Pavel tabakov is the son of Marina Zudina. Love in spite of: the tragic story of the marriage of Tabakov and Zudina

Born into an acting family, at the beginning of his biography, he himself decided to continue the family tradition, but years later he changed his mind and took up a completely different matter. In his personal life, too, everything was not unambiguous - he tried several times to build a family nest, but he succeeded only the third time. The first wife of Anton Tabakov, Asiya Vorobyov, before meeting him, already had a rich experience of family life, and Tabakov became her third husband.

Anton Tabakov's wives

Anton Olegovich was married four times, although he was officially married only three times. His families broke up for various reasons - either his wives left him, then he himself left, having met a new love.

The first wife of Anton Tabakov

Asya Vorobyova grew up in an incomplete family - her mother left them with her father, professor of the Department of Soviet Literature at Moscow State University, Robert Bikmukhametov, and left with another man. Asya herself graduated from the Faculty of Philology of this prestigious university and early flew out of her parent's nest.

However, her first two marriages were unsuccessful, and she did not live with Anton for very long, but marriage with him opened the way for Asya to creative circles.

The threat over the first family of Anton Tabakov hung after he asked his friend Mikhail Efremov to take his wife to his theater.

Tabakova got a job at Sovremennik-2 as a literary editor, and soon Mikhail had his eye on the pretty, modest Asya. She, too, did not remain indifferent to the signs of his attention, a romance began between them, rumors about which soon reached her husband.

Anton, having learned about his wife's betrayal with his best friend, came to deal with his lovers at the theater, made a loud scandal, after which he filed for divorce. Asya went to Efremov and soon gave birth to his son Nikita.

The common-law wife of Tabakov

When Anton met Katya Semyonova, he was thirty-one years old, and she was only nineteen, she was a student at a theater university and dreamed of becoming a famous actress.

Tabakov became Katya's first big love, and life with him is a real holiday. They began to live together, settled with Anton, in whose house there were always many guests - talented young people from the acting and directing environment.

When Anton Tabakov's common-law wife Ekaterina Semenova told him that she was pregnant, he greeted this news with great joy.

Katya repeatedly raised the question of becoming a legal wife, to which Tabakov replied that there was no more room for a stamp in his passport.

Anton's first-born son Nikita was born prematurely, was very weak, and at first it was very difficult for them - the child constantly cried, giving the young parents neither sleep nor rest. When the time came to register the child, and Anton and Katya came to the registry office, Tabakov suggested registering the marriage at the same time, but Ekaterina, who harbored a grudge, recalled the words she had said earlier, which she regretted very much in the future.

Their family life could not be called calm, they constantly converged, then diverged, until they parted completely.

Anton Tabakov and Anastasia Chukhrai

Anton Tabakov has been married for twelve years with the daughter of the famous director Pavel Chukhrai Anastasia.

They built a large country house in which they planned to live together all their lives. At that time, Nastya was carried away by design and she herself decorated their new house in Peredelkino.

In 1999, the wife gave birth to Tabakov's daughter Anya, but by this time quarrels began to arise between the spouses more and more often, and soon they parted, however, they were able to remain on friendly terms.

The ex-wife of Anton Tabakov later remarried - to Alexei Reznikovich, the chairman of the board of directors of Golden Telecom.

Tabakov's wife Angelica

When Anton met Angelica, she was a student at the Institute of Foreign Languages.

Tabakov's attention was attracted by a pretty girl, due to the delay of which the flight of the plane flying from Nice to Moscow was delayed.

After meeting, it turned out that Angelica was twenty-four years younger, but this did not become an obstacle to the beginning of the novel.

Relationships developed rapidly, the lovers began to live together, but they registered their marriage only after ten years of marriage.

By this time, Anton Tabakov's wife managed to become a mother twice, giving birth to Anton Olegovich two daughters - Tonya and Masha.

Angelica graduated from school with a gold medal at one time, then received a diploma, having studied at the Institute of Foreign Languages, but after receiving higher education did not work, but decided to devote herself to the family.

After the birth of his children, Tabakov acquired a house in France, where his family settled.

