Definite center of the spleen. Definite and indeterminate center of the spleen

The center of awareness is the Definite Spleen. This is the Center that is connected to our most primitive, primal survival fears. People with a Defined Spleen have their own constant way of dealing with these fears. It's a built-in survival system. A person with an Open Spleen does not have such fixedness and, naturally, blackmail can be the most cruel in its manifestations. May come to physical punishment, to violence. Such relationships can be deeply servile. An open Spleen will do anything to feel safe.

Security or slavery

When a Definite partner enters the life of a person with an Open Spleen, the Open Spleen immediately feels, “Oh! Finally I found what I was looking for. I finally found a feeling of permanent well-being.” When the immune system is constantly working, this quality is present in the aura and creates a sense of security. With the Definite Spleen comes wellness, security, reliability, but then blackmail begins.

A certain Spleen says, “If you want this security, do what I say. Otherwise, I will leave, and you will be left alone with all your fears.

Fears of an Open Spleen

An open Spleen, when she lives alone, is consumed by fears and tries to cope with them. The process of a person with an Open Spleen is endless attempts to cope with their fears, and sometimes even panic attacks. It's all about the body. A person with an Open Spleen can never feel good enough to relax. In any case, the Open Spleen is very vulnerable on the health level. A person with an Open Spleen is almost never healthy. It means that he always has something to ache, tingle or shoot. When he is alone, and he shoots somewhere, he, in principle, is subject to panic about his life. “Oh, I shot in the knee! Lord, we need to call an ambulance immediately!”

The mind of a person with an Open Spleen will constantly and always deal with some kind of panic, with fear and panic. Another question is how ready a person is to deal with this. As far as he is able to say to himself: “Hey, wait, wait! Let's stop and see what's going on. Do you want to call an ambulance? (if it's a Generator) Did someone ask you?" - for example.

If you see in the chart that a person has an open Spleen, remember that he is constantly dealing with fears. When he is alone, he is so exhausted by the fears that are generated by his mind that the most important desire in his life is to find someone or something that will calm these fears. Having a Defined Spleen calms fears immediately, just the very fact of having a Defined Spleen in the aura immediately extinguishes all these fears, a Defined Spleen brings a sense of security.

A certain Spleen always knows for itself: “I can handle everything, I will feel the danger in case of anything. There is something in my body that will give me a signal. Therefore, what should I care about this world? I have a sense of security." But the Open does not have this, and when a Certain Spleen comes into her life, a sense of security comes immediately.

I'll leave

Blackmail a man with an Open Spleen A certain one can with one snap of his fingers. Just hinting with a half-sigh that if you don’t do this now (and “this” can be creepy and disgusting) - I will leave you.

Then the horror comes from the fact that I will now be left alone, and panic will fall on me again, because I might die, or death will come from around the corner, or a bandit is sitting in the closet. All this horror of the Open Spleen, which is actually full of fears - this horror makes her go on about her partner, and do everything down to nasty things. Yes, it can be a very humiliating relationship. An open Spleen can go to any humiliation. She is ready to crawl on her knees. If this is a woman, then she can accept an alcoholic husband who humiliates her, beats her, insults her in front of other people. But she will only hold on to him out of fear that he will leave and she will not be able to survive.

I don't need you

The Open Spleen Manipulation here is, “I don't need you. If you don't do what I need, I don't need you." The Definite blackmails with the fact that without it, the Open will not cope with his fears, without him he will not survive.

Any Open Center is bluffing when they say, “I don't need you. If you do not give me what I need, then I will be on my own and will not need you. But this is a bluff, because when the Certain Spleen clearly says: "You got me, I'm leaving" - everything falls into place. And the Open Spleen is ready to do anything not to remain in this state of insecurity.

Question: Can a person with an Open Spleen really start to get sick when a Certain Spleen leaves his life on his own initiative, and experience a general total fear that he cannot survive without this person?

Answer: You can really get sick and feel fear. A defined Spleen gives Open Spleens a boosted boost in the immune system. When the Defined Spleen is gone, the Open Spleen person continues to eat the wrong foods, breathe in the wrong way, and the immune system instantly crashes because it no longer has that conditioned power to process it all. We must not forget that the Definite Center fixes the frequency of the Open and thus creates a kind of protection from external vibrations. A partner with a Definite Spleen protects against surrounding fears.

