Good Monday wishes. Cool statuses about Monday

Cool statuses about monday

P about statistics, 60% of people on Monday think poorly ... Fortunately, I belong to the rest 20%

AND sometimes on Monday morning it is enough to open your eyes to know that you shouldn't.


WITH a part of it is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.


V start monday new life impossible, and on Tuesday it's too late.


V monday want to go to work on tuesday ..


H eat good monday morning? There won't be a second one this week.


D in order to increase the number happy people on the planet, it is enough to reduce the working day on Monday to 4 hours.


N and what doesn't spoil a Sunday party like a gloomy Monday morning.


Have Monday there is one undeniable dignity- it ends at midnight.


N and even Monday in the week is inserted so that the person does not lose fear.


WITH tranno turns out! My biological clock accurately detects Friday, but absolutely clears on Monday !?


Have my intuition is so strongly developed that on Mondays I try not to go to work.


P Monday - World Masochists Day.


X A good Monday should start somewhere in the area in the afternoon - late afternoon.


TO When your boss sets you a task in the morning on Monday, it gives off a lot of fumes.


P Hell - Monday morning can be happy! Don't drink on Friday night!

P in fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.


D For many people, there are only two days of the week: not yet Friday and already Monday ...


P To be afraid of weekdays - do not look into the calendar.


N some grumble ostentatiously on Mondays. But this is only to hide his ardent love for work. Otherwise, they will be suspected of rabid careerism.


L Better good Monday than bad Friday.


V we are all fridayophiles and mondayophobes.


M you can be sure Monday will come for you ...


A on Mondays I like my head to buzz a little: it helps to remember what day of the week it is.


V Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays!


P sucker is that Monday, which falls on holidays.


E If the fork falls, then a woman will come. If the knife is a man. And if the mood falls, then Monday will come soon.

P Monday is a convenient excuse to do something ...

P Monday is the egg that will eventually hatch on Saturday. Only he still needs to sit out.

M Many people don't stay on the same job for more than a couple of years - they just run out of good excuses not to go out on Monday.

T As soon as you meet Monday morning, you begin to realize that the investment in alcohol-containing liquids has not paid any dividends, except for a hangover.

Have trom on Monday you understand why in English Monday is Mandai ...

E If you are upset about Monday, work seven days a week.

R Let's add Monday not sober colors.

E If you're trying to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it turns out it's Friday ...

TO drank a book -How to make up eyes on Monday morning if they do not open?

D ocha! We are all starting a new life on Monday! I'll quit, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit ...

N There's no need to blame the mirror if it's Monday morning.

P LAN for Monday:
1. Wait for Friday.

P Monday ... God's punishment for us for what we did on the weekends ...

P This is why Monday was set at the beginning of the week, in order to knock out at once all the nonsense accumulated over the weekend.

AND Monday again, and we have a special guest in the studio, aspirin ...

P Monday is a day when, instead of a badge, you want to hang up a sign: "Caution, angry dog!"

Have thrombot on Monday, before school, what illnesses only do not worsen.

O I am organizing the collection of signatures for the cancellation of Mondays ...

P Monday is a tough day ... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once ...

C Monday habitat is especially aggressive.

N Is it really possible to start a new life on Monday after my Sundays?

E If Monday had a face, I would kick him in the face.

V Monday at work, everything is not so scary: we just need to stand until the smoke break, and hold out until lunchtime.

N Monday morning was dull.

N There's no need to blame the mirror if it's Monday morning.

B There are such Mondays that you can even pick up the status of a horse-radish for them.

P oh my, mondays at Lately come too often and suddenly.

WITH Monday morning bed has the greatest attraction

D A home phone is only needed to find a mobile in the apartment on Monday morning!

E If, after two cold and rainy days, it has warmed up and the sun is shining, it is most likely Monday.

R I wanted to somehow start a new life on Monday. I liked it, I got involved imperceptibly. Now, every Monday I start a new life and have never regretted it.

N the arcologist sent me to a psychiatrist after I announced that I would stop drinking not on Monday, but on Friday night ...

P It's easy to grow up on Monday morning, it's hard not to fall asleep again.

WITH The shortest day is Monday, I didn’t have time to wake up, and it’s time to leave work.

P in fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.

P Monday - trauma on the background of waiting ...

1/7 part of life is Monday.

G luboko at the bottom of every Monday is a Friday night.

N Happy Monday - nobody loves it!

V That week was Monday.

V Your bed is never as soft as Monday morning.

Have Three Monday began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

TO Every Monday I am tormented by the question: did you have a weekend?

P Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for our sinful weekend.

V from and the long-awaited Monday has come.
Signature. Club "Depression"

X It's good to be a guy that fell out of the closet on Monday morning - then put it on!

Z Golden rule for Monday: "Cover yourself with a blanket and wait it out"

AND why did Nekrasov not write a poem: "Who lives well on Monday morning?"

E The only time retirees feel better than young people is Monday morning.

V I don't want to go to work on Monday in two cases: if I didn't have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if I had time to have a good rest over the weekend ...

B Scientists from Ritan have found that lying in a warm bed on Monday morning and not going anywhere is awesome.

P Monday is the time to pay the bills presented by the exhausted body.

V All the unexpected happens "one day." Everything expected on Monday.

L The best thing to know when you wake up on Monday morning is that today is Sunday.

E then it looks like I'm not doing anything on Monday, but at the molecular level, believe me, my brain is very busy - it is trying to understand what is happening!

V Syo, from Monday I start a new life ... Updated on Tuesday.

I AM- "fridayofilka" and "mondayofobka".

Have Three Monday ... And whispers: "forget it!"

Everyone loves weekends, but Mondays, quite simply, everyone dislikes. Monday announces that the weekend is over and it's time to go to work. It doesn't take much to fall in love with Mondays - just find a job that suits you. Then you will meet the beginning of a new week in high spirits and finally stop hating Mondays. We offer you a selection of quotes and statuses about Mondays, maybe they will help you meet the new week with optimism.

Monday can be disliked only in two cases: when you had a busy weekend or when you have an uninteresting job that you just don't want to go out to. Since the arrival of Monday cannot be prevented in any way, it is best to find a job that will suit you and you will take the beginning of a new week with enthusiasm and go to a meeting for new achievements and self-realization. Just imagine that every day you rest, rest and rest. Your life would become monotonous and you would stop appreciating relaxation. Therefore, stop complaining about Monday, work ahead and slowly but surely move towards the meeting for the new weekend.

Monday is the day of promises. On Mondays, everyone promises to start a new life: someone wants to go on a diet, someone wants to quit smoking, someone wants to do exercises in the morning. Understand that if you really want something, then you can do it any day of the week, and you don't have to wait for Monday.


Monday is given to a person for a calendar account, and not for empty self-deception. (A. Vyazemka)

Monday exists so that we do not get lost in time ...

Monday is too difficult a day to start the week with. (Mira Day)

Do you really think Tuesday would be easier if it was the first day of the week ?!)

And on Mondays, I love my head buzzing a little: it helps to remember what day of the week it is. (R. Heinlein)

And I would be glad not to know what day of the week it is, if only the head would stop resembling.)

Monday comes with enviable regularity. (Ed McBain)

I wish miracles happened as often as Mondays come ...)

Doing your research human beings over the course of my life, I've found that no matter how hard you try, you can't prevent Monday. Of course, people do not stop trying, but Monday still catches up with them and all the drones have to drag out their dull working life again, full of meaningless hard work and suffering. This thought always comforts me. (D. Lindsay)

Mondays should be treated with optimism, do not create problems for yourself at the very beginning of the week!

Monday is the most painful day of the week, the most unbearable. The whole week that began was on my shoulders, as the whole world was on the shoulders of Atlas. On Monday night, I was free of one-sixth of the load. And every day it became easier and easier. On Friday night I was, so to speak, happy. It was still Saturday morning, but after lunch we were already free. I was having a joyful or sumptuous dinner for myself, lying in bed after dinner, and boredom began on Saturday night, because now only Sunday separated me from the painful Monday. Monday was the hardest and most depressing day, Sunday the empty one. (E. Ionesco)

Who cares what day of the week if there is a beloved family, faithful friends and interesting work ?!

Nothing can finish a man off like Monday. (Yoon Ewo)

By by and large, depressing not so much Monday as the end of the weekend and the beginning of the working week.

Monday is the kind of crap that ends on Tuesday ... (Yu. Klimova)

For some, Monday is generally unnoticed ...

