A fable invented by students. We compose fables

Features of the apocalyptic symbolism of the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" and its connection with contemporary mass art

Genre: scientific essay.

"Ryaba Chicken" - one of the basic human plots - "Apocalypse and deliverance from it", which received wide use in culture, and especially in the cinematographic art of the late XX - early XXI century. It is worth mentioning such Hollywood blockbusters as "Armageddon", "Independence Day", "The Day After Tomorrow", "War of the Worlds", "The Day the Earth Stood Still".

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources showed that "Ryaba Chicken" - popular fairy tale, the peak of interest in which falls on the early preschool age, and sharply decreases on average school age... Experiential observations show that a fairy tale evokes a vivid emotional response - a child, listening to it, actively empathizes with the adventures of the heroes, gets upset and rejoices with them.

Having analyzed the tale from the point of view of formal and everyday logic, we came to the conclusion that it has been violated. Our testing on the KR questionnaire yielded the following results: if a hen receives a golden egg, 52% of respondents will sell it (which corresponds to statistical data on the population living below the poverty line); 38% - will be appreciated by a jeweler; 10% - will be left as a family heirloom. The desire to beat the golden egg was found in 0% of the subjects.

Thus, it can be noted that the behavior of Grandfather and Baba in a fairy tale is illogical, irrational and caused by emotional affect, hysterical behavior.

Further in the tale, the Mouse appears, which easily breaks the golden egg with its tail. How exactly did she do it - this question is beyond the scope of our research. We are interested in another question: why does a broken golden egg make Grandfather and Baba cry? Indeed, judging by the above, it was precisely this result that they were striving to achieve.

The tale ends happily with the promise of the Ryaba chicken to lay a simple egg. This promise evokes bright positive emotions from Grandfather and Baba, while content analysis of folk tales and scales of value preferences modern people shows that egg is not, and has never been, a particularly valuable food product.

Thus, we have put forward a hypothesis that the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" carries a certain sacred philosophical meaning, encoded in ancient symbols.

The main characters of the tale - Grandfather and Baba - humanity in miniature, a man and a woman in the Platonic age "on the threshold of the world of ideas."

The egg laid by the Pockmarked hen is the oldest symbol of eternal life, known to us from pagan times to late Christian times, which found expression, for example, in traditional and modern Easter rituals.

Gold - as opposed to an egg - is a symbol of death. Since ancient times, gold has been dug out of the ground, and the dead have gone there. All fairy-tale characters - Koschey, who "withers over gold", Goldilocks are not living people, but the dead who have come to the human world.

Thus, it turns out that the golden egg is a symbol of death, a symbol of the Apocalypse. Therefore, we understand the emotional attempts of the grandfather and the woman to break and destroy him.

The hero of the fairy tale who managed to cope with this task is the Mouse. She easily destroys a symbol dangerous to humanity.

After analyzing folk tales, epics and legends, we came to the conclusion that the Mouse is a dangerous symbol of uncertainty and chance. The strongest human fears are associated with death and uncertainty. The mouse is a symbol of the inconstancy of fate, an unpredictable player on the field of the living and the dead. The heroes of many folk tales found a way out of the most difficult situations or, on the contrary, they suddenly lost all the advantages depending on their ability to arouse the disposition or displeasure of the Mouse. One of the striking examples is the fairy tale "Frost", where the Mouse, fed by the main character in time (gave the last piece of bread!), Helps her to win dangerous game hide and seek with the Bear and, as a result, get a rich dowry from Morozko.

Thus, the ending of the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken" is the destroyed ghost of the Apocalypse, a chance for life and immortality of mankind.

Anna Bryl

Dreams of youth

Genre: psychological novel.

Once upon a time there were Grandfather and Baba, they dragged from pension to pension. It's good that there is a small vegetable garden and Ryaba's chicken, you can live and help children with grandchildren-great-grandchildren with fresh vegetables and eggs.

Ryaba - a laying hen, when she was still a chicken, she heard from her mother Ryaba, and she - from hers - a wonderful story about how Grandfather and Baba were young handsome guy and a girl. And when they got married, they loved to share their dreams with each other.

