Pushkin love lyrics. Preparation for literature lessons (All essays are given for examples)

The theme of love in Pushkin's works not only describes emotional condition a person in the period of falling in love, but reflects the poet's special attitude to this feeling. Pushkin's love lyrics cover life, philosophical, psychological problems, is the inspirational source of all creativity.

In contact with

Early lyrics

Years spent in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, contributed not only to the development of the poetic gift of the young lyceum student. The ideas of free thought that reigned in the old lyceum walls, influenced the formation of:

  • personality;
  • worldview;
  • attitudes towards literary art.

Pushkin's attitude to love is not yet so vividly reflected than in later years.

The poems born during these years show how the theme of love is revealed in Pushkin's lyrics in the initial period of the poet's formation, how his pen is gradually perfected.

Important! The early youthful poetry of Pushkin is a kind of generalization and his own analysis of the poetic creations of the classics of Russian and world literature.

In the early cycle of Pushkin's poems, female images are outlined schematically: "Singer", Beauty "," Desire ". Pushkin's youthful lyrics are, first of all, the experience of a mysterious inexplicable feeling. The poet spoke about the very desire to love, "torment of love" is dear to him.

In the message "To Natalia" the poet addresses the serf actress. The poem is written in the style of classicism. The young man talks about his first passionate feelings, which he is still ashamed of, admires the beauty of a young girl.

Analysis of the poetry of the Lyceum period, written about love, gives reason for researchers to consider Pushkin a follower of the Greek poet Anacreon, author of hymns and light words about love over a "full cup of wine." The young poet writes about the first love joys and disappointments, loyalty to the friendly lyceum brotherhood. Paying tribute to the fashionable hobby at that time, he often leaves epigrams in ladies' albums and playful poems. In the arsenal of the poet there are whole list: "To the beauty who sniffed tobacco", "In Golitsina's album", "Monk". They are filled with light humor, unexpected paradoxes, and funny play on words.

Attention! Literary critics note that at the early stage, two features were characteristic of the Pushkin style. On the one hand, a creative, bold approach to the tasks of literary art, rejection of obsolete stereotypes, on the other, a variety of genre motives.

The mature lyre of the poet

Mature lyrics by Alexander Pushkin- this is the style of the poet with the awareness of his high mission of the creator. He contrasts the frailty and brevity of earthly existence with the incorruptibility of the poetic soul "in the cherished lyre", capable of surviving oblivion and decay.

The love lyrics of Pushkin, as an already formed poet, combines lyric poems about love with philosophical thoughts about the joy of being, the meaning of human existence. Without love, for a person with a subtle poetic soul, there is neither a surge of creative powers, nor the joy of experiencing all-consuming feelings, nor "inspiration", nor "deity", nor happiness. Pushkin's mature love lyrics are intoxication with love for a woman, which brings incomparable, sweet suffering and deep feelings, admiration.

Sonnet "Madonna" Pushkin dedicated to his wife, Natalia Goncharova. The poet does not want to see fine works of ancient masters in his monastery. He does not need "the important judgment of the experts." He himself painted his wonderful face, which appeared to him as an ideal, "the purest example." Before him appeared not a personified, but a generalized image of a Woman, sent by the Creator from heaven, full of "purest delight."

In the poem "I loved you ..." the feeling of love moves from a romantic halo to more specific descriptions of feelings experienced. The lyrical hero is a man. The author reveals his spiritual world, experiences. Feelings of experienced love, perhaps not extinguished, tormented by "timidity", then by "tenderness", are expressed very clearly. The image of a woman is idealized. The author does not characterize it inner peace speaking with sincerely open feelings from the "two faces". it confession poem, where the poet renounces the petty possessive "I", presenting love as a good, a divine gift, as a feeling that can make a loving person no less happy than a loved one.

Peculiarities love lyrics Pushkin of that period are in the description of deep inner experiences.

Southern cycle

Pushkin's love lyrics were replenished during finding him in exile in the south. Researchers have included selected poems in the list of the "southern period" of the poet's work. The poem "Talisman" is attributed to this time, although in fact it was written after returning to St. Petersburg.

The plot of the poem is associated with the ring with carnelian, which was presented to the poet at the meeting by Countess Yekaterina Vorontsova, the governor's wife. The amazing melody of the verse is akin to an oriental fairy tale, where a mysterious amulet is personified, and is able to keep love, evil and oblivion from betrayal and treachery. However, a wonderful talisman, presented by an oriental beauty, would not help to rush from the warm southern regions to the native north.

