Falcon hunting. Falconry: traditions and modernity of hunting with birds of prey (video)

Falconry can hardly be called real hunting. It is rather entertainment and a real art. After all, the connection between a falconer, namely the name of a person who goes hunting with a falcon, and the bird itself is simply mesmerizing. And it seems impossible to explain it. There, high in the sky, the falcon carries out all the commands of the man who is on the ground. And isn't that what real magic is all about?

Falcon hunting– this is not just a senseless pursuit of prey. Once upon a time it was believed that only God, only Heaven can help a person stab his chosen prey. And if God decides that this is not worth doing, then there will simply be no production. This approach to falconry has always attracted a large number of people to it. However, with the development of agriculture and Agriculture falconry has become such a rare occurrence in our lives that now you can only read about it in books. To see a real falconry today is probably just not realistic.

In Russia, falconry is a bright page in history. But it is also a national tradition, and a holiday, and a special spirit of competition, and just a good pastime. To all this, it is worth adding that falconry even had its own saint - a patron, to whom falconers prayed before each trip. Falconry flourished especially during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. And if earlier the royal court went out for falconry quite rarely, then with the advent of the power of this king, such a hunt acquired a special status. Favorite hunt status.

Birds for falconry were chosen very carefully. It must be strong, fast and smart bird who is ready to work in tandem with a person. Before the start of the hunt, the bird rises high - high into the sky and from there, with its sharp hawk's eye, looks out for prey. After the target is determined, the falcon dives down at high speed and rushes to the ground with the caught prey. Then he punches his prey in the head and prepares to start the meal. This is where the hunter or falconer himself should appear. As a reward for a successful hunt, the falcon must be given a piece of raw meat, and only after that you can take the prey. A satisfied falcon sits on the owner's hand and their victorious procession begins.

In addition to falcons, eagles, hawks, and gyrfalcons took part in hunting with tamed birds of prey. In England in the 18th century there was a law according to which only the highest officials of the state could hunt with eagles, but falconry was the prerogative of earls and dukes.

Today, falconry is a rarity. In Russia, there is only one national fund that is trying to revive this glorious past of our country. The St. Tryphon Foundation is trying to revive the national traditions of our state. And they succeed. Falconry, under the auspices of the National Fund of Saint Tryphon, has been held this winter. And now another winter is just around the corner. And the falcons are looking forward to when they will finally be able to show all their art and please their owners - falconers.

Falconry is an unforgettable sight! Graceful birds are able to make up to 70 bets without rest, developing a speed of up to 100 meters per second when attacking a victim. Having come a long way from fishing to royal fun, for a long time falconry was in oblivion.

The Falcon Yard contained Kiev prince Oleg in the 11th century, Alexei Mikhailovich adored hunting with birds of prey and despised his son Peter the Great, and today you can find a scene of hunting a hare with a bird of prey on the wall frescoes of the stairs leading to the choirs in Kiev's St. Sophia Cathedral.

Hunt "The Quietest"

In Russia, falconry has been known since the 9th century, and its dawn came during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who was a passionate hunter with birds of prey. The tsar left to his descendants the famous “Sergeant of the Falconer Way”, most of which is occupied by the description of the solemn ceremony of initiation into the initial falconers. "The Quietest" not only knew the name of each of his birds, but also came up with names for them with his own hands. His "fun trip" was a grandiose spectacle, which was not limited to one day and was celebrated on his return with noisy dinners.

The secret behind seven seals

Moscow falcons were highly valued not only in the East, but also in the West. Many have repeatedly tried to find out exactly where in Russia such a magnificent bird is mined. but state secret made up not only the places where she was caught, but also the ways along which the scouts delivered the gyrfalcons to Moscow. The delivery of birds took place according to special rules, the violation of which was severely punished. To the question of foreign guests: “Where is such an excellent bird caught?”, One answer followed: “In the possessions of our great sovereign.” Trans-Volga, Pechora, Ural, Siberia, the shores of the White Sea - these are the main "secret" territories for the production of feathered "hunters".

Presents, gifts and memorials

Often, hunting birds became part of the tribute that the Russian princes paid to the Golden Horde. One white gyrfalcon was equal in value to three thoroughbred horses. In addition, for many centuries, gyrfalcons were considered one of the most valuable gifts. So, in the states that depended on Moscow, gyrfalcons - “presents” were sent. They were presented as a token of encouragement. Principalities of equal strength received "gifts". Well, to those whom Moscow was afraid of, the ambassadors carried the so-called "commemoration" - gifts from living birds and animals. It happened that the bird died on the way. Despite this, the embassy still passed on the wings and head of a falcon - such an offering was also considered a gift.

