The main grammatical categories of suggestions. Concept of grammatical category

Question: How did they find them? Found a pattern! The main linguistic method is the opposition method! Here are these opposition values \u200b\u200band form categories.

For example: Forms i write - write - writespoint to face and therefore are combined into the grammatical category of the face.

wrote - I write - I will writeexpress time and form a category of time.

Table - Tables, Book - Booksexpress the idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of objects, they are combined into the category of numbers, etc.

The number of members opposed to each other in the grammatical category is predetermined by the structure of the language and in general is not varied. At the same time, each member of the category can be represented as one and several single-only forms. Thus, the grammatical category of the number of nouns is formed by two members, one of which is represented by the unique numbers (table, book), the other - forms of the plural (tables, books). The quantitative composition of some grammatical categories in the literature is determined in different ways, which is actually not connected with the volume of category, but by the assessment of its components. So, in nouns, 6, 9, 10 and more cases are highlighted. However, this reflects only different receptions of the selection of cases. As for the grammatical structure of the language, then in it the case of the case is regulated by existing types of declination.

    Expression grammatical meanings (content) between forms forming a category, distributed: writingmeans first person write- Second, writes- third; table, book, feather- point to units, tables, books, feathers- on; large- M.R., big- Women.R.

    Forms forming morphological categories should be combined with a common meaningful component (which is reflected in the definition of a grammatical category). This is a prerequisite for allocating the grammatical category. Without this generality, grammatical categories are not formed. For example, the opposition of transitional and non-transparent verbs does not form a morphological category precisely because it is not based on the overall content. For the same reason, are not morphological categories and other LGRs allocated in independent parts of speech.

Types Morphological Categories:

1. by the number of members in the opposition: binary (2 members in the opposition - the number, view) and non-bin (case, genus).

2. by meaning:

- Mixed

- Semantic

- Formal

Formal - gr. The category of the number of adjective is formal. Since: the adjective varies in numbers as well as the noun, on which it depends. That is gr. The value of the number of the adjective will be syntax, and the category will be formal.

But most often in Russian, we see the categories mixed: for some kind of group of words, the value will be nominative, and for some kind of syntax (first of all, the category of the name of the noun). How do we know that boy- male kind, and girl- Women? Because it is in objective reality.

3. according to the nature of the relationship: the wordinity and non-substitution(classifying).

Table tables- The form is changing. ceiling, wall, window- Claimed by childbirth.

LGR is such an association of words within a speech part, which is characterized by the similarity of lexical significance and have features in the formation of morphological forms and expressing grammatical values.

The concept of "LGR" is "bridge" between lexic and morphology. The most important thing for LGR is the generality of lexical meaning!

If it is called a unreasonable object - Narice., Unic. The subject is own.

This is a vocabulary inside morphology!

LGR includes 2 components:

1. Community of lexic value (mandatory sign)

    features of form formation (optional sign).

Category in a broad sense - any group of language elements allocated on the basis of any general Property; In a broad sense - some feature (parameter), which underlies the division of an extensive totality of homogeneous linguistic units to a limited number of non-cycle classes, whose members are characterized by the same meaning of this feature (for example, a category of case, category ODUS / non-modules, type category) . Often, however, the term "category" is called one of the values \u200b\u200bof the mentioned sign (category vinitive case). The concept of category goes back to Aristotle, who allocated 10 categories: Essence, quantity, quality, attitude, place, time, position, condition, action and underdevelopment. The allocation of these categories has largely influenced the further separation of parts of speech and suggestions.

The grammatical category is a system of opposed to each other series grammatical forms with homogeneous values. The grammatical form is a linguistic sign in which the grammatical significance finds its regular expression. Within grammatical forms, the means of expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bare affixes, phoned alternations (internal flexy), character of emphasis, reduction, service words, word order and intonation. In the system of grammatical categories, the categorizing character is defining, for example, a generalized value of time, person, pledge, etc., which combines the system of values \u200b\u200bof individual times, individuals and collaterals and a system of relevant forms.

