deceased. Make it both before the start of the meal and after it. At the grave are brought fresh flowers, decorate the grave with artificial wreaths and baskets. If the rules allow you to put a small tree. Plants at the burial site are eternal life symbols.

On days special commemorations The dead should be destroyed on the nearby territory, climb on the grave, clear the place from the garbage, remove extra weeds, paint the fence or update the cross.

To the soul of the deceased to gain peace, the Orthodox faith provides for a special rite - meals. Before it starts, those present are conducted by Chin Panhid - Lithium. If this is impossible to do this, you need to read the prayer: "Our Father", a cafium of 17 or Psalm 90.

The memorial meal involves a special serving and the presence of a special meal corresponding to orthodox traditions. It begins to bind food from the feed of the cute. Susta is made of solid grains (rice, cereals), refueling with honey and sweet raisins, as a symbol of a sweet afterlife, and also sprinkles with holy water. Mandatory element The meals are pancakes - ritual food, marking earthly ideas about by the Military World And the sun. Next, it is necessary to feed first dishes: soup, borsch or soup, since since ancient times the memorial meal was arranged with the purpose of feeding all the participants of the funeral, those who helped dig a grave, to carry the coffin, prayed for the mustache and, of course, the holy duty was considered to feed the beggars or to submit alms . It was also believed that the overall prayer during a memorial meal would facilitate the path of deceased in the kingdom of heaven. The tradition is considered to feed on the table of such dishes such as Kisel, fish (mainly herring), couch, vegetable and sausage cutting. After the end of the commemorative meal, all the cookies are distributed.

In the process of meals present it is forbidden to use alcoholic beverages. Unfortunately, many families ignore this rule, which is why unnecessary squabbles begin at the table and finding out the relationships that are not applicable to such a meaningful event.

Measurement etiquette

Even in those moments, when it is very difficult to keep yourself, it is necessary to follow the rules of etiquette. Their basis, first of all, is a worthy attitude towards the memory of the deceased person, respect for the feelings of loved ones. So, if you became a member of the funeral procession or a comment, you should not behave defiantly, laugh, it is either actively and very loud to talk. Do not swing your hands, do not jump, do not rejoice. Make yourself restrained and calmly. It is impossible to disrupt the order of the speech, which has developed, according to the generally accepted mourning etiquette.

About the dead man need to respond only with positive. Do not insult other member meals, do not conflict, do not show aggression. Do not come to commemorate without invitation. At the table, sometimes, leave one empty place for the deceased. Next to him usually put his portrait framed by black ribbon. The first memorial meals should leave the familiar deceased, colleagues, distant relatives, the most close friends and relatives are getting up from the table.

According to the rules of mourning etiquette for men, it is advisable to be a strict classic suit of a straight cut dark color. A shirt will fit as a supplement light tones And tie. It is allowed to have a neuropful and not too caller on the tie. The headdress on a man should be absent. The exception is cases when it is necessary due to a particular religion. In the hot season, it is allowed to remove the jacket. As for the representatives of military service, it is acceptable to the presence of a small form of dark color.

Women applies to be dressed in a discreet dress and with a pea closing knees. The head must be covered, removing the headdress is allowed only indoors. A veil or handkerchief may come as it. The presence of any decorations (the exception is wedding ring) In the form of earrings and chains on the commemoration, wear it is undesirable. Hair must be selected, and face - without bright cosmetics.

How to destroy guests at the table?

Regardless of where the memorial ceremony (in the banquet room or at home), guests must be disassembled, based on a certain principle. First of all, the closest relatives are sitting at the table, then the present are searched at the table on the principle of kinship. Regarding friends of the deceased, - they are sacred by seniority.

Orthodox commemoration is a complex ritual, the purpose of which is the reverence of the memory of the person who went to the world and the total prayer for his soul. Our ritual agency will help you in organizing a comment on the very high level. Do not forget that remember the dried people - our sacred debt

Mourning speech at the funeral text - the farewell words expressed in memory of the departed by his relatives and close people. They are pronounced over the grave buried from the bottom of his heart. Speaker talks about important and iconic events related to this person, his achievements, and also expresses the nature and personality of the deceased from the good side. It is desirable if he says it orally, and does not read from the leaflet.


