What flowers can be planted in June by seeds. Flowers for planting in June in open ground

The vagaries of the weather are forcing an increasing number of flower growers to give preference not to sowing annuals in the soil, but to growing them through seedlings. A successful spring, allowing even the most persistent of seasonal flowers to be sown on time, is now a rarity. But among the cold-resistant annuals there are favorites that will endure all the unpleasant surprises of the May weather and will delight them later with their flowering. Colorful, traditional, somewhat rustic, these are never out of fashion.

The advantages of sowing summer plants in open ground

Sowing directly into the soil greatly simplifies the life of any grower, since, in addition to the actual sowing and thinning, such a cultivation option is much simpler than the seedling method. If, in the latter case, the plants need tireless, constant care, careful control, diving (and sometimes more than one), attention and care, then when sowing in open soil, care is much easier.

Sowing in open ground has another important advantage: plants sown in open ground are much stronger and more resilient than the best seedlings when hardened. And they bloom longer and more magnificently, subject to all the rules of agricultural technology (although flowering begins a little later).

What kind of annuals can be sown in the ground?

Summer plants, which can be grown not only by seedlings, are limited in choice. And there are much less of them than crops that can be sown before winter. And for one simple reason: this method of growing is suitable either for plants with a sufficient degree of cold resistance, able to accept the last frost and cold snaps, or for crops with such a short growing season that summer sowing will still allow them to fully bloom.

In open ground, you can sow: eschsholzia, mallow, poppy, delphinium, marigolds, godetia, sweet peas, clarkia, nigella, amaranths, annual chrysanthemums and asters, marigolds, cosmeas, flaxseed, cornflowers, mattiola, reseda, flax, gailrostmu etc.

Previously, marigolds, and even lobelia, and sage, and many other plants that today prefer to be sown for seedlings were grown through sowing directly into the soil in the spring. Climate change, which has been so pronounced in recent years, has changed the approach to seeding methods for annuals.

Problems with germination and preservation of seedlings in a situation when the weather is constantly changing, force many to abandon sowing in the ground. But you can't grow all the plants through seedlings, and buying ready-made seedlings is a considerable expense item for the garden budget. And even if you have to make some additional efforts to get the summer season (soak the seeds, cover crops or seedlings), then, all the same, sowing in open soil will save you energy, time and money.

Matthiola, calendula, cosmea or marigolds are classic choices for sowing directly into the soil, but far from the only candidates for seedless cultivation.

Let's get acquainted with five more favorites among the annuals, which are better to sow directly into the ground, and not on seedlings.

For a list of the best summer plants that can be sown directly into the soil, see the next page.

When planning sowing seedlings, sorting out multi-colored bags of seeds in our hands, we decide where to stop, we think what we will grow through seedlings this year. Every year the market offers new varieties and hybrids of your favorite crops, and I really want to try to grow some new product. Our windowsills turn into mini-plantations in the spring, where we cherish seedlings, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants. Naturally, there is not enough space, the question arises: what flower seeds can be sown directly into the ground or into a greenhouse so as not to take up space on the windowsill?

You can make up a considerable set of seeds of unpretentious flowers that do not require any particularly painstaking care. Sowing such plants is guaranteed throughout the summer.

What unpretentious flowers can be sown by direct sowing into the ground

As soon as the soil warms up and you can start working it, you can sow ... These wonderful flowers bring a lot of joy. Cornflowers can be not only blue, but also pink, white, burgundy. It is very easy to sow them, it is enough to sprinkle the seeds and slightly embed them in the ground. They sprout beautifully and then bloom almost all summer. In order for cornflowers to bloom longer and more abundantly, it is necessary to remove the faded heads.

The next plant is ... Many gardeners grow it through seedlings, but in fact alyssum can be sown directly into the ground. These flowers reproduce well by self-seeding. If the faded bushes remain in the flowerbed until autumn, the seeds will surely ripen and sprout next year. Alyssum spreads a very pleasant honey aroma, therefore, when choosing a place for sowing, it will be correct to take this into account.

Eschsholzia also easily reproduces by self-seeding. Many seeds are tied in the faded heads, falling to the ground, they can germinate and form a beautiful flowering meadow. The option of sowing escholzia somewhere under a fence or along a greenhouse will also be successful. Escholzia has many colors, usually we see yellow, but there is pink, peach, white, apricot escholzia. Escholzia seeds do not need to be embedded in the soil, that is, it is enough to scatter the seeds over the soil surface, level them with a rake, then water.

