Fairy-therapy as a method of psychological correction for children and adults. Therapeutic fairy tales for preschoolers

Fairy tales contain a complete set of "eternal" human life problems, still actual technical progress in our age. Bright, impressive fabulous images of good warriors and strong knights, magic fairies and beautiful princesses will help convincingly and eloquently explain the baby, what is good and what is bad, in an interesting form for the child to convey knowledge about the world around for the child. It is important that the kid surrounding the adults, reading and discussing fairy tales, carefully filled it with information that will help the child in the future to take the right decision in real life.

Meaning of talented therapy, specific tasks and techniques

The fairy tale is not told not to hide, but in order to open, say full of power, in full voice what you think.

Evgeny Schwartz

Talegotherapy ("fairy tale treatment") is complex classes that are aimed at working with feelings, stabilization of the emotional state, rehabilitation and harmonization of the psyche, the formation of the values \u200b\u200bof the personality, the development of the creative abilities of the child. Fale therapy was born and developed at the junction of psychology, pedagogy, cultural traditions of different nations.

Listening to the fairy tale, the child mentally tolerated into the imaginary world, the test passes, is experiencing adventures

Video: Fairy Tale Therapy as a method of a positive attitude of a child

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dFmqvsfguzxu. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Talegotherapy as a method of a positive attitude of the child. (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dFMQVSFGUZXU)

Tasks and techniques of talented therapy in working with preschoolers

Balaxy therapy solves many tasks related to the development of the child:

  • disclosure and activation of creative potential;
  • development of fantasy and figurative worldview;
  • acquaintance with the world of universal values, century-old folk wisdom, admission to household culture and experimental experiences;
  • regulation of self-assessment, neutralization of psychological problems (fears, hostility, hyperactivity);
  • the formation of a rich, figurative speech, the improvement of the communications sphere of the child;
  • touching the correct pronunciation, articulation, speech respiration, the development of finchikova motility and spatial thinking;
  • development of the ability to build a monologue, keep a dialogue with the interlocutor;
  • solving the problems of social adaptation, upbringing a safe model of behavior, culture of a healthy lifestyle.

Diverse and tale tale therapy:

Video: Tajal therapy techniques used in working with senior preschoolers

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d_wsrfdfw7nk Video CAN't Be Loaded: The method of talentherapy in working with children of senior preschool age. (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d_wsrfdfw7nk)

Consider as an example such a reception as the retelling of fairy tales on supporting issues. We chose the "Three Bear" fairy tale.

Retelling by children Tales on issues is accompanied by illustrating a fairy tale. Pictures shows a teacher or child. Talking a fairy tale, children try to get into the image of a character, on behalf of which they say.

  • Where did Masha and where did she get? (In the picture, the girl goes into the forest with a basket)

    There are important details on which it is easy to restore the plot, for example, a basket in the hands of the girl suggests, why did she go to the forest

  • Who lived in a forest house? (Image of a house on the forest clearing)

    Pictures should reflect the main turns of the plot of fairy tales

  • Where were Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna and Mishutka? (Family of bears went for a walk)
  • What did the girl see in the house, what did she do? (Image of the table with bowls)

    Emotions of characters depicted on illustrations help restore events

  • Whose porridge seemed to her the most delicious? (Masha eats porridge with a Mishutkina spoon)
  • What happened to the middle of the Misheutki? (Broken chairs and a girl falling from him)

    Pictures should accurately match the plot, but not to frighten children

  • What did the girl saw in another room? Whose crunch chose? (Girl sleeping on the little bed)

    Images allow you to remember the guys the details of the story

  • What happened when the bears returned home? Did you like the girl Mishutka? (Bears consider traces of the girl's stay. Misheutka is trying to bite Masha)

    The educator may draw the attention of children to those moments that they do not notice

  • What did the girl do? (Running into the window Mashenka)

    Illustrations should suggest what will happen further, for example, frightened Masha, depicted near the window, will remind children about her escape

  • What ended the fabulous story?

Among the techniques of talented therapy are very popular games.

With children you can spend the following didactic games for fairy tales:

  • "Who is superfluous?" - Checks the knowledge of the content of the fairy tale.
  • "Name a fairy tale on a fabulous hero" - trains the ability to recognize the fairy tale on characters. Pictures with images of a goat, wolf, foxes, children call fairy tales, in which they meet, for example, "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Kolobok", "Zayushkina Hut", etc.
  • "Who is the hero of the fairy tale?" - teaches to guess a fairy tale according to characters.
  • "Who lives in which house?" - Ensures knowledge of domestic and forest animals.
  • "Find a magical subject" - the children pick up the hero of the magic attribute in accordance with the plot of fairy tales, for example, Pinocchio - a golden key, fairy - a magic wand.
  • "Tell a fairy tale" - the child folds the cards-illustrations in the correct order and retells the plot in his own words.

    Senior preschoolers can give cards - illustrations to several fairy tales and ask for correctly assembled and retell each of them.

  • "Russian folk tales" - improves attention, memory, speech; Encourages initiative and independence in the game with symbolic image characters. Sequencing:

  • "Collect the picture" - forms the ability to make a holistic picture of several parts according to the sample, develops logical thinking, attention. Sequencing:
  • "Let's help the balls!" - Predes vocabulary, develops attention and memory. Sequencing:

Photo Gallery: Examples of didactic games for fairy tales

In an illustration of children, you need to guess the name of the fairy tales guys must answer, what a hero is not from the fairy tale that the rest of the children need to properly assemble a picture from the fantastic "repka" let the guys "put patchwork" on the illustration of preschoolers silhouette? Offer children to pick up in a couple of her hero his attribute who of these heroes is not from the tale "Teremok"? Children need to find an excess character from the Gus-Swan's fairy tales.

Table: Moving games on the topic of fairy tales

Name of the game rules
"Teremok" Children stand in a circle - these are terems. Several children put on masks of the heroes fairy tales: mice, frogs, hare, wolf, chanterelles and bear.
Children raise hands lucked with each other, and say words:
"That's the teremok,
It is not low, not high.
How the animal will enter it,
So shut the castle. "
During the pronigration of words, children in masks of animals run into a circle and run out of it.
For the words of the teacher "Clap", children lower the loving hands.
Who will come, ceases to be a "animal" and gets up in teremok with the rest of the children.
The game is carried out until the most dexterous
"Wolf and Kozdy" The wolf is chosen, the rest of the children are kids.
Children - kids jump around the court, sentencing:
"We are funny goats,
Mischievous all guys
Do not fear no one
In addition to the wolf alone.
(suitable for wolf)
Gray wolf, do not yawny
We are rather catching up. "
For the last words "Wolf" catch up with "Cats".
Who caught (osalil), he squats.
The game stops when the most guys are caught.
Then the new "Wolf" is selected.
"Little Red Riding Hood" Children stand in a circle with arms hooked. In the center of the child, who has a red hat on his head, slightly covered eyes.
Children walk around the red hats and say:
"Little girl
Red hat
To a grandmother with a basket walked
And the guys here found.
You don't remove the hat
Who called you, find out? "
The child on which the teacher indicates, calls: "Red Cap!"
She must guess who called her, name the name.
Guessing baby becomes a red hat
"Barmalei" The child is chosen - Barmalei, he dresses a hero mask. It comes to children with the words:
"I am the kindest bamla
I love children very much.
Who will go with me to walk:
Run, jump and jumping? "
Children depart from Barmaley, saying:
"We do not want to go with you,
Better you catch up! "
Children run away from Barmaley. Caught children he takes into his "house".
Then the game continues with the newly selected baby
"Fly Tsokotukha" Children stand in a circle, holding hands. In the center - the child in the cap flies-cloak.
Children go in a circle, pronouncing words:
"Fly, Fly Cotton,
Gilded belly
We go to visit,
Who do you want, give.
Maybe the bees of striped?
Or shaggy caterpillars?
Blooders - mosquitoes?
Or thick worms? "
A child in the center (fly-clook) chooses. If the child called the bees, then the children fly in a circle and buzz; If the caterpillars go small steps; If the mosquitoes fly, uttering "z-zz"; If worms - go in a circle, alternately tilting and lifting the body.
After each show, the presenter chooses a child, which, in his opinion, performs movements better than all and it becomes the lead
"Hares and Lisa" Children in the masks of the bunnies stand in a circle.
The baby in the mask fox walks around and says:
"Oh, melted my house,
How can I go home.
Need to run to the bunny
His house to take away. "
Suitable for a house of one of the "bunnies", knocks:
Gray bunny running
And with me play. "
"Bunny" and "Fox" run chairs for the circle: who first will take a house. Who lost - he becomes "fox"

Table: Finger games for children 3-4 years

Pronounced text Methodical instructions
There was a bunny -
Long ears.
Restored bunny
Nose on the edge.
Spore spam
Restressed the tail
And I went to warm up
To the guys in visit
Clap your hands. 3 fingers in fist, index and medium - ears.

Turn nose.
Compress and squeeze your fingers of both hands.
Smeat Cobchik.
Create steering wheel
In our area
Under the window
At Semyon in the Garden of Kleyn,
Alena Oak is green,
Marina Kush Rasina,
Arina has two rowan.
And Vani
On woven
Khmel goes
Exhibit two fists.
Put palms on the edge.
Show two palms.
Exhibit two fists.
Left Hand: Finger Fights, Starting with Mizinz.
Right hand: Fucking fingers, starting with a mother's maiden.
Show palm.
Exhibit a fist.
Palm. Fist
Nice nice,
Kolya Prieuza
Pass on the road
Topney, Kohl, Shuttle
Stroke the brush of the left hand.
Stroke the brush of the right hand.
Index and middle fingers of the hands are stepping.
Exhibit a fist.
Put the palm on the edge.
Show palm
Lived bunnies
On the forest edge.
Lived bunnies
In white hut.
Soap your ears,
Soap your paws,
Dressed bunnies,
Put on slippers
3 fingers in fist, index and medium - ears.
Clap your hands.
Show your ears.
Show a house.
Turn ears.
Washing movements palms of hands.
The movement of palms from above down the body.
My fingers will tell
What can - everyone will show.
Their five on each hand.
Everyone can do it, will always help.
They play on a swing
The ball is thrown
Lingerie erase
Paul sweep,
Tweed, caress -
Five and five of my clever fingers
Clap your hands with floating fingers.
The same fingers of both hands are 4 times in contact with each other.
Show poppy fingers.
Clap your hands.
Next moves correspond to the text.
Show fingers of both hands
Dough handles remember
Pie I sweet bake.
Main Light Jam,
And the top of a sweet cream,
And coconut crumbling
I spray a little pie,
And then tea weaver,
I will invite a friend to visit a friend
The child compresses and squeezes his fingers.
Performs circular movements with palms.
Drives palms on the plane of the table.
The child imitates the "sprinkle" with fingers of both hands
"Scarlet flowers"
Our scarlet flowers
Disseminate petals.
The breeze slightly breathe
Petals pegs.
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals
Quietly fall asleep,
Head swing
A child connects the palm in the shape of a tulip.
Slowly reveals the fingers.
Smoothly shakes hands from the side to the side.
The child slowly closes his palm, imitating the flower shape.
Arbitrarily shakes the "Flower Head"
"Ball and girlfriends"
Bowl inflated two girlfriends
Out of his friend -
All crumbled!
Burst ball, and two girlfriends
Looked - no toys
Sat down and cried ...
The fingers of both hands squeezes into the "pinch" and in contact with only tips.
In this position, he must blow on them, while fingers should take the shape of the ball.
The air "comes out", and fingers take the initial position
"Visiting the gnomes"
Gnomes guests were invited.
Dwarfs were treated.
Every guest got jam.
Fingers glued down then treat
Palm clutched tightly
Guests can not take even spoons!
Before starting the game, the child compresses the cams on both hands.
Adult rejuvenates the child fingers in turn.
Adult presses consistently on the pillow of every child's finger with his index finger.
An adult consistently spends the index finger for each finger of the child from the base to the tip itself.
The child should closely press pairwise to each other's pillows.
Baby tightly connects palms

Table: Finger games for children 5-7 years

Name of the game Pronounced text Methodical instructions
"Kozlik" Came a goat from the door,
I arched the neck: "Give the bread soon!"
"Let the piddle!"
I extended Xibi:
"Let the water get drunk!"
The left hand depicts a goat: the middle and the ring fingers are bent, the big, the little finger and the index finger are straightened to the bottom. This situation is saved by the whole game.
The right hand shrinks into the fist, bends in the wrist, put the horns.
Right hand compressed in a fist, middle finger straightened.
Right hand folded by a boat
"Gloves and Mice" Small mouse
Found a glove.
Nest in it arranged
Mice called,
They have a crust of bread
Gave bake
Stroked all
And I sent to sleep
Open the palms, the fingers are spread, turn your hands with the palm, then the back side up.
Fold the palm of the "bucket".
Bending and blending fingers, imitating a calling gesture.
The tip of the thumb alternately knock on the tips of the remaining fingers.
With a thumb ironing the rest of the fingers with a moving movement from the mapleza to the index.
Palm to press each other, put them under the cheek
"Cuckoo walked" There was a cuckoo past the market,
She had a basket.
Suddenly a basket on the floor - boo
Ten fly flew!
The child "goes" on the table on the straightened index and middle fingers, the remaining fingers are pressed.
Then connects the palms "bucket".
It hits with closer palms on his knees and disconnects hands.
The child spreads his arms to the side and moves his fingers
"Ten kittens" At Murochka ours
There are ten kittens,
Now all kittens
On couples stand:
Two fat, two clever,
Two long, two cunning,
Two little most
And the most beautiful
The child folds the palms, the fingers presses each other. Elbows should be based on the table.
Shears palms from side to side, not separating the fingers.
Tapping with the appropriate fingers each other - from the big to the little men
"Needle and frost" Embroits, sew a needle.
The finger hurts the finger sly,
And frost in the same moment
K (child name) on his finger jump!
Says a needle: - Shey!
And you do not dare
The left palm of the child is disclosed, in the right hand - an imaginary needle; The needle sews and hits the index finger on the left hand.
With the right hand, perform such a movement, as if you put on the index finger of the left hand of the hard wrist.
The left palm of the child is disclosed, in his right hand - an imaginary needle, he sews.
Baby threatens her finger left hand
"Cook Cook" Snow fell on the threshold,
The cat is born my cake,
In the meantime, Lepil and Peak,
Breaking Pie duck.
Pakes yourself Pekka
Not from snow and flour
The child raises his hands up, and then slowly lowers his palm on the table.
Pictures piring piring.
The baby "runs" with fingers of both hands on the table.
Reappears the piring
"Mouse" Sat down a mouse on the butter,
And the maslock is a sticky mushroom,
Sat on it a mouse
And adhesive, adhesive, adhesive
A child with a palm of his left hand covers the cam right.
Rotates the cam right hand.
Thrite palm left hand on the cam right.
The child "takes off" the left palm from the cam, and she "holds"
"Wind, wind, breeze" Wind in the forest walked,
The wind leafs considered:
Here - oak,
Here is the maple,
Here is a rowan, carved,
Here - with birch, golden.
Here is the last sheet from Osinka
The wind threw a path
Baby girl performs smooth wave motions.
Crawling one finger, starting with the big one.
Rises hands up and then smoothly lowers palms on a table or knees
"Giraffes and Elephants" From giraffes stains, stains,
Spots, specks everywhere.
From giraffes stains, stains,
Spots, specks everywhere:

On the noses, on the abdomen,
on the knees and noses.

Folds, folds everywhere.
Elephants have folds, folds,
Folds, folds everywhere:
On the forehead, ears, on the neck, on the elbows,
On the noses, on the abdomen, knees and noses
The child claps his palms throughout the body.
Which index fingers are touched to the corresponding parts of the body.
The child gently populates himself, as if collecting folds.
Both index fingers of the child adapts to the corresponding parts of the body

Typology of fairy tales

The fabulous world offers an example of solving the most confusing and hopeless situations, but does not impose it in the form of strict prescriptions and laws. The child is mentally transferred to the imaginary world, the test is undergoing, experiencing adventures, imperceptibly acquiring the most important experience and overcoming its own internal problems.

Artistic fairy tales are traditional folk tales, as well as copyright fairy tales, built on the principle of the integrity of the world of people and the world of nature, as well as on the magic "livelyness." Artistic fairy tales are the following types:

  • folk;
  • fabulous stories about animals, natural phenomena, plants;
  • fairy tales on household topics;
  • terrible fairy tales;
  • fantastic fairy tales filled with magic.

Example: The tale of "Adventures of Buratino" will help the gullible and naughty baby, "Princess on the pea" - spoiled and capricious, "a fairy tale about fisherman and a fish" - by lovely and greedy.

Didactic - the most uncomplicated and simple version of the fabulous narration, aimed at the transfer of practical everyday experience, domestic knowledge, useful skill and skill. For example:

  • how it is properly and safe to move the roadway;
  • how to wash it yourself, dress, brew tea;
  • how to maintain cleanliness and order in the children's room, independently fold toys;
  • how to learn to be polite and careful in relation to the people around people, why you need to congratulate your friends with holidays, give gifts.

The most ordinary and boring occupation can be made bright and interesting with the help of amazing magic transformations and reincarnations. A fabulous story tells about the meaning and significance of a specific ability, in the finals of the child awaits a small task, in the process of executing which it will acquire real experience and will consolidate theoretical knowledge.

The psychological fairy tale is a fictional story, the fruit of the author's fantasy, filled with ideological meaning, providing a direct psychological impact on the personal development of the child. The complexity of the author's fairy tale is that it transmits the most important information in an encrypted symbolic form, hiding it for metaphorical images. The psychological tale will not tell how to please a friend with freshly sauced tea or politely ask for adults, but it will try to explain what real friendship is, why love your loved ones and take care of the world around us.

Video: Tale tale therapy for behavior in children

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d4uo147olrpk. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Tale Tale Therapy for Conditions in Children (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d4UO147olrpk)

The psychocorrection fairy tale is a kind of "soft hint", which has an indirect effect on the behavior and value guidance of the child. In accordance with the moral design, the narrator builds a plot in a certain way: in the debut of history there is an inefficient model of behavior (hostility, falsehood, capriciousness, uncertainty, robustness, boasting, greed), and then considered an alternative style (goodwill, courage, generosity, truthfulness, mercy) , conclusions are drawn. The meaning of the events of fabulous history can lie on the surface and is easy to capture the listener.

For example, in the beloved story about the bridge, a dangerous enemy, living in the river, immediately disappeared as soon as the protagonist changed the evil, threatening grinding on a cute smile. Moral fairy tale is simple and obvious: how do you feel about peace, so the world treats you. But an example is more complicated in the form of a fairy tale presentation, the meaning of which is hidden under the abstract metaphor: "The sad tiger is wandering over the forest and cries, he met a mixing monkey. "What are you sad, tiger?" - Interested in a monkey. "Nobody loves me," Tiger complains about the answer, "I leave to another place." "And you grab your sharp and terrible fangs?" - asks a monkey. " This kind of fairy tales require additional discussion and explanations.

The psychotherapeutic fairy tale is the strongest genre with the possibilities of healing the soul, carrying deep wisdom and sophisticated beauty. Often teachers and psychologists, looking for fairy tales that can bring emotional relief, help in a difficult life situation, use the richness of religious parables, Basen Ezopa, I. Krylov, legends, epic and myths.

Video: Psychotherapeutic fairy tale

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d20st-lerlc4 Video CAN't Be Loaded: Talegotherapy of psychosomatic diseases in children (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d20st-lerlc4)

Meditative fairy tales - have a relaxing impact on the psyche, help to remove psycho-emotional stress, strive to root in the area of \u200b\u200bthe unconscious ideal sample, on the basis of which the personality exposes relationships in themselves, surrounding people and the world.

Age features of talekotherapy

In three or four years, it is possible to note the following distinguishing features of talentherapy:

  • The child is watching the fairytale, adult gestures during individual or collective classes and learns to transfer the feelings and emotions of the heroes of the fairy tale.
  • The problem around which the fabulous plot is built, should be interesting and relevant for the baby, the questions are formulated so as to help see and realize causal relationships.
  • The stories of fairy tales should be simple and accessible to the perception of the child, it is worth remembering that it is possible to separate the fairy-tale world from real kids only in four years.
  • Tri-four-four years old are close and the fairy tales telling about the interaction of people and animals. Little fantasies are easily reincarnated into an image of an animal, with ease and innate artistry imitate their sobs.

When the "Teremka" is drawn, children with ease will depict animals - the heroes of the fairy tale

Five years:

  • Sharing with the child modeling plots workering its real life situations, problems, fears. Such a story can begin, for example, with such words: "There was a boy (girl), which was very similar to you."
  • All work occurs on the deep, subconscious level, discussion and analysis at this age are ineffective.
  • Tasks associated with the continuation of the fairy tales, the circular method of joint development of the storyline, when each child in turn comes up with his small fragment, intertwined it into the plot created by common efforts.
  • Five-year children give preference to magical fairy tales, see themselves in the image of a noble prince, a charming princess, a brave soldier, etc.

Task when children in turn come up with a small part of the plot, may be accompanied by playing fairy tales

Six to seven years:

  • Fairy-therapy begins with discussion and formulation of problematic issues.
  • The tales of horns will help to remove the psychological stress, the final of which will be funny and unpredictable.
  • Didactic fairy tales are actively used, for example, mathematical tasks, woven into a fabulous story about overcoming the test or a fairy tale of "two frogs", symbolically illustrating the truth that you need to fight to the end.
  • Children of this age are interesting philosophical and domestic fairy tales.

Methods of conducting a cycle of fabulic treatment classes

The first step is the active mastering of the fairy tale content.It takes place for 2-3 classes in which:

  • Reading or told new fairy tale in a teacher.
  • Conversation on the themes of emotional perception, moral lesson. An example of questions for a conversation on the fairy tale "Thimmochka":
    • How did the kindness of the tech manifest?

      Tell me how she cared for a sick swallow.

      How did she live at the clock, why was she sad and grew up?

      What would you say Mole, being on the place of the Thumbeller?

      What new and beautiful words and phrases did you know?

      How to change the end of the fairy tale so that the woman is also happy?

  • Speech exercises (work with new words, develop the skills of competent construction of the phrase, the development of phraseological revolutions, acquaintance with proverbs and patterings).
  • The development of figurative and abstract thinking (clarifying questions, tasks to modify the storyline, the transformation of the behavior of heroes, learning the ability to express its point of view, give an argued assessment of the events and actions of heroes). Example: "Lived, grandfather da Baba ... rolled the bun on a path in the dense forest, rolled, rolled, and in fairy tales, it was obsolete. Let's consider carefully pictures, guess which a fairy tale got a bun, come up with a continuation, in which fabulous heroes will help Kolobku return home. "
  • Artherapy - work on the sphere of imagination, the aesthetic development of the perception of the beautiful, improvement of small motility.

The sand fairy tale is one of the types of arterapia

The second step implies the creative activity of children, preparation and holding of a theatrical game.It takes another 3-4 lessons:

  • Cognitive and developing conversation on the content of a fabulous work.
  • The dramatization of individual parts or the whole fairy tale.
  • Speech exercises for the transfer of emotional state by means of intonation expressiveness of the voice.
  • Psychodstastics and psychocorrection (removal of psychological stress, overcoming timidity, fear, insecurity). An example of relaxation exercises: "stroking", "hugs", "fear" (the body is composed, then relaxed), "sympathy".
  • The main tool of talented therapy is to play a fabulous role, a figurative reincarnation that stimulates the development of speech, the improvement of psychological processes.

Video: Fairy-therapy

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d3F2UB0ZBQXI Video CAN't Be Loaded: Tale Tale Therapy - Lesson for preschoolers (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003d3F2UB0ZBQXI)

Photo Gallery: Fairy Tale Riddles

The mystery to the fairy tale "Three Bears" The mystery to the fairy tale "Seven Cats" Riddle to the fairy tale "Kolobok" Riddle to the fairy tale "Repka" Riddle to the tale "Teremok" The mystery to the fairy tale "Three pigs" The mystery to the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" The mystery to the fairy tale "Bull - Smolybnya Barch" mystery to the fairy tale "Koshkin House" Riddle to the Gus-Swan fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka" Riddle to the fairy tale "

Exchange on the topic "Tales" in kindergarten

Plan lesson:

  • The ritual "entrance to the fairy tale" - techniques that contribute to the development of a sense of unity, creating a favorable psychological attitude, for example, to take up his hands, to see each other in the eyes, smile, pass the "magic" bell, toy or a beautiful glass ball, etc. .
  • The main part is the direct work with a new fairy tale, game, symbolic journey, tasks and exercises for the development of the verbal imagination of the child.
  • The final part, the ritual of "exit from the fairy tale" - children symbolically take with them all important, which gave them a fairy tale. The lesson may end in any traditional symbolic effect, for example, by building a turret from cams - friendship metaphors and mutual understanding.

Creating a special fabulous atmosphere involves work in three directions:

  • musical design;
  • lighting effects;
  • the story of the fairy tale, theatrical playing of the plot in the role performance.


Subject Fragment of abstract
"Fale about wind"
(Psychological fairy tale for younger group)
He lived in the light of the wind. He was very curious and therefore flew everywhere and watched everything that was going on in the world.
Exercise "Gymnastics for Eye"
Children perform movement through the eyes: a) right-left; b) up-down.
Movements are carried out slowly. The head does not move.
He was interested in absolutely everything, and what, you will tell me now.
Exercise "For whom and what did the wind observed"
Showing the cards on which schematically depicted: hare, water, rain, birds, flowers, trees.
Exercise "Laughter"
Straightening the abdominal muscles and putting a hand on his belly, children begin to laugh, feeling tension.
Could be sad, then they cried (I show the card - sadness).
Exercise "Plach"
I offer children to imagine that they missed and began to cry. Children cover their face with their hands and imitate crying. The psychologist comes to everyone, regrets and soothes.
Could be angry and be evil (I show the card - anger).
Exercise "Anger"
When people are angry, they sometimes offend the one who is near, can say something offensive, or even hit. So that this does not happen, let's get into a piece of paper, break it and throw it into the basket. Children take a piece of paper and thrown into the basket.
Could be kind and cobres, and love each other (I show the card - love and kindness).
I invite children to the mat, the assistant removes the tablets with numbers, there is only material for modeling (plate, salt dough, matches, wet wipes, cups for disposable use).
- Children sit down all in place. Have you been nice to get a gift from the wind?
- Let's give him something to him. I want to offer you yourself choose which gift to blind. It can be a bagel, cookies or a balloon.
- Look, what gifts I made.
- In order to make a bagel, we have to take a piece of salt dough, put it between the palms, roll out, and then connect the ends, and we have a beautiful bagel.
- If you want to make cookies, then you need to roll out the dough between the palms, and then chop it.
"What night toys whisper in kindergarten" for the younger group (psychocorrection fairy tale) Story
You wanted to know what our toys whisper about at night? Then listen to my fairy tale carefully.
When a working day ends in kindergarten, children and teachers go home. No one even guess that when the moon looks into the window, from her radiance, toys wake up.
Exercise "Toys wake up"
Children get up and are filled with all the body, straining muscles. The psychologist checks the tension of the muscles of each child. Now let go voltage.
It was then that we hear a quiet whisper, an interesting conversation begins.
- You just look at me! - said Katya doll. - I am all painted and scratched.
- Yes Yes! - supported her Mishka Misha. - That stains from paint remained on me after drawing on drawing.
Exercise "Spot"
The psychologist shows children pictures with a variety of spots (different colors, shapes, quantity), children should carefully consider and answer what stains it is.
But the sunshine looked out, and toys, seeing daylight, began to fall asleep slowly.
Exercise "Sunny and toys"
"Sunny" (psychologist) concerns hand ("beam") of each child, and children relaxing, falling asleep (children can "fall asleep", sitting on the rug, and can lie down).
Do you think all are well in children in this group? Well, tell me that you need to make children so that the toys do not run away from them? (children's responses).
"It seems to me that today you understand that you need to take care and not offend. And I want to offer you to make friends for our group toys.
Salted dough modeling with children
I remember with children, how to divide a piece of salt dough into parts, then children are defined that it is exactly that the teacher reminds that all our toys have a round shape, and in order for it to become round, you need to take part of the salt dough, put it on Palm and rolling method between palms circular movements make a ball. The tutor tells on each toy separately.
"Country of magical words" (artistic fairy tale in the middle group)
Pedagogue: Guys, Cockerel, who lives in a forest hut! What fairy tales are it from?
Children answer: "Fox and Cockerel."
Pedagogue: That's right, children. And who else lived together with the rooster in the forest hut?
Children answer - the cat.
Pedagogue: Yes, guys. We lived, there were cat and cockerel in the forest hut. Each time the cat went on the hunt, and the cockerel remained at home.
It will remove everything in the hut, the order will bring and sings a song. How is the rooster sings a song?
Children: "Kukarek !!!"
Pedagogue: Guys, who heard a song Cockerel?
Children: Fox.
Pedagogue: Yes. Children, and what a fox?
- Surrious, cheater, redhead.
Pedagogue: Guys, and what was the rooster?
Children: kind, gullible, hardworking.
Pedagogue: Yes, what did Lisa do when she heard a cockerel song?
Children: She came to the house and wanted to steal a cockerel!
Pedagogue: That's right. Let's deprure a cunning fox.
Children imitate the facial expressions and fox habits.
Pedagogue: Guys, what happened next? Let one of you take a cockerel, and someone will be a fox and will show what happened next?
Children play the scene, as Fox deceived the cockerel and carried it.
Pedagogue: Children, what do you think was frightened by a cockerel? Show how it was frightened?
Children are depicted on the face of fear.
Pedagogue: Guys, why did the rooster believed the fox?
Children answer that Lisa affectionately appealed to the cock.
Pedagogue: Do you know affectionate words? Let's play.
Game: "Affectionate words"
Bell naughty
You guys in a circle building!
Gathered guys in a circle
Left friend and right friend.
Together by arms, we will smile together and smile.
"Be kind - I'm talking about a secret.
Be kind and do not wait for this candy.
Be kind without a game and during the game,
If you are able, do good today! "
Magic wand in hand I will take, and affectionate word to a friend I will give!
Children talk to each other affectionate words.
"Magic Country of Sensuals" (Meditative Tale)
Teacher: "There is a flower in a magical country, he was presented with one kind and wise fairy. If a kind person comes up to him, the flower begins to glow and transmits a part of the magical strength to the one who will reach his hands.
If you approach this flower and stretch your hands over it, you can turn into anyone. In someone you wish.
Now we are quietly suitable for a magic flower, stand around him so as not to interfere with each other, and we can turn into someone you have conceived. "
Reincarnation of children in fabulous heroes.
Meets their mistress of a magical country:
- Who have you turned? Why?
Children sit on the carpet.
Pedagogue: "Somewhere far away, and maybe quite close, there is an amazing country. Rights this country king. He has a lot of servants and courtiers. And since our country is not ordinary, but a fabulous, then he has unusual servants. We call these servants - feelings.
What feelings - the servants were the king? (Joy, sadness, anger, fear, resentment).
Let's get closer to the king servant named the joy. Who wants to show us a servant named joy? "
Baby output (enable music).
And what do you think, what is the most important feeling live in man? Of course, love!
Let's make hands to your heart, because love lives there.
Do you feel warm from your hearts? This means that love is in your hearts.
Let's give your love to those who are next to us, and how to do it - the heart will tell you.
"Three pigs" (artistic fairy tale)
- Look at the card (№1), who do you see? (On this card I see piglets and wolf)
- What fairy tale these heroes? (These heroes from the fairy tale "Three Pigs")
- Let's get acquainted with the heroes of this fairy tale.
- I am piggy naph, hello!
- I'm nif-niff piglets, hello!
- I am piggyproof, hello!
- And I am a wolf, hello!
- How can I call our heroes? (Wild and Pets)
- Show on the card (№ 2) of wild animals, pets. (The student shows and calls wild and pets)
- Well done! Tell me, where does the fairy tale begins? (There were three pigs: NAF-NAF, NIF-NIF and NUF-NUF ...)
- At this card (№3), the hero of the fairy tale was depicted, circle it along the contour. (Pupils will drive) Katya, who did you get? (I got piglets) What is the animal? (This is a pet)
- Tell me, and wolf - what animal? (Wolf is a wild animal) right
- Show and name on this card (№4) of wild animals (child response)
- NAF-NAF wore a red cap, Nif-Nif wore a blue cap, the NUF-NUF wore a green cap. Show on the card (№5) objects of red, like a NAF-NAF cap, blue objects, like a nif-nif cap. Green items like a nuf-nuf cap, mark on your cards (perform the task)
"We are all so different" (psychotherapeutic fairy tale in the preparatory group)
"In a small town, there was a tiny kindergarten, in which the beautiful alay rose grew. Near her a poor defenseless chamomile grew. She just blossomed, it was not yet frown of petals were white, ordinary. Chamomile surrounded a lot of wildflowers. But she was nothing pleased. In her tiny head there was a big dream - to become a beautiful, unusual flower. Chamomile with admiration looked at a well-groomed rose. When drought was, the owner watered his flower. When it was rained, the rose was closed, and no formidable drop fell on the velvet petals of a gentle flower. "How good she is," daisy thought. - To be in her place, "did not stop dreaming a small yellow flower with long petals, similar to the wings of butterflies.
But once she walked the kid along the path. Seeing chamomile, he said with admiration: "What a beautiful flower!". Chamomile at first could not understand these words, until that moment she considered herself the most ugly plant. The baby explained the chamomile that all the flowers are good in their own way. "
Discussion of a fairy tale.
1. Why did the chamomile with admiration looked at Rose?
2. What does "all the colors are good in your own way"?
3. Is it possible to say this phrase about people?
Everyone is good in his own way. We are all different: we have a different appearance, voice, character. Nowhere, nowhere on the planet there is no such baby as you, there is no such wonderful girl (like ..., there is no such cheerful boy. You are in the world one such one, there is no second of such a child.
Let's try to tell each other a compliment.
- What is a compliment? (children's responses). Yes, you are absolutely right, the compliment is kind, pleasant words spoken to someone. When they make a compliment try to say about the positive features of a person. What positive qualities is a person?
Communicative game "Give pebbles"
Take out of the box one pebble and give it to the one who wants, but necessarily with the words: "I give you this pebble, because you are the most." Now children who are left left, pebbles give the lead, but, be sure to notify the best qualities of each child to which he gives a gift.
Game "Dourbacker"
- Let's get rid of the incarnation of cruelty and anger.
Children are invited to break into small pieces, sheets of paper with the image of terrible physiognomy and dirty kleks. Then make the wrath of the kicks, and put the nurses in the trash package, tie a package, throw in the trash can.
"Guys, we spent so much strength with rudeness, anger, angrily, so let's rest."
"Six Hats"
(Psychotherapeutic fairy tale in the preparatory group)
Parable about the old hat
Psychologist appeals to children: "I want to tell you one parable. Parable is an allegorical story who teaches something. Listen carefully.
He lived, there was an old wise hat. Of all the earthly wealth, he had only colored felt. But he had golden hands and a wonderful muddy soul. The master gave people more than hats - hats, caps, Panama and cape. Enlightened and spiritualized, decisive and generous spirit came out of the workshop of an old hat, who takes their order. Is it worth talking about how the master famous for his skill, as people were grateful to him for wonderful hats, in which the great secret of the Great Master was buried.
But the years went. The time has come when the old man's hat went into the other world, leaving the workshop, color felt and hats to six sons. Six multicolored hats. White hat, black, red, green, yellow and blue. "Apparently, this is the extraordinary order, which has recently worked as a selflessly father," the sons of Hatter decided. "So soon there should be a customer who is generously paying with us for paternal work. We divide the money revented and can go with them in the light, "they planned. But how much the sons were waiting for the coming of the mysterious customer, and did not wait. There is nothing to do, it is necessary to share his father's legacy.
"I'll take myself a white hat," the first son said. - She is so elegant, delightful and beautiful, I will turn in it on the balas and receptions. It is this hat that will talk about my "difficult" origin. And then the honor is great - to be the son of a simple hatter! "
"A I choose a black hat," said the second son. "II, it is not less elegant than white, it looks luxurious, relevant to any costume and event, I will be strict in it, representative and exquisite at the same time."
"Well, I choose myself a yellow hat," said the third one. - Yellow color - the color of the sun, joy and wealth, and this is so necessary for me! Perhaps owning a yellow hat, I can become happy who knows? "
"Let my hat become red," exclaimed the fourth. - How I dreamed always stand out from the crowd, as I wanted to be the center of attention, for me to admire and admired women. And in this hat I will irresistible! "
"The green hat reminds me of the spring meadow and the field, wide and endless, which gives the possibility of flight. A thousand times I flew in a dream over green lovely earth, perhaps a green hat will help to realize my dream, "the fifth son has knownly pronounced.
"I also get a blue hat, and I am very happy about it. Blue color - eye color of our father, endless sea and celestial expanses. Fix their depth and height - here is my vocation. Is it enough for all the conceived forces, determination and time '? " - reflected the sixth of the sons of the hat.
Have disassembled sons of hats and went to different directions.
How did their fate begins, did they achieve what they dreamed of whether what they thought?
"Who told meow" (artistic fairy tale on the work of V. SUEEVA) Psychologist. Who was the first to meet a puppy in the yard? (Cockerel) Slide number 1. Show how he was surprised? (Children depict surprise on the face). Find the picture on which surprise is depicted (children show a pictogram with emotion emotion). Remember who was second? (Mouse) Slide number 2. And when meeting who puppy was scared? Slide number 3 (dogs). The dog was the third, and who was the fourth? (Bee) Slide No. 4. What did the bee do? (Stung puppy in the nose). What happened to him next? (He fell into the pond). And he became sad. Show sad face. (Children show sadness on the face). Find a sad emotion in the picture. (Show pictogram with emotion to sadness). Who met a puppy after the bee? (frog) Slide №5 Well done! So who said meow? (Cat) Slide number 6. The puppy was angry and became evil. Picture anger on your face (children are angry). Show the same picture (show an indulgence icon). I like when your faces are joyful and funny, smile. Find a joyful emotion in the picture. (Children show a pictogram with emotion of joy)
Work with sand
On our yard there is a sandbox, let's play. Children sit down to the sandbox.
Psychologist. Guys let's make handprints. What do you feel?
Children: I feel warmth (cool) sand. Small sands. Etc.
Then it is proposed "slip" over the sand surface (as a snake, machine); "Go" with palms, leaving traces each finger; Leave prints of cams, Röber palms.
Psychologist: Guys, in the sand, the figurines of animals are hidden, which live on this yard. Let's find them.
Children find figures and voiced their actions: I found a cow, and I found a goat. I got a cat, and I have a dog. And here is the bear. I have a pig.
Psychologist: Look at animals and tell me who is excess here?
Children: Excess Bear. Because the wild animal, and all the rest are homemade, live with a man.
"A visit to us came
Grandma-fun "
(didactic fairy tale in the younger group)
Grandma - Fun: Hello, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: my name is grandmother - fun. I came to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Alyonushka and Ivanushka (seats dolls).
My grandchildren sent parents gifts: all sorts of things and toys. I am old, forgetting, not sieve, what things for Alyonushka, and what kind of Ivanushka. To dress, I wanted grandchildren, and they offended me and do not speak. Maybe you guys, tell me why Alyonushka with Ivanushka was offended?
(The educator shows dressed "mistaken" dolls: on the boy dressed skirt and tied a bow, and a girl in pants and a shirt)
Children: Grandma, you misunderstood them.
Grandma - Funchaise: What about? Well, tell me, forgetful, the guys, what girls wear, and what boys. (Children answer)
Let's pick up Alyonushka and Ivanushka clothes. Guys that we first put in our Alyonushka? (Bloused) What then is the same with our girl? (Skirt.) What is Alyonushka put on the head? (Shock or cap) What shoe on the legs? (Shoes.)
The guys, and what are we first put to our vanechka? (Shirt) And what then put our boy? (Pants) What do we go to Vanya? (Shoes)
(There is a presentation of children's clothing.)
Grandmother - Fun: What can I wear on the street with our Alyonushka? (Coat, tie light scarf.) What can I wear our Ivanushka to the street? (Jacket.) What is wearing a head? (Cap)
Now it's right dressed Alyonushka with Ivanushka?
(Children note that the dolls have become beautiful, elegant, neat.) Ah yes, clever, ah yes, well done! Here are my grandmother.
"Tale of the most cherished desire"
(psychological fairy tale)
One warm May morning on the fragrant flower glade flew a big beautiful butterfly. Flying from a flower on a flower, she drank their sweet nectar and, thanks to this, he was glad to serve the postman. The butterfly passed congratulations from one colors to others, told what was happening in different parts of the glade.
The butterfly endured even love messages of colors - pollen, helping them to tie seeds. The butterfly was engaged in a very important thing.
Exercise "Butterfly Dance"
The presenter includes calm, quiet music, and children dance with one-time handkerchiefs. Movement is soft, calm, smooth.
One day, when the time came to take care of the offspring, the butterfly chose a beautiful flower and put the eggs. Invisible to the eye they were neatly glued to the back of the green leaf. The flower remembered the merit of the butterfly-postman and the shore of the egg from sun rays and raindrops.
Exercise "Flower"
Children folded the palms together, depicting the stem, then zoomed the central palm particles, forming a "bud". And finally, reveal the fingers: the flower dismissed. It is necessary to depict the hands open with tassels, feel the tension in the fingers of the hands, then shake hands and relax them.
- Little caterpilots got out of them very soon and mounted in different directions.
Exercise "Crawler"
Children are sitting like in the egg, then straighten, fall on the stomach, and crawl on the stomach on the floor, the hands stretch along the body palms down. After performing the exercises, the children turn the head to the side so that one cheek lay on the floor, relax all the muscles of the body.
Only one caterpillar remained to live where it was born. Twisting the tube is one of the leaves, the crumb arranged a cozy house.
Exercise "Home Foreign"
Children clap themselves, as if wrapped in a leaflet, straining the muscles of the hands, then relax them (3-4 times).
- The flower did not really like it, because he now became less than one piece of leafle, and he became not enough food, which he received his leaves from sunlight.

VIDEO: Tappy's competitive occupation

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dczoc7Ri1TVQ. Video CAN't Be Loaded: The Correctional and Development Technology "FairyTerage" (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dczoc7RI1TVQ)

Table: An abstract of classes on fairy-tale therapy "Trail to fairy tales" in the preparatory group, author T.T. Gerasimenko

Software and equipment Software content:
  1. Fasten the knowledge of children about politeness (words of greeting and farewell), about ways to transfer information and communication.
  2. Fasten the ability to recover a famous fairy tale based on the main events "in a circle"; Learn to understand the hidden meaning of the plot of fairy tales; Continue to learn correctly ask questions.
  3. Continue to teach children to make a moral assessment of the behavior of a hero in accordance with the norms of morality.
  4. Education of a good attitude towards each other, feelings of empathy.
  5. Normalization of the interim side of speech.
  6. Correction of the emotional and cognitive sphere.

Doll (plane) - boy rhetoric; Icons assistants (in accordance with the program "School 2100 ..."); Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"; microphone; puppet dolls (by the number of children); Molbert with a picture from the fairy tale "Frost" with the image of the stepdaughter and the Machina daughter; candy (chocolate in bright wound and caramel); paper hearts; Chest with elements of theatrical costumes; 2 large mirrors; Air ball and elements for air dumps (painted parts of the face, wand, scarf).

Organizational part Educator: - Guys, I have long dreamed of getting into the country of fairy tales. Only now I misfortune, I don't know exactly. But I have a familiar boy whom you also know, he can help us. He loves sociable and polite children.
- What does it mean to "communicate"? (Talk, talk, tell)
- What happens to? (Oral, writing, with the help of "intermediaries" - phone, book, telegram).
- What does it mean to be polite? (Talk "Magic" words)
- What does it mean to say hello? (Wish each other health)
Fingering gymnastics "fingers greet."
"I greet everywhere, at home and on the street.
Even hello say, I am a neighbor chicken. "
(repeat 2-3 times with acceleration of tempo)
Rhetoric (doll): - Hello, guys! Well done! I heard all, I can help get into the country of fairy tales. But I want to ask you: "Are you ready to go everywhere, the heroes of fairy tale help in trouble?" ("Ready!")
Then take hands, close your eyes. Once, two, three, happy way!
(Children pass to another room. Music sounds, children open their eyes.)
Main part Educator: Here, guys, we are in a fabulous country. Oh, how beautiful!
But look, I see icons. This rhetoric tells us what to do. What are they talking about us? ("Look", "Listen", "Speak")
(On the clearing lies the book, Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear")
Educator: Let's remember this fairy tale and in a circle one after another we will tell you this fairy tale, but only very briefly, most importantly. Begins to tell ... Lisa.
(Children tell a fairy tale)
Educator: Well done! Now let's try to tell once again differently.
Imagine that one of you is a bear. For example ... Kohl.
- Kohl, tell us how you shoulded pies.
(The boy represents himself as a bear and tells from the 1st person)
Educator: What a wonderful bear we have!
- And you, Nastya, turn, please, in Masha, and tell us how you got lost?
(The girl tells from the 1st person)
Educator: Well done!
- Guys, and let's take an interview with the bear, let him say we, why didn't you want to let Masha? Bear will be ... Sasha. Interview will take ... Dasha.
(The dialogue between the Bear and the girl occurs.
Bear: One boring, no one cook, sweep the floor. I love pies.)
Educator: Yes, really a bear is bored and lonely one in the house. I feel sorry for him. How to help him?
(I listen to children's offers)
Educator: Let's send a bear invitation to tea from Masha, because Masha is a good girl.
- What do we write? (Children dictate text)
"Let's leave here on the clearing, the forest postman - forty, will give it.
Educator: Guys, we did a good deed. We look at the icon, it's time to go further. (Icon "Go further")
(Children are suitable for Shirma. On it Icons "Look", "Think." I reveal the screen, puppets hang on it)
Educator: Guys, what do you think, what kind of good deed can be done here?
(I listen to the version of children)
- Let's revive the dolls, play with them.
(Children take dolls and begin to drive them)
Educator: You see, as soon as we took dolls, they came to life. And from our actions depends on what a doll will do. Here our dolls greeted each other with gestures, they still can not talk yet. They decided to walk (move). But suddenly a strong wind flew out, and our dolls clung to each other so that they were not cold.
The wind stopped, the dolls again fled at the clearing. Guided, it's time to relax.
(Children hang dolls in place, say goodbye to them)
Icon "Go further"
We approach the easel with pictures on the fairy tale "Frost".
Educator: Guys, what do you think, with what fairy tale we met now, and what we will do (according to the badges "Think", "Speak")
- How do you think about this fairy tale? Who is good here, who is angry?
- What do you think she teaches?
"Why did Morozko sucked with the Machina daughter?"
- How did you do frost, if the Machekina daughter would be kind?
- How did you do frost, if in a fairy tale everyone would be evil and lazy?
- Why did Padryman be unhappy?
(On all issues I listen to the answers of the children)
Educator: Guys, you say that one girl is kind, hardworking. And the other evil, the lazy. Please take these hearts on a plate, and give the girl that you like more.
(Children disassemble hearts and put near the girl who likes them.
The teacher remembers and takes on his note)
Educator: So you like Padmeritsa more, kind girl. Okay.
- But the padchier and the Sleavitan decided to treat you with candy. Padder is treating caramels, machekhina daughter - chocolate candies.
- Please treat.
(Pay attention to what children take children)
Educator: ... why did you have a heart of Padcheritsa, and I took the candy from the Lenivians? (Two, three questions for children)
Educator: Yes, guys, speak beautifully easily, and it is beautifully difficult to do.
- Guys, it seems to me that Morozko was too brutally entered with a woman and her daughter. Do not they feel sorry for them? Let's come up with another way of re-education.
(Children express their suggestions)
Educator: Here we have made another good deed.
(Icon "Go further")
Educator: What is it? "Look" icon.
Chest, probably with jewels. Let's see.
(In the chest elements of theater costumes: hats, handbags, crowns, hats, etc.)
Educator: Guys, and who needs it all? ... right, artists.
- Let's follow. (Children try on and consider themselves in the mirror)
- ... (referring to someone) Who do you feel? ..., and you, ... And you?
- Consider yourself in the mirror from all sides. And play the game "Zamri". While music sounds, you move as fabulous heroes in suits as artists. As soon as the music is silent, you must measure, as if it is a portrait. (Play)
Educator: Well done! Real artists!
- Guys, it is very interesting here, but it's time to us, the rhetoric hurts us.
(Icon "Go further")
- We have to do one more thing. We are with you wizards, and now try to turn an ordinary ball into a wonderful doll. It will work out if we work together, help each other and advancing. And first try to inflate the ball.
(Respiratory gymnastics "ball inflation")
Educator: That's the ball. Getting to work.
(Children on the balloon stick their eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair. Wear a dress.
It turns out a doll. (An abstract classes with DS50.RU) children beat it.
Rhetoric appears.)
Final part Rhetoric: Well, guys, did you like to do good deeds?
- And you liked you, I liked how you worked together, helped each other. (Individual praise)
- The journey ended, but the fairy tale does not say goodbye to you, she will come to visit you herself. And take a doll to myself.
- Grasp your hands, close your eyes. Bye. Good luck!

Project for fairy tales

Studying for talented therapy is an integrated form of educational activities that have narrow-proof targets and tasks.

The project on fabbotherapy is a combined and advanced method of implementing a talentherapy, which unites several multidirectional artistic and aesthetic and practical training (development of speech, psychogymannastics, reading, appliqué, artherapy, theatrical activity, music, drawing, modeling, etc.), combined with common topics . The creative project is implemented in the cooperation of the educator, the teacher-psychologist, a specialist speakerpad, a music officer, the head of theatrical circle, pupils and parents.

Types of projects for the periods of implementation:

  • short-term - from one lesson to one week;
  • long-term - from month to year.

Project structure:

  • preparatory stage;
  • main stage;
  • final stage.

Events in the framework of the project on fabricotherapy

Directions of work and form of implementation:

  • Cognitive development:
    • educational and psychotherapeutic conversations with parents and pupils;
    • quiz and intellectual games;
    • home creative tasks;
    • registration of a corner of fairy tales, preparation of demonstration material and art exhibitions (stands, folders-mobile, posters, thematic newspapers, etc.);
    • formulation of performances and stages;
    • excursions, visiting exhibitions, concerts and performances.
  • Educational games (didactic, literary, theatrical, role).
  • Artistic practical activity (artherapy, drawing, applique, music, modeling).
  • Receptions for the development of verbal creativity (drawing up fairy tales, acquaintance with riddles and proverbs, writing).
  • Physical culture - relay, sports holidays.

Registration of a fairy tale corner, playing games and classes

Table: examples of fairy tales projects

the name of the project Project content
"Our good fairy tales" (short-term, senior group)
Stage I. Preparatory and informational:
  • Cause the interest of children and parents to the topic of the project.
  • Collection of information, literature, additional material.
  • Informing parents about the implementation of this project. A selection of methodical, reference, fiction, proverbs, sayings. Drawing up a promising plan for this project.
  • Selection of material and equipment for classes, conversations, plot role-playing games with children.
  • Collaboration with parents: conversation with parents about the need to participate them in the project, about a serious attitude to the educational and educational process in DOU.
  • Competition Wallpaper "The most reading family."
  • Joint creation of parents-children "illustrate a favorite fairy tale."
  • Competition crafts "Our Fairy Tales".

Stage II. Practical - informative:
Organization of cognitive activity of children:

  • Conduct a cycle of informative events. Creating a mini-library for fairy tales.
  • Cognitive conversations "Tales - Good friends", "My favorite fairy tales."
  • Guessing mysteries on fabulous heroes. Stories of children about visiting theaters.
  • Node "Fairy Tale" Fox-sister and Gray Wolf "."
  • Explore passages from fairy tales for the formulation of a puppet theater for children and parents.
  • Work with a fairy tale "Rust".
  • Consider illustrations of different artists to fairy tales.
  • Joint activities at home. To draw a drawing "favorite fairy tale" together with the child.
  • Consultation for parents "What fairy tales read the child for the night", "Fairy Tale therapy".
  • Events for working with children: Reading fiction literature, watching cartoons, nodes, manufacture of fairy-tale characters from a chain and girlfriend, didactic and plot-playing games, morning conversations "Story about reading a fairy tale" (daily), trainings, situational communication.

III stage. Summing up, analysis of the expected result:

  • Registration of the exhibition of family crafts of fabulous characters.
  • Showing the staging "Kolobok".
  • Presentation of the project.
"Playing a fairy tale" (long-term, younger group)
Preparatory stage.
  • Select the topic of the project.
  • Creating a group to implement the project.
  • Defining goal and task.
  • Drawing up a work plan.
  • Selection of literature, manufacture of attributes.

Practical stage.
For kids:

  • To introduce children with fairy tales.
  • Educational activities for the development of speech using fairy tales.
  • Consider illustrations of fairy tales (to highlight the heroes, determine their character).
  • Production of scenery and attributes for showing the tales "Pink".
  • Reading and taking fairy tales.
  • Scene - role-playing games: "On a visit to fairy tales", "Let's help the fairy tale", etc.
  • Selection of fantastic mysteries.
  • Open view "We tell the Fairy Tale" Repka ".

For parents:

  • Parents' help in the selection of fairy tales.
  • Reading fairy tales with parents at home.
  • Assistance in preparing attributes to fairy tales.
  • Parents drawings to create the book "Our favorite fairy tales."

The final stage.

  • Generalization of work results.
  • Collection of drawings of parents.
  • Production of the family book "Our favorite fairy tales."
  • Registration of the exhibition "Our favorite fairy tales."
"There's unknown tracks" (middle group)
Implementation mechanisms:
  • Relaxation.
  • Movable game.
  • Kuklotherapy (reviving the doll, the child actually works out the mechanism of self-regulation, learns to adequately express his thoughts).
  • Legend or magic story.
  • Solution of fabulous tasks.
  • An essay of your own fairy tales.
  • Production of attributes, suits to fairy tales.

Product of children's activity:

  1. Staging a fairy tale.
  2. Contest drawings "My favorite fairy tale."

Work with parents:
development of consultations on the topic "Talegotherapy as a means of removing childhood anxiety."
"Fairy tale as a means of optimizing the psycho-emotional sphere of the preschooler."
Work with children:

  • Poll "Your favorite fairy tale."
  • "We listen to the fairy tale" - provides for the acquaintance of children with Russian folk fairy tale. The teacher tells or reads a fairy tale, while at the same time exposing on the table in front of the decorations and figures of characters.
  • "We tell a fairy tale" - begins with a collective recovery of the fairy tales: children tell a fairy tale, and the teacher illustrates it, changing the scenery, moving the character figurines.
  • "Show a fairy tale" - includes the staging of a familiar fairy tale. This involves the distribution of roles between children, choosing a decorator.
  • "Draw your favorite fairy tale," Problem problems are put before children, the solution of which requires a pencil possession. Preschoolers help their favorite fabulous heroes, performing a variety of drawings and graphic work for this.

The corner of the fairy tale is drawn up in the premises of a kindergarten group. The main goal is to intensify interest in the fairy tale, create a special cozy, secluded place where kids will be able to plunge into the magic atmosphere of the fairy tale, gladly hiking the pages of the loved book, play with dolls, consider illustrations, draw a lovely fabulous episode.

Rules for design Corner book:

  • Contract the child to find a lesson on their own, developing initiative and independence.
  • It is located away from the noisy zone, it creates comfortable conditions for emotional relaxation and removal of psychological stress, sets up for a calm and thoughtful pastime.
  • Materials should differ variable and take into account age characteristics.
  • It is drawn up with special shelves and tables, games, illustrations, books, theatrical attributes, toys should be freely access, children should be conveniently engaged individually and in small groups.

The main goal of the corner is to intensify interest in the fairy tale


  • Table games and travel games (playing field with chips) based on the tales "Rusta", "Ryaba chicken", "The Wizard of the Emerald City" and so on.
  • Didactic games.
  • Fingering theater.
  • Desktop Theater
  • Masks, costumes, dolls.
  • Materials for artistic creativity (pencils, paints).

