Lifetime horoscope Sagittarius monkey. Love compatibility

(from 12.02.1956, from 30.01.1968, from 16.02.1980, from 04.02.1992)

He has a friendly and pleasant character. He literally attracts the people around him, with whom he builds close relationships. He can easily succeed in any activity thanks to his logical abilities, as well as the ability to see the goal in front of him and develop ways to achieve it. But he is used to setting goals that are too high, which can take a long time.

Sagittarius man characteristics - Monkeys in LOVE

Extravagant, attractive, sociable and knowing his own worth, he is rarely left without the attention of the opposite sex. Thanks to his sociability, he has many female fans who are trying to build relationships with him. But not everyone succeeds in this. The main reason is the excessively high demands on your partner, which are almost impossible to satisfy in real life.

He wants her to have many positive qualities and merits. This prevents him from building relationships and becoming truly happy. He also loves to give orders, which is not to the taste of many girls. Despite all this, he does not lose his attractiveness in their eyes. Fortunately, with age, he realizes that in personal relationships he has to put up with each other's shortcomings.

Sagittarius born in the year of the Monkey in BED

Emotionality, extravagance are its main features in intimate relationships. He is not used to hiding his feelings and knows how to openly express them without hesitation. I must say that such a quality as shyness can be very rarely found in him. On the contrary, he seems to be a very experienced and confident man, even if his inner feeling is very different from this.

In bed, he prefers to take a leading position, completely relaxing and relying on the received emotions and feelings. With all this, he does not forget about his partner, whom he also wants to give full pleasure. He needs a girl who is as free in her views as he does. He loves to learn something new, experience unusual emotions and get real satisfaction at the same time.

Horoscope Sagittarius man - Monkey in MARRIAGE

He has an amazing ability to dispel all the clouds, creating an optimistic mood in the house. He intuitively senses the mood of everyone. It is almost impossible to quarrel with him at the everyday level, since he is not particularly fixated on him. Despite all his love and special attitude, even with the advent of children, he will not give up his hobbies and will try to continue his career and the embodiment of his goals and desires.

In view of his exaggerated requirements for a partner, he will marry at a mature age. This is a good approach as he begins to relate to his family and his responsibilities differently. He is really attentive to each member of his family, trying to match their needs and requirements. This is an affectionate and attentive partner who will support his family in any difficult situation.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

He can be recommended not to exaggerate demands on himself and those around him. He should understand that there are no ideal people in the world, and in any relationship he has to put up with his partner's shortcomings. In addition, such requirements and standards do not allow him to achieve his goals, which he chooses from the category of those difficult to achieve. If you follow all the advice, he can achieve harmony in his life.

Eastern zodiac- Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but also an annual Oriental sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called character of the combination. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be discordant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page of the Eastern spontaneous horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

Choose your signs
Eastern signs:
Zodiac signs:



The main thing in the image of the King is a kind of veil of mystery and incomprehensibility. The king is either above the people, or apart from them. The most unacceptable is all kinds of familiarity and equality. But here is the paradox - there should not be any arrogance in the King, he should be much simpler than the Aristocrat, much more silent than the Professor, and indeed the King is initially benevolent and modest. His greatness should exist as if by itself. It is in generosity, condescension, benevolence and a certain indifference to people. The king should not fuss, should not throw pearls ... An astute person will guess that it is very difficult to make a public career with such an attitude towards society and himself. Moreover, the parameters of the royal image generally contain contempt for the career as such. Think about it, listen to the word itself ... A king is a king by definition. What a career there can be. Either he is allowed to reign, or he just leaves.

Anastasia Vertinskaya (12/19/1944) Everywhere, in all films, she becomes the luminary around which all the planets revolve.

Rostislav Plyatt (12/13/1908). True king, even if this would require one single role - for example, Amati in "Visit to the Minotaur". Here all facets of truly royal greatness, both the character himself and the artist, were manifested. Not vanity, contempt and disdain for priests, rulers, etc. Against his background, the hero of Shakurov (Stradivari) is too shallow and fussy.


Rich or poor, smart or stupid, handsome or ugly, the King is obliged to demonstrate his greatness, to show his infinite inner pride.