There are many people have enough funerals and commemorations. These are mainly native and close late, but there are other - colleagues, acquaintances, friends in school and others. As a rule, pronounce first measuring words Provide the head of the family or the oldest and close to the person. In the event that it is in a strong emotional stateThis commemoration speech may say other present.

Mourning speech at the funeral example:

"My grandmother was wonderful person With difficult, but interesting fate. Her together with three younger brothers and sister her mother brought up one in the difficult post-war years. Say that they lived then poorly - it means nothing to say. Many difficulties and deprivation had to be taken out, but she never lost the optimism and the presence of the spirit, constantly helped her mother and took care of the younger family members. And later, coming out married grandfather-military, she resistantly tolerated all the services. In any circumstances, she always supported at home an exemplary order and taught all family members to him. Grandma sometimes had a strict but fair. I am glad (a), that I managed to learn from her accuracy and order, the ability to organize your life. And her famous apple pies were simply unmatched, no one had anything else! I will always remember you, my dear, my beloved grandmother! Your warmth, love and care forever will remain with us. "

If you do not know others well, then at the beginning of your speech it should be introduced and explained under what circumstances you met late. Remembering should contain words of gratitude towards the departed, reflect it positive traits. You can mention any sign moment that happened with the participation of the deceased.

Measurement words for 40 days:

"I'll see for those who do not know me: My name is (name). We worked together with (the name of the late) for the last few years, and I would like to say a few words in memory of him. He was a real professional of his business, a specialist with a capital letter. Many of our colleagues, young and not only, learned from him as mastery and often used his advice and help. He was very patient and responsive, could always listen to everyone who appealed to him for their support, to advise something, to help, did not refuse to help anyone. He could greatly raise the mood to everyone who was sorry, confused, or depressed. Told by countless funny stories, toasts, jokes and jokes could cheer anyone. We all will be very missing him on our dining sites and corporate countries, where he invariably shone at the table, raising our martial spirit. There is no more such person in our team. And maybe there will be no longer in my memory. We all will be very missing him. It will remain in my memory and memory of all of our colleagues until the end of life as a sample of persistence, sparkling cheerfulness, activity and professionalism! Divide with the world, dear colleague! "

It is desirable if you prepare words in advance on the commemoration and memorize them. Since competently formulated text will sound well and perceived by others. And lethargy, boring speech with stuffing may regard as disrespect for the late and his relatives. If you are afraid that you will forget words, you can take a leaf with a sample of mourning speech. It is necessary to pronounce words clearly and slowly. It is necessary to say confidently and so that you hear others, but not very loud.

Speech on commemoration examples

Memorial words on the anniversary of death (from colleagues):

"Friends! The late twenty years honestly worked at the enterprise (call). We all knew him as a decent, honest and modest person. Appreciated by skillful hands and reliable character. We will not have enough of him to many invisible, but indispensable contribution to work! The bright memory of him will remain in our hearts! "

Picks on the commemoration of 1 year (from friends):

"Friends left in another world the best of us. We are all deeply mourn. Souls are our bleeding from untimely loss. The deceased was all the support for us. He first came to the rescue, did not wait for requests or complaints. His kind heart and wide soul Always twisted. He was a clear light and conductor in the complex and dangerous world For all of us, his friends! Let him be resting with the world of the soul of this magnificent man! We will always remember him with a feeling of light sadness, mixed with a towing longing! "

Measurement on 40 days (from relatives):

"All my life, our father was a worthy example of not only his children, but also around. He demonstrated a wise understanding in everyday life true values, kindness and devotion. Anyone leaving him with an enlightened soul. And we, to our children, the father departed the love of people, a high sense of responsibility and devotion to the Motherland. I consider it unfairly early. Eternal to him, bright memory! "

"Our grandfather was very kind and a good man. His path was long and difficult. All the difficulties that have fallen at the country, he perceived as his own. He worked and raised children, without complaining about the lack of good, lack of food or amenities. He raised the children, was supporting grandchildren. We all will be very lacking for this magnificent person. Bright memory! "

The words of condolences express not only during the funeral, but in the days of the mercy of the deceased. They talk on the commemoration of 40 days, a year later from the day of death, as well as during the parent Saturdays and other Orthodox holidays. Clean speeches can be used in the cemetery, and during memorial lunches.