How quickly time flew by! It's already Monday knocking on the door!
- Let him knock. We will not open. (Nemi)

I'm afraid he won't even ask, so he will come into life!

Nobody likes Monday morning. It's hangover time. The new week has not yet begun, but there is a tail from the previous one. Nobody likes it, and it doesn't matter if it's raining or the sun is shining. (Ed McBain)

These weekend drinkers don't like Mondays, but those who don't drink don't care at all ...

Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays! (G. Marquez)

It's strange how you haven't blamed Saturday ?!)

Monday is a vile day. For lonely girls, who once again did not receive the gifts expected from life over the past weekend, this day was like a bitter pill. Especially when you realize that you have chosen the wrong job: in the wrong place, with the wrong people and in the wrong calling. (A. Larina)

This is how it happens in life: she herself chose the wrong thing, but Monday is to blame for everything ...


In order to increase the number of happy people on the planet, it is enough to reduce the working day on Monday to 4 hours.

Better yet, make Monday a day off so everyone will be happy.)

Monday is a day when instead of a badge you want to hang up a sign: "Caution, angry dog!"

Better yet, stay at home on a leash ...)

If you have a headache on Monday morning and don't feel like working, take a pill from your boss and it will ease your headache.

Maybe, after all, without medication from the authorities ?!)

Monday is a hard day. On other working days, you have to read jokes only for the previous day, and only on Mondays - for the entire weekend.

Well, why is it hard, while you read all the anecdotes, so, you see, half of the working day will pass ... It turns out that Monday is the easiest day of the week ...)))

Daughter! We are all starting a new life on Monday! I will quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit school ...

Daughter, it seems we changed our minds ...)

The greatest attraction is the Monday morning bed.

I would have taken her with me to work ...)

Monday. 10:00 am. 56 friends on the site. Everyone is working. Well done!

This means that the weekend went well, all friends are safe and sound!

Every Monday I am tormented by the question: was there a weekend at all?

Something on the weekend the question of work did not torment you in any way ...)

The first rule of the sociologist is never to do a public opinion poll on Monday morning.

On Monday, you can conduct a survey only to compile dictionaries of obscene words and expressions ...

If on Monday morning angry people are coming towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, then your night shift is finally over!

Do not rush to rejoice, everyone will have a weekend, and you will go to work again ...)

Even on Monday, it is sometimes pleasant to get up and go to work ... If this Monday the salary is given, which has been delayed for three months already ...

But what can I say, for a salary and on Sunday I would go to work ...)

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream ...

You don't need to look at the dream book, you have to go to work ...)

It looks like I'm not doing anything on Monday, but at the molecular level, believe me, my brain is very busy - it is trying to understand what is happening!

Monday has come, that's what's going on!)

A home phone is only needed to find a mobile in the apartment on Monday morning!

It's good if you know your number by heart, otherwise on Monday morning you may not remember ...)

It's good to be a guy that fell out of the closet on Monday morning and put it on!

And if nothing fell out, go naked ?!)

I got up early on Monday
I whipped the black coffee,
But I decided not to tear my eyes
And sank into bed.

Where is slacker Monday? -
Asks Tuesday.
-Monday is not a bum,
He's not a slacker
He's a great janitor.
He's for Wednesday's chef
He brought a bucket of water.
Fireman Thursday
He made a poker.
But Friday came
Modest, neat girl.
He left all work
And went with her on Saturday
By Sunday for lunch.
Handed over to you

Unhappy, tired, shabby look,
What happened to you, individual?
“I found my way to nirvana,
But then, damn it, Monday came again !!! "

Draws on mobile

You probably know yourself
What is the first day of the week?
(And these bags under the eyes
Well, just shocking the nerves).

My mind is in great pain
I would give him to the slaughter.
(And these bags under the eyes -
Harsh reminder).

I bite my elbows out of anger,
I don’t know what to do with the face.
(And these bags under the eyes
Already frankly got it)!

It won't help from these bags
Love and hope and faith ...
- "What to do?! Tell me, oh God "!!!
- "And there is nothing to ferment without measure."

Today is Monday again
Well, why am I not a bum?
In the morning I would not have seen sleepy faces ...
And day after day would be similar ...
I wrote poetry lying on the stove,
Or smoke on the porch ...
Well, okay, stop wailing
It's high time to get up!

I took an egg on Monday
Smashed it on a tuesday
It became younger so that the face
The cells have changed at the root.

And on Wednesday I just shared
Yolk with protein in circles,
So that with smooth skin I go
To young girlfriends.

On Thursday I set everything to dry
Until Friday - Saturday
To walk from Monday
Like a boy, to work.

And on Sunday I ate
What I've been doing all week.
And the powder in me had time
It's all to do the job.

But, only now, I noticed:
The face is younger,
But 10 kilos, blah,
Suddenly she lost her body.

I'm not a lazy person or a bum
But I hate Monday.
Actually, I love Saturday,
When you don't need to go to work.

Although Sunday is a holiday,
Happy Saturday, prankster.
But Monday breaks everything
It makes people work.

I wish Monday easy
And so that it was not very long.
Came and went, and again Saturday,
Until Monday - freedom!

Monday is the "parade" day,
- With bristles, with a drink,
And with bags under my eyes
As if we had not slept at night.
And then they took a walk:
We celebrated Friday
And then back to work.
- Hands on feet, stomp, stomp ...

He came to work gloomy and spiteful,
And spread over the chair with jam,
Completely disabled
At least go get a disability
Eh, leave me alone, why can't you sleep,
No one knows how it got me?
Today I’m not what to labor,
I can't do bullshit.
And no need to ask, they say, come in
I don't want to go anywhere.
You better tell me thank you
That I sit quietly and say nothing.
What are you grazing in Monique, aren't you ashamed?
Yes, I read jokes all day
Can't you fucking see it for me -
I won't work today.
I AM - ready client psychiatric hospitals,
And don't make me angry, damn it, it's dangerous!
If suddenly something happens to the Internet,
I'll probably glue the fins right here.
In general, if you are not a terminator,
If your nerves are not steel
Mondays are your pay
For a fun weekend.

Somehow sadly the coffee is getting cold
In the air, a pattern is painting with aroma.
Imperceptibly Monday fades away
Going beyond the horizon with the sunset.

Drum roll rain through the puddles
Drives away this day, bum.
A tired groan broke out,
That's it, my Monday is gone.

And to me this week
Monday morning at 5
The positives have arrived
And let's bite me!
Everyone laughed and flew
Over my head
And actively ate
My negative attitude.
They circled for a long, long time,
And how it began to fall asleep,
Motley wings folded,
I have left to live.
And since then my apartment
Forever rainbow, light.
Pantry of positive
And the hearth of all the warmth!

I wish this Monday
Especially not to suffer from a hangover!
You can't meet the boss in the morning,
And not to notice the discontent!
To discuss all the news faster,
Well, for dinner to start plans!
And cheer yourself up with coffee at lunch,
Continue to live in a working rhythm!

Monday is a hard day.
And THIS is so doubly ...
And it happened, the right word ...

We spent the weekend ...
We danced, drank ...
We are already going to work ...
DAY OF LAUGHTER came across ...

We all humored boldly
To rock yourself a little
Slowly, right, left,
In order not to break the wood.

Everyone knows - on Monday
It is a sin to work at full speed.
Gotta SURVIVE on Monday
And keep health ...

Well, here's a gift for you ...
This is not a lot and not a little ...
The third HOHMA is a day off ...

They say that on Monday
It's very difficult for everyone to get up.
Everyone dreams that the alarm clock
I gave him another hour to sleep.

It is incomprehensible to the body ...
Too few days to rest.
Everyone is calling for humanism.
Heels days would be carefree!

Well, strangely enough, I'm happy with everything
I don't go to bed early at all.
I smile freely.
Although it can be rotten.

Pain blows in my head
Hello favorite day of the week,
I whisper loudly to the silence
Well hello monday ..

I love this day so much
I do not know why.
I love like a sweet blizzard
When he caresses his forehead.

He gives me hope
To my forest slum
Find me the path of the ignorant
I keep my eyes both.

And so the desire to smoke
From this gimmick
But I drink tea, why smoke
Today is monday.

Oh, Monday ... so I took it and came,
You might think someone called him!
I brought a bunch of problems for me,
I loaded them all up and got them with work!
But still we won't suffer
Without Monday - what kind of life ?!
How can we start a week without him ?!
Smile on Mondays!

