We make dolls amulets for well-being. Krupenichka - do-it-yourself ritual doll

Krupenichka was considered the main doll in the family. Our ancestors richly dressed it up and carefully kept it for a year in the most conspicuous place in the house. Krupenichka is a doll that brings prosperity and well-being to the house, creating warmth and comfort in it. Such a doll will become good gift a young family for a wedding or housewarming.

In each clan-family they were made in its own way, investing all the love and accumulated centuries-old wisdom. They bore the imprint of the Spirit of this family, their Worldview and Worldview. Through the doll, a connection was established between ancestors and descendants, the intimate generic knowledge was transmitted. Create your own, unique, warm, real - live Krupenichka doll.

The basis of the doll was a bag of grain. In ancient times, these dolls were created after harvest, filling them with selected grain harvested from the field. Sowing began with it, the first to sow the grain taken from this pupa.

Traditionally, Krupenichka was filled with buckwheat, which symbolized satiety and wealth, but it is also possible to fill it with other cereals (for example, rice - a "festive" expensive grain, or oats - a grain of strength).

To create Krupenichka you will need:

Unbleached linen fabric (for the little body of our doll), ~ 20x20 cm;
- cereals (I use buckwheat), ~ 1 glass;
- linen or cotton fabric (for a lower shirt), ~ 20x10 cm;
- linen lace or linen / cotton fabric (for an upper shirt), ~ 20x10 cm;
- linen or cotton fabric (for zipun), ~ 40x10 cm;
- linen lace or linen / cotton fabric (for warrior), ~ 20x10 cm;
- linen or cotton fabric (for a scarf), ~ 40x20 cm;
- linen lace and / or small pieces of fabric (for an apron), ~ 7-10 cm;
- natural linen threads;
- red floss;
- copper fittings (to make the dolls expressive, I use pendants in the form of spoons, keys, etc.);
- tailor's scissors;
- scissors with a curly edge;
- a needle.

Master class on making Krupenichki dolls

To create doll clothes, I recommend using a combination of plain fabrics with fabrics in a small pattern. They look as organic as possible.
By colors I recommend using fabrics of no more than 2 basic harmonious colors, shading them with fabrics of component colors.

Our ancestors instead measuring instruments used their body parts - elbow, span, fathom, etc. When measuring tissue, the same principle was used.

In order to create the little body of our doll, we take an unbleached linen fabric, put two palms next to it, measuring in this way a square ~ 20x20 cm. Cut out.

I'll clarify right away - our ancestors did not use scissors when creating dolls. Pieces of fabric were torn off by hand, folded in different ways (depending on the specific type of doll), and tied with threads.

However, to make the doll beautiful and neat, I still prefer to cut the fabric.

We fold the resulting square in half.

Sew together with natural linen thread at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. I leave the ponytails of threads on both sides long and then knot knots out of them by hand.

From the top and bottom of the bag, we collect the edge of the fabric with a basting stitch, leaving long tails of threads so that we can tighten them and tie them securely.

In the part of the bag that will be the top of the pupa, the tails of the thread should be on the inside of the bag (after we twist the bag, they will be on the outside, respectively). This can be achieved by inserting the needle from the inside of the bag for the first time, and when you come to the last stitch, withdraw the needle and thread also to inner side.

We tighten the part of the bag that will be the bottom of the pupa, tie it into 3 knots, for reliability, we wrap it with the rest of the thread and fasten it with 3 more knots.

We turn the bag over to the front side.

We fall asleep cereals. The body should be very dense, so we fill in a full bag, leaving very little space to hide the tails of the fabric in it.

After we hid the remnants of the fabric inside, we pull it very tightly and tie it to 3 knots.

We measure out the undershirt from the fabric. The shirt should cover 2/3 of our doll, i.e. hide it from "neck" to "toes", leaving room for the face. To keep the bottom edge of the shirt straight, we fold the fabric in half. Cut out. We wrap our doll, overlapping the edges of the fabric, thus closing the back seam of the bag. The seam will be the back of the pupa's head.

10. Tightly wrap and secure the fabric with red thread.

In ancient times, when creating a protective doll, all the joints-storage of Zhiva (life-giving force) were tied with a red thread to protect them.

11. We measure and cut off linen lace for the upper shirt.

We wrap them over the bottom shirt in such a way that the edges of the shirt do not close on the front side, leaving a gap of about 3 cm. We collect with linen thread and fasten to 3 knots.