What do they say on the commemoration? At this event, everyone remembers all the dried relatives and friends. They remember what they were in life than were fond of what they loved. The words of condolences are pronounced, bright memory of the deceased is revered. It is forbidden to talk about the deceased anything bad, remember the long-standing offense. Or well, or nothing - the people's saying says.

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Memorial poems

In addition to mourning speech, condolences can be expressed by verses or toast. These options are most suitable for compensation than for the funeral themselves. For example, remembering poems on the anniversary of death are read. They can be written their own or taken ready. If you do not have the opportunity to personally attend the commemoration, you can express condolences to the messenger poems in the newspaper.

Two tears drunk in flowers,
In two big pink roses!
From my exhausted soul,
Roll out hopeless tears!
See my wet eyes
What they don't believe at all
What you will never change
The fact that pain and tears are measured!
Knocking stubbornly my heart
And desperately does not want to know
That your favorite eye is no longer see
And native no longer hug !!!

You were always an example,
As a person with a pure soul.
And the memory of you alive
In the hearts and souls of your loved ones.

People close to us leave.
Do not realize that - forever,
Do not exhaust the whole pain separation,
And beats typical - never.

I will not see them, we will not hear
We will not ask, let's not talk,
Though, as before, they breathe,
They love them, wait, bastvine.

Ridiculous, strange, impossible,
What came again dawn,
Call, shouty Ile crying is treated
And there are no more close.

We do not understand and not comprehend
Do not survive, do not overcome
What is the life of the chariot,
As it was before, exactly in-point.

Shines the sun and so the air is fresh,
What days are standing, but very sad.
Gone beautiful hope from hopes
And again on the heart is sorely and empty.
Already half a year as in the apartment silence,
Everything is yours and hard to believe it.
I drank burning bow to the bottom,
But still it is impossible to measure it.
So I want to come to you again,
Kiss and just be with you.
Hopefully confront in the fight,
With illness and negligence arguing.
The farther, the immense depth
That abyss that rose between us
How are you now, as in childhood, I need,
But it is impossible to pour with tears.
I'm strong, you know, I can,
After all, so much we survived you.
I am before you forever in debt,
You are eternal particle in my world.
I will bring you flowers and stand
And the heart will touch its wound.
And you feel like I love you
My favorite, the only mother.

Memorial poems for 1 year:
You left life too early
Our pain does not express words.
Sleep, native, you are our pain and wound,
The memory of you is always alive.

We come here
To put flowers,
Very difficult, native,
Without you live.

Great grief do not measure
I do not help with tears.
You are not with us, but forever
In the hearts you will not die.

Where all the dreams leave,
And why they have no refund,
How pain we are experiencing
After all, they were happy once.
How waking up every day
Understand that this is all reality,
How hurts to remember that day
When everything in life has changed.

Without you my soul is anxious,
Do not need girlfriends and friends.
Why with no millions possible?
Why it is impossible without one?

I do not shake you in the crib
I come again to the cold fence
I will correct fallen wreath
And sleep, cute son ...

They usually leave not passing goodbye
Without whispeting its last words
Perhaps in the distant path is not intended,
In that far road, Gree and Dreams.
Yesterday they smiled sweetly
Their eyes emitted bright light,
And as always, waiting for us to visit us,
Dreamed to give their friendly advice.
They like all of us, really wanted to live
And every moment, they brought joy,
All that they wanted to do did not have time,
They still had so much strength.
In some moment, everything broke out,
Someone has specified more than them
The soul in confusion has noticed
What did not have time to say and a few words.
Let them not with us, we love them,
And remember joyful days
And our heart will never forget them,
As if somewhat next to them.

We are sad and sad
And there is no feeling of others.
Mother all parents,
Mother all your relatives!

Mother all the departed,
In the flourishing of their years
Brothers, sisters of the dead,
Familiar and strangers!

They once lived
And pleased us
Laughed and loved
Care about us.

For a long time or recently
There are no more of them,
And the grave is thrifty
We bring a bouquet!

In a fast-goal of time
Do not remember other things
But you are native for us
More than alive!

We ask you, Lord,
About the grace of one
Forgive them sins, Lord,
Their souls rest!
Environment loving - agree
Medium Lonely Flour
Among the deceived love
And the average of the dead - memory and separation

Death helped you dear without refund
And brought out of being.
So dissolved in the quiet exhaust of Nabath
Lost "in Russian" your life.
And all that in the heart was before - the fury,
Dreams, hopes, faith and love -
In space space, invisibly suddenly broke out,
But, maybe revived in someone again.
And the graves of tetvolnny birch
When the moon is silent in the night,
To the clear dawn of the earth drops dew tears,
What the mother's eye did not expire to the bottom.

