Why is love in the lyrics of Vladimir Mayakovsky always tragic? (USE in Literature). "Love lyrics

There are poets who seem to be open to love, and all their work is literally permeated with this wonderful feeling. These are Pushkin, Akhmatova, Blok, Tsvetaeva and many others. And there are those who are hard to imagine in love. And first of all, Vladimir Mayakovsky comes to mind. Poems about love in his work, at first glance, seem completely out of place, since he is usually perceived as a singer of the revolution. Is this so, let's try to find out by taking a closer look at the poet.

Mayakovsky - the beginning of a creative path

The poet's homeland is Georgia. Parents came from a noble family, although his father served as a simple forester. Sudden death the breadwinner forces the family to move to Moscow. There, Mayakovsky entered the gymnasium, but two years later he was expelled for non-payment of tuition, and took up revolutionary activities. He was arrested several times and spent almost a year in a cell. This happened in 1909. Then for the first time he began to try to write poetry, absolutely terrible, in his words. However, it was this year that Mayakovsky, and whose famous poems were yet to come, considered the beginning of his poetic career.

The poet of the revolution

It cannot be said that the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky was completely devoted to the revolution. Everything is far from clear. The poet unconditionally accepted her, was an active participant in those events, and many of his works were indeed dedicated to her. He practically deified her, believed in the ideals that she carried, and defended. Undoubtedly, he was the mouthpiece of the revolution, and his poems were a kind of agitation.

Love in the life of Mayakovsky

Deep emotionality is inherent in all creative natures. Vladimir Mayakovsky was no exception. theme through all his work. Outwardly rude, in fact, the poet was a very vulnerable person, a hero of a rather lyrical nature. And love in the life and work of Mayakovsky occupied far from the last place. He, wide soul, knew how to instantly fall in love, and not for a short time, but for a long time. But the poet was unlucky in love. All relationships ended tragically, and the last love in his life led to suicide.

Addressees of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

In the life of the poet there were four women whom he loved unconditionally strongly. love lyrics Mayakovsky is connected primarily with them. Who are they, the muses of the poet, to whom he dedicated his poems?

Maria Denisova is the first with whom Mayakovsky's love lyrics are associated. He fell in love with her in Odessa, in 1914, and dedicated the poem "A Cloud in Trousers" to the girl. It was also the first strong feeling of the poet. Therefore, the poem turned out to be so poignantly honest. This is a real cry of a lover who waits several painful hours for his beloved girl, and she comes only to announce that she is marrying a more prosperous person.

Tatyana Alekseevna Yakovleva. The poet met her in October 1928 in Paris. The meeting ended with instant love for each other. A young emigrant and a tall, under two meters tall Mayakovsky, were a wonderful couple. He dedicated two of his poems to her - "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." and "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva."

In December, the poet leaves for Moscow, but already in February 1929 he returns to France again. His feelings for Yakovleva were so strong and serious that he proposed to her, but received neither refusal nor consent.

Relations with Tatyana ended tragically. Planning to come back in the fall, Mayakovsky could not do this because of problems with a visa. In addition, he suddenly finds out that his love is getting married in Paris. The poet was so shocked by this news that he said that if he did not see Tatiana again, he would shoot himself.

And then the search for that one true love began again. The poet began to seek consolation from other women.

Mayakovsky's last love

Veronika Vitoldovna Polonskaya - theater actress. Mayakovsky met her in 1929 through Osip Brik. This was not done by chance, in the hope that the charming girl would interest the poet and distract him from the tragic events associated with Yakovleva. The calculation turned out to be correct. Mayakovsky was seriously carried away by Polonskaya, so much so that he began to demand from her a break with her husband. And she, loving the poet, could not start a conversation with her husband, realizing what a blow it would be for him. And Polonskaya's husband believed to the end in his wife's fidelity.

It was painful love for both. Mayakovsky became more and more nervous every day, and she kept delaying the explanation with her husband. April 14, 1930 they saw each other for the last time. Polonskaya claims that there was no talk of a breakup, the poet once again asked her to leave her husband and leave the theater. A minute after her departure, already on the stairs, Polonskaya heard a shot. Returning to the poet's apartment, she found him dying. So tragically ended the last love and life of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Lilya Brik

This woman, without exaggeration, occupied the main place in the heart of the poet. She is his strongest and "sick" love. Almost all of Mayakovsky's love lyrics after 1915 are dedicated to her.