Let's move on to creating a zipun (caftan). Cut out a strip of fabric. The length of the strip depends on how thick the fabric itself is. If it is a thin strip, we cut it out longer, if it is dense, less.

We take a copper pendant (I will have this key). We thread a linen thread into the eyelet and firmly fix it in the center with two knots.

Put the thread on the edge of the strip of fabric. And from the edges to the center, we begin to twist the handle sleeves, along with the thread and the key.

15. We put the resulting zipun on the doll in such a way that the edges of the twisted sleeves remain outside, and in height they are located 1.5-2 cm above the bottom edge of the shirt. Wrap tightly and secure the zipun with linen thread. We tie on 3 knots.

We throw the tail of the thread holding the key diagonally over the head, and using a needle, carefully attach it to the thread that holds the zipun.
We don’t prick the doll, and we don’t sew anything to it! We only need a needle so that we can wrap the thread from the key around the thread that holds the zipun together. We fix it with 3 knots.

Since ancient times, the rag was used by the Slavs as a talisman or ritual object. Such talismans were human companions throughout life path from birth to death. Handmade rag beauties were present in every home. Our ancestors believed in magic power this talisman. They were made exclusively by women. During the process of creating the amulet, the man had no right to observe or even be near. Pupae were made faceless, made exclusively from natural materials. They were not just toys, but protected a person, home and family, served as a sacred object at childbirth, weddings, and holidays. A rag doll, whose history goes back centuries, acquires new life- to become popular in the modern world.

Zernovushka doll - a talisman for wealth and abundance

The personification of prosperity in the Slavic family was the Zernovushka doll, which was also called Goroshinka, Krupenichka. People believed that she attracts wealth to the house, promotes good harvest... Depending on the terrain, it could look different, but it was always based on a bag filled with grain. Most often, buckwheat, wheat, peas, barley, oats were poured. Placed the doll in the most conspicuous place in the house. By the appearance of the talisman, it was possible to determine the wealth of the family. If the doll is thick, then a plentiful crop has been collected, which promises a well-fed winter. Sometimes such amulets were made in male guise and called the Rich. In addition, Krupenichki were a ritual object during spring sowing... The first to throw the grain into the ground from the bag of the doll. In the fall, they filled it with selected seeds of a new crop, in the hope that the next one would be the same. Krupenichka is one of the most revered rag amulets, it was believed that she keeps the power of Mother Earth, which gives hope for a favorable spring, summer with warm rains, and abundant autumn. It is customary to give a grain grain on the holiday of Kolyada, when they gave thanks to the gods for a rich harvest. Nowadays, the doll can be presented for housewarming and weddings.

Making Krupenichka

It is not difficult to make such a Zernovushka doll with your own hands. The main thing is to know the features and follow the rules when making a talisman:

  • The doll must be faceless;
  • In work, only natural materials;
  • Do not use piercing-cutting objects (needle, scissors)
  • Clothes are not stitched, but wrapped around.
  • Thoughts must be light when they are being made.
  • Sick or preoccupied with something, the work should not be done.
  • According to Slavic traditions, needlework is not practiced on Friday and Sunday until lunchtime.
  • Charms for profit are made on the growing moon.
  • You can do it in one sitting, without stretching for several days.

How to make a Zernovushka doll with our own hands, we will analyze it step by step in a master class.

We will use in our work:

  • A flap of gingham, coarse calico or two-thread 20x20 cm - on the body, two pieces for the arms 17x10 cm;
  • Bright colored fabric (preferably with a folklore motif) 17x7 cm, for a sundress;
  • Sewing or lace 23x7 cm for the undershirt;
  • Material for the apron 5.5x5 cm;
  • A flap of colored or monochromatic fabric for a shower heater 23x6 cm;
  • Braid on the warp (head volume plus an allowance of 2-3 cm)
  • Red natural thread (cotton, wool)
  • Fabric on the headscarf, measure on the head.

It will be ideal if you can tear off the flaps rather than cut them off with scissors. When making a torso, one cannot do without a needle, but this is the only moment, we will no longer use it. We proceed step by step to create a doll, without forgetting the rules.