Your watch stopped. How did you not want to leave !!!
But the heart stopped fighting, and we will not be returned,
You survived myself a lot in my life,
War and hunger, but you survived everything.
Your clock goes in your friends, everyone loved you! You have always been lucky!
Giving life for hours of your relatives, you poured your breath in them.
You lubricated the hearts from them, and facilitated the clock of suffering.
But you could not help themselves, and smear the heart is useless.
I did not win in this struggle, I gave all myself, I gave everything free.
We gave you the warmth of our hearts, and we were always with you,
Native our grandfather, cooler, father and father-in-law
You were so afraid to be alone, you were so afraid to be with myself.
But the Black Karga came to you, waving obliquely, got along the heart.
The clock was stopped, but the soul
It remained with us, we are always with you, we are together.
February, frost, trees without foliage, and without you we have not learned to live.
You wanted to be with us, but alas
Your watches stopped ...

Measured toasts

Measurement toasts on the commemoration are called at the table. They do not need to specify the identity of the deceased. You can express a general condolence to all the departed:

The grandfather was sitting in heaven and cried bitterly. A boy approached him and asked why he flashes. The old man answered him:
- There is a custom on Earth - drinking our shower. And then we are always fed and with a full waters. We are glad that children remember about us. And now I have an empty jar and therefore I am sad.
So let's drink for those who are not with us!

Friends, today is a sorrow day. There was a time when we had fun and rejoiced from us. But today we drink this cup of grief themselves, spending a person close to us in the last path. Not everyone in the world has encouraged by Assumption, like the Mother of God and other holy people. But we will keep in our hearts a good memory of our friend, having hope for the Sunday and a new meeting in a new place. Let's drink for it to the bottom of the wine sorrows!

In the wolf flock sustainable, without leaving the will, the leader died. Wolves declared Skhodnyak to choose a new leader. Three days they argued and gnawed, because everyone was afraid that a new leader would take revenge to those who voted against him. When Ohriuple from the scream, the old wise wolf rose and said:
- Let's choose someone from our flock to be an impartial leader.
Everyone agreed and asked who. Then the old wise wolf offered to choose a goat in the leaders. Wolves and began to indignant:
- Only goals we still lacked!
But the old wise wolf explained:
"Although he and a goat, he has one advantage: if he starts to repair chaos, it will always be possible to screw it.
Wolves with laughter agreed and called the goat. When they led the goat trembling from fear, he was told:
- Listen carefully! We will choose you to your leader if you walked goat.
The goat was even more frightened and answered:
- I am a goat. But I repent from my goat past. I swear that I will never be a goat again.
Wolves are approvingly awesome and devoted a goat into their leaders.
"Now you are our leader," said the old wise wolf. - You can order us all that you want, and we will obey. Our fate in your hands.
All the wolves, pursing the tails, said the apprusively and asked the goat to say. The goat quickly jumped on the rock, put her legs wide wider, waved his beard, put the horns, rushed her silent flock with a slow eyes and sternly swayed:
- Well, some of us goat?
So in the same way of our glorious leaders!

Also, the toasts on the commemoration can be expressed in poetic form:

Bright memory left from us
Let's drink for this we are with you now.
Let in the hearts of our as if granite,
The memory of the closest youth kept.
Let all the good, what was with them,
Does not bury raw grave.
How many memory will be stored
So much and they will live with us.

Memorial notes

It is possible to honor the departed memory and using memorial notes. In the churches there is a special table where there is a memorial note sample for which you can write it. At the very top, the leaf is put a cross and marked "about rest." Then they write full names The deceased in the parental case and in church spelling (for example, Ivan - John), neatly and picking up. Usually they are written about ten - fifteen names. And everyone who is written there must be baptized in the Orthodox Church.

In addition to the names in the note, it is indicated as deceased: the new-added - the deceased for forty days after death or confused (worthy permanent memories) - the deceased, which has a memorable date on this day.

Going to the funeral or commemoration it is important to remember the etiquette. It is necessary to behave delicately and tactfully. It is worth preparing the words of condolences that can be expressed by mourning speech, remembered poems or toasts. Relevant and competent performance will be assessed with gratitude to relatives and closest late.