Grammar categories are divided into morphological and syntax. Among the morphological, there are, for example, categories of species, pledge, kind, numbers, case; The consistent expression of these categories is characterized by entire grammatical classes of words (parts of speech). The number of opposed members within such categories may be different: for example, in Russian, the grammatical category of the genus is represented by the system of three rows of forms expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the husband., Women. and cf. The genus, and the grammatical category of the number - the system of two rows of forms - units. and numbers. In languages \u200b\u200bwith a developed word, the gram of the category of the Divanity category differ, i.e. Such members of which can be represented by the forms of the same word within its paradigm (for example, in Russian - time, challenge, the face of the verb, the number, the case of adjectives, the degree of comparison) and non-substitution (classifying), i.e. . Such members of which cannot be represented by the forms of the same word (in Russian - genus and animateness \\ inanimacy of nouns).

Languages \u200b\u200bof the world differ:

1. By quantity and composition of grammatical categories - for some slavic languages specified category of type; category identical \\ uncertainty for languages \u200b\u200bwith articles; category of respectability (politeness) in Japanese and Korean;

2. By the number of opposite members within the same category (6 cases in Russian and up to 40 in Dagestan)

3. By what parts of speech contain one or another category (in Nenets, the nouns have categories of face and time)

The combination of wider and narrower categories in different languages May be different. In Russian, the names and communities are inclined, and Finno-Ugric names may vary on persons ("My mother", "Your mother", etc. "EKE-M", "EKE-N", etc.)

Grammatical categories have been studied best to their characteristic traits The modifying type of the categorizing feature, its involvement in the syntax, the obligation to select one of its values \u200b\u200bfor the word mustration from the categorized set and the presence of a regular method of its expression. The presence of the entire totality of these properties is usually the basis for unconditional recognition of the grammatical nature of the category, although each of them is not separately necessary nor sufficient sign of the grammatical category.

There is not a single grammatical category that would be characteristic of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The inconsistency of grammatical categories in different languages \u200b\u200bis the best evidence of the specificity of the selection of grammatical categories in each language.

Thus, the category of certainty-uncertainty, very significant for the Romano-German languages \u200b\u200band is distinctly expressed in these languages \u200b\u200bwith artity articles, is absent in Russian, but this does not mean that the Russians cannot have in the minds of these values. They only express them lexically (pronouns). If one gram is expressed in the language with special techniques, the second can express negatively - the lack of a special indicator. For example, in Hebrew: Bajio "House", Habbajio "Certain House", in Tajik language, on the contrary, there is only an indefinite article. Consequently, the first property of the grammatical category is the regularity of distinction of grammatical values.

An example of repeat in African and Indonesian languages; dual. The separation of indifference animance (V.p.) is unusual for the ancient European languages; also distinguishing the category of the species, even the genus nouns do not know english And all Turkic languages.

The second property is obligatory (in the Romano-Germanic languages, it is impossible to do without certainty the uncertainty).

The number of homogeneous categories is different in different languages; So in languages \u200b\u200bwith declination, the number of cases may vary from 3 (in Arab), 4 - in German, 6 in Russian, 15 in Estonian and more (DABEST. Languages).

Even sometimes, when there is a correspondence between the languages \u200b\u200bregarding cases, one and the same can be expressed by different cases: "I went for firewood" (TV.P.), and in Kazakh - the same is expressed by a prurient case.

From grammatical categories in morphology, it is customary to distinguish with lexico-grammatical categories of words - such subclasses inside certain parts of speech, which have a common semantic sign that affects the ability to words to express certain categorical morphological values. The value of the plurality in the shapes of the plural number is grammatical, in collective names - the fact of the lexical value, expressed by the basis, and the grammatical method shows the only number (fist-fist-fist), there are also nouns, specific, distracted, real; Adjective qualitative and relative, etc.