  1. We take a flap of tissue for the body, bend it along the lobar and sew it along the length, in the form of a pipe.
  2. We tie one end tightly with a thread.
  3. We turn it over to the front side. We straighten the knot, we got a bag.
  4. Put a coin on the bottom and fill in the cereal, without filling about 3 cm to the edge.
  5. We will tie a bag, seven turns. In some workshops, it is recommended to collect the top with a needle and thread. Doing this is highly undesirable. In rag amulets, piercing objects are unacceptable.

  6. We begin to dress up the doll. Having determined the border of the neck, we take the fabric or lace for the skirt and fasten it.
  7. In the same way, we put on a sarafan on top, which should not close in front.
  8. We also fasten the apron, putting the flap on the face, and then straighten it down.
  9. We shape the arms, bend the fabric along the short side in half and roll it with a roller from both ends at the same time. We tie it with a rope so as not to unwind.
  10. We take the material for the shower heater, put blank hands around the edges and wind the fabric on them, completing 5-6 turns. The center remains free. The bent end of the rollers "peek" out of the fabric by 0.5 cm - these are the palms of the pupa.
  11. We put the doll in the center of the soul warmer, the twists should be on the sides. We fasten the structure to the body with a thread.
  12. We take the braid, wrap it around the head, cross it from behind and fasten it along the neckline. Thus, the warrior turned out.
  13. We put on a kerchief on top, having first straightened the knot on the crown.
  14. The doll that will attract wealth to your home is ready.

The apron can be completed with lace, braid or. In this case, you will have to use a needle, which is not desirable. If you still decide to decorate the apron. Sew it away from the doll.

Modern needlewomen sometimes make Krupenichka out of sock, it is the basis and is filled with cereal. All other stages of execution are the same. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to use a needle.

Activation and use of the amulet doll

For the doll to gain strength, charge it with your energy: take it in your palms, talk to it, tell about the wealth that your family wanted to find. Krupenichka should be placed in the living room or kitchen. According to the tradition of the Slavs, the doll was disassembled in the spring, the grain was thrown into the ground during sowing, the clothes were put in order, sometimes replaced with a new one. On the harvest festival, the bag was filled with fresh seeds. As a rule, such amulets are made for a long period, sometimes they are passed down through generations - it will be natural that they wear out. A used talisman cannot be simply taken and thrown away. You need to say goodbye to the doll:

  • If during this period you feel a feeling of pity and do not want to leave, this suggests that the amulet is still working and should be left for some period.
  • In the case when your thoughts are bright and you are grateful to a magical object, it means that the time has come to betray the talisman of the elements. Before doing this, the pupa needs to be disassembled into rags.
  • Sharp objects cannot be used during this ritual either. The strings are torn by hand. All components are put on fire, the rags are not used for the following amulet dolls.

In such cases, a new talisman was made, and the grain that had lost its strength was given to the elements: water, earth, fire.

In ancient times, wealth was closely associated with the harvest of grain. Nowadays, the concept of prosperity is somewhat different, but one should not forget that "Bread is the head of everything!", Because the rag amulet in the form of a doll filled with seeds has not lost its meaning.

Housewarming with friends? Great occasion to make a doll-amulet for the house Do-it-yourself "Krupenichka"! We offer new master class with photo: making a rag doll-amulet with your own hands.

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The folk doll is unique view art that preserves the sacred principle - traditions and rituals that have been passed on for many centuries within the clan, from generation to generation.

In each clan-family they were made in its own way, investing all the love and accumulated centuries-old wisdom. They bore the imprint of the Spirit of this family, their Worldview and Worldview. Through the doll, a connection was established between ancestors and descendants, the intimate generic knowledge was transmitted.

With the disappearance from life modern people such an important component as the creation of folk dolls, a gap, emptiness, detachment from the roots was formed.

I propose to fill it in - to create your own, unique, warm, real - living doll.

Krupenichka was considered the main doll in the family. Our ancestors richly decorated it and carefully kept it for a year in the most conspicuous place in the house.

The basis of the doll was a bag of grain. In ancient times, these dolls were created after harvest, filling them with selected grain harvested from the field. Sowing began with it, the first to sow the grain taken from this pupa.

Traditionally, Krupenichka was filled with buckwheat, which symbolized satiety and wealth, but it is also possible to fill it with other cereals (for example, rice - a "festive" expensive grain, or oats - a grain of strength).

