What commands can you. Basic server commands

After playing a single player Minecraft game, sooner or later the question arises of how to play on a Minecraft server, no doubt it is much more interesting to play this wonderful game with friends, that is why they create online Minecraft servers where you can play for free.


Minecraft survival on the server

Survival on a Minecraft server is harder than in single player, play on servers different people, with different views and degrees of upbringing. Playing Minecraft online you will have new friends on the server, with whom you will be interested in playing while communicating via Skype. But there is also back side medals, be prepared for the fact that someone will try to deceive you and deprive you of your home, kill someone or throw you into a trap. And yet minecraft survival on the server is much more interesting than alone.

Minecraft servers without registration


I don’t understand why everyone is looking for a minecraft server without registration, because registration is the protection of your account, and therefore everything that you have. Without registration, everyone can simply go to the server and take all your stuff. I think the point is that shkolota is generally lazy and does not want to move her brains, or maybe there is nothing to move? It’s good that you are not like that and you understand that it’s impossible without registration.

How to register on the server


I will write all the registration commands on the minecraft server and it will become clear to you there is nothing complicated and you can easily register on any server.

/register [password] [repeat password] do not create a password 12345, complicate it with a letter
Otherwise, you will simply be hacked, or rather, they will pick up the password and you will lose everything! If you are still hacked then read.
An example of writing a command: /register R738161 R738161 can also be done like this: /reg R738161 R738161
All of you are registered and can start playing.
The next time you log into the server, you just write
/login [password that you specified during registration]- authorization on the server after the main registration
An example of writing a command: /login R738161 can also be done like this: /l R738161

Minecraft commands on Steve's World servers

that you must know.

/spawn - teleport to Spawn.
/kit start - get server start kit
/kit menu - get the server navigation book [In the book of warps and server news]
/menu - opens the navigation book with the command [the ability to open the book if it is not in the inventory]
/kit food - get free food
/rules - View server rules
/warp - view all server warps
/warp [warp name]- teleports you to that vape

There are signs on the servers that execute commands for you, just go to the sign you need and right-click on it.

Dot at home in Minecraft


After registering, you need to think about housing. Finding a place under future home you need to put a dot at home
How to put a dot at home? Yes, simple! By writing the /sethome command, the server will remember this place and in the future you can easily teleport at any time
to your home by typing the /home command.
Each time you write /sethome, the home point will change, so if you write it somewhere far from home, you will simply lose your an old house. Ok, figured out how to put an end to the house in minecraft, let's get down to privates.
Having built a house, be sure to privatize it, privat protects the house from breakdowns and disassembly, from griefers and ordinary players.
Know that a house that is not locked can be broken by any player passing by and this will not be considered a violation, since the house is not locked, then it is not someone's.

Teams for private territory and property


There are only commands for private territories and chests, property. Be sure to read in detail
//wand - issue wooden ax IR for marking the territory and private.
/region claim [region name]- Create a private region.
/region addmember [region name] [player nickname]- You can add a resident to the Nika region with a space if there are a lot of people.
/region addowner [region name] [player nickname]– Add an owner to the region after that he will be able to manage the region like you

Attention: Be careful when adding players to private, especially to owners. An unfriendly added player can write you out and you will be left with nothing. There are many such cases on Minecraft servers when gullibility leads to the loss of everything.
The administration does not consider these complaints and does not return the lost property, so that you yourself are to blame.

/region removemember [region name] [player nickname]- Remove a resident from the given region.
/region info [region name]- View information about the region.
/region remove (or delete) [region name]- Delete the region you created.
/cprivate - install protection on the door. It is advisable to privatize doors immediately, regardless of whether they are wooden or iron.
Enter the /cprivate command in the chat and hit the door as if breaking [LMB] and so on with each door in the house.
/cprivate [Nicks of friends separated by a space to access them]- give access to the door
/cmodify [Nicky friends separated by a space]- with this command you can give access to your chest, stove, craft.

Attention! By giving access to your chest, you risk losing your things,
The administration is also not responsible for this action and will not return things to you!