Monday is a hard day
Everyone around you knows this.
After the weekend festivities
To work again suddenly.
I wish you now
So that your day is easy.
Well, there already until Saturday,
It’s not far away.

The roofs were torn off by the wind of illusion,
And the navigator went astray
A cry for help, quieter and quieter,
Silly lines, does someone need you?

Conscience ruthlessly diagnoses
Directing us to the sixth ward,
Hiding a brilliant story in the fire,
We are looking for the guilty again without guilt,

First question: Why do you need this?
It has been said, there is nothing to do
Only we all, at least a little "WITH HELLO",
Only we are all born on Monday ...

Monday came, and with it the worries:
It's time for you to go to school, and I have to go to work.
I congratulate you on physics, chemistry,
And it's more difficult for me - believe me and understand me.
So enjoy every day
And you get a deuce - well, I won't kill you!
You will only teach all Sunday,
And Monday will come as a salvation!

Monday is a hard day
That's what the people say!
The weekend is over
Of course, everyone is happy with them!
The week has begun - it means
It's time for everyone to go to work!
So we're on the move again
Let's shout to him - Hurray!

To move up the career ladder, you need to give 100% at work: 10 on Monday, 30 on Tuesday and 70 on all other days!

- Well, let's meet at the station at 7 am on Monday? - And what kind will you have? - Not good…

And as soon as I have time to plunge into the weekend, feel the whole thrill of freedom, when suddenly ... the alarm clock rings on Monday morning!

Every Monday is a new life.

Best status:
And not that something particularly disgusting happened. And today is not even Monday. But I just don't know how to enjoy life - that's all !!!

People writing statuses: “I hate Monday morning” are kind of weird. For example, I hate any morning when you have to get up ... And I even hate Saturday morning, if Friday is especially successful.

A true Christian in confession on Sunday will repent of both the past sinful Friday and the upcoming sinful Monday ...

This Monday is only five minutes long and I really hate it!

And only now I suddenly realized that my work week consists of three Mondays and two Fridays ...

Monday is never good.

The scribe comes unnoticed - on the night from Friday to Monday ...

Monday ... all sins were left behind)))

By the way, the astronauts have Monday - an official day off! That is why I wanted to be an astronaut as a child!

Monday is a tough day ... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once ...

If Monday had a face, I would hit it.

It's better to come to work on Tuesday on Monday.

Monday is the time to pay the bills presented by the exhausted body

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing your alarm and realizing that there are still two hours before you get up.

Monday this is not for you huhry-muhry.

Waking up to work on Monday morning, after a stormy weekend, this is the victory of pure reason over the miserable frailty of the body.

I went to the schedule for Monday, I looked - 6 pairs (there were always 4), and below it was signed “Yes, you ooh * ate!?!”

If you wake up on Monday and you don't have a headache, then it's already Tuesday.

So we pass Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday as soon as possible, we do not delay Friday !!!

When you work seven days a week, Monday isn't scary, Friday isn't happy, but Wednesday is still fucked up.

Welcome to Monday! Everything.

I am more and more convinced that Monday is not the best day to start the work week.

If I see someone at work smiling on Monday morning, I subconsciously know that it’s probably Tuesday, but I don’t know where Monday has gone.

I go to the schedule for Monday, I look - 6 pairs (there were always 4), and below it is signed "Yes, you ooh * ate!?!"

Ignoring the alarm clock on Monday morning is a carefully planned act of sabotage of the body in protest against the next work week.

Welcome to Monday! See you on Friday!

If you wake up and find that Monday morning has crept unnoticed, then this is very Bad sign will probably have to work for at least five endless days.

Two strangers make an appointment: - I propose to meet at the Park Kultury metro station at 8 am on Monday. How will you look like? - Badly…

Monday is when the alarm sounds somewhat like an invitation to an execution

“Your status should have attracted attention ... but was not noticed? Try to make three mistakes in it. Nothing inspires people for discussion like other people's mistakes! "

Let's dilute Monday with bright colors)))

The shortest day is Monday, I didn't have time to wake up, and it's time to leave work.

Religion forbids me to work on Fridays and Thursdays. And from Monday to Wednesday, persuasion doesn't allow.