To create Krupenichka you will need:

- unbleached linen fabric (for the little body of our doll), ~ 20x20 cm;

- cereals (I use buckwheat), ~ 1 glass;

- linen or cotton fabric (for a lower shirt), ~ 20x10 cm;

- linen lace or linen / cotton fabric (for an upper shirt), ~ 20x10 cm;

- linen or cotton fabric (for zipun), ~ 40x10 cm;

- linen lace or linen / cotton fabric (for warrior), ~ 20x10 cm;

- linen or cotton fabric (for a scarf), ~ 40x20 cm;

- linen lace and / or small pieces of fabric (for an apron), ~ 7-10 cm;

- natural linen threads;

- red floss;

- copper fittings (to make the dolls expressive, I use pendants in the form of spoons, keys, etc.);

- tailor's scissors;

- scissors with a curly edge;

- a needle.

Our ancestors, instead of measuring instruments, used their body parts - elbow, span, fathom, etc. When measuring tissue, the same principle was used.

1.In order to create the little body of our doll, we take an unbleached linen cloth, put two palms on it next to it, measuring in this way a square of ~ 20x20 cm.

Cut out.

I'll clarify right away - our ancestors did not use scissors when creating dolls. Pieces of fabric were torn off by hand, folded in different ways (depending on the specific type of doll), and tied with threads.

However, to make the doll beautiful and neat, I still prefer to cut the fabric.

2. The resulting square is folded in half.

Sew together with natural linen thread at a distance of 1 cm from the edge. I leave the ponytails of threads on both sides long and then knot knots out of them by hand.

3. From the top and bottom of the bag we collect the edge of the fabric with a basting stitch, leaving long tails of threads so that we can tighten and tie them securely.

In the part of the bag that will be the top of the pupa, the tails of the thread should be on the inside of the bag (after we twist the bag, they will be on the outside, respectively). This can be achieved by inserting the needle from the inside of the bag for the first time, and when you come to the last stitch, bring the needle and thread also to the inside.

4.The part of the bag, which will be the bottom of the pupa, is pulled together, tied in 3 knots, for reliability, we wrap the rest of the thread and fasten them with 3 more knots.

5.We turn the bag to the front side.

6. We fall asleep cereals. The body should be very dense, so we fill in a full bag, leaving very little space to hide the tails of the fabric in it.

7.After we hid the rest of the fabric inside, we pull it very tightly and tie it in 3 knots.

8.We measure out the undershirt from the fabric. The shirt should cover 2/3 of our doll, i.e. hide it from "neck" to "toes", leaving room for the face.

To keep the bottom edge of the shirt straight, we fold the fabric in half. Cut out.

9.We wind our doll, overlapping the edges of the fabric, thus closing the back seam of the bag. The seam will be the back of the pupa's head.

10.Wrap tightly and secure the fabric with red thread.

In ancient times, when creating a protective doll, all the joints-storage of Zhiva (life-giving force) were tied with a red thread to protect them.

11.Measure and cut linen lace for the top shirt.

We wrap them over the bottom shirt in such a way that the edges of the shirt do not close on the front side, leaving a gap of about 3 cm. We collect with linen thread and fasten to 3 knots.

12. Let's move on to creating a zipun (caftan). Cut out a strip of fabric. The length of the strip depends on how thick the fabric itself is. If it is a thin strip, we cut it out longer, if it is dense, less.

13. Take a copper pendant (I will have this key). We thread a linen thread into the eyelet and firmly fix it in the center with two knots.

14. On the edge of the strip of fabric, put the thread. And from the edges to the center, we begin to twist the handle sleeves, along with the thread and the key.

15. We put the resulting zipun on the doll so that the edges of the twisted sleeves remain outside, and in height they are located 1.5-2 cm above the bottom edge of the shirt. Wrap tightly and secure the zipun with linen thread. We tie on 3 knots.

16. We put the tail of the thread holding the key diagonally over the head, and with the help of a needle carefully attach it to the thread that holds the zipun.

The Krupenichka doll protected the wealth of our ancestors, protecting them from hunger and crop failure. The Slavs made this ritual lyalka by filling the doll's secret bag with grain. This helped to attract wealth, provided a well-fed table and joy in the house.

Slavic traditions have not lost their relevance now. Knowing the rules for creating a rag amulet, you can make a Krupenichka doll with your own hands. We will tell you how to choose material for the reel, how to fill it and where to put it so that it helps feed the family.