The main thing is that the suit sits

If the hunting costume of the ancient Russian almost did not differ from everyday clothes, then the outfits of the royal falconers were striking in luxury. Red caftans embroidered with double-headed eagles and bordered with gold script. On the feet are calfskin boots with high, turned-up toes, made of red or gold morocco. Ornate one-handed glove. This suit was expensive. Depending on his position, the falconer received satin or cloth for a caftan, velvet and sable for a hat, leather and morocco for boots. If foreign guests took part in the royal hunt, then the falconers' spectacular outfits were enhanced by special “wings” decorated with multi-colored silk ribbons. "Wings" were fastened with a belt on the belt.

Klobuk and more

In addition to the klobuk - a hat in which the bird rested after hunting, the costume of the birds of prey of the royal court included: a bib, collars (or collars, bows, shackles or oputins), a tail and a debtor. Obnozhki are rings (usually made of leather) that are put on the paws of a bird. A cord is called a debtor, one end of which is attached to the skirts, and the other end is held by the falconer in his hand (something like a dog leash). Klobuks, by the way, were also worn on the way to the hunting place, so that the bird would not see potential victims and would not rush each time from the hand, thereby stretching its tendons.

Hint bells

A special place in the outfit of the bird was occupied by bells - different in size and sound. By their ringing, the falconer, not seeing the bird, could easily determine what she was doing in this moment and where is located. So, if the tail bell rang, the bird sits on the caught prey. Today, bells are attached to the legs of the bird and to the central tail feathers in order to locate predators in tall grass or bushes by sound.

royal allowance

Everyone, even ordinary falconers, the king gave estates. Falconers had their own estates and peasants. So, according to the letter of 1507 of the Grand Duke of Moscow to falconers, the latter were exempted from duties and paid only a tax of one and a half rubles a year “for falcons”. Royal birds lived no less luxuriously - they were kept in the time of Alexei Mikhailovich in amusing yards in Kolomenskoye and Semenovsky. More than 3 thousand different hunting birds were fed beef or mutton meat at strictly allotted times. To diversify the diet, a pigeon yard with 100,000 nests was kept nearby. The food also included a vegetarian diet - rye and wheat cuttings from Zhitny Dvor.


  • What is falconry?
    Many modern falconers agree that falconry is “hunting game in its (game) natural habitat with the help of specially trained (trapping) birds.” There is different definitions. For example, the Emperor of St. Roman. Imp. Friedrich II of Hohenstaufen defined falconry as an art and "The improvement of man in the process of catching birds and animals" (with the help of birds of prey). In his treatise On the Art of Hunting with Birds, the Emperor writes that falconry is the highest of all existing hunts. Let's not argue with him.
  • Why falconry is needed?
    Falconry is needed for people to be truly happy and understand the language of nature; to bring people back from hunting and consuming nature to hunting and serving. The purpose of falconry is to preserve man as part of nature.
  • How is falconry different from other hunting?
    Falconry is unique, like birds of prey are unique, which, unlike dogs and humans, are devoid of the instinct of submission. The connection between the falconer and the creature is unique, which at any moment can return to nature, as it can freely do without a person. And of course, the falconer has a unique opportunity to enjoy the bewitching beauty of birds of prey and their flight every day.
  • Where and when did falconry appear?
    There are many versions, but no one has yet solved this riddle.
  • Is modern falconry different from ancient falconry?
    It practically does not differ, except for poor game lands, and the use of telemetry equipment for radio direction finding of birds of prey.
  • Is it possible to watch falconry?
    You can watch falconry on video or in the fields - by becoming a falconer, or a falconer's apprentice.
  • How much money do you need to have to be engaged in falconry?
    - approximate cost a set of ammunition (without telemetry equipment) glove + hood + bell + electronic scales = 5500 rubles.
    - Inexpensive telemetry equipment, including a pair of sensors, can be purchased for 800-900 US dollars.
    - The price of birds depends on a number of market circumstances. In 2008 a bird could be bought in a nursery for 6,000-25,000 rubles.
    A hunting ticket on the example of the MOOiR, after passing the exam on the hunting minimum, costs 3,300 rubles, taking into account 1,500 rubles of membership fees for the year.
    Based on these figures, we get the cost of an average falconer's start without the price of telemetry equipment for March 2009 - 16,800 rubles.
    Expenses for the road to the place of flights and hunting and the cost of bivouac equipment are calculated, for obvious reasons, individually.
    Teaming up two or more falconers helps keep ammunition costs down.
    For example, you can jointly purchase expensive telemetry. It is not difficult to sew the simplest details of ammunition on your own - a glove, an Arab "clutch", an Indian hood.
    A bell can be bought inexpensively at a fishing store, a tail case can be made from a plastic folder, etc.
    If you do not have the funds to buy a bird, then get permission to catch a goshawk, establish relationships with local pigeon breeders, in whose dovecotes hawks periodically climb in the autumn migration.

