Statuses about false love. Statuses about lies

A lie is a deliberate distortion existing facts. It is believed that few people always and under all circumstances tell the truth. Nobody likes to be called a liar. Despite this, every living person, at least occasionally, deceives others. But one thing - a small lie, and quite another - betrayal and deceit. Unfortunately, these types of lies are widespread almost everywhere. That is why many are looking for themselves interesting statuses on this topic.

Why people don't like the truth

Statuses about lies - good way express your opinion or describe the current state of affairs in simple words. Here are the words of Suzanne Broan, which illustrate well how differently lies and truth are perceived: “The truth is always difficult to tell, lies are always easy to listen to.”

Everyone wants to be good in their own eyes and in the eyes of others. And no one likes to hear the hard truth, even from the closest people. We love to be treated well and friendly - even if such an attitude is a deception. Indeed, often close people do not want to point out our shortcomings to us, so as not to hurt.

When is a lie appropriate?

However, not everyone is afraid of the truth, although most prefer to hear flattery about themselves, indulge in fantasies, and harbor meaningless illusions. Often accepting or not accepting the truth about your life depends on the situation. Indeed, from a suddenly revealed deceit, a family can collapse, the connection between parents and children can be broken, and people's health can suffer.

“Better the bitter truth than sweet lie", - reads folk wisdom, which can also be used as a false status. However, it can be argued that it is still not true in all cases. better than a lie. For example, if there is a question about the preservation of health and life loved one, then the vast majority will agree that it is better to protect him from the "bitter truth".

What does a lie protect from?

“The main thing is not to lie to yourself,” wrote the great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky. This phrase is also suitable for those who are looking for good statuses about lies. One hundred percent sincere you need to be at least with yourself.

Every action, of course, has certain consequences. What are the consequences of telling the truth? First, the truth about a person can forever spoil even the most a good relationship with him. Secondly, the publicity of certain facts can ruin a person's reputation. Therefore, most people prefer to stay away from lovers of the truth as far as possible. Why maintain a relationship with them if you have to listen to one negative information about yourself?

“The desire to be always right is a sign of a vulgar mind,” wrote Albert Camus. This quote is also suitable for those who are interested in statuses about lies. Truth and lies are two sides of the same coin.

In addition, the truth can cause serious psychological damage to a person. The value of truth will be incomparable with the moral trauma that he will have to endure. People, when they hear the truth, can do the most rash things, and they range from ridiculous actions, quarrels and scandals to suicide. Does a person need such a truth?

About betrayal

However, everyone admits that the most difficult kind of lie is betrayal. Even this word carries a huge negative charge. “You can forgive an enemy, never a traitor” - these well-aimed words are perfect for status. Why is betrayal so hard to bear? The heartache after it arises due to the fact that the partner to whom the person once had confidence destroyed his values ​​with his actions. Therefore, betrayal refers to a type of lie that no sane person would accept for himself.

different statuses

Consider a few more statuses about lies and deceit with meaning:

  • Only the wicked lie(Dostoevsky F. M.).
  • One lie breeds another(Terentius).
  • Many are so deceitful that they have lost themselves(V. Mozgovoy).

Are there funny statuses about lies and deceit with meaning? Of course, because our world does not consist only of negativity, there is always a place for a smile in it. For example, here is one of these statuses: "Never lie, except for practice." Its author is Mark Twain. And here are the words of an unknown author: "I also did not believe in lie detectors, and now I am married to one of them."

If you are trying to lie, looking into my eyes, do not flatter yourself, I am already deceiving you, pretending to believe you!

First of all, they lie to those they love.

Little lies breed big mistrust.

Deceive your neighbor and do not forget about the distant, for he will approach and also deceive!

You are still the master of deceit. Tears from the eyes are also part of the plan...

The one who lies does not realize the difficulty of his task, for he has to lie twenty more times in order to support the first lie.

If you feel that they want to deceive you, then you have already been deceived ...

Lies lead to the devastation of the inner personality of a person! lying to the people you love is the worst thing imaginable...

We do not believe a liar even when he tells the truth.