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Death Day is considered the first day, that is, the day in which a person died, and will be considered a day of his memory and in a year, and after 10, and after 20 years. On this day, the church needs to be visited, to pray for the deceased, and after the service is completed, ask the priest so that he serves memoirs.

First of all, it is necessary to pray for the deceased, and only then to protect the commemorative meal, which is not so important, although not excess.

For the deceased, it is always necessary to pray, but especially in the days of their memory. By church tradition Days of mind of the departed - a birthday and the day of death, it is customary to celebrate annually. On the day of memory, it is necessary and to pray for the divine liturgia on the rest of the deceased, serve the memorialist on him, and then you can send a memorial meal.

When to celebrate the anniversary of death?

The anniversary of death is better to celebrate in due time, however, in the life of each person there may be many reasons why you have to transfer the date of the memorial day. In such cases, it is possible to transfer a memorial day, however, it is necessary to honor the day of death by visiting the temple, serve the Panhid and send the smallest remembrance of the closest people.

In the days of large church holidays It is not customary to remember the departed, since nothing mournful mournful should be disturbed from such holidays. Therefore, the day of the commemoration is usually transferred to another close day after the day of the festive. And if the goodines come to Easter, they are carried out after the end of the bright week.

In a number of tragic cases, the day of death has to establish conditionally, which is very disturbing the closest people. However, the church advises not to attach too much dates. There is nothing terrible in establishing the conditional point of reference, because unknown, for example, the exact date of death of the set of saints, and how much there is a missing that did not find.

The debt of living in Christian beliefs is to pray for the deceased (and it is necessary to do this not only in the days of remembered, but also in ordinary), about the forgiveness of his sins are also called upon to ask for church ServicesAnd then there is an opportunity to change his passage of the fate of even grave limits.

On the anniversary of death, people close to the deceased people pray for him, thus, expressing faith in the fact that the day of death is not a day of destruction, but the new birth of the deceased for eternal life, the day of the transition of the immortal human soul In completely different conditions, where earthly sorrow, disease and adversity are missing.

And also, the days of the commemoration need to meet and accompany, only in a state good location Spirit, no one's offense, and even more so on a deceased person. In the memorial days, it is also accepted to hand out to the needy to people, to remember the deceased for the meal, as well as sacrifice monasteries to pray on the rest of the soul of the deceased.

Each person comes to this world to fulfill its destination. But the time comes when you have to leave the earthly world and go to eternity. Gives life, he picks it up. In Orthodoxy, there are major customs and traditions, how to remember the deceased in the anniversary of death.

Commemoration. History of rite

Such a ritual, as a commemoration, is carried out by their deceased people. It arose for a long time on the basis of Christianity. And combined several rites from several religions. Nevertheless, this rite can only be carried out with those who were baptized. The church does not pray for those who have deprived themselves of life, unresolved and people of another religion.

Orthodox spend a comment 3 times: on 3, 9 and 40th day after death. The basis of this ritual is as follows:

  1. Native or acquaintances prepare a commemorative table.
  2. All who knew the deceased can come and take place at the table.
  3. Eat and remember the deceased good words, tell interesting cases From his life.
  4. The remaining food is distributed to all guests so that they still think about the mounted.

40 days after the death of the soul is in search of and ignorant. The first 3 days she visits all native and familiar places, being close to those who were close to life. Until the 9th day, meets places that are called paradise. And until the 40th day sees the suffering of people who are in hell.

On the 40th day of God, the court makes a verdict, where it is to find peace of man's soul. The beginning of this eternal life is the anniversary of death.

The most expensive people are invited to the anniversary. They try to call those whom I would like to see the deadone in life. Preparation for meals begins in advance.

How to make a memorial meal

First of all, it is necessary to determine what day the anniversary of death falls. If this is a day of fasting, you need to prepare fast meals. If a regular day, you can enable those kushans in the menu that the dead man loved. It is forbidden to put any alcoholic beverages on the table.

Be sure to cook the bun and consecrate it in the church. As a rule, Orthodox prepare it from rice or wheat with raisins.

Much attention is paid to the table serving. Everything should be modestly, the plugs on the table on the day of remembering are not put. At the table plant even number Guests, the same put appliances.