    Never buy a bird of prey from a non-breeder! With such a purchase, you stimulate the black market, i.e. illegal trade in falconiformes.


  • Who are the "birds of prey"?
    Traditionally, under the "trapping" was understood not only "catching", preying birds, but also birds, which in the future can be made trapping, i.e. properly worn and catching in the process of falconry. In view of the fact that in modern falconry there are many show birds and birds that “may be able to catch” and few birds that are caught, the Section defined the bird of prey as follows:
    “Bird of prey - acquired in accordance with applicable law, bred, i.e. specially prepared for joint hunting with a man, a bird that catches game. In other words, your hawk catches, with a round, or a golden eagle - a hunter, does not catch - so far it is not a hunter.
  • Is she going to attack me now?
    A properly bred bird of prey correctly understands the actions of a person and will not show any aggression towards you. In case you are not familiar with her yet, just behave politely and delicately, keep a reasonable distance, and this will insure you from conflict. For most people, wild animals, and even more so birds of prey, have become creatures from another world. Therefore, the sight of sharp claws and beak awakens subconscious fear in us. To drown out this fear, some shooters decorate the wall with a stuffed bird of prey, and you better look at a live bird of prey, understand it and love it.
  • What does the bird of prey think of me?
    If the bird is from a nursery, then she, as a rule, considers you the same bird as herself - her sister, brother, friend or girlfriend. If you help her well on her hunt, she considers you a good helper, if it's bad, she considers you a bad one. She may want to sleep, or hunt, or just fly, chat, swim, and even play with a ball. All this time she will be pleased to know that you are somewhere nearby.
  • Is it true that birds of prey strike without a miss?
    Not true. Potential prey of birds of prey knows many ways to escape from a natural enemy. So when a rifle hunter brings back five or ten trophies, the falconer is happy to bring one or two.
  • Is it possible to kill birds of prey?
    Absolutely not, and the only exception to this rule is euthanasia for veterinary reasons. A bird of prey is the same hunter as a person, only it is satiated faster, does not trade, and does not create colonies hostile to nature. There are exactly as many birds of prey as this or that territory has reproduced the prey available to them.
    - With proper management of the hunting economy, there is enough game in the lands for both winged and two-legged hunters.
    - Poultry, as a rule, can be protected with a net, and a well-flying pigeon very rarely allows itself to be caught, “switching” the predator to more accessible prey.
    If a bird of prey still needs to be disposed of, you can always turn to the falconers of the Section, who will capture the bird for falconry and, of course, treat it with care. Even if the catcher caught at the dovecote or poultry house is released, he most likely will not repeat his attempts to feast on your living creatures.
    The killing of a bird of prey cannot be justified either by the need to "regulate the population" in hunting grounds, or by attacking poultry in farms and dovecotes.
  • Is it possible to make a stuffed bird of prey?
    Everyone answers this question for himself.
    The cult of birds of prey, closely associated with the art of falconry, has always coexisted with many cults that allow miraculous and special aesthetics of the remains of living beings. Admiration for the creativity of nature and the desire to preserve the outer shell of once living beings, to "resurrect" the trophy, led to the emergence of the art of taxidermy. Theoretically, you can make a stuffed animal (author's mannequin) from anyone - a dog, a cat, a person. There are known cases of collecting human dried heads, and even (!) the manufacture of a floor lamp by one extravagant lady from the skeleton of her husband. (All this will not seem absurd, if we recall the mummy of the leader, which is stored in the very heart of our amazing Motherland).
    But still, of those who are dear to us, or whom we consider to be “of the same blood”, we do not make stuffed animals ....
  • How do falconers deal with dead birds of prey?
    As a rule, they are buried, burned or fed to another bird of prey.
    Flight and tail plumage, necessary for feathering, are often left to themselves, or transferred to a falconer who now has a bird of the same species and sex as the deceased.
  • How and where to get a bird for falconry?
    Birds for falconry are bought in a nursery (falcon, golden eagle, hawk), or, having received a special permit, they are taken from nature (goshawk or sparrowhawk).
    In all cases, one must be a Falconer, or an Apprentice, i.e. have a hunting license of Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz, and be a member of the Falconry Section.
  • How much does a falconry bird cost?
    According to the prices for the saker falcon for 2008 - from 6,000 to 25,000 rubles. Due to fluctuating supply and demand, the price of birds fluctuates from year to year.
  • Can I catch my own bird?
    Yes, if you are a member of the Falconry Section in the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz system, and have a trapping permit, you have the right to catch a goshawk or sparrowhawk for hunting. You cannot catch a falcon, because it would be a violation of the law and falconer ethics.
    In any case, it will be better for you as a falconer to stay away from catching birds of prey for as long as possible.
  • Who can be hunted with birds of prey?
    On animals and birds, hunting of which is permitted, on days open for hunting.
    V in general terms, birds from thrush to black grouse, as well as hare and hare can serve as objects of hunting. The choice of the object of hunting depends on the nature of the grounds, the type, weight and preparedness of the bird of prey, and sometimes on the occasion.
  • Is it possible not to hunt, but simply to keep a bird of prey at home?
    Only if the bird for some reason cannot hunt (damage to the organs of vision, injuries that make it impossible to fly and / or capture prey). If the bird does not have such damage, it should be prepared for hunting yourself as soon as possible, or given to the falconer.
  • What is a bird of prey nursery?
    Birds of Prey Nursery is a commercial enterprise producing young birds of prey. The main end consumer of the products of the nurseries is the falconer, although in some cases the nurseries participate in public and private programs for the return of young birds of prey to nature. The latter is an expensive and rather controversial matter.
  • Do breeding centers for birds of prey help the development of falconry?
    The main task of nurseries is to satisfy the need of falconers for legitimate hunting birds. Therefore, we can say that nurseries contribute to the development of hunting with falcons.