On Monday, I always feel like Robinson Crusoe. I really miss Friday.

Monday morning ... And whispers: "forget it!"

A toast at work should be as short as your lunch break.

Monday morning, in front of school, what kind of illnesses do not worsen)))

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream.

When I finally plunge into this weekend atmosphere, the alarm clock reminds that it is already Monday!

Damn, Monday has already begun, and I have not had time to start a new life ..

take it easy, tomorrow is just a normal Monday.

If on Monday morning you have a headache and do not want to work, take a p @ zduli pill from your superiors, and the headache will disappear as if by hand.

And again Monday ... No one had the feeling of a squirrel in a wheel?

Do not be too angry at the unfortunate Monday, because it is not his fault that he takes over the watch right after the weekend. Any other day could have been in his place.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning in anticipation of a wonderful Sunday afternoon, but it turns out - Monday weasel got into the queue again.

On Monday, the thought of the weekend practically does not leave us!

Everyone who has already studied for at least 9 years at school counts the days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, in their minds they skip one day and then again Monday ...

On average, a person needs sleep ... 10 minutes more, and on Monday an hour.

Monday is a tough day ... Especially for office workers. You have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once ...

Statuses about Monday are cool:

Monday is a tough day ... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once ...

Hell, Monday has already begun, and I haven't had time to start a new life ...

Only on Monday morning you notice what a soft, warm and comfortable bed you have ...

When will that Monday come, will I go on a diet and quit smoking and start jogging in the morning?

If a competitor cannot be bought, it must be sold and dearly.

If you don't have a headache on Monday morning, then it's already Tuesday.

You can't work on Friday: Muslims have a holy day. You can't work on Saturday: the Jews have a holy day. You can't work on Sunday: Christians have a holy day. You can't work on Monday: the Russians have a hard day.

- How was the weekend? - Dark, light, dark, light, Monday.

Monday differs from Sunday only in that there are three times more spam on Monday.

Monday: Oh blah .. another whole week. Although tomorrow is Tuesday, and count it already Wednesday. Wednesday is the middle of the week, count it as Thursday. And Thursday is almost Friday. Friday is coming soon Saturday and the end of the week.

Every Monday starts all over again - it picked up, carried away, and shook it for a week!

The whole week was Monday.

Winter, like Monday, is a good reason to start all over again ...

- If on Monday morning evil, sleepy people come towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, then your night shift is finally over!

But I only smoke on Mondays and Sundays ...

- Do not powder my brains, today and without you Monday!

And why are there so many Mondays in nature so that they come with such unbearable regularity?

My head is cracking like a sutra on Monday ...

I still don't know which day is the longest - Monday, because it starts so early or Friday, because sometimes it seems that it drags on until Monday.

If I say that Monday can be very easy and positive, are there those who will believe? And probably those who will laugh! =)

Today is Monday - that's enough for me to hate him, and the same for you.

"Beauty can get in the way of success in life - but not in business!"

Difficult Monday morning? Finding a new status for a contact is the best start to the work week ...

There are such Mondays that you can even pick up the status of a horse-radish for them.

Monday morning is the longest.

On Saturday I'm in shit, on Monday I'm a cucumber)

Winter is like Monday! And it pisses me off terribly, and nothing can be done about it!

Monday - oklemalsya, Tuesday - warm-up mode, Wednesday - gaining momentum ...

When is that Monday when I quit smoking, go on a diet and start running in the morning?

Monday is set at the beginning of the week in order to knock out at once all the nonsense that has accumulated over the weekend.

Monday is set at the beginning of the week in order to knock out at once all the nonsense that has accumulated over the weekend

Paradise…. this is a place where there are no Mondays, no alarm clocks ... bosses ....

I'll pull myself together, lose 3 kg, learn English, go to bed normally - at 12 o'clock. Well, today is Wednesday, I'll start on Monday.

Let's dilute Monday with bright colors!

Better good Monday than bad Friday.

If you're trying to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it turns out it's Friday)

If I see someone at work smiling on Monday morning, I subconsciously understand that it’s probably Tuesday, but I don’t know where Monday has gone.

Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for our sinful weekend.

The usual shitty Monday ..

I love to remember on Monday morning what I didn’t want to do at work on Friday.