Non-prescription sleeping pills names. Sleeping pills without prescription (list, description)

Insomnia ... Probably, every person at least once in his life has come across this phenomenon, when he really wants to fall asleep, but does not succeed. Needless to say, how painful it is? Especially if in the morning you need to get up early for work or do some business. Moreover, each person has his own remedy for insomnia. Someone thinks of sheep, someone meditates. However, if the problem is fairly regular, then all of these techniques may be ineffective. Even falling through a short time into sleep, a person is inclined to wake up early and suddenly, not getting enough sleep at all, feeling overwhelmed and tired. And someone said that you also need to work the whole day? Oh...

What to do in this case? First, it is undoubtedly to see a doctor to identify the cause of insomnia. It is known that insomnia can occur both due to physiological health problems and psychological ones. For its treatment, it is very important to identify the true cause.

And while the doctors are looking for her, this very reason, you need to sleep, right? In this case, a quick-acting sleeping pill comes to the rescue.

Sleeping pills

Modern sleeping pills are divided into the following groups:

  • Aliphatic drugs (bromizoval, chloral hydrate);
  • Barbiturates (etaminal, phenobarbital);
  • Antihistamines (suprastin, diphenhydramine);
  • Benzodiazepine derivatives (diazepam).

All of these drugs work in the same way - they relax the activity of the brain and relax the muscles in the body, slowing down brain waves and relieving anxiety and tension.

All these groups differ from each other in the time of assimilation and excretion from the body. If you need a quick-acting sleeping pill, then you should know that you will fall asleep quickly, but also wake up faster. It should be added that all hypnotics greatly lengthen the stage of REM sleep, while shortening the phase of deep sleep.

According to the degree of effect, hypnotics are divided into light, moderate and strong. Chloral hydrate and methaqualone can be attributed to strong hypnotics of rapid action, and flurazepam, phenazepam to moderate ones. Bromural belongs to mild hypnotics.

The action of barbiturates lasts on average 7-8 hours. They have a calming effect on the central nervous system, however, are highly addictive and negatively affect sleep patterns. After taking the drug, a person, as a rule, does not rest, wakes up broken and lethargic.

Benzodiazepine derivatives significantly shorten the period of falling asleep and have a calming effect. Sleep after taking such drugs is physiologically similar to natural, and these drugs are not addictive.

As a rule, all of the above drugs are dispensed with a doctor's prescription, and it is almost impossible to purchase them at a pharmacy on your own.

Fast-acting sleeping pills without a prescription

There are several types of fairly simple and well-known quick-acting sleeping pills in drops that can have a positive effect on insomnia. Such drugs include Corvalol, Barboval, as well as sedative tinctures of valerian, motherwort and hawthorn.

All of these quick-acting hypnotics in drops can help a person suffering from insomnia without resorting to the help of a doctor. They have a sedative effect on the body, relieve anxiety and can significantly reduce stress. You can use these funds for several weeks in a row.

In case of especially severe sleep disorders for an adult, the number of drops of any of the above drugs should not exceed thirty.

These drops can be mixed with each other. So, for example, the following mixture has a good effect: 10 drops of valerian tincture and 10 drops of Barboval. They must be diluted in a little water and drunk without drinking.

It should be noted that the use of these drugs can cause allergic reactions, so watch your body and react to the slightest side effects.

If we consider fast-acting sleeping pills in tablets, which can be purchased without a prescription, then you should pay attention to drugs such as Donormil or Sonmil. If you have not previously used sleeping pills, then at the initial stage, half a pill will be enough for you to fall asleep.

Donormil is available in various packages and dosages. The drug is quite effective and guarantees you 8 hours of proper sleep, while it does not significantly affect the phases of sleep. You can take this drug for no more than two weeks, after which you need to take a month break.

Sonmil, in addition to sedative and hypnotic effects, also has antihistamine properties. According to statistics, the use of this drug has an even more pronounced effect than Donormil, and the effect of its use lasts longer. However, it should be borne in mind that it can have such side effects on the body as increased sleepiness in the morning. This requires a reduction in the dosage of the drug or its withdrawal altogether.

Fast acting sleeping pills - harm to health

Every day, millions of people take quick-acting sleeping pills in drops and tablets, completely without thinking about the consequences. But sleeping pills, especially those with a strong and quick effect, are completely contraindicated for people suffering from psychosis and cardiovascular diseases.

It should also be borne in mind that any sleeping pill in no case should be taken for a long time, since it is addictive to the body. This leads to the fact that a person is forced to constantly increase the dosage of the drug in order for it to exert its effect. In addition, sleeping pills can cause psychological dependence, when a person simply gets used to the fact that for a calm and full sleep he needs to take a "pill" in the evening.

Therefore, do not delay the visit to the doctor. After all, insomnia is not only a sign of stress or disturbance. peace of mind, and a harbinger of sometimes very serious illnesses.

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A person spends almost a third of his life on sleep, which is an integral part of him. And the violation of biorhythms, constant lack of sleep lead to various health disorders, mood spoils, apathy, constant fatigue, irritation and other problems that interfere with a full life are overcome. Therefore, many are convinced that healthy sleep- one of the many ways to treat many diseases.

To adjust the biological rhythm of the body, says HowBuySell, you can resort to pharmaceuticals - using sleeping pills.

All medicines are divided into two sections according to the method of dispensing:

  • Prescription;
  • Can be purchased without a prescription.

The first group includes potent drugs - barbiturates: barbamil, phenobarbital, and so on.

The second group of drugs includes drugs with a weak effect, which are conditionally safe: small side effects, low chance of overdose. But this does not mean at all that one can treat them lightly, notes howbuysellRu. Even they can bring a lot too serious problems if you do not follow the instructions for use. But at the same time, such sleeping pills may well cope with insomnia.

List of effective over-the-counter sleeping pills

In this article, we have collected popular remedies that help to normalize sleep with small means and in a short time. So, haubaisell presents a list of the most effective, in our opinion, sleeping pills, and let's move on to it.

Combined hypnotic, which has the following actions:

  • Sedative;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Hypotensive.

It contains the main components: validol, phenobarbital. It is produced in the form of drops in bottles and capsules.


Most of the interviewed haubaisell, note the following positive aspects when taking the medicine:

  • Calms the central nervous system;
  • Improves thought processes in the brain;
  • It has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, reduces spasms, colic;
  • Expands blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.
  • Helps to fall asleep quickly;
  • Has a mild effect.


There are also disadvantages:

  • With prolonged use of sleeping pills, daytime fatigue, lethargy and dependence appear;
  • Some note bad smell medicines;
  • There are allergic reactions to some components;
  • It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, nursing mothers and children;
  • Contains ethanol, which means that it will be impossible to drive vehicles.

Barboval's price for 25 ml starts at 76 rubles.

This drug is used for sleep disorders, for example, when changing time zones. It is based on melatonin.

Available in round tablet form white 12 pieces in a blister.

Each tablet contains 3 mg of melatonin, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and calcium hydrogen phosphate. It is taken just before bedtime.

When taking this sleeping pill, there is no feeling of lethargy, fatigue during morning awakenings, and there are no night awakenings.

It has its own contraindications for admission in the presence of such diseases as: lymphogranulomatosis, myeloma, epilepsy, pregnancy and others. In case of an overdose, pronounced symptoms of side effects appear.

Also, notes, Melaxen has antioxidant and immunostimulating effects.


According to the reviews of some patients who took the drug, howbuysell highlights the following positive properties of the drug:

  • On awakening in the morning, there is no fatigue;
  • Dreams are brighter and more emotional;
  • Rest, recuperation and rash are more complete;
  • Not addictive;
  • It is quickly absorbed;
  • No daytime sleepiness;
  • You can drive a car.


  • It is worth noting the disadvantage of its high cost;
  • Allergic reactions to some components are possible;
  • There is side effects, for example, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, etc.
  • There are restrictions on intake for breastfeeding and for pregnant women;
  • You cannot take such a sleeping pill for kidney problems, leukemia, myeloma, diabetes and lymphoma.

The price of the drug starts from 550 rubles.

Donormil (Sonmil)

A sleeping pill (sedative) in tablets, which speeds up the process of falling asleep, and makes the duration of sleep more uniform, high-quality and long-lasting.

It has such contraindications as hypersensitivity to components, glaucoma, problems with urine outflow (prostatitis, kidney disease), lactase deficiency and small age up to 15 years.

The course of treatment is 2 to 5 days. Take ½ - 1 tablet before bedtime.


Most of those taking Donormil sleeping pills note the following advantages:

  • Falling asleep quickly for 2-3 days (normalization of the sleep pattern occurs);
  • In the shape of effervescent tablets convenient to take, quickly absorbed;
  • The duration of sleep increases;
  • It is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Does not change the structure and sleep cycle;
  • The effect is observed after the 1st tablet.


Along with the positive properties of sleeping pills, HowBayCellRu notes, there are negative aspects - there are symptoms characteristic of conventional antihistamines:

  • Daytime sleepiness;
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning;
  • May aggravate sleep apnea;
  • There are side effects such as dry mouth, fatigue, and lethargy during the day.

Price from 340 rubles, which is almost half the price of the first product on the howbuysell list.