  • Who is a falconer?
    A falconer is the owner of a bird of prey that catches game (a hunter with a bird of prey). This definition is directly related to the definition of "bird of prey".
    (“A bird of prey is a bird acquired in accordance with applicable law, bred, that is, specially prepared for joint hunting with a person, a bird that catches game.”)
  • Is it possible to call a falconer whose bird does not catch?
    No, such a person cannot be called a falconer, but he can be called an Apprentice Falconer, i.e. the owner of a bird that does not catch game, but which he prepares for falconry. A person without a bird who is interested in falconry and the protection of birds of prey can be called a falconer. Any falconer whose bird stopped catching, or if the falconer was left without a bird for any reason (flight or death of a bird, circumstances that prevent keeping a bird of prey and hunting with it) can temporarily be in the category of Apprentice Falconers and Amateurs.
  • Is it hard to be a falconer?
    Becoming a falconer means changing your lifestyle and changing yourself. Almost every day a falconer needs to take care of his bird and train it. The success of the bird is in the first place. It's hard to be a falconer, but it's even harder to stop falconry.
  • What qualities should a falconer have?
    The falconer must be endowed with:
    - Love for birds of prey and passion for hunting with them.
    - The ability to enjoy the beauty of nature.
    - Respect for game, birds of prey, dogs, horses and good people.
    - Self-discipline and curiosity.
    - Patience and a sense of humor.
    - Health, or the desire to improve it.
  • How many falconers are there in Russia and in the world?
    There are about 15 Sokolnikov and 200 Apprentice Falconers in Russia, about 20,000 Sokolnikov in the World.
  • What are the falconer's rights?
    The falconer is endowed with all constitutional civil rights, plus the privilege of hunting with a bird of prey and serving the development and strengthening of falconry.
  • Who is a poacher?
    Falconry - hunting with birds of prey is an art that combines nature, man and the falconer community through the bird of prey.
    A poacher is a person who damages any component of falconry (nature, falconers and falconry as a cultural phenomenon) in order to gain profit.
    In the traditional sense, a poacher is a participant in the illegal circulation and / or sale and purchase of live and dead falconiformes, their eggs, or body parts. This means that all organizers of the preparation and sale of traffic from the manufacturer of fishing gear and transport ammunition to the receiving party, participants in the evacuation and "washing" of the bird, are poachers in the eyes of falconers. In fairness, the so-called. The "legal" removal of winged predators from nature for the purpose of their sale or exchange is also not far from poaching. First, "legitimate" very often simply means having a high patron, ie. the opportunity in one way or another to justify before the law and colleagues in the shop catching birds, taking chicks, or eggs. Two more forms of harm by a falconer and falconry should be equated to traditional poaching:
    - Direct involvement in the catching of falconiformes and placement in the media (Internet, TV, radio, press) of materials containing information about the methods and tools for catching falconiformes, and / or propaganda of poaching in a covert and overt form.
  • What is wrong with poaching?
    The harm of poaching is that it:
    - Gives falconers and society an example of an unpunished cynical attitude towards birds of prey and falconry, i.е. it is a humiliation to falconry and a temptation to beginner falconers.
    - Discredits falconers and falconry, depriving falconer projects of the prospects for public and private sponsorship.
    - Displaces the soul from a person (not without reason, during the heyday of Asian falconry, the sale of a bird was equated to the sale of one's own soul).
  • Is it possible to stop being a poacher?
    You can do it when you're young, but it gets harder as you get older. Catchers continue to catch, even if they do not receive the same money, during the fishing season, a seasonal breakdown begins, the rest of the time in a narrow circle - the same nostalgic conversations, in a word, all the symptoms of severe addiction, including blaming others for even greater mortal sins, romanticizing fishing, talk about “everyone does it”, etc. From the "syndrome of the catcher", as well as from other poaching ailments, can only be cured by practical falconry and participation in projects for its development. After all, a good falconer and poaching, like genius and villainy, are incompatible things.
  • What can't a falconer do?
    In order not to be mistaken in “what is good and what is bad”, there are Rules that we checked with you before writing an application to the Falconry Section. Violation of these rules, in particular, leads to harm to nature, falconry and other falconers.
  • How to become a falconer?
    - Join the Falconry Section of the MSOO MOOiR of the Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz system.
    - Comply with Section Rules and Regulations.
    - Learn to read methodological literature and consult with an experienced falconer.
    - Prepare everything necessary for keeping the bird and hunting with it.
    - Buy a bird and prepare it for hunting (make it hunter).
    - Hunt independently and participate in Section hunts.
  • Do falconers need to unite?
    Disunity leads to the fact that bypassing the common experience, everyone has to "reinvent the wheel". This is an unnecessarily long way, which greatly reduces the "hunting practice" and often leads away from falconry.
    A falconer today is not only a person whose bird catches, but first of all a person who helps falconry in its development: teaches, shares experience, keeps beginners from making mistakes and not falconer's actions. To flaunt that you can do everything and can do without the help of a falconer association is, at least, a bad form.
    Students need you! From where, if not from the association, will students come to you, an experienced falconer, who will continue to be your continuation and glorify your school?
  • Why do falconers need a falconry section at the MORO?
    MOOiR is a worthy, serious assistant for the realization of the legal right of falconers to hunt with birds of prey.
    Thanks to the work of the Section, falconers will be able not only to regularly hunt in good grounds, conduct falconer courses, but also by putting things in order "in their garden", systematically improve hunting laws, regulations and rules.
    (!) What is especially important, the Section will allow falconry to return to the right, hunting channel.