He himself lived for a long time in two countries, running a restaurant business in Russia, and spending his free time with his wife and children in France. Not so long ago, Anton sold his business and left Russia.

He explained this decision by the fact that he was tired of living in two countries and wants to devote more time to his personal life. Anton Tabakov does not forget about his older children - Nikita, the son of Ekaterina Semenova, he helped build a business, and communicates with Anna, who lives and studies in London.

Pavel Tabakov is a young talented actor, a worthy successor to the Tabakov dynasty. He performed on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, familiar to the audience for what films, like "Star", "Orleans", "Duelist".

Childhood and family of Pavel Tabakov

Pavel Tabakov was born into the family of the famous Soviet and Russian actor, director, founder of the theater school Oleg Tabakov and actress Marina Zudina. By the way, Pavel has a sister, Maria (born when Pavel was 11 years old), as well as half (from the marriage of Oleg Tabakov with Lyudmila Krylova) brother Anton - a businessman, actor, restaurateur, and sister Sasha.

Paul himself describes his childhood as "ordinary and happy." Paul's parents raised him with warmth and love. And although the boy knew perfectly well what an outstanding family he was lucky to be born into, he never suffered from "star fever": he grew up as a calm, non-capricious child, played a lot of yard football in the yard, suffered from asthma, his favorite subjects at school were literature and biology. Like many guys, at first he dreamed of becoming a truck driver, then - a bodyguard.

Oleg Tabakov did not just keep his son in a "tight grip", but did not let him relax, he taught Pavel to be a responsible and well-mannered boy. Parents taught their son from early childhood to know the value of money. From 4th to 6th grade, Pavel recalled, he was allocated 500 rubles a week for pocket expenses, from 6th to 9th grade - 1,000 rubles a week. After the 9th grade, Pavel began to earn money himself.

After graduating from nine classes, Pavel entered the Moscow theater school, created by his father, on a general basis. The participation of the elder Tabakov in the admission of his son ended with the question: "Will you try to enroll?" The guy had to move out of his father's house, since studying at this college provided for compulsory living in a hostel for everyone, without exception. The young man gladly took the opportunity to become independent and self-reliant.

During his studies, Pavel took part in the performances "Viy", "Biloxi-Blues", "The Year When I Was Not Born", "Sailor's Silence", "Nameless Star". In the latter, Paul played the role of the teacher of astronomy Miroy, whose main dream in life was to discover a star. With overwhelming success, Pavel played a thin, poor teacher who was ready to fight with representatives of the "golden youth" for his beloved, after which he gained fame as a romantic hero.

Acting career of Pavel Tabakov

The beginning of the film career of the younger Tabakov was laid when the young man was 19 years old. Pavel's debut film, apart from the melodrama “Photo for Documents”, where the young man played a cameo role as a guitarist, was the tragicomedy “Star” directed by Anna Melikyan. The guy got the role of a fifteen-year-old teenage rebel, opposing the opinion of his millionaire father (Andrei Smolyakov), his young lover Rita (Severija Janushauskaite). The main character falls in love with a young girl Masha (Tinatin Dalakishvili) and is ready to do anything for the sake of his love.

Actor Pavel Tabakov about the movie "Star"

A significant stage in the career of Pavel Tabakov can be called the shooting in the film by Andrey Proshkin "Orleans", dubbed by the critics "the film-parables". In this film, a young man who turned into a janitor from a hairdresser had to play his first erotic scene.

In the same year, Pavel took part in the filming of the collection of short stories "Happiness is ..." - seven short stories proving that everyone deserves happiness. He appeared in the first short story ("Happiness in the Palm"). For his hero, buying a bicycle turned out to be a chance to find true love.

"Happiness is ...": a short story with Pavel Tabakov

Pavel Tabakov is full of energy and desire to create, to try himself in different roles. In early 2016, Pavel took part in a fashion show of the collection of Giorgio Armani, who came to Moscow for a few days. The young actor immediately impressed the famous designer with his model appearance.

In 2016, Pavel played the role of the young Count Tuchkov, the brother of Princess Martha, in the mystical thriller-drama The Duelist. His hero was forced to defend the honor of his family in a duel with the character of Pyotr Fedorov. Princess Martha herself was played by a young actress Yulia Khlynina.

