How to get started with the cash register. How to work with a cash register - types and device, operating instructions and applications

Online cash desks are different from their predecessors, but this has hardly affected the work of the staff. The cashier still refills paper, punches checks and prints shift closing reports.

Preparation for work

To work for a cash register, a cashier must:

  • familiarize yourself with the standard rules for operating the cash register;
  • sign in a special journal that he knows the rules of working with an online cash register;
  • conclude an agreement on full liability.

At the beginning of the working day, the cashier is given the materials necessary for work:

  • keys to the cash cabin and cash drawer;
  • check tape;
  • exchange money.

When the cashier receives or returns a small change, the check does not need to be punched. Reflect this information in the book of accounting for funds received and issued by the cashier (form No. KO-5).

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Opening shift

Before using the online cash register, you need to print a shift opening report. It is sent to the OFD and contains information about the equipment, fiscal accumulator, shift and cashier.

An example of a report on the opening of a shift

It is better not to open a shift if you are not sure that you will have at least one client today. If you often send opening reports and do not punch a single check during the day, this will attract the tax. We advise you to open a shift before the first buyer pays.

How to issue a check to a customer

At the time of payment, the cashier acts as follows:

  • calculates the total amount and names it;
  • receives payment from the client and names the amount received;
  • prints a check at the online checkout;
  • calls the amount of change and gives it with a check.

The cashier issues a paper check to the client or sends an electronic one (by mail or via SMS in the form of a link to the page with the check). OFD can send electronic checks for you. In this case, you simply receive contacts from the client and transfer them to the operator.

Example of tariffs for sending checks to customers

The buyer can request an electronic check in two ways:

  • say your phone number or email address;
  • provide a phone number mobile application Federal Tax Service, which will display a QR code with encrypted personal data.

In the application of the Federal Tax Service, the phone and mail of the buyer are encrypted

The customer returned the item

The cashier punched the check with an error

Create a correction check. How to do this, read the operating manual of the cash register.

The client made an advance

Issue a cashier's check with the "advance" payment method. After payment, punch the check in accordance with all the rules with the requisite “full payment” (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 11, 2016 No. AC-4-20 / [email protected]).

What not to do the cashier during work

  • Work without control tape.
  • Let strangers near the checkout.
  • Leaving the cash register without warning the management.
  • Leave the cash register turned on unattended.
  • Keep personal money in the cash drawer.

Closing the shift and collection

At the end of the day, the cashier closes the shift and hands over the cash. The closing report must be printed no later than 24 hours after opening. If the shift lasts longer, the cash desk will stop punching checks.

A report on the closing of the shift is also sent to the OFD. It states:

  • how many checks are printed per shift;
  • how many checks did not reach the OFD;
  • information about the shift, cashier, etc.

At the end of the day, the proceeds are handed over to the senior cashier. If only 1-2 cashiers work in the store, they can immediately give the proceeds to the collector.

At the end of the day, a meter status report is printed. It contains all the information about the amounts and calculations:

  • revenue;
  • income and expenses;
  • refund amount;
  • payment methods - cash or electronic money.


Becoming a cashier is not so difficult. The key thing to do is to learn how to handle the cash register. Training a cashier on a cash register, however, is short and simple. But mandatory.

Each entrepreneur working with cash must have a cash register installed. That's what modern law says.

Even individual artisans must process their sales through CCPs, not to mention large stores and retail chains, whether they are grocery hypermarkets or large stores. household appliances, car dealerships, etc. Accordingly, someone should work with the cash register. As a rule, this is done by a specially assigned employee - a cashier.

Where can I get training on how to operate a cash register?

Many trade enterprises conduct cashier training on a cash register on their own. Anyone who wants to master this technique can master this wisdom. You don’t need to learn this for many years, a week of practice under the guidance of an experienced employee and a beginner will be able to start performing his duties on his own.

There are no special restrictions for applicants for this position, but, basically, it so happened that women work at the checkout. This is due to the fact that women often need such unskilled work, as it is not always possible to find another job with the same benefits.

The advantages of working as a cashier: work within walking distance from home, a wealth of job offers on the job market, low starting requirements for experience and qualifications, while being quite competitive wage, the opportunity to work in shifts and have free time, the opportunity to learn related specialties, such as an accountant, merchandiser, salesman. As you can see, training a cashier to work for cash register simple, there are many advantages of such a profession.

However, there are downsides too. It is necessary to constantly maintain concentration, be attentive, friendly and friendly.

The disadvantages can also be attributed to the fact that the routine duties of a cashier are quite monotonous. Before starting work, the cashier must: check whether the cash register entrusted to him is operational, set the date and time, reset the cash register. Also, before starting work, the cashier must knock out several zero checks, thereby checking the operability of the printing mechanism. At the end of the work shift, the cashier resets the cash register and returns cash authorized officer or collector.