The ancient Slavs had many customs associated with the creation and use. They were to strengthen family ties, and to attract joy, as well as the amulet of Krupenichka. The latter symbolized wealth and prosperity. The main concern of Krupenichka was to provide a rich table - so that each of the family members was full, satisfied and happy.

Doll Krupenichka-Zernovushka, or Pea, symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

The Zernovushka doll did not just attract well-being to energy level but also helped to avoid real hunger. The Slavs filled the pupa with grain at the beginning of autumn, after harvesting, using these reserves when there was nothing to eat.

Visitors who came to the house at a glance could understand how poor or rich the family was. If Krupenichka has curvaceous forms, it means that the family is not starving. The thinner Lyalka suggests that difficult times have come.

History has brought us information about a doll that traditionally accompanies Zernovushka. This doll was called Rich. She was a male figurine, and her goal was to ensure financial prosperity.

What the amulet symbolizes

Most of the Slavic motankas helped their owners on an energetic level. Some attracted love, others protected from diseases, the intrigues of evil spirits, and still others brought a good mood into the house.

Among all the others, Lalek Krupenichka was special, because she helped feed the family. The doll attracted the energy of wealth, expressed in a festively laid table, and also performed one more important role... Namely, it served as a storehouse for the best grain harvested this year. The next year, a handful of grain was taken out of the Zernovushka and sown again. Our ancestors believed that in this way they improve the harvest.

The meaning of grains and seeds

Traditionally, a grain bag hidden under the hem of Krupenichki was filled with buckwheat. But it is allowed to use other crops as well.

The reel should only be filled with seeds and grain suitable for sowing. After all, the main value of the Krupenichka doll is not to serve as a storage bag, but to ensure the future harvest and prosperity.

To fill the Krupenichka doll, choose grain and cereals suitable for sowing.

Each of the cereals has its own meaning for the Grain:

  • buckwheat means wealth on the table, abundance in the house;
  • oats help maintain strength, improve health;
  • pearl barley symbolizes satiety;
  • rice in those days was considered the most expensive cereal, so its value is wealth.

You can choose one of them or add several, or even fill the doll with all at once.

Master class on making Krupenichki dolls

Krupenichka is easy to make yourself. This can be done by anyone who has done a little handicraft. The most difficult thing in making a talisman is the selection of materials. All of them must be natural. The rest will require patience and free time.

Use only natural materials to make the Zern doll.

For work, take:

  • White fabric for a grain bag in the format 26x65 cm.
  • Red material - will go for a shirt. Size 30x10 cm.
  • Orange fabric with patterns for ponev. Traditionally, wool is used for it, but you can replace it with something else. The format is the same as in the previous paragraph.
  • Burgundy zipun fabric. 29x9 cm.
  • 3 strips of cloth with a scarf 20x4 cm. Each strip should have its own color.
  • Pieces of cloth for the apron: 10x8.5 cm, 9x7.5 cm, 8.6.5 cm.
  • Red triangle for a scarf with a base of 58 cm and a height of 14 cm.
  • Green buckwheat for filling - about 500 gr.
  • Red thread for fastening fabrics.
  • Cord, beads for the belt.
  • Cardboard - to shape the pouch.
  • Double-sided tape.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make a tube out of a piece of cardboard, holding it together with double-sided tape. It will help shape the grain bag.
  2. Next, wrap the roll with a white cloth several times, and then tie it on one side with a thread, like candy. You need to twist the thread to the right side, making even number nodules. Do not cut the thread with scissors - cut it off or leave it as it is.
  3. Pull out the cardboard insert by turning the pouch inside out. This is done in order to hide the knot. Now you can fill it with buckwheat or any other cereal.
  4. When about 3-4 cm remains to the edge, again collect the fabric with candy, repeating the manipulations with the knot threads.
  5. Take the red cloth and then attach it to the top of the bag. Place the fabric with the wrong side up. After that, tie it from the bottom with a thread, turning it out.
  6. Attach the poneva fabric in the same way. An important nuance: The edges should be folded at each side to prevent the material from converging at the front, leaving a red gap from the bottom material. In the same way, it will be necessary to tuck the zipun - just fix it a little higher.
  7. When the caftan is ready, get down to the aprons. First the largest piece of fabric, then the smallest and finally the smallest. We do it according to the already familiar principle - we apply it inside out, tie it with a thread, unfold it.
  8. After it, attach the headdress to the doll's head, put a scarf on her head. You need to fix it so that everything looks neat and symmetrical. Hide the remaining tips inside.
  9. Krupenichka is almost ready. The very last element remains - to make a belt for her, decorate with beads, and tie it under the kerchief.