Again comforted by that deception, I believed in your ridiculous story ... But I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time ..

The one who knows how much it hurts will not betray.

Pain. Betrayal. Resentment. They drowned out the knocking of the heart, I recognized this power, Revenge ... yes! Her name is!

You can fool others, but not yourself.

How painful it is when you open your soul and heart to a person and he just betrayed you...

Rest assured, the one who betrayed you once will betray you again...

If you managed to deceive a person, this does not mean that he is a fool, it means that you were trusted more than you deserve.

If I am silent, it does not mean that I do not see your lies.

A liar must have a good memory.

There is no greater shamelessness than to pass off as the truth a statement, the falsity of which is known to be false.

Why are those who usually protect with their chests getting stabbed in the back?

The hardest thing is to refuse and forget not the person himself, but the dream that he gave you ... And you believed in it, deceiving yourself ... In the future, you expect happiness, but you get a true lie.


Our life is extraordinarily multifaceted and sometimes transparent in all its manifestations. Truth and lie! Good and evil! Our entire World is divided into two halves, two counterweights. There are those who feed us with truth and love, but there are also those who deceive and do not love. Lying is a rather complicated aspect of being! Lies cannot be revealed, or it can be very difficult. Although not everyone succeeds in lying qualitatively, as in any field, lies have their own “dummies”. With a competent approach, a lie can become a formidable weapon, and with an illiterate one, just a terrible thing that can ruin relationships with people, loved ones, loved ones. In general, I think that lying is not good, it belittles our dignity, it humiliates those around us, those to whom we lie, and all this carries a negative charge that affects us on a spiritual level. Whatever it is, take care of yourself! Try to tell only the truth, because the truth can be bitter, but it is true, and in any case, you will only be in the black if your relationships with people are built, albeit on bitter, but truth. Moreover, a plus from such communication, using the truth, carries the pluses in the fact that people remain next to you who love you the way you are, and not a false image and ideal. Lies can be sweet, but they are very poisonous. Statuses about lies are collected from expressions about this vice. We wish you pleasant reading.

Unfortunately, nowadays not only a lie, but also a simple truth needs solid confirmations and arguments.

One minute of lies closes the mouth of trust for years to come...

Lies degrade a person.

I don't mind being called a liar when I'm lying, about to lie, or have just lied. But now I'm telling the truth!

Nothing is true or false, it all depends on the color of the glasses through which you look at the world.

It takes two to lie. One lies, the other listens.

The information is incorrect; the testimony is false. He wrote to me “I’ll die without you”, but we both remained alive ...

Everything around us is the wind. All that falls down is ashes. Thoughts press on the fullness of the pocket... Welcome to the City of Deception....

Do you think the phrase "I love you" is a lot of lies? No no. Much more lies in the words "I'm fine."

To survive, a lie must be more reliable than the truth.

To lie to oneself for one's own benefit is a forgery, to lie for the benefit of another is a forgery, to lie in order to harm is slander, this is the worst harm of lying.

No one has yet been able to beat a lie with the weapon of truth. Lies can only be overcome with more lies.

Everyone is doing it. Everybody lies. Everyone paints the truth as they like ...

In Our Age of lies and hypocrisy, it is already so difficult to deceive someone.

A lie, outright or evasive, spoken or not, is always a lie.

You said - I believed, you repeated - I doubted, you began to insist and I realized that you were lying.

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. - F. M. Dostoevsky

A liar must have a good memory.

First of all, they lie to those they love.

I fucking love listening to lies looking into your eyes... especially when I know the truth...

"You can't live without deceit" - they say among the people. Like it or not - judge for yourself.

Always being truthful is hard work, but we all don't like being lied to.

Sometimes, when meeting new people, I say to them: "It's nice to meet you." I don't know why I do this. This is an involuntary lie.

You can hit me with the truth, but never pity me with a lie.

It's so funny to listen to lies when you know the truth.