The chicken Ryaba would have blown us a golden egg - I would have gone to trip around the world on a big white steamer, - the young wife dreamed, - how I want to see Niagara Falls and penguins in Antarctica with my own eyes!

And I would, - said the grandfather, - would go to a big city on television, study to be a TV presenter, so that every week people from TV would tell something interesting and funny about life. People always love to listen to me.

But none of Ryab's many chickens was able to lay the golden egg. One Ryaba carried unusually large ones, the other managed to carry eggs with two yolks, and no one ever carried the golden one.

As time went on, the young became Grandfather and Baba, they remembered their dreams of youth less and less, until one morning Ryaba chicken laid an egg of pure gold. Grandfather and Baba saw such a miracle. Egg! Gold! The present! Large!

Grandfather, maybe we can sell it - and around the world?

And I go to the TV?

Have you looked at yourself in the mirror for a long time? And in the passport?

Aha! And you are good too - they won't put you on the steamer! Fall apart on the road to Antarctica! I forgot something - your pressure is naughty, and in general - age.

Oh, grandfather, let's go to Turkey at least! Or Egypt. There are pyramids, also interesting.

We are old to travel around Turkey-Egypt, we need to take care of the garden, great-grandchildren. In the polyclinic, again, the line for free pills for hypertension will soon come up ... let's skip ...

Yes ... we can skip ... And I don’t know how to tell my neighbors ... I’ve lost in my old age - they will say, they will condemn ... But can we go all the same, at least somewhere, on the sly?

We do not need this self-indulgence. I won't go to the TV studio in town, so that people don't call me an old fool. Old age is not a joy! Eh! ... And in general, it is necessary to destroy this egg, only the whole soul has stirred up!

And Grandfather began to beat him in the egg with various heavy objects with all his foolishness. The grandmother first tried to reason with him, and then she herself went into a rage, grabbed a heavier sledgehammer and let's beat him. Only they did not know that the dreams of youth cannot be destroyed, they forever settle not only in the memory, but also in the heart.

When Grandfather and Baba were completely worn out, then out of nowhere the Mouse came running, waved her tail, the testicle fell and broke. Because nothing in the world is more fragile and vulnerable than our cherished dreams.

And then, as they realized what had happened - Grandfather and Baba cried - there will definitely be neither penguins with a waterfall, nor grandfather on the TV screen.

But then Ryaba's chicken took the time to hurry:

Don't cry, Grandfather, don't cry, Baba, I'll lay an egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one.

This is the case! - Wiping away her tears, Grandma said, - Soon they will bring their great-grandson, I'll cook him a fresh eggnog.

That's good. In the meantime, I'll go play dominoes with my neighbor.

Meanwhile, the Granddaughter, who was leading her great-grandson to Grandfather and Baba, thought that if Ryaba's chicken ever laid the golden egg, she would quit her disgusted office job and go to London to study clothes designer with Stella McCartney.

Elina Stukas

Suicide note by Koshchei the Immortal

Genre: memoirs.

If you are reading this letter, it means that I am no longer there.

I will tell you my story about great love, immeasurable greed, unrelenting cruelty and just punishment.

Once upon a time, I was young and full of strength. I was hot and fresh. And it seemed that the whole world would be mine, if you just want it. And this is what I wanted.

I was a brave young soldier. Once I was walking through the forest and met an old witch. And she told me that in the thick of the forest there is an old dry wood which is empty inside. And at the very top is a hollow. When you go down to the very bottom, a large underground passage begins there, more than a hundred lamps are burning in it. There are three doors there. In the first room there is a large chest filled to the brim with copper coins, and a dog sits on it. Each eye is the size of a teacup. In the second room there is a chest with silver, and on it sits a dog with eyes like mill wheels. In the third room a dog sits on a chest of gold. But her eyes are each with a round tower. And to pacify the dogs, the old witch gave me her magic blue apron. It was necessary to put the dog on this apron, and then she obeyed. I could take as much gold as I could carry. In return, the witch asked only for an old flint, which her grandmother had once dropped in that cave.

I was young then and not careful, and therefore easily agreed to the adventure of the old witch. She tied me with a rope so that later she could pull me out of the cave, and I went to the cache for gold. The witch did not deceive me about anything. I filled my pockets full of gold and grabbed the flint. Then the witch pulled me out of the hiding place by the rope. And here I am standing on the ground in front of the witch with pockets stuffed with gold and holding a flint-bar in my hand. And somehow I liked it so much. I felt in him some kind of mysterious strength, power and beauty. And in my head thoughts are spinning “My darling! I will never give you away to somebody!!". I could not part with the flint - I cut off the old witch's head. He wiped the blood from the saber on the foliage of the bush and walked away, trying not to think about anything. And he only pressed the flint to his chest, saying “My Precious!”.

The fire turned out to be not easy. As soon as I struck a flint, a dog appeared in front of me from the first room of the dungeon with eyes like tea cups. You strike twice with a flint - a dog with eyes like mill wheels from the second room right there beside me. You strike a flint three times - and here in front of me is a dog from the third room with eyes like round towers... Dogs are loyal to the owner of the flint and fulfill all his whims. Having received the magic flint, I received money, power, and authority.

But all this was not enough for me. Once I saw a carriage passing by on the road, in which the Princess was sitting, and I desired her with all my heart. And, without hesitation, that night he ordered his dogs to find the Princess and bring her sleeping to me. The dogs obeyed the order. Seeing the Princess sleeping, I felt that I could never forget her again. And every night I began to demand from the dogs that they bring the Princess to me on their backs.

But the King and Queen learned that the dogs are kidnapping the princess for me. I was captured by the subordinates of the King and Queen, and the next day they ordered my execution.

The day of the execution came, and, standing on the scaffold, I realized that the last one died in me, it pressed against people, rage seized my heart. And I decided on a desperate one - with the help of a flint, I called all three dogs and ordered them to kill the King and Queen who were present at the execution. When the dogs tore apart the bodies of the King and Queen, pouring all around with hot blood, I looked at the plank floor of the scaffold, stroking the flint with my fingers and saying "My darling!"

Then I proclaimed myself king and married the Princess. And no one dared to argue with me, because I had a magic flint and three dogs loyal to me.

The Princess did not forgive me for my cruelty and hated me. And while I reveled in immeasurable wealth and power, I prepared a plan for revenge. Once, when I once again demanded that her marital duty be fulfilled, she uttered a terrible curse that I should be an immortal skeleton until, in a remote, remote village near Grandfather and Grandma, Ryaba chicken lays the golden egg. My death will be in the egg. And only when the Little Mouse, wagging its tail, breaks the egg, will I become free from the curse.

Immediately I turned into a skeleton and fled from the castle in terror. Not knowing where to hide, I returned to the dungeon, in which there are three rooms and three chests with innumerable riches. So I have languished over gold for many centuries, waiting for the atonement of my guilt.

But the Princess herself paid for the terrible curse. Hatred and anger that overwhelmed her turned the Princess into Babu Yaga with a bone leg. Soon she, too, had to flee from the castle into the wilderness in order to stay to live among the swampy swamps in a hut on chicken legs.

Day after day, month after month, year after year, century after century, I sat on the chest of gold, stroking the flint with my fingers and saying "My Precious!" and waiting for the hour of redemption.

And, since you are now reading this letter, then this cherished hour has come.

And lastly, I want to write this: I hate "My Lovely!", A magic flint, and, yes, I still loved the Princess, even when she became Baba Yaga.

For the next day I have been reading this fairy tale to my daughter and I am indignant! Well, what a stupid chicken, couldn't lay a normal egg right away? Che was so difficult. In a fit of anger, so to speak, I was puzzled by the question and what is the actual moral of this fairy tale. The first link that Google gave me is cognitive)) I quote:

For six months I tell the child a fairy tale about the Ryaba chicken for the night, and every time I am tormented by guesses, what is her morality.

Finally, I decided to do a little research on this topic. And here's the result!

