What is the TP team in minecraft. Basic server teams

Lost your way home? A friend got blown up by a creeper and can't find you? Unpleasant, of course, but you can always teleport easily with the command:

In general, there are several methods of teleportation, but some of them require compliance with certain conditions.

All commands in this article are entered without square quotes. Below you will find the commands:

  • Teleportation by coordinates;
  • How to teleport to a friend;
  • How to teleport home.

How to teleport by coordinates

V single player without modifications, you can teleport only if you have administrator rights, and also if you have not forgotten to enable the "Use cheats" option in the advanced settings when creating the world.

If these conditions are met, then you can open the chat and write the following command to teleport there:

The name is entered without quotes, and instead of x, y, z numbers are written - the coordinates of the place to which you need to teleport.

Let's say you need to teleport home and you don't have coordinates. You can view them simply by pressing the F3 key and looking at the upper left corner.

What is in the red frame is the coordinates of the house. In this case, it is x = 80, y = 5, z = 86. You can also teleport to any other place, the main thing is to know its coordinates!

How to teleport to a friend

It so happens that in the multiplayer version you or your friend get lost. You can teleport him to yourself or teleport to him by entering into the chat:

/ tp [character name 1] [your friend name 2]

The player with the name 1 teleports to the player with the name 2. But this can be done only if you are the server administrator and if the "Use cheats" option is enabled on the server. The command is entered without square brackets.

How to teleport home

We have already found out that you can teleport home with the command:

/ tp [your character name] x y z

But honestly, this is not the most convenient way... If you have a desire to make your life a little easier, try installing the SetHome Mod. To use it successfully, remember 4 commands:

/ sethome [teleportation point name]- creates a teleportation point with the specified name;

/ delhome [teleportation point name]- removes the teleportation point with the specified name;

/ home- shows possible points of teleportation;

/ home [teleportation point name]- teleports you to the point with the specified name.

How to Set the Point of Home in Essentials Fashion

By the way, if you are playing on a server with the Essentials plugin installed (or similar), you have the option to teleport home using the command / home. But to use it, you need to indicate the location of your home. To do this, write the command in the chat / sethome while you are at home.

Now, being deep in mines, far out in the sea or anywhere else on the map, all you have to do is write in the chat the command you want, and you will immediately find yourself in your home!

The first and foremost thing you should do while playing on the computer is to make sure that you can use commands in general. This is surprising to many, but it is they who become the key to how to teleport in Minecraft. The main thing is to use everything correctly!

Teleportation is not a trivial command, so it will only work in a few cases. If you are playing over the Internet, then you must have access to the server. To get it, you need to agree with the administrator or another moderator - one of them will enter the line "/ op yourNik" in the chat window, and you can safely use teleportation. However, if you play by local network, then the game must support cheats. They can be activated by the player who started the multiplayer mode. As for the single player game, here it is enough to enable cheats when creating the world (additional world settings).

Next, we proceed to the very process of teleportation. You need to decide which point you want to travel to. Minecraft uses three standard coordinates to determine the location (Z - offset to the north or south; X - offset to the east or west; Y - height relative to the ground). Sea level has coordinates Y: 63, but pay attention - your spawn point will not correspond to coordinates "0,0,63", because she often finds herself under water. If you need to find out your coordinates in the game, use the F3 key (Fn + F3 on laptops or Mac, or Alt + Fn + F3 on new Macs). To move, open the chat window with the "T" key.

To teleport to your friend, with whom you are playing on the same server, you can use his in-game nickname. The main thing is that it does not contain spaces - the command may not be understood by the algorithm.

As mentioned above, to move to a specific place, you need its coordinates. If in doubt about the height (Y), enter "83" to avoid being submerged after moving. It may happen that you have to fall, but this is unlikely to be fatal.

Example: / tp X Y Z (/ tp 517 72 -169). Important - Y is always a positive value, and Z and X can vary from -30,000,000 to 30,000,000. If necessary, the exact coordinates can be replaced by approximate ones. A special icon is responsible for this - the tilde (~). Just put it in front of the coordinate. Example: "/ tp 200 ~ 10 200". In this case, the command will move you 10 units above your original position.

Do not forget that approximate coordinates cannot teleport you out of the world - in this case, the game will simply crash. Also, be careful - using a tilde can result in a negative Y.

In addition to moving independently, you can teleport another player if he is playing on the same server. To move it to a specific location, use the command "/ tp PlayerTarget XYZ or PlayerDesign". To move a player to you, enter "/ tp PlayerTarget @P))" into the chat window. If you need to teleport all players to you, type the line "/ tp @a @p".

