How to treat a postoperative suture. What is the use of the patch

Surgical sutures must be processed daily, but not earlier than one day after surgery. IN medical institution this procedure is carried out by a qualified medical professional. But it is not always possible to come to the clinic for dressings. You need to know how the seam is treated after the operation. After all, at home, the processing of seams and dressings has to be done independently. The procedure should be carried out at approximately the same time. If the location of the suture does not allow you to process it yourself, it is recommended that you seek help from an adult living nearby or nearby.

Materials for the treatment of sutures after surgery

Sutures can be located on various parts of the body, including mucous membranes. How the suture is treated after surgery in a particular case, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. For care, you will need sterile bandages and cotton wool. You can also use or ear sticks. If not at hand, then you can iron a regular non-sterile bandage with an iron on both sides. A sterile bandage is necessary for applying a protective bandage. The bandage only protects the seam from infection and contamination. It is not always rational to use it, since the bandaged seam heals much more slowly. It is recommended to check with the nurse in advance whether the wound needs to be protected with a bandage or not. To disinfect the seam, you will need hydrogen peroxide and can be replaced with fucorcin, but remember that with prolonged use of fucorcin, its traces are difficult to remove from the skin. At the same time, it dries faster than brilliant green. For a weeping seam, this is a weighty argument.

Treatment of sutures after surgery

Seams must be treated at least twice a day. What is processed is already known. For this, a sterile bandage is removed from the wound. If it sticks to the seam, you need to moisten the bandage well with hydrogen peroxide and wait a bit. Then, with a sharp movement of the hand, remove it. Using a cotton swab, disk or cotton swab, gently rinse the seam with hydrogen peroxide. Blot excess solution with a swab. Then apply brilliant green or fukortsin. If necessary, apply a new sterile dressing. Do not apply cotton swabs to the treated seam under the bandage. They dry up to the wound and, during subsequent processing, undermine the resulting crust, thereby preventing healing.

Healing stitches after surgery

Healing of sutures usually lasts approximately 10-15 days, depending on the specifics of the suture and proper care behind him. Processing must be carried out until complete healing. Periodically, you need to show the suture to the attending physician to control the healing process. If it is inflamed, the doctor will tell you how the suture is treated after the operation in a particular case. You can not process purulent sutures on your own. It should be remembered that the treatment of sutures on the mucous membranes and face has its own specifics. Such processing should be carried out only by a medical professional in a clinic or hospital. You can take a shower or bath gently without using a washcloth only 7-12 days after suturing or as recommended by your doctor. It is undesirable to use bathing gels and scrubs while bathing, it is better to use baby soap. The seams should not be wiped with a towel, it is recommended to blot with a swab. After hygiene procedures, the processing of seams is carried out in the usual manner.

How to handle stitches after surgery? Some nuances of care

The burning questions “on what day the sutures are removed”, “how to process the sutures after the operation” excite every owner of postoperative consequences. However, the speed of wound healing directly depends on the scrupulous attention given to it. Taking care means regularly cleaning cuts with antiseptic fluids, using a gauze bandage, fixing tissue with adhesive tape, and more.

Time frame

The doctor appoints the day of suture removal personally, focusing on the patient's state of health. As a rule, the removal of stitches occurs on the 6th day, although the removal phase can stretch for two weeks. IN difficult situations burdened individual characteristics the human body, the withdrawal period can last a month.

How much to care for a wound? Only the attending physician can give a specific answer, however, traditionally, after the stitches have been removed, it is advisable to take care of them for another 7-8 days.

It is necessary to treat scars after each trip to the shower, this will guarantee the elimination of infections that can provoke serious complications in the form of inflammatory processes. You should refrain from bathing in the bathroom, as well as from going to the pool, sauna, and the beach.

Self-absorbable threads

Quite often, doctors use self-absorbable threads, the advantage of this material is that the fibers “disappear” on their own over time. No care is needed for this type of sutures, everything happens without personal intervention by specialists or the patient. The resorption period depends on what the threads were made of:

Lavsan (from 10 to 50 days).

Catgut (from 30 to 100 days).

Vicryl (60 to 90 days).