But the main point is reading prayers and good words about the deceased. You need to light a candle or lamp, put a photo in a mourning frame.

For the deceased, a glass with water is put on the table, which is covered with a piece of bread, there are spoon and a small cup with salt.

A visit to the cemetery

Before sitting at the table, you need to visit the grave of the deceased. If for some reason on the day avenue can not be made, you can come to the cemetery on another day. Just be sure to come to the burial site before noon.

It should be captured with a candle that you need to put and light in a special cup. Not unnecessary flowers: living or artificial, depending on the time of year. For pagan rites, many people bring food with them, leave candy on the grave or what the deceased: apples, cigarettes, pies.

True believers commemorate the deceased only with prayers and the laying of living colors.

Christian faith believes that you can only honor with prayers. In this case, even the most severe sins can forgive. Therefore, in the church you need to order a pahi. You can also order a fortyst about the mustache, which will be pronounced within 40 days, 6 months or a complete year.

Be sure to put a candle with the soul. At the grave, you can invite a priest who will read Akafest and make lithium.

Do you remember the deceased on his birthday?

In some families, it is customary to remember the deceased day when he had a birthday. Is it correct? According to the old beliefs, the birthday of the deceased ceased to have some sense, since now the date of death is the date of birth of a new life. Therefore, our ancestors did not remember this day and did not go to the cemetery.

The priests believe that it is possible to remember anytime, including on the day of his birth on Earth. Only this commemoration should occur in prayers and thoughts about the dead.

How to remember the deceased in the anniversary of death, if he voluntarily left his life or was unresolved? The answer can be found in the message of the Apostle Paul to Colossians, who says that everything is equal for God. Therefore, regardless of how a person died, it takes it to the anniversary at least close to people. After all, only prayers will help him to cleanse the sins of worldly life.

Commemoration for 1 year after death

Consider the number-based (numerical) event method that is associated with the departure human beings From life, i.e. Death state. Stay in the invisible world takes for a while, which on the conventional language of earthlings of the visible world is designated in forty days. This number 40 has become an important iconic number for us, we attribute it to the soul of a person who continues their being in another reality.

Pay attention to the actions made by us in memory of the departed people, friends, familiar, called - commemoration.

What we do.

Returning from the cemetery (or from the crematorium), we are going together to honor the memory of the deceased person on this day.

These are the first commemoration.

For the ninth day we are going for the second time and this is the second commemoration.

Third commemoration - comes on a fortieth day.

Taking advantage of the company (method of cognition), let us try to explain the correctness of our actions during the death of a person who is familiar to us, familiar or any other.

Level exercise is a science explaining the meaning of the events. It indicates accuracy, revealing errors, delusion (what is happening from ignorance) in something. This accuracy allows you to correctly make any actions agreed with nature so as not to shy away from harmony.


Death is the state of the transition (from life to another state of being), which occupies a certain period of time. By the method of analogy, we can find a similarity of death in our lives. The time of death will have to the night of the day when "dies" the past day (morning, day, and evening - trinity). The night for us will be the time of the transition, and sleep - death.

Morning we can take for the beginning of our lives, if we consider it so much; The day is our whole life to old age, and the evening is our old age and the completion of life. Night is our death and leaving life.

Numbered in order of a part of the day, we get: 1 - Morning, 2 - Day, 3 - Evening, 4 - Night. The number 4 will be transitional: from one day to another, and hence, from one life to another.

Our dreams that are a symbol of death will be "commemorations" for us, because Most often, events of earthly life are remembered in dreams, and this morning, day and evening. These commemoration are committed in a state of transition from one day to others than the night.

The transition received our character - this is a number 4. Thus, what precedes the transition, i.e. Old age, end, evening - will be symbolic of 3.

The deceased person passes his mortal path in the invisible to us, but not for him, the world is also from 1 to 4. And there is the beginning of the path, as if the morning, the continuation of the way is the day and completion of him - the evening. Next, the transition is the night.

About human body.

In such "night-transitions" we can remember people who have left our lives.

In order to understand: that by them represent these periods, you need to know the device of the human being. In this world, where we live, we have a body that everyone can see. But it is only qualityReflecting invisible quantity. it quantity - There are invisible three bodies: Essential - Life body, astral - sensitive body and mental - thought body. Together with the physical visible body, all bodies make up one human being. (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 \u003d 10, a 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1 - unit).

