Express yourself. Kursk writers storm literary heights

“Historically, Kursk has always been on the outskirts of Russian literary life. Nevertheless, our land has given many wonderful authors in different eras: Ippolit Bogdanovich, Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Aseev, Konstantin Vorobyov, Evgeny Nosov, Maxim Amelin - this is an incomplete list of Kursk people who left their mark on Russian literature, ”Andrey Boldyrev assures , poet, finalist of the Voloshin Literary Competition.

Andrey has been in the great and sometimes ruthless Russian literature for more than a year: behind his shoulders and publications in "fat men", and participation in literary television programs, and - most importantly - dozens of excellent poems that received positive reviews from the masters of modern literature. In 2016, the prestigious Moscow publishing house Voymega will publish Andrey's debut book under the working title No Sea.

premium deal

Andrei Vladimirovich, is it prestigious to become a finalist of the Voloshin competition? What is this literary prize now?

Voloshin competition has existed for 13 years and is constantly held in the Crimea - in the house-museum of Maximilian Voloshin. Over the years, many well-known prose writers and poets, whose names are constantly on the lips of the reading public, have become laureates of the competition. Therefore, "Voloshinsky" is a fairly prestigious platform where you can make yourself known. On the other hand, not everything is as smooth as it might seem at first glance. The overall level of participants is very heterogeneous. However, the very fact that the Voloshin competition gathers many talented authors and has an international status does not call into question any writer.

In your opinion, should a writer concentrate his creative efforts on participation in this or that award? Or should the priorities be different?

I have always argued and continue to affirm that good poetry should be put at the forefront, and participation in various competitions, festivals, performances is a secondary thing. On the other hand, it is impossible to “stew in one’s own juice” all the time; it is vital for a person who writes to receive an assessment from the outside, and preferably from recognized masters of the word. In this sense, it is more useful for a novice writer to attend certain literary workshops and seminars, such as, for example, the annual Forum of Young Russian Writers in Lipki near Moscow, than to submit a hastily concocted selection to the next “Debut” and wait for the weather by the sea. A cash prize and your five minutes of fame are, of course, good, but for people who are serious about themselves and their work, these are nothing more than show-offs.

Three more Kursk authors became finalists of the award. What's this? The beginning of a certain "Kursk school" in the literary sense? And is it possible to talk about “poetry workshops”, about forges of literary personnel in modern Internet conditions?

I take this opportunity to congratulate all of our students on reaching the final, but it is unfair to talk about the birth of the “Kursk school”. I believe that the current shortlist of the Voloshin competition is an indirect indicator that a whole generation of young thirty-year-old authors has formed in Kursk by now, who can loudly declare themselves first of all at the all-Russian level. It is also impossible to call it a “workshop” or a “forge of personnel”, because, alas, so far there are no “young, beautiful, twenty-two-year-olds”, that is, those who, in theory, should “come to replace”. As long as the literary process in the region is semi-spontaneous, it will continue to do so.

Kursk share

How do people in Kursk treat your work? Know? Are they invited to all sorts of near-literary "parties"?

It depends on what to call a "party". There are guys who gather in cafes, read their own, sometimes very bad, poems, arrange “poetic battles”. Some of them have several thousand followers on social networks, they publish their own books, they distribute them themselves. That is, this is a whole subculture that has a very indirect relationship to poetry.

Here is my friend poet Roman Rubanov (he was also shortlisted for the Voloshin competition in 2015, became a finalist of the Russian Open Mouth Reading Championship - Ed.) collaborates with the Faces Club of the Kursk Pioneer Palace, which invites famous writers and poets from all over Russia, arranges evenings for Moscow publishing houses. I, too, to the best of my ability, take part in the organization of these evenings. We invite absolutely everyone to the meetings. And people are coming! Ordinary people who love books, who just want to listen to famous authors.

I recently learned that among the local "official" writers from the UPR (Union of Writers of Russia - Ed.), Roman and I are called the "fifth column". It's funny, by God. It's just that instead of sitting and talking about how bad things are when there is "no money", we try to do something on a voluntary basis, often investing our own savings. I also like what the Kursk poet Anatoly Afanasyev is doing: he organized a “school-studio of verse”, on the basis of which absolutely anyone can learn to at least distinguish between trochee and iambic.

Power over the word

It is symbolic that you became a finalist of the prestigious competition in the Year of Literature. How do you think this theme year went? Were the officials' efforts justified?

If the officials were faced with the task of closing as many libraries and bookstores as possible throughout Russia, then yes, their efforts were justified. And I judge not only by the situation in Kursk. This is happening all over the place. In particular, in Yaroslavl, where the Nekrasov Library invited me, the state of affairs is very similar. There has long been a joke on the Internet that the Russians will definitely not survive the Year of Health. When people get down to business, very far from literature, but with a zeal worthy of best use, the result cannot be different. They made a thematic website dedicated to the Year of Literature, organized a book fair on Red Square in Moscow - I don’t remember other high-profile events. But modern literature has a lot of unfinished business, a lot of situations hanging by a thread. Why not give money to the Zvezda magazine - the oldest literary magazine in Russia, which is now on the verge of extinction, and to other magazines too? Why not invest in the restoration of the national translation school? Why not help non-state publishers fiction, such as "Voymega" or "OGI", which often exist at a loss? I don't have answers to these questions. Apparently, so do the authorities.

Kursk has never, in fact, been a literary center. Does the region have the potential to become one? And what needs to be done for this?

The last two years have shown, for example, that the Kursk land still "can give birth to its own Platons". I don’t know how much Kursk needs to become the center of Russian literature, but young authors need help. At least even train tickets to Moscow, when you are invited to the Forum of Young Writers of Russia, and not make surprised bureaucratic eyes and send you to hell until a directive from above comes.

But the significance of Kursk on the literary map, our officials are quite capable of increasing: to allocate funds for the creation, promotion and maintenance of the local "thick" literary magazine, the organization of an international literary festival. But this is all from the category of utopia.