Children should be conveniently engaged individually and in small groups

Table: examples of tasks for quiz on fairy tales

"What kind of fairy tale is we talking about?"
  • The owners entered the house - the mess found there. (Three Bear)
  • The mouse came to the rescue, together stretched out a vegetable. (Repka)
  • He treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
  • Helped us apple trees, helped us stove ... (Gus-Swans)
  • We are not afraid of a gray wolf. (Three pigs)
  • Sad on Pozook, pick up the pie. (Masha and the Bear)
  • Kolotil, pounded on a plate with a nose. (Crane and Fox)
  • And escaped from dirty and stockings and shoes. (Moidodyr)
  • Come, cockroaches, I have a treat you. (Fly Casting).
  • My light, the mirror, say ... (Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes)
  • Do not drink from the empty, the goat will be. (Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka)
  • Even the evil old woman is still angry ... (Tale of fisherman and fish)
"Salad of fairy tales" The host reads invented fairy tales, where there are characters from different Russian folk fairy tales, and the players need to guess from what fairy tales these characters?
1. "... The wolf is sitting in the hole and sentences:" By whining the classroom, in my desire, fishing, fish, big and small. "The tail was distressed, the wolf began to pull it in any way. Called the wolf grandmother, grandmother - granddaughter, granddaughter - bug ... ". ("Fox - Sisters and Gray Wolf", "By whining kettling", "Rack")
2. "... Ivanka's water drank from the waters and turned into a goat, saw this Alyonushka and cried. And Ivanushka says: "Do not cry, Alyonushka, and help me better fit into the left ear, and get out of the right and I will become brother again ...". ("Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "Tinch - Havroshchka")
3. "... Kolobok rolled along the track and sees: standing in front of him the hut on the bitter legs. And in front of the hut sits the Ivanushka, the gold apples play. I knocked a kolobok and asks: "Tuk, Tuk, Tuk! Who lives in a terme? ". "I am a mouse - Narushka, I am a frog - a cuckoo ...". ("Kolobok", "Geese - Swans", "Teremok").
4. Now the winter snow came, there were snowdrifles to the belt, the children poured out on the street, and the old man with an old woman on them out of the window they think about their grief. "And what, the old woman says the old man, let's do our own daughter from the snow." And the old woman replies: "Not tillage, Ivan - Tsarevich! Go to bed - Wear, Morning Evening Wisely! ("Snow Maiden", "Tsarevna-Frog")
"Songs of fabulous heroes"
Team members need to remember songs that are executed in fairy tales
  • Song of a red hat.
  • Song Cinderella.
  • Song Kolobka.
  • Song Buratino.
  • The song of the Bremen Musicians.
  • Song of the protein (in the garden, in the city ..).
  • Song of three piglets.
  • Song goat and goat.
"Live pictures" Teams in turn depict a fairy tale without words, with the help of facial expressions,
movements and gestures. ("Repka", "three pigs", "Gusi-Swans", "Wolf and Seven Cats").
"Continue the fairy tale" We lived - there were toys in the children's room: Masha doll, a funny clown, a mouse of a baby and a closing teddy bear. Tired of sitting in one place, and they decided to go on a journey. How long was our toys shortly, and finally they got into a fabulous forest ....
with the help of leading questions, continue the fairy tale in turn)
- What is the fabulous forest?
- What did you see toys in a fabulous forest?
- Who did they meet?
- Toys got lost, who helped them?
- To whom toys helped?
- How did the toys come back home?
"Fishing" Remember, in the "Fairy Tale about a fisherman and a fish", the old man was caught by a fish, we are also gusty now. Fish, which you caught not simple, but with tasks. (The guys take turns to the blackboard, "catch" fish and answer the question that is written on the back. Who will answer correctly, he caught the fish).
Questions on the fish:
1. Who was the guard of Tsar Dadon? (Cockerel)
2. What was the name of the bridegroom dead princes? (Korolevich Elisha)
3. How many years did the old man live with the old woman at the very blue sea? (33 years)
4. Who did the Korolevich Elisha appealed in search of his bride? (To the Sun, by the month, to the wind).
5. What words begin "Tale of the Pop and His Bald"? (Lived Pop, Tolpon Lob).
6. For what fee agreed to serve the Balda ass? (for 3 clicks on the forehead)
7. What words did the old woman branila? (Durable you ..)
8. Name the place of meeting the Bald with Pop. (Bazaar)
9. How many warriors were the uncle of the Blackhouse? (33)
10. What song is the squirrel sings in a "tale about Tsar Saltan"? (Lying in the garden ...)
11. What time of year we are talking about a "fairy tale about the dead princess and about seven heroes"? (about winter)
12. What was 1 desire of the old woman from the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish"? (trough)
"Crossword on Russian folk tales" Horizontally:
2.This Ilya, that the nightingale-robber is pacified. 4.Geryen fairy tales. She and led, she is also beautiful. 7. The sets, who was friends with Zhavoronk.10. In the history of his grandfather and the bear, one of them got the roots, and the other ... 11. And from the grandfather left and the grandmother went away.12. This happened When the prince and princess met?
1. Potza-robber.3.Baba is terrible ... 5. Shade Son's son and women. Usually a fool. 6. Sisters of Alyonushka was a brother ... 8. What pop mascas? 9. The surround house in which many animals live.

How to spend an open activity on the topic "Fairy Tale"

An open occupation must comply with certain requirements:

  • high level of training teacher conducting talentherapy;
  • learning work with teachers and psychologists, including methodical master classes and the transfer of innovative experience in the process of the final discussion of the open classes;
  • presentation of the results of the teacher in the framework of the topic of self-education on fabricotherapy;
  • demonstration of the effectiveness of talented therapy, which decisive the actual tasks of modern pre-school education;
  • open shows do not require special conditions or preliminary rehearsals, but it is advisable to psychologically prepare the guys to the presence of outsiders.

Video: Integrated occupation based on the fairy tale "Kolobok" (Junior Group)

https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dDNRVW8DCBJ4 Video CAN't Be Loaded: Integrated in kindergarten (https://youtube.com/watch?v\u003dDNRV8DCBJ4)

Table: examples of drawing a fairy tale in kindergarten

Tale "Teremok" on a new way
Staging game on the fantastic "Rack" (for children 3-4 years)
The first participants in the presentation come to the music
which depicting teremok.
Narrator: in the morning the sun woke up,
splashing smiled
It was a sun shining, all everywhere to merge.
Nightingle around Put, the bellows were tried.
Good morning! With clear day!
How we are having fun!
Nightingale performed dance-expression.
Grandfather and Baba from the morning gathered at the Teremka.
The house was completed, and the core came to rest.
Gathered to the Canaras.
That's what a life is now!
Grandfather and Baba leave.
Teremoko is so good, you will not find this anywhere!
The windows are big here!
Shutters painted!
From the pipe goes smoke.
Who stops on the threshold?
Here the Komarik flew, the window sat down at the window.
I knocked in the teremoca, but I did not wait for the answer.
He began to live yes, and he began to wait for the guests.
The mouse was collected,
Teremochki saw.
Knocked in teremok
brought grain bag.
She will contact pancakes,
pretty pies
Everyone will be festened and everyone will be satisfied!
From the disco, there was a frog, lu-porous girl.
Well, the mouse with a mosquito missed her to the house.
For a long time, there was a fox from the movies.
Sees - in the field of teremok.
Hey! Stop on the threshold!
I will live here to live here, you will start learning to dance!
A gray wolf fled the path, what does he see before him?
Oh! Yes it is teremok!
It is not low, not high.
Open sooner!
Waiting for no urine!
Oh, I'm tired, I can not!
Repex, I will help you !!
She walked a bear because of the swamp.
Sees - locked the gate.
Open, I am a Bear!
And I will not roar!
In Teremok, the bear fell
Teremochki collapsed!
The whole beast was broken.
What will happen? Ё - My!
Beasts run away, grandfather and bab appear.
What to do? How to be?
Where is my grandfather with a woman to live?
They cry, poured, they say goodbye to the terramk.
But he decided later
Dedok loan take on teremok
And build a new home - and with a porch, and with the yard!
Only chur! Not the swamp!
And they went to work!
Helped all the beast - they ruined the housing!
All the beasts come out.
Here is a new teremok! From the pipe goes smoke.
Dedka with Baboy again gathered to relax.
Well, a fairy tale, as urine. Start again first!
Leading "Autumn" comes out:
- Hello guys!





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