Your Grain is ready. Now you can put it in a place of honor or give it to the one to whom it was intended.

Taking these dimensions as a basis, you can change them - increase or decrease if you want to make a different grain size.

Features of using the Grain

Krupenichka dolls require special treatment. You need to be able to correctly make them, as well as know the rules of use. Rag amulets in the form of dolls practically cannot harm a person. But ignorance of the traditions of their application can lead to the fact that the amulet will not be able to perform its functions.

Store Krupenichka close to the refrigerator or near the cereal cabinet. So it will interact with the energy of the food, multiplying the food on the table.

To avoid this, watch out for the following conditions:

  • Make Krupenichka for the growing moon so that the energy of the night light increases satiety and prosperity in the house.
  • Place the doll closer to the refrigerator or near the cabinet where cereals are stored. So it will interact with the energy of the food, strengthening it - that is, multiplying the food on the table.
  • When giving a talisman to loved ones, do not forget to fill it with cereals. To give this empty lyalka means to wish poverty and hardship.

The traditional folk doll amulet, used according to all the rules, will fill the life of the family with joy and ensure the constant availability of food on the table.

In ancient times, dolls were protectors and served as amulets from evil. They were made without needles and scissors. The material was not cut, but torn. Puppets were sometimes called so: "rags". There were always a lot of them in the family: the more, the happier. One of these dolls is Krupenichka.

What is the doll-amulet Krupenichka

It was believed that every house should have Krupenichka. Depending on what the amulet was filled with, it had different names. Peas were filled with peas, Buckwheat - buckwheat, Grain - oats or any other cereal.

The amulet was made for a good harvest and prosperity. If there was nothing to eat in winter, they took cereals from the pupa's bag and cooked porridge. The grain was noticeably thinner, which indicated a decrease in the wealth of the owners. In the fall, the amulet was filled with cereals, dressed up and put in a red corner, kept until next year. It was believed that then the year would be rich. Even a bag for dolls was prepared in a special way: it was boiled together with salt, dried and filled with cereals. It protected from curses, evil spirits, and bugs still did not start in it. If the family is hardworking and rich, then the doll is complete. Slender Zernovushka said that people live in poverty.

The legend of the appearance of the doll is as follows: I lived for myself beautiful girl, her name was Krupenichka. According to some rumors, a rich man wanted to marry her, according to others - a Tatar khan, but the girl ran away and turned into a tiny grain, it sprouted, and a plant appeared on the ground - buckwheat. Therefore, the Zernovushka doll is filled with buckwheat and other cereals for good and well-being. The grains are selected, such that could be used for sowing. You can not take very small cereals and flakes.

Gallery: dolls options

A doll can even be made from a simple sock Krupenichka can be made from one bag Waldorf principle assumes that the doll has thick soft hair

What is it for

Before you start making the Krupenichka doll, you need to decide what the amulet is for. It depends on what grain will be inside the doll:

  • Millet is used by those who are not married. The amulet will attract the groom to the house.
  • If you fill Krupenichka with buckwheat, you and your family will be healthy. Such a doll is necessary for those who are often sick or when the cause of the disease is unknown.
  • It is good to fill a talisman with wheat for those who want to have children, but cannot. The grain will help to cope with health problems, and a long-awaited replenishment awaits the family.
  • If you need money, then take beans for the doll.
  • Rye will bring peace back to the family.
  • Barley will help your spouse regain his former masculine strength if something is wrong with his health.

Fill Krupenichka with different grains (a handful of each type), if you cannot determine the exact target in this moment. Put cloves of garlic in a bag: this way you will protect the cereal from pests, and yourself from evil spirits.

It is believed that Krupenichka is a southerner, because it is there that buckwheat is cultivated, into the grain of which, according to legend, the runaway girl turned

The Zernovushka doll was given to daughters before the wedding, so that the marriage was successful. The sons were handed over when they went to serve in the army. Krupenichka guarded her husbands on the road. If they wanted to get pregnant, they put the doll in the cradle, and when the child appeared, they left it with the newborn so that the child, growing up, could play with it.

