Why dream about beautiful earrings on the ears. Why Golden Earrings Dream

Earrings - typical female symbol in a dream, and paired, therefore, like many other paired symbols, belong to the sphere of eroticism and seduction.
Earrings can portend meetings and dates, acquaintances and flirting, but they can also reflect the need for all of the above - what earrings dream about. A need usually means considering and admiring earrings in a dream, and trying on or wearing earrings in a dream book is a sign of specific meetings and contacts.

The most interesting and promising acquaintances in terms of love are foreshadowed by gold earrings.

As the dream book says, gold earrings always warn us about something. It all depends on the circumstances of the dream. In a dream, to see gold earrings, but not to touch them, means to miss some opportunity.

Trying on earrings, putting them on your ears, or putting them on, means that one of your cherished desires... It is more likely that it is from the material world. You buy or you will be presented with something that you have long wanted to have.

According to the dream book, earrings in the ears are a symbol of a calm and stable future. Your financial, psychological, energetic state will not be subject to any trials and fluctuations. At least the next six months.

Remember what earrings you dreamed about:

  • Earrings with rubies and other vibrant red stones indicate the fervor of the senses.
  • Earrings with diamonds - indicate the financial viability of the gentleman. A man can be a generous lover or patron.
  • Earrings in a dream with pearls - to tears. That is, a relationship with such a boyfriend will bring grief.
  • Earrings that are too long or too heavy predict that acquaintance will not be pleasant, and the connection can be depressing.
  • Earrings with stones from a dream book can promise unexpected help from an influential person. The more expensive and larger the stones, the more essential the help will be. But remember, this is a one-time occurrence. You shouldn't count on constant support.
  • Silver earrings dream of sadness. Someone you have pinned your hopes on will greatly upset you with their deed. Perhaps to tears. But this will not affect your loved ones in any way. Rather, it will be a question of a person who has courted you for a long time, and you were supportive of him, this is what the dream book says.
  • If you dream of simple jewelry earrings, concentrate on the details of your dream. The larger and brighter the product, the more empty hassle you have to do.

But what else does the dream book predict? Lose gold earring, means not only not noticing great opportunities, but also losing what they have been striving for for a long time and persistently. It can be an important assignment at work that can become one of the rungs of the career ladder. Or the attention of someone you love.

Losing one of the earrings in a dream and regretting it can also be a herald of a quarrel with someone who was cute. Broken earrings also portend quarrels with lovers and sweethearts that can end in parting.

Receive earrings as a gift - the donated dream book earrings symbolize a proposal, the nature of which can be judged by the quality and appearance decorations. Precious earrings made of precious metals and stones can be interpreted as a declaration of love. The nobility of metals and stones in this case means the prospects of acquaintances and relationships, the seriousness of the intentions of gentlemen and partners. If the earrings turn out to be fake, then they symbolize empty promises and insincere confessions.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, finding gold earrings in a dream is a sign that a whole rain of new opportunities will soon pour on you. This will primarily concern the financial sphere of life. Perhaps you will have a new one high paying job or you start your own successful business.

Finding a lost earring in a dream means regaining lost hope. Something that you have given up on for a long time will suddenly remind you of itself. Most likely, this will concern your personal life and the people around you.

To receive earrings as a gift from a dream book means that you are expected to have a profit from an unexpected side for you. It will really be a gift of fate. One that you could not dream of.

As the dream book interprets, buying earrings means exchanging important information with someone, which will later be very useful to you. Perhaps at first you yourself will not understand all its importance. But at a certain point, evaluate how timely it was.

If earrings were stolen in a dream, someone close to you may get sick, or you yourself. The cause of the ailment lies in the leakage of your energetic power. Do not be nervous in vain, take care of yourself, and everything will be fine.

Dream interpretation on a different topic:

Earrings are a paired symbol. Why do earrings dream? What he sees promises good news, a proposal concerning new job or a profitable marriage. What events await the dreamer if he found, lost or bought jewelry - detailed description in our article.

Interpretation in popular dream books

It is considered a good sign for a woman to see gold earrings in her ears in a dream. But for a man, a dream with earrings does not promise anything good.

Loss or breakage of jewelry will be a harbinger of trouble.