Poet and warrior of the Kursk land.
Kursk writer Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov

Classroom hour

Lesson Objectives:

To acquaint students with the work of the writer of his native land;

To instill in students a sense of citizenship and responsibility for the fate of their homeland;

Instill love for native land;

Expansion of the dictionary of literary terms.

1) Get acquainted with the facts from the life and work of K.D. Vorobyov, comparing them.

2) Reveal the links between life events and the works of K.D. Vorobyov.

3) To form the ability to analyze, compare, think critically.

Materials for the classroom:

Printed excerpts from the works of K.D. Vorobyov, board, multimedia projector, computer, exhibition of books by K.D. Vorobyov and illustrations for his works, military-themed music (CD), presentation for the lesson.


1. Introductory speech of the teacher.

The Kursk region is rich in talents. From ancient times to the present day, Kursk land has been a source of inspiration for the work of writers, poets, artists, and composers. Its beautiful nature rich history and wonderful people were sung in their works by writers, poets, artists and musicians Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Aseev, Evgeny Nosov, Konstantin Vorobyov, Yegor Polyansky, artist Alexander Deineka, composer Georgy Sviridov and many others. And in the twenty-first century, the Kursk region inspires creativity. We have already got acquainted with some of the works of the writer Yevgeny Ivanovich Nosov. Today's meeting is dedicated to our countryman Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov.

2. Biography of the writer.

K. D. Vorobyov was born on September 24, 1919 in the village of Nizhny Reutets, Medvensky district, Kursk region. A painful memory of his childhood was the feeling of constant hunger. In 1933, famine wiped out many families.

Konstantin decided to go to work in a farm. There he was paid in bread. After graduating from a rural school, he entered an agricultural technical school in Michurinsk. In the certificate, he corrected the year of birth to 1917. He returned to the village, completed courses as a projectionist and traveled around the villages with a film mover for 6 months. In 1935 he began to write poetry and small correspondence about rural life and work in the Medvenskaya district newspaper. He stole a rooster, sold it and left in 1937 for Moscow.

Lived with his sister Tatyana. In 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1940 he was sent to the Kremlin Red Banner Infantry School.

In October 1941, as part of the Kremlin cadets, he was sent to the front, and in December he was taken prisoner. I went through a number of camps on the territory of Lithuania. In September 1943, he escaped from captivity, organized a partisan group. After the defeat of his underground group, he came to the city of Siauliai and for 30 days, without looking up from the table, wrote a story about captivity. With documentary accuracy, the author tells about the hellish torments experienced (interrogations, torture, executions, hard labor, escapes). This story is called “This is us, Lord!” published only in 1986. After the war, he worked in supply and trade organizations. The first collection of short stories "Snowdrop" was published in 1956. (“Geese - swans”, “Pin”, “Chinel”, etc.) From the mid-50s he began to engage in professional literary work. An important milestone in the work of K. Vorobyov was the turn of the 50s and 60s, when the stories “The Tale of My Age” (1960), “Killed near Moscow” (1961), “Scream” (1962) were written one after another. These stories are based on the author's personal impressions and experiences during the battles near Moscow. Later, “village” stories appear: “How much in Rocket Joy” (1964), “My friend Momich” (1965; abridged under the title “Aunt Egorikh” in 1967). In the last stories of the writer “Here came a giant” (1971), “And to all your kind” (by the beginning of 1974 it was close to completion) - there is no war, no collectivization, but there is a chaotic stream of everyday life, exhausting gray everyday life, mouse war pride.

3. Reading passages.

“K. Vorobyov’s prose is naked, like open wound, - wrote literary critic Igor Zolotussky. - She looks like a naked electrical wire and unsafe to the touch. Electric shocks are transmitted from her lines to the reader and cause heart tremors in response ... His prose is special. The same laws of prose, the same plot, composition, characters, but some kind of intonation is not the same, the intonation is different ... "

Listen to the reading of excerpts from the story of K. Vorobyov.

Excerpts from the story "It's us, Lord! .."

The prisoners lived on the outskirts of the city. The camp was a huge labyrinth divided into sections by a dense network of barbed wire. It was already an exemplary place for killing prisoners. In the very middle of the camp, as a symbol of German order, the gallows sprang up. At first, it looked like the letter "P" of gigantic size. But the need for murder grew, and in these cases, the resourceful fascist brain from the city Gestapo rescued the executioners from the camp who were in a difficult situation. It was decided to attach the letter "G" to the letter "P", which is why the gallows was transformed into an inverted "Sh". If on the letter "P" it was possible to hang four prisoners at one time, then the new letter could already accommodate eight. The hanged, according to the order, had to hang for one day for everyone to see.

These days the Germans did not beat the prisoners. They just killed!

Killed for a raised cigarette butt on the road.

They killed in order to immediately pull off the hat and felt boots from the dead.

Killed for hungry staggering in the ranks at the stage

They killed for a groan from unbearable pain in the wounds.

They killed for the sake of sporting interest, and they fired not in pairs and fives, but in large stage groups, in the hundreds - from machine guns and submachine guns! It was difficult for a German soldier to get lost, returning from the surrounding village to the highway with a stolen chicken under his arm. The retreat path of his classmates is marked with terrible signs. Shorn heads, bare legs and arms stick out like a forest from the snow along the sides of the roads. These people went to the place of torture and torment - the prisoner-of-war camps, but they did not reach, they fell on the way in the soft bed of their native country - in the snow, and silently and menacingly send curses to the killers, sticking out their hands from under the snow, as if bequeathing revenge, revenge, revenge !..

On the thirteenth day of a deliberate death by starvation of people, the Germans drove a wounded horse into the camp. And a huge crowd of prisoners rushed to the unfortunate animal, opening knives and razors on the move, hastily fumbling in their pockets for at least something sharp, capable of cutting or tearing moving meat. Two towers opened machine-gun fire on the formed giant pile of people. Perhaps, for the first time in the entire war, the Nazis spent cartridges so beautifully and economically. Not a single surprisingly luminous bullet made a whistle, leaving over the heads of the prisoners! And when the people fled to the barracks, in the place where five minutes ago the nag still hobbled on three legs, there was a pile of bloody, still warm bones, and around them about a hundred people were killed, crushed, wounded ...