The next plant is well known to everyone - it is ... Nasturtium is represented by a mass of varieties, it can be both climbing and bush. Nasturtium is also sown by direct sowing into the ground somewhere in late April - early May. It sprouts very well, it is important that the seeds are fresh, since the germination of nasturtium is quickly lost over time. Nasturtium has very large seeds, so the sowing of these flowers can be entrusted to a child.

Euphorbia edged, this plant may be unknown to many. There are different varieties of milkweed, it blooms all summer. The flowers are very small, but due to the colorful, beautiful leaves, it can decorate any corner of the garden. Euphorbia can also be planted by direct sowing into the soil, and it also produces abundant self-seeding.

Lavatera... Many gardeners are so fond of these flowers that they plant it every year. It is better for a laver to sow with a bouquet, for this you need to make a small circle with a diameter of about 40-50 cm and plant a mixture of colors there. Sowing from late April to early May, the germination rate of the lavatera is good. She begins to bloom somewhere in the middle of summer.

Kosmeya Is a plant that is very easy to grow. You can try to grow a new variety - terry kosmeya. She looks extraordinary and is completely different from the usual cosme. Very similar to roses. Sowing can be done directly into the ground, but you need to know that kosmeya does not like cold soils, in which it will take a long time to sprout. There is another interesting variety of cosme, called "shells", the petals of this species are rolled into a tube. But the usual usual varieties of cosmeas will decorate any corner of the garden with their bright multi-colored spots, and the front garden under the windows of a village house will look especially impressive.

Many gardeners are familiar perennial. It is known what difficulties can be with sowing a perennial delphinium, it has a low germination rate. But there is an annual delphinium that can be grown in a seedless way. In this case, it blooms later than if it was grown through seedlings, but, nevertheless, it manages to bloom. Some flowers are already fading, and delphiums are just beginning to bloom. It is better to buy a mixture of varieties, where both pink, and white, and purple delphiniums are at the same time.

There is another unpretentious plant that can be sown in the spring directly into the ground, this ... You should know that there are perennial, biennial and annual rudbeckia. Annual rudbeckia grow well with direct sowing in the ground in May, while they manage to bloom. In the second half of summer, you will have a "fire" from blooming rudbeckia.

What plants can be sown in a greenhouse

Annual flowers

In the month of April, when the soil in greenhouses and greenhouses is warm enough, you can begin to sow flower seeds in order to then plant the grown seedlings in open ground. Remember that the main purpose of such crops is to save time and space on windowsills in houses or apartments.

So, the annual is a very beloved plant. Mixes of asters are especially good, for example, "Princess Ball". This variety has dense dense double inflorescences. Asters sprout and develop well when planted in the month of April.

Amaranthtailed is a plant irreplaceable in decorative compositions, it goes well with heliopsis. Amaranth is especially magnificent in autumn. This flower does not like transplants, so it is better to plant it in a permanent place at the earliest possible age. You can also sow amaranth in open ground, but then the decorative effect of amaranth comes a little later - somewhere by the end of August. And when sowing in a greenhouse, flowering will begin in mid-summer.

And, of course, one cannot help but remember marigolds... These are flowers with a varied palette of colors and shapes, their presence is a must in every garden. There are very interesting white varieties, for example, the Albatross variety. These are undersized flowers with large inflorescences. There is an interesting mixture of marigolds "Mimimix". They form a ball of many small flowers, creating an absolutely enchanting sight. Small-flowered low-growing marigolds, about 20 cm high, are considered the easiest to grow.

Cynia can also be sown in April in a greenhouse. She does not like overgrowth, which, as a rule, occurs when grown on a windowsill. In order not to plant zinnia in overgrown open ground, and this can be done only after the end of return frosts, it is necessary to correctly calculate the time of sowing seeds in the greenhouse. Zinnia is beautiful flowers of bright and varied colors, but it is very thermophilic, and the first lightest frosts stop its flowering.

The next recommendation is planting seeds decorative sunflower"Medvezhook". It is a low-growing plant 60–80 cm high with adorable double plush flowers. When sowing in a greenhouse, you can admire the flowering of sunflower for a long period, and when sowing seeds directly into the ground, the development of the plant can be significantly slowed down.

Perennial and biennial flowers

This group of plants also does not require growing seedlings. They can be sown directly into the ground, but the development cycle will be two-year, that is, in the first year, clumps of leaves will grow, and next year they will begin to bloom. In biennial plants, the seeds ripen after the flowers have faded, that is, somewhere at the end of June, which is why these flowers can be sown in early summer, as if adjusting to their natural rhythm.

Forget-me-not can be sown in spring and early summer. Forget-me-nots have different colors: white, pink, blue. Forget-me-not looks very good on an alpine slide or as a border along a garden path.

