The concept of statement. Types of saying

Statement - proposal expressing judgment. If the judgment that makes up the content (meaning) of some statement is truly, then this statement say that it is true. Similarly, the false is called such a statement, which is an expression of false judgment. Truthfulness and falsity are called logical, or truth, values \u200b\u200bof statements.

The statement should be a narrative offer. The statements are usually opposed to imperative, questioning and any other proposals, the valuation of the truth or the falsity of which is impossible.

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    The same judgment can be expressed in different languages And in different iconic forms within one language. When the judgment is considered in connection with some particular form of its language expression, it is called the statement. The term "judgment" is used when they are distracted from what is its sign form.

    Types of saying

    Logical statements are commonly divided into composite (or complex) and elementary. Composite logical statements - statements containing logical constants. Composite statements are built on the basis of other statements. The logical value of a complex statement is determined by the logical value of the statements included in its composition and the logical constants with which it is built.

    Elementary logical statements are statements not related to composite. An example of an elementary statement can serve 5 < 7 . An example of a composite logical statement can serve if 5.< 7, то 5 - even number .

    Logic constants

    The logical constant (logical constant, logical operation) is the name of the term that preserves the same value in all statements and not dependent on the specific content of the statement. Logical constants are used to connect simple statements into complex. Logical constants are divided into quantifiers and logical unions (ligaments). The words: not; It is wrong that; and; or; If ..., then; then and only when; or either; uncomfortable; no no; not ... but; but and their nearest synonyms are logical ligaments, words for everyone ... takes place that; For some ... takes place that And their nearest synonyms are quantifiers. Logical constants serve both to express thoughts in everyday reasoning and in scientific evidence.

    • ∀ (\\ DisplayStyle \\ Forall) - Logic constant everything, for everyone ... takes place that (quantifier community);
    • ∃ (\\ displaystyle \\ exists) - Logic constant there is such that ..., for some ... takes place that (quantifier existence);
    • ∧ (\\ DisplayStyle \\ Land), & (\\ DisplayStyle \\ and) - Soyuz and (conjunction);
    • ∨ (\\ displaystyle \\ vee) - Soyuz orwhen it acts in the connecting value (disjunction);
    • ∨ ˙ (\\ displaystyle (\\ dot (\\ vee))), ∨ ∨ (\\ DisplayStyle \\ Vee \\ Vee) - Soyuz orwhen it acts in a strictly divided exclusive value (disjunction);
    • → (\\ DISPLAYSTYLE \\ RIGHTARROW), ⊃ (\\ DisplayStyle \\ SupSet) - Soyuz if ..., then (implication);
    • ¬ (\\ DisplayStyle \\ NEG) - the words not, wrong (negation).

    Logic unions are part of the language of statements logic, quantifiers were additionally introduced in the language of predicate logic, which is the expansion of the language of the logic of statements.

    Logical subject and logical legend

    The logical to be - what is said about the proposal (statement), what the approval or denials contained in proposals are believed. Logical faith - contained in the proposal (statement) information about the logical subject.

    The role of logical to be played by simple and complex names, the role of logical faugables - predicators (or predicates). The latter includes properties and relationships. Predicators perform the role of a subject-truth display, giving objects of a certain class to the valuation "Truth" or "Lie". In this case, properties are single predicators, characterizing one separate subjectand relationship - multi-site, characterizing a pair, triple, etc. items. The statement itself in the case of a multi-family predicator contains several logical subjects.

    Forms of statements

    The utteral form (form of statement, predicate) is an incomplete logical statement, in which one of the objects is replaced by a substantive variable. When substituting, instead of such a variable, the utteral form turns into a statement. The subject variables in the natural language are general names representing classes of objects and substantial symbols in formalized languages. The form is similar to the statement, however, it is not true and is not false (indefinitely true), since it is not known what approval or denial refers to.