Mobile version of Minecraft

The mobile version is convenient in that you do not need a computer or console to run the game: you can play on your smartphone anytime, anywhere. However, this convenience requires a special approach - it is necessary to carry out several operations in order to activate special commands. The fact is that, unfortunately, the mobile version does not support the teleportation command, so you have to download an additional plugin to your device.

Note, however, that this cannot be repeated in a multiplayer game. So through Play Market(for Android) download PocketInvEditor or iMCPEdit via AppStore (for iOS). If you are going to play on iPhone or iPad, then you need to make sure that your device is flashed. Otherwise, the application will be inactive.

After opening the editor, select the world in which you want to teleport the character. All previously created worlds will be saved and displayed at startup. Use the Move Character command to move. As in the computer version, you will be asked to enter the coordinates - nowhere without it.

You will need to enter three coordinates: east or west offset (X), north or south offset (Z), height (Y). As a reminder, sea level corresponds to the Y coordinate: 63. Do not forget about this, so as not to choke after moving. Next, you need to save your new location. Then the next time you start the game, your character will immediately appear in a new location.

Minecraft on consoles

We will not talk about where it is more convenient to play - on a computer or a console, everyone will choose for himself. It is worth, perhaps, to talk about some of the nuances in the use of certain additional commands. Before starting the game, activate the server privileges to be able to teleport. When creating the world, go to the " Additional settings"and select" Server Privileges ".

The good thing is that additional features will be available to everyone. Unfortunately, this will disable achievements, but you will be able to move freely from one character to another (more on this in the next paragraphs). By using touch pad on the controller or buttons "Back", "Select" open the list of players during the game. Then select the "Server Options" button. This will allow you to unlock additional opportunities in the game.

In the console version, only two types of movement are possible: either you teleport the player to yourself, or you yourself move to him. Select the item that suits you ("Move to the player" or "Move to me"). Now you just have to choose the character to which you want to move or which you want to teleport to yourself. The command will be executed immediately, and you can continue playing in a new location or with a new player.


We told you about all the nuances of such important question... We hope the information was also interesting to you. There is definitely no need to doubt its usefulness, because every player who has read this article will know how to teleport home to Minecraft, to a friend, and to any other place.


We are waiting for your comments, feel free to write!

Teleportation is a phenomenon in which an object is transported from one place to another in a very short period of time (almost instantly). Many games provide this opportunity for their players. This article will show you how you can teleport to Minecraft.

How to teleport in Minecraft in a single player game

Unfortunately, there are not many ways to teleport in a single-player game. There are only three of them:

  • with the end stone;
  • by coordinates;
  • through portals.

End Stone

Armed with an Enderstone (dropped after killing an Enderman), you can teleport a short distance by throwing it in the direction you intend to move. You should be careful, as upon landing, you can take damage, depending on the distance at which you teleported.


In order to teleport using coordinates, you need to find out the coordinates of the place where you intend to move. Then you need to command line enter the command / tp "x y z", where x, y, and z correspond to the desired coordinates. To find out your current location, you must press the F3 key.


There are two types of portals in the single player game: To the End and the Nether. The portal to Hell can be built from obsidian blocks on your own, but in order to get to the Ender-world, you will have to find a fortress, find a portal in it and repair it by inserting the missing Eyes of the End.

Teleportation in multiplayer

The ability to teleport in a game over the network largely depends on the selected server. But, in any case, you can always move from anywhere on the map using the / home command. Do not forget to pre-register, while at home, the / sethome command, which will set your home as the spawn point.

Moving to Minecraft to a friend

V network game Minecraft can also teleport to a friend. Before moving to a friend, make sure that he is not on the edge or in another unsafe place and enter the command / tp "your nickname" "nickname of your friend". After that, the player you intend to teleport to must give his permission with the / tpaccept command. Only in this case will you be able to teleport to your friend.

Teleportation using mods

There are a huge number of mods that allow the player to instantly move in one way or another. The main ones include:

Industrial craft2

By installing this modification, you will be able to craft a teleport that works only from the Multifunctional energy saver or the Multifunctional super-capacious device, since each instant movement requires incredible energy costs. You can teleport objects, mobs and players with it.


Wall plaques with only two lines serve as teleports in CraftBook. The value of the top line can be changed at your discretion. This is very convenient, since you can indicate exactly where the given plate is going. The second line contains the coordinates of the point to which you would like to teleport.