  • Miller's interpretation. Seen earrings promise good news or an offer of an interesting job. Broken jewelry warns of gossip and bad rumors - in reality, you should be careful.
  • According to Freud's dream book, the earrings with fake stones seen in a dream mean dubious love affairs, which you will later have to regret. Earrings are dreaming in their ears - a romantic acquaintance awaits the dreamer. The loss of an earring for a man portends a fiasco in intimate life. Seeing many different decorations is a sign that the sleeping person is having a promiscuous sex life.
  • According to the numerological dream book of Pythagoras, the identical earrings seen to a woman promise the fulfillment of a desire in 2 weeks, unpaired jewelry - the desired will come true in 2 months. If the earring is lost, then the dream will come true in 47 days. According to the same dream book, for a man to put on earrings means that in 11 days he will have troubles at work or parting with his wife.

Seeing breakage or loss in a dream

Breakage, loss of jewelry is a nuisance not only in a dream, but also in reality. You should be attentive to your surroundings and events.

Did you happen to lose an earring in a dream?

For a girl or woman, this vision means:

  • a quarrel with a lover;
  • separation from a spouse;
  • the onset of an unfavorable period, difficulties in everyday life;
  • a missed opportunity to get something long desired.

The dreamer who lost and later found an earring in real life get a chance to fix a confusing situation.

The loss of expensive jewelry promises financial problems, difficulties in business. This is a hint for those who are planning to conclude a serious deal, make a major purchase. You must be extremely careful with the documents.

And vice versa, finding earrings in a dream - to increased profits, business success.

For a man, to see how his wife lost her earring is a sign that she needs to pay more attention, otherwise she will be taken away. For a married woman, an earring found in a dream promises a connection on the side.

Broken earring warns:

  • about ill-wishers spreading gossip;
  • the need to pay attention to the health of children, elderly parents;
  • about the coming test;
  • about an upcoming difficult conversation with an important person;
  • the importance of taking care of your own health.

A broken earring can mean disappointment in close person, a quarrel with a lover, which may end in parting. To break the earring yourself - to an early test, when the dreamer's words in reality will be used against him.

Fitting, buying earrings

A favorable dream is in which a person buys, measures or receives gold earrings as a gift. This means that there will be an opportunity to realize what was conceived, or the sleeping person will actually receive an unexpected gift.

For a girl, a dream promises marriage with a wealthy man. To the woman whom the man presented in a dream as a gift Jewelry, portends the betrayal of her husband. To receive diamond earrings as a gift is fortunate or great luck.

Trying on pendants and earrings promises:

  • fulfillment of material desire;
  • new love, sincere feelings;
  • obtaining useful information;
  • long relationship with a lover.

Wearing earrings:

  • good news about the job;
  • a difficult period in a relationship with a partner;
  • satisfaction in sexual life;
  • for married people - improving and strengthening relationships;
  • for a man - gossip, reduced profits, problems in love.

Buying jewelry:

  • someone buys - you should beware of any adventures in the personal and financial sphere;
  • buying yourself is a romantic adventure;
  • a truce after a trifling quarrel;
  • exchange of important and useful information;
  • in reality - to a large acquisition.

Buying earrings can mean a major festive event, a party at the dreamer's house. It is necessary to prepare in advance for meeting guests.

What does silver or gold jewelry mean?

It matters what metal and with what inserts the dreamed earrings were.

A woman in a position dreams of gold earrings for the birth of a boy, silver earrings for the birth of a girl. Availability precious stones in them says that the child will be lucky.

Gold products are most often interpreted as a symbol of material wealth, financial success and prosperity. Silver jewelry in a dream means the emotional experiences of the sleeping person, his creative potential, excitement and impulses associated with this area of ​​life. A cheap counterfeit for gold or silver is a direct indication of deception and betrayal, ill-wishers and swindlers who will try to dishonestly get something from the sleeper.

What does it mean if you dreamed about earrings with stones:

  • with pearls - without poor life;
  • with a ruby ​​- passionate and ardent love;
  • with a diamond - the appearance of a rich lover, marriage with a rich but stingy person, career success;
  • with a black diamond - to unrequited, unhappy love;
  • with topaz - new interesting acquaintances;
  • with an emerald - to win the lottery, inheritance.

Ordinary jewelry in the ears dreams of empty chores. It is advisable to remember the details of the dream, which can serve as a hint.