The grammatical categories changed over time: in Latin a certain article there was not yet, and in People's Latin, the pronoun "Ilia" was used so often that in Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bit became a certain article. Later, an uncertain article arose from the pronoun "one"

Grammem. (eng. grammeme.) - grammatical meaning, understood as one of the elements of the grammatical category; Different grams of one category exclude each other and cannot be expressed together. So, in Russian is the only and plural - gram categories of numbers; Be sure to be expressed then or another value, but not both. Also a gram can be called grammatical indicator - a plan for expressing grammatical value (in the same value suggests the proposed J. Baibi term gram, eng. gram ), as well as the unity of the value (of the content plan) and the methods of its expression.

The language of the language is represented by a number of forms combined by the value of the component of this grammatical category, but differing by the values \u200b\u200bof other categories inherent in this part of speech: so, the verb gram of the verb in Russian is represented by a number of forms combined by this value, but differing in inclination, time, type , pledge, numbers. Grammakes expressed by a number of morphological forms make up the morphological category. There are also grammams expressed syntactic forms - classes of syntactic structures (for example, active and passive structures) - and components of syntactic categories.

With a gram, understood as a unit of a content plan, a morpheme ratio as a unit of expression plan. The unit of an expression plan, correlated with the grams of several grammatical categories at the same time, is called a flexive morphem, or a flexion.

Gramma is a component of a grammatical category, which is a species concept with respect to the value of grammatical. categories as a concept of generic. Such, for example, the city of units and mn. numbers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd persons, owls. and nonsense. species. Like grammar. The category as a whole, G. is the unity of the meaning and methods of its expression. In the structure of grammar. Categories G. is one of the opposite rows of grammatical series. Forms constituting grammar. category as a system. For example, opposed to each other rows of shapes., POST. and Bud. Time form grammar structure. Categories of time. G., considered as elements of the structure of grammatical. Categories are close to "formal categories\u003e A. M. Peshkovsky and" categorical forms\u003e A. I. Smirnitz Who. Axis. Structural type G. - a number of morpho logic. Forms combined by one of the members of grammatical. categories. Cums of this type are formed morphologic. categories. At the same time, syntax may be presented. Forms - syntax classes. constructions (cf. active and passive structures). Such G. are syntax components. categories. A number of grammar. The forms constituting the structure of GG includes forms that are combined with the value of the component of this grammatical. Categories, IO differ with t. S. other categories inherent in this part of speech. For example, G. 2nd l. verb to rus. Yaz. Presented by a number of shapes combined by the value of the 2nd l., but differing in inclination, time, view, pledge, number. In some languages \u200b\u200b(synthetic-ag-glutinating type, etc.) a generic concept, fixed grammatical. The category may be with the meaning of one of the city (eg, such, according to MEYYY V. 3. Panfilova, the ratio of units. and MN. in the Nivki Yaz.). The specified bilateral (substantive-formal) understanding of the city reveals one of the values \u200b\u200bof this term. Another meaning is in cases where it is used only with respect to the content plan and is interpreted as an elementary unit of grammatical. values. The second meaning of the term arr. " Does not contradict the first, as it is always assumed that G. has one or another formal expression.

The grammatical categories are also distinguished by syntactically detected (relational), i.e., indicating primarily on the combination of forms in the composition of the phrase or proposal (in Russian - genus, case) and unaxactically detected (nominative), i.e. primarily expressing semantic abstractions distracted from properties, links and relations of non-language reality (in Russian, view, time); Such grammatical categories as, for example, the number or face combine the signs of both of these types.

The main unit of grammar is the grammatical category. The word category is a generic (general) concept with respect to species (private) concepts. For example, the name dog will be a category with respect to the names of specific breeds - Shepherd, Terrier, dachshund.

The grammatical category combines grammatical forms with a homogeneous grammatical value. The totality of homogeneous and opposed to each other grammatical forms of a particular language are called the paradigm. For example, the grammatical category (paradigm) of the case in modern Russian consists of six forms with grammatical values \u200b\u200bof nominative, personal, etc. case The grammatical category of the case in English includes two forms - the nominative and attractive (genitive with the value of the accessories) of the case.