The meeting with her took place a year after the break in relations with Denisova. Mayakovsky was at first infatuated with his younger sister Lily, and at the first meeting he mistook her for the governess of his beloved. Later, Lily officially met the poet. They were amazed by his poems, and he instantly fell in love with this extraordinary woman.

Their relationship was strange and incomprehensible to others. Lily's husband had an affair, and was not physically attracted to his wife, but in his own way he loved her very much. Lily adored her husband, and when she was once asked whom she would still choose - Mayakovsky or Brik, she answered without hesitation that her husband. But the poet was extremely dear to her. This strange relationship lasted 15 years, until the death of Mayakovsky.

Features of Mayakovsky's love lyrics

The features of the poet's lyrics are most clearly seen in his poem "I Love", dedicated to Lila Brik.

Love for Mayakovsky is a deep personal experience, and not an established opinion about it. This feeling is inherent in every person from birth, but the inhabitants, who value comfort and prosperity more in life, quickly lose love. She, according to the poet, “shrinks” with them.

A feature of the poet's love lyrics is his conviction that if a person loves someone, he must completely follow the chosen one, always support him in everything, even if the loved one is wrong. According to Mayakovsky, love is disinterested, it is not afraid of quarrels and distance.

The poet is a maximalist in everything, so his love knows no halftones. She does not know peace, and the author writes about this in his last poem "Unfinished": "... I hope, I believe, shameful prudence will never come to me."

Poems about love

Mayakovsky's love lyrics are represented by a small number of poems. GNO each of them is a small piece of the poet's life with its sorrows and joys, despair and pain. “I love”, “Cloud in pants”, “Unfinished”, “About this”, “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva”, “Letter to Comrade Kostrov ...”, “Flute-spine”, “Lilichka!” - this is a short list of works by Vladimir Mayakovsky about love.

The theme of love, perhaps, has already become traditional for Russian literature. It is this theme that is the very casket of constant inspiration and ideas, pushing famous authors to create new works of art. Absolutely all poets saw something personal in this great and grandiose. Pushkin, for example, saw in such a wonderful feeling as love delight in the soul and beauty of a woman, it is also bright and wonderful feeling which uplifts and ennobles man.

For Lermontov, love is a feeling that can only bring pain and disappointment to a person. For the hero of Blok, who bowed before one charming and charming lady, love lures to itself, first of all, with its secret and mystery of these unusual and amazing feelings. In the works of Mayakovsky, love is expressed in a very unusual way, unlike others.

Love in Mayakovsky, a phenomenon that incorporates a lot of concepts, of course, it is not just for him separate part or a genre in poetry, but the very meaning and essence of poetry, which contains something personal and sacred, which passes into different works of the author.

Mayakovsky wrote his very first poem in 1915 and it was called "A Cloud in Pants", and he himself called it "four screams", she received such a nickname from the author because she was divided into four parts under the titles "Down with your love, your art, your order, your religion." The very first “cry”, according to the general opinion, of the readers is the strongest and most intense, it is after it that the other three cries appear. This is the cry of a person who has gone off the "flat path" from hatred and pain.

The protagonist is truly embraced by a gigantic range of feelings and emotions, he makes too great demands on love: to turn himself so that there are "only lips", to be "indescribably tender", in a word, "a cloud in his pants". Love that goes unanswered breaks his heart and leads him to the horror of lost happiness. It is for these reasons that, as he himself says, his heart burns inside him. The first torment is the expectation of a beloved woman. A fire flares up in his heart more and more, anger and anger only increase with time and it becomes clear to everyone that something bad is about to happen soon. Finally, the climax happens - the dance of nerves. The solution to all this occurs in the chapter called "You have entered", but unfortunately, this turns out to be not the culmination, but the ascent to the starting point of the escalation of the conflict, the limit to all this is reached only in the last stanzas of the first chapter.

Composition The theme of love in Mayakovsky's work

Almost every Russian poet in his works first of all tried to convey his feelings, emotions, love. That is why often each poem of poets is precisely their story. One of the famous Russian poets is Vladimir Mayakovsky, who was recognized as a rebel poet of his time.

