Mikhail Zhvanetsky: Brilliastic aphorisms are one line. The best statements of Zhvanetsky

Odessans and the world of the world Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky - a recognized classic of the conversational genre, eclipping the current popular stars stand-up comedy. The secret of its popularity is simple: he describes our lives - acute, accurately, ingenious. His quotes disagree into the people. Therefore, wherever Russian understands, he collects the full halls. Mikhal Mikhalych has many famous miniature monologues - "How joke in Odessa", "Collection on a Liquorova", "Normal, Grigory" etc. In order not to occupy your time, we will remind - selectively - best quotes From his works of different years.

Classic Ugrozdilo Born March 6 - Therefore, we begin a selection of reflections about a woman ...

- Woman scandal does not spoil, he refreshes it!

- Women are charm what kind of fools and horror what kind of fools!

- And the fact that they kiss you - nothing means, and what they go for you - nothing means. All my life will think that she loves you, and she will talk to you, and you will not recognize the truth, and live happily ...

- From human I really like memory. From animal - rumor. From parts of the body - head. Then eyes. Then legs. In women - on the contrary.

About men

- The perfect man is the one that loves.

"Nothing is like a man as nonsense."

Smart, it means? ..

- Alone both hemispheres are protected by a skull, from others - pants.

- Lysin is a glade, wrapped in thoughts.

- All people are brothers, but not everyone is reasonable.

About the state

- We had socialism with an inhuman face - and capitalism turned out to be with some kind of wild back.

- We never seen the right course, only the right one.

- Our freedom resembles a traffic light, who has three fire immediately.

- Politicians are people who rose from the bottom, but did not reach the surface.

- Nation is a bouquet different colors, pulled by border guards.

About career

- If there is a successful job, then you can sometimes relax. And if the work is very successful, then you never rest.

- All day you do not sleep, you don't eat all night - of course you are tired!

About love

"It was such love - she hung on it, like apron, he endured her only during a meal.

- The worst of us - children of sex, the best - children of love.

- They merried. He is German. She's Russian. Communicate in English. On both they say bad. Therefore, never swear. Every long thinks before speak.

About age

- What is 80? - This is the right to kiss a woman without her consent and without his hope.

- In old age, when you need more time, you offer more money.

- Experience is the past, wisdom is the future.

- It is necessary to be able to distinguish the mood from well-being.

- Wisdom does not always come with age. It happens that age comes one.

About talent

"To hear you - you need a protest." To remember you - you need talent.

- I love their courage, their courage, their clear political orientation, their clear views and tremendous enthusiasm. I only hate their performance.

- At the ordinary artist you look at the beauty. The great artist - she looks at you.

- A little to know the price - you need to be in demand.

- Now the time has come when the accompaniment performs with solo concerts. And songs in meaning approaching rock painting.

About life

- To the question: "How do you live?" "Oversized Materno, got drunk, I got a face with an inappropriate, I beat my head for a long time, in general, left the answer.

"What a man do not do, he stubbornly crawls in a cemetery."

- Real loneliness - when you speak all night with yourself and you do not understand.

- A decent person can be easily recognized by how clumsily he does meanness.

- What is our life: you will not get used to - run, do not go away - you get used to it.

- For the mania, the greatness is not required - quite enough mania.

- I adapted and watching the news of three days ago. And I think: "Lord, how Khrenovo was three days ago!"

- the most difficult to a person is given what is not given to him.

- Let it better be laughing at you than crying.

- What a pity that you finally go away ...

"Nothing is wrong with man, like fragments of their own happiness."

- Spit into the garbage is not ashamed. It's a shame to be happy.

- Previously bothered the thought that I could forget. But today it is already concerned about the thought that I can remember.

- If someone appeared, ready to turn the mountains, you will definitely go to them, ready to turn it on the neck.

- Only on your birthday you learn how much unnecessary things in the world! ..

- Want to just immediately - and you get anything and gradually

- Money will disappear - people will appear ...

Before the operation, you must answer a number of questions. One of them: to whom to call in the case of complications. I answered: more competent doctor.

There is no difference between sick and healthy. Patients spend strength to distance from death, healthy - for approaching it.

When you stand in front of the choice: say or silent, choose the second. Silence will allow you to build only guesses on your account, words - draw conclusions. - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Multilateral personality is a dubious compliment. Maybe they mean that you are Ham, a stupid, a bastard and an egoist at the same time.

I always had a sorry for octopuses. The poor has a really hands from priests grow. And on the ass - ears.

It is said that only fools laugh without reason. And for some reason, forget about pretty girls ...

Zhvanetsky: Even if the person cannot be bought, you can try to sell it.

The main thing is for those who can turn over the world, did not follow the others who can turn it out.

With such a wind, it is not what to see, I can't get a bundle ...

To succeed in business, you need to learn not on your mistakes, but on strangers.

Continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes Zhvanetsky read on the pages:

To start from scratch, before it is still needed long crawled up

Answering machine Kalashnikova.

Juice - this is not rudeness, this is what is formed from the combination of rudeness and ignorance with cowardice and incomingness

Pedestrian is always right. While alive

Writer because of television did not disappear, but the reader disappeared

No need to run from a sniper, just die tired.

Better silent and seem like a fool than speak and not leave no doubt about this

Good luck smiles bold ... and then long rzhet over them !!!

Do not say that I need to do, and I will not say where you need to go.

In life there is always a place a place. It is only necessary to be away from this place.

Each person is right. And in my opinion, no.

Nothing so either hurts, like fragments of their own happiness.

There is a pessimist on the street, and behind him two optimists in civilian clothes ...

Very briefly live in this country people, houses, graves

Microbes slowly crawled around the body of Levsh, with difficulty dragging the horseshoes ...

Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt.

I infinitely respect the monstrous selection of my people

The best alibi is to be the same.

What they fell, then grown

Found out the output is the first

The hardest person is given what is not given to him.

Pure conscience - a sign of bad memory.

Harvard University scientists have established that white mice breed much better if they do not interfere with Harvard University scientists.

The idea came to his head and now stubbornly looking for the brain

So far we will measure seven times, others will be cut.

The idealist is the one who, noticing that the rose smells better cabbage, concludes that the soup from it will be better ...

Whenever I remember that the Lord is fair, I tremble for my country

I remember, in my 43rd my legs were sick! .. And I bought the 45th and normal ...

The last words of two tamers of Lviv: "How? I thought you fed them!?! "

Friends are known in trouble, if, of course, they manage to find them.

The crew says goodbye to you and wishes you a pleasant flight ....

If you don't call relatives or friends for a long time, then they are fine.

It is better to dinner without appetite than the appetite without lunch.

Everything goes well, only by ...

How time flies quickly: I did not have time to wake up, and I've been late for work.

How hard to crawl with proudly raised head!

People are divided into those who can rely on and those who need to put

Everything in this world is relative. For example, the length of the minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are.

Positive emotions are the emotions that arise if you put everything ...

We met me on the clothes, they also spent bad ...

I ran out the street on the red light and was shot down by a counter pedestrian.

Lottery - the most accurate way accounting for the number of optimists.

It is better to get seven times later than once again!

Wisdom does not always come with age. It happens that one comes one

It is better to make love to make love with love with love.

If you argue with an idiot, then it probably does the same.

To start from scratch, it is still necessary to crawl long.

In history, it is difficult to enter, but it is easy to pursue

Everything goes well, only by ...

A little to know the price - it is necessary to be in demand.

Levity is a good state of health at your own risk.

Do not drive a car faster than your guardian angel flies

All day you do not sleep, you don't eat all night - of course you get tired ...

In any of us sleeps genius. And every day everything is kpeed ...

Never exaggerate the stupidity of the enemies and loyalty to friends ...

It's a shame when your dreams come true from others!

Thought only then thought when her heads think.

What is your wonderful child! Is it a pretty boy or a terrible girl?

The more I look in the mirror, the more I believe Darwin.

If a person knows what he wants, hence, he or a lot knows, or he wants little.

Human learning is light, and unacceptable is a pleasant twilight.

If you fold the dark past with a bright future, it will be a gray present.

Better bubble from beer than humps from work.

Since I began to drive a car, I began to carefully move the road.

Dobo always wins evil, then who won, that and kind.

Better a long lively one than the coating machine.

Let it be better above you laugh than crying.

You can't live beautifully. But you can prevent ...

Little to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

Found the exit is tapped first.

Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt

We promise them, we promise, we promise, and everything is not enough for them!

Only on the birthday of the birthday, you will find out how many unnecessary things in the world

Initially there was a word ... However, judging by the fact that events developed further, the word was unsightened.

How fast time flies: I did not have time to wake up, and was already late for work

Better lunch without appetite than appetite without lunch

If a person knows what he wants, hence, he or a lot knows, or he wants little

He does not have a face, but an object for intramuscular injections

One head is good, but with a torso - better.