The grammatical meaning is a generalized value inherent in a number of words or syntactic structures and expressed by regular (standard) means. Grammatical values, respectively, the grammatical categories are morphological and syntax.

In the word, grammatical values \u200b\u200bis a mandatory addition to lexical. Differences between them in the following:

a) the lexical significance is inherent in a specific word, grammatical - a number of words.

b) lexical significance due to realities - objects, signs, processes, states, etc. The grammatical meaning indicates 1) relations between objects and phenomena (genus, number, case); 2) on the ratio of the content of the statement to reality (inclination, time, face); 3) on the attitude of speaking to the statement (narration, question, urge, as well as subjective assessments - confidence / uncertainty, categorical / estimation).

c) lexical significance is always meaningful. In some sense, the exceptions are words with a devastated lexical value. They are called deressantized. The girl's word defines female representatives aged about 15-25 years old, and how the appeal is used in relation to much more mature saleswoman, conductors, cashiers, etc. In this case, the girl denotes not age, but indicates the professional status of the addressee.

The grammatical value is purely formal, i.e. Not having a prototype in reality. For example, Rod inanimate nouns - Creek - River - Lake; Span. El Mundo 'World', Fr. Le Choux 'Cabbage' (M.R.); The average genus of animated nouns is Russian. Choo, child; Bulge. Mother's 'boy', momic 'girl', pile 'dog'; it. Das Mädchen 'Girl'. Analogue of formal grammatical values \u200b\u200bare words with empty dens (led, atlantis, etc.).

The grammatical form is an external (formal) side of the language sign, which expresses a certain grammatical value. The grammatical form is a representative of the grammatical paradigm. If there is a certain grammatical category in the language, then the name will always have one grammatical form. When describing the language facts, it is usually true: a noun in the form of a genitive case, the verb in the form of expressing inclination, etc. The grammatical form is the unity of the grammatical meaning and the material means of its expression.

The grammatical meaning can be expressed in two ways - substratetically (inside the word) and analytically (outside the word). In each method, there are various means of expressing grammatical values.

Synthetic means of expressing grammatical values.

1. Affixation (Flexia, suffix, prefix of the species pair): Mom (IP) - Moms (R.P.); Running (infinitive) - fled (past. time); Deli (Nesov. View) - Made (sov. View).

2. Emphasis - ryaki (I.P., MN.) - Hands (R.P., un. H.).

3. Alternation at the root (internal flexion): Collect (Nesov. View) - Collect (sov. View); it. Lesen 'read' - Las 'read'.

4. Reducing - doubling root. In Russian as a grammatical remedy is not used (in the words of the type of blue-blue reduction is a semantic agent). In the Malay language Orang 'Man' - Oran-Orang 'People' (full reduction); Partial Redupplication - Tagalog. Mabuting 'Good' Mabuting-Buting 'very good'.

5. Supploitism - the formation of the word forms from another basis: I - to me; Good - better; it. Gut 'Good' - Besser 'better' - Beste 'best'.

Grammar values \u200b\u200bcan be expressed by several means. In the formation of perfect form ancient Greek. τέτροφα 'feeding' from τρέφο 'Kormlu' at once, four means are involved: incomplete repetition of the base τέ-, flexy -α, emphasis and alternation in the root - τρέφ / τροφ.

Analytical means of expressing grammatical values.

1. Actually analytical means - special grammatical means for the formation of analytical forms: to learn - I will read (Bud. Time); fast ( positive degree) - faster (comparative degree) is the fastest (excellent degree).

2. A means of syntactic bonds - the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the word is determined by the grammatical values \u200b\u200bof another word. For the unclear words of the Russian language, this is the only means of expressing their grammatical genus. Unclear animated nouns belong, as a rule, male genus: funny kangaroo, green cockatoo, cheerful chimpanzees. The genus of inanimate unlock nouns is usually determined by the generic word: the malicious Tsetse (fly), deep-water Ontario (lake), Sunny Sochi (city), immature kiwi (fruit).

3. Service words - grammatical values \u200b\u200bare expressed by predictions, particles or significant absence: the highway shines (I.P.) - stand at the highway (R.P.) - go to the highway (DP) - go to the highway ( V.P.) - turn around on the highway (pp); I learned (expressive inclination) - I would recognize (subjunctive inclination).

4. The order of words - grammatical values \u200b\u200bare determined by the position of the word in the proposal. In the design with OMONIMICAL and Vinitive Cases, the first place is realized as its active role (subject), and the second is like a passive (object): the horse sees the mouse (horse - I.P., subject; mouse - V.P., Supplement ) - The mouse sees the horse (mouse - I.P., subject to horse - V.P., Supplement).

5. Intonation is an expression of grammatical values \u200b\u200bby a certain intonational pattern. ↓ Money went to the phone: 1) with a logical stress on the word money and a pause after it; The verb went used in the expressive inclination; The meaning of the phrase "Money is spent on the purchase of a phone"; 2) with an inacted intonational figure, the verb went used in imperative inclination; The meaning of the phrase "We must put money on the phone."

Questions and tasks for self-control:

1. What is grammar?

2. What is the difference between lexical and grammatical meaning?

3. What features is the reflection of reality in grammar?

4. What means of expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bdo you know?

More on the topic § 2. The grammatical category. Grammatical meaning. Grammar form:

  1. The main concepts of morphology: grammatical category (GK), grammatical meaning (GZ), grammatical form (GF).

In widespread definitions of G. K. To the fore the plan put forward its meaning. However, the necessary sign of G. K. is the unity of the meaning and its expression in the system of grammatical forms as bilateral (bilateral) language units.

G. K. are divided into morphological and syntactic. Among the morphological categories are allocated, for example, the city of the species, pledge, time, inclination, faces, clan, numbers, case; The consistent expression of these categories is characterized by entire grammatical classes of words (parts of speech). The number of opposed members within such categories may be different: for example, in Russian, the city of the genus is represented by the system three ranks Forms expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the male, female and medium kind, and the city of the number - the system of two rows of shapes - the sole and multiple number. In languages \u200b\u200bwith developed word, there are G. K. Word-only, that is, those whose members can be represented by the forms of the same word as part of its paradigm (for example, in Russian - time, challenge, face verb, number, case , adjective, comparison degrees), and non-substitution (classifying, classifications), i.e., such, members of which cannot be represented by the forms of the same word (for example, in Russian - genus and animation / inanimacy of nouns) . Belonging to some G. K. (for example, in Russian - the species and collateral) to the word-import or non-revenue type is the object of discussion.

The city of K. syntactically detected (relational), i.e., indicating primarily on the combination of forms in the composition of the phrase or supply (for example, in Russian - genus, case), and non-associated detectable (referential, nominative), t. e. Almost first of all, various semantic abstractions, distracted from properties, links and relations of non-language reality (for example, in Russian - species, time); Such G. K., as, for example, a number or person, combine the signs of both of these types.

Languages \u200b\u200bof the world differ: 1) by the number and composition of the city of K. (cf., for example, specific for some languages \u200b\u200b- Slavic and others - category of the verb form; category of "grammatical class" - a person or things - in a number of Iberian-Caucasian languages ; category of certainty / uncertainty, inherent mainly in languages \u200b\u200bwith articles; category of courtesy, or respectability, characteristic of a number of Asian languages, in particular, Japanese and Korean, and related to the grammatical expression of the relationship of a speaker to the interlocutor and those who are talking about); 2) by the number of opposite members within the same category (cf. six cases in Russian and to forty - in some Dagestan); 3) By what parts of the speech contain one or another category (so, in Nenets, the nouns possess categories of face and time). These characteristics may vary in the process of historical development of one language (cf., for example, three forms of the number in Old Russian, including dual, and two - in modern Russian).