/cpassword [password] - Command to set a password for a chest or door.
/cunlock - open a chest/door with a password.
/cpublic - this command removes the protection on the chest and it becomes available to all players on the server.
/cremove - the same will remove protection from the chest

How to teleport in Minecraft

On the Minecraft server, you can teleport to players and accept their requests for teleports.
/call [player nickname] - with this command you send a teleport request to the player whose nickname you specified.
/tpaccept - this command allows the player who sent the request to teleport to you

Attention! This is a stick with two ends. Be careful when sending a teleport request to a player you don’t know, you can simply be thrown into a pit and killed, such traps are very popular on Minecraft servers, although they continue to be used for them. Do not send requests to those who write in the chat like - tp everything is handing out diamonds to me and so on, in 90% this is a trap and they will simply kill you, it is also dangerous to accept requests from strangers, maybe this is a PVP lover and by accepting it he can also attack you .
You must know and remember this always, The administration will punish the one who lured you into traps, but they will not return your things.

On the server, you can write hidden messages, personal, as they are also called. Having written such a message, only the person to whom it is addressed will see it.
/m [nickname] - message text
You can reply to the last private message like this: /r [reply to hidden message] or also /m [nickname] message text

Works in Minecraft

Minecraft servers have an economy, you must know how to work in minecraft, earn money and buy various blocks in the store with them.
visit the store by typing /warp shop
Get a job /jobs to earn money
If you want to know in detail, read How to get a job on a Minecraft server
Or by opening the Work on the server section in the Menu Book
Another way to make money on the server is Mob - Rocking / warp mob , on the mob you earn not only money, but also pump LVL.
For each kill of a mob or player, you are awarded money.
How to find out how much money you have? Write; /money
To transfer money to another player, write the command /pay [player nickname] [amount]
For instance; /pay Stiv 1000 will give Stiv 1000 play money.

Donat Minecraft

On the servers Minecraft World of Steve are provided paid services they are called donut.
is purchased for real money that goes to the promotion of servers and the site.

All teams available for donations:

Teams to players with |

/kit skin - you get access to a special menu and the ability to turn into any mob
/kit skinplus - the same you get access to a special menu and the ability to turn into any mob

Commands to players with

/Fly - enable flight mode
/Fly - disable flight mode

Commands on the Minecraft server for players |

/gm 1 - Enable Creative | VIP | admin
/gm 0 - Disable Creative | VIP | admin
/hat - Put the block on the head that you are holding in your hands
/eat - satisfy your hunger
/workbench - virtual workbench [craft]
/jump - jump to the block you are looking at
/back - return to the last point of death or stay
/ top - the ability to teleport to the topmost block that is above your head.
For example, for instant teleportation from a cave to the surface

Admin commands in Minecraft

Here are all the commands of the admin servers Minecraft World Steve.
Teams |

/ invsee [Nickname] - Check the player's inventory [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/enderchest [Nickname] - Check the player's ender chest [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/oi [Nickname] - Check the player's inventory [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/ oe [Nickname] - Check the player's ender chest [Forbidden - to take or put things]
/clearinventory [Nickname] ; / ci [Nickname] - Clear the inventory of the selected player [only your own]
/give [nickname] [number]- Give the player the specified item in N quantity [only to myself]
/jump - Teleports you to the block you are looking at
/ tp [Nickname] - Teleport to the player

  • /tp [Nick X] [Nick Y] - Teleport player X to player Y [Forbidden without the consent of both]

  • /tp [Nickname X] [Own Nickname]- Teleport player X to you [Forbidden without X's consent]