Daisies... They have a high germination capacity. They can also be sown in June. Blooming daisies will effectively decorate the edge of the path leading to the house.

Turkish carnation well known to many. Now there is a wide variety of varieties of Turkish carnations, so it is possible to choose exactly what you like. Extremely unpretentious, "not capricious" plant. A flower for beginner gardeners. Has a pleasant aroma.

Aquilegia, it is a perennial growing in one place for a long time - up to six years. Has a wide range of colors and shapes. You can sow seeds at the end of June. By the end of summer, the plant will get stronger and winter safely.

Most housewives try to manage the planting of flowers by mid-May. But not everyone succeeds in planning flower work in time. Don't be in a hurry to get upset: there are sprinter plants that can be planted even in June. Many annuals take 2-3 months from the emergence of seedlings to the beginning of flowering. In contrast to them, "hurry-ups" will come to flowering much faster. What to choose for? Here are some worthy candidates. Godetia

This is the most "nimble" plant: it takes only about 50 days from the first shoots to graceful flowers. If you want the godetia seeds to hatch as quickly as possible, cover them with a transparent film after sowing.

Remove it as soon as shoots appear.


Its seeds are considered almost champions in germination: after a week and a half, sprouts are visible above the soil. Before the first flowering, which lasts a long time, it will take only a couple of months. Calendula is not afraid of frost.

Loves fertilized soil very much.

Eschsholzia california

Blooms in a month and a half after the first shoots appear. Escholzia is good because it blooms profusely from early summer to mid-October. When choosing a place for this beauty, remember that the plant will be comfortable in an open sunny area with loose (better sandy) soil.


If you manage to plant in mid-May, the gypsophila will bloom in 50-55 days. But when planting in June, you will be able to appreciate its beauty only in the fall. It is advisable to place the gypsophila next to large or small stones containing gypsum - it is not for nothing that its name in translation means "loving lime".


After sowing, the seeds bloom in 42-44 days. Flowering can last more than a month on nutritious soil with regular watering. Remove wilted flowers in a timely manner and cut the stems one third after flowering so that the overgrown bushes look compact and neat.

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  • June is the time to update the flower beds, filling the voids on them after digging out the bulbous primroses. Usually gardeners planted seedlings in advance, so after the "resettlement" ornamental plants quickly begin to decorate the site with their bright buds. If you are not prepared - do not be discouraged and do not rush to buy flower seedlings at exorbitant prices - you will still have time to sow annuals and perennials. What kind of flowers can be planted by seeds in June?

    In June, you still manage to plant annual flowers with seeds, the decorative period for a number of them begins quite quickly - by July they will delight you with bright buds. Some of the plants continue to bloom until the first frost.


    A large selection of varieties, characterized by different heights and sizes of flowers, will allow you to create a bright flower garden, unfading until frost, with the help of marigolds alone. Unpretentious to care for, incredibly hardy, these plants will be the perfect touch to your flower bed.


    Another unpretentious and popular flower is kosmeya. Tall plants can withstand drought and light frosts, you can plant them in the shade or in the sun itself - they will invariably delight you with greenery and bright petals collected in stars.

    It is better to sow kosmey in dense groups in the far part of the flower garden. Tall plants form a kind of green wall with stems and foliage, above which white, purple and pink "daisies" will rise.


    Calendula blooming profusely with bright orange flowers is an invariable "participant" in summer cottages. Cold-resistant and unpretentious, it is still better to sow it in sunny places and fertile soil - then you will be provided with a magnificent decoration of your flower bed. An annual calendula will settle on a flower garden for many years - after flowering, it drops seeds into the soil, and in the spring they will sprout on their own.


    Effectively blooming vines and nasturtium dwarf shrubs will look good not only in a flower garden among other crops, they are often planted in flowerpots, pots, borders. Curly varieties are sown near trellises - by the end of summer they form a dense green wall, consisting of interesting round leaves, with bright flowers - "gramophone".


    A relatively new flower for our gardeners quickly wins hearts due to long-term decorativeness, coupled with lush and bright flowering. Alyssum has many varieties, so you can choose several options in different colors to decorate a flower garden. An unpretentious plant is characterized by small growth (up to 40 cm), therefore it is better to sow it along the edges of an existing flower garden as a spectacular edging or in separate groups.

    Alyssum remains decorative until late autumn. In place of the flowers collected in the brush, pods with seeds are formed, which you can collect to sow flowers in the spring. You can not touch them, giving the culture the opportunity to scatter on its own and rise next year, so that from May it will start to delight you with its amazing splendor.


    Large, up to 10 cm, cup-shaped or bell-shaped godetia flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. By combining different varieties, you can decorate your site with vibrant groups that have rich shades from salmon to dark red. If you plant Godetia with seeds in early June, by mid-July it will be in full force to delight you with its bright colors. The period of decorativeness in the annual lasts until October.


    Lavatera looks equally impressive both in a flower garden, among other plants, and in a monotonous group planting in flower beds, in pots and flowerpots. There are many varieties of it, including perennial ones. Among annuals, Lavatera Three-month stands out: a branchy bush up to 120 cm high is densely covered with bright large flowers up to 12 cm in diameter, resembling gramophone in shape, and the foliage is heart-shaped saucers.


    An annual, depending on the variety, can reach a height of 30-90 cm. The erect stems of this plant during the decorative period are covered with axillary flowers, collected in a kind of spikelets or brushes. It is better to plant clarke with seeds in groups in the distant parts of the flower garden, so that its relatively tall stems do not obstruct other flowers.

    Ornamental beans

    A picky plant over the summer is able to stretch its stems up to 5 meters in length. Decorative beans need a reliable support, which they will quickly cover with a green carpet with beautiful flowers. You can plant seeds in June at the constructed trellis, chain-link fence or at the wall of the gazebo.

    There are several varieties of culture, which differ mainly in the shade of petals: "Mammoth" has large white flowers, "Turkish" and "Golden nectar" - orange, "French" - burgundy. Fruits of all varieties, except for purple ones, are edible, so decorative beans will not only become a bright decoration of your site, but will also contribute to the overall harvest.


    A spectacular plant, reaching a height of a meter, is very popular among flower growers. Snapdragon quickly reaches the decorative period and continues to bloom until the October frost. The abundance of varieties will allow you to bring the variegation and brightness characteristic of summer to your site. Lush ears of snapdragon will look good both in monotonous groups and in the background of a flower garden.


    Sunflowers can be planted along the illuminated edges of the site, forming a spectacular wall with large heads from them. Flowers are often sown on the border between the recreation area and the vegetable garden; with their powerful stems, they will serve as a natural partition.

    Single sunflowers can act as a support for climbing plants, for example, for ornamental beans. One-year-olds planted simultaneously in June will create an interesting composition by the middle of summer.

    Biennial flowers

    In June, you can plant seeds and some biennial plants. In the first year, they will cover the flower beds with a green carpet, and the next year they will delight you with their flowering. What kind of perennial flowers can be planted by seeds in June?

    Turkish carnation

    The unpretentious biennial is very popular with gardeners. This is due to the length of the decorative period and the presence of large inflorescences that adorn flower beds and flower beds. A huge variety of varieties of Turkish carnation will allow you to decorate your site with bright colors, and its ability to self-diffuse allows you to enjoy the beauty of flowers and their delicate aroma for many years.


    Decorative bells can have different sizes of inflorescences and their colors. You can plant purple, blue, blue, pink and white varieties by grouping them in a flower bed or mixing seeds - and next year your flower garden will form a lush semi-airy wall of gentle symbols of hot summer.


    These perennial flowers will delight you for more than one season with their unusual violet-like inflorescences. The variety of varieties and colors of pansies, the early beginning of the decorative period - all this makes the plant attractive for growing in flower beds and flower beds.

    After planting pansies with seeds in the ground in June, you can move the plants to any convenient place the next year. Flowers look especially good in pots and pots - their spreading bushes fall very effectively in a flowering waterfall.


    An unpretentious biennial will look good in the center of a flower garden or among garden bushes and trees. The tall shoots of the foxglove culminate in luxurious pyramidal clusters of bell-shaped flowers. Flower decorativeness begins in June and lasts until October. White, cream, purple, red and pink flowers gradually bloom on showy clusters growing upwards.


    Small bushes of daisies, decorated with delicate baskets, are usually planted in flower beds in the foreground or form border lines. In the first year, the plants form a green mass of a low carpet, and the next year they will bloom with bright colors, decorating your flower beds.


    Low, up to 30 cm, viols have only one flower on an erect peduncle. Petals can have a variety of colors: they can be even or with wavy edges, monochromatic, spotted, striped. On some varieties of viola, interesting natural patterns on the flower may resemble fox faces.


    Mallow, or stock-rose, is a favorite flower of gardeners. It is unpretentious and has a lot of varietal variations, but the most popular varieties with an erect stem, the height of which can reach 2-2.5 m. Axillary flowers can be simple and double, they are collected in spectacular ears or brushes.

    A wide range of varietal colors of stock roses will allow you to bring bright summer colors to the site. Mallows are white, crimson, red, pink, purple, purple, yellow, and lilac.

    There are perennials that will bloom in the first year. So that they begin to delight you with their delicate inflorescences earlier, it is better to sow them in advance, and then plant seedlings on the flower bed in time. But planting in the ground in June in the middle lane will allow you to wait for decorativeness by the end of summer. A clear overview of perennials is presented in the video:

    With the onset of stable warm weather, it is time to plant seeds in open ground. Everyone who has a personal plot tries to ennoble it as much as possible, but what if not flowers are the first assistants in this? What flowers can you plant in June? Let's take a closer look.

    In the open ground, seeds of those types of flowers are sown that differ in a short growing season, that is, they germinate as quickly as possible and give the first inflorescences in the same year when they were planted. Also, perennial crops are planted in this way, they are more demanding than the previous ones, they need favorable conditions and appropriate care.

    Attention! Before proceeding directly to sowing seeds, prepare the soil, this will significantly accelerate the emergence of sprouts, because the soil enriched with air and fertilizers will bear fruit.

    In order to grow a beautiful flowerbed as quickly as possible, you can sow the selected area with seeds. To do this, it is preferable to choose fast-growing flowers, and after a few days you will be able to admire the first green bores that hatch through the ground. It won't take much time to wait for the first inflorescences. It is recommended to soak large seeds in water so that they swell, this will promote faster growth.


    Fast growing flowers that can be planted outdoors:

    • curly types of flowers.

    These flower varieties can be sown outdoors in June. They will bloom for a long time: from July to the first frost.

    Many beautiful photos of biennial flowers beckon with their appearance. The first month of summer is the best time to plant such crops: next year they will sprout and your flower bed will be irresistible. How to choose flowers for planting? You can give preference to the following options:

    • daisies;
    • bell;
    • viola;
    • Turkish carnation;
    • digitalis.

    Turkish carnation

    It is very convenient to start your path as a gardener precisely with planting annual flowers, so you will get the necessary experience, as well as qualitatively prepare the soil for planting perennial flowers. It will be easier for you to form a beautiful flower bed.

    Advice. Please note that there is no need to purchase all the seeds you like at one time, approach the issue of organizing a flower bed wisely and embody the idea, and do not set a goal to sow everything that was purchased. Otherwise, you may not achieve a harmonious look of the flower bed.

    How to land correctly

    Flowers are planted in June subject to certain rules. Summer planting differs from spring and autumn planting. When planning the sowing of seeds, it should be borne in mind that soil moisture may be insufficient, because high temperatures in summer dry up the land. If the weather is extremely hot, then it will be difficult for the plants to take root and there is a possibility that some of them may not emerge.

    To provide future flowers with suitable soil, it is worth performing simple preparatory work: it is good to dig up the earth so that it is enriched with air and water the soil in order to moisten it. The sown seeds must also be watered and then covered with a film so that the soil does not lose moisture, until the first shoots appear. On especially hot and dry days, it is recommended to artificially shade flowers in June, this will protect young shoots from drought and prevent leaf burns.

    Perennial crops are best planted in cloudy weather or in the evening. It is also better to choose such a time so that after sowing, cloudy weather lasts for several days, and there is no scorching sun rays. The soil should be properly moistened after planting.

    Works carried out in June

    It is worth considering that it is not enough just to plant flowers in June and wait until you can admire the beauty. A flower garden is, first of all, labor and care. The seeds you sow will sprout at different times and the flowering will not be the same either.

    It is necessary to water the seedlings in a timely manner, make sure that the earth does not become lumpy, and protect young flowers from aggressive sunlight. Do not neglect the feeding of plants with various fertilizers, especially at the stage of inflorescence formation, since this process requires a lot of nutrients, the lack of which can weaken the plants, as a result of which they may die.

    If you follow all the nuances of plant care, then you will be able to enjoy beautifully formed flower beds for a year.

    Summing up

    So, June is the most suitable month to start working in the flower garden. Free plots of land on the personal plot are perfectly occupied by annual flowers, which sprout soon enough and begin to bloom.

    To decorate a flower bed beautifully, it is enough to give free rein to your imagination and, according to the photos offered on the bags with seeds, choose the methods of its formation and determine the best combinations.

    When planting flowers in June, do not forget about preparing the soil, providing sufficient moisture and fertilizing with nutrients. Protect plants from direct sunlight and provide shade. Remember also that for some colors the sun can be detrimental, while others, on the contrary, do not tolerate shade well.

    Add a bright accent to the composition and then your flower bed will sparkle with new colors and will attract admiring glances.

    Perennial flowers: video