Hunting with a falcon is a special type of hunting where there is no place for firearms, and the prey is brought by a tamed bird. This gives the hunt more excitement, because in the end - the game is opposed to the game or the animal, and the person only enjoys the result. It does not always bring prey, because the beauty with which the falcon attacks the victim and performs its task also gives pleasure.

History of appearance

Falconry appeared a long time ago - since the time of King Sargon. Documentary evidence of this has been preserved in the form of drawings, which depict a hunter throwing a bird, and an animal is standing at a distance from him. Falconry was common among the nomads of Mongolia. It was of particular importance at the palace of the emperor of China, where such a vacation was a kind of entertainment for aristocrats. There is evidence that she was known in other areas:

  • Persia;
  • Hindustan;
  • Near East;
  • Korea.

Hunting with a falcon came to Europe much later and did not become widespread until the 13th century, although there may simply be no evidence of this. But in 1274, a whole treatise was written called "The Art of Hunting with Birds", the author of which is Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. He elevated it to the rank of elite entertainment, accessible only to the top of power, which was spelled out in the legislation and if common man caught doing this, it would lead to punishment.

But the true "golden time" of hunting with a falcon is the period of the reign of Louis XIII, who almost every day went with his servants for game. It did not last long, because. appeared firearms, received wide use. Currently, falconry is practiced in Russia and several other countries, but there are not so many masters left.

What birds are used in hunting with a falcon

The falcon family includes several birds used in hunting, and each of them has its own characteristics.

1. Gyrfalcon. First of all - gyrfalcons. They are the largest representatives of this family, and also know how to attack the victim, both on the ground and directly in the air. In the wild, the gyrfalcon preys mainly on small creatures, including: partridges, gulls, gulls, lemmings.

It is able to rise to a height of about 2 km, which makes it almost invisible to its prey. With proper training and enough time, a gyrfalcon can be trained to hunt larger prey, such as a hare, crane, swan. And, for example, in Arab countries it is used against bustards.

2. Balaban. In size, it is somewhat smaller than the gyrfalcon, but at the same time it wins in maneuverability. Living in the wild, its prey often become: ground squirrels, pikas, lizards.

Sometimes he attacks birds, but only if their size does not exceed his own. If the prey is on the ground, then he can chase after it, which will continue for a long time. In terms of entertainment, this process is slightly inferior to what a peregrine falcon or gyrfalcon can do. With proper training, the Balaban can attack a hare or a goose.

3. Peregrine falcon. A relatively small representative of falcons, however, its attack methods are much more developed. Due to its speed, it can attack and catch various prey for itself: seagulls, waders, pigeons, sparrows.

4. Cheglok. Few people go hunting with him, because it is almost impossible to train him to attack from the ground, which significantly reduces the scope.

5. Falcon Eleanor. In some countries they go with it to rabbits, but to game or other animals much less often.

6. Derbnik. It is also called the blue falcon or merlin. Its feature is the method of attack - from a height of about 1 meter above the ground. Despite the low height, he finds time to complete several bets, which looks quite spectacular.

7. Goshawk. A large falcon with great strength. He attacks pigeons, ducks or partridges, but when hunting he does not show particular grace and beauty.

How to hunt with a falcon

In training, the falcon will become accustomed to wearing on the hand, which will be the main starting position for the attack. We must not forget the need for protection, since falcons have enough strength to leave not only scratches, but also more significant damage. To do this, put on a sleeve and a glove, most often suede or leather. If hunting is used immediately 2 or more birds, then for them special frame made of wood, called a "cage".

The bird's paw is dressed in entanglements, which are rings. For them, she fastens to the frame or glove to prevent accidental attacks. In addition, a bell is attached to the paw, less often to the tail, which is useful in cases where the falcon has already grabbed prey, but has not returned to the hunter. When carried, the falcon's head is hidden by a hood - a hat that covers the eyes.

When evaluating the qualities of a falcon, they must take into account the number of bets - how many times it is able to take off and attack during one hunt or prey rut. When hunting, there are 2 options for attacking a bird: with a hand or an attack.

In the first case, the bird directs its hand towards the victim, immediately making an attack. The second is more interesting, and is divided into several options:

  1. Flying in - similar to the “from hand” option, however, the bird is released from a greater distance, but so that the victim is visible. So, prey will be attacked at low altitude.
  2. Up - first, the game is driven into the air, and after that the falcon is thrown in its direction. Having noticed the prey, the bird will begin to rise above it, and then it will attack directly in the air. An excellent spectacular option when you go hunting for crows, rooks or kites.
  3. From the top - first, a falcon is launched into the air, and only then a potential victim begins to drive. This option is the most interesting, because the bird can attack directly near the ground and in the air. In both cases, she has a lot of room to place bets or subsequently bait her prey.

How to take prey from a falcon

To attack, the falcon uses the strength of its paws and the sharpness of its claws. In some cases, a bird can cause significant harm, and even break the neck of a duck or goose. Once the prey is with him, you can not just come up and take it. For this, a lure is used - a piece of meat to which bird wings are tied. And this must be done so that the falcon does not notice. The lure is also used to lure the bird in case of an unsuccessful attack.

Features of the behavior of the falcon

He is used to flying at high altitude and attacking directly from there. He notices the victim and swiftly attacks, while developing a speed of about 200 km / h. This feature allows you to hunt hares or nimble birds. The falcon, when attacking, hits the victim, applying all its weight, which makes the blow very strong.

Sometimes the falcon can independently raise the game, for which it flies above the place of its seat, forcing it to fly. After that, he gains height and makes a steep dive. These birds are able to hunt in several individuals, while distributing responsibilities - to frighten, attack, drive.

The benefits of falconry

All those who are fond of hunting with a falcon always note that it is not the capture of prey itself that is of the greatest importance, but the beauty with which the bird does it. Watching a prepared bird is very interesting - each hunt will be different from the other. The choice of the victim also matters, and everything will always happen in a special way.

Pay attention to hunting with the use of other predators, which you can read about on the pages of our website. This is completely different from the use of firearms or traps - each has something of its own and unique.