The question arises: what exactly is the King so proud of? If we were talking about real kings, then everything would be clear there - anointing, being chosen, then and there. But what is the virtual King proud of? It turns out there is something. The King's horoscope contains the greatest harmony, potentially the King could be any sign("kings can do everything"). He could be beautiful and loved by the people (like an Aristocrat), he could become an excellent orator or scientist (like the Professor). The dignity and nobility of the King from the Knight is a mesmerizing, hypnotic gift of influence on people from the Leader. But most of all, the King resembles the Jester, for the thirst to joke and laugh at his subjects (all people), as well as the buffoon's dislike for authoritative people, is literally in the King's blood. The only thing the King cannot do is to become a Vector. That is why our life is always a confrontation between King and Vector.

However, the King's universalism turns out to be, if not a tragedy, then an enormous difficulty for him. The king is obliged to master all five images, master them perfectly and have time to combine them together, and so that no one image has an advantage.

And then the very pride will arise that does not need to be demonstrated. There is no need to demonstrate the subtlety of manners (Aristocrat), there is no need to protrude the mind (Professor), there is no need to yell (Leader) or take poses (Knight), you just need to smile a little (Jester) and enter the hall. And then everyone will stand (or lie down?) And bow their heads before the King. Because pride has turned into greatness.

The Hermitage of the King

The King's difficulties in creating a full-fledged image make him live by the slogan "all or nothing!" Since it is very difficult to achieve everything at once, the King needs a long time to prepare his image. As a result, you have to simply hide, turning into a hermit.

It's not just about walking into the desert or living in a deep forest, you can also be a hermit in a crowd. Moreover, it is the King who is allowed to create a zero image, not remarkable for anything. It's not so easy, every person has signs. In fact, it comes about creating an image of an invisible person, facial expressions, gestures, appearance which are so harmonious and calm that the gaze of any person slides along the King and does not linger on a single detail.

The King's extraordinary modesty is associated with hermitage. The greatest ruler in the history of mankind, the Roman emperor Augustus Octavian (Horse, Libra), the creator of the model of the Roman emperor's sole power over the whole world, amazed his contemporaries with incredible modesty and minimal needs.

Another explanation of royal modesty is the harmony of the image. The King initially has everything, all the elements are compensated, he, like an inert gas, has no valence, does not seek anything, and therefore does not suffer from an inferiority complex, does not crave self-affirmation. And in no direction.

Modesty, serenity, the impossibility of a quick career makes the King so passive that he, in fact, completely slows down and goes into the career reserve, staying in it for a very long time or staying forever. And great efforts are needed to activate the King, to summon him to the kingdom. Any tales about the call to the kingdom are full national history... Either Ilya Muromets was called to save Russia, then Alexander Nevsky was called by the whole world. Again, to save Russia. The last case is a football failure, and then a miraculous revival created by Georgy Yartsev (Rat, Aries). At the same time, a striking detail, at the time of the call to "save Russia" Georgy Yartsev did not train anyone at all, being a classic hermit.

Hermitage, a real separation from the masses, gives rise to something in the King that cannot be obtained by any technical means - an extraordinary inner dignity, pride and generosity. The King is both simple and unattainable at the same time, and only then is he the King in reality.


The king must rule. Not to fight for power, but simply to rule ... Here a comparison with the position of the Queen of England is more appropriate - he rules, but does not rule. However, in exceptional cases, Kings and Queens can rule, they have everything that is needed for the highest power. And yet it is not so much about political power as about spiritual power or something. The greatness of the King is such that shoulder straps, stripes and other attributes are simply useless to him.

The very fact of the King's existence, even in a forest or desert, is already beneficial for humanity, infects people with calmness, confidence, gives wisdom and understanding of the meaning of life.

The King's rule is based on infinitely expanded authority. The authority of the King puts pressure on the people, they begin to trust the King, which increases his authority, after which the trust of the people increases even more. This is the mechanism of the resonant growth of royal power.

A huge plus in the power of the King is lack of such careerism and ambition... The king still has to be persuaded to accept the rule. Also, after leaving, the King does not hold on to power, therefore, does not suffer from persecution mania, does not take any emergency measures to protect his power. Another thing is that his power is so infallible that there is little threat to it.