    The form of statement requires add-on whether the statement or denial of judgment applies to all or not to all objects of the class, which presents this common name. The function of such pointers is performed explicitly pronounced or implied quantifiers. It is impossible to evaluate as a true or false such compelling form as Man - Fair. The shown phrase is similar to expression y - Fair. From the specified form, you can get a statement, replacing the common name single: Ivanov - Fair, or by entering quantifiers: Some people are valid. Expressions using quantifiers express multiple - general and private - judgments.

    see also



    • Brodsky I. N. Elementary introduction to symbolic logic. - Publisher of Leningrad University, 1972. - 63 p.
    • Rosenthal D. E., Telenkov M. A. Dictionary dictionary linguistic terms. - 2nd ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1976.
    • Big Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 tons] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
    • Kondakov N.I. Logical dictionary. - 2nd ed. - M.: Science, 1975. - 721 p.
    • Chupakhin I.Ya., Brodsky I.N. Formal logic. - Leningrad: University of Leningrad Publishing House, 1977. - 357 p.
    • Voikvilo E. K., Degtyarev M. G. Logics. - M.: Vlados-Press, 2001. - 528 p. - ISBN 5-305-00001-7.
    • Karpenko, A.S. Modern research In philosophical logic // logical research. - M.: Science, 2003. - Vol. 10 . - P. 61-93. - ISBN 5-02-006257-x.
    • New philosophical encyclopedia. - M., 2010. - T. 2.

    A grammatically correct narrative proposal, taken together with the meaning expressed it. The logic uses several concepts B., differing significantly among themselves. First of all, this is the concept of descriptive, or about n and with a telly, ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    In logic, a proposal that can be truly or false. See also: Expressing the calculation of the statements of the Financial Dictionary FINAM. Saying a statement decorated in speech completed thought, the meaning of which depends on the specific or ... ... Financial vocabulary

    Offer, judgment, statement; remark, tautology, pronunciation, speaking, contradiction, logo, performance, statement, lad out, saying, word iz, approval, presentation, discourse, phrase, pouring, reasoning, sutra, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    Statement, statements, cf. (Book.). 1. Only units. Action on ch. express The statement of his opinion. 2. Explaced judgment, remark, opinion. Collect the statements of the classics of Marxism about the language. Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    The thought expressed by the narrative proposal and the able to be true or false; In linguistics, the unit of speech communication, decorated under the laws of this language ... Large encyclopedic Dictionary

    Statement, me, cf. 1. See express, smiling. 2. The judgment expressed. Substantive in. 3. In grammar: any intonationally decorated syntax unit containing a message, phrase. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Statement - Saying. Speech communication unit, which has semantic integrity, decorated in certain actual membership in a speech act. Q. It may coincide with the proposal, but may be a message that does not fit into a simple scheme ... ... New dictionary Methodical terms and concepts (theory and practice of learning languages)

    statement - The possible state of entities, which can be argued or denying, which is the situation. [GOST 34.320 96] EN Prcription Database Subjects ... Technical translator directory

    Statement - statement a unit of speech communication. The need for the allocation of statements as a linguistic concept is related to the deepening study of the functioning language Forms in speech. The statement is determined in relation to the concept of a sentence. ... ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Saying: Saying (logic) Offer, which can be truly or false. Saying (linguistics) Offer in a specific speech situation. See also judgment ... Wikipedia

    statement - I. Saying statement, pouring, expression, strengthening, expressing / expressing, pouring / pouring, express / express, pouring / pouring, book. To express / identify to speak, pour out to speak / speak, ... ... Dictionary of Tezaurus Synonyms of Russian Speech


    • The statement and its correlation with reality. Referential aspects of semantics of pronoun, Paducheva E.V .. This monograph is dedicated to the problems of correlation of statements with reality - with specific subjects, events and situations real Mira. In the book, theory ...

    An expression of a thought, ideas occurs by forming proposals. Their core is the thought that must be expressed. At the same time, in Russian there is a notion of "statement". It is similar to the proposal, but also has a slightly different meaning.

    What is a statement

    The statement is a formulated thought. In this case, such a thought comes from a particular person. That is, the statement is a repetition of direct speech or directly direct speech.

    Consequently, the statement may be words of a particular person, which he utters at the moment or just said. In addition, the statement may be the words of a person who pronounced long ago and became well-known.

    For example, it may be quotes from films, " idioms» famous people. Such statements are used to denote one or another situation. At the same time, they quite intelligibly explain the essence of the situation or characterize the attitude towards a person.

    Many statements have become aphorisms. As a rule, they are very accurate and express some idea. Therefore, the statement is always thought and this is always a separate offer.

    It is quite possible a humorous shade. After all, the statement, these are words that were once uttered by a person regarding a particular situation or event.

    What is the difference between statements from the offer

    Each statement is a proposal, but not every offer is a statement. The validity of this approval can be justified as follows:

    • The proposal may include only one word. Such a word is applied in general context and emphasizes the unified thought that the author expresses in the text. Meanwhile, the statement is somewhat connected by a single thought of words. Statements from one word, does not exist;
    • The offer may be introductory. In itself, it does not express a separate thought. But the statement necessarily expresses the idea or thought;
    • The offer may consist only of someone's statement. This is enough to express the essence of the text.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    statements, cf. (Book.).

      only units. Action on the verb. express The statement of his opinion.