Attack of a potential victim from a superior height in a steep dive - characteristic way hunting of some species of birds of prey in nature. It was at this moment of the attack that the peregrine falcon recorded the maximum flight speed among birds - more than 100 km / h. Such an attack on prey in falconry is called a bet.

The falcon, falling on the victim with such speed, should not collide with it, so as not to break on it, and cannot grab it with its paws, otherwise it will damage them or be unable to control further flight. After all, often the weight of the prey is close to the weight of the attacker or exceeds it, and the difference in speed is three times. Therefore, as a rule, the falcon hits the victim on a tangent only with its claws, but its momentum is so great (mass x acceleration) that serious injuries are inflicted on the victim, and (or) it breaks into an uncontrollable fall. The falcon, having slowed down and turned around after the attack, picks up somersaulting prey in the air on the fly, or grabs one that has already fallen to the ground.

Hunting with a bird of prey rates is as follows. A hunter with a bird walks through the lands in search of game. A hooded bird sits on a glove on his left hand. When the game is found, but not frightened off (it is not frightened off) and does not fly away, the hood is removed from the bird, and, having flown off the glove, describing circles around the hunter in flight, it gains height sufficient for an effective attack. This takes a matter of minutes, and the behavior of the falcon already shows that he is waiting for the appearance of potential prey and is ready to attack. Immediately the game is scared away - they are forced to take off. As soon as a possible victim is in the air, the falcon dives on it - makes a bet. And if everything is done correctly and skillfully - you are with prey.

It is necessary to clarify some points of the hunt. First, the detection of game. This is usually done by a pointing dog, making a stand, and while the launched falcon is gaining altitude, the dog tracks the location of the object of the hunt. When the falcon is “prepared” for the attack, the dog, at the command of the owner, forces the game to take off. Either the game must be seen for yourself, and then in right moment themselves to scare her under a falcon. The latter option was used in the falconry of Russian tsars.

A large number of beaters scared away waterfowl and near-water birds from the coastal thickets of lakes and ponds with the help of noise produced by drums, rattles and screams. Before that, falcons were raised into the sky above the reservoirs: peregrine falcons, gyrfalcons. Secondly, the falcon gains altitude in circles with active flight and when it reaches the height necessary for the attack (its value depends on the training methods and the type of game you are hunting), it sharply changes the nature of the flight from active flapping to gliding with hovering over the hunting place. Such a change in the behavior of a bird of prey indicates its readiness for an attack. This method of hunting and preparing birds in English language called- "waiting falcon". Thirdly, the game from the place where it hid perfectly sees the predator flying above it and prefers either to sit out or flee on the ground, but not to take off.

These are instinctive actions and very rigidly fixed by natural selection. To rise into the air means to immediately be attacked by a predator and you can hide only in grass, bushes or under water. Therefore, one has to use a dog or spend one's own strength on making the game fly up under the attack of a falcon and not allow it to immediately scurry after takeoff into a bush located a few meters away. It should be noted that after several hunts, the falcon perfectly remembers from under whom potential prey appears and carefully monitors its assistant. If they are hunting with a cop, then the launched falcon will immediately orient itself when climbing to a dog standing in a stance, knowing that it is from under it that the game will rise.

It is also possible to hunt with falcons by stealing over long distances. A hunter with a bird notices a relatively slow-flying game, which the falcon can certainly catch up with even in the falconer's line of sight. In former times in Russia such were: geese (single or pairs), raven, heron. All these are high-flying birds, much inferior to the falcon in flight speed, and because of their size they represent difficult prey and even dangerous for the hunting falcon. For the latter reason, they, as a rule, do not hide from the hunting bird. They take off the hood from the falcon and, making sure that he noticed the flying game, let him off the glove.

The bird of prey gradually catches up with potential prey and at the same time gains height above it to attack. Then he attacks - makes a bet. As a rule, the falcon attacks are forced to repeat many times. It is very difficult to cope with large prey and you rarely meet it so that the falcon has a rich experience in such a hunt. After each miss, the falcon gains height again and makes a bet again. All this time, the falconer must see what is happening, moving behind the birds in a car through the fields or, as of old, on a horse. This hunt requires large open spaces.

For hunting by stakes, two types of falcons are traditionally used: peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, and their hybrids. You can prepare Saker Falcon and Shaheen, Laggar and Mediterranean Falcon, as well as their hybrids.