Despite the small number of Kings and their lack of career ambitions, from time to time a royal career does happen. For example, Vladimir Kramnik (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain to become a chess king. And Nikolai Patrushev (Cat, Cancer) did not disdain to head the FSB. The king of intelligence was Rudolph Abel (Cat, Cancer), the king of astronautics - John Young (Horse, Libra). Crowned the first film director - Sergei Eisenstein (Dog, Aquarius), and the king of animation Yuri Norstein (Snake, Virgo). Bill Gates (Goat, Scorpio) is recognized as the king of the computer world.

Yet one horoscope is not enough. If you delve into the biographies of these people, then two circumstances will always come up. First: there is always someone nearby who disinhibits the too passive King. And secondly, there were almost always circumstances that slowed down a career, which did not allow to be realized too early.


There are almost no prohibitions for the King, you can stay in all images, except for the vector one. Therefore, exactly what is good for Vector is not good for the King. They are real antipodes.

So: The king should not be fussy, should not flicker, should not seek friendship with just anyone. No familiarity, no rudeness. The image of the seducer and adventurer is also contraindicated for the King.

And also the King cannot count on a fast career, on quick successes, it is impossible to live short. Well, since all diseases are from nerves, you shouldn't be nervous. And in general, it is not recommended to get sick. Only the long-lived King, the Universal King, can achieve some kind of career success.


Taking into the service of the King, always you risk getting a half-asleep bum... Therefore, we must immediately think over the mechanism of its awakening.

But the King is good where you need panoramic thinking, a view of the matter from a great height, a universal approach. Usually we are talking about areas in which a variety of interests, very different elements are intertwined.

Yet more difficult situation with marriage. Calm balanced and beautiful person is a bait for too many. Alas, they will be disappointed, the King is too balanced and therefore does not need to search for the missing "half". There may be salvation in the so-called. royal marriages when both consorts are Kings. For many years, director Yuri Norshtein (Snake, Virgo) and actress Lyudmila Kasatkina (Bull, Taurus) have been together.

King |

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Monkey have a great sense of humor and an ineradicable zest for life. They are sociable and energetic, and therefore are always surrounded by friends. This is perhaps the most honest and positive Monkey - the kindness and openness of Sagittarius dominate this sign. The Sagittarius Monkey does not tolerate stagnation in anything - it is mobile, loves noisy companies and prefers active rest. This Monkey can hardly be called unpredictable - in this combination, her impulsiveness fades into the background, giving way to the prudence of Sagittarius. The Monkey does not like to admit his mistakes, but Sagittarius is self-critical, and therefore representatives of this sign often think about their own mistakes. Despite the straightforwardness of the Sagittarius Monkey's judgments, it is invariably accompanied by the kind attitude of others - the Monkey's conceit is absent in this sign, giving way to benevolence. Monkey Sagittarius is smart and almost always well educated. She is endowed with high intelligence and rich imagination, reads and knows a lot. But, with all the advantages of this nature, selfishness and the ability to reckless actions are present in it - let's not forget that we are talking about people born in the year of the Monkey.

Sagittarius born in the year of the monkey

In business, the Sagittarius Monkey cannot be called irresponsible. She knows how to stubbornly go towards the intended goal, without being distracted by secondary things. The Sagittarius Monkey is endowed with a lively mind and numerous talents. She succeeds in creative professions, thanks to her giftedness and rich imagination... An analytical mind and the ability to solve the most challenging tasks promise this sign brilliant prospects in any area - the Sagittarius Monkey is able to achieve a lot in life. She has excellent organizational skills and can implement any, even the most complex idea. This sign is not characterized by conservatism, it is ready to follow new promising trends. He always strives for professional heights - and, thanks to his excellent business qualities, he often succeeds. Monkey Sagittarius is a real leader, both in business and in relationships with others. She is recognized in the team and always enjoys well-deserved respect.
Perhaps the Sagittarius Monkey lacks romance in personal relationships, but her charm attracts representatives of the opposite sex to her. The Monkey strives for new impressions, and therefore her novels follow one after another, but Sagittarius makes too high demands on his partners - Monkey-Sagittarius enters marriage rather late. In the family, she is caring, knows how to love and be faithful to her chosen one.