I dreamed about earrings in my ears

For a girl, a dream with earrings in her ears means a quick wedding. To see jewelry in the ears of another female person is to gossip that will negatively affect the reputation. To see one gold earring in the ear of a loved one is to deception.

A man with earrings in his ears seen in a dream promises troubles and quarrels in the family, which will end in a break. This may also indicate that a friend or acquaintance will not keep his promise.

Beaded jewelry suggests that the dreamer will doom himself to long sadness.

Silver earrings - to offer a long and sincere friendship.

For a man to see new earrings in his wife's ears in a dream is a sign of treason.

Seeing beautiful large earrings in your ears is a promise of a bright streak in life, success in work and well-being in the family.

Dreams about jewelry in the ears pay attention to this organ, inform the sleeping person that he should listen to others, listen to conversations so as not to miss important information for himself.

Depending on the day of the week

Deciphering the meanings of dreams about earrings according to the days of the week:

  • from Wednesday to Thursday - chores around the house associated with the arrival of guests;
  • from Thursday to Friday, any dream is interpreted positively, especially relating to the personal and intimate sphere;
  • from Tuesday to Wednesday or on the night from Friday to Saturday - an earring broken through negligence warns of gossip that can harm;
  • from Saturday to Sunday - what you see will come true within 24 hours;
  • from Sunday to Monday - do not attach importance to what you see, dreams do not come true.

Sometimes dreams seen on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday can be contradictory and incomprehensible, most often they do not come true.

Dreaming is an opportunity for a person to receive clues that will help better deal with current issues. Negative visions do not predict trouble, they only warn that you should be more careful. Positive dreams also do not always predict, but more often show that a person has a chance to achieve a set goal.

Interpretation of a dream about earrings in various dream books quite diverse. The appearance of earrings in a dream can promise an interesting job or a manifestation of someone's sympathy and the beginning of a love relationship, or it can symbolize the fate of a daughter. What earrings dream about in a pair may be mutual love in life, or it may be a good business proposal if you are a man and in a dream you held a pair of jewelry in your palm. For a married or pregnant woman, dreaming about earrings can predict the imminent birth of a girl.

A dream with many earrings reflects your stable position in life, confidence in the future. Attractive jewelry promises a more favorable future for the child.

If a woman dreams that she is sorting through jewelry and cannot choose which earrings to wear, this characterizes the same indecision in choosing a life partner among her fans.

If you dreamed about earrings on other people, get ready for a walk, a wedding, a feast. The more expensive and beautiful the earrings were, the more significant and wider the fun will be. To gaze at the earrings in the ears of another person in a dream means to envy him in reality.

For a man, earrings on another person predict the expectation of responsibility and concern for someone or something.

Actions with earrings in a dream

Try on, wear earrings in a dream

The dream interpretation explains the fitting of earrings in a dream by curiosity to find out some information (someone else's secret, for example) or simply by the desire for knowledge.

If in a dream you wore earrings, then there is a possibility that soon you will find out someone's secret. Moreover, the size and quality of the jewelry indicates the magnitude of this mystery.

The dream in which you wear earrings, can warn about possible gossip and slander against you.

If jewelry is on your ears too throws, the dream book says that sweet speeches addressed to you can develop into someone's envy.

Different earrings in the ears reflect your imbalance, you should control emotions in order to avoid quarrels and conflicts, the dream book advises.

Earrings, hard to put in the ears, indicate your problem with the ability to listen to another, because of which you risk losing harmony with a loved one.

Fitting earrings in front of the mirror may dream unmarried before the fulfillment of her love dream. Matching earrings promise performance in a couple of weeks. Various will extend the term to two months.

The dream in which jewelry is put on your ears against your will is explained by the dream book by forcing you into a rash deal. Do not rush to agree to it, there will be no success.

Find, seek, steal earrings

Sleep lesson looking for earrings means finding something meaningful for you in real life - love, work, money, meaning in life.

How does the dream book interpret earrings you found in a dream, promise you finding a new friend.

If in a dream you find an earring that you once happened to lose, unexpected luck in fate is likely.

Someone else's jewelry found in a dream will bring good news into your life. The more valuable the find, the more significant the news.

You dreamed that you stole and put on other people's earrings? This is a warning against committing a nasty deed that cannot be hidden from people.