Questioner: How can a person with a fully Open Spleen and no partner with the Definite exist on the physical plane. And can it even?

Answer: You don't need a partner with a Definite Spleen to be healthy. In order to be healthy, you first need to be in the right places. There must be healthy people just for you. And, secondly, you can move into things that have a response. No one knows better than Open Spleens how to stay healthy. These are humidifiers, and air purifiers, and ionizers, and herbal medicine, and so on.

The Open Spleen clings to the Defined in a stranglehold. She becomes "possessive" and at some point the Certain Spleen no longer knows how to escape, because there is such a clutch that it is difficult to bear. Literally, a person can walk on the heels, not let go anywhere. A certain Spleen really has absolute power over the Open and unconsciously controls it through fears.

Certain - 53%,
uncertain - 47%

Biological Compliance– Spleen, Lymphatic system, B-cells.
Center type- Awareness.
Function- Consciousness of the body. Instinct, intuition, taste. Survival fears that keep us healthy.
False Self Strategy: Holding on to unhealthy things and relationships. Depends on relationships or habits that give a false sense of permanence, security, and well-being.

A fixed way of working body consciousness that maintains health. Can be spontaneous (with open Solar Plexus) and trust hunches. Gives a sense of well-being, well-being to others. A fixed way of processing fears that leads to a sense of security.

Distorted work of a certain Spleen: ignores premonitions. Does not pay attention to signals from the body, which can lead to serious illnesses. Allows the mind or emotions to dominate one's hunches.

Open to all fears, hypersensitive to bad health, may be obsessed with taking care of one's well-being.

Fear never has anything to do with a person with an open Spleen. In a false version, loves spontaneity. Must take care of your health while giving your immune system a chance to learn. Can be a good diagnostician, because he can feel the patterns of diseases of others. This is possible when he is trained not to hold on to his sensations. In case of ailments and illnesses, he should be treated with "alternative" medicine.

Indefinite Splenic Center

Two things can be said about people with an indeterminate center of the Spleen. They never feel good and they are full of fear. People with an indeterminate center of the Spleen have fragile health, but this does not mean that they are generally unhealthy or sick in this moment. They just need to take care of themselves and improve their educational level in terms of health.

People with an undefined Spleen center are full of fear. This is easy to understand, since their entire life process is tested by fear. In addition, they absorb and reinforce other people's fears. But if they deal with fear in a “healthy” way—face each fear and move through it—then they are less afraid the next time, and so on until the fear is completely gone. Every fear they overcome makes them stronger and they may eventually become completely fearless. But they should respect their fears, not suppress them or pretend they don't exist.

How the indeterminate center of the Spleen works is best explained by the example of a child. Children with an undefined center of the Spleen are sick all their childhood: mumps, measles, etc. They are the first of the whole class to come home with a cold. If parents take care of such children and give them their protection, love, appropriate diet, if necessary, proper medical care and time to recover, then the child will be healed and increase the body's resistance to the viruses that are found in its environment.

For example, the child has a cold. A cold comes on for a week, stays for a week, and goes away for a week. At a time when the cold has lasted a week and the main symptoms are gone, it is too early to send the child back to school. This advice drives many parents crazy - they don't want their kids to get in the way. They need to go to work. They are glad that the children have gone to school and that they have a free day to do their own thing. Parents don't want their kids running around the house when they seem to be fine. But it is not yet the time to send a child with an indeterminate Spleen center back into the microbial community.

This is very important for these children. If they are given the opportunity to recover properly, if they are given time to recover fully, they will build a protective mechanism for healing. If parents send them to school too early, in a few days they will return from there even more sick, with another disease and this will harm their immune system. If one day the immune system of the indeterminate center of the Spleen dealt with an enemy, with a virus, and won, this virus will never return. As she goes through the process of recovery, she develops her memory and ability to deal with the same virus in the future. This is called vaccination. We infect children with a virus so that their immune systems recognize it and know how to defend themselves against it.

For people with an undefined Spleen center, homeopathic medicine is best, anything that is gentle and gentle on their health. These people cannot tolerate modern medicines. They should be careful what they take in. They are usually very concerned about their diet, their environment, water and air quality. Thus, people with an indeterminate center of the Spleen, according to by and large, healthier than the rest, because they constantly take care of their health. They drive healthy lifestyle a life with enough sleep and movement, without tobacco and alcohol.