      Expressed judgment, remark, opinion. Collect the statements of the classics of Marxism about the language.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.

    A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    the thought expressed by the narrative proposal and the able to be true or false; In linguistics - a unit of speech communication, decorated under the laws of this language.


    the narrative offer considered together with its content (meaning) as a true or false. So understood by V. are opposed usually imperative, questioning and in general any suggestions, the assessment of the truth or falsity of which is impossible. Examples at: "Moscow ≈ Capital", "5 less than 3, and more than 2", "All engineers studied the resistance of materials." Of these V. the first and third are true, and the second is false. "Truth" and "lies" are called the truth values \u200b\u200bof V. (or the values \u200b\u200bof its truth). By definition, any V. has grammatical and logical aspects. The grammar aspect of V. is expressed by the narrative proposal (simple or complex), and the logical ≈ its meaning and the truth value. B., differing as grammatical proposals (for example, belonging to different languages), can express one and the same thought. This, common for grammatically, V. Thought and is called content, or meaning, in.; Often it is also called judgment. However, the terminology relating to V. was not established, and the terms "V.", "proposal", "judgment" are sometimes used as synonyms or the values \u200b\u200bdiffer from those described above are fixed.

    In connection with the language practice allocate various methods Eating V. It is said that V. is used in the affirmative, if it is used to approve the truth of the thoughts expressed in it. The affirmative use of V. ≈ These are their most frequent use: expressing their thoughts, people usually claim their truth. (In logic to distinguish V. as a proposal that can be both true and false, from the approval of truth V., in some cases a special sign is used; ═O means approval of the statement A.) in the case when the truth of the content in . It is not alleged, they are talking about the unsurdious use of V. (for example, in the classic dictation of V. are duplicated). One of the ways of unsuccessful use V. is their indirect consumption. It is aimed at not the approval of the truth of thought, but only the transfer of the content of B. This is how, for example, used by V. "The planets orbits have the form of a circle" in the composition of V. "Kepler believed that the planets orbits have a circle form." Arriving the latter, we don't want to say that it is true that the orbits of the planets have the form of a circle, but only to report, which B. claimed Kepler; This, this is V. can be both true and false (the last actually takes place). From different species Eating V. should be distinguished by their mention (citation).

    In logic with V., they have mainly when applying logical calculus in any particular area of \u200b\u200bobjects. In the formulas of the so-called "pure" logical calculus themselves, the variables of V. and the forms of V. (Summary forms) are mainly featured. Variable V. ≈ It is not V. in a true sense, but a variable for V., that is, the variable, the specific ("permanent") V. (of this species) or their names may be substituted. V. Form. ≈ This expression containing variables (in particular, perhaps, variables for V.) and applying in V. after substitution of any values \u200b\u200b≈ from the corresponding permissible areas of values \u200b\u200b≈ instead of all variables included in it. For example, the form of V. is the formula X + И\u003e 2 (x, ≈ variables that make values, for example, from the range of valid numbers; at x \u003d 1, y \u003d 2, this formula addresses True V. 1 + 2\u003e 2) .

    Lit.: Tarsky A., Introduction to the logic and methodology of deductive sciences, per. from English, M., 1948; Church A., Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Per. from English, vol. 1, M., 1960.

    B. V. Biryukov.

    In Linguistics V. ≈ A unit of linguistic communication. Segmentation of language material on intonational-semantic features allows you to highlight communication units of speech, sometimes called phrases. Segmentation of language material according to formal features allows you to allocate syntactic units Language, often called suggestions (there are other correlative pairs of terms). Proposition and phrase ≈ single (commutative) levels, but belong to different aspects of language material. B. As a real unit of communication, there is a synthesis of correlative units of the language and speech ≈ suggestions and phrases. In modern linguistics there are other interpretations of the concept of "V.".

    Lit.: Vannikov Yu. V., statement as a synthetic unit, in the book: Questions of grammar and word formation, M., 1968; Hausenblas K., On the Characterization and Classification of Discouurses, "Travaux Linguistiques de Prague", 1966, ╧ 1.

    Yu. V. Vannikov.


    Saying (logic)

    Statement - proposal expressing judgment. If the judgment that makes up the content of some statement is truly, then this statement say that it is true. Similarly, the false is called such a statement, which is an expression of false judgment. Truthfulness and falsity are called logical, or truth, values \u200b\u200bof statements.