Kaunas camp "G" was a quarantine transit point. Therefore, there were no special "improvements" inherent in standard camps. But there were SS men in it, armed ... with iron shovels. They were already standing, lined up in a row, wearily leaning on their "combat weapons". The gates of the camp had not yet closed behind the exhausted Major Velichko, when the SS men, with inhuman whoops, crashed into the thick of the prisoners and began to kill them. Blood spattered, skin cut off by an incorrect oblique blow of a shovel flew in small pieces. The camp resounded with the roar of rabid murderers, the groans of those being killed, the heavy stomping of feet in fear of people rushing about. Captain Nikolaev died in Sergei's arms. The shovel went deep into his head, splitting his skull.

4. The leader's word.

War is the worst thing that can happen. How to preserve human qualities in inhuman conditions? Is it possible? K.D. Vorobyov is one of those writers whose works are based on a merciless and uncompromising memory, tested not only by his own life, his own suffering, but also by time.

Following the traditions of the great L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Vorobyov believes that the war is indeed a continuation of the world and people went to it with the views, beliefs and experience of peacetime. Prose K.D. Vorobyov belongs to the remarkable examples of Russian literature of the middle of the 20th century.

The memory of the writer lives in the Kursk region. One of the streets of Kursk bears his name. A creative competition named after Konstantin Vorobyov for the best journalistic work on a military-patriotic theme is being held.

Died K.D. Vorobyov on March 2, 1975 in Lithuania, and in 1995 he was reburied in Kursk, at the Officers' Cemetery. Nearby lies the ashes of his wife, who, after the death of the writer, did everything to ensure that he found eternal peace in his native land. In 1994 K.D. Vorobyov was posthumously awarded the Prize. Sergius of Radonezh, and in 2001 - the literary prize of A. Solzhenitsyn.

5. In the Kursk region, the house-museum of the writer Konstantin Vorobyov was opened after restoration.

On July 16, 2014, in the village of Nizhny Reutets, Medvensky district, Kursk region, after restoration, the house-museum of the writer Konstantin Vorobyov was opened. For a long time, the house in which the writer was born was in a state of disrepair. But in 2004 it was restored and opened to visitors. It has recently become clear that the building needs restoration. And it began to be held, completing exactly on the 95th anniversary of the birth of the prose writer

The house-museum represents three small rooms. The life of a peasant family of the early 20th century is recreated here. There is a Russian stove, wooden benches, there is even a table at which the young writer created his first literary works, there are also ancient icons that belonged to the Vorobyov family. Both the appearance of the house and its furnishings were recreated according to the recollections of fellow villagers.

The house in which Konstantin Vorobyov lived until the age of 16 stands on a hillock. From there, a wonderful view of the Kursk expanses opens. Therefore, it is not surprising that the writer was nicknamed the "sentimental naturalist" for his stories about life in the countryside.

I must say that the memory of Konstantin Vorobyov is honored in the Kursk region. In the regional center there is a street and a school named after him, in the center of the city there is a monument to the writer. His personal belongings are kept in the Literary Museum. And in the village of Nizhny Reutets, excursions are held around the house-museum of the front-line writer.

During his lifetime, Konstantin Voroviev was not favored by the attention of the authorities. Recognition came to him later. In 2001, Vorobyov was posthumously awarded the A. Solzhenitsyn literary prize.

6. Speech by the school librarian. Overview of the book exhibition by K.D. Vorobyov.

7. The results of the class hour.

Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov

Book cover

Konstantin Vorobyov with his wife Vera Dzenis

Memorial plate on the house in Vilnius, where the writer lived in 1960-1975


1. Vorobyov, K.D. Collected works: In 3 volumes / K.D. Vorobyov. – M.: Sovremennik, 1991-1993.

2. Dedkov, I. The decisive moment of truth / I. Dedkov // Living face of time. - M.: Soviet writer, 1986. - S. 194-195.

3. Zimin, V.Ya. The theme of childhood in the work of K.D. Vorobyov: dis. cand. philol. Sciences / V.Ya. Zimin. Kursk, 2004. - 181 p.

4. Kedrovskiy, A.E. Compatriots: the work of K.D. Vorobyov and E. Nosov. // Kursk: Publishing House of KSPU, 1999. - P.2-74

5. Krizskaya, T.V. The language of artistic prose K.D. Vorobyova: author's abstract. diss. ..cand. philol. Sciences / T.V. Krizskaya. - Kursk, 2009. - 19 p.

6. Nosov, E.I. He loved this land // in the book. K.D.Vorobyova "And to all your family". - Vilnius: Vaga, 1978. - P.5-8.

7. Tomashevsky, Yu. The Right to Return: From Observations on Life lyrical hero Konstantin Vorobyov; Return / Y. Tomashevsky // Yesterday and today. - M., 1986. - S.81-116.

8. Fedyakin S. “You can’t write about this” ... “in any case, do not despair and lose heart, but hope and believe ...”: On the 75th anniversary of K. Vorobyov / S. Fedyakin // Lit. gas. - 1994. - September 28 - S. 4-12.

9. Chebotaev, M. Suffering for people: Strokes to the portrait of the writer K.D. Vorobieva / M. Chebotaev // Siberian Lights.– 1991.– No. 7.– P. 280-297.

10. 46TV [Electronic resource]: The first Kursk Internet television // In the Kursk region, the house-museum of the writer Konstantin Vorobyov was opened after restoration URL: (accessed: 03.02 .2016).

11. Kursk Regional Scientific Library. N.N. Aseeva [Electronic resource]: Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov URL: (date of access: 03.02.2016).

Classroom hour: Poets and writers of the Kursk land

Teacher: Polyakova N. N. MBOU "Secondary School No. 4, Shchigry, Kursk Region"

Goals and objectives:

    To acquaint students with the work of writers and poets of their native land.

    To instill in students a sense of citizenship and responsibility for the fate of their homeland.

    Instill love for the native land.

Presenter 1: Hymn to the native land

The Kursk distances are wonderful landscapes -

Fields, copses, hills and meadows! -

They gave birth to great beauty

The great ones whose glory the ages carry.