Special training begins when stable results are achieved at the initial stage of the preparation of the bird of prey. Let's repeat them again:

. The bird is fully accustomed to the perch
The bird is calm about your presence nearby
The bird actively reacts to the glove with food and confidently flies to it from 5-7 meters
The bird is calmly on the glove for an arbitrarily long time and while walking.

We have already talked a lot about the training of birds of prey and, in order not to repeat ourselves unnecessarily, we will refer to the above.

Features of training birds for hunting rates are:

1. the main irritant is the lure
2. the glove is applied as an irritant at a distance of up to 10 meters
3. the bird must be accustomed to the hood
4. The falconer will especially need experience, patience and calm
5. it is important to have a direction finding system for a departed bird

Birds must be weighed daily. Classes continue as before, until the distance increases when working with a glove up to 10-12 meters with and without a cord. Then we introduce the bird to the lure, just as described for stealing. After that, we transfer the classes to the field, observing all the precautions indicated above in case of a sharp change in the place of the classes. It is necessary for the first lessons in the land to choose a mowed or plowed field. In such a field, the bird will be better seen if it suddenly sits on the ground. In addition, seeing you from afar, on open space the bird will behave calmer in an unfamiliar environment. This will make it easier to approach her and lure her to the lure or glove. Sitting in the grass, the bird will be deprived of vision, become nervous and, frightened by the approaching noise made by the falconer looking for it, may fly even further, not paying attention to the glove and lure. But we hope that the falcon does not fall to the ground, flying off the glove.

So, the bird knows the lure and instantly reacts to it, throwing itself from the perch. For several days you carried the bird on a glove across the field chosen for the first free flight, and the bird had the opportunity to get acquainted with this place, albeit from the height of your elbow. It's time to try the bird in flight. If you have such an opportunity, consult with a more experienced friend. Demonstrate all the reactions of your pupil and, having received approval, go out with the bird to the middle of the field. The nearest place where a bird can sit (tree, pole, building, etc.) should be no closer than 1 kilometer. The bird should not be weakened, emaciated or overfed. Must have a keen interest in the surroundings and show vigorous flight when baited with a glove and lure from a perch.

It is advisable to accustom the bird to the inviting sound (whistle or cry) that accompanies the lure and glove with food offered to it. And also to the mini-transmitter fixed on it (on the paw or tail) - the transmitter and bells. It is necessary to carefully consider the weather - there should not be a strong and gusty wind, rain. It is better to practice in the morning or in the middle, but not in the evening. Because if the bird leaves, you will have more time to search for it before dusk.

You went out into the field with a bird on your hand comfortable spot. Unfasten the debtor and the swivel from the putz. Remove the cowl from the bird's head and let it look around. Calmly and slowly lift the gloved bird up above you and wait. Do not force the bird to fly off the glove!!! The bird looks around, can stretch its wings and shake itself. And after a certain period of time it will fly off the glove, flying away from you. This is where patience and calmness are needed! If the bird is healthy and not weak, it will confidently fly in the chosen direction and will not land on the ground. For the first time, lower it 50-60 meters away from you and, with the usual shout or whistle, throw out the lure, rotating it on the cord.

The bird may not be instantly, but it will turn its attention to you. Keep calm and spin the lure! It will turn around and fly towards you. When it approaches, habitually throw the lure on the ground and let the bird eat its fill. Make the next day hungry. In the future, repeat the same exercise to consolidate the reaction of the bird in a free state to stimuli (sound and lure). The next step in training is provocation to fly around you. Do everything the same as in the previous lesson, but when the returning bird approaches, hide the lure in your bag or behind your back and watch the bird. She will not be confused for long and will probably immediately begin to fly around you in a circle, looking for a lure. Let the lure fly around you a couple of times and, throwing out the lure, let the bird take it on the ground. If the bird begins to fly away from you again, call it by throwing out the lure and give it to the bird on the ground.

After a couple of days, the bird will learn its lesson and will know where the food comes from and where to expect it - near you, not in the field. First of all, keep an eye on the working weight and behavior of the bird and respond correctly to its changes. Do not be presumptuous when letting the bird go far away or often calling, deceiving her expectations of food. Do not hurry! After a week of classes, the bird will fly in circles above you (height is not important yet). He will allow himself to be deceived two times out of three - calling to the lure, hiding it at the last moment - and will enter the next circle to attack. The time will come to think about grafting and how to increase the height of the hunter's flight. But this is a different stage of training.

You can get to it by:

hard reflex on the lure
flight duration in circles up to 10-15 minutes
own peace of mind when the bird is a kilometer or more away from you

Sergei Aliskerov.