  • /near ; /nearby [radius]- See which players are not far away from you. Standard radius - 100
    /more - increase the item you are holding in your hand to a stack
    /weather off - disable rain [Set clear weather, reduces lag and server load]
    /day - turns on the day [do not use this command often, everything should go on as usual]
    /repair ; /fix - Fix tool/armor/enchanted item
    /kick [nickname] [reason]- Kick a player [Be sure to indicate the reason] [Violations - frequent kick players | no reason given]
    /tempban [Nickname] [Time]- Temporarily ban a player Only for operators.
    /ban [nickname] [reason]- Ban a player permanently [Required reason] Operators only.
    /ban-ip [Nickname] - Ban the player's IP address [The player must be on the server at this time] Only for operators.
    /ban-ip - Ban the player's IP [Regardless of whether the player is on the server or not] Only for operators.
    /unban [Nickname] - Unban a player Only for operators.
    /pardon-ip - Unban this IP - address Only for operators.
    / mute [Nickname] [Time] - "Close the player's mouth" [Be sure to specify the time m - minutes]
    /ignore [Nickname] - Ignore the player [you will not see his messages]
    / whois [Nickname] - View information about the player [find out the status]
    /seen [Nickname] - View information about the player Operators and Admins +
    /getpos - View your coordinates
    /balance [Nickname] - Find out the player's balance
    /balance - Find out your balance
    /balancetop [page_number]- Show top rich server

    Not full list commands, some commands may not be available, it all depends on the purchased admin panel or other service
    Now you know all the commands of the Minecraft server and it will become easier and more interesting for you to play!

    • main constituent element
      • text : A string representing the text that will be displayed directly. Note that selectors will not be translated into player names; use instead selector. "\n" is used to move to a new line.
      • translate : The identifier for the translation of the text that will be translated into the player's language. The identifiers are found in the language files of the game or resource pack. If the identifier is not present in the translation file, the text written in this identifier will be displayed. Ignored if already present text.
      • with : List of text components used translate.
        • The element number in the list corresponds to the argument number %s in the translation string. That is, the first element of the list corresponds to %1$s in the translation string. For example: /tellraw @a("translate":"<%2$s>%1$s","with":[("translate":"I want to see %s!","with":[("text":"honey","color":"gold")])," Bear"]) will give out in the chat " <Медведь>wish to see honey. ".
      • score : The score of the player in the task. Will display an empty string if the player is not already tracked in this task. Ignored if already present text or translate.
        • name : The name of the player whose score will be displayed. Selectors can be used. If "*" is specified, then the player for whom the text is being displayed will have their own score displayed. For example, /tellraw @a ("score":("name":"*","objective":"obj")) will show each player their own score in the "obj" challenge.
        • objective : The name of the task whose score will be displayed.
        • value : Optional. When used, will display the specified value, regardless of what it actually is.
      • selector : A string containing the selector (@p , @a , @r , @e , or @s) and optionally its conditions. Unlike text, selector will be translated into the name of the creature. If the selector found more than one entity, it will be rendered as Name1 and Name2 or Name1, Name2, Name3 and Name4 . Clicking on the player name displayed by the /tellraw command will enter /msg into the chat Player name. Pressing ⇧ Shift + LMB on a player's name will put them in the chat line. Pressing ⇧ Shift + LMB on an entity name will enter its UUID into the chat line. Ignored if already present text, translate or score.
      • keybind : A string representing the key required to perform the specified action. For example, key.inventory will display "E" until the player changes the key to open the inventory.
      • extra : List of extra elements.
        • A list of elements in the same format as the initial JSON object. Note that all properties of this object are inherited by child elements. That is, child elements will retain the same formatting and events until they are overwritten.
      • color : The color of the displayed text. Possible values: "black", "dark_blue", "dark_green", "dark_aqua", "dark_red", "dark_purple", "gold", "gray", "dark_gray", "blue", "green", "aqua" , "red", "light_purple", "yellow", "white", and "reset" (resets the color of ancestor elements). Technically, "bold", "underline", "italic", "strikethrough", and "obfuscated" are also possible, but it's better to use the tags below.
      • bold : Makes text bold. Default value: "false".
      • italic : Makes text italic. Default value: "false".
      • underlined : Makes text underlined. Default value: "false".
      • strikethrough : Makes text strikethrough. Default value: "false".
      • obfuscated : Causes the characters in the text to change constantly. Default value: "false".
      • insertion : When the player clicks on text with ⇧ Shift + LMB, a string of that item will be inserted into the chat. This will not affect the previously written text.
      • clickEvent : Performs some action when the player clicks on the text.
        • action : The action that is performed when clicked.
          • open_url: Opens value as a link in the player's browser.
          • open_file: Opens value like a file on a computer. Only used in messages created by the game(for example, when creating a screenshot).
          • run_command: Executes value as if the player himself entered it in the chat. It can also be a command, but it won't work if the player doesn't have enough rights to execute it.
          • change_page: Redirects to the page specified in value if it exists. Can only be used in completed books.
          • suggest_command: Inserts value in the player's chat; all previously written text disappears.
        • value : The URL, text, or page number of the book to use action. Note that commands must be preceded by a forward slash (/).
      • hoverEvent : Shows a tooltip when hovering over text.
        • action : The type of the tooltip.
          • show_text Show text in JSON format.
          • show_item: Shows a tooltip for the item, which can also contain NBT tags.
          • show_entity: Shows the name of the entity and, if possible, its type and UUID.
        • value : Possible values ​​for this argument depend on the selected action.
          • show_text: Can be either just a string or a JSON object with the same formatting as the main one.
          • show_item: String with the item's NBT data.
          • show_entity: String with constituent element(compound) with "type", "name", and "id" keys (should be a UUID, but actually accepts any string).

    Here is a list of all commands available to players on our servers. All parameters (arguments) of the command are specified in brackets (there is no need to specify brackets when entering the command). So: - a mandatory parameter is specified, and [parameter]- optional.

    Chat message tags

    [A]– the sender of the message is a server administrator.
    [M]– the sender of the message is a server moderator.


    Team Description
    /spawn Return to spawn
    /kit [kit_name] Get a set of items.
    If the set name is not specified, a list of sets available to you will be displayed.
    /mail Send a message by mail
    /rules Look short rules server. The full Rules of Conduct on game servers are posted on the website.
    Send a teleportation request to another player. The teleportation will happen as soon as the player accepts your request.
    /tpaccept [nickname] Accept a request to teleport another player to you.
    If no nick is specified, the last request received will be accepted.
    /ignore [nickname] Add/remove a player from the ignore list. This option allows you to disable receiving PM, showing messages in the general chat and teleport requests from a specific player.
    To view the list of ignored players, enter this command without specifying a nickname.
    / tell
    Send the player a private message.
    /time Find out the current game time on the server. If you don't have access to this command, use the vanilla gold clock right click
    /me Write a message in 3rd person (status).
    /workbench Portable workbench (opens the interface of a regular workbench).
    /back Teleports you to the location you last teleported to.
    /hat Put any block (that you hold in your hand) on your head. To withdraw, enter: /hat 0
    /scvroff Disables the inventory save function in case of death (things will drop out as usual).
    /scvron Turns back the inventory saving feature in case of death.


    Territory allocation

    Below are the commands with which you can select the territory, then to privatize it.
    Team Description
    //wand Get a wooden ax and a tag to allocate territory and check it.

    We've added a special ax and tag to our servers to check privates so that players don't use them as free fuel.

    Select the block you are standing on (selection without an axe).
    Select the block you are looking at (selection without ax).
    // expand [direction] Extend selection to N(number) of blocks in the specified direction. (if the parameter is not specified - the selection will be expanded in the direction you are looking).
    • u, up- up
    • d, down- down
    • n, north- north
    • s, south- south
    • w, west- west
    • e, east- East
    //expand vert Extends the selection vertically by the maximum possible value (from bedrock to sky). It is recommended to use it so that your private cannot be covered with liquids from above.
    //contract [direction] Narrow selection to N blocks in the specified direction (if the parameter is not specified, the selection will be narrowed in the direction you are looking).
    //outset [-h/-v] Expand selection (increase volume) in all directions by N blocks.
    • -h- expanding the selection only horizontally (to the north, south, west and east)
    • -v- expand selection only vertically (up and down)
    //inset [-h/-v] Narrow the selection in all directions. The rest is similar to the //outset command above.
    //shift [direction] Move selection to N blocks in the specified direction (if the parameter is not specified, the direction you are looking at is selected).
    //size View information about the selection (number of blocks, etc.).
    Deselect (remove red grid).