If something goes wrong in your family, you need to make Zernovushka and her husband, Rich Man. Put a note to the grains of Krupenichka in which to write a desire: to return peace and harmony to the family. The dolls will definitely help you.

How to make a Grain

Krupenichku is done like this:

  1. We cut out two circles from chintz or cotton: one large color, the other smaller, white.
  2. We sew with a colored one along the edge, we tighten the thread.
  3. We put the grain in the resulting bag. We tighten the thread to the end, sew the bag.
  4. We make a white circle according to the same principle. We fill with cotton wool.
  5. Sew the head to the body.
  6. We take a rectangle of white fabric, twist the handles with a tube, attach to the neck.
  7. We make a warrior for the doll and put on a scarf. We decorate the skirt with lace.

Tips for creating a toy: step-by-step instructions with a photo

First, we cut out two circles Fill the doll with cereal Pull the thread and sew the bag Make the head from a white mug Connect the details From the rectangle of white fabric we make handles Attach a ribbon or warrior to the head, put on a scarf, decorate the skirt with lace

other methods

You can create Krupenichka in another way.

  1. We take cotton or white linen. Cut out a rectangle, sew a bag out of it, turn it inside out, fill it with cereals, tie it on top.
  2. Now we dress the doll. We make a petticoat from a thin fabric, attach it with a thread. We fix a dense fabric and an apron on top.
  3. We make a coat from a woolen rectangle, rolling our hands along the edges of the fabric. We fix it with the same thread.
  4. We put a warp on the head - a red triangle and tie a scarf - a triangle of colored fabric with long ends.

By the same principle, you can make Krupenichka's husband - a Rich man, only we dress him in a hat, shirt and pants. The richer peasant attracts money in order not only to live in prosperity, but also to save. In addition to grain, coins or paper money are put into his bag. Often rearranging a couple, they eventually find a suitable place for them.

If a couple, after several movements in the house, finally fit into the interior and does not make an eyesore, then this is the very place where she is supposed to stand

You can make Krupenichka out of bright socks.

  1. We place the grain in a sock, tie it.
  2. We tie the sock with a thread to get the head and body.
  3. We make hands from a white rectangle by folding it in half and tying the ends of the hands with thread. We fasten our hands on the neck.
  4. We make a skirt from colored fabric, tie a scarf on the head.

By the same principle, you can make a toy with hair (Waldorf doll). This is bigger decorative option, because it is allowed to make a face for a crumb. Perfect for a gift. It is not recommended to charge a doll with a face.

  1. For the head we take a circle of flesh-colored knitwear, for the skirt a bright circle.
  2. We don't make pens.
  3. Hair - woolen yarn: sew from the center of the head and lead to the neck. At the bottom we fix the ponytails, tie the ribbons.
  4. We hang beads around the neck.

For the manufacture of Waldorf grains, you should take a soft and not very dense material.

Variety of ideas and their implementation: photo collection

Waldorf-type grain pots are more squat and "young" in appearance, Krupenichka's eyes are allowed and Bogach are considered ritual dolls, so their faces are not made. Zateynitsy can make real braids for a doll. on an apron, dolls embroider traditional Slavic patterns For decoration, embroidery and bright woolen threads are used

Master class on creating a grain on video

How to activate and use the amulet

It is best to do a talisman on the day of the autumnal equinox. So you will charge the doll with the energy of abundance, free yourself from negativity, the Universe will support you. The product is presented for Christmas and Christmastide, made for relatives. Children are given dolls filled with corn for health reasons. Is developing fine motor skills hands if the child touches Krupenichka. Now, in addition to grain, they put in the amulet:

  • rose petals - for love;
  • nuts - so as not to age;
  • money and Bay leaf- for wealth;
  • wormwood - from evil spells and nightmares;
  • mountain ash - to protect the family;
  • poppy or cumin - for success;
  • lavender - for adding to the family;
  • rose hips - from the evil eye of a child;
  • birch leaves - for marriage next year.

If you take ash from a fireplace in a rich house (leave something to the owner of the house in return) and place it in the grains, then you will increase your wealth. In no case do they put earth, wax, nails, hair, photographs inside the amulet. You can enhance the positive effect with the help of salt, squeezing a pinch between your palms and reading a prayer, or simply ask the salt to help you, and then pour it into the amulet.

Amulet dolls are now becoming popular. They have good energy, and you can make berein with your own hands. With them it becomes cozy and warm, such crafts will attract well-being to your home.