With the end of life (and the end is the number 3) the dead begins to say goodbye to his body of the flesh, which has four bodies: three invisible quantitative And one visible quality (Begins to "say goodbye" with each body in turn).

The first body that leaves the deceased is physical qualitatively- visible body. Because it qualityit is not divided into parts and is not measured separately. Living parts of the day (morning, day and evening), the body remains one, but the fourth on the score, and three are considered quantitative The bodies of the invisible world.

The same night, being a fourth part - one for dreams, where everything is alternately: both morning, and day, and evening.

This means: that three bodies are three units (1 1 1), which are displayed in the fourth with their trinity. In order to present it, it is necessary to imagine a triangle (semi square), which is reflected in exactly the same triangle, while we already get a new quality in the form of a square, and not two triangles.

The number four - 4 differs from the number three - 3 of one unit, which is added as "unity" of two triangles. (Two triangles, connected - this is a square, or a quadril at various corners of triangles.)

At the time of death, the deceased, leaving the body, loses first quality The physical body (square) and functions (triangle, which reflected another triangle). Life begins without a body, but it is already short-lived, because without body visible quality Can't exist quantitative Body (consisting of three). This life is determined by the number 3, because The triplicity of things of the world is the basis, the first-turn of the whole life (the triangle is the first closed figure after the line and the angle, which are considered to be numbers 1 and 2).

In the feeding partnership, all components of something considered are connected by the "plus" sign (+), and the function of parts (action, work, force ...), which produces any result is a "multiplication" sign (x). These signs will have to take advantage to explain what happens after the deceased leaves the physical body.

What's happening.

Once at the Essential World - the first in the account, the person begins to perceive the world with etheric eyesight. Unlike quality physical body where vision is not qualitative, but changing the opposite - quantitative, alternate, this body gives an advantage quality Perceptions: the whole life is here "on the palm", i.e. Looking through entirely. On the ground, she was lived in time, where the events replaced one other (in parts).

For earthly time, this happens three days (three days). At the fourth day (night-transition), the deceased leaves the first essential body, remaining in the body of the second - astral. In this section, there is a sensual perception (shame, pride, torment, conscience, joy, admiration, grief, calm, etc. - all this arises from contemplation of the previously lifestyle; it is like a court, where they are noted in the difference of good and bad deeds ). This perception occurs nine days (as 3 x 3, i.e. twice the triple, because the world and body are the second on the score).

What we do not, but then: how to do.

Thus, the commemoration of the deceased we can take the first time on the day of the funeral, i.e. On the fourth day (4 - transition).

For the second time we will already add (+) stay in two worlds (the first ether - 3 days and the second astral - 9 days), while receiving the time of the second astral death, i.e. 3 + 9 \u003d 12 (12 \u003d 1 + 2 \u003d 3). And not on the ninth day of death physical body, and (in nine) - already on the thirteenth, we can remember the past man, because Limit of life astral Body - it is 12 days (3 + 9), and the transition will occur in the next earthly time, i.e. For the day of the fourth (13 \u003d 1 + 3 \u003d 4).

The third body still remains to live, and this life takes the time of three triples (3 x 3 x 3) of three worlds, i.e. Twenty seven days (27).

A man at this time understands the mental body (body of thought), everything related to life on earth. Understands what he was generally embodied, and disappointed, if he did not remember his cosmic task, lived life only satisfying his body (sex, money, food, work, the upbringing of other people or children), without working on his own soul.

The time of staying in the world of the mental, third - 27 days, and in the amount with other worlds (the addition of parts - the sign "+") is obtained by the number 39 \u003d 3 + 9 + 27 (and the number 39 is 3 + 9 \u003d 12 \u003d 3). And on the next earthly day there will be a transition to another reality, where the soul of a man, freed from four bodies. This is the Third Four - Day of Socialist (40).

After writing in one line the way of the departed by day of transitions, we will get:

(3) + (3 x 3) + (3 x 3 x 3) \u003d 3 + 9 + 27 \u003d 39,

or 3 + 3 (in a square) + 3 (in Cuba) \u003d 39,

a, adding quality -1 (unity), we obtain the number 40 as the total number of death process.