Buy, receive earrings as a gift

Dream Interpretations give several interpretations buying earrings in a dream:

  • This may portend work hassle.
  • Or promise a pleasant acquaintance with a touch of romance and flirting.
  • May indicate the disposition of people around you. So your chances of successfully agreeing on some business or getting your request satisfied in the near future will be high.
  • Perhaps a long-awaited reconciliation with a loved one with whom you are in a quarrel awaits you.

Buying cheap jewelry in a dream is unfavorable - this portends the appearance of a miser in your life.

Defects on earrings indicate people who are unfriendly towards you.

To receive earrings as a gift means a calm happy family life, as the dream book interprets.

Lose earrings

Why dream of losing an earring? Dream Interpretations interpret such a dream in different ways.

It is possible that in real life there is a danger of literally losing some thing.

Lost Jewel warns of the danger of losing your dear relationship due to an accidental quarrel, try to be tolerant and not succumb to irascibility.

For men, the loss of an earring in a dream can also mean the loss of a spark in personal relationships, indicates the need to be more attentive to your soul mate in order to maintain romance.

The dream in which you lost an earring, can mean separation from a loved one.

Unspoken or hidden information from you is another option, why dream of losing an earring. Stay alert both at work and in your daily interactions with people.

Another interpretation given by the dream book: lose an earring in a dream it means to experience anxiety and fear of the unknown in reality.

If you dreamed of losing a piece of jewelry given to you by someone, you may have lost the trust of someone important to you.

Parting with a spouse can portend a dream that you have stole your dear earrings.

Stealing an unloved pair of jewelry speaks of soon getting rid of a burden that is unpleasant to you.

What earrings did you see in a dream

Gold, silver earrings and jewelry

If you dream gold earrings, the dream book advises to postpone the implementation of plans in the near future. They will only bring empty worries.

The frequent dream of gold earrings reflects your thoughts about a luxurious life.

If the earrings in a dream belong to you, it means that soon you will achieve your dream. If you just admire a jewel, wanting to have it, then beautiful life will not come in the near future.

Too big jewelry for a girl means a load of obligations.

Silver earrings predict the test of emotional outbursts. You will have to be happy, then sad. But everything will end well.

Cheap jewelry predict deception. If the jewelry is only covered with gilding, and instead of precious stones there is glass, after waking up, know that the probability of deception is high, do not lose your vigilance.

Why dream about earrings with stones

To understand why earrings with stones dream, pay attention to the nature of the stones, and then study the interpretation given by the dream book:

  • diamond - getting a solid jackpot (winning the lottery, unexpected inheritance, investment profit);
  • pearls portend tears;
  • a diamond promises a successful marriage or the appearance of patronage, it can mean pregnancy for women;
  • aventurine portends the appearance of inspiration in some business;
  • topaz - meeting with a pleasant person, warm friendships;
  • ruby promises good luck and luck;
  • emeralds symbolize the desire for self-improvement, spiritual progress, harmony in family relationships;
  • gems indicate excessive conceit, be more modest;
  • amber earrings prophesy unpleasant people around you, communication with whom it will be difficult to avoid.

As the dream book predicts, earrings with stones(if there are several stones) for the girl they promise life's chores, worries. One large stone carries the message of a love confession.

Earrings with dark stones saturated colors signal the presence of unpleasant personalities in your environment. And, on the contrary, light bright stones speak of pleasant people around you and a good period of life.

Clouded stones warn of trials of fate.

Shape, types of earrings

Closed Hoop Earrings mean a problem in life to which you return in a circle over and over again.

Long earrings are interpreted in the dream book both as a threatening failure and as a long flirtation that has no continuation.

If the earrings are shaped like coins, this may mean the appearance in fate of a self-serving person who wants to use you for his own benefit.

Small Stud Earrings portend some kind of frivolous hobby, fleeting fun that will lead to sadness.

Broken earrings

Broken earrings seen in a dream can predict disappointment in someone close, for which, as it turns out later, there is no reason.

A broken gold earring can mean undermining your authority in society or at home.

To break an earring yourself in a dream - to find out about the betrayal of a loved one.