This drug is a histamine H1 receptor blocker, which means it is an antihistamine, like the one described above (Donormil). Moreover, it has a hypnotic effect. It is often prescribed for disturbed sleep rhythms and for problems with falling asleep, both for adults and children. Take half an hour before bedtime.

A sleeping pill is produced in tablets of 10 and 30 pieces in blisters. The action lasts up to 8 hours.


The following advantages can be distinguished from the Haubeisell surveys:

  • Has pronounced drowsiness 30-60 minutes after taking the drug;
  • The duration of sleep from pills increases, and the number of awakenings decreases;
  • Has no effect on changing sleep cycles;
  • Has the additional effect of reducing anxiety.


  • Sensitivity to drug components;
  • Should not be taken by those who have glaucoma, problems with urine output;
  • Cannot be taken by drivers or where increased concentration of attention is required;
  • Some note, according to Hubaisell, daytime sleepiness;
  • In Russia, the drug is unlikely to be found.

Corvalol (Valocordin)

This sleeping pill contains phenobarbital barbiturate and is available without a doctor's prescription. It is well known to the older generation, primarily due to its low price.

Excellent, according to NewBuySell, soothes the central nervous system, dilates blood vessels and has a hypnotic effect. Recognizable by the smell of valerian and mint.

It is produced in the form of drops of 15 ml in dark glass bottles. Also available in pill form.

Corvalol is considered a drug of combined action, because has a sedative (hypnotic) and antispasmodic effect.


The advantages most often include the following properties:

  • The dosage can be adjusted individually;
  • Has a wide spectrum of action: cardiovascular problems, intestinal colic, high blood pressure, fear, anxiety, insomnia, etc.
  • Low price;
  • Can be taken by children;
  • Fast effect;


  • Has a pronounced smell that eats well into everything that is around;
  • During lactation, it is prohibited to take;
  • May be addictive;
  • Contains alcohol.

The price of the drug is from 15 rubles.

Herbal sedative based on herbal extract (valerian, lemon balm, St. John's wort and others). Available in both syrup and tablet form.

It is taken for anxiety, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for insomnia. It perfectly helps to relax, notes Hubaisell, and also to establish the rhythm of sleep.

Has contraindications: childhood up to 12 years old, myasthenia gravis, sensitivity to drug components.


Many of the pluses include:

  • Quick noticeable effect after ingestion;
  • It is not necessary to take a long course on drink;
  • Has a pronounced hypnotic effect;
  • The dosage can be adjusted.


But there are also disadvantages to the drug:

  • Weakness may occur during the day;
  • In the morning there is depression, drowsiness;
  • Cannot be taken by children;
  • Contains alcohol;
  • Very rare, but there may be allergic reactions to certain herbs.

The price of 10 pieces of tablets is from 200 rubles, and 100 ml of syrup is from 210 rubles.

Another herbal-based sleeping pill: valerian, mint, lemon balm.

It has a calming, tonic effect, including antispasmodic, similar to the drugs described above. It is recommended by the manufacturer as a hypnotic for problems with falling asleep, as well as for increased excitability and anxiety.

It has some contraindications: sensitivity to the components of sleeping pills, arterial hypotension, lactase deficiency, and others.

Take 1-2 tablets before bedtime.

The result, according to xaybaycell, appears a few days later. Therefore it is necessary to take the course. But you also can't take it for a long time - 1.5-2 months.


The hosts point to the following advantages:

  • Low price;
  • The effectiveness of the drug;
  • Normalization of sleep patterns.


  • The presence of contraindications;
  • Allergic reactions to components are possible;
  • There are cases, according to Hubaisell, when the drug did not help.

Price for 10 capsules from 200 rubles.

Collection of several types of herbs that have a hypnotic and sedative effect. The drug will be classified as a dietary supplement. It is produced in two types - sedative charges No. 2 and No. 3, which differ slightly in composition. They mainly consist of the following herbs: motherwort, thyme, oregano, sweet clover and valerian.

Packages with the composition are brewed, insisted and taken before bedtime.


The positive properties include the following:

  • Low price;
  • Helps to calm down and fall asleep;
  • Has an antispasmodic effect, helps to tone the gastrointestinal tract.


There are also disadvantages of the drug:

  • It is inconvenient, according to the site, to take in comparison with other drugs, because it is necessary to brew and insist in advance, and the leftovers will have to be poured out;
  • Not to be taken by pregnant or lactating mothers.

The cost of 20 sachets from 50 rubles.

Basically, this drug is classified as one that improves the metabolism of the brain and its blood circulation. Additionally, it has such effects as: increasing mental capacity, vasodilation and their tone, including problems with sleep disturbance.

It is a common amino acid, according to, that helps in regulating the inhibitory processes in the brain.

Take it by dissolving under the tongue.