It is important to understand that training a cashier on a cash register involves more than just keystrokes. In the process of development, future employees learn that the cash register needs maintenance.

The cashier enters the readings of the cash register in the cash book, confirms their correctness with his signature. Each new roll of the control tape must also be issued - the tape indicates the number of the device, the date and data of the control register. At the beginning of the working day, there should be small change in the cash desk, which the cashier receives from the person in charge. All this is also necessary to know and be able to.

What should a KKM cashier know?

AT qualification handbook professions lists such knowledge that a KKM operator should have:

  • To know the KKM device and the rules of its operation, to be able to perform settlement operations on the KKM various types;
  • Be able to recognize signs of malfunction and eliminate minor breakdowns;
  • Know and comply with the legal legislation on the use of cash registers in cash settlements with customers;
  • Know the signs of the solvency of money;
  • Ensure service safety.

There are two mandatory conditions for the device to the position of a cashier. Those who work with the cash register must necessarily sign a liability agreement and before starting work, they must learn how to properly operate the cash register. If the first is achieved easily, then to gain knowledge you need to learn.

Cash register training courses

If you want to get a job in an organization that does not conduct preliminary practice for new employees, it makes sense to train a cashier on a cash register in short-term specialized courses offered by service centers for cash registers and equipment. Having received a cashier's certificate, you will be able to expand the range of possible jobs.

At the end of the course, the cashier knows the work procedure thoroughly, the algorithm of action looks something like this:

The cashier clearly announces the amount calculated for the purchase, receives money from the buyer according to the value indicated on the price tag, enters the purchase price into the cash register, in accordance with the operating rules, prints a check, clearly names the amount due change, issues it together with the check to the buyer.

Training of a cashier on a cash register is carried out, for example, by such centers as: "MaxMaster", TsTO VESTOR, service center Maintenance cash registers Garant Service, Service-KKM LLC and many more.

After being instructed in such a center, you will master the necessary skills, learn the basic operations on the KKM, understand whether such work is suitable for you, since in practice you will be able to more clearly imagine the workflow. It cannot be said that the work of a cashier is one of the most interesting, but it is worthy of respect and has a lot of advantages. Perhaps this is exactly what suits you.

To perform operations on the cash register, persons are allowed who:

We studied the rules for operating the device (technical minimum);
Mastered the specified rules for the operation of CCP;
With employees who have mastered the rules, an agreement is concluded that they bear liability.

Instructions for working with a cash register

Before the responsible person starts using the cash register, the director of the company must:

Verify the readings that are recorded in the operator's log for the previous day;
Make sure that the readings match;
Enter them in a journal and certify with a signature;
To issue the beginning of the control tape (indicate the CCP number, the beginning of work and meter readings, the recorded data are certified by a signature);
Give the operator a key to the cash register;
Provide the responsible person with banknotes and coins;
Issue necessary accessories for work - check tapes, etc.;
Warn the cashier about fraud;

Before the cashier starts using the cash register, he must:

Check if the blocking devices are working;
Load the tape
Set the dater to the current operating time;
Reset the numerator;
Connect the device to the network;
Check the work of the CCP by knocking out the control checks that are attached to the report.

How to work with cash register: when calculating at the checkout, the operator must determine the total amount of purchases. This can be done by reading the cash register indicator or by using a calculator. The amount received is called to the buyers, then the method of payment is specified.

If payment is made in cash, the cashier receives banknotes. The cashier must clearly name the amount and put the money aside. Money must be in the buyer's field of vision. Next, the cashier prints a cash receipt and gives the buyer a check with change, if any, he is entitled to.

If the buyer pays bank card, then the cashier must insert it into a special slot of the machine. Next, the buyer must enter his personal code. Since the cash register is connected to the bank terminal, the communication channel reports the buyer's card number and confirms if there are funds on the card for payment. After confirmation, the required amount is withdrawn from the account. Next, the operator must print a check and return the card to the buyer, to which the check is attached.

How to use the cash register: the cashier during work should not:

Work without a cash register;
Work with a cash register with a glued tape;
Allow unauthorized persons to access the device (the director or other responsible person is an exception);
Leave the place of work without warning. If there is a need to leave the cash booth, the cashier must take permission and keep the keys with him;
Change the parameters of the cash register;
Keep your own funds at the cash desk.

How to work with a cash register: at the end of work, the director, in the presence of the operator, must:

Take meter readings;
Get a printout;
Take out the control tape;
Subscribe at the end of the feed;
Indicate on the tape the CCP number, meter readings, revenue and end time;
Compare the money gathered at the cash desk with the readings on the tape.

Work with the cash register: the end of the working day:

Prepare receipts and payment documents;
To make a report;
Hand over the proceeds to the chief cashier;
Complete the operator log.