The nature of the male Monkeys - Sagittarius: These men are always in step with the times. For them, practice is much more valuable than theory. They achieve all their goals using modern technologies... They set themselves ambitious plans, which they usually implement. At the same time, they are not satisfied with the average result and try to squeeze 200% benefit from each case. They usually succeed in such endeavors, since they have experience and knowledge on their side.

They are strong, intelligent men with personal opinions about every event. They do not stoop to intrigue and everything dishonorable, not only on the way to fame and in Everyday life... They are distinguished by wisdom even in their youth, they are not developed for years, therefore they can achieve excellent results for mature age... They are kind, decisive and fair. For these men, traditions and customs play a big role, so they value family values ​​highly.

Monkey Men - Sagittarius in love and relationships: They are loving personalities. But at the same time, they are always honest with a partner. For them, the area of ​​feelings plays a big role, therefore, in their absence, they honestly explain everything and part in a partner. Often, relationships with the second half resemble chivalric romances, as they try to recreate old images, because they are so dear to traditions and the past. They should simply explain this to their partner so that the relationship does not deteriorate because of this desire.

Monkey Men - Sagittarius in Finance and Career: Career means somewhat different achievements for them. They are aimed at the implementation of large projects, so sometimes they remain free creators. They are only interested in large and notoriously successful projects. Having completed such a project, they feel happy. In addition, they receive good rewards, so they will not feel needs throughout their lives.

Monkey Men - Sagittarius in family and marriage: Family relationships are of great value to them. They strive to keep in touch with all relatives, since for them family unity is an important and indispensable condition of life. For native men, they fulfill numerous requests of any plan, they are ready for sacrifices. Children for them are another incentive to move up. They devote a lot of time to them, trying to give as much moral and material as possible.

Advice to men Monkeys - Sagittarius: These men are encouraged to follow a simpler line of behavior. With loved ones, you should not show only the overwhelming beginning. Listening to people, you can understand that their experience is no less valuable than their own. Openness and desire to establish communication raises them one step higher in understanding and perception of other people. In addition, it is also an opportunity to advance professionally.

It is always interesting for mothers to know, even before the birth of a baby, what it will be like. It's no secret that the year in which he was born has an impact on the character of the baby.
In 2016 ruled by fire monkey... It is believed that babies born in the year of the Monkey are naturally wise, dexterous and quick-witted. The Chinese say that the most talented people are born in the year of the Monkey.

Characteristics of children born in 2016

  • Talent. Children of this year will show their abilities and talents in various fields. Business, finance and the exact sciences will be within their power thanks to natural ingenuity, impeccable memory and careful attention. The future symbol of the year is supportive of musicians and artists, painters and writers. In the year of the monkey, such creative personalities: Leonardo Da Vinci, Anton Chekhov, Gianni Rodari.
  • Character. Individual traits will always make your toddler stand out from the crowd. His extraordinary character is very hot-tempered. From the outside, he will look spoiled and capricious, as well as cunning and practical. They are characterized by: gullibility, dexterity, wisdom, ingenuity. Babies born in the year of the Monkey love to be in society, pay more attention to them. A change of scenery and new experiences are very necessary for your child.
  • Thinking. Children grow up quickly, beyond their years. They become forward-thinking and judicious. Their decisions and actions are unusual. Such a child is difficult to deceive, he knows how to read your mind. Little monkeys catch on the fly new material and will delight you with their successes quite early.
  • Health. As a rule, children are healthy or slightly ill. The weak point is the pressure and work of the heart.
  • Purposefulness. The likelihood that they are early determined from the profession is very high. Confidence in themselves and their future well-being is in the blood of such children, they have no doubt that they will soon achieve what they dream of.

The most suitable names for monkeys are:

  • Girls: Miroslava and Sofia are sociable; Olga and Zlata are purposeful; Veronica and Vasilisa are compliant.
  • Boys: Artem and Danil are friendly; Egor and Vladimir are disciplined.
    Colour bringing good luck to children in 2016 - gold, white, blue. The numbers- 9 and 4.
  • Instill a team spirit and a sense of the team;
  • Shouts and punishments will not achieve anything, act softer;
  • Children are active, direct their energy for sports;
  • Encourage toddlers to be creative;
  • Teach the kid to read and write early, he will love it.