In the historical 10-episode film "Sophia Palaeologus" Pavel played the young Ivan III. In the same year he appeared in the cast of the second season of the historical series “Ekaterina. Takeoff". And in November 2017, viewers were able to see him in the third episode of the series "Doctor Richter" with Alexei Serebryakov.

Personal life of Pavel Tabakov

Pavel Tabakov is not married. At one time, the young man was close friends with Liza Kostyukova, niece of TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova, daughter of fashion designer Victoria Andreyanova. Lisa is Pavel's classmate.

Pavel Tabakov met with Taisiya Vilkova (star of the series "Deffchonki"). Among the girlfriends of the young actor was Valeria, the niece of showman Mikhail Turetsky. And in 2015, Pavel began dating Maria Fomina, an actress, with whom he played in the production of Sailor's Silence. It seemed that it was going to a wedding, but in the winter of 2017, the couple announced their separation.

However, the young man with a noble appearance and aristocratic manners quickly found a new lady of the heart. She was the actress Sofya Sinitsyna (born 1995), the star of the TV series "Fake Note"

According to Pavel, his future wife should be a good housewife and mother, as well as successfully realize herself in career and public spheres. Pavel likes to communicate with girls with whom there is something to talk about, and not just discuss who drives what car: “Society is developing. If a girl stays at home and cooks borscht, she will soon get tired of her boyfriend. "

Pavel Tabakov maintains friendly relations with his older brother Anton. While with his paternal sister Alexandra, he communicates little, but for reasons beyond his control. The younger sister Maria found in Pavel a caring and attentive older brother who, despite his busy work schedule, spends a lot of time with her.

Pavel Tabakov, according to close people, is easy to communicate, not arrogant, delicate, energetic, hardworking. His favorite hobby is alpine skiing, he became interested in them at the age of 13. Pavel plans to marry closer to 30 years. Pavel Tabakov, like his star dad, Oleg Tabakov, loves to eat deliciously. The only thing that Pavel Tabakov does not like is fish (he is allergic to it) and cheese. Paul's favorite pet is a rat.

Pavel Tabakov now

The premiere of six projects with the participation of Pavel Tabakov was planned for 2018. This is the long-awaited screen version of the novel by Victor Pelevin "Empire V", where Pavel will appear in the title role of the loader Roman, who has gained access to secret knowledge and superpowers. He will also appear in the drama "Close", as well as in the tape "The Year When I Was Not Born" (adaptation of the play "The Capercaillie's Nest"), where Oleg Tabakov was also involved.

Also, his name appears in the cast of the series "Dead Lake" and "Tobol".

Anton Olegovich Tabakov. Born on July 11, 1960 in Moscow. Russian theater and film actor, businessman, restaurateur. The eldest son of Oleg Tabakov.

Anton Tabakov in the film "A Dangerous Age"

He continued to act actively until the end of the 1980s. He could be seen in the military drama "You Must Live", the melodrama "Be My Husband", in the main role of the drama based on the work of J. Priestley "Time and the Conway Family" (Robin Conway), the films "City of Brides", "Lucky", "The Man from Boulevard des Capucines" and others.

He played several roles in films of the 1990s - "ABVGD Ltd", "Lonely Player", "Thief".

Anton Tabakov in the film "The Lonely Gambler"

He starred in several projects in the 2000s. In particular, in 2015 he embodied the image of his father on the screen in the TV series "Mysterious Passion".

Anton Tabakov in the TV series "Mysterious Passion"

In the late 1980s, he began to engage in business - first advertising and organizing public events. Then he became interested in organizing banquets and created his own art club "Pilot", where he held parties.

He recalled the beginning of his career in business: “I was leaving my profession gradually. Having already quit the Sovremennik theater, I continued to play out for a long time in the play“ Nord Ost ”in the Snuffbox. Maria Vladimirovna Mironova played with me in it. and I loved her madly and continued to work for her so that the performance would not be closed, because the opportunity to go on stage was vital for her. It's very difficult to just take and leave the theater ... Working in the theater, I was slowly doing what now They call it a business. The acting profession did not bring money, I had to start inventing something, and then the time and my intentions coincided. "

In 1996, in cooperation with the restaurateur Andrei Dellos, he opened the Embassy of Beauty Cosmetology Center, a branch of the Embassy of Beauty from the Champs Elysees.