After completing all required documents and reports, the cashier must:

Prepare the cash register for the next day of work in accordance with technical requirements;
Close the CCP with a cover, and disconnect the device from the network;
Hand over the keys to the cash desk and the cabin to the director or another responsible person under receipt.

This was how to operate a cash register at any establishment that issues checks.

If you decide to open your own business, then you cannot do without a cash register. In trade, a cash register is considered an essential item, because an established cash accounting system is impossible today without this device. This article will tell you in detail how to use the cash register.

What criteria to choose a cash register

To answer this question, it is important to consider certain factors:

  • The scale of your business.
  • The nature of the company itself.
  • The pace and dynamics of development.
  • Planned turnover (here, the sale of services may also be implied).
  • The intensity of the cash flow.
  • Preferences in the functionality of cash equipment.
  • The price range of this device.

Now you need to figure out how to use the cash register.

Using a cash register

After the purchase, cash equipment must undergo a mandatory sealing at the CTO and registration with the tax service. After that, the legal use of cash registers is possible.

So, we will tell you how to use the cash register. The instruction looks like this:

  1. Starting the working day, you need to connect the cash register to the network.
  2. Check the date and, if necessary, correct it.
  3. The current date must be greater than the previous Z-report. This is necessary to activate the current mode.
  4. Remove X-report. For different models cash registers, the key combinations when removing reports may differ, but in any case, the manufacturer must indicate how to use the cash register in the instructions.
  5. After that, zeros will appear on the screen of the device, and here the main work of the cashier begins: the amounts are entered, the total is summed up and checks are printed.
  6. During the shift change, a reconciliation of the amount accumulated in the cash register registrar with cash at the cash desk is carried out (an X-report is taken).
  7. At the end of the shift, you also need to make an X-report, reconcile the amount with cash at the cash desk and make a final Z-report. In this case, the information is copied to the fiscal memory and the daily revenue counter is reset to zero.

Additional functions of the cash register

We have covered the main points of how to use it, now let's move on to additional functions.

Today, in every store you can pay with a plastic card. Here you need the option of cashless payment or a separate section on the cash register (this depends on the model of the equipment itself). To do this, read the instructions or consult with another employee.

You also need to find out in advance how discounts pass on a particular cash register (this can be just a reduction in the amount or a specially built-in function).

To cancel an erroneously performed operation or to issue a refund, there is a special button on the cash register. But here important point is also the fact that in different organizations the approach to such issues is carried out in different ways.

We must not forget about the check tape in cash registers, because it tends to end at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, when colored stripes appear on a receipt, it is urgent to replace the receipt paper with a new roll:

  1. To do this, remove the plastic cover that covers the tape.
  2. Remove the old roll from the rod and put a new one on it.
  3. Now you need to slip the end of the paper tape under the shaft and press the appropriate button on the cash register.
  4. Next, close the lid and tear off a clean check.

The receipt tape must be updated in time so that it does not end on the control receipt, otherwise the cash register may fail.

So, we looked at how to use the cash register correctly. At the same time, you need to work carefully and concentratedly, since they are the first ones that are checked. Failure to do so may result in penalties.

The most common cash registers

The simplest and most common cash register is the commercial equipment of the brand "Mercury". It appeared on the market in the 90s of the last century and since then has tightly occupied its niche. Over the years, many models of this brand have come out.

How to use the cash register "Mercury"

It has already been mentioned above that these devices are quite easy to use. Their main work is described in four acts:

  1. Turn on the machine and check the correct date and time.
  2. Setting the cash mode (press the "IT" button three times).
  3. Punching a check (purchase amount, pressing the "PI" and "Total" buttons, respectively).
  4. Removing a shift report (press the "RE" button twice and the "IT" button twice).

Other functions are described in detail in the manufacturer's manual for each specific model.

Cash equipment for a pharmacy

When answering the question about what cash registers pharmacies use, one must imagine the equipment of a completely new named healthcare institution or its re-equipment. In principle, any cash register is suitable for a pharmacy, but the installed modern computer equipment looks much more convenient and aesthetically pleasing.

This will increase its competitiveness and attract additional customers. Such equipment is, of course, not cheap, but it pays off quickly enough, especially since for a start you can get by with simpler and cheaper options. When installing such equipment, one should not forget about the reader for plastic cards, after all this species Calculation has already firmly entered our lives today.

Most businessmen have already switched to "smart cash registers", already in July of this year, such an obligation affected those entrepreneurs who have so far been exempted from this. We will tell you how to work at the online checkout.

The procedure for the work of trading organizations with cash registers (CCP) has changed the federal law No. 290-FZ of 07/03/2016, which amended the current Federal Law N 54-FZ on the use of cash registers and obliged all businessmen to use cash registers exclusively with the function of transmitting data directly to the tax authorities via the Internet. At the same time, all taxpayers using old cash registers are given the opportunity to modernize them, and those who did not have a cash register at all can buy new ones.