    The statement should be a narrative offer. The statements are usually opposed to imperative, questioning and any other proposals, the valuation of the truth or the falsity of which is impossible.



    • The statement is in logic, the proposal that can be truly or false.
    • Statement - in linguistics, proposal in a specific speech situation.

    Examples of the use of the word statement in the literature.

    Greivz was silent for so long that Eisenberg felt embarrassed from excessive pathos her statements.

    And it is HIS statement It clearly shows that under the names of the disease that allopates operate, they imply only rude external manifestations of vitality disorder.

    Not prone to software statements, Annene in his public aspirations are extremely close to the position expressed P.

    This action was done despite the fact that Igor Dobrovolsky was well acquainted with all statements Sergey Prokofiev and Christian Lazarides about the many screaming contradictions, both in the worldview of Tomberg himself, and in the worldview of this Dutch Anthroposofa - Harry Zalman.

    And fantasy, and a trio, and many other instrumental and vocal plays of the arena, without being very deep on the emotional and intellectual content of them, not differing in innovation, at the same time attract the sincerity of lyrical - often Elegy - statementsgenerous melodism.

    Why is it comes, it is also clear: this is done in order to deprive the philosophical discourse inherent in the atonality of the polemical pointerness of some statements Against others.

    After all these years, careful censorship of their own statements, Bergen felt satisfied when they pronounced these words, expressing truthfully and without diplomatic gloves.

    These statements Charlotte Bronte, as well as the Satirical images created by it, the English priests show how fake assertions of some bourgeois literary critics, claiming that the main source of its creativity is.

    The impressive Council of Mr. Bubi Joseph and the meeting of Fanny with the preventer Habit, my good reader, has such power over the mind of human, that no statements It should not seem too strange or too strong.

    What is in simple peeking severity statements It may be absent, does not give the right to refuse this simple vision in any articulating interpretation and thus in the structure.

    Wittgenstein gave the first wording of verification as a criterion of comprehence of scientific statements.

    Texts cited by telegrams, notes and statements Rasputin is part of a part of the documents discovered after February 1917 in the affairs of an approximate ward, including Goremichkin, Sturmer and Waikova, part of the correspondence of Romanov, memories and records of contemporaries.

    Only that this particular thing in itself is capable of obliges any possible statement, t.

    Every initially learned phenomenological concept and position as a reported statements Target is the possibility of degeneration.

    However, the memories of Alexander Pavlovich coincide with statements Chekhov himself both in letters and in his stories to contemporaries.

    the derivative shape of the interpretation, "reportingly decisive". Being derived, the statement modifies interpretation. Head fabric It becomes the subject of statements, "S-than" estates becomes "oh-than" statements, in the infringement there is a cash that overshadows inferiority. If in the interpretation of the reference structure covers all world integrity, then in the statement it is limited by the cash, which is directly given to see.