He has no face, but an object for intramuscular injections.

The main thing is not to go to the street

The main thing is not to move the street to the next world.

Initially there was a word ... However, judging by the fact that the events developed further, the word was unsightened

What roof does not like quick ride?

Citizens! Fly Aeroflot airplanes! Hurry! They are very little left.

All people brothers, but not all in mind.

The optimist believes that we live in the best of the worlds. Pessimist is afraid that it is

People are divided into those whom you can rely on those who need to put.

In the story it is difficult to enter, but it is easy to pursue.

A brought up man will not make comments to a woman who is poorly carrying a sleeve.

If you leased ass, do not relax - this is a grease!

I came - thanks, left - thank you very much ...

Any car is enough until the end of life, if you ride enough.

Of the two angry, I knock out what Panche did not say ...

Nothing is so hurts man like fragments of your own happiness

Think so hard - so most people judge.

Help you or do not interfere?

My child is like a mother ... yelling loudly, piercing! But my eyes are - to blame, run ...

I am too fast I drive the car to worry because of cholesterol!

So I saw you on the crutches, and you are me with one eye!

To save the sinking, not enough to stretch your hand - it is necessary that he put his own in response.

How to hate this country to throw an apartment after such a repair

What a pity that you finally leave ...

So far we will measure seven times, others will be cut off

Better a little dollar than thank you very much.

Want to just immediately, and you get anything and gradually.

The highest degree of embarrassment is two views found in a keyhole

Wisdom does not always come with age. It happens that age comes one.

Everything in this world is relative. For example, the length of the minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are

Only on the birthday of Birth, you know how many unnecessary things in the world.

Lysin is a Polyanka, wounded by thoughts.

In life there is always a place a place. It is only necessary to be away from this place.

Hours - light, and unacceptable - nice twilight

The optimist believes that we live in the best of the worlds. Pessimist is afraid that it is.

Do not drive the car faster than your guardian angel flies.

Sharp quotes, Funny Aphorisms Odessa, Satirik writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky.

One awkward movement and you father

What is our life: you will not get used to it - you will die, you will not run - you get used to it.

What do you want most when you get up? Spit down.

To save the sinking, not enough to stretch your hand - it is necessary that he put his own in response.

If a person knows what he wants, hence, he or a lot knows, or he wants little.

If you argue with an idiot, then it probably does the same.

What a pity that you finally leave ...

This family arises when both are not needed by anyone.

Sometimes drink from nothing to do, sometimes they do from nothing to drink, and sometimes die - from nothing to drink and nothing to do

A decent person can be easily recognized by how clumsily he makes meanness.

Better a little dollar than thank you very much.

Only on the birthday of Birth, you know how many unnecessary things in the world.

He is an old fool. Although the age here is nothing.

You can not love - sit together!

Fools love to punish smart. First, they raise yourself. Secondly, it is smarter. Thirdly, everyone see who is the main one. The only thing - then do not know what to do.

Everything goes well, only by ...

Little to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

Life - like a piano: White key, black key ... cover.

Sit at home - it seems, all sites sit. You will go out on the street - it seems that everyone came out. Let's get to the station - you think, well, everyone went. In the hospital, the impression that everyone was laid there; In the cemetery - everything is flex. Well, a lot of us. Everything is enough. And everywhere too.

Old age is approaching as an electric train: here it is still there, and here it is already here.

We promise them, we promise, we promise, and everything is not enough for them!

We can not have anything. We can not have everything. We have everything you want, that may not be.

The same time lives the patient and healthy, only those forces that the patient spends on distance, healthy - on the approach of bright light at the end of the tunnel.

It is better to silent and see the fool, rather than talk and not to leave no doubt about this.

Do you need a person for complete happiness? - Few!? But only that others have even less.

Never exaggerate the stupidity of the enemies and loyalty to friends ...

Found the exit is tapped first.

Positive emotions are the emotions that arise if you put everything ...

Do not say that I need to do, and I will not say where you need to go.

Good always wins evil, it means who won, that kind.

Harvard University scientists have established that white mice breed much better if they do not interfere with Harvard University scientists.

Some of both hemispheres are protected by a skull, from others - pants.

The optimist believes that we live in the best of the worlds. Pessimist is afraid that it is.

There are three reasons for the failure: I forgot, I washed or scored.

It is difficult to be the last bitch - forever someone attaches from behind!

We met me on the clothes, they also spent bad ...