Theodosius Pechersky prayed for us,

And - "My joy!" Seraphim exclaimed.

Meeting people who are open and childish

Soul stood before the face of the saints.

Our testaments are kept by confessors

In the hearts of the Orthodox

And do human hearts

do not fill up Fet's lyrics,

How are the heavens filled with the light of dawn?!

The people of Kursk are skillful in the arts of all kinds,

And now not without reason in many countries

Georgy Sviridov is deservedly honored.

Both Nosov and Klykov ... are the talents of the Kursk people.

And how many glorious heroes did you give birth to

For the battles for the Fatherland, native land! -

Until now, I hear the cry of Yaroslavna,

When I go out to my native fields...

How painful! .. And yet I'm ready for the clouds

Scatter with your unshakable faith:

You will be in the future, dear earth,

To give birth to the beauty of great people!

For centuries you will grow and prosper,

Be stronger and more beautiful!

And Root Mother of God

Lights the way for us!

Here is the Seim and Tuskar, here is my dear home,

We won't change course

With courage and labor

Kursk is dear to Russia!

Where the nightingales sing like that!

Holy desperate land!

You are in the heart, the city of our love,

Where the nightingales sing like that!

Hero land! Above us is a clear light!

Salute in honor of the proud years, victorious years!

Our ancient Kursk, bow to you,

Holy desperate land! (slide 2)

The Kursk region is rich in talents. From ancient times to the present day, Kursk land has been a source of inspiration for the work of writers, poets, artists, and composers. Its beautiful nature, rich history and wonderful people were sung in their works by writers, poets, artists and musicians Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Aseev, Evgeny Nosov, Konstantin Vorobyov, Yegor Polyansky, artist Alexander Deineka, composer Georgy Sviridov and many others. And in the twenty-first century, Kursk inspires our contemporaries to work. Let's get acquainted with these glorious sons of our small Motherland.

Reader : “I stayed with Fet again…”

With a good mood light.

By the pond I thought, I rested.

There was blue in the sky,

Hand trimmed beard

And the park was wonderful.

He composed poems from the heart...

old house directed his gaze.

Gone. Sunk into summer

On the field, Tuskar and on the pond.

It's time for those old days.

I am glad to see this manor.

Human memory is still alive

After all, the old days blow here.

And remembers the past...

On a July day, meadows in flowers.

Silence lives in the estate,

They stand with a smile in the riot of grass.

And we, the descendants, remember Fet.

For a long time in the district places here

We keep the words of the verse in our hearts.

Flocks of sheep grazed.

We are proud of the name of the poet.

I imagined: How Fet walked.

Vladimir Mikhailov (slide 3)

Lead 2 : Shenshin (Afanasy Afanasyevich, aka Fet) is a famous Russian lyric poet. Born on November 23, 1820, near the city of Mtsensk, Oryol province, in the village of Novoselki, the son of a wealthy landowner, retired captain, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin.Until the age of 14, Fet lived and studied at home, and then in the city of Verro (Livland province), at the Krommer boarding house. In 1837 he was transferred to Moscow, where soon Afanasy Afanasyevich entered the Moscow University, the Faculty of History and Philology. Almost all of his student time, Fet lived in the family of his friend at the university, the future literary critic Apollon Grigoriev, who had an influence on the development of the poetic gift of Afanasy Fet.

The desire to rise to the nobility prompted Fet to enter the military service. In 1845 he was accepted into a cuirassier regiment; in 1853 he moved to the Lancers Guards Regiment; in the Crimean campaign was part of the troops guarding the Estonian coast; in 1858 he retired, like his father, as a staff captain. However, it was not possible to achieve noble rights then: the qualification required for this increased as Fet rose in the service. (slide 4)

Meanwhile, his poetic fame grew; The success of the book Poems by A. Fet, published in Moscow in 1850, opened him access to the Sovremennik circle in St. Petersburg, where he met Turgenev and V.P. Botkin; he became friends with the latter, and the former already in 1856 wrote to Fet: "What are you writing to me about Heine? - you are higher than Heine!" Later, Fet met L.N. from Turgenev. Tolstoy, who returned from Sevastopol. Literary successes prompted Fet to leave military service; besides, in 1857 he married Marya Petrovna Botkina in Paris and, feeling a practical streak in himself, decided to devote himself, like Horace, to agriculture. (slide 5)

In 1860, he bought the Stepanovka farm with 200 acres of land, in the Mtsensk district, and energetically began to manage, living there all the time and only in winter coming to Moscow for a short while. For more than ten years (1867 - 1877) Afanasy Afanasyevich was a magistrate and at that time wrote journal articles about rural conditions in the Russkiy Vestnik. Fet turned out to be an excellent owner, in 1877 he left Stepanovka and bought the Vorobyovka estate in the Shchigrovsky district, Kursk province, near the Root Hermitage for 105,000 rubles; towards the end of his life, the fortune of Afanasy Fet reached a value that can be called wealth. (slide 6)

In 1881, Fet bought a house in Moscow and began to come to Vorobyovka for the spring and summer already as a summer resident, having handed over the farm to the manager. He published four collections of lyrical poems in Moscow: "Evening Lights" and translations of Horace, Ovid, Virgil; translation of both parts of Goethe's Faust; wrote a memoir early years my life, until 1848" (posthumous edition, 1893) and "My memories, 1848 - 1889" (in two volumes, 1890); translation of the works of A. Schopenhauer.

Fet died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow, two days before the age of 72; buried in the family estate of the Shenshins, the village of Kleimenov, in the Mtsensk district, 25 miles from Orel.

(slide 7)

Reader: « Foggy morning"

Like the first golden ray, And like a young rose,

Between the white mountains and gray clouds Born early dawn,

Glides by ledges of peaks When there are still scorching wings

On the crown of towers and ruins, Noon wind did not open

When in the valleys, full of darkness, And a damp sigh, the mist of the night

The fog is immovable blue, Divides between the sky and the earth,

Let your delight in the darkness of hearts Dewdrop rolls from the leaf, -

This one throws light, singer! May your song be pure.