How does the online checkout work? How does it differ from the old generation equipment and what will the tax authorities pay attention to first of all? Let's try to figure it out.

The principle of operation of the online cash register

The main feature of the new generation of cash registers is that it can not only generate and print paper receipts, but also create electronic fiscal documents. At the same time, data on each operation performed by the cashier is stored in a special fiscal drive (FN), and is also transmitted to the tax authority through a fiscal data operator (OFD). At the same time, the buyer must still receive a paper check in his hands, and, if desired, an electronic copy of it on his email address or mobile device. In fact, neither for the buyer himself at the time of payment, nor for the cashier, nothing will change, since all processes are very fast and they are fully automated.

Until now, old-style cash registers simply printed paper checks and duplicated them on a special control tape, which was stored along with reports on the work of the cash desk for the shift. The tax authorities did not have any information about the work of a particular store until they came there with a check. Therefore, observance of cash discipline consisted in the mandatory formation of a receipt for each sale, its timely delivery to the client, and the correct closing of the shift. This could happen once every few weeks if there was only one person working at the cash register, and the number of sales was small. When stores began to use the new online checkouts, the rules of operation have changed significantly. Now they have to close the shift at least once a day, but they no longer need to store any control tapes at all.

The algorithm of actions of the cashier and the work of the CCP according to the new rules looks like this:

  1. The buyer gives the cashier a payment card or money for settlement.
  2. The cashier enters the purchase data into the cash register.
  3. The online cash desk generates a check with the necessary details.
  4. Transaction data is sent to the fiscal drive.
  5. The check is certified by fiscal data.
  6. The check is being processed by the fiscal accumulator.
  7. A paper version of the check is printed.
  8. Transaction data is sent to the fiscal data operator (OFD).
  9. OFD sends information about the receipt of the check to the fiscal accumulator.
  10. OFD processes the received information and sends it to the Federal Tax Service.
  11. At the request of the buyer, the cashier sends an electronic check to his email or mobile device.

Scheme of operation of a new generation CCP

It is important to understand that when working with the “smart cash register”, certain deadlines must be observed, which were not particularly regulated before. So, at the beginning of each working day, the cashier is obliged to issue a report on the beginning of the shift, and at the end of the same working day - to generate a report on its closure. If more than 24 hours have passed since the start of the shift, the program blocks the ability to generate checks. In addition, if the Internet suddenly disappeared, the cash desk can work offline for some time, saving data to a fiscal drive. This can be no more than 30 days. If communication is not restored during this time, the cash register will be blocked.

As for the fiscal drive itself, it has its own service life, depending on the taxation system of the trading organization or individual entrepreneur. On preferential regimes, this is at least 36 months, with a combination of regimes - at least 13 months. Trading organizations are required to store FN after the end of their service life for 5 years.

Work with online cash desks and the procedure for their modernization

As can be seen from the above, the main difference between old and new generation technology is the fiscal drive. In fact, this is a separate unit that has its own unique number and service life. It saves and transmits all sales information for a certain period of time. The fiscal storage itself is HDD, which the organization must keep in place of the retired control tape. It is noteworthy that the tax authorities maintain a separate register of FN, and the use of a device that is not in this register is punishable by a fine.

In addition, new generation equipment must be able to connect to the Internet, for this there must be 2 types of special inputs: wired and wireless. According to the principles of operation, the entire cash register complex can be compared with a computer. Therefore, only the cash register that can be connected to the Internet and to the fiscal drive is subject to revision of the cash register to online. As a rule, the majority modern models cash registers allow it. Modernization will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than purchasing a new device. So, on average, an “upgrade” of a cash register will cost up to 6-7 thousand rubles, and buying a new one will cost from 20-30 thousand rubles. Important role This is played by the software installed on the CCP.

It is important to remember that you can even work on a new cash machine only after it has been registered with the Federal Tax Service of Russia and an agreement has been concluded with the OFD. By the way, this service is also not free for business, the operator's services will cost about 3 thousand rubles a year. Legislators impose a number of requirements on such OFD. In particular, in order to conclude a contract, the operator must:

  • obtain an expert opinion on the possibility of ensuring stable and uninterrupted processing of large amounts of information, with their subsequent transmission;
  • ensure the confidentiality and safety of the data received from the CCP;
  • have a license from Roskomnadzor, FSTEC and the Federal Tax Service for the provision of telematic communication services.

Only if these requirements are met, an organization can be included in the CRF register posted on the website of the Federal Tax Service. As of July 5, 2019, there are 18 operators in this registry. With any of them, you can conclude a data exchange agreement.