Ends are not happy. If happy, this is not the end.

  • Alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Thoughts and women do not come together.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • "We are sitting, lying, we are lying around ... but on the right path."
    "We live at such a time when the clock is not for time, but not a breast for a baby."

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • I came - thanks, left - thank you very much ...
    Our man with young years is used to open the door of a woman.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • "There is no what we want, it happens to what we can adapt."
    "In Russia, two types of chiefs - self-spokes and nuggets. The second is not yet visible."

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • "Russia is a country of unlimited possibilities and impossible restrictions"?
    "Per new life Country pays rollback. Rollback is paid by culture. "

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • On Cognac I can give two or three thoughts per hour.
    One sharpness of ten minutes.
    On vodka - three or four claims to the government and one question for the Duma: where are they from?
    On dry wine - to the heartburn, I manage to dimming, very bad to think about everyone.
    On champagne - carry nonsense rather far and long.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Mefulness - annoying.
    Joylessness - inhibits.
    Poorness - perturbation.
    Dullness - pushes.
    The mind is tires.
    Humor - offended.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Abroad
    There we are like white crows, like black hares, like yellow horses.
    We are unlike everyone. We can be seen. We are aggressive. We are irritable.
    We rush somewhere and do not give anyone time to think.
    We are roughly impatient ... We hurry on the plane, on the train, on the bus, although we are already there.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Self-sex
    Got up - it became worse.
    It turned out - it became better.
    I drank - even better ...
    No need to go!

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • In the end, who am I so not to drink?
    Drink, Mishastik, achieve love without words.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Alimony is when one pays for three.
    He was so tightly irradiated that she had begun to drink under his breath.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Today, an honest and principled person is completely different.
    He does not say, does not object.
    He agrees, but does in his own way.
    He does not know anything tedious and it is useless to objections, dispute, convictions, persuasion, speeches.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Again appeal to politicians.
    I was always interested in - why a bad language, a bad dictation, the lack of thought causes such a big desire to meet with the audience?

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Our diagnosis - we are still uncivilized.
    We have a very low percentage of getting into the toilet, in the caulient, in the urn.
    The language we speak is rude. We translate from Mata.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • The cost of "Eve" she really goes, just to take something to do.
    Some look brave because they are afraid to escape.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Good luck smiles bold ... and then long rzhet over them !!!
    Levity is good well-being at your own risk

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Friends are known in trouble, unless of course they manage to find them.
    Dulk such strong windthat cigarettes turned along with the teeth ...

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • What a pity that you finally leave ...
    Born crawling - everywhere will crawl.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • All three ex-wife came to his funeral.
    And the first rolled the hysteria: "Who do you leave us?!"
    Although all three long ago are married.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • To save the sinking, not enough to stretch your hand - it is necessary that he put his own in response.
    In the story it is difficult to enter, but it is easy to pursue.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Laughter without a reason - a sign that you or an idiot, or a pretty girl. People are divided into those whom you can rely on those who need to put.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • How we are located.
    Subordinates - tails outside, heads inside.
    Chiefs - tails inside, outward.
    All people are children inside, babes outside, men around the perimeter.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • We met me on the clothes, they also spent bad ...
    The idea came to his head and now stubbornly looking for the brain.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Well, they struck the wall of the wall ... And what will you do in the next chamber?
    Microbes slowly crawled around the body of Levsh, with difficulty dragging the horseshoes ...

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Lot good people In the world .. But on the light of them more ...
    Nothing so hurts man like fragments of his own happiness.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Found the exit is tapped first!
    Of the two angry, I knock out what Panche did not say ...

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Everything goes well, only by ...
    Little to find your place in life, you have to find it first.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • The crew says goodbye to you and wishes you a pleasant flight ....
    Some of both hemispheres are protected by a skull, from others - pants.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Dobo always wins evil, then who won, that and kind.
    Only on the birthday of Birth, you know how many unnecessary things in the world.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Never exaggerate the stupidity of the enemies and loyalty to friends ...
    In life there is always a place a place. It is only necessary to be away from this.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • I infinitely respect the monstrous choice of my people.
    Life - like a piano: White key, black key ... cover.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Each person is right. And in my opinion there is no.
    So I saw you on the crutches, and you are me with one eye!

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • The more I look in the mirror, the more I believe Darwin.
    To start from scratch, it is still necessary to crawl long.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • The hardest person is given what is not given to him.
    If a person knows what he wants, hence, he knows a lot, or little

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • And those who stood in a living queue, are vigorously watching the order of receipt in the queue, which is out of turn, which is achieved by this glorious universal silence.