  • It is very difficult to overdose;
  • It has several advantages at once: an anti-anxiety agent, improves memory and thinking.


  • Many patients, and even doctors, do not consider this drug to be an effective medicine, including sleeping pills;
  • Lack of effect is often noted.

The price of a package of 50 tablets is from 40 rubles.


Each of the drugs presented has its own pros and cons, different shape release and composition. For some, one of them will seem ineffective sleeping pills, but for someone the best. Therefore, according to haubaisell, it is worth trying and picking best remedy from insomnia just for yourself.

Our list does not indicate analogues that have the same composition, but different trade names.

It is also worth noting that the over-the-counter sleeping pills listed above are classified as weak drugs that cannot cause serious harm to health if used incorrectly. They are excellent, according to Havbysell, help with the initial stages of development of problems with sleep, its duration or rhythm. If none of them helps, then you should consult a doctor for a prescription and stronger remedy.

A huge number of people experience problems with night rest. Such a nuisance can arise against the background of constant nervous tension, impact stressful situations, either due to severe mental or physical fatigue. But living without normal sleep is very difficult, it is fraught with constant weakness and fatigue, and can also provoke the appearance of the most different problems with health. How to deal with insomnia? Nowadays, pharmacies sell many sleeping pills, as well as antidepressants that help to cope with this problem. However, most of them can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. But there are also medications that you can easily buy without a leaflet with a seal. Here are about such sleeping pills without prescriptions and let's talk and give a small list of them, give a description.

As you know, the over-the-counter dispensing of strong-acting drugs is prohibited in our country. This legislative approach is explained by the fact that most of these drugs are capable of causing quite serious side effects, including addiction and dependence. Only a doctor can write them out after examining the patient and determining the causes of insomnia. Only in this case, the medicine will be able not to harm health and will help to cope with the problem.

All medications used to combat insomnia should not so much work as help cope with the specific disorder present. So, if falling asleep is disturbed, drugs with a short effect are suitable, but if awakenings occur in the middle of the night, preference is given to drugs with a longer effect.

OTC formulations

Herbal medicines

One group of over-the-counter sleeping aids are herbal medicines. These are preparations made on the basis of valerian, in the form of tablets or tinctures. They have a good sedative effect, help to cope with irritability, anxiety, and insomnia. Such funds are inexpensive, about twenty rubles per bottle.

One more is enough effective remedy motherwort has a similar effect. Many users claim that its effect is slightly stronger than that of valerian. In addition, it is worth considering that the intensity of the influence slightly depends on the duration of the intake, which is explained by the so-called cumulative effect. The cost of motherwort tincture is about ten to thirteen rubles.

Combined drugs

The medicine called Dormiplant has a good sedative as well as relaxing effect, and also promotes a quality night's rest. Its cost may fluctuate depending on the number of tablets, but on average it is two hundred and fifty rubles.

Persen's drug is a fairly popular pharmaceutical product. Its consumption leads to the elimination of irritability, and this remedy also has a good hypnotic effect, making it easier to fall asleep. Its cost is approximately two hundred and twenty rubles.

Medication Valocordin contains a herbal component, as well as phenobarbital. It is released in drops. Such a remedy has a fairly intense sedative and hypnotic effect, and is also a good antispasmodic. The cost can range from sixty to one hundred thirty rubles, depending on the capacity of the bottle.

The drug Novo-Passit is prescribed for the correction of neurasthenia, as well as various sleep disorders. It is sold in the form of drops, while the cost starts somewhere from two hundred and twenty rubles.

It is customary to prescribe Corvalol medication for problems with night sleep, as well as to eliminate neurotic conditions and combat irritability. Such a tool is cheap - from fifteen rubles.

If we talk about the effectiveness of herbal preparations, then the combined formulations are much more effective than single-component drugs.


Homeopathic formulations are also considered to be very effective. So on sale you can easily find the drug Calm down. It is produced in the form of tablets, which have a good sedative effect, and cannot provoke side effects or addiction. This drug will help eliminate nervous overexcitement, as well as cope with insomnia. The cost of twenty tablets is approximately fifty-five rubles.

Medicine Novochel also belongs to homeopathic medicines. It is produced in pill form and has a mild hypnotic effect. The cost starts at two hundred and twenty rubles.

Strong over-the-counter sleeping pills

The drug Donormil is a blocker of histamine receptors, it is not able to affect memory and suppress human activity. It can be purchased without a prescription, but some pharmacies still require such a document. The cost starts from two hundred and twenty rubles for thirty tablets.

You can also buy Melaxen without a prescription, which is an analogue of the pineal gland hormone melatonin. It has a long-lasting sedative effect and can also regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Twelve tablets cost about three hundred and fifty rubles.

Before using the described drugs, it is still recommended to consult a doctor.