Today we will talk about how to teleport to a player in Minecraft. This action could significantly simplify the process and provide a serious advantage over rivals.

Important plugin

On servers virtual world There are countless different plugins for Minecraft. These are add-ons, for example, for a quick felling of trees, for a teleport, and so on. Some of them are simply required to be present on the server. These plugins include teleporting one player to another in Minecraft. There are several options. Now we will take a closer look at all possible ways using this plugin.

Minecraft: how to teleport to a player with administrator rights

If you are an ordinary ordinary guest on the server, then the possibilities of using the plugin are limited. You can only send a request to another player, and he, in turn, has every right to either accept it or reject it. In order to send a request, you need to enter the command / call<имя игрока>... For example, player. It should look like this: / call player. The player you are sending the request to is notified. To accept the offer, use the / tpaccept command, to reject - / tpendy. If an unknown player sent you a request, be careful. He may turn out to be a griefer. If you do decide to accept the request, then it is advisable to hide all your belongings in the chest. Then the gripper has no chance of robbing you.

If you are a server administrator, then you have much more opportunities to resolve the issue of how to teleport to a player in Minecraft. To move to any member, you just need to register the command / tp<имя>... You will not send any requests. You will immediately be taken to the participant you need. In addition, you have the ability to teleport other players to each other or to yourself. For this there is a command / tp<имя участника, к которому вы хотите попасть (если к себе, пишите сюда свой ник)> <псевдоним отправляемого жителя>

other methods

We already know how to teleport to the player in Minecraft, but you can move in this way to a certain place in the world or in another dimension. There are portals that can be made by a resident on a server with administrator rights. The portal is made from any material. In order for you to be able to teleport to another point in the world, there must be another “passage” connected with the first one.

If you want to get to the Lower World, that is, hell, you need ten blocks of obsidian and a lighter. It is crafted from flint and iron ingot. We put the obsidian with an arch four blocks in height, and two in length and with simple manipulation we launch the portal. To do this, you just need to set fire to any block inside the structure. After the portal has started working, you must get inside and wait until the Lower World starts to load.

In addition to the "passage" to hell, we can make doors to the world of Ender. With them, everything is not as simple as with the previous ones. You can either find such a portal, or make it yourself. In order to find, you need to get the eye of the enderman and, throwing it, go after it. Get closer to the structure. Insert an Ender eye into each frame and just jump into the portal. You will appear in mysterious world, where you can, by defeating the Dragon, complete the game. From now on, you know how to teleport to a player in Minecraft.

If you play "Minecraft", then, most likely, you have already wondered more than once the question of how to optimize movement in space. The thing is that the worlds in this game are very large in size, and if you travel on foot, it can take you an incredibly long time. Accordingly, you should think about how to get or create transport: on land you can move on a horse, and on water - by boat. But all these options speed you up only a little, in fact, you can move quickly using teleportation. In this article, you will learn how to teleport in Minecraft, what commands to use for this, and so on.


The first thing you should think about if you want to know how to teleport in Minecraft is the coordinates of the point you want to get to. This is the most difficult moment in the whole procedure, so you should pay attention to it Special attention... The only way to find out exactly where you are is by pressing the F3 button. After that, information will appear on the screen, among which it will be quite easy to find the values ​​of three points by the coordinates X, Y and Z, which you need. However, note that there is variation with the Y coordinate - you can record not only your position, but also the point where your character is looking. Thus, you can mark the most important points in the world for yourself in order to move there at any time. And, of course, you can simply travel in a random way, discovering more and more new areas of unexplored territory. But so far you do not know how to teleport in Minecraft. You only have an idea of ​​the points and their coordinates.


Now that you know the coordinates of at least one point, you can learn how to teleport in Minecraft. For this you will need console command tp, for which there are special conditions that allow you to assign a specific location for the teleport. That is, you cannot write this command without additional parameters - it does not work this way. After you have entered the command itself, you will need to write three numbers separated by a space, each of which is part of the coordinates of the point to which you will go. The order for numbers is standard - first, the X coordinate is written, then Y, and at the very end - Z. After that, you can activate the command by pressing the Enter button, and your character will instantly appear at the point you specified. Now you know how to teleport by coordinates. Minecraft, however, offers you another one to use.

Teleport to the player

Having marked the most important points in your world, you can now figure out how to move around the Minecraft map - how to teleport to the house, to the chest, to the farm, and so on. However, you will not be able to do the same with other characters if you are playing online. In this case, you need to use a different command, or rather, different parameters. The command remains the same - tp, but after it you need to dial the nickname of the player to whom you want to move.