People with a certain center of the Spleen ignore health care and their education in this sense. They are not interested in all this, because, based on their inner feeling, they think that they are healthy. People with an indeterminate center of the Spleen with a very early age realize that they must take care of themselves. This is how they become healthy.

A person with an undefined center of the Spleen should have a law in life: "Do not act spontaneously." This is a very harmful thing for such people. This is the greatest risk to their health. These people are simply not made for spontaneous action. They cannot trust the current moment. A person with an indefinite Spleen center who does not know his mechanics is drawn to act spontaneously in order to feel good and expel fear. For this he pays a high price. The mechanics of the indefinite center of the Spleen is this: overcome the urge and temptation to act spontaneously. Take the first step towards health by stopping such activities.

The great gift that people with an undefined center of the Spleen have is that by being open in this center, they can eventually learn to recognize exactly what they are letting through. Many professional healers have the Spleen center open. When they enter someone's aura, spontaneous recognition arises due to the established connection. They know diseases by experience. A person with an undetermined Spleen center can tell if a person is sick or not.

Thus, he is a kind of indicator of bad health in others, and since diseases plague him, he begins to investigate why he falls ill and thus acquires knowledge. Wisdom comes to people with an undefined Spleen center when they do not identify themselves with what they are not. If they are in the company of other people and feel bad about it, they must understand that at this moment they are absorbing and experiencing the illnesses of others. Taking it all in, they read it and can help others.

If people with an undefined Spleen center identify with all this, they can become hypochondriacs and maniacs because they are infected by other people. They will consider themselves constantly sick. They need to stay in the aura of sick people only a short time. If they stay with the sick for a long time, then after a while they themselves will get sick.

People with an indeterminate Spleen system by nature do not feel well. But this does not mean at all that they feel bad all their lives. They learn what is good for them by going through what is bad for them. They do this and over time they learn with whom and with what they feel good. They become very sensitive to the surrounding space, as they gain experience by perceiving the poor health of other people.

People with an undefined Spleen center can learn what intuition, hunch, instinct are, and understand what fear is. They can become wise and see all this in other people. They can understand what survival fear is and how it can be healed.

When a person with an undefined Spleen center goes through a long-term planetary transit that makes his immune system certain, then instead of feeling good, he is more likely to get sick, because washing machine connected to the network and first all the things accumulated in it are washed. When the cleansing process is over, these people will be able to feel good. People with an undefined Spleen center have periods in their lives when they need to go through a cleansing process - that is, to catch a cold, for example, once a year.

Definite Splenic Center

People with a certain Spleen have good health and can involuntarily communicate their well-being and sense of well-being to those around them. In order to stay healthy, they must learn to listen to their body. If they do not listen to their inner feeling, it goes away. Even if it is a matter of life and death, it will not respond a second time. People with a certain center of the Spleen should be guided through life by intuition, instinct and premonition.

Women usually come to understand more easily that intuition, and not the mind, guides them through life. For men it is much more difficult. They usually explain the world mentally and are therefore conditioned to trust their logic. And Mind cannot explain what intuition does. Mind and intuition speak different languages.

People with a certain Spleen also have fear, but it is under control. Due to the frequency of the Spleen center, that is, the mood for the current moment, fear is constantly balanced.

A child with a certain Spleen system does not go through all childhood illnesses. He may be ill with some of them, but not all. Generally speaking, such children are not very sickly. They recover very quickly and can return to normal life. But if a child with a certain center of the Spleen becomes ill, this is very serious. He can get very sick. The temperature can rise so high that it will scare the parents. A certain Spleen center means that the child's immune system is initially strong, so when he does get sick, something is really wrong and he is in danger. The disease is overloading his Spleen system.

Having a certain Spleen does not mean that you will necessarily be healthy. Not at all. You can end your life as a very sick person, simply not realizing all the symptoms of the disease until it finally undermines your health from the inside. A person with a certain Spleen center often does not know that something is wrong with him until he falls dead. Such people think that everything is fine, go out of the house and fall dead in the street. They don't know they are sick. The fact is that their Spleen is so strong that it does not allow them to realize that something is happening to them. Therefore, people with a certain Spleen center need regular medical examinations, as the Spleen center masks their potential problems.

When people with a certain Spleen system that is not connected to the Throat Center try homeopathic treatments, it turns out that this is the most acceptable for them. For people with a certain system of the Spleen, which is connected to the Throat Center, homeopathic medicine does not work in any way. When they get sick, they can only be helped modern methods treatment.

How to achieve body awareness

A person who has the Spleen system connected to the Sacral Center can always access the awareness of his body through the response.

One who has the Spleen system connected to the Throat can put into words in the present moment what his Spleen system is telling him. This connection to the thyroid system is the healthiest in design.

Those whose Spleen system is not connected to either the Sacral Center or the Throat have access to their body awareness only through planetary transits or through connection with other people. This is a completely different scenario.

When the Spleen Center is defined and there is no specific Sacral Center and Solar Plexus Center, you have Splenic Authority.

This feeling of instantaneous resonance or understanding about something or someone along with inner knowledge whether it's healthy for you or not.

Our highly developed survival mind focuses on which destinations, environments, opportunities, and people are safe and beneficial to us, and which are not.

Being in the moment, listening to what your body is telling you, is essential in your life.

Don't let your mind, emotional needs, desires and pressures of others make you wait for a second warning or reject the messages of the Splenic Center.

The Splenic Center is constantly and spontaneously telling you about your condition from moment to moment, so that you can hear great wisdom in its anxieties.

Decisions must be made in the moment.

If you're waiting - right moment and important information is gone.

The Splenic Center does not know about the future, and within 10 minutes, an hour or a day, the rightness of something for you can change, as well as your correct reactions.

In the present moment, you will instinctively know when something is right and safe for you and when it is not.

Reconnecting with respect for your Spleen Authority takes practice and deep trust in the wisdom built into your vehicle.

It has the power to bring you safely to where you need to be and with those you need.

Linda Bunnell (Manifesting Generator 4/1);
Ra Uru Hu (Manifestor 5/1)

Human Design: The Science of Differentiation (Third Edition; Beaversum, St. Petersburg)


    My type is Generator.5/1 but I often hear (but rarely listen to) exactly the spleen

    This is some bullshit, I think, about the fact that the splenic center does not know about the future, and in 10 minutes everything can change. I recently chose a further place of work from 2 options, the response in the body was unambiguous. And according to the descriptions of this center, it seems that inadequate decisions come, first one thing, after 15 minutes another, and you have to react to it instantly. Quite possibly, people in whom the spleen is not an authority have written about this authority.

    @dmitry and this was definitely not someone else's sacral? Or riding someone's wave? The spleen speaks categorically, it is felt brightly, but not for long. It may be about the future, but her reaction in time is not persistent, but momentary.

    I would say momentary. I only felt it clearly once in my life. And by the way, the post factum understood how I realized (well, after a few seconds :) ) ) what happened "oh, so you are what a reindeer!")) The spleen acts quickly, quietly and past our consciousness. At the level of a second instinct. I screwed up, followed the mind, which the body usually controls with us, everything, it won’t repeat again) it seems to me that this is the most subtle of all authorities and which is the most difficult thing to learn to follow

    And I'm very good at living with my Spleen Authority! I'm so glad that I have it and I can hear it. :) >-
    Always helps me. Probably, thanks to him, I always know in the moment what to do. I often make decisions instantly (including important ones). And here it must be said that they are quite adequate both at the very moment of adoption and after it. My success is largely due to this "6th sense", I intuitively know what, how, where and when.
    Of course, it didn't work out so well for me right away. For several years (since school) I tried to understand how it works, because I often heard the Spleen, but just as often the mind intervened with its own logic and fears. And I stubbornly wanted to understand who broadcasts when. Happened))
    "If you wait, the right moment and important information is gone." (c)
    So it is, if you are stupid, then the train leaves. I have minimal time intervals in the chain "I came up with an idea - I made a decision - I started to act"))) I'm just a manifestor, and I like to implement what came into my bright head :) )
    And there is such a thing ... I don’t know what it refers to in the DC. I often sense events approaching. For example, changes in relationships with someone, big deals at work, important turning points in my life and not so important ones. In general, it is often. And that's how it always happens. For many years in a row in December, I clearly know in which areas of life there will be changes in the coming year. And I'm very good at reading people. I feel their personality as soon as I first saw (sometimes: heard).
    And listening to the Spleen helped me to relax and escape from the conditioning of the look. That is, when I do not strive to control everything with my mind, when I allow the possibility of other options (I turn off the categorical view of the situation) and, most importantly, in my opinion, when I take the position of an observer of the process / situation / person, not limiting my vision to my patterns and beliefs , that is, when I look at the situation as if it is unique and unrepeatable.