Later he became a famous restaurateur. He opened the restaurants "Oblomov na Presnya", "Mao", "Kafka", "Antonio", a chain of coffee shops "Ilya Ilyich". In the 2000s, Long Shue and Stolz were added to them.

With his financial support in 2002, the first edition of the most important theoretical theatrical work of our time "Towards a play theater" by M.M. Butkevich.

Anton Tabakov's height: 174 centimeters.

Personal life of Anton Tabakov:

He was married several times.

The first wife is Evgenia, she worked as a nurse in the capital's polyclinic. He married her at 18. As Anton recalled, at their wedding the director made a toast "to the training marriage." The marriage lasted two and a half years.

The second wife is Asya Vorobyova, a philologist, daughter of a professor at Moscow State University, Robert Bikmukhametov. Asya left Tabakov for his childhood friend.

When Asya gave birth, it was rumored that this was a child from Anton. “For some time, Asya and I were not divorced. And she already lived with Efremov. Hence the rumors. But this is not my child ”, -. With Mikhail Efremov, they maintained friendly relations.

Asya Vorobyova - the first wife of Anton Tabakov

He was in a civil marriage with an actress. In 1991, their son Nikita was born.

Although in many sources Catherine is presented as the second wife of Anton Tabakov, but she herself said that he was married three times before her, and they themselves were not officially registered: "At some point, when I raised the question of the official registration of relations, Anton said: “I don’t even have a place in my passport for a new seal.” He had already been married three times by that time. It offended me incredibly ... When we went to the registry office to register Nikita, we were told: we'll get married. ”But I freaked out and got into a pose:“ You don't have a place for me in your passport! ” And she left. "

Anton Tabakov and Ekaterina Semenova with their son Nikita

In the early 2000s, he met Angelica, who became his next wife. They met at the airport, she was then studying at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and was returning from Nice to Moscow. Angelica is 24 years younger than him.

For about 10 years they lived in a de facto marriage, in 2013 they got married.

The couple had two daughters - Antonina and Maria.

Son Nikita is interested in the restaurant business. When he lived in New York, he managed to work with Andrei Dellos in his restaurant project "Pushkin". Then he moved to Moscow, began to work in the film company NTV-profit.

Daughter Anna has been living and studying in London since the age of 12; she wants to be involved in production or promotion activities.

Daughters Antonina and Maria study and live in Paris. Antonina is fond of chess. Anton Tabakov spoke of Maria as a very artistic girl.

Anton Tabakov with daughters Antonina and Maria

Anton Tabakov bought real estate in France, in the town of Rocobrune-Cap-Martin, near the Italian border, where he spends his free time with his younger daughters and wife.

Filmography of Anton Tabakov:

1968 - Seasons (movie almanac) - Sasha
1970 - An Ordinary Story (film-play) - episode
1971 - Boys - Zhenya Prokhorov, in childhood
1976 - Timur and his team - Timur
1976 - Once upon a time in California (film-play) - schoolboy (not in the credits)
1976 - Ivan Fedorovich Shponka and his aunt (film-play) - episode
1978 - Last Chance - vocational school student (not in the credits)
1979 - Crew - Bones' buddy (not in the credits)
1980 - You must live - Gena Korzhukhin, junior sergeant, air gunner
1981 - Dangerous age - Dima Rodimtsev, son
1981 - Control in the specialty - Gosha
1981 - Last but not least - "merchant", speculator in clothes on the market
1981 - Be my husband - savage health resort
1982 - Who is knocking on my door ... - Yura
1984 - Tales of the Old Wizard - Prince (vocals - Vladimir Dyadenistov)
1984 - First cavalry - Alexey Zorin, commander of the first platoon
1984 - Time and Family Conway - Robin (Conway in his youth)
1985 - City of Brides - Kotya Reutov, son of the director, fabric artist
1986 - Your daughter Alexandra (film-play) - Julius
1987 - The Man from Boulevard des Capucines - Bobby, usher
1987 - Lucky - Vadim, Boris's roommate in the boarding house
1988 - Step (A / 未来 へ の 伝 言) - episode
1988 - Echelon (film-play) - Yurka, son of Nina
1990 - Exodus - Andrey Barkhatov (voiced by another actor)
1991 - Show-boy - Shurik, Gorelov's assistant (not in the credits)
1992-1994 - ABVGD Ltd
1992 - Anfisa (film-play) - Petya
1995 - Lonely Player - Igor
1997 - Thief (Voleur et l "enfant, Le) - gambler in the bath
2003 - Lord of the Ether - Nikolai Pavlovich
2008 - Unknown version. Crew (documentary)
2010 - A very Russian action movie (was not completed) - arms dealer
2010 - Oleg Tabakov. Lighting up the stars (documentary)
2012 - Secrets of Soviet Cinema. The Man from Boulevard des Capucines (documentary)
2015 - Mysterious passion - Oleg Tabakov