Some features of the detection of G. K. are determined by the morphological type of language - this also applies to the composition of categories, and the method of expressing categorical values \u200b\u200b(cf. syncretism of the affixing expression of wordinime morphological values, such as case and numbers, predominant in flexive languages, and separate expression of these values \u200b\u200bin agglutinative ). In contrast to the strict and consistent obligation of expression inherent in the city. Languages \u200b\u200bof flexive synthetic type, in insulating and agglutinative languages, the use of forms with special indicators is not mandatory for all cases when possible in meaning. Instead, they often use the main forms neutral with respect to this grammatical value. For example, in Chinese, where the signs of the city are seized. Numbers, nouns without an indicator of the multiplicity "-Men" can be denoted by one person and many persons; In Nivh, it is possible to use the name in the form of absolute case in cases where, in the sense, the form of any of the indirect cases could be used. Accordingly, the division of G. K. The morphological and syntaxes are not traced in such languages \u200b\u200bso clearly as in the languages \u200b\u200bof the flexive-synthetic type, the boundaries between those and other G. K. Straft.

Sometimes the term "G. to." It applies to wider or narrower groups compared with G. K. In the indicated interpretation - for example, on the one hand, to parts of speech ("category of noun", "Category of verb"), and on the other - to individual members of categories (" Category of male race "," Certificate category ", etc.).

From the city of K. Morphology it is customary to distinguish vocabulary-grammatical discharges of words - such subclasses inside a certain part of speech, which have a common semantic sign that affects the ability to words to express certain categorical morphological values. Such, for example, in Russian, nouns are collective, specific, distracted, real; adjective qualitative and relative; verbs personal and impersonal; So-called verbal action methods, etc.

The concept of G. K. Designed mainly on the material of morphological categories. Less developed the question of syntactic categories; The borders of the application of the concept G. K. The syntax remains unclear. Perhaps, for example, allocation: G. K. Communicative orientation of the statement under construction as opposition to the proposals of narratives, motivating and questionative; G. K. Activity / Passivity Design offer; G. K. The syntactic time and the syntactic inclination that form the paradigm of the proposal, etc. The question is whether the question of whether the so-called word-forming categories: the latter is not peculiar to opposing and homogeneity in the framework of generalized categories.

  • ShcherbaL. V., On the parts of speech in Russian, in his book: Selected works in the Russian language, M., 1957;
  • DoclalM., to the question of the morphological category, "issues of linguistics", 1967, № 6;
  • HumanMM, grammatical category and structure of paradigms, in the book: Studies on the general theory of grammar, M., 1968;
  • KatsnelsonS. D., language typology and speech thinking, L., 1972;
  • LomtevT. P., proposal and its grammatical categories, M., 1972;
  • Typology of grammatical categories. M. M., 1975;
  • BondarkoA.V., Theory of morphological categories, L., 1976;
  • PanfilovV. Z., Philosophical problems of linguistics, M., 1977;
  • Lyonz J.., Introduction to theoretical linguistics, per. from English, M., 1978;
  • KholododovichA. A., Problems of grammatical theory, L., 1979;
  • Russian grammar, t. 1, M., 1980, p. 453-59.

Category in a broad sense - any group of language elements allocated on the basis of a common property; In a broad sense - some feature (parameter), which underlies the division of an extensive totality of homogeneous linguistic units to a limited number of non-cycle classes, whose members are characterized by the same meaning of this feature (for example, a category of case, category ODUS / non-modules, type category) . Often, however, the term "category" is called one of the values \u200b\u200bof the mentioned sign (the category of the vinitive case). The concept of category goes back to Aristotle, who allocated 10 categories: Essence, quantity, quality, attitude, place, time, position, condition, action and underdevelopment. The allocation of these categories has largely influenced the further separation of parts of speech and suggestions.

The grammatical category is a system of opposed to each other series of grammatical forms with homogeneous values. The grammatical form is a linguistic sign in which the grammatical significance finds its regular expression. Within grammatical forms, the means of expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bare affixes, phoned alternations (internal flexy), character of emphasis, reduction, service words, word order and intonation. In the system of grammatical categories, the categorizing character is defining, for example, a generalized value of time, person, pledge, etc., which combines the system of values \u200b\u200bof individual times, individuals and collaterals and a system of relevant forms.