The issue of unpleasant feelings that arise at a particular moment when doctors relieve the patient of threads after surgery is also relevant. Does it hurt a person to remove stitches, what sensations arise during this unpleasant procedure? Anesthesia is not used, in the absence of complications, just physical discomfort is possible, it is not painful to remove the stitches.

Scar treatment

Another important aspect in the issue of postoperative outcomes: how to process the suture at home? Processing requires a minimum arsenal medicines, which can easily be found in every first aid kit. The set of medical materials includes:


Hydrogen peroxide (3%);

Hypertonic fluid;

Gauze (bandage);

Cotton buds;

Special patch.

The use of fleece, cotton paper is undesirable, because. its small particles can remain on the edges of the wound, and this can adversely affect the general condition of the seam, cause inflammation.

It is allowed to be taken for treatment if the cut is dry, in case of release of any liquid (ichorus), you should immediately consult a qualified doctor. Slight suppuration can be smeared with brilliant green, but after this short-term procedure, it is better to immediately consult with the medical staff of the hospital.

The most important postoperative suture care operation takes place in just a few steps:

1 . Gently roll up a neat piece of gauze with a roller, slightly soak in an alcohol liquid, wipe the abrasion with it. Each affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin must be moistened with a solution.

2 . Before proceeding with the next step, it is better to wait for the absolute drying of wet places.

3 . In case of occurrence discomfort, burning, even pain, then the gauze bandage is moistened with a hypertonic mixture, its position on the seam is fixed with a plaster.

4 . In the absence of discomfort with a cotton swab, previously dipped in ethylene greens, the scar is regularly treated.

5. After treatment with brilliant green, a disinfected bandage is applied to the line, covered with a plaster.

It is not necessary to seal the damage, doctors indicate that the conditions of a fresh atmosphere favorably affect the rapid healing of the scar, but special care should be taken in one's own movements so as not to accidentally touch the wound. Particular care must be taken in the case of laparoscopic navel surgery. In addition, you can skip this item only with the official permission of the doctor.


In some cases, when the patient has a fever after the operation, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotic treatment. After the final resorption of the sutures or the removal of threads from the wound, it is possible to use antibacterial ointments (for example, Levomekol), Kontraktubeks gel, a German preparation for smoothing scars.


Caring for the general condition of the seams is enough simple task, which you can handle on your own, you just need to be as careful as possible, follow all the doctor's instructions. In emergency situations, you can not engage in amateur activities, you must immediately seek help from a doctor.

How to bandage after surgery, you should ask your doctor at the time of discharge. He should recommend antiseptics that are suitable for treating sutures at home. In the hospital, the treatment and dressing of wounds is the responsibility of the medical staff. In the surgical departments there is a dressing room for clean wounds, where healing sutures are processed. They use antiseptic liquids that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, sterile wipes and bandages. As protection, special adhesive plasters with an antibacterial pad and postoperative dressings can be used.

Purulent dressing rooms are equipped with tools that allow you to clean the wound, make drainage, and treat it with antiseptics. They have special lamps that inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora and accelerate healing. Wounds that are festering or oozing with ichor are recommended to be treated in a hospital so that the doctor can observe the healing process and, if necessary, can prescribe stronger antibacterial agents.

Dressings after surgery at home are recommended only for clean, well-healing wounds. If it is necessary to treat a poorly healing wound at home, all conditions must be created to improve the patient's condition, and not harm him.

How to prepare for dressing

To make dressing at home, you need to arrange workplace. Suitable for manipulation coffee table, stool, or corner big table. The selected place is treated with warm water with the addition of chlorine and soap, wiped with a clean towel and waiting for the surface to dry. Then cover with a clean piece of cotton fabric, ironed with a hot iron. All the tools and materials necessary for the work are laid out on the fabric. They must be clean and sterile. It can be:

All manipulations must be carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Asepsis involves preventing the entry of an infectious agent into the wound during dressing, and antisepsis is aimed at destroying pathogenic microflora on the surface of the seam.
Wound healing is affected by the rate of outflow of fluids and the process of scarring. A wound in a healthy young person with well-functioning internal secretion organs heals faster than in an elderly person with fading functions of the endocrine system. The appearance of wet spots on the dressing means that the vessels of the damaged lymphatic system have not yet overgrown, and the healing of the seam has not begun. A long process of regeneration is observed in cancer patients and the elderly.