The fate of the talisman is no less mysterious. After the death of the poet, the ring passed to his teacher, Zhukovsky. Then the writer Turgenev became its owner. During the years of the revolution, the relic was lost.

Another poem dedicated to Vorontsova is "The Burnt Letter". A piece of paper is the only thing that remains as a reminder of the feelings experienced. But the letter was set on fire. Noble and loving person able not only to preserve feelings, but to think about the honor of a woman with whom, by the will of fate, he was not destined to be together. Only "dear ash" left memories of fleeting ghostly happiness, and the seal left by the cherished ring was turned into a sealing wax by the merciless fire.

Even more tangible vague worries of the poetic soul in the poem "Night haze lies on the hills of Georgia ...". Love is associated with philosophical motives. The author discusses Love as the Good, the great meaning of life. He is opposed to Hatred, which is born of Evil. The feeling of love is given to a person in order to live. Hatred leads to death.

Pushkin's southern lyrics are poems, in which, along with sincere delight and sincerity, motives of sad disappointment sound, vague melancholy, loneliness.

The pearl of love lyrics

Love in the life and work of the poet played a primary role.

The pearl of Pushkin's lyric cycle love is rightfully considered "I remember a wonderful moment ...". The poet deifies a woman to whom emotional, sensual lines are addressed, and calls them “a genius of pure beauty”. That wonderful, bright moment when a person experienced an incomprehensible, eternal secret feeling of love - forever remained in the memory. Dissolved in time and space. It made the “heart into ecstasy” beat again, resurrect tears of joy and love.

The originality of Pushkin's notes

What Pushkin said about the experienced love is always sincere, heartfelt and open.

A certain emotional tonality expresses a special mood of feelings: joyful moments of meeting with a loved one, rapture with enchanting beauty, sadness and confusion of the period of southern exile, when "the stormy gust of rebellious dispelled old dreams", tells about the painful days of imprisonment in Mikhailovskoye.

The lyrical Pushkin hero is always open in his sincere feelings. His emotional impulses are multifaceted:

  • he is tormented by passion and jealousy;
  • filled with happy moments;
  • is disappointed.

But even "his sorrow is bright," and tragic notes do not lead to despondency.

Pushkin's attitude to love is ambiguous. The love theme often overlaps with philosophical motives about everyday joys and hardships, about the transience of life and the eternity of being.

Important! An analysis of the poet's love lyrics is not just a study of the role that love played in Pushkin's personal life and literary work. These works give an idea of ​​the poet's subtle emotional experiences, his life ideals, and reveal his worldview.

It is not surprising that each person has his own favorite lines of the poetry of Pushkin, a poet who erected a "miraculous monument" for himself during his lifetime.

Abstracts in biology, ecology and environmental protection

Preparation for literature lessons
(All essays are given as an example)

A memorable day of summer holidays. Children's stories on the topic: "How did I spend my summer?"

A. S. Pushkin

The theme of love in the lyrics of A. Pushkin

Approximate text of the essay

The poetry of Pushkin reveals the wealth and talent of his nature with amazing poetic power. Among the many talents generously given to him by nature, there is the talent to love, see and feel beauty, to appreciate one of the strongest and most beautiful human feelings.

When you read his poems about love, then there is a feeling of the infinity of this feeling, which has no boundaries, which does not obey anything, even a person's own will.

Pushkin's love lyrics involuntarily lead to the idea that "all ages are submissive to love." She bewitches with her charms both a young man who is just beginning to live and a mature, wise person. Pushkin's poems about love are a kind of poetic diary that conveys all the main shades and stages of the development of love feelings. They help to trace how the attitude towards love in Pushkin's lyrics is changing.

The youthful poem "Desire", written in the lyceum years, conveys only one facet of this feeling - sadness, despondency, longing for the first unhappy love. But even these sufferings and tears are dear to the lyrical hero. Even though love hurts, he doesn't want to get rid of it.

The torment of my love is dear to me -
Let me die, but let me die loving!

This means that even the very suffering of love is capable of spiritualizing a person's life - this is the meaning of the poem.

Years go by. The poet's perception of love is changing. We find a new sounding of this theme in the poem "The flying ridge is thinning the clouds ..." It combines two equally powerful elements - nature and love. The majestic landscape full of harmony is reminiscent of love.

A sad star, an evening star
Your ray has silvered the faded plains
And the dormant bay, and the black rocks of the summit.
I love your weak light in the heavenly height:
He awakened the thoughts that fell asleep in me.