Humanity has many bad habits, bad qualities and various vices, and one of the most harmful and unpleasant is lies. Unfortunately, in our time, a huge number of people suffer from this habit and many do not even notice it. With its help, they mislead people, hurt feelings, and even earn not small amounts of money. Yes, today's business world knows how to make fortunes off dupes and common folk through lies and deceit. IN ordinary life for often lying people are known by sight, because after the first lie another one stretches, after it another one and before you have time to look back, you are already branded a liar, no matter how annoying it may sound. The most unfortunate thing is that lies are used in different niches of society, whether it is omissions and lies between the boss and subordinates in production, between sellers and buyers, children and parents, or between lovers and husband and wife. Yes, probably the most nasty and unpleasant reticence and lies can be in a relationship. But there's nothing to be done about it these days, either you're honest and your conscience is clear, or God will judge. And our business is not to open up to just anyone and listen carefully or read any information that is offered to us. We believe that our statuses about lies are a good selection just for you.

You won't suffer cruel betrayal if you choose to be alone rather than surround yourself. big amount lying people.

If fate breeds different sides, the choice is yours, friendship or lies.

The very last thing is to deceive people dear to you. It will just empty your soul.

Words will leave like the month of May. Love will deceive, you know.

Best Status:
Only I was smart enough to cross over 300 km to hang out with friends before the exams, and lie to my mother that I was preparing for the session.

It is better to know the truth, whatever it may be, than to be in the dark.

He who deceives often begins to believe in his own deception.

Trust in people does not lead to good. The law of life says that the strongest survive in it. We are divided into those who deceive and those who are deceived.

So that lies are not revealed at the wrong time and you do not feel embarrassed, it is better to tell the truth.

Chocolate figurines are empty inside. Such a blatant lie was invented by cruel people.

A wedge is knocked out with a wedge, and a lie can be defeated by another deception, and not by the real truth.

Not sweet, not gentle, ... she breathes inconsiderately ... In her thoughts, smoke from cigarettes instead of clarity ... She never sleeps at night ... Strange, strict, probably beautiful ... Eternal ... He lacks breaths ... Gasping tsya… She writes that she is happy… She pretends…

Women love with their ears, that's why men lie. Men love with their eyes, that's why women wear makeup.

It becomes so funny when you see that they are trying to deceive you .... And it's even funnier when people think they can do it...

Better to be an honest enemy than a fake friend...

To deceive a liar is a double pleasure.

I have seen many different betrayals. And, I confess, I have always wondered how low a person can fall.

It is easiest to deceive the one who is most devoted to you.

A deceitful face will hide everything that an insidious heart has conceived.

Credulity is the trump ace of naivete, easily beaten by the six of deceit of any suit

The man is good and beautiful. Until it was broken. They didn't cheat. They didn't trample.

Traitors betray themselves first of all.

What is written on my forehead - Make a fool out of me, please?

People don't change... if you understand that it's time to leave, leave, once and for all, put an end to it. Endless attempts to change something in a relationship, to restore happiness, lead to nothing ...

Not that you deceived me, but that I can no longer trust you shocked me.

Only at the first deception does the conscience feel remorse, at the second deception it looks condescendingly, and then approvingly.

Again comforted by that deceit, I believed in your ridiculous story ... But I knew there was no more faith, not for the first time ..

Life is a deceit, and deceit must be punished.

Some people lack the gift of seeing the truth. But what sincerity breathes their lies!

The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word.

Thanks for the betrayal! Thank you for recognizing such rubbish in my ex-girlfriend!

To lie is to acknowledge the superiority of the person to whom you are lying.

I'm not lying, I'm just hiding the truth.

I will never deceive someone who sincerely trusts me. But I will never prove the truth to those who do not believe me ...

Dear where are you? I go to bed at home. And where are you dear? And I'm standing behind you in the bar ... :-)

I want to forget and no longer dream about what I was so cruelly deceived in ... After all, a tender, beautiful dream turned into such a nightmare in reality ...

Again, having consoled myself, I believed in your ridiculous story, although I knew that there was no more faith, not for the first time ...

betrayal is the coolest thing in the world… .. anyone can betray!!! forgive ONE in a THOUSAND!!!

When we lie, we try to shrink. Pulse quickens, blood pressure rises. Lying is harmful.

And she smiled ... In response to pain and humiliation ..


I woke myself up with promises that I would go to bed early today .... It turns out I'm so easy to deceive.

I will never deceive someone who sincerely trusts me. But I will never prove the truth to someone who does not believe me.

Deception and self-deception. Do you think these are different concepts? Nonsense. Self-deception is the same deception, only to which you go of your own free will, skipping and with wild hooting.

Betrayal is like a blow below the belt...always unexpected and very painful...

If you don’t trust people, then you yourself have lied too much and you know how easy it is to lie ...

Man never changes. Despite the fact that he makes a thousand vows to himself. When they put you on both shoulder blades, you are full of remorse, but if you breathe more freely, all vows are forgotten.

how painful it is when you open your soul and heart to a person and he just betrayed you ...

We deceive ourselves so often that we could make a living doing it...

I promised myself not to love him... but I lied...

In his hands, I was just a doll… I thought that he was creating the world for me, but it turned out to be just a dollhouse…

Self-deception is when they stand on the scales and draw in the stomach.

If you lie long enough, loudly enough, and often enough, people will begin to believe.

Not all fairy tales begin with the words lived were. Sometimes, according to the words of my dear, I will be late at work for a while ...

There is no better time between a lie and its exposure...

The first opinion is deceptive... But it is worse when all subsequent ones become deceptive...

The first deception in life is the pacifier!

if you're lying, then lie so that I give you a standing ovation.

Lying is a girl's favorite pastime, apart from striptease...

Lies are the real currency of the world...

Life is an attic, and what is there just not there: pieces of friendship, fragments of happiness, and only in the very corner is a piece of truth wrapped in deceit ...

It's easy to deceive, it's much harder to gain trust

Cheating is not considered cheating if the deceived did not want to know the truth.

Don't listen to a woman whose heart is broken. She often lies...

Salty taste on the pillowcase your betrayal

It takes a lot of effort to restore faith to a person once deceived.

Betrayal is pain, whatever you call it, there is no resentment, because it is stupid to be offended, nor anger, because it is a waste of strength ... One nagging pain !!

First of all, they lie to those they love.

If you feel that they want to deceive you, then you have already been deceived ...

We are never deceived, we are deceived ourselves

We do not deceive anyone so cleverly as ourselves.

They believe not those who do not lie, but those who lie confidently.

You are still a master of deceit. Tears from the eyes are also part of the plan ...

With our distrust, we justify someone else's deceit.

You can fool the time ... Move the arrows ...

You can fool yourself, but not my heart.

My dad was right when he said that all men need only one thing ... True, he still thinks that beer ...

We spend our lives creating a mask, looking for thousands of ways to hide ourselves and our feelings in order to go out into society ... and spend our lives to find a person who will see us as real.

What could be worse than the bird flu epidemic? Only an epidemic of bird diarrhea ...

Mutual understanding requires mutual lies.

Everything around us is the wind. All that falls down is ashes... Thoughts press on the fullness of the pocket... Welcome to the city of Deception.

Never rush to expose the deceit and pretense of the enemy: they are always your best weapon against him.

Relationships born in a lie ... as a result, they will die from it.

betrayal becomes a habit

I would be glad to deceive myself - I am deceived easier!

He who has deceived once, will deceive again ... only after another betrayal there is neither love nor hatred left ... empty in the soul, and so bad that you don’t even want to live ...

The greatest liar is the unconscious liar.

I read the correspondence with the former and was amazed, out of all that he wrote to me and said, only one phrase turned out to be true: You are beautiful, smart, interesting, and most importantly real !!! Here, any G ... sticks to you. Including me!

Love or pretend to love - what difference does it make if you manage to deceive yourself?

Oh, it's not hard to deceive me! I'm glad to be deceived!

Deception. What do you feel when the man you love lies to you? Be patient, play. And then the cup of patience overflows, and all your emotions break out. Is not it? It's like that. We play. We play anytime, anywhere. And only a few manage to remain natural, themselves, to say what we feel and feel what we say. Lying usually leads to death. The death of love. Relationship death. And, often, the death of the soul, which leads to indifference and apathy. And we turn into a gray mouse, without feelings and emotions.

I never deceived anyone. But I let people be fooled. They didn't try very hard to find out who I really was. But it was easy to invent me. And I'm ready to argue with them. They love me like I've never been. And when they discover this, they will accuse me of cheating.

How I got these deceitful people, and this deceitful world =(((

When a child lies, one look of contempt is already sufficient and the most expedient punishment.

When you manage to deceive yourself, you experience mixed feelings: joy from a successful deception and pity for the poor fool.

You can't lose what you don't have!

The main thing - do not lie to yourself. He who lies to himself and listens to his own lies comes to such a point that he does not distinguish any truth either in himself or around him, and therefore enters into disrespect both for himself and for others. Having no respect for anyone, he ceases to love, and, having no love, to occupy himself and entertain himself, indulges in passions and gross sweets, and comes completely to bestiality in his vices, and all from continuous lies to people and to himself. F.M. Dostoevsky

Tell me what love is, tell me again and I'll believe. I will be deceived by you again, but I will still open the doors.

Your whole world is based on lies. Don't believe? Let's start with you. Come on, from now until the end of your life, you will speak only the truth. And I am sure that life will not be long. Now imagine that each of you will do the same. How long will your goddamn world last?

We tend to believe strangers - after all, they have never deceived us.

Don't trust the smile. Smiling is just a movement of facial muscles. You can stick a knife in another's heart without stopping smiling.

If you are trying to lie, looking into my eyes, do not flatter yourself, I am already deceiving you, pretending to believe you!

To fool a fool - every idiot can!

Love wears glasses through which copper looks like gold, poverty looks like wealth, and drops of fire look like pearls.

Sometimes a person lies so diligently that it becomes somehow embarrassing for knowing the truth.

They say that our footballers played instead of hockey players! - That's not ... bullshit ... they were our skiers!

Lie to you honestly? - Lie.) - Everything will be fine.

Ask a question and try to answer it. At the same time, mentally listen to how you begin to lie to yourself.

Lying is bad, but educational. You can hear a lot of new and interesting things from yourself. (Yuri Tatarkin)

I see when you lie, at such moments you smile, and your eyes are sad.

Call me and tell me the truth. And then everything will change...

Lies are just dreams that won't come true...

I hate impudent lies ... and even with such a truthful look ...

Sometimes I feel so ashamed of myself, for the lies that my mother took for the truth.

life without you is just a lie, but with you it is lonely...

People tolerate deceit, but they do not like it when their eyes are opened.

The biggest lie is to promise to love one person all your life.

It's easy to breathe, but breathing is a lie, our game of love is an unfinished romance!

The most common deception at the end of August: "that's it, I'll start studying this year!"

It is not refusal that hurts, but expectation... It is not deceit that kills, but denial... It is not reproof that heals, but Awareness.

There are also such critical situations in which even a lie does not save ..

Your life is full of lies, porn, everyday life, Internet addiction and cellular-mobile slavery. Well, aren't I right?

Not always lies - it's to deceive, sometimes - to keep. =b

Fun, jokes, positive, such as smart thoughts, all these grievances and claims, eternal lies - yes, burn it all with a blue flame - I went into myself ...

Beloved, deceitful and fake! The words are the same. He said: "I love you, I miss you." And he himself lied, throwing words to the wind.

You have a talent for lying, but not enough brains to win.

Any lies will be believed - you will lie confidently.

Many promise getting rid of the stomach, but except for the gynecologist, everyone lies.

With the exception of numbers, nothing is more deceptive than facts.

It is difficult to lie and know when to stop. Lies have a false measure. (Yuri Tatarkin)

How stupid it is to lie hopelessly... And to lie with hope is also stupid...

There are no lies at all. Everything that is imagined is possible.

A man either loves or not, there is no third ... Whoever loves will always look for a meeting, surround with attention and think only about her, and it doesn’t matter to him: “She is free or meets someone, drives away from herself or not, the main thing from everything male heart» ! And excuses and lies, promises and fairy tales - this is a mockery of the female soul ... one offends, and then she does not believe everyone, but for someone she is a native dream!