    Private territory

    Instead of a team / region you can use the shortened version: /rg
    Team Description
    /region claim Create a region (seize the territory). From now on, your territory is protected.
    /region info [-s] [region_name] View information about the region (participants, flags, etc.). If you do not specify the name of the region, information about the region in which you are currently located will be displayed. When specifying a flag -s the region will be highlighted (private grid will be shown).
    / region list [page]
    /region list -p [page]
    Displays a list of your privates. The sign "+" marks privates where you are a member, and "-" respectively - a participant.
    /region flag [value] Set a flag (option) for the region. Leave parameter [meaning] to reset the flag.

    Access: Owner

    /region addmember Add players as participants in private (player nicknames are listed separated by a space). This will give them the opportunity to only build and use mechanisms in private.

    Attention! You add members at your own risk. No one will return stolen items, restore destroyed buildings.

    Access: Owner

    /region removemember [-a] Delete members from private (nicknames are listed separated by a space). Flag -a removes ALL participants, in this case it is not necessary to list nicknames.

    Access: Owner

    /region addon Adds players like owners in private. They get full access (like you) to private.

    Access: Owner

    /region removeowner [-a] Delete private owners (nicknames are listed with a space). Flag -a removes ALL owners, in this case the players' nicknames do not need to be listed.

    Access: Owner

    /region setpriority Set region priority. Priority- any integer. By default, all regions have a priority of 0. Priorities are needed to resolve conflicts at the intersection of regions. Using them, you can determine which region will prevail at the intersection.

    Access: Owner

    /region select Select a region (a selection grid will appear). This can be useful for viewing the boundaries of a private and changing them. To remove the selection, use the command: //desel

    Access: Owner Member

    /region-remove Delete region (remove private).

    Access: Owner


    Team Description
    /warp Teleport to the warp.
    /warp list [-p] [-c creator] [-w world] [page] View a list of warps available to you. Public ones are marked with a "+" sign.
    • -p– sorts the list by popularity (visits).
    • -c- displays a list of warps created by the specified player.
    • -w– filters the list by world.
    /warp create
    /warp set
    Create public warp All players will be able to teleport to this warp.
    /warppcreate Create private warp This warp will be available only to you and the players invited to it.
    /warp update Update warp position (will be set to where you are currently standing, the direction of your gaze is also taken into account).
    /warp welcome Set greeting message. Enter this command, then write a chat message that you want to install.
    /warp info View information about the warp (creator, coordinates, visits, etc.).
    /warp invite Invite player to private warp The invited player will receive a notification that you have invited him.
    /warp uninvite Cancel invitation (remove access) in private warp
    /warp public
    /warp private
    Make warp public or private.
    Delete warp.


    ATTENTION! The administration can make changes to the list of available commands. It is recommended that you review this section periodically.
    Date last edited: 01/21/2017

    To private the territory, the WorldEdit plugin must be installed on the server. Without him, most likely nothing will work.

    We allocate territory

    There are several ways to select an area. The most common is with the use of an ax. At the same time, it is not necessary to create it, you can simply write a command in the chat;

    With the left mouse button, first mark the lowest point of your territory. If the coordinates appear, then you did everything right. Next, you need to mark the highest point. Move the character to the right place and rise to the required height and mark the second point with the right mouse button.

    You can not choose the highest or lowest points, but mark those that are at the same height. After that, write two commands in the chat:

    The first team marks the height of 20 cubes down, the second, respectively, the height of 20 cubes up. The number of cubes can be changed as you wish. This will save you from building tall pillars and digging deep holes.

    The question may arise why mark the territory that goes deep or is at the top. After all, there are no buildings on it. This is done to prevent evil players from harming you, for example, flooding the entire territory with lava or digging and getting to your chests.

    The next method is similar to the previous one. Only instead of an ax we will use commands. You also need to stand at the lowest point of your territory and write a command in the chat;

    You can also use commands;

    They mark the points at which the character is looking. That is, where the cross in the middle of the screen is directed.

    Most importantly, do not forget that the territory is privatized obliquely. If you select a straight line with dots, then only what is between these two points will be privatized.

    We will privatize the territory

    After the territory is allocated, there is very little left for it to become completely yours. In the chat you need to enter the command

    Name - this is the name of the site, you can choose any.

    And that's it, the territory is privatized. Each territory has its own owner and members who have access to it and their actions are limited. If you have created a region, then you automatically become its owner and can add new members to it.

    For instance, you have created a region and want to build something in it. Do your friends want to help?. In order for them to perform actions, you need to register a command in the chat;

    /region addowner "name of territory" "name of friend1" "name of friend2"

    Only all names and titles are written without quotes. You also don't need to separate them with commas or periods, just a space.

    After the construction is over and you want to live in peace and quiet, you can prohibit other participants from performing any actions as a team;

    /region removeowner "territory name" "friend1 name" "friend2 name"

    We also write all the names and titles without quotes.

    Privacy protection

    You can use flags to protect your region. Flags in Minecraft are the imposition of any restrictions on the territory. They can only be set by the owner of the region.

    Flags are set by the command;

    /region flag "region name" "flag name" "value"

    Everything, of course, is written without quotes. There can be three values: deny-it is forbidden, allow-can, none-not installed.

    Flags that can be used to protect your territory:

    • pvp– attack by other players, if you put a ban, then no one can attack you
    • sleep– can players sleep on the territory.
    • Creeper-explosion- creeper explosion, if you put a ban, then creepers will not be able to explode on your territory and will not be able to cause any damage to you or your buildings.
    • lighter- the use of a lighter, with a ban, no one (including you) will be able to use a flint and make a fire. On the one hand, no one will cause damage, on the other hand, you will not be able to get into the lower worlds.
    • lava-flow- Lava damage. With a ban, no one will be able to flood your entire territory with hot lava flows, which cause huge damage.
    • Potion-splash- damage from potions. When banned, you take no damage from potions.
    • water-flow- water damage. With a ban, no one will be able to arrange a flood and destroy buildings.
    • Ghast-fireball- fireball damage. If you put a ban, then no one will be able to use the fireball on the entire territory.
    • use- Use of mechanisms, doors. With a ban, no one will be able to open doors and use mechanisms. Griffin's favorite entertainment is to use a piston and use it to move the house beyond the tamed territory. And on it already to rob.
    • Chest access- Use of chests. When banned, no one will be able to use your chests.

    The ban command, for example, the use of chests in the House region will look like this;

    /region flag House chest-access deny

    If you put a ban on all flags, then your region will be ready for any surprise and will become invulnerable.

    How to secure a house

    Private house is no different from private territory. Strictly speaking, the player simply limits the territory on which the house is located. So the procedure is the same.

    When selecting a territory, it is necessary to mark points with a margin of distance. There must be at least five cubes from the border to the wall or roof. This way you can create maximum protection. When marking the territory, make sure that it does not capture someone else's region, otherwise you will not succeed.

    You can also go the other way. To lock things separately, every detail of the house and its furnishings, but this is very tedious, long and tedious. If you have a lot of time, you can try.

    Create a child region

    On each private territory, you can make another private region. For example, if you are not playing alone and you have a house that friends have access to. And you want to have only your own private room in it.

    Team first;

    select a zone that will be a region within a region, then enter the command;

    /rg claim "new region name"

    without quotes. After that, you need to make this territory a child, for this, write in the chat;

    /region "main region name" "child region name"

    All names without quotes.

    This will be helpful to those who large territory and it has a lot of players.

    How to check the territory for private

    After all the actions are completed and the commands are entered, it will be necessary to check whether it was possible to secure the territory. Need to pick up a stick (if old version, then a web) and poke it into any block. A message will appear with the name of the territory or it will not appear.

    This method works with the territory and other players, and will also be useful if for some reason you forgot the name of your region.

    Other useful private commands

    If you get tired of the private territory, then you can delete it. Of course, you can not do this, but then a piece of the world will be inaccessible to other players, and if they stop deleting private, the territory may become inaccessible. Therefore, it is better to act like an honest crafter. Private from the territory is removed by the team;

    /region delete "region name"

    Remember that by deleting your region, you lose all buildings and acquired property.

    If you want to enlarge or move a region, you don't have to delete it and redo it. There are special commands for these actions. First you need to select a new area or your territory and enter;

    /region redefine "region name"

    /region move "region name"

    /region update "region name"

    The private area will be changed, but the flags will remain in place.

    You can also add a co-owner, but this is highly discouraged. He will have the same rights as you. Team co-owner added;

    /rg addowner "region name" "player name"

    You can delete it by writing in the chat;

    /rg removeowner "region name" "player name"

    By the way, becoming a co-owner, he will also be able to use this command and remove you from your own region. So choose your partner carefully.

    If you want to add friends, but you do not quite trust them, then the team;

    installs protection on chests, doors, furnaces, hatches, elevators and so on.

    If you need to give access to them, then after the command write the player's nickname. You can also set a password and not prescribe a new team with the player's name each time. It is set if you write in the chat;

    /cpassword "password"

    Now you can just tell the password the right people. If you forget it, then all password-protected chests and doors open with a command;

    A removes protection;

    If you have several regions, then their list can be viewed by typing a command in the chat;


    On many servers there are certain restrictions that relate to the private territory. It could be:

    • The prohibition of the allocation of territory from the very bottom of the world to the sky;
    • The ban on the selection of the whole world;
    • Restriction on the allocation of blocks (for example, the maximum number of cubes in the territory is 30000);
    • Limit on the number of people in one region;
    • On some servers it is forbidden to call the region by its nickname;
    • Restriction on ownership of regions (for example, one person can only own 3 regions);
    • The ban on the seizure of someone else's privatized territory.

    When privatizing a region, be careful, find out what restrictions are on the server and carefully check the territory. Especially the starting points, it can turn out that the wrong thing will be locked at all. Don't add unverified people, they can break everything you've worked so hard for. Try to create reliable protection from griefers and you can not worry about your property.

    The game from the Swede Markus Persson, which managed to sell 4 million copies even at the beta stage, has already become a legend in the gaming industry. This is a whole art, which is now distributed for PS3, PC, Xbox-360 and Android. In this article, we will tell you about what Minecraft commands exist for players of all classes (ordinary users, admins, VIPs, etc.), and also reveal their essence.

    Small overview

    You can talk about Minecraft for ages, because this game is an endless source of all kinds of ideas and possibilities. Perhaps, every person who is at least interested in computer games. Graphically, the game is built on low-resolution textures, that is, the whole world consists entirely of blocks. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about the number of video cards and processor power in your system unit, because an “antediluvian” computer from the 1990s will also do. But take my word for it: the game is too voracious for your time, because the first session can last 5-6 hours, but not because you can’t understand how to play it, but because it’s terribly exciting. The whole joke here is this: in this, let's not be afraid of this word, huge world, no one will hold you back from any actions, and therefore the hero is free to do whatever he wants, where he wants and when he wants.

    The whole gameplay comes down to the following: our hero is thrown into a randomly generated world where he must survive, because in this world there is hunger, monsters crawling out at night, and other dangers. But after a while, the second level opens up, where creativity begins in its true form, because the number of different things that a player can do is off scale: you can build cities, farms, explore caves, craft and other equally exciting activities. There is no plot as such, because, as mentioned earlier, it all comes down to the usual survival of your hero and the constant generation of new ideas of the player himself, which he can embody with complete freedom. In general, "Minecraft" is a really exciting game that is recommended for "trial" to all players.

    Teams in Minecraft

    For Minecraft, there are a huge number of different commands intended for different groups people. They allow you to achieve certain features, so that the functionality of the game becomes a cut above. You can type commands through the console or directly in the chat (eng. T). V latest versions, by the way, in a chat with the / symbol already entered, you can press Tab, which will automatically show all the commands available to the player. So, what are the commands in Minecraft? We list them in the following list:

    • Single team. As the name suggests, they are designed for single player.
    • Commands for admins.
    • Commands for private.
    • Minecraft server commands, including separate lists of commands for VIP and Gold-persons, moderators and users (ordinary users).

    Full list of commands for the single

    So, let's begin. The list is like this:

    • me - shows the message you entered, but in 3rd person (for example, it could be: "Player 1 is building a house");
    • tell<сообщение>, w<сообщение>- allows you to send a private message to another player (if you want none of the outside players to know the contents of the message, this command will come in handy);
    • kill - kills your hero (can be very useful if you suddenly get stuck in textures);
    • seed - by typing a command, you will find out the grain of the world where you are located.

    This is the end of the list.

    Commands for admins

    The commands in Minecraft for admins are as follows:

    • clear [object number] [add. data] - this command allows you to clear the inventory of a certain player;
    • debug - starts or stops debug mode;
    • defaultgamemode - changes the default gamemode for newbies;
    • difficulty - allows you to change the difficulty from 0 (easiest) to 3 (hardest);
    • enchant [level] - in the game "Minecraft" enchant team enchants the item in your hands (you must specify the level);
    • gamemode [target] - allows you to change modes: Adventure (adventrure, a or 2), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Survival (survival, s or 0);
    • gamerule [value] - changes the basic rules;
    • give [number] [add. info] - allows you to give the player a certain number of necessary items;
    • say - converts the color of messages to pink;
    • spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] - with this command you can set the spawn point for the player in the required coordinates;
    • time set - using the command, you can change the time of day;
    • time add - the command will add more time to the existing one;
    • toggledownfall - enables/disables precipitation;
    • tp , tp - command for teleporting to the player or coordinates;
    • weather - allows you to change the weather;
    • xp - adds a certain amount of experience to a certain player;
    • publish - open access to the world via local network;
    • ban [reason] - ban a player on Minecraft servers;
    • ban-ip - ban a player by his ip;
    • pardon - unblock a player after a ban;
    • pardon-ip - unblock by ip;
    • banlist - the command allows you to show the full list of banned players;
    • list - shows a list of players of players who are online;
    • op - gives the player the status of an operator;
    • deop - removes operator status from the player;
    • kick [reason] - kick the player from the Minecraft server;
    • save-all - allows you to save all changes on the server;
    • save-on - the ability to automatically save on the server;
    • save-off - disables automatic saving;
    • stop - allows you to stop the server.

    Commands in Minecraft for server players

    To begin with, here are the commands that users can use:

    • /help - help on commands;
    • /sethome - sets a specific place as home;
    • /home - allows you to move to the place assigned in the previous command;
    • /who or /list - will show you a list of players who are online;
    • /spawn - allows you to move to the place of rebirth;
    • /m - send a message to some player;
    • /r - reply to the last message;
    • /mail read - allows you to read all incoming letters;
    • /mail clear - clears the mailbox;
    • /pay - allows you to send a certain amount to the player.

    Teams for VIPs who have donated more than 50 rubles to further development servers:

    • All commands available to users.
    • /hat - allows you to put a block in your hand on your head;
    • /colorme list - allows you to view the range of colors for an alias (nickname);
    • /colorme<цвет>- changes the color of your nickname

    Available commands for GOLD persons who have donated more than 150 rubles to the server:

    • all commands available to users and VIP;
    • /mhome<имя>- allows you to create a teleport to the house with ;
    • /msethome<имя>- allows you to set a house with a specific name<имя>;
    • /mdeletehome<имя>- allows you to delete a house with a name<имя>;
    • /mlisthomes - allows you to view the complete list of houses.

    Commands for private in Minecraft

    • / region claim - saves the selected area under the desired name;
    • //hpos1 - sets the first point with existing coordinates;
    • //hpos2 - sets the second point;
    • /region addowner - adds players to the list of region owners;
    • /region addmember - adds players to the list of region members;
    • /region removeowner - removes players from the list of owners;
    • /region removemember - removes from the list of participants;
    • //expand - expands the region in the required direction;
    • //contract - allows you to reduce the region in the required direction;
    • /region flag - allows you to set a flag.

    Spawn Commands

    In the Minecraft game, the team of mobs, or rather their call, is as follows:

    • /spawner.

    In order to call a specific mob, you need to enter its name (name) separated by a space: skeleton, spider, zombie, wolf, creeper and others. For example, /spawner wolf. Thus, you can call mobs into the game, of which there are a huge number in Minecraft now.