Here love is no longer the source of suffering, but the source of life itself, in which a person is to experience joy, grief, anxiety, and lack of freedom. What will help him withstand the persecutions of fate? Of course, love that can work wonders. This is precisely the meaning of Pushkin's wonderful masterpiece "I remember a wonderful moment." It was written under the impression of the poet's meeting in Mikhailovsky with A.P. Kern, whom he met in St. Petersburg and which made an unforgettable poetic impression on him. Loneliness of exile, "darkness of confinement", monotony of empty sad days, it seemed, could kill love.

The years passed. Rebellious gust of storms
Dispelled old dreams
And I forgot your gentle voice
Your heavenly features.

Together with love, the poet's soul also perishes. But a new meeting with the "genius of pure beauty" performs a real miracle - it resurrects love, which brings with it creative inspiration, a sense of the fullness of life.

And my heart beats in rapture
And for him they were resurrected again
And deity and inspiration,
And life, and tears, and love.

Love reveals to the poet the beauty and wealth of the world, forms his ideal of beauty, which Pushkin remarkably embodied in the poem "Madonna", dedicated to Natalia Goncharova. In the light, divine face depicted in the picture, the poet recognizes the beautiful features of his beloved woman; he is filled with gratitude for this meeting, which fate has bestowed on him.

My wishes came true. Creator
You have sent me down, my madonna,
The purest charm, the purest specimen.

Over the years, an understanding of the humane basis of love comes to Pushkin, which finds expression in a small poem "I loved you." It conveys experiences lyric hero who breaks up with his beloved woman. This is one of the saddest moments of love. It is then that resentment, jealousy, and vindictiveness often awaken in a person. But there is nothing of this in the poem. There is only a completely natural sadness caused by parting with a woman whose love "has not completely faded away", gratitude for those happy moments that she gave him, and a sincere wish for the once beloved woman happiness and love with another.

I loved you wordlessly, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you beloved to be different.

These simple, concise lines make you think about a lot, about the fact that real love there cannot be an egoistic feeling that it is in this intimate sphere that one must be able to maintain generosity, breadth of soul, benevolence, nobility. The amazing Pushkin poetry leads us to such thoughts, encouraging us to become better, cleaner, kinder, making the world around us rich and beautiful. Each poem by Pushkin contains a generalization of what was experienced and felt by him. Therefore, his poems about love have become a school of true humanity.

For his short life, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote dozens of wonderful works in the lyrical style. This is the lyrics of love, this is friendly and patriotic lyrics. Each poem is filled with its own special meaning, with different emotions and feelings.

An excellent poetic work is the poem "Confession", in the lines of which the author appears before us as a loving and sensual nature. Pushkin writes about sadness and sadness without that beloved who won his heart. He talks about his hesitation to voice cherished phrase"I love you".

A beautiful love poem "" in just one line can characterize the whole life path Alexander Sergeevich. “And the heart burns and loves again ...” because he cannot live without love.

A living heart needs passionate, hot emotions that only love can give.

Reading deeply into the lines of the poem "" we still do not know to whom Pushkin addressed his poetic work. But, in any case, these were strong emotions that touched the author to the depths of his soul, which awakened a stream in him. vital energy... He repeats this line three times in the poem. It is not embellished with either epithets or metaphors. A separate, small sentence sounds strong and clear. The impossibility of reciprocal love forces the lyric hero to step aside and not grieve the one and only beloved who cannot reciprocate.

Pushkin, in addition to love feelings, also mentions the love suffering that arises from unrequited love: "I loved you silently, hopelessly ...".

Another amazing poem that refers to Pushkin's love lyrics is “I remember wonderful moment... ". The author was madly in love with Anna Kern. He had an affair with this woman. He was fascinated by her beauty, tenderness and kindness. Her image evoked in Pushkin's soul a new creative inspiration and desire to create.

We also get to know a wonderful lyrical character in the novel "". - this is the ideal of female beauty and purity, according to Pushkin. He introduces Tatyana to readers as a modest, well-mannered, kind and gentle girl.

Analyzing all of his poetic works, we see that they do not have a specific personality to whom they are dedicated. At different periods of his life, Pushkin turns to love lyrics and love feelings caused by different women. And all his works simply win the hearts of both readers and readers.

Love lyrics of poets of all times and generations.
Part 12.