As long as the dressing is soaked with bodily fluids, dressings should be done daily, if necessary several times a day. The bandage should be changed if it has gone astray and does not fulfill its function. The appearance of pain under the bandage is a sign of infection. Appearance pain requires urgent examination, treatment with an antiseptic and the application of a sterile bandage. A clean bandage is applied each time the wound is inspected and manipulated.

Stages of wound treatment, algorithm

Treatment of the surgical wound requires accuracy and caution. A person who decides to play the role of a nurse on his own is faced with the task of examining the wound, cleaning it and changing the bandage painlessly. Dressing consists of the following manipulations:

  • removal of the old bandage;
  • skin disinfection;
  • performing the necessary manipulations;
  • carrying out protection of the skin from secretions;
  • applying a sterile bandage;
  • its strong hold.

How to remove a bandage that has dried to a wound

If the bandage is stuck to the wound, then it should not be torn off. Completely dried dressing material is cut with scissors. If only the last layers of gauze are stuck, they must be soaked with Hydrogen Peroxide or Sodium Chloride solution. Then they wait for a while until the layers of woven material get wet and fall behind. Adhering strips are removed in the direction along the wound. It is impossible to pull the bandage across the non-healing seam. This causes severe pain and can cause the edges of the wound to open. When removing the bandage, try to keep the scab on the healing seam.

Under it, tissue repair occurs. Damage leads to the appearance of blood and a slowdown in all regeneration processes. When removing a bandage or plaster, the skin is held with a spatula, tweezers with a gauze ball, or a gloved hand. Do not allow the skin to reach for the bandage. If, when removing the bandage, capillary bleeding appears, then it should be stopped by pressing the wound with a sterile napkin.

Then proceed to the treatment of the skin around the wound surface. To do this, prepare warm soapy water, adding a little ammonia in a ratio of 1:200. Processing is carried out with wet wipes or cotton balls from the edge of the wound to the periphery. The liquid must not get into the wound.
In case of severe contamination of the skin, the wound is closed with a sterile gauze cloth, and everything is washed with soap and a brush. After treatment, the skin is dried and treated with any antiseptic. Clean skin around the wound avoids the development of opportunistic microflora under the dressing, which threatens with serious skin diseases.

  • 10% sodium chloride solution;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • Brilliant green;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • Miramistin.

As an antiseptic at home, the seam is lubricated alcohol tincture calendula or use Betadine.

After treatment, the seam is covered with a sterile cloth soaked in an antiseptic, and a bandage is applied. If bandages are difficult to apply, a dressing patch is used to secure the dressing. First, it is applied to the entire length of the napkin in 2 strips, and then the patch strips are placed across, at a distance of 5 cm, capturing up to 10 cm of healthy skin.

Seam care with patches

In the pharmacy, you can purchase various products intended for the care of postoperative wounds. For dressings at home, manufacturers offer a large number of patches. These are sterile self-adhesive postoperative dressings with various antiseptics, which help to take good care of surgical sutures after surgery. They have the ability to absorb liquids, and this allows you to change dressings less often, allowing the suture to scar more quickly.

The patches do not cause skin irritation, are removed without pain and do not leave behind a piece of adhesive after application. They are equipped with special meshes that allow the wound to breathe and the fabrics not to stick to the seam:

  1. For infected wounds, a colloidal silver patch is recommended.
  2. Clean wounds can be sealed with a plaster without antiseptic additives.
  3. For problematic skin, perforated film-based patches are recommended.
  4. A healing wound can be covered with the lightest film alcohol bandage with an absorbent pad.

To select a patch, you need to come to the pharmacy and describe to the pharmacist the condition of the wound surface. He will help you choose suitable option and advise on this matter.
After dressing work is completed, the treatment site should be disinfected with chlorine-containing products, and the instruments should be boiled. After that, it is recommended to keep them in a closed container until the next use.

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Discharge from the hospital after surgery involves the complete removal of sutures.

In addition, while at home, the patient must properly care for the stitches, using special ointments, creams for the speedy healing of wounds.

In order to prevent negative consequences, it is worth following the recommendations of the observing doctor, if necessary, visit medical facilities for bandaging.

Gradually, you can move on to self-treatment of wounds in aseptic conditions.

To connect the edges of a lacerated wound after surgery, modern surgeons use the most common method - suturing. On the this moment There are two types of them - removable and immersed.

The non-removable version is applied using a special material, which subsequently disappears by resorption.

Removable options require removal, which occurs after a certain time.

Consider on what day the postoperative suture is removed:

  1. A removable seam is made using natural or synthetic threads, as well as metal parts.

    If the threads are applied correctly, the patient will not have a question: why does the seam hurt.

    The threads must be applied in such a way that the tissues grow together correctly without squeezing.

  2. How are stitches removed? The doctor takes the end of the thread with his hand and slightly pulls it up.

    Meanwhile, the threads are shown, which are cut with sterile scissors, and their remains are removed with tweezers.

    Let's answer the question: does it hurt to remove the threads? Most likely, the patient will not feel pain if the doctor does this carefully.

  3. Withdrawal times usually vary, but the average time set for an overlay period is 6 to 9 days. This figure may vary depending on the complexity of the operation.
  4. To answer the question, after how many days the material will be removed, it is necessary to take into account such factors: part of the body, the nature of the wound, the characteristics of the body of a sick person.

It should be noted that the sutures on the neck and face are removed on the 4th-6th day, on the feet and legs are removed on the 10th-12th day.

This difference is associated with different blood circulation in different parts body.

How to process at home

Usually, when a patient is discharged after an operation, the doctor issues prescriptions for further care behind the wound.

Before processing seams, consider effective methods for home use:

  1. Potassium permanganate solution - potassium permanganate. This tool can be purchased at a pharmacy, it must be diluted in sufficient quantities warm water and lubricate the stitched wound using cotton pads.
  2. Iodine - use this remedy in moderation so as not to cause excessive dryness of the epidermis. It is allowed to make a mesh on the wound every 2 days.
  3. It is recommended to treat stitches at home with the help of brilliant green - the drug is available in every pharmacy.
  4. It is allowed to smear the wound with medical alcohol.
  5. For better healing, use hydrogen peroxide or fucorcin. The last resort can be inconvenient due to the bright shade.

Anti-inflammatory and healing gels and creams have gained the greatest popularity in medical practice. How to use them correctly can be found in the next section.

Important! Seams on the stomach or back can be treated with oil tea tree, tincture of larkspur roots, cream with the addition of calendula.

Front self processing wounds, you must thoroughly wash your hands, disinfect all tools used, and follow the dosage.

Cream and ointment for wound healing

After discharge from the hospital, as well as after removal of surgical sutures, it is recommended to use special ointments and creams aimed at wound healing.

Note! Ointment for healing sutures should contain not only medicinal compounds, but plant components.

Many people ask the question: seroma - what is it? Seroma is the accumulation of serous fluid under the skin after plastic surgery.

Consider a selection of wound healing products:

What to do if the seam is open or festering

To keep the sutured site from festering, doctors may install a drain. It is used within 3-4 days.

Doctors install a special tube, the hole of which goes outside, and an antiseptic is poured through it.

Consider what to do if the seam has parted, and also if it fester:

  1. The cause of the discrepancy or suppuration can be infection of the wound, problems with blood circulation, trauma to the affected area.
  2. If the seam does not heal, use reinforced compounds: Aekol, aloe products, sea buckthorn oil.
  3. If the wound oozes, use antipurulent agents - synthomycin ointment, ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky ointment.
  4. When a stitch itches, it means it's healing. If the wound has dispersed, you must urgently consult a doctor.

After the operation, a fistula may also appear at the site of the wound. It is a neoplasm with pus inside.

Do not joke with postoperative sutures - human health depends on the speed of their healing.

Useful video

Ointment for healing sutures and wounds after surgery is used only as directed by a doctor. Surgical wounds are divided into 2 groups. Clean sutures are found in healthy people who have received an accidental injury. It is enough for them to use antiseptic liquids to suppress the microflora on the surface of the injury.

The surgical postoperative suture left after a planned operation, which was performed to remove the diseased tissue, may rot. Tissue healing in the postoperative period is delayed due to the existing chronic intoxication resulting from hormonal or metabolic changes, long-term medication. Then the question arises of how to treat and how to process the sutures after the operation in order to suppress pyogenic bacteria and speed up the regeneration processes.