    Zhvanetsky Mikhail

  • Lottery is the most accurate way to take into account the number of optimists.
    The highest degree of embarrassment is two views found in a keyhole.

Aphorisms and quotes Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky - Modern Russian Satir writer, artist, author and performer of satirical miniatures and dialogues. Creativity Zhvanetsky satisfied with the colorful Odessa humor. Its ulcer in respect of human and social defects is in constant success among the public. Below are some Aphorisms and quotes Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

"Whenever I remember that the Lord is fair, I tremble for my country"

"Nothing is wrong with man, like fragments of their own happiness"

"If a person knows what he wants, hence, he or a lot knows, or he wants little"

"Wisdom does not always come with age. It happens that one comes one "

"So far seven times you measure, others will be cut"

"In any of us sleeps genius. And every day everything is kpeed ... "

"So that I saw you on the crutches, and you with me with one eye!"

"The main thing is not to move the street to that light"

"What a pity that you finally leave ..."

"The highest degree of embarrassment is two views found in the keyhole"

"It is better to get seven times later than once again!"

"People, houses, graves live in this country very briefly.

"In the story it is difficult to enter, but it is easy to pursue"

"Initially, there was a word .... however, judging by the fact that the events developed further, the word was unsightened"

"Came - Thank you, I left - thank you very much ..."

"In life there is always a place for a feat. It is only necessary to be away from this place. "

"Better lunch without appetite than appetite without lunch"

"Sorry, I'm saying when you interrupt"

"Jobbing is not rudeness, this is what is formed from the combination of rudeness and ignorance with cowardice and incoming"

"He does not have a face, but an object for intramuscular injections"

"Do not drive a car faster than your guardian angel flies"

"We promise them, we promise, we promise, we promise, and everything is not enough for them!"

"People are divided into those who can rely on and on those who need to put"

"Never exaggerate the stupidity of enemies and loyalty to friends ..."

"The idea came to his head and now stubbornly looking for the brain"

"Life - like a piano: White key, black key ... cover"

"How hard to crawl with proudly raised head!"

"Literature is an art to avoid words"

"Do not live beautifully. But it can be prevented ... "

"Friendship has changed so much that it makes betrayal, does not need meetings, correspondence, hot conversations and even allows one friendly"

"Any car is enough to the end of life, if you ride enough famous"

"It's a shame when your dreams come true from others!"

"Some look brave because they are afraid to escape"

"Clean conscience - a sign of bad memory"

"Hours - light, and unacceptable - a pleasant twilight"

"You won't sleep all day, you don't eat all night - of course you get tired ..."

"Found the exit is tapped first"

"It is better to silent and see the fool, rather than speak and not leave no doubt about this."

"The same time lives the patient and healthy, only those forces that the patient spends a distance, healthy - on the approach of bright light at the end of the tunnel"

"How fast time flies: I did not have time to wake up, and was already late for work"

"The optimist believes that we live in the best of the worlds. Pessimist is afraid that it is so "

"Everything in this world is relatively. For example, the length of the minute depends on which side of the toilet door you are "

"The writer because of television did not disappear, but the reader disappeared"

"Only on the birthday of the birthday, you will find out how many unnecessary things in the world"

"How to hate this country to throw an apartment after such a repair"

"Of the two evils, I knock out what Panche did not give ..."

"I infinitely respect the monstrous choice of my people"

"What they fell, then grown"

"To start from scratch, it still needs to crawl up long."

"Everything goes well, only by ..."

"What is your wonderful child! Is it a pretty boy or a terrible girl? "

"Thought only then thought when her head is thinking"

"The idealist is the one who, noticing that the rose smells better cabbage, concludes that the soup from it will be better ..."

"Do not say that I need to do, and I will not say where you need to go"

"Levity is good well-being at your own risk"

"The most difficult to a person is given what is not given to Him"

"If you don't call relatives or friends for a long time, it means everything is good"

"Old age is approaching as an electric train: here it is still there, and here it is already here."

"Loneliness is when you say all night with yourself, but you do not understand"

"The history of Russia is the struggle of ignorance with injustice"

"Laughter without a reason - a sign that you or an idiot, or a pretty girl"

"Our people are not ready. Live are not ready yet. Do not want to die, but not ready to live "

"All the greats have long been dead, and something unhealthy me"

"If a person can not buy, then you can sell it"

"Pedestrian is always right. While alive

"I am too fast I drive the car to worry because of cholesterol!"