Thus, in the memorial days, the fourths are taken - 4. But our ignorance leads to distortions of the "spoiled phone" type, and we fall into "not accuracy", which is characteristic of our life (and the accuracy gives knowledge of the feeding!), And when "Not accuracy" the time of the aplex will move (which happens) from the thirteenth day (13 \u003d 4) to the ninth. So, we remember as if alive, and not dead, commit the actions of the previous day.

Number 13.

However, it reached our time "transition" number 4 in the form of three fourths together with a unit, their unity: 4 - the fourth day of the commemoration, 4 - the thirteenth day of commemoration and 4 - fortieth day, i.e. 4 + 4 + 4 \u003d 12 + 1 \u003d 13. Number 13 is not accidental for us. It remained in our memory (no longer from a spoiled phone) from ancient times when knowledge about the secret and invisible world was open to people.

But the number 13 (4) is transient not only in death, but also in birth. Forty (4) weeks - and a person is born into the visible world, therefore the number 13 is double inherently (it is important to the direction of the way: to visible to peaceor to invisible).

How to know the born to a person that not only is the number 13, and other numbers that "live" with us are? Who wondered about questions "why" and "how" something happens? Many take the world in the form of a question "What is it?" And they receive only the name of things and phenomena, it seems like familiarity with what will have to live with.

(Information on number 13 can be read on the forum page of this site:

Looking at this circle of the Universum, you can understand about the days of the transition, this is every fourth circle:

If we want to find a satellite of life, then we only know only his name. It is important for us by its manifestation, i.e. The manner of his behavior, properties inherent in the soul, which through the body is only reflected. We are more important than the soul, because The body is beautiful, but the behavior resembles moral deformity. The body can only sympathize to us (to be enjoyable for eyes - vision), but we love for the inner quality, which is expressed by the number of iconic expressions through the body, (manners move - gait, gesture, the expression of thought, the manner of talking - all that is personal advantage Human, his soul qualities - all this signs, reflecting it).

Commemoration for 1 year after death

The compensation is the embodiment of a living idea, which we only know the name - ritual. Repeating senseless actions responsible for the question "What" (must be done after the death of a person), we look like a robot, for some thoughtless being.

We repeat in many things for those who were born before us, because I do not ask questions: "How" (right) and "why" (need to do anything that could be issued "What is before us?"). We are thoughtlessly, and then ask "why do we dream of the dead?" What we receive an answer in the form of a council: "Put the candle!" So, with the help of a dream and the deceased, the question of why "why" is born in us. You can already understand it as a sign on the absence communicationbecause Memory is the connection of times: what is gone in the past and took close manAnd what comes from the future, which we, living today, perceive the present.

Ritual winning.

Comment as an event have their own inner lifebecause What we do is an external manifestation (ritual). But the manifestation can be perfect (good) and imperfect (bad). And if we do their actions in the name of memory, it is advisable to achieve the effect in what will happen commonwealth With the deceased, which is either visited by us in your further path (with the number 4), or is not accompanied (with the number 3).

In the meantime it turns out: we came to accompany the person's station, the train of which will be tomorrow. There is no man near the train, but we blindly commit a ritual of conception. And tomorrow he will go one ... without giving up during, he will be saddened by our absence. This sadness can unconsciously (in the earth's world and tele) feel the soul of living people (although in their world it feels consciously). But do we have organs to see something inner and hear it if we are blind and deaf? We are those who can be said - "not having an eye to see", and "not having the ears to hear." We need a healer so that we get an epitome in many things.

New topic.

Personally, for me, the feeder was such a healer, because This is the science of the integrity of the world, about him, not divided into part, nature.

It should always be remembered that the ultimate goal (integrity) of our life is death. But death is not the end (not number 3).

Death is a transition (number 4), but where is the transition?

The methodology method will allow you to answer this question, but it will new topic. In it, I will try to illuminate the path in which our further existence will continue, associated with a number 5, because Fourth commemorations we celebrate a year later, and year equal to the number 365, as the number of total consecutive days. This number indicates number 5, as the sum 365 \u003d 3 + 6 + 5 \u003d 14 \u003d 1 + 4 \u003d 5.

Commemoration as a word (the sum of the sequence numbers of the letters of the alphabet) indicate the number 4, because P 17 + O 16 + M 14 + and 10 + H 15 + to 12 + and 10 in the end give sum \u003d 94, and this is 9 + 4 \u003d 13, or 1 + 3 \u003d 4