Grammar categories are divided into morphological and syntax. Among the morphological, there are, for example, categories of species, pledge, kind, numbers, case; The consistent expression of these categories is characterized by entire grammatical classes of words (parts of speech). The number of opposed members within such categories may be different: for example, in Russian, the grammatical category of the genus is represented by the system of three rows of forms expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200bof the husband., Women. and cf. The genus, and the grammatical category of the number - the system of two rows of forms - units. and numbers. In languages \u200b\u200bwith a developed word, the gram of the category of the Divanity category differ, i.e. Such members of which can be represented by the forms of the same word within its paradigm (for example, in Russian - time, challenge, the face of the verb, the number, the case of adjectives, the degree of comparison) and non-substitution (classifying), i.e. . Such members whose members cannot be represented by the forms of the same word (in Russian - genus and animation indifference).

Languages \u200b\u200bof the world differ:

1. By quantity and composition of grammatical categories - for some Slavic languages, a specific category of type is specified; category of definition for languages \u200b\u200bwith articles; category of respectability (politeness) in Japanese and Korean;

2. By the number of opposite members within the same category (6 cases in Russian and up to 40 in Dagestan)

3. By what parts of speech contain one or another category (in Nenets, the nouns have categories of face and time)

The combination of wider and narrower categories in different languages \u200b\u200bcan be different. In Russian, the names and communities are inclined, and Finno-Ugric names may vary on persons ("My mother", "Your mother", etc. "EKE-M", "EKE-N", etc.)

The grammatical categories are best understood, their characteristic features include a modifying type of categorizing feature, its involvement in the syntax, the obligation to choose one of its values \u200b\u200bfor the word mustration from the categorized combustion and the presence of a regular method of its expression. The presence of the entire totality of these properties is usually the basis for unconditional recognition of the grammatical nature of the category, although each of them is not separately necessary nor sufficient sign of the grammatical category.

There is not a single grammatical category that would be characteristic of all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. The inconsistency of grammatical categories in different languages \u200b\u200bis the best evidence of the specificity of the selection of grammatical categories in each language.

Thus, the category of certainty-uncertainty, very significant for the Romano-German languages \u200b\u200band is distinctly expressed in these languages \u200b\u200bwith artity articles, is absent in Russian, but this does not mean that the Russians cannot have in the minds of these values. They only express them lexically (pronouns). If one gram is expressed in the language with special techniques, the second can express negatively - the lack of a special indicator. For example, in Hebrew: Bajio "House", Habbajio "Certain House", in Tajik language, on the contrary, there is only an indefinite article. Consequently, the first property of the grammatical category is the regularity of distinction of grammatical values.

An example of repeat in African and Indonesian languages; dual. The separation of indifference animance (V.p.) is unusual for the ancient European languages; Also distinguishing the category of species, even the genus nouns do not know English and all Turkic languages.

The second property is obligatory (in the Romano-Germanic languages, it is impossible to do without certainty the uncertainty).

The number of homogeneous categories is different in different languages; So in languages \u200b\u200bwith declination, the number of cases may vary from 3 (in Arab), 4 - in German, 6 in Russian, 15 in Estonian and more (DABEST. Languages).

Even sometimes, when there is a correspondence between the languages \u200b\u200bregarding cases, one and the same can be expressed by different cases: "I went for firewood" (TV.P.), and in Kazakh - the same is expressed by a prurient case.

From grammatical categories in morphology, it is customary to distinguish with lexico-grammatical categories of words - such subclasses inside certain parts of speech, which have a common semantic sign that affects the ability to words to express certain categorical morphological values. The value of the plurality in the shapes of the plural number is grammatical, in collective names - the fact of the lexical value, expressed by the basis, and the grammatical method shows the only number (fist-fist-fist), there are also nouns, specific, distracted, real; Adjective qualitative and relative, etc.

The grammatical categories changed over time: in Latin a certain article there was not yet, and in People's Latin, the pronoun "Ilia" was used so often that in Romanesque languages \u200b\u200bit became a certain article. Later, an uncertain article arose from the pronoun "one"

Grammem. (eng. grammeme.) - grammatical meaning, understood as one of the elements of the grammatical category; Different grams of one category exclude each other and cannot be expressed together. So, in Russian, the only and multiple number - gram groups of the number; Be sure to be expressed then or another value, but not both. Also a gram can be called grammatical indicator - a plan for expressing grammatical value (in the same value suggests the proposed J. Baibi term gram, eng. gram ), as well as the unity of the value (of the content plan) and the methods of its expression.

The language of the language is represented by a number of forms combined by the value of the component of this grammatical category, but differing by the values \u200b\u200bof other categories inherent in this part of speech: so, the verb gram of the verb in Russian is represented by a number of forms combined by this value, but differing in inclination, time, type , pledge, numbers. Grammakes expressed by a number of morphological forms make up the morphological category. There are also grams expressed by syntactic forms - classes of syntactic structures (for example, active and passive structures) - and components of syntactic categories.

With a gram, understood as a unit of a content plan, a morpheme ratio as a unit of expression plan. The unit of an expression plan, correlated with the grams of several grammatical categories at the same time, is called a flexive morphem, or a flexion.

Gramma is a component of a grammatical category, which is a species concept with respect to the value of grammatical. categories as a concept of generic. Such, for example, the city of units and mn. numbers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd persons, owls. and nonsense. species. Like grammar. The category as a whole, G. is the unity of the meaning and methods of its expression. In the structure of grammar. Categories G. is one of the opposite rows of grammatical series. Forms constituting grammar. category as a system. For example, opposed to each other rows of shapes., POST. and Bud. Time form grammar structure. Categories of time. G., considered as elements of the structure of grammatical. Categories are close to "formal categories\u003e A. M. Peshkovsky and" categorical forms\u003e A. I. Smirnitz Who. Axis. Structural type G. - a number of morpho logic. Forms combined by one of the members of grammatical. categories. Cums of this type are formed morphologic. categories. At the same time, syntax may be presented. Forms - syntax classes. constructions (cf. active and passive structures). Such G. are syntax components. categories. A number of grammar. The forms constituting the structure of GG includes forms that are combined with the value of the component of this grammatical. Categories, IO differ with t. S. other categories inherent in this part of speech. For example, G. 2nd l. verb to rus. Yaz. Presented by a number of shapes combined by the value of the 2nd l., but differing in inclination, time, view, pledge, number. In some languages \u200b\u200b(synthetic-ag-glutinating type, etc.) a generic concept, fixed grammatical. The category may be with the meaning of one of the city (eg, such, according to MEYYY V. 3. Panfilova, the ratio of units. and MN. in the Nivki Yaz.). The specified bilateral (substantive-formal) understanding of the city reveals one of the values \u200b\u200bof this term. Another meaning is in cases where it is used only with respect to the content plan and is interpreted as an elementary unit of grammatical. values. The second meaning of the term arr. " Does not contradict the first, as it is always assumed that G. has one or another formal expression.

The grammatical categories are also distinguished by syntactically detected (relational), i.e., indicating primarily on the combination of forms in the composition of the phrase or proposal (in Russian - genus, case) and unaxactically detected (nominative), i.e. primarily expressing semantic abstractions distracted from properties, links and relations of non-language reality (in Russian, view, time); Such grammatical categories as, for example, the number or face combine the signs of both of these types.

End of work -

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Grammar as a language level. Morphology and related levels of language; morphology and phology; The main concepts of morphology; Morphology and syntax

The term morphology consists of two ancient Greek roots and literally means the doctrine of the form. It has two main .. The system of the mechanisms of the language ensuring construction and understanding of it .. The grammar section is studied by the patterns of functioning and development of this system.

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