"How much does the state do not fight - still do not return it!"

"Many good people in the world ... But on the light of them more"

"The more I look in the mirror, the more I believe Darwin"

"I look at you and I think: how a little bottle of my blood for breakfast is influenced by the woman's breakfast.

"If you fold the dark past with a bright future, it will be a gray present"

"A decent person can be easily recognized by how clumsily he does meanness"

"Finding your place in life, you have to find it first"

"My child looks like a mother ... yelling loudly, piercing! But my eyes are guilty, run ... "

"The best Alibi is to be"

"A brought up man will not make comments to a woman who is poorly carrying a sleeve"

"Lysin is a Polyanka, wounded by thoughts"

"If you argue with an idiot, then it probably does the same and he"

"Want to just right away, and you get anything and gradually"

"One head is good, and the head with the torso is better"

"Good luck smiles bold ... and then long rzhet over them !!!"

"Born crawling - everywhere crashes"

"Better little dollar than a big thank you"

"Met me on clothes, they also spent bad ..."

"You do not need to run from a sniper, just die tired"

"They learn from their mistakes, they make a career on strangers"

"There are three reasons for failure: I forgot, I washed or scored"

"What do you want most when you get up? Spit down

"Locked the street on the red light and was shot down by a counter pedestrian"

"For mania, the greatness is not required, but quite enough mania"

"In some of both hemispheres are protected by a skull, from others - pants"

"If someone appeared, ready to minimize the mountains, you will definitely go to him, ready to turn it on the neck"

"Everyone is a blacksmith of his happiness and anvil of someone else's"

"The ends of the happy does not happen. If happy, it's not the end "

"Russia is a country of talents. Talents Mass, no one work

"Better is a long lively one than the co-motor"

"And wolves are full, and sheep are intact, and shepherd eternal memory"

"In our Odessa, quickly raised is not considered fallen"

"There is a pessimist on the street, and behind him two optimists in civilian clothes ..."

"All people brothers, but not all in mind"

"Dobo always wins evil, then who won, that kind"

"Think so hard - so most people judge"

"We have something can not be. We can not have everything. We just do not want, that may not be "

"To help you or do not interfere?"

"Better belly from beer than hump from work"

"Pleasant innovation singing under the phonogram. Favorite singer arrives at a concert, but the voice does not take with you "

"Everyone is right in his own way. And in my opinion, no "

"Well not just where we are not, and where we never happened!"

"Lottery is the most accurate way to take into account the number of optimists"

"Harvard University scientists have established that white mice multiply much better if they do not interfere with Harvard University scientists"

"Under pressure from outside humor is born inside."

"It's a little to know the price - you still have to be in demand."

"We grab more high style spore. Dispute without facts. Dispute on temperament. Spore, turning from the vote statement on the personality of the partner

"Who married the young, paid in full: she will never see him young, he will never see her old"

"Nobody is afraid of radiations - it is believed that we just do not have time to die"

"Since I began to drive a car, I began to carefully move the road.

"Ask, what is the tomatoes? I ask six, I will give for five. Well, I will take four, you have three "

"As one eastern sage said in Odessa said," you can not be honest and dishonest at the same time, even if it happens in different places "

"It is better to make love to make love with love with love."

"Fools love to punish smart. First, they raise yourself. Secondly, it is smarter. Thirdly, everyone see who is the main one. The only thing - then do not know what to do "

"Friends are known in trouble, if, of course, they manage to find them."

"What can say chrome on the art of Herberta von Karaian? If he immediately declare that he was chrome, he recognizes himself defeated "

"Let it better be laughing at you than crying"

"On the nature of a person can be judged by how he behaves with those who can no longer be useful to him, as well as those who can not give him surrender"

"To save the sinking, not enough to stretch your hand - it is necessary that he put his in response"

"What can a person who did not change the passport?"

"Do you know that the economical hostess cuts meat for festive table. very thin slices? And the tricky guest eats them immediately five "

"The entire population takes the form of the subject. Who works with, his form and accepts "

"You can not love - sit together!"

"Sit at home - it seems, all sites sit. You will go out on the street - it seems that everyone came out. Let's get to the station - you think, well, everyone went. In the hospital, the impression that everyone was laid there; In the cemetery - everything is flex. Well, a lot of us. Everything is enough. And everywhere too much

"And in general, can it be interested in the opinion of the person bald, with such a nose? Let first fix the nose, grow hair, and then speak out "

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