Scoring by Anton Tabakov:

2002 - Zheltukhin (animation) - the boy's father

Master and Marina


Zudina fell in love with Tabakov when she was very young. She was only 16 years old, and the teacher did not even know about her existence and was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. In the family of artists, the son Anton and daughter Alexander grew up - the same age as Marina. Zudina could not even imagine that she would ever be able to conquer Tabakov. The girl had a goal: to enter GITIS and certainly to the workshop of Oleg Pavlovich. The task turned out to be within her power, and then everything turned out by itself - a romance began between the student and the teacher.

"All the students were in love with him - both boys and girls. It was adoration. I did not think that it would work out that way. The relationship was honest, I was not going to take anyone away. Oleg Pavlovich promised nothing," the portal "Lady Mail" quotes Zudin .Ru ".

According to the actress, at some point they realized that they could no longer live without each other. Zudina was ready to lay her career on the altar of love. "If at that moment Oleg Pavlovich said:" You will not play anything, but we will live with you, "I would probably choose to" live ", - Marina admitted. However, true love does not require self-sacrifice. ultimatum, and the girl appreciated it.

Love for all ages

The age difference for lovers has always been conditional. When the actor left Krylova, Zudina turned to her mother for advice. “Then I myself expressed my doubts: they say, we have a 30-year difference, to which my mother replied:“ You are a lot too. ”That was such an exhaustive dialogue,” the artist said. According to her, the parents value and respect Oleg Pavlovich very much, so they did not have any questions. And what questions can there be when you see how a serious and self-realized man treats your only daughter?

Understand and forgive the father

When Tabakov left the family, his wife and children stopped communicating with him. Krylova could not forget the betrayal, her daughter took her side. However, the son eventually forgave the artist. "Mom and Sasha are not offended because it happened. They are offended by how it happened. After the divorce of my parents, I also did not communicate with my father. Looking at the situation from the outside, I realized that it looks like" to spite my mother, I will frostbitten my nose. " . I quickly forget offenses, I try to think about the good. It's easier for me to exist. And my mother ... She lives with us. Her feminine happiness is children and grandchildren, "explained Anton.

Idyll comes with time

Zudina admitted that at the beginning of their life together, she and Tabakov fought almost every morning: "Everything I did caused discontent. Then they found a way out. He got up and did something himself, I woke up later, and we did not have time to swear. " In the first place, Oleg Pavlovich had work, but his vocation did not make him forget about the need to love and be a man. The actress emphasized that she was always present in the life of her husband, no matter what he did.

Hurry to love

In an interview, Tabakov expressed concern about how long he will be able to see his children. The artist said that with the birth of his son Pavel with Marina, he began to feel younger and more cheerful. The doctors also noted the improvement in the state of health. "Our vitality does not dry out because we are physically worn out. They dry up when we cease to be necessary. And while this factor is in effect, our possibilities are practically limitless," the master assured.

"I have two happiest days in my life. The first was when I entered the course to Oleg Pavlovich. Apparently, this day determined my whole future destiny. The second was Pavlik's birthday, when after hours of pain and horror came relief, and I saw the eyes of a loved one - a husband, "Zudina emphasized. There is not a single reason to doubt that the artist was truly happy next to Marina.