Alexander Pushkin

The fire of desire burns in the blood
Your soul is hurt
Kiss me: your kiss
Myrrh and wine are sweeter to me.
Lean your head towards me,
And yes, almost serene,
Until the fun day dies
And the night shadow will move.


Alexander Pushkin


Goodbye letter of love! goodbye: she ordered ...
How long have I delayed! how long didn’t want
Hand to set fire to all my joys! ..
But complete, the hour has come. Burn, letter of love.
I'm ready; my soul hears nothing.
Already the greedy flame accepts your sheets ...
A minute! .. flashed! are burning - light smoke,
Curl, lost with my prayer.
Already the ring of the faithful losing the impression,
The melted wax is boiling ... O providence!
It is finished! Dark folded sheets;
On light ashes, their cherished features
They turn white ... My chest was shy. Ashes dear
Poor joy in my sad fate,
Stay a century with me on a woeful chest ...


Alexander Pushkin

It's all over: there is no connection between us.
Embracing your knees for the last time
I uttered sorrowful penalties.
It's over - I hear your answer.
I won't deceive myself again
I won't chase you with longing,
Perhaps I will forget the past -
Love was not created for me.
You are young: your soul is beautiful,
And you will be loved by many.


Alexander Pushkin

So this is a joke? My sweetheart,
How timid, how slow-witted I am!
I cried over your calculated - harsh,
Short and dry writing;
Neither a friendly affection, nor an honest word
You did not please the heart in it.
I asked: is it a demon of discord
Did you lead mockingly with your hand?
I said: “when a quarrel separates us -
But so hard, so bitter, so sad,
So gentle was last hour parting ...
Still your friend could not forget him,
And again you send him torment
Doubt, guesswork and anxiety -
Tell me why? .. Is it not an empty lie,
Scattered by idle slander
Was your soul indignant?
And, tormented by a painful affliction,
You are over your absent friend
Has she pronounced the court without acquittal?
Or was it just one random whim,
Or old anger? .. "An unsolvable mystery
I suffered: I cried and suffered,
The frightened mind wandered in conjectures,
I was pathetic in severe despair ...
The end of everything! with your single word
You returned to my soul again
And the old world and the old love;
And my heart sends you blessings
As a messenger of unexpected salvation ...
So the nanny will take the child into the forest
And she will hide behind a tall bush;
Alarmed, he seeks and calls,
And rushes about in cruel melancholy,
And falls, powerless, on the grass ...
And the nanny suddenly: ay! ay!
There is joy in it sudden heart beats
He forgot everything: he cries and laughs,
And he jumps and runs merrily,
And he falls - and does not scold the nanny,
But the culprit of fear presses to the heart,
As from the misfortune of having rescued a friend ...


Love poems and love poems

Alexander Pushkin


I love you - even though I am mad,
Although this is labor and shame in vain,
And in this unhappy stupidity
At your feet, I confess!
It does not suit me and beyond my years ...
It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!
But I recognize by all the signs
The disease of love in my soul:
I'm bored without you, - I yawn;
With you I am sad - I endure;
And, no urine, I wish to say
My angel, how I love you!
When I hear from the living room
Your easy step, or the noise of the dress,
Or the voice is virgin, innocent,
I suddenly lose all my mind.
You smile, - I am glad;
You turn away, - I am longing;
For a day of torment - a reward
Your pale hand to me.
When at the hoop diligently
You sit, bending over carelessly,
Eyes and curls lower, -
I am in emotion, silently, tenderly
I admire you like a child! ..
Should I tell you my misfortune,
My jealous sorrow
When to walk, sometimes in bad weather.
Are you going into the distance?
And your tears alone
And speeches in the corner together,
And travel to Opochka,
And a piano in the evening? ..
Alina! have mercy on me.
I dare not demand love.
Perhaps for my sins,
My angel, I am not worth love!
But pretend! This look
He can express everything so wonderfully!
Ah, it's not difficult to deceive me! ..
I'm glad to be deceived myself!