Aries child - year of the Monkey

Your Aries child can be quite persistent and stubborn. But with age, it can become you a good helper and an excellent nanny for your brothers and sisters. Because he has an innate responsibility and quick wits. Such children can always find a way out of a difficult situation. Your Monkey - Aries can keep the room in order, but at the same time be very lazy and not always be able to finish what you started. The task of the parents is to help him acquire this skill.

Taurus child - year of the Monkey

Your little Taurus, born in the year of the Monkey, will be reasonable enough, practical and somewhere even wise, which will surprise you a lot. Will show thrift and enterprise from an early age, they have a developed sense of justice. He will good friend for your close circle. He will go slowly but surely towards his goal. Your child is a realist, capable of making sensible assessments of difficult situations.

Gemini child - year of the Monkey

Gemini children are sympathetic and kind creatures. Try to send your Twin Monkey to art school, chances are he has a talent in this area. Your child is a big animal lover. Choose an animal to which you agree and present it to your child, let him practice. Otherwise, one fine day, when you come home, you may find a swamp toad, which your baby brought into the house, believing that it will be more comfortable for her here. Remember that your child is very helpful. This is a positive and talented kid.

Cancer child - year of the Monkey

Your child Cancer Monkey is very scrupulous in everything related to hygiene, cleanliness and order. The taste in food can be quite selective. You can entrust him with an important task, and he will diligently fulfill it, because he is quite obedient and has a sense of responsibility. Your child can fall in love quite early, support him during this period. Be more attentive to inner peace your child and he will become a good friend and helper with age.

Leo child - year of the Monkey

The Leo child is brilliant and unique. This is a born leader, self-confident. Parents should communicate with such a Monkey child on an equal footing, without lisping, he may be offended if you do not listen to his opinion in the decision of some important issues... Vanity is something that can sometimes interfere with them in life.

Virgo child - year of the Monkey

Your baby is family and home child who doesn't like being at home alone. A very talented, but at the same time shy child who finds it difficult to open up. Monkey Virgo needs you to help her gain self-confidence. Talk to your child more often and perhaps the gift of a great writer will open in him.

Libra child - year of the Monkey

Monkey - Libra will be a restrained and judicious child. They try to highlight the main thing for themselves and will only engage in this activity and convince him that physics is useful, if he believes that it will not be useful to him, it will be simply unrealistic. They do not tolerate injustice in all its manifestations. For him there is no middle, there is good and bad, there is no third.

Scorpio child - year of the Monkey

Your baby is charming and quite amorous, back in kindergarten you will experience with him his first feeling of falling in love. In relation to parents, this is an attentive and caring son or daughter. Good psychologists can come out of Scorpio monkeys. They easily learn disciplines such as history, biology and foreign languages, exact sciences are given to them much worse. For the most part, they have calmness and restraint.

Sagittarius child - year of the Monkey

Monkeys - Sagittarius are quite inventive, cunning, ringleaders in all games and activities. Such children are quite charming and know how to use it. There may be aptitude for sports. Try to send your child to dance - ballroom or sports. Help his talents to open up a little, and he himself knows where to go.

Capricorn child - year of the Monkey

Children who love to learn and study is easy for them. At the same time, they like to take a walk in order to unwind and break away from studies. He can devote a lot of time to his hobbies and hobbies, you should not scold them unnecessarily for this. Capricorn - Monkey, considers himself quite independent, and he will make some decisions himself, without your opinion and consent, which can often upset you.

Aquarius child - year of the Monkey

Your child is smart, calm and does not need the opinion of the people around him. However, at the same time he knows how to listen to others and is reputed to be a good conversationalist. Adequately perceives reality is not prone to star fever. Aquarius - The Monkey can struggle for a long time over the solution of any problem and enjoy both the process itself and at the end of it, when the problem is solved. Progress in life does not go very quickly, but they achieve their goal for sure.

Pisces child - year of the Monkey

The Pisces child is the most gentle and sensitive Monkey of the entire zodiac. These kids are smart, generous and adventurous. They have such good intuition that some of them can predict the future. Big dreamers, which can sometimes get in the way of getting things done. These children are talented, their creativity is highly developed. Your task is to notice in time what your child is inclined to and develop these talents. The Pisces child can be touchy and sensitive to lies. Try to be as open and honest with him as possible.

Child, this is the most beautiful thing in our life. I wish you health and luck.