What local remedies can be used for suppuration

"Baneocin" is used in surgical practice as a local antibacterial agent. The drug contains neomycin and bacitracin, which suppress different ways growth of opportunistic microflora. The different capabilities of the two antibiotics make it possible to destroy all the pathogenic microflora present on the surface of the wound. The remedy is active against Staphylococcus aureus, which has strains resistant to many antibiotics. This determines the great potential of the ointment of the drug in the fight against infection. It can be used several times to process a wet seam with signs of an inflammatory process. The remedy is used for 5 to 10 days, then canceled, switching to lighter drugs.

Ointment for postoperative sutures "Stellanin PEG", containing diethylbenzimidazolium triiodide, has an antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammatory processes and significantly accelerates tissue regeneration. It is often used in surgery to treat weeping sutures. At active substance there are serious contraindications. Before using it, you should consult a doctor for advice. He must say whether it is possible for a sick person to use it.

This ointment is often used in surgical practice. It is applied in a thin layer to the seam, a sterile gauze bandage is applied. Pharmaceutical form treats the skin around wounds to suppress the reproduction of pyogenic bacteria. The duration of treatment with this remedy is up to 14 days.

Ointment for the healing of postoperative sutures "Levomekol" can be used if there is purulent content. This drug is traditionally used by doctors to treat any infected wounds. He has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

Eplan cream, which has the ability to shorten the duration of phases and increase the speed of regenerative processes, allows the surgical wound to heal faster. When applied to a place where there is a suture material, swelling is removed and the feeling of pain decreases. He is advised if bacteria, microorganisms and fungi have begun to multiply under the bandage.

All these ointments should be used on the recommendation of the attending physician, who must monitor the healing process and take timely measures if the wound has festered.

How to smear the seam after surgery

If the doctor did not recommend an external remedy for speedy healing, then you can use the Mummy ointment, which is often used to speed up regeneration processes. It accelerates the scarring of postoperative sutures. The external agent, which includes active ingredients that stimulate the production of collagen, has antiseptic properties. The ointment inhibits the growth of conditionally pathogenic microflora and contributes to the rapid cleansing of the wound from pus. When using mummy externally and internally, the process of healing surgical wounds in the elderly is significantly accelerated.

The production of collagen is promoted by the water-soluble ointment "Solcoseryl". This drug has a good wound healing property. The active ingredient affects the functioning of cells and accelerates regeneration processes. Its action is poorly understood, but practical use proved that the external agent improves all processes in the layers of the epidermis.

External means "Stellanin" has the same characteristics as "Stellanin PEG", but does not contain a moisturizing complex. It is used for the speedy healing of sutures that do not have liquid secretions.

The preparations that contribute to the acceleration of regenerative processes include "Kontraktubeks". This gel is used on clean, closed wounds. It is used to form an inconspicuous scar. The gel is applied several times a day to the seam and rubbed into the skin with a light movement.

Long-term use evens out the surface of the scar in relation to the healthy part of the body and improves the elasticity of the epidermis. The gel softens coarse fibers, reduces pain.

Calendula ointment can be attributed to the means that stimulate healing. A few drops of tea tree oil and rosemary are added to its composition and used to treat stitches in the elderly during the healing period. The tool has an antiseptic effect and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Why ointments do not help

A patient who wants to recover as soon as possible needs to know that with age, the speed of all processes slows down and the healing time increases. If practically healthy young man it takes 3 weeks for a postoperative scar to form, then an elderly person may need 2 months. All this time, you need to keep the skin clean, keeping the surface crust and making the dressings correctly.

The use of an ointment for healing and resorption of postoperative sutures is an adjunct. For a sick person, it is more important to improve vitality and restore the function of the internal secretion organs. This can be done with a normal diet and correct operation digestive system. To improve it, it is recommended to take cold-pressed oils, mummy and honey, flower pollen, royal jelly, walnuts, which are natural stimulants endocrine system.

The organs of internal secretion, having received the necessary substances for the production of hormones, will be able to start the necessary processes that will improve the recovery of damaged cells. Only in this case, the sick person will be able to recover after the operation.