Many considered him just a screamer and an agitator. However, despite all this, this poet was an incredibly sensitive person, with a beautiful and very vulnerable soul, who knew how to truly love. All this he found a way out in each of his works about love.

Each poem strikes with the passionate power of the feelings that the poet experienced while writing it. Mayakovsky believed that love is the most important thing that should be in the life of every person. He equated the feeling of love with life itself, sincerely believing that not one person could live without love.

All the works of Vladimir Mayakovsky about this wonderful and tender feeling tend to open the soul of the reader, expose the most secret love experiences, help to find exactly your person.

The deepest line of love that the poet puts into his works surprises and amazes with a rather rich and frank imagery, the beauty of feeling.

It should also be noted that all poems, without a single exception, are filled with various metaphors that amaze with their uniqueness and originality. The use of comparative technique in poems makes them unique and unlike the works of other poets.

Very often, when writing such works, poets and writers only want to convey to people the understanding that true love still exists, you just need to wait for it, you just need to sincerely believe in it, and it will inevitably overtake everyone.

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The life of VV Mayakovsky with all its joys and sorrows, hopes and despairs is in his poems. The works of the poet, telling about his life, cannot but touch on the theme of love.

The poet believed that one can only write about what he himself experienced, therefore all his works are largely autobiographical. Although the earliest poems about love (“I”, “Love”, the tragedy “Vladimir Mayakovsky”) have little to do with the personal experiences of the poet. Later, Mayakovsky's famous poem "A Cloud in Pants" appears, in which the poet talks about his unrequited love, which caused him excruciating, unbearable pain.

Your son is very sick!

He has a heart of fire.

This tragic love is not fictional. David Burliuk, who together with Mayakovsky performed in Odessa in 1914, says in his memoirs that Mayakovsky's first love was Maria, whom he met in Odessa ("It was, it was in Odessa.")

From some sources it is known that an obstacle arose between Mayakovsky and Maria, one of those that were generated by the then social life, social conditions based on the inequality of people, on the dominance of material calculations. The poem gives a very brief explanation of this in the words of Mary herself:

You entered

Sharp, like "here!",

Mucha suede gloves,


"You know -

I'm getting married".

The main and brightest muse of Vladimir Mayakovsky is Lily Brik, whom Mayakovsky fell in love with a year later. The relationship between the poet and Lily was very difficult, many stages of their development were reflected in the works of the poet (“Lilichka! Instead of a letter”, “Flute-spine”).

In 1922, the poet wrote the poem "I Love" - ​​his brightest work about love. Mayakovsky was then experiencing the peak of his feelings for L. Brik, and therefore he was sure:

Don't wash away love

No quarrel

Not a mile.

Thought out



Here the poet reflects on the essence of love and its place in human life. Mayakovsky contrasted venal love with true, passionate, faithful love.

But then again in the poem "About this" lyrical hero appears suffering, tormented by love. This was a turning point in their relationship with Brick.

That is, one can notice how closely the feelings of the poet and the feelings of the lyrical hero are intertwined in Mayakovsky's work.

At the beginning of 1929, a “Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love” appeared in the Young Guard magazine. It can be seen from this poem that a new love appeared in Mayakovsky’s life, that “the exhausted motor of the heart was again put into work.” It was Tatyana Yakovleva, whom the poet met in Paris in 1928. The poems dedicated to her "Letter to Comrade Kostrov ..." and "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva" are imbued with a happy feeling of great, true love. But this relationship also ended tragically.

Veronika Polonskaya became his last love. Shortly before his death, Mayakovsky wrote the poem "Unfinished", which, apparently, was dedicated to her. Polonskaya was the last person to see Mayakovsky alive.

It is his sincere and beautiful poems about love that help to understand Mayakovsky the man.