Earrings, earrings in a dream- Throwing gold earrings in a dream means waking up by your own actions to create problems and troubles for other people.
If everything went well in your life, a dream with earrings speaks of the arrival of good news, an unexpected joyful event. Careerists who dreamed about this type of jewelry can be sure that they will get an interesting job, be able to implement an old project, receive support in the development of their business, or go up the career ladder.
In the event that your rival suddenly in a dream asks you to take off and give her your earrings, then in no case do this - so you can doom yourself to loneliness due to the loss of your loved one.
To see in a dream that the earring is difficult to thread into the ear - to a quarrel with a loved one. Earrings most often dream of interesting work, creative career, fun.
See beautiful, sparkling earrings in your ears- a dream portends you success with the opposite sex, you will welcome guest and the soul of the company, your beauty will amaze many.
Seeing earrings in a store window or on the counter and not buying - you will be deceived in your own predictions about the existing relationship.
Seeing earrings on other people in a dream- for a fun wedding or a luxurious feast.
In many cases, gold is interpreted as tears, falsity and delusion, therefore, dreamed gold earrings, in addition to a positive context, carry some kind of warning.
Pulling earrings from your rival's ear in a dream is a sign from above that you can achieve the heart of your loved one and defeat your rival.
Holding gold earrings in your hands means to succeed in all your endeavors, including love.
For young girls who have a loyal gentleman, this is the most accurate sign of his serious intentions.
For unmarried and those who do not have a couple, such a dream portends trouble, the solution of which will not always depend on them.
If a pregnant girl saw earrings in her dream, it is highly likely that she will have a girl.
If you were presented with earrings in a dream, then be careful and do not trust the words of others in the near future, they deceive you, flatter you.
If you dreamed about earrings, then get ready for unexpected joy, because this is what the jewelry seen in a dream promises.
If you dreamed that you found earrings, then profit and happiness await you.
If you dream that you are looking for earrings, then in the near future you may be robbed. Be careful.
If in a dream you really like the earrings on one of your loved ones, think about it, maybe in some way you envy them.
If in a dream you dreamed about broken earrings, then your partner will cheat on you.
If in a dream your rival asks for your earrings, do not try to give it away, then you will be able to keep your loved one and even preserve your happiness and well-being.
If in a dream you see broken earrings, then this portends the appearance of gossip about you.
If in a dream you pay attention to other people's earrings- try to keep the secrets entrusted to you and not participate in the discussion of someone else's life. You may find yourself involved in events that will not only harm you.
If in a dream you sell earrings to someone, then in life you may not keep the promised word.
If in a dream you are talking with someone about your lost earrings, it means that the person close to you is concerned about your well-being.
If in a dream you take off your earrings, it means that in the near future you will hear a declaration of love addressed to you.
If in a dream you saw earrings, then soon a gift, fun or good news awaits you.
If in a dream someone gives you earrings, you can be calm - happy and quiet family life given to you from above.
If in a dream you are admiring earrings in other people's ears, then in reality you have to give up something very desirable due to lack of money or just out of politeness.
If in a dream a man tries on earrings, he should be careful - he risks disappointing a close woman in the near future.
If you see earrings on married ladies in a dream, then you are jealous of someone else's happiness.
If you find earrings in a dream, then this is profit.
If you are trying on earrings in a dream, then your love desire will come true. By the way, such a dream is favorable only for women.
If you take off earrings not from your ears, but take them away from your rival, then know that in reality you are already ready to fight for the sun and win as a result of such a struggle.
If you lose earrings, then expect losses and, as a rule, considerable losses in everything.
If a man dreams that he is putting on earrings in a dream, then after about a week and a half he will have problems with his superiors or his wife.
If single woman sees herself in earrings in a dream, this indicates that in the future she will live in a house with her loved one.
If both earrings are the same, then your plan will come true very soon, if they are different, then you will have to wait a little. Pay attention to the metal of the jewelry, if the earrings are made of glass, then in the future someone will deceive you, if they are made of gold or silver with precious stones, then they are waiting for you pleasant chores and care.
If one of the earrings is lost, then in reality a big quarrel with a loved one can occur, which can lead to separation.
If married girls dream of earrings, then perhaps soon you will become a mother.
If you dream of already broken earrings- it means that there will be no opportunity to avoid gossip.
There is another interpretation of such a dream.- it can mean a breakdown of the planned wedding.
Gold in a dream- this is a sign of good luck in reality.
Broken or broken earrings- intrigue and gossip, in which you can also be involved. Therefore, do not believe the gossip, do not follow the lead of those whom you know little. It is better to pay attention to your family, loved ones, do what you are interested in and what you enjoy.