Alexander Pushkin

Will you forgive me jealous dreams
Is my love crazy excitement?
You are true to me: why do you love
Always frighten my imagination?
Surrounded by a crowd of fans
Why do you want to seem cute for everyone,
And gives everyone an empty hope
Your wonderful gaze, now gentle, now dull?
Having taken possession of me, having darkened my mind,
Confident in my unhappy love,
Do you not see when, in their passionate crowd,
Conversations are alien, alone and silent,
I am tormented by lonely annoyance;
Not a word to me, not a look ... cruel friend!
I want to run: with fear and entreaty
Your eyes don't follow me.
Does another beauty turn on
Ambiguous conversation with me:
You are calm; funny your reproach
It dies me, not expressing love.
Say also: my eternal rival,
I found me alone with you
Why does he greet you slyly? ...
What is he to you? Tell me what right
Does he turn pale and jealous? ...
In an immodest hour between evening and light,
Without a mother, alone, half-dressed,
Why should you take it? ...
But I love ... Alone with me
You are so tender! Your kissing
So fiery! The words of your love
So sincerely full of your soul!
My torment is ridiculous to you;
But I love you, I understand you.
My dear friend, do not torment me, I pray:
You don't know how much I love
You don’t know how hard I suffer.

Alexander Pushkin

No, I don't value rebellious delight
Sensual delight, madness, frenzy,
With the groaning, screams of a young bacchante,
When, twisting like a snake in my arms,
A burst of passionate caresses and ulcers of kissing
She hastens the moment of the last tremors!

Oh, how sweeter you are, my humble woman!
Oh, how painfully happy I am with you,
When, bowing to long prayers,
You surrender to me tender without intoxication,
Shyly cold, to my delight
You barely answer, you hear nothing
And then you come to life more and more, more -
And you finally share my flame from captivity!


Alexander Pushkin

My voice for you is both gentle and languid
Disturbing the late silence of the dark night.
Near my bed is a sad candle
Is on; my poems, merging and murmuring,
Flow, streams of love, flow, full of you.
In the darkness your eyes shine before me
They smile at me, and I hear the sounds:
My friend, my gentle friend ... I love ... yours ... yours! ..


Alexander Pushkin

Empty you hearty you
She replaced with a word,
And all the happy dreams
In the soul of a lover aroused.
I stand before her thoughtfully
There is no power to take her eyes off her;
And I say to her: how sweet you are!
And I think: how I love you!

Love ... It occupies, perhaps, one of the dominant places in the work of every art worker. Poetry is no exception. "Our Everything", A. Pushkin, was no exception. Each of his poems is a piece of his soul, which he reveals to his readers and, of course, to his Beautiful Lady. Consider how the theme of love is revealed in Pushkin's lyrics. For this, we present the most vivid and emotional poems.

The place of love themes in Pushkin's work

Speaking about how the theme of love is revealed in Pushkin's lyrics, it should be said that it is very rich in images and has many faces. Indeed, in addition to his writing talent, he had another one - to love, and not just, but to appreciate this feeling, to admire him.

It is worth mentioning that Pushkin is the founder of the Russian original love lyrics (before that, the reader had to be content only with translated literature or imitations of European poets). V. Belinsky himself noted that for the poet this high feeling is not limited only to feelings, his other qualities, of an artist and an artist, are embodied here.

The poet's innovation in the love theme

To begin with, let's analyze how the theme of love and friendship has changed in Pushkin's lyrics, in contrast to its predecessors.

One of the most important innovations is that he freed his works from submission to any genre. Within the framework of one poem, we can find a message, an elegy, and a romance. Such are his works "K ***" or "I loved you." Content is now at the forefront, and the form of expression is already devoted to it.

And Pushkin's poems about love are different, different in theme. As you know, before his arrival at the Olympus of poetry, romanticism reigned there with might and main, with his inherent rebel hero, overcome by passions, cursing circumstances and the subject of sighing, forever suffering from unrequited love... was a real tragedy for the romantic hero. What is Alexander Sergeevich doing?

The theme of love and friendship in Pushkin's lyrics is fueled primarily by worldly wisdom and common sense. He no longer curses the object of passion for but leaves the woman the right to choose, he admits the idea that love may not last forever. Pushkin's poems about the extinct are a kind of gratitude to the woman for that wonderful, noble feeling that the poet himself experienced.

Love for him is the very nature of man, a natural feeling that can bring only joy into his life. This is the highest goodness, a divine gift.

The evolution of love lyrics

The great poet lived a regrettably short life, but during this time the theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics also evolved. We will briefly present this below.

I would like to note right away that such poems in the poet's work are extremely biographical. Lyceum years - the beginning of the poet's reflections on love. These poems of light content, somewhere a little intimate, always dedicated to a specific woman. A little later they will be replaced by the civilian component. Suffice it to recall the lines "To Chaadaev": "Love, hope, quiet glory. The deception did not last long for us." Here love is intertwined with friendship and civic duty.

Further - a link, where there is time to rethink your attitude to many things, including love. This is how the thought of the tragedy of love comes to the poet. It is worth noting that this period of his life is associated with a passion for romanticism - hence the tragic attitude towards feelings.