    Excellent definition

    Incomplete definition ↓


    the term of modern logic, used usually in the sense of a sentence (a certain language - natural or artificial), considered due to those or other estimates of its truth (truly, false) or modality (probably may not be, necessary, etc.). Examples V. may be: "Mathematics - Science", "Moscow Large city and the capital of the USSR", "5\u003e 3". One V. may be part of another; B., including other V. V., Naz. complex. Anything V. expresses some thought, K-paradium is its content and is called meaning V., and its truth or falsity is a truly value [or the value of truth, see the truth, value (in mathematical logic and semantics)]. With this understanding, the concept of "V." refers to logical semantics. Proposal as a syntactic education considered only in form, regardless of the meaning and valuation of truth or modality, called. often grammatical sentence . B., belonging to various languages \u200b\u200band even the same language, can express one and the same thought. If the sentences having the same meaning, but differing as syntactic formations, are considered as the same V., they are often called judgments. It should, however, keep in mind that the words "V.", "proposal", "judgment" are sometimes used simply as synonyms or behind them the values \u200b\u200bother than the above are fixed. With the discrimination of the concepts of "V.", "proposals" and "judgments" (similar to the above) in modern logical and philosophical literature a number of discussions are associated, especially between representatives of modern nominalism and their opponents. The affirmative and unsuscifical use of V. The statement is used in the affirmative, as the purpose of its use is the expression of true thought. Expressing his thoughts, people usually claim their truth. But V. can be used simply as syntax. expression. It happens, for example, during the dictation; Dicked V. do not lose their understanding. Character, but the dictator does not approve at all (and not perceive writing) them as true. Such use V. is unsolving. When building logic. Calcules It is advisable to distinguish V. as a proposal, which may be true or false, from the approval of the truth V. for the first time, Fregi paid attention to this, which offered to put before approved by V. sign | -. If U is K.L. B., then | - u means approval of its truth. One of the ways of consumption of V. is their to about eh. It is aimed at not the approval of truth, but only the transmission of the thought contained in V. This is, for example, consumed by V. "The orbits of the planets have the form of a circle" in the composition of a complex W: "Kepler believed that the orbits planets have a circle form." Approve this complex V., we do not want to say at all, as if it is true that the orbits of the planets have a specified form, but only we inform you what thought was expressed by Kepler; This thought herself can be both true and false (the last actually takes place). From various types of consumption V. should be distinguished by them in p about m and n and e (citation). The mention of V. is intended to provide its exact text (and only through this message to express the thought contained in it). Therefore, those mentioned by V. (F-rye are usually part of the other V.) stand out with the help of certain means, for example. Using quotes. Indirect use V. is not found in the most common logic. Calculations, because His assumption leads to it means. difficulties (see extensional and non-defined languages). In mathematics. Logic mention V., as a rule, is made with the help of specials. signs denoting V. (usually letters K.L. Alphabet, see signs). Indirect use of language expressions was the first to study Freg; He clarified logic. The role of quotes and signs for V. in nature. languages \u200b\u200bEvaluation V. with t. S. The truth often depends on who, when and where it applied by V. The expression of this dependence is included in V. Indicators: "I", "You", "Now", "there", etc.; The meaning of these words is different depending on the situation. When building arts. Languages \u200b\u200b- Interpreted calculus Mat. The logic or intermediary languages \u200b\u200bwhen transferring from one natural language to another (see formalized languages, mathematical linguistics) - are distracted from the dependence of the assessment of V. from the specified circumstances, i.e. The pragmatatic language is excluded from consideration (see also semiotics), which allows you to make a more accurate concept of "V.". When constructing the most elementary logical calculus - a two-digit statement calculus (see the calculus of statements), they proceed only from the dismemberment of V. into components V. Those V., are not subjected to further membership in the components of V., Naz. Elementary. From them with logic. Unions ("and", "or", "if ... that" and others) are composed of complex B. When building predicate calculation (see the calculus of predicates) proceed from the deeper dismemberment V. on individual terms (and others. Language Education). The basis of analyzing V. (including elementary) mathematics. Logic puts the concept of predicate, or logic. Functions, i.e. Functions, K-paradium to each object of the subject matter under consideration refers to either the truth or false. Logic. Functions are what is in logic. Assessing usually corresponds to the concepts of meaningful human thinking (see concept). For example, logic. The function, K-paradium, each of the numbers 1 and 2 relates the truth, and each of the numbers 3, 4, 5, ... - a lie, corresponds to the concept of "to be less than 3" (the area of \u200b\u200bobjects is the whole. Numbers). Expressions representing logic languages. Functions themselves are not true and not false, i.e. There are no. Such expressions contain variables (see the variable) and are converted to V. When substituting, instead of them names of objects from this area (see Name). Such, for example, the expression "X Lit.: Zhegalkin I. I., about the technique of calculations of proposals in symbolic logic," Mat. Sat ", 1927, vol. 34, Vol. 1, p. 9-26; its own, arithmeticization of symbolic logic, in the same place 1928, vol. 35, vol. 3-4, p. 311-69; Hilbert D. and Akkerman B., Fundamentals of theoretical logic, per. With it., Ed., Entry. Art. And comments S. A. Yanovskaya, M., 1947; TAPSKA A., Introduction to the logic and methodology of deductive sciences, per. From English. , M., 1948, p. 31-106; Novikov P.S., Elements of Mathematical Logic, M., 1959, Ch. 1-2; Frege G., Funktion Und Begriff, Jena, 1891; His ,? Ber SINN UND BEDEUTUNG, "Z. Philos, UND Philosophische Kritik ", LPZ., 1892, BD 100, H. L, S. 25-50; its same, Grundgesetze der Arithmetik, Begriffschriftlich Abgeleitet, BD L, Jena, 1893, S. 5-10; Stegm? LLER W., DAS WAHRHEITSPROBLEM UND DIE IDEE DER SEMANTIK, W., 1957; CHURSH A., Introduction to Mathematical Logic, v. 1, PrinceTon, 1956 (see introduction). B. Biryukov. Moscow.