1. Love in early work.
2. Mayakovsky's muse.
3. Publicity of feelings.

To love is from the sheets
insomniac torn, break loose,
jealous of Copernicus, him,
and not the husband of Marya Ivanna,
considering him a rival.
V. V. Mayakovsky

Love lyrics occupy not the last place in the work of V. V. Mayakovsky, whom we are accustomed to perceive as a poet of the revolution and a master of propaganda slogans. The poem "A Cloud in Pants" (1915) is a love poem and is dedicated to an unrequited feeling for the heroine M. A. Denisova, who did not come on a date, with whom he was in love in Odessa. The title contains a metaphor for a gentle male soul. Surprisingly, for many years this poem was considered revolutionary, anti-bourgeois. But it is not at all dissatisfaction with social order that makes the hero curse the world, but the simplest jealousy. The tense hero waits for his beloved from four to ten o'clock, she eventually comes and says that she is getting married. "Fire of the Heart" turns into revenge for taking away love

You put love on violins.
Love on the timpani lays rough.
And you can't twist yourself like me,
to have one solid lips!
...Want to -
I will be mad from meat
— and like the sky, changing tones —
want to -
I will be impeccably gentle,
not a man, but a cloud in his pants!

Most of the love poems are dedicated to L. Brik, whom Vladimir Vladimirovich met in 1915. She became a significant figure in his life. No one else - neither T. A. Yakovleva, nor V. Polonskaya - took such a place in the poet's heart as she did. For many years, the woman became Mayakovsky's muse. The poet dedicated the first volume of his collected works, published in 1928, to her. “Except for your love, there is no sun for me ... / Mayakovsky wrote to me in the poem “Lilichka! Instead of a letter.

“She knew how to be sad, feminine, capricious, proud, empty, fickle, in love, smart, and whatever,” said V. B. Shklovsky about Brik.

The meeting was fateful, Lily's marriage to O. Brik was more of a tender friendship than passionate love. Mayakovsky brought down on his beloved his boundless unbridled feeling, accompanied by jealousy, which is quite justified in the current love triangle.

square arshins of housing.
in room -
and dog

It was in such conditions that love existed, and Mayakovsky's poems were created. He did not want to share the woman he loved with anyone, but he was doomed to do so. As aptly noted, his lyrics were fueled by unhappy love.

It is not always possible to talk about the absolute coincidence of the lyrical hero of poetry with the author, but in this case there is no substitution - we read about what Mayakovsky really felt, and not an abstract lyrical hero. His love is so great that he crowns his beloved with a crown for centuries.

My love
like an apostle during it,
a thousand thousand I will smash the roads.
A crown has been prepared for you for centuries,
and in the crown my words -
a rainbow of convulsions.

Mayakovsky's love is a feeling that knows no peace: "I hope, I believe, shameful prudence will never come to me." She screams all over, now from delight, now from pain, the poet splashes out emotions, not holding back or hiding them. He is a maximalist, so there are no semitones in feelings. Or love, or not, or now, or never. Mayakovsky's feeling of love acquires unusual shapes: from the defenseless "meek lyubenochka":

Will there be love or not?
Which -
big or tiny?
Where does the body have such a large:
must be small
humble darling -

to a love-hulk striking in its size, which is either love, or hatred, or despair, or tenderness:

More than possible
more than necessary -
as if
looming like poetic delirium in a dream -
the lump of the heart has grown in bulk:
bulk love,
mass of hatred.

Of course, such a romantic as Mayakovsky, who understands the “tram language” and knows how to play the nocturne “on the flute of drainpipes”, could not love otherwise. He boldly declared his love to the whole world. From his love, falling like a waterfall, from such a violent manifestation of feelings, Brik got tired, which made the poet rush about, get lost and worry. This feeling for her was very uneven, they never managed to create a model of a modern family without prejudices - without jealousy, without dependence on each other, free from the influence of everyday life. Relations with the Parisian Yakovleva, according to others, were calm, but short-lived. They say that he failed to go to Paris again, not without the help of Brikov (Lilya was furious when she discovered a poem for her rival), and Yakovleva soon got married. There are lines dedicated to her. They have notes of happiness.

You are the only one for me
straight growth,
get close
with an eyebrow,
about this
important evening
more human...

Mayakovsky was such a person who could not keep feelings in himself, splashed them out in his poems and, due to his publicity, made them public. After all, it was not just an intimate feeling, but the feeling of a poet-citizen. Hyperbolization of feelings is characteristic of Mayakovsky's entire work, and the love drama acquires a public character in this perspective. Thus, according to the researcher S. L. Strashnov, the poet was attached “to the integral whole - the mass or national unity, no matter how abstract and illusory it may be. Hence .., Mayakovsky's desire to socialize it (love lyrics) in every possible way, turning love from a personal feeling into a public topic. The poem "I Love", written in 1921-1922, says that love occupies an important place in a person's life, it is given to everyone, but few people notice that over time the heart becomes stale and "love will bloom, bloom - and shrink." To save love, the poet hides it in his beloved.

in you -
wealth into iron -
I go
and rejoice in Croesus.

The poem ends with the conclusion that his love is timeless. These are Mayakovsky's most positive lines about love.

The poem “About This”, filled with lyricism, reveals to us the torments of jealousy, the suffering from unhappy love. Having outlined the main theme of the poem - “for personal reasons about the common life”, the poet talks about morality, life and love of a new person. His lyrical hero fights for perfect love. Critics called the poem a sensitive novel, over which schoolgirls cry, while the author spoke directly about his idea - this is a poem built on associations, about how everyday life vulgarizes the relationship between a man and a woman. The poet believed that in the life of a new person, love should be cleansed of philistinism.

“Love is life, this is the main thing. Poems, deeds, and everything else unfold from it. Love is the heart of everything. If it stops working, everything else dies, becomes superfluous, unnecessary. But if the heart works, it cannot fail to manifest itself in everything, ”Mayakovsky said about love, the eternal theme of works of art.

For Mayakovsky, love is a feeling that absorbs all aspects of life, a state of ecstasy that gives the poet invaluable inspiration. At the same time, it causes pain and suffering to the poet - none of the beloved responds with the same all-consuming passion to Mayakovsky's feelings.

“Lilichka!” is a poem written by the poet in 1916 and is considered dedicated to Mayakovsky’s muse, Lilya Brik. In this work, the poet reveals the depth and universality of his feelings for Lilichka. one knife, "compares himself, tormented by love that burns him, with a bull tired of labor, with a tired elephant, with the difference that both work and rest for Mayakovsky come from the same source - from Lilichka's love. The poet's torment is that he is sure that sooner or later the hard-hearted lover will kick him out, perhaps scolding him. He has no doubt that his beloved does not feel the same feelings that he experiences. She is not the subject, but the object of love. The poet insists on Lilichka's dry heart - "you will forget that you were crowned", while the lyrical hero of the poem is frenzied, he burned his soul with the fire of his love.

The poem is full of metaphors, such as - "a heart in iron", "a hand broken by a tremor", epithets - "Krunykhovsky hell", "blooming soul", "muddy antechamber", which gives it brightness and liveliness, in a few words the poet managed to convey to us great semantic load.

The poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love" was written by Mayakovsky in 1928, during his official trip to France. The poet was obliged to send notes about life abroad to the editor of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, Taras Kostrov, but instead of them, later for some time, Kostrov receives this letter about the essence of love. That is why at the beginning of the work we see the poet's apologies for wasting "the released stanzas on lyrics." Unlike "Lilichka", in this work we see only the born, but very passionate and jealous love of the poet .He revels in the feeling that has taken possession of his heart - "The host of visions and ideas is full to the lid. Here the bears would grow wings." Mayakovsky describes his love as ecstasy, he sees her in jealousy not "to the husband of Marya Ivanovna", but " to Copernicus, "that is, to everything that occupies the thoughts of the beloved more than himself. For him, a wedding is not a measure of love. Love for him is pure ecstasy, for which extension is not required in any way their bells. In the last lines, the poet still doubts whether his new lover will be able to cope with such a hurricane of feelings of the poet, but he still invites her to try.

In the "Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva", written by Mayakovsky in 1928, the poet shows the mixing and struggle in it of two feelings - love and patriotism. The poet writes that in his love "the red color of my republics should also burn." With this poem, he tries to convince his beloved to return to his homeland. Time claims that Tatyana is "on a par with him" and urges her to join him, to get away from the vulgar Europe.

Mayakovsky is offended that the entire Russian intelligentsia left the Fatherland, fearing poverty, consumption, typhus, and now they are wasting themselves on dinners with oil workers instead of helping the country to rise. But the poet promises that in the end he will take Tatyana - "alone or with Paris ", that is, that he and those like him will build such a country, then it will be able to capture all the world powers in which the Russian aristocracy is hiding.

Thus, Mayakovsky's love lyrics are very peculiar. It is characterized by directness, even rudeness, passion, a special rhythmic melody. All this translates into the inimitableness and genius of the poet's poems, who knew how to truly love.