Seeing gold earrings in a dream means having in the near future Good work and interesting good news.
As a rule, dreams in which you see earrings are very good - they portend joy, marriage, and for married people - replenishment in the family and the more expensive the jewelry you see, the better.
When in a dream you see a huge variety of earrings- this suggests that in real world you will find one and only man who will brighten up your loneliness and sincerely love you.
Putting on earrings in a dream, trying on new ones near the mirror - for a woman means soon fulfilling her love desires, achieving reciprocal feelings, or getting the opportunity to give taste to existing relationships.
Wear earrings in a dream- accept this offer.
Putting on, trying on beautiful earrings in a dream portends you pure, strong and faithful love with your chosen one.
Putting on, trying on earrings in a dream promises pure, tender, mutual love.
Finding gold earrings in a dream means making a discovery in work, experiencing a repetition of joy.
Finding gold earrings in a dream- a sign that dignity will allow you to easily achieve what you want.
Finding earrings in a dream means that you will soon meet your destiny.
Wearing two different earrings in your ears in a dream means that in reality you will take courtship from different men flirt with multiple fans at the same time.
Wear different earrings in your ears- a dream means that you are doing a useless business in the real world, justifying your behavior with ridiculous excuses and causing inconvenience to your family.
One earring in your ear means that you will live your whole life with one chosen one. Earrings can dream of increased attention of the opposite sex.
Giving away gold earrings is to experience unhappiness through someone else's fault.
Pair of earrings- to reciprocity and patience in love relationship.
Buy new earrings in a dream- in reality, a situation will arise when you have to prove the correctness of your own views and actions, perhaps even by force or through law enforcement agencies.
Buy earrings- promises full control over the situation in all areas of life.
Buying earrings in a dream can lead to disappointment for loved ones in reality.
Receiving gold earrings as a gift- evidence of an imminent marriage with a selfish purpose.
Receiving a gift in the form of earrings in a dream, then expect good changes in your destiny, which will really surprise you.
Earrings received in a dream as a gift means quick changes in your life, which will be prosperous and happy.
Get earrings as a gift- you will be told a secret about which you need to keep silent, so as not to harm yourself and the person who told you the secret.
To receive earrings as a gift from someone means that in reality you will find out someone's secret, you will be privy to secret information. It is imperative to keep this promise and not tell anyone about it.
Loss of gold earrings- evidence of missing out on the greatest opportunity in life through negligence and negligence.
The loss of earrings in a dream indicates that luck and happiness can leave you. Subsequently, such a dream, expect bad, negative changes in fate. A poor life, various experiences and even loneliness await you.
Lose one earring- a dream promises parting with a loved one, a long separation, divorce or unrequited love. this dream can be interpreted as a warning that in real life you will have to connect fate with an unloved person.
Lose one earring in a dream- To unrequited love in reality, breaking up relations, betrayal, falling out with a loved one.
Dreamed of earrings- wait for a marriage proposal.
Selling or purchasing gold earrings in a dream to sadness in love.
Selling earrings in a dream to an unrestrained word or promise, to disappointment, to buy - to a new thing, to wear - to a quarrel with a loved one and dear person or to trouble with money.
Earrings on a birch dream of unforeseen expenses, to the loss of property or documents in reality, to breakage household appliances.
Earrings with diamonds or other precious stones in a dream - to tears in real life, you will have to be bitterly disappointed in your loved one.
Earrings often dream of great news and something new in your life.
Earrings with precious stones in a dream- to unplanned chores.
Earrings with glass or made of pseudo-precious metals are a sign that someone is trusting you, cheating or hiding something about you.
Earrings decorated with precious stones promise you pleasant chores, triumph, success and happiness. You will be in demand with the opposite sex, and you will be the soul of any company.
Seeing a broken earring or breaking it yourself in a dream portends that in reality you will become an object of gossip and gossip, discussions and "sidelong" glances.
Broken earrings in a dream- to gossip about you, gossip, intrigues set up by your envious people.
Broken earrings in a dream warn you to be more prudent in business and work.
Break or lose your earring- to unpleasant gossip about yourself, which. Nevertheless, it will be possible to try to refute.
You lose- to life shocks and losses.
The gold jewelry seen in a dream symbolizes wealth and nobility in the near future.
Steal earrings in a dream- means that in reality the beloved is not averse to cheating on you with your close friend or relative.
Most often, earrings dream of good news, pleasant surprises, unexpected luck.
The richer and more beautiful earrings look in a dream, the more prosperity your future life will be.
The more gold there is in the earrings, the better the interpretation is. this dream, provided that there is a pair of earrings, and they are not lost or given to anyone.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing earrings in a dream is a sign that good news awaits you and interesting job... Seeing them broken means that bad rumors and gossip can harm you if you do not show wisdom and discretion.