(slide 8)

Reader: "Spring rain"
It is still light in front of the window, And from heaven to earth,
In the breaks of the cloud the sun shines, The veil moves, swaying,
And a sparrow with its wing, And as if in golden dust
Bathing in the sand, trembling. Behind it is the edge of the forest.

Two drops splashed into the glass
From lindens it pulls with fragrant honey,
And something came to the garden
Drumming on fresh leaves. (slide 9)

Reader: "Flowers"

In the bushes robins are ringing, Fruits are ruddy seeds.

And from the whitened apple trees of the garden Sister of flowers, friend of the rose,

A sweet fragrance wafts. Look into my eyes,

Flowers look with longing in love, Navey life-giving dreams

Sinlessly pure, like spring, And sing a song in your heart.

Presenter 3: Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (real name - Golikov) - prose writer

Born on January 9 (January 22 NS) in the city of Lgov, Kursk province, in the family of a teacher. Childhood years passed in Arzamas. He studied at a real school, but when the First World War and his father was taken to the soldiers, he ran away from home a month later to go to his father at the front. Ninety kilometers from Arzamas, he was detained and returned.

Later, as a teenager of fourteen, he met with " good people- Bolsheviks "and in 1918 he left" to fight for the bright kingdom of socialism. "He was a physically strong and tall guy, and after some hesitation he was accepted into the courses of red commanders. At fourteen and a half years old, he commanded a company of cadets on the Petliurist front, and years was the commander of a separate regiment to combat banditry.

In December 1924, Gaidar left the army due to illness (after being wounded and shell-shocked). Started writing. He considered his best works to be the stories "R.V.S." (1925), "Distant countries", "The fourth dugout" and "School" (1930), "Timur and his team" (1940). He traveled a lot around the country, met different people, eagerly absorbed life. He did not know how to write, having closed himself in the office, at a comfortable table. He composed on the go, pondered his books on the road, recited whole pages by heart, and then wrote them down in simple notebooks. "The birthplace of his books - different cities, villages, even trains."

When did it start Patriotic War, the writer again joined the army, going to the front as a war correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. His part was surrounded, and they wanted to take the writer out by plane, but he refused to leave his comrades and remained in the partisan detachment as an ordinary machine gunner. October 26, 1941 in Ukraine, near the village of Lyaplyavo, Gaidar died in a fight with the Nazis. (slides 11-14)

Presenter 4: Vorobyov, Konstantin Dmitrievich - Soviet writer - front-line soldier, representative of the Great galaxy of lieutenant prose. Born on September 24, 1919 in the Kursk region. The family had many children - Vorobyov had 5 sisters and a brother. He began working in a rural shop where they paid in bread at the age of 14 to save his family from starvation. He graduated from a rural school, studied at an agricultural college in Michurinsk. He graduated from projectionist courses and returned to his native village. In 1935 he worked in a regional newspaper as a literary collaborator. He wrote an anti-Stalinist poem "On the death of Kuibyshev" and, fearing denunciations, went to his sister in Moscow. In October 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army. Served in the Belarusian military district. He worked in the army newspaper "Call". At the end of his service in December 1940, he worked as a literary employee of the newspaper of the Academy of the Red Army. Frunze, from where he was sent to study at the Moscow Red Banner Infantry School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Near Klin in December 1941, shell-shocked Lieutenant Vorobyov was captured and was in Klin, Rzhev, Smolensk, Kaunas, Salaspils, Siauliai prisoner of war camps (1941-1943). Escaped from captivity twice. In 1943-1944 he was the commander of a partisan group of former prisoners of war as part of a partisan detachment operating in Lithuania. He was awarded the medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War" 1st degree. While in hiding in 1943, he wrote the autobiographical story “This is us, Lord!” about experiences in captivity. In 1946, the manuscript of the story was offered to the magazine " New world", but it was not published. The whole story has not been preserved in the personal archive of the writer. Only in 1986, it was discovered by a graduate student of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute, Irina Vladimirovna Sokolova, in the Central State Archive of Literature and Art of the USSR (TsGALI), where it was handed over at one time along with the Novy Mir archive. The story was first published in the magazine Our Contemporary in 1986. From 1947 he lived in Vilnius. Changed many professions. He was a loader, a driver, a projectionist, a clerk, and was in charge of an industrial goods store. In 1952-1956 he worked in the editorial office of the daily newspaper "Soviet Lithuania". He was the head of the department of literature and art. In Vilnius, his first collection of stories "Snowdrop" (1956) and subsequent collections of stories and stories "Grey Poplar" (1958), "Geese-Swans" (1960) and others were published. After a serious illness (cancer of the brain) he died in 1975 . A memorial plaque was erected on the house where the writer lived (Värkü Street 1). In 1994, he was posthumously awarded the Prize. Sergius of Radonezh. In 1995, the ashes of the writer were reburied in Kursk at the Officer (Nikitsky) cemetery. In 2001, Konstantin Vorobyov was posthumously awarded the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize.

(slides 15-)

Presenter 5: Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov was born on January 15, 1925 in the village of Tolmachevo, Kursk region, in the family of a hereditary artisan, a blacksmith. At the age of sixteen, he survived the Nazi occupation. He graduated from the eighth grade and after the Battle of Kursk (July 5 - August 23, 1943) went to the front in the artillery troops, becoming a gunner. Participated in the operation "Bagration", in the battles on the Rogachev bridgehead across the Dnieper. Fought in Poland.

In the battles near Königsberg on February 8, 1945, he was seriously wounded and met Victory Day in a hospital in Serpukhov, about which he later wrote the story “Red Wine of Victory”. After leaving the hospital, he received disability benefits.

After the war he graduated from high school. He left for Kazakhstan, Central Asia, worked as an artist, designer, literary collaborator. I started writing prose. In the 1980s was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Roman-gazeta".