Firstly, I found out that there are a lot of variations on the theme of the story of the tale of Ryaba the chicken. Here are some examples:

Attempts to interpret its meaning are also very wide, from simple statements like “what we have, we don’t keep, when we lose it, we cry,” “we didn’t live richly, and there’s nothing to start” or “old age is not a joy: they have less strength left for two,” than a mouse ”to whole parables, for example, about love:“ About 5 years ago, when I was a student, a certain aunt-professor told me that the golden testicle is Love, which my grandfather and grandmother did not save. Grandfather beat - drank, walked ..., grandmother beat - walked, did not wash the floors and did not wash shirts. The mouse-de is such a little nasty thing like gossip or some kind of everyday trifle. Like, if Love is beaten long and diligently, then in order to completely rattle it, a trifle is enough. Well, a simple testicle is a habit that grandfather and grandmother got instead of love. Ryaba Chicken, respectively, Destiny or Higher Mind. And she is Ryaba because she is pockmarked, i.e. black and white, i.e. combines both black and white sides of life "or about the ecological end of the world:

Here are some more interpretations:

Perhaps all these interpretations are not devoid of meaning, but the most plausible decoding (as it seems to me) is offered by E. Nikolaeva in the book "111 tales for child psychologists « (if you don't have the strength to read in full, pay attention to at least the last 5 paragraphs):

“Once upon a time there was Grandfather and Baba. And they had Ryaba Chicken. The Hen took the testicle. Yes, not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat and beat - did not break. Baba beat and beat - did not break. The mouse ran, waved its tail - the testicle fell and broke. Grandfather is crying, Baba is crying, and Hen clucks: “Don't cry, Grandfather, don't cry, Baba. I will lay another egg for you - not a golden one, but a simple one. "

Ask a parent to tell you this story. It is difficult to find a person who does not know her. You can start by asking if the parent read this story to the child. If you have read it, then let him retell it. If there is a hitch in the story, you can help. And when the parent has told the whole story, it is worth asking a few questions.

Grandfather and Baba wanted to break an egg?
If they wanted, why did they cry?
Why didn't Grandfather and Baba put the shells in the pawnshop if they were gold?
What was in the testicle when it broke?
How often did a parent think about the situation when telling a story to a child?
Why does a parent read this particular tale to a child if it is full of contradictions?
What do we expect from reading this tale?

Moral: often, when communicating with a child, we do not think about what we are really doing, and therefore we offer him something to which we ourselves do not know the answer.

Commentary: Most parents will report that they never thought about the content of the fairy tale. Those who say that they have always been confused by its content will add that they have not found an explanation for the strange behavior of Grandfather and Baba. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that, remaining perplexed, we often do not change our behavior, do not trust the child, for example, after consulting with him about the content of the fairy tale. After all, one could simply ask the child about what Grandfather and Baba are doing, why are they crying?

It is possible that a psychologist will hear a parent's counter question about how to consult with a one and a half year old child to whom the parent read a fairy tale? Then you can simply ask, how often does the parent even ask the child's opinion? And that in itself can be a separate topic of conversation.

However, if the parent remains confused about the previous one (that is, the psychologist has clearly grasped the context of the unconscious), then it is better to develop the “fairytale” direction further, and not rise again to the level of consciousness.

We can say that the parent has just retold this tale word for word, because he remembered it not when he read it to the child, but when his parents read it to him as a child. Information received in early age, we preserve our whole life and perceive it without criticism, because at this age we have not developed critical thinking... Therefore, reading a fairy tale as an adult, we continue to treat it without a shadow of doubt.

But a fairy tale is just an excuse to discuss what the parent does when he reads the story or otherwise interacts with the child. While communicating, the child remembers all the statements of the parents and, like a fairy tale, treats them uncritically. Therefore, already being an adult, a person sees in the mirror not himself, but the image that has developed in him under the influence of the words of people significant to him: “You are such and such or such. Nothing will come of you "or:" You will grow up, work hard and achieve everything you want. " These words and the attitude towards a child under 5 years of age form a scenario that entangles a person with invisible threads and forces adults to act not in accordance with the real situation, but in accordance with those ideas about themselves and their purpose that were formed in childhood.