Soon, Pushkin reconsiders what love is. He understands that in suffering there is only destruction, and it is destructive for inspiration.

He again puts creative love at the head of creativity, but now it is something more than in his youth: it is a great goodness, bright sacrifice, an ideal.

Consider how the theme of love is reflected in Pushkin's lyrics, with specific examples.

Poem "Desire"

The poem Desire, written in 1816, is a kind of sad hymn to first love. She did not bring happiness to the poet. Quite the opposite: the poet is surrounded by "despondency", "sorrows" and "tears".

However, this is the whole Pushkin: the poet does not want to part with wonderful feeling on the contrary, he finds comfort in him. Even the sorrows that the soul experiences are dear to him. The poem belongs to the early period of Pushkin's work, therefore it is subordinated to a certain style, namely elegiac - a sad representation of the feeling of love.

From the means of expressiveness, it is worth highlighting the metaphors: "soul, captivated by anguish"; many epithets: "sad heart"; an appeal to the soul and even an oxymoron: "bitter delight", which speaks of the inconsistency of the feelings experienced. On the one hand, there is bitterness about unrequited love, on the other, joy, because he is experiencing this wonderful feeling.

Poem "I remember a wonderful moment"

The poem, which is a textbook - "K ***". Here, the theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics is revealed in all its facets. It is dedicated to A. Kern.

This young woman shone with her " pure beauty"In the secular society of St. Petersburg. Pushkin immediately noticed her at one of the balls, but the rules of decency did not allow him to express his sympathy to Kern, because she was married. Later, during exile, he meets Anna again, now she is divorced, leads a fairly free lifestyle - nothing prevents the poet from showing sympathy. At this time (1925) it was written "I remember a wonderful moment ...".

It's amazing how this story of many years, with deep sympathy, impossibility of recognition, exile and a new meeting, was able to fit the poet into just six quatrains. Pushkin associates his "imprisonment" with the absence of love and inspiration in life, but this great feeling can give flight to creativity, revive, make you feel again.

The poem "I loved you"

The year 1829 was marked by the creation of this masterpiece, where the theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics sparkled with its facets. Poems are small, only 8 lines, but what a! It was not possible for certain to find out to whom the lines were addressed, however, many Pushkin scholars agree that the culprit of the lines is A. Olenina. The theme of the poem is the saddest moment for any couple - parting. Pushkin endures the idea that instead of feeling resentment, hatred towards a partner who has stopped loving, gratitude should come for the fact that this feeling was. He sincerely wishes Olenin's happiness, even if not with him.

Here the idea of ​​the divine origin of love, that feeling is a gift, is clearly fixed and proved. Pushkin denies all selfishness in love and encourages benevolence - all lines are filled with this feeling, and not contempt.

The construction of the poem is interesting. The phrase "I loved you" is pronounced three times, and each time with new semantic shades. The first time - a statement of fact, emphasized the nobility and the absence of claims. The second is a story about feelings experienced, worries, the magnitude of emotional experiences. The third is nobility and the desire for only happiness. This is the kind of love according to Pushkin.

Poem "On the hills of Georgia"

The poem was written, like the previous one, in 1829. It is dedicated to the poet's wife, but then still just a girl in love with - Natalya Goncharova. This is one of the works where the theme of love in Pushkin's lyrics is revealed through the images of nature. The poet experiences very contradictory feelings, akin to a natural picture: the high hills of Georgia on the one hand and the river in the gorge on the other. Hence - the use of antonymic concepts: "sad and easy"; "sadness is light".

This poem is a statement of the whole concept of Pushkin's love lyrics: love is a gift, the same as life. These two components of human existence arise, blossom and disappear. That is why sadness is light - everything is as it should be. You just need to be grateful to God and fate for the fact that you experience such a feeling, because it might not have been.

Poem "Madonna"

The poem, written in 1830, is also dedicated to N. Goncharova. The difference from the previous one is that the poet is now the girl's fiancé, and there are only a few months left before the wedding.

Why does Pushkin suddenly turn to the strict form of the sonnet here? The fact is that this genre has always reflected this kind of statement of fact, without embellishment or exaggeration. Through three parts of the poem, the poet paints a picture of an ideal family. Again, as in previous works, the divine principle is attributed to love. He equates the husband with the creator, the wife with the Mother of God, whose purpose is to bear and give birth to the fruit of this love, its continuation.