He was seen on frosty days hanging up calls for people to feed the birds. On the grave, he asked me to write: “Feed the birds.” E. I. Nosov died on June 13, 2002. Buried in Kursk.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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2 slide

Description of the slide:

Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev (1889-1963) “The city of Kursk stands on a mountain, surrounded by the Tuskor river. It’s good to fly to it in January on a sleigh from a steep descent. It’s good, overtaking everyone, with the fresh skin of chilly cheeks to feel the melted snow, like the juice of frozen apples. In 1943 N.N. Aseev supplemented this poem with the words: “Now it is scorched by fire, but then it was so safe ... How long have I been in it! How much I owe him! N. Aseev. Cycle of poems "Kursk region".

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The life of the poet was not easy, but he always remembered his native land, turned to this topic throughout his entire career. “Stay strong. You are my mantle, you are my grandfathers and godfathers, you are my human form, Kursk region. In July 2014, the grand opening of the bust of the poet Nikolai Aseev took place in Kursk. They installed it in front of the building of the regional library, which has long been named after him. N. Aseev. Cycle of poems "Kursk region".

4 slide

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Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (1904-1941) A surprisingly brave man was the writer A.P. Gaidar! And his books - pure, bright, kind - help in education in the Gaidar way: to actively love one's land, one's Motherland. The writer knew and loved children, in his books he did not teach them, but talked with them. “And Malchish-Kibalchish was buried on a green mound near the Blue River. And they put a big red flag over the grave. Steamboats are sailing - hello to the Malchish! Pilots are flying by - hello to Malchish! Steam locomotives will run - hello to Malchish! And the pioneers will pass - salute to the Malchish! A. Gaidar "The Tale of a Military Secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and His Firm Word."

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Lgovsky Literary and Memorial Museum of A.P. Gaidar The museum was created by dozens of people united by a common idea: understanding the importance of A. P. Gaidar's work, the desire to perpetuate the memory of the writer who was born in our city, and to preserve the house in which the writer spent his first childhood years. The memory of A.P. Gaidar is immortalized in the names of the streets of the cities of Kursk, Lgov, Shchigrov. Expositions in the Kursk Literary Museum, in the memorial House-Museum in Lgov, in secondary school No. 2 in Shchigry are devoted to his work, on the territory of which busts of the writer are installed.

6 slide

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Valentin Vladimirovich Ovechkin (1904-1968) In order to better understand the basis of V. Ovechkin's work, it is necessary to pay attention to the notes from his diaries: “The most terrible thing in a person is double-dealing. From the day he was forced for the first time, holding one thing in his soul, to say something completely different, from that day begins the fall of this man. Everything begins with double-dealing: meanness, a tendency to perfidy, betrayal. This is doom human soul. This is a terrible mistake when the boss likes a submissive double-dealer more than an obstinate freethinker. This statement of the writer speaks of his great spiritual potential and deeply critical attitude towards himself and towards reality.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

In the city of Kursk, the memory of Valentin Ovechkin was immortalized in the name of a city street (since August 22, 1974). On the house where V.V. Ovechkin, a memorial plaque was installed. An annual journalism competition is held. V. Ovechkin, literary readings are held in Kursk and Lgov. “With outward severity and taciturnity, he was a kind and trusting person. Both in his books and in conversations, he spoke about the most intimate openly and directly, because there was never self-interest in his deeds and aspirations, he always cared about the truth, about the common good. Vladimir Karpov

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Konstantin Dmitrievich Vorobyov (1919 - 1975) “Two hundred white huts scattered in two suburbs over a river teeming with minnows and leeches. The banks of the river are overgrown with willow denseness, the huts are drowning in the gardens, and around - the boundless ocean of bread, the trembling blue of the sultry haze - and the never-fading sun, ”the author himself writes about his small homeland, living long time away from her. The writer was always drawn to his "father's house", the memory of his native land did not leave him for a minute: "I bent down to the ground - in our area it is special: black as soot and so soft, fragrant, dear." And one more thing: "... it was filled with the sweet smell of thyme, mint and the sun - the smell of my homeland." K.D.Vorobiev

9 slide

Description of the slide:

The memory of our famous countryman is immortalized in the name of a street in the city of Kursk, in the house where K. Vorobyov was born, there is a museum, and in the regional museum of local lore there is a permanent exhibition dedicated to the life and work of K.D. Vorobyov. Secondary school No. 35 in Kursk is named after K. Vorobyov, and there is also a museum of the writer. “If a writer lies before his conscience and does not want to see the grief and misfortunes of the people, he calls his tragedy a historical inevitability - he is nothing, no matter what rewards his government pleases. The time will come, and for all it will become obvious and understandable. Then, except for shame, nothing awaits such a writer. I don’t know if they will read me later, but I know that no one will spit on my grave.” K.Vorobiev

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov (1925-2002) “But I close my eyes, and my heart trembles: here it is, dear! Hills and hollows, and again hills. Up - down, down - up ... As if breathing, as if it were her deep, labored sighs ... ". “In my opinion, the small homeland is the window of our childhood. In other words, something that can embrace a boy's eye. And what a pure, open soul longs to contain. Where for the first time this soul was surprised, delighted and rejoiced from the surging delight. And where for the first time she was upset, angry or experienced her first shock. " Small homeland- this is what gives us wings of inspiration for life. E.I. Nosov. "Small Motherland"

11 slide

Description of the slide:

In October 2005, in Kursk, at the intersection of Blinova and Chelyuskintsev streets, a monument was unveiled to the famous Russian writer, Hero of Socialist Labor, honorary citizen of Kursk, member of the Academy of Russian Literature, winner of various literary awards, holder of many orders and medals - E. AND. Nosov. Yevgeny Ivanovich passed away early, but his soul remained with us in his works, in his testaments: “...everything related to creative take-off remained the same as under Dionysius: if you want to achieve something, go and bow native land... E.I. Nosov


Municipal treasury educational institution

"Olgovskaya secondary school"

Kursk region Korenevsky district

Regional competition dedicated to the formation of the Russian Federation "Under a single flag."

"Heroes of our time".

Done: teacher

Russian language and literature

Sharina L.V.



Topic : Poets and writers of the Kursk region.