When we read a fairy tale to a child, he does not react to it, but to our attitude towards it.

A fairy tale told in childhood makes it possible to understand many features of an adult's behavior. Moreover, this fairy tale is not an everyday one, it is not easy to interpret it. It differs from others in that it is told to all the children of our culture, therefore it bears the imprint of this culture.

The version of "Ryaba Chicken", which the parent will most likely remember, appeared in the 19th century, when the great teacher KD Ushinsky for some reason took away the ending from this very ancient tale. And the ending can be found in A. N. Afanasyev's three-volume Russian folk tales. When reading this version, it turns out that after Grandfather and Baba cried, the granddaughters came, learned about the egg, broke the buckets (they went to fetch water), spilled water. Mother, having learned about the egg (and she was kneading the dough), broke the dough, the father, who was in the smithy at that moment, smashed the smithy, and the priest who was passing by the bell tower demolished. And the peasants, having learned about this event, in different versions fairy tales, hanged themselves or drowned themselves.

What is this event after which there is no stone left on stone?

Most likely, such details will confuse the parent, so you can continue that repeated in different corners world events, actions and heroes participating in them, K. Jung called archetypes - ancient ideas. They are transmitted through fairy tales to people of the same culture. At a moment of extreme stress, a person begins to behave not as characteristic of his personality, but exhibits behavior common to a given nation. If we take into account that this fairy tale is not everyday, but bearing features our culture, then you can read it differently.

Someone gave Grandfather and Baba something that they had never met. The egg as an archetype, which is regularly found in myths and in fairy tales of all peoples, is a symbol of the birth of something. It is golden, because it does not look like what the Chicken carried earlier. That is why Grandfather and Baba do not run to the pawnshop to lay a golden shell in order to buy a mountain of simple eggs later. Gold, like the testicle itself, is only a symbol here. But the old people are trying to destroy what they have never met in their lives before. But one could wait, put it off and see who hatched out of it. But they do not do that, but are in a hurry to destroy this new thing. And here another archetypal hero appears in the narrative - the Mouse. We write her name with a capital letter, because this is also not a small rodent, but a symbol. It is not for nothing that in many Russian fairy tales she is the key subject that resolves the problems that have arisen. The mouse as an archetype is a substitute for God. And then the one who gave is the one who takes away what people do not know how to use. And then another archetype appears in the tale.

But it will be better if the psychologist does not simply say what kind of archetype it is, but helps the parent to feel its existence. The psychologist may tell him that he would like to prove the existence of this archetype, and not just report it. After all, it was for its introduction into the unconscious of every child of a given culture that this fairy tale was created, for the sake of him it is passed down from generation to generation.

The psychologist asks the parent to completely trust him for two minutes, close his eyes, listen to his voice and compare what he hears with what is happening at that moment in his soul. If the parent agrees to such an experiment, the psychologist, in a slow, clear voice befitting suggestion, says: “Imagine that there is Someone about whom you know that any of his words will come true for sure. And now this Someone comes in and says to you: “From this moment in your life nothing new will ever, NEVER happen. Only an eternal repetition of what you have already experienced. Never anything new. The eternal cycle of already accomplished events. "

What do you feel? - you ask the parent in a normal voice. Obviously, he will say that he either did not believe you (worst option), or he felt scared, unpleasant, bad (you have achieved success). Then you say that right now a person has felt the reality in himself of the most important archetype that all people of the same culture pass on to each other from generation to generation - this is the archetype of the Miracle. We live because we know for sure that if not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, but a miracle will surely happen to us. Each has its own. But for everyone it is extremely attractive.

There is one difference between the Russian archetype of a miracle and a similar archetype of other peoples (and everyone has it, since it is he who allows us to survive when there is simply no hope, when life drives us to a dead end). For many Russian-speaking people this miracle happens for free, "for free", since many of our tales tell how a miracle happens without any effort on our part. And here the psychologist has the opportunity to talk about the fact that a miracle will surely happen with the child and with any other person, but not for free, but thanks to joint work. It's a long way to create a miracle, but very effective. If we manage to conduct such a mini-training with the parent, then further cooperation with him is guaranteed. "