    realfaq .NET- a mirror of the forum where it will be available in case of quirks of Internet regulation in the Russian Federation Copying materials is allowed only with a direct active link to the source!

An excerpt from the meeting episode on HD:

Splenic awareness

In any design, the body is the conductor. The mind is never an authority, even if the sacral is also from the body. The emotional center, although not a specific organ, is still a clarity that at a certain time opens to a person not in the mind.

Likewise with the spleen, it is the archetype of body awareness. You can always be, feeling your body. In the beginning, it always requires concentration, just like sitting in meditation on Vipassana and watching the body.

By the way, a very good experience for splenic people is “Vipassana”: for 10 days non-stop (without a break) you observe the body, you begin to deeply realize and feel it.

"Feel the boundary with space"

But it doesn’t really exist, but this feeling of the skin, it really brings back to the body. Our skin perceives a lot of information: tissue, pressure from a chair… Don't think about it, namely, start feeling: How do you sit on a chair? How does your leg and arms feel? How does the air feel? Sound acoustics?

And this immersion in the body becomes automatic. And the mind can be distracted at some point, to think about something.

Connecting with the body, every day you will feel this naturalness more and more, because in fact it is not something specific that makes a decision in you, just a feeling of naturalness.

As it is: I received an invitation, and you feel whether it fits into this puzzle or not. This is even more widely felt than internal authority. Just initially, when we get acquainted with the design, we discuss it.

But in fact, it is the naturalness itself that collects everything. Inner authority is the point that connects us to this common.

Theme: Body Consciousness

Function: Free will and choice

Implementation: Spontaneous health and well-being, values, immune system

Biological Compliance

The spleen with its T-lymphocytes is the basis of our immune system responsible for our health, and the closely related Splenic Center is the mental control panel for all systems of the human body, responsible for the survival of both the individual and the whole species as a whole. .

The spleen is one of the three centers that give us awareness. It allows us to be aware of our life experiences, draw conclusions from past mistakes, plan future actions with the overriding goal of surviving and adapting. The spleen continuously catches any factors threatening our life. It works in a mode of fear that awakens vigilance - this is the oldest instinct of self-preservation. However, when the fear fueled by our fantasies takes precedence over other feelings, a person loses his independence and turns into a weak-willed creature, afraid of his shadow.

Knowing your Design is an additional support for the still imperfect human mind, helping to look more confidently into the future.

Gate of the Spleen Center

- Awareness of decisions at the level of "yes" or "no". Fear of Inadequacy
– Awareness of the value of the current moment. Fear of the Future
- Ability to recognize other people's potential. Fear of the Past
- Conscious protection of others. Fear of Responsibility.
– Ability to determine the potential for variability. Fear of Failure
- Fight for the goal. Fear of death or life without risk
– Seeing unsustainable patterns. Fear of authority. self-condemnation

All your inherent fears and talents depend on the presence and activation of certain Gates in our Design. In order to better understand their specifics and reveal their own individuality more deeply, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with a very interesting and informative course, where all the main gates (archetypes) of a person are described in an accessible form, with their advantages and pain points, and recommendations are given that are necessary for a more successful self-realization.

Definite Splenic Center - 55% of the population

The Spleen Center allows us to survive in the unpredictable world around us. This is the control center of our instincts. It is thanks to him that we distinguish what can be a danger to us, and what, on the contrary, will serve as salvation. But the information obtained in this way is spontaneous and is never repeated twice. If we didn’t want or couldn’t hear her signals on the first try, then we risk missing an important warning for our life regarding our health or survival, which is relevant at this very moment.