Tasks: to acquaint students with the work of writers and poets of the Kursk region, to develop oral speech, figurative and logical thinking to instill love for the native land, to instill in students a sense of responsibility for the fate of their homeland.

Equipment: portraits of writers and poets of the Kursk region, an exhibition of books, drawings, photographs of the Kursk region.

Event progress.


Each of us has a Motherland,

Where did our ancestors live?

Where we were born

Our Motherland is

Our Kursk region.

Teacher: “The Kursk region has long been famous for its heroic history, picturesque nature, healthy climate, natural resources, and most importantly, wonderful people. Therefore, we bear a special responsibility for the fate of the country, state, language, culture and traditions.

For each person, the homeland began in its own way.

What does "small motherland" mean to you?

(the song “Where the Motherland Begins” sounds)

Teacher : The Kursk region is rich in talents. From ancient times to the present day, Kursk land has been a source of inspiration for writers and poets.

Polonsky is here not without greetings

Was met by Fet, and so far

The old man visited the old man,

And, correcting each verse,

Here their young muses

We spent the whole summer comfortably.

What picture appeared in your mind?

Who is this passage about?

Teacher: Among the protected corners of Russia, with which Russian poetry is inextricably linked, is the Kursk estate of A.A. Feta-Vorobyovka. The last 15 years of the life of A.A. Fet are connected with the village of Vorobyovka. It was here that the poet "lit" the unfading "Evening Lights" - this soulful swan song, created poems that were included in the golden fund of literature.

Student : A. Fet is a famous Russian poet. He was born on November 23, 1820 in the Oryol province. Until the age of 14, A. Fet studied at home. In 1837 he entered Moscow University. His poetic fame grew. The books “Poems by A. Fet”, published in 1850 in Moscow, gave him access to the Sovremennik circle. In 1877, Fet bought the Vorobyovka estate in the Shchigrovsky district of the Kursk province, near the Root Hermitage. Fet published four collections of poems in Moscow: "Evening Lights", wrote memoirs "The Early Years of My Life, Before 1848", "My Memoirs". Fet died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow. Buried at the family estate.

Reader: The willow is all fluffy

The willow is all fluffy
Spread around;
Spring is fragrant again
She waved her wings.

The clouds are rushing about,
Illuminated with warmth
And again they ask to the soul
Captivating dreams.

Everywhere diverse
The eye is busy with the picture,
Noisy crowd idle
The people are happy about something ...

Some secret longing
The dream is inflamed -
And over every soul
Spring is passing by.


“Closer and closer here!...”

Closer and closer here!
Open your wicked eye!
You are in the heart with a blush of shame,
I am your beam, flying far.

On the mountains in the darkness of the night,
On the gray cloud of the sunset
Like a brush, I am this beam
I'll throw in blush and gold.

In vain cold haze
Blackening, everything hangs over us, -
Let the vastness itself
We'll be on fire...

Teacher: The modern writer Yevgeny Ivanovich Nosov believed that the "Small Motherland" is the window of our childhood. His books became known all over the world. Nosov wrote excellent novels and short stories, essays and articles, he liked to take pictures. The real friends of Yevgeny Ivanovich were rivers, fields, hills, ravines, which helped him live, give joy.

Student: E.I. Nosov was born on January 15, 1925 in the village of Tolmachevo. Kursk region. He graduated from the 8th grade and went to the front in the artillery troops. In the battles near Königsberg on February 8, 1945, he was seriously wounded and met Victory Day in a hospital in Serpukhov, about which he later wrote the story “Red Wine of Victory”. After leaving the hospital, he received disability benefits.
After the war he graduated from high school. He left for Kazakhstan, Central Asia, worked as an artist, designer, literary collaborator. I started writing prose. In the 1980s was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Roman-gazeta".
He was seen on frosty days hanging up calls for people to feed the birds. On the grave, he asked me to write: “Feed the birds.” E. I. Nosov died on June 13, 2002. Buried in Kursk.
Yevgeny Nosov can be attributed to the representatives of the "village prose" and to the "trench truth" no less significant in the literature of the 20th century. His most important themes are military and rural.
In 1957 - the first publication: the story "Rainbow" was published in the Kursk almanac.
In 1958, his first book of short stories and novels, On the Fishing Path, was published.
In 1961 he returned to Kursk and became a professional writer. In 1962 he began to study at the Higher Literary Courses in Moscow.
He published a lot in the magazines "Our Contemporary", "New World", where his best stories and novels were published, occupying a worthy place in Russian literature.
The story “Usvyatsky helmet-bearers” (1980) was a great success; in 1986, under this title, a collection of his novels and short stories was published; in the same year - a book of essays "I'll get off at a distant station"; in 1989 - a book of stories for junior schoolchildren"Where the sun wakes up"; in 1990 - novels and stories "In an open field"; in 1992 - a book of stories for high school students "Red Wine of Victory".


"Veteran Station"

And at the old Kursk railway station
The voices of old are not silent:
In the forty-first - they saw off to the front,
In the forty-fifth - met the soldiers.
In the forty-first - sad tears,
In the forty-fifth - victorious delight! ...
Those years were carried away by locomotives,
But the station could not forget them.
Because those wounds remain
on old bricks.
It can be seen, just war veterans
Remember with sadness in the eyes ...

Teacher : Great is the sorrow of the Kursk land for her glorious son, the writer E.I. Nosov, who passed away on June 12, 2002. Nosov was not only the son of the Kursk land, but also of Russia. On the day of farewell to the writer, nature was rampant. She seemed to disagree with the departure of her spokesman. We will not agree either, he has not left us, he will always be with us. And let the prophetic creations of the Master remain.

The next countryman we meet is Arkady Petrovich Gaidar.

What do you know about him?

What stories have you read?

What are they teaching you?