Why do earrings dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

gift, find out the secret.

Why is the diamond dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

receive - protection; to see, collect, admire - false happiness, false hopes in the personal; putting on a finger is a strange elevation.

Dreamed of gold

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you hold gold in your hands, you will be extraordinarily successful in all your endeavors. If a woman in a dream received golden things as a gift - coins or jewelry, she will marry a rich, but selfish person. Finding gold means that your dignity will allow you to easily advance on the path to honor and wealth. If in a dream you lost gold, then because of your negligence, you will miss the greatest opportunity in your life in reality. Finding a gold mine in a dream means that you will be entrusted with a difficult, but honorable business. If in a dream you intend to work in a gold mine, then it means that you will try to illegally take over the rights of others. The dream warns you: rumors around your name will lead to your shame.

See gold in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Gold is a universal symbol of purity and wealth. Acquiring gold is to demonstrate your power and wealth. It is important to determine the source of obtaining gold and know whether it was a gift, conquest or discovery. It is very important to understand how significant the gold item is. What is the use of gold in a dream, whose wealth and power does it represent? If you are presented with a golden helmet, like Don Quixote's, this is an example of the archetypal form of the sacred power that you are endowed with to complete a mission or heroic campaign. Have you found, lost, gifted or received a gold item from someone? Did this item bring you joy or sadness?

Why is gold dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

falsity; swallow, bite off - success in creativity; touching, touching is a missed luck.

Why is metal dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

melted - unrealizable.

Why is silver dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to receive inheritance or other property (Muslim dream book).

The meaning of the silver dream

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of some silver items, it means that soon you will receive as a gift a thing that you have dreamed of for a long time.

Silver in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Silver is a symbol of the good, the Moon. Seeing a piece of silver that is being taken out of the ground means that in July 2003 a new deposit will be discovered, which will bring a lot of income. Seeing a bridge forged from silver is a symbol of dubious luck, a union bought for money. See silver coins with the image of the moon - a harbinger of the visit of creatures about which no one knew anything, but who have long been sending signals to Earth. Seeing many chests full of silver is a dream that portends a multi-level reform of banknotes. Seeing a huge boa constrictor guarding a pile of silver is a symbol that an archaeological discovery will be made in 2001 or 2013 of great importance and the consequences, it will have international significance and will make changes in the textbooks of the history of ancient civilizations. To see the silver bayonets with which the front garden is fenced is a harbinger of the growing aggression among the underdeveloped countries, associated with overpopulation and the desire to conquer new territories by force.

Dreamed of silver

according to Miller's dream book

Silver in a dream serves as a warning: do not rely too much on money to achieve true happiness and satisfaction. Finding a silver coin is evidence of a lack of other money. It is possible that you too often jump to conclusions for the sake of your own reassurance. Silverware in a dream portends excitement and unfulfilled desires.

Dreamed of diamonds

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself as the owner of diamonds is very auspicious dream, foreshadowing honors and recognition of your merits. For a young woman to dream that her beloved is giving her diamonds means that her wedding will be very beautiful and many friends will rejoice with her. Losing diamonds is the most unhappy dream, predicting shame and want.

See diamonds in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

A diamond is a stone that represents wealth, love and strength. It is the hardest and most valuable of all gemstones. Seeing diamonds in a dream is an indication of the desire for wealth or, on the contrary, a reflection of your thoughts about its corruption. Do you think the rest live better off or poorer than you? What feelings are associated with the appearance of diamonds in a dream: fear and confusion or pride and complacency?

Dreamed of jewelry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing broken or broken jewelry in a dream portends an acute disappointment that you will experience when you achieve the desired goal. This dream may mean that soon devoted friends will cheat on you, and worries about business will fall only on your shoulders.