Children with determined by the Center they are not very susceptible to infections, they rarely get sick, they remain healthy during large-scale influenza epidemics, but if they are still unlucky and get sick, then they have a hard time. For recovery and full recovery their body needs more time and stronger drugs.

People with a Definite Spleen are used to trusting their intuition. I myself have repeatedly convinced myself from my own experience that neglect of her signals does not lead to anything good. If a person perceives the Splenic Center as his Authority (provided that in your Bodygraph this is authority), then he will always be able to keep his false "I" from reckless actions. Such people have appearance radiates well-being, they always have a good mood, many friends and they are lucky. However, their mind is not asleep. It is much louder and more logical (by human standards) than the intuitive Spleen. When the body receives a signal - do not eat it, do not act like this, be careful, danger - a person, first of all, must trust his intuition, and only then begin to analyze the information received. The mind, having received the reins of power in its hands, is sure to pervert, cancel or simply ignore the warning received, which will lead to dangerous consequences.

Having on hand, you will already be warned in advance about the problems and malfunctions that may arise in the body due to your lifestyle.

Indeterminate Splenic Center - 45% of the population

People with an indeterminate splenic center have a much harder time. Not only does the voice of their intuition sound much weaker, their openness provokes a constant strengthening of all their inherent fears. Such people, in order to achieve a prosperous and healthy life you must personally face each of your own 7 fears and overcome them, otherwise they will become hostages of their false self.

The open Spleen Center generates in its owners the main fear that they will not be able to survive on Earth, that they have an insufficient margin of strength, health, knowledge, skills, and the like, so they easily become dependent on more advanced individuals. People with an open Spleen are easily conditioned by the surrounding society. However, it is this dependence on friends, partners, parents that gives them a sense of security. As an example: eternal sissies and daughters, obediently fulfilling the will of despotic parents until old age, "devoted" wives of tyrants' husbands, enduring beatings and humiliation, "scapegoats" in collectives, enduring constant ridicule. They are united by one thought that without their tormentors it will be even worse for them - this is how their fear of the outside world is constantly changing.

Of course, not all people with an open center of the Spleen are destined for such a fate. Most people cope with their problems on their own, live, develop, achieve their goals. They were able to look their fears straight in the eye and overcome them. Such people make good psychologists and diagnosticians, they subconsciously feel what is wrong in the soul or body of the patient.

The commandment for people with an indeterminate Spleen should be: "Never make spontaneous decisions." You need to wait, think, then decide.

No one is immune from mistakes, but studying, or at least thoughtfully familiarizing yourself with your own Design, can help reduce their number. Knowing about your conditionality, you will no longer give in to the first impulse and will not go on about the environment that manipulates you.

Fully Open Spleen Center

As a rule, complete openness leads to the emergence of an avalanche of all kinds of fears. people with full open center in theory, they should be afraid of everything in the world. But more often the opposite happens. They, not understanding what exactly they need to be afraid of, since the whole the world carries a “deadly” threat, completely lose touch with their fears, decide on rash, risky and even stupid actions that require high level fearlessness.

The ability to rely on one's inner Authority gives a person great potential. In my practice, I came across such people, despite their complete openness, they overcame both fears and reckless fearlessness, and reached decent heights of self-realization. After all, it is given to them to capture the subtlest vibrations of the intuitive and instinctive mind in themselves and those around them, to understand their loved ones from a half-word, to feel the mood and emotions.

False Self Conversation of the Indefinite Splenic Center

The false "I" sometimes greatly hinders us on the path of our self-realization. Therefore, it is important to recognize in time what or who is the initiator of our thoughts and actions.

Here are the approximate topics and questions that the false "I" of the indefinite Spleen Center makes us ask:

  • Not that, I'm afraid...
  • Let's put this thing aside, I'm not sure I can handle it...
  • Let's not talk about it, such topics inspire fear in me ...
  • Let's not say such things, they can upset this person ...
  • I will not take up this case, because I am afraid of the consequences, criticism, responsibility ...
  • I will not do this, because I am afraid of losing this person ...
  • If I do this, he will leave me...

If you are free from the pressure of the false "I", then completely different words will sound in your internal monologue. Knowing your Design, namely, drawing up and will help you successfully deal with conditioning, stop depending on external circumstances, other people's opinions and actions.

Want to know more about your Design?