Student: Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (real name - Golikov) - prose writer
Born on January 9 in the city of Lgov, Kursk province, in the family of a teacher. Childhood years passed in Arzamas. He studied at a real school, but when the First World War began and his father was taken to the soldiers, he ran away from home a month later to go to his father at the front. Ninety kilometers from Arzamas, he was detained and returned.
Later, as a teenager of fourteen, he met "good people - the Bolsheviks" and in 1918 left to "fight for the bright kingdom of socialism." He was a physically strong and tall guy, and after some hesitation he was accepted into the courses of the red commanders. At the age of fourteen and a half, he commanded a company of cadets on the Petliura front, and at seventeen he was the commander of a separate regiment to combat banditry.
In December 1924, Gaidar left the army due to illness (after being wounded and shell-shocked). Started writing. He considered his best works to be the stories "R.V.S." (1925), "Distant countries", "The fourth dugout" and "School" (1930), "Timur and his team" (1940). He traveled a lot around the country, met different people, eagerly absorbed life. He did not know how to write, having closed himself in the office, at a comfortable table. He composed on the go, pondered his books on the road, recited whole pages by heart, and then wrote them down in simple notebooks. "The birthplace of his books - different cities, villages, even trains."
When the Patriotic War began, the writer joined the army again, going to the front as a war correspondent for the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. His part was surrounded, and they wanted to take the writer out by plane, but he refused to leave his comrades and remained in the partisan detachment as an ordinary machine gunner. October 26, 1941 in Ukraine, near the village of Lyaplyava, Gaidar died in a fight with the Nazis.

Teacher: Do you know the surname of N.N. Aseev?

What city did he live in?

Which one of you has been to the museum?

Student : Nikolai Nikolaevich Aseev was born on July 9, 1889 in Lgov in the family of an insurance employee. After graduating from the Kursk real school, in 1909 he entered the Moscow Commercial Institute. At the same time, the young poet attends lectures at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow University.

In 1911, his works first appeared in print in the journal Spring. Gradually, Nikolai Aseev met many famous writers - V. Bryusov, F. Sologub, B. Pasternak, V. Mayakovsky. Aseev was in turn a member of several poetic groups. In 1913, he joined the Lyrica group, organized by S. Bobrov, then became a member of the new futuristic group Centrifuge.

In the first collection of Aseev's "Night Flute" (1914), a strong influence of symbolism is noticeable. After getting acquainted with the works of V. V. Khlebnikov, the young poet is fond of ancient Slavic folklore, which immediately affected his work. In subsequent years, his poetry collections Zor (1914), Letorei (1915, together with G. Petnikov), The Fourth Book of Poems (1916) and Oksana (1916) were published.

In the middle of 1917, Aseev and his wife left for the Far East. There he worked for the Far Eastern Review newspaper. He was one of the initiators of the creation of the literary and artistic society "Balaganchik", from which the group "Creativity" was later born. Aseev often gave lectures on futurism, promoted the work of Mayakovsky. In 1921, a collection of Aseev's poems "The Bomb" was published in Vladivostok.

In 1922, the poet returned to Moscow and later became one of the most ardent and orthodox Bolshevik poets. For the poem "Mayakovsky" in 1941 he was awarded the Stalin Prize. In 1961 Nikolai Aseev won the Lenin Prize for his poetry collection Lad. During his life he published more than 70 poetry collections.



Here again


with his

old song...

She should be long overdue

on retire!

Yes, and the nightingale

disabled person...

From what -

only showered with roulades -


chill stirs

and souls become


Song of a thousand years

and nova:

as if just

folded at midnight;

from her

and the moon

and grass

and trees

stand in awe.

Song of a thousand years

but alive:

freely with her

and breathe joyfully;

in it

almost human words

imprinted in the air

are heard.

Those words

about the immortality of passions,

about bliss,

ultimate suffering;

as if there is no news on earth,

except for those

which is like the ancient world.

That's what

this old singer


star vow...

The song will subside

and passion end

and hearts

breaking apart!



I built a house out of poems!..

It has clean glass windows, -

there are shadows of clouds,

that the storm in the sky swept.

I cut my line myself

fastened the corners with consonances,

crown to crown composed a stanza

up to the most rearing rafters.

And here under the roof is simple

my friends came to me,

who is impossible not to love:

Creators of native, favorite books,

that they opened a window to the world for me;

friends whose loyalty is not for a moment,

agreed to a housewarming feast.

Fly through windows, clouds,

come in, pines, in full growth,

spill, time is a river, -

my house is open to the radiance of the stars!

Teacher : And now we will hold a quiz on the work of writers and poets of the Kursk region.

  1. In what city was N.N. Aseev born?




  1. Which work does not belong to E.I. Nosov?


Beyond the valleys, beyond the forests

The roads of the Kursk Cossacks.

  1. Which children's writer has a monument erected in the Kursk region?

A.P. Gaidar

E.I. Nosov

N.N. Aseev

  1. Which writer is named after the museum in the city of Lgov?

E.I. Nosov

A.P. Gaidar

N.N. Aseev

5. With the name of which outstanding figure of literature is the Vorobyovka estate associated?

N.N. Aseev

A.A. Fet


6. What works did A.P. Gaidar write?




7. What is the name of a countryman from your "small homeland"?

V.V. Ovechkin


N.I. Leverov

A.P. Gaidar

A.A. Fet

E.I. Nosov

9. The camp in the Kursk region is named after what writer?

A.P. Gaidar

N.N. Aseeva

V.V. Ovechkin.

10. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Kursk?

Three flying partridges

Wild goose


Teacher: At all times, talented people have lived on the Kursk land, feeling the nature and people of the Kursk region. Writers and poets are widely known: A.P. Gaidar, E.I. Nosov, A.A. Fet, N.N. Aseev. We have something to be proud of!

And I would like to end the lesson with the following words:

Oh, Kursk region, you are the breadbasket of Russia,

Beautiful are your rivers and meadows.

Who would we ask

Everyone knows how the nightingales sing here.

Only the dawn rises over the field

And golden dew on the ground,

The nightingales start trilling beautifully,

And people open their eyes after sleep.

They open their eyes and freeze for a moment,

Listening to the parting words of the singer.

In a moment, warm feelings will flood

Let the song ring without end and end!

Fill your soul with good, eternal happiness

The “rings” of the nightingale musician.

Both in summer and in autumn bad weather

Live, native Kursk land!