Funny quiz for teachers for teacher's day. Quiz "Own Game" for Additional Education Teachers with Presentation

Scene from the play "We are playing in the profession"

Scene duration: 15 minutes; Number of actors: from 4 to 8.


Excellent Kruglov
Dweller Petrov
Troheree Barankin
Dr. Kruglov
Cook Barankin
Skar Petrov
Presenter (Live Actor)

The scene is empty. Leaves.

That's what kind of mystery i
All of you are overlooking:
He is not less than family
For the kids means.
They will tell about everything
That he will ask
For him a special house
Opens autumn.
Speeds and noise there
He is a limiter.
Guess it is not difficult for us
Who is he?


Because of the Kulis, the teacher comes out. The presenter and viewers are applauding.

Presenter (viewers)

Well, clap stronger,
Forces What is not enough?

The presenter applauds very much, often and loud.

Teacher (leading)

Enough, hands do not beat!
Hello guys!
About the profession of mine
I'll tell you with hunting.
I give it all myself.
Even on Saturdays.
I need me
Will never.
I'm working in order to
People grew up!
I will study them, write,
Speak beautifully
Without a computer count
Apples and plums.
Helping to become smart -
If not to learn
In real savages
You can turn.
This century is such a century:
No knowledge - dismissed.
Who at least someone in life became
He studied in ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.



Put the good in life goal -
School path will indicate
So stupid your portfolio
Blood on the beach.
School is the knowledge of the temple,
Stupidity grave!

Tell me what's there
Waiting for baby cute!

Teacher (strictly)

So they leave them
Grandma and Mom,
In school, they all should

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.


Petrov and Barankin run on the stage and fighting briefcases.


Hey, Petrov! Barankin, Hey!
Do not kill, hour!

Petrov and Barankin run from the scene.


This is a child gathering
Call ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.


How do children find out
Who and where to learn?


Class names give
It's hard to get lost:
The first "A" and the first "b" ...
Everything is easy and simple.
My, for example, the third "g".

The teacher shows a tablet called class name.



With a letter to call
The whole class is dishonest!
Why not call
Somehow interesting:
For example, beetles, surs,
Robots, Dragons ...

Teacher (edentory)

There is no camp at the river,
Let play at home.
Rigor sometimes needed
There are reasons for:
We need to educate
In children ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.


Rings call.

Lead (frightened)

What else?


The first is the best!

Only miraculously not flames -
Just the Devil is here!
Heard even on the porch!


He will remind the deadline
About the beginning and end
Everyone ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.



I'll show you now,
How the lesson passes.
Third "g"! Go to the class!

The scene is coming out of Kruglov, followed by Petrov with a beankin.

Petrov (sad)

Everything! End of freedom!

Petrov pulls round a pigtail.


Ai! Let them! Leave, fool!

Petrov (Union)

Not yesterday, neither tomorrow!

Petrov jerks round a braid again. Kruglov is trying to knock his portfolio, he tries to escape. The teacher stops him.

Teacher (strictly)

Stop running. You are right
Again to sit down ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.


Three desks and a board appear on the scene. Pupils occupy places, when mentioning their surnames, they get up and immediately sit down.


So! Kruglov ...

Kruglov (Walking)


Petrov ...
And Barankin ...

The teacher pulls out and reveals a class magazine.


I need pupils
Write in ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.



It all needs to be celebrated
In addition to excuses.
I see you, Petrov, again
I did not solve the tasks.

Petrov (indignantly)

And what is all the time?

Teacher (fun)

You are a star of the week!
Where is the notebook, my love?

Crocodiles ate!
I knocked them on the head.

Barankin (hopping breathing)

What are they?

Teacher (impatiently)

Stop lying! Go to the board
And the task is to decide.

Petrov gets up and ponuro goes to the board.


Do not stand at the plot:
Behind the conversation sweet
Petrov saw tea
Eight crocodiles.

Barankin and Kruglov giggled.

All you are lying!


And one
Etiquette broke
Ate a notebook Petrova and
Even a cup of tagged.
And now, Petrov, tell me,
How many cups of integers
And solving writing
On the board we ...

The presenter gives the audience a conditional sign.


The teacher gives Mel Petrov.

Kruglov (pulls hand)

Can I? Well, can I?


Stop, Kruglov!
Ask one of you
The school is not ready.

Petrov (Circular whisper)

Tell me!

Kruglov (fundamentally)

And for nothing!

Barankin (whisper)

Kruglov (loud, so that Petrov did not hear Barankin)

Petrov (with annoyance)

Teacher. (Barankin Strictly)

Do not suggest
Disable from class.


Did not help a friend
It all knows!

Teacher (edentory)

If you help not mind
Do it honestly:
He did not understand - explain,
Friendship is power!
If a friend, then win
False crocodiles!
Make it so that your own
Everything solved the tasks,
And walked with a notebook to us -
Do not lie bitching!
What do you get for him?


It is too difficult!

Kruglov (virtually)

Releasing it
Just impossible!
He is a slacker and a fool!

Petrov comes to the round and pulls her for a pigtail, she hits his head textbook.


Stop fighting!
Called you or how?
How many cups?



Unfortunately, no!


Incorrect again.
Who will give the correct answer?

Kruglova pulls her hand.


Speak, Kruglov!


Barankin (grumble)

Well, what I said!

It was necessary louder!


Where is the diary, Petrov?

Petrov (defiantly)

In the mouth of the crocodile!
He checked him,
I spoiled in the garbage!
You can log in
Put your two!

Presenter (indignant)

That whatever I can
"COLE" for the behavior!


No, my profession
Requires patience!

Suffered be healthy:
Apples plus plums!


You behave, Petrov,
Very beautiful!

Petrov (passionately)

On here, school! Get!

Petrov flies his portfolio into the board.

Petrov (teacher and class)

You are bothering me!
Prince, without going with the furnace,
Became a fool of Emel!
So without school i
Well done,
Instead of stove me
There will be a whole train!
I will melt cottage
And garage rocket
There will be own circus ...


Yes, dreaming is not harmful!
Me, friends, now
Just guess
What happens from you
Years so twenty.

Children outside the parties disappear. Instead, adults appear - Dr. Kruglov, Cook Barankin and increasing the fur similar to the homeless sack of Skar Petrov.

Dr. Kruglov

I am now a famous doctor
Everything is flying the disease!

Cook Barankin

I can kalach oven -
He is useful for medicines!


Well, who did you become, Petrov?
What did you achieve?

Dick of Petrov (with a sigh)

Degraded and here
It turned into it!

Dr. Kruglov (horrified)

He has wool on his body!

Dick of Petrov (complaint)

Every day is worse.
I'm like I am,
Society is not needed.
No one from me
In life it turned out.
I really regret that
I did not study at school.
Now is not happy yet -
Finish below start.
That's all right back,
Go to the desk again.


Want to attend first grade?

Savage Petrov (with hope)

Can? Are you seriously?


Yes! Learn anyone
It's never too late!
Here: textbooks, briefcase ...

The teacher pulls out and gives Saviar Petrov his briefcase.

Skar Petrov

Yes, now I know
Cheek and Emel Slabs
There is no life in life!
I'm from foggle to grow
Wool stopped.
Rent exams, again
Man I will become!

Rings call.


So the call rang.
It's time for us to say goodbye.
Our end of the lesson,
Not having time to start.

Dr. Kruglov and cook Barankin give teacher bouquets of flowers.

Dr. Kruglov

You! For what helped
Take us into people!

Cook Barankin

We remember you and love
We will long!

The teacher leaves. The presenter, viewers and heroes on the stage are applauded.

We do not hold away the excitement and joy,
Listen to us, homeland! Listen, Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello, dear teachers!

Each of us convey to you is ready.
Thousand good and affectionate words
From your yesterday's
From the current yours

Today, on behalf of each heart (all three student - choir)
You say "Thank you!"

Pupil 1. We gathered here in the cozy room to congratulate expensive teachers with their professional holiday! We tell you "Thank you!" For your work, patience, for the concern you show to each of us.

Pupil 2. Dear teachers! Let joy and luck always accompany you! Let warm, care and attention of home and loved ones warming you! Let all your desires come true!

Readers read poems.

Take our wishes
Health, happiness and good,
And let the bad attitude
You will never be!

Let the smile good, tender
Every day it begins for you,
Let Care, Lighting Alarms
On the way, your less often meet.

Let be happiness and health,
And let all have enough strength,
And to every day with love
You only brought joy!

Let the sun shine on this day,
Flowers under the feet fall carpet.
We wish you health, happiness, light,
In total, what is called good!

On the scene ensemble "change". Song sounds on the motive "Winged swing" (see Appendix 1)

Pupil 1. And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students prepared wonderful congratulations - touching and funny. We hope that they will delight you in this autumn day and remember you for a long time! Well, we pass the word to our lead in the studio.

Presenter (looks at the clock). Its time to begin!

Sounds of the television channel (driven from the screen)

Lead 1.

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive

Leading 2. Those who have seeds on temples,

Leading 1. Those who recently from the walls of institute

Lead 2. Those who are considered in the Middle-sized years.

Lead 1.

Those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in labor to seek victories

Lead 2.

Everyone who proud name is a teacher
Low bow and hot hello!

Lead 1. Attention! Attention! On the air school television channel OTV- plus

Leading 2. Speaks and shows OTV- plus today in the release ...

Lead 1. Transfer "School Town". Special edition of "ABVGDIKI"

Leading 2. Festive video spending from 7-b class

Screensaver sounds for the telecast "ABVGDEIKA".

(See Appendix 2.)

Presenter 1. And again we are in the studio of our school television channel

Flowers, smiles, congratulations,
And the phrases are warm - for you!

And the right every hour!

So that you were someone happy!
And let this evening today
Give you the desire to live

Teach others to always create

Leading in the hall.

Lead 1.

Let in this room, at this hour
Lights burn light!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Lead 2.

Our younger classes are ringing laughter - the best reward!
Kids congratulate you will be very happy.

Lead 1. Meet the "Sun" ensemble on the scene. They will perform the songs "Imagination" and "New Beads" (see Appendix 3)

Lead 2.

Let it be so that in the life of your bright, good
Always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that everyone was a reliable pier -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Leading 2. And again it is time to estimate the work of your students. Meet, on stage the vocal ensemble "change". Your applause !!!

Performed song on the motive "City Flowers". At the end of the speech, children give teachers for memory made by their hands of birds of happiness (origami)

Lead 1. Dear friends! Today we have our own good friends - this is the center of culture and leisure "Lira"! With their congratulations on the stage, the Dance Collective "ARTANS SHOW" Artistic director Lisitsyna Olga Sergeevna. Modern dance "Contrasts" Meet !!!

Lead 2.

Teacher's heart ... Well, what to compare it with?
With cosmic galaxy, which no borders?
Or maybe with the sun bright, what gives people the light?
With the bunch of the naval, that sleeping hundreds of years?
No, we will not compare! And let's say: "knock!
Teacher's heart - Nadya, Believe Love! "

Lead 1. Today on this festive day on stage Folk-theater Studio "Evening" Russian folk song "Kadril".

Leading 2. There is one magic threshold in my life, which no one can cross indifferently. This is a school threshold. Let a person already old, anyway, he does not cross the school threshold. And, crossed, immediately remember his school ringing childhood, about teachers.

Lead 1.

About teachers of words are invented quite a few,
But we want to repeat once again:
Teacher for children - fate start!
The moment you will give the dance to give.

On the stage Dance Collective "ARTANS SHOW" Dance in the style of "hip-hop"

Lead 2.

We not always notice,
How much do we care
And patient labor
The teacher gives.
With barely noticeable
On dark blond strand
It is before you,
Fasting a footbook.
And you love you, how he is like me,
Her - and say straight:
She is the second mother of your.
And who is more expensive mom?

Lead 1. And again we pass the word leading in the studio. Attention on the screen!

Drive from the screen:

Lead 1.

Flowers, smiles, congratulations,
And the phrases are warm - for you!
Beautiful holiday greetings,
And the right every hour!

Lead 2.

Friends! How little we need to
So that you were someone happy!
And let this evening today
Give you the desire to live
Sing, dance, prepare speech,
Learn others, always create!

Presenter 1. Propuse winners of urban, international competitions in figure skating Astakhova Kristina and Alekseev Vadim.

On the screen video sequence with the performance of skaters. Leading in the hall.

Lead 1. Teacher! What is the word close and expensive heart! Much forgets a person, a lot is erased over time in his memory. For years, the memories of childhood and adolescence will take place, but the memory of the favorite teachers is beyond the time.

Leading 2. Among the many professions, the teacher has always stood and stands in a special place. With him they have a matter of all, who would then be neither steel.

Leading 1. And there is no man on Earth, who would have not remembered his teacher, who gave a ticket to a great place.

Leading 2. We always remember them, our teachers, and on this holiday, we want to say especially warm words of love and appreciation.

Leading 1. Today you, our expensive, our beloved, all the flowers, all the best wishes!

Students of the 6th grade rise on stage:

No in the light of the honorable labor,
What the teacher is restless.
We will never forget you
And your love will be worthy!

Today on the day of your professional holiday, take congratulations on the 6th grade.

Children perform a dance composition and scene.

Lead 1. The teacher's profession is very complicated, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from person. It mainly consists of difficult but interesting everyday life. However, today our expensive teachers are a professional holiday, and they, of course, are worthy of the most sincere and warm congratulations and wishes to their address.

Lead 2. We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - Knowledge. Your hard work you make us smart people, ready to join the life path. Happy holiday to you, dear our teachers!

Presenter 1. And again on our scene, the group "Change" meet !!!

Music composition "Your Eyes". The song is performed on the motive "your eyes". On the Slideshow screen, students are handing their teachers with studies of student recognition (Appendix 4).

Teacing is not a work, but renunciation,
The ability to give yourself to
Go for a long feat and torment
And in this see the light and grace.

Teacing - when in the eyes of cold
He will not understand understanding
And you will understand: I tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.

Colored rain bouquets
And illuminated with glitter hundreds of eyes
Accept, teacher, not words of receiving
And part of the soul from grateful us!

Lead 1. And again on the stage, the dance ensemble "Atromansshow" with the composition "Carnival".

Thank you, Teachers,
After all, you are doing the most important thing.
For you, the Earth is being held on you,
You grow young citizens for her.

Lead 1. And again it is time to estimate the work of your students. Meet: Kazakova Larisa 10- "A" class.

Leading 2. Dear spectators, we strongly asks Nina Anatolyevna Mixer. Let's listen to her reflections on the eve of the Teacher's Day

Presenter 1. We once again congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Leading 2. Our holiday continues, because the school is eternal as an endless process of knowledge!

Leading 1. And the teacher's profession is also eternal, as the forever truths of good, wisdom and mercy that you carry all people!

Lead 2. And today, in this solemn day, we wish you health, love and smiles.

Lead 1. On the stage again the group "Change", meet your applause! They play the song A. Varlamova "Give a smile to the world"

Leading 2. Everything is good sooner or later ends. Also, and our concert imperceptibly approached completion.

Leading (choir). To new meetings!

Teacher's Day

(2016 work scenario)

Purpose: Implementation of the creative ministry of students.
1. To provide the implementation of acting, oratory, musical talents of students.
2. Women in children feelings of ministry
3. Conduct work on the cohesion of the children's team

Purpose: The material, of course, is written what is called "under him", but some ligaments may be borrowed, the scenario of the congratulations of the sixth graders. A creative person may just learn inspiration.


Lead 1:
And again in the gilding of the poplar,
And the school is like a shrill ship,
Lead 2:
Where are the teacher's disciples,
To put the beginning of life.
Lead 1:
What an amazing house is a school! Everything was mixed here: childhood and youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house, joy and tears, meetings and parting.
Lead 2:
Yes, the school for each of us remains a light, the joyful island of childhood, where the adult is no longer a return.
Lead 1:
Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence. After all, the school is a native home for them, and all students are their children.
Lead 2:
What a huge heart you need to have in order to day, from year to year, generously distribute it in pieces!
Lead 1:
People once came here on the call of the heart, never leave him. Let me congratulate you away from all my heart, dear teachers, with your professional holiday.
What should I do on holidays?
Lead 2:
Of course, give gifts. And today, our dear teachers, all the gymnasists from Mala to Great prepared small, but very expensive gifts.
Lead 1:
So, the first gift from our babies is first-graders.

Lead 1:
At this festive October day, accept, dear teachers, congratulations from all of us:
Lead 2:
Brunettes, blondes and ... comprehensible,
Lead 1:
Swirl and combed,
Lead 2:
Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very ...
Lead 1:
Excellent and, to put it mildly, not very ...
Lead 2:
But but very, very loving you!
Lead 1:
With a gift on the stage of students' students.
(Dance with umbrellas)

Lead 1:
Training is not an easy task,
Teach - the task is more comprehensive.
Lead 2:
And the teacher is the most real -
He who does not save her.
Lead 1:
You know, today we have guests in the hall. These people know exactly who teacher is more than us.
Lead 2:
Then it is for them we must give a word.
(Congratulatory Word Guests of the Holiday, City Administration, etc.)
Lead 1:
What do you think our teachers love to read fairy tales or watch cartoons?
Lead 1: So everyone loves. Only teachers with our notebooks have no time.
Lead 1: Well, then they will like the gift of third grader.
Lead 1: On the stage of the third-class gymnasists.
(Staging on the fairy tale Steeva "Fishing")

Lead 1:
Teacher! They are like light on the way
Which need a fire heart
Have in the chest to bear the light to carry
So that the trace of his forever could steal!
Lead 2.:
And how to measure their work, you ask
In millions of the army of people.
Devotees quite a few in Russia
But there is no wiser of them and noble!
Lead 1: With your gift for teachers, we invite the 4th grade on stage.
(Song "Mushroom rains go here")

Lead 1:
Teacher -
Lead 2:
Three syllables.
Not so much,
Lead 1:
And how many skills can accommodate it!
Lead 2:
Reduce dream!
Lead 1:
Reduce to hold!
Lead 2:
Reduce the work of yourself to give!
Lead 1:
Reduce learning!
Lead 2:
Reduce to create!
Lead 1:
Reducing children to love to love with itself!
Lead 2:
Teacher -
Lead 1:
Three syllables.
But like a lot!
Lead 2:
And this urges to you God given!
Lead 1:
With a congratulatory word to teachers to apply to the confessor of the gymnasium, Hieromona Alexander (Congratulations of the confessor)

Lead 1:
Shoemaker can repair shoes,
And the carpenter is a stool and porch.
Lead 2:
But only teachers in repair
Brighten mind, heart and face.
Lead 1.: We are invited to the gymnasic scene, we, fifth-graders. Our gift is a musical formulation.

Lead 1:
D, we looked at the lesson of biology. And it would be interesting to take a look at the edge and other lessons.
Host: This means that the 6th class has a queue to give your gift

(Scenario of production)

In the class of change. Outside of Sidorkin and Ivanov. Sidorkin collects things in a briefcase.
Ivanov: Where are you?
Sidorkin: I will leave with algebras! I will ask me, and I'm not ready.
Ivanov: Come on! They ask those who are written on the face "I'm not ready!".
Sidorkin: You see!
Ivanov: So you need to do as if you are ready! Outcasting!
Sidorkin: What?
Ivanov: Self-alignment! Repeat for me: I'm ready for algebra!
Sidorkin: I have everything ready for algebra
Ivanov:I performed my homework!
Sidorkin: I performed my homework
Sidorkin: All three tasks and five exercises!
For autotraining, they did not notice how the teacher entered the class.
Teacher: Sidorkin, what I hear, are you ready for a lesson? !! Go to the board.
Sidorkin confidently goes to the board.
Sidorkin: I have everything ready for algebra! I performed my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: Well, write an exercise on the board 87
Sidorkin: I performed my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: I do not understand anything! Show notebook!
Sidorkin carries a notebook. The teacher looks.
Teacher:Sidorkin, Sidorkin! And how confidently it was ... two! Sit down.
Sidorkin and Ivanov come out of school. On the face of Sidorkin, premonition of trouble.
Sidorkin: Eh, at home will ask: - "How in school?" - And hi.
Ivanov: Need autotraining. Repeat after me: I have everything perfectly on algebra! And in physics good! Glass on change crashed itself!

Peter. Vasya, how many books have you read?
Vasya. How many? Yes, I did not think!
Peter. And I read twenty five! And even until the end of a quarter, we read ten!
Vasya (with envy). Wow! Happy you, Petya, how much I managed to read!
Peter. And what! I read about the knight! About him a book - long, and the preface is short! Preface read - and everything is clear. The book can not read!
Vasya (disappointed). Yes, and?! And about which knight did you read?
Peter. About which ... how he ... remembered! Donkey!
Vasya. Don pass?!
Peter. Donkey! And "move" is because he traveled on the donkey, I saw a picture wonderful in the book! I know everything! What are you yawn?
Vasya. Yes, I have a sister sister, I read my favorite books every evening.
Peter. Which ones?
Vasya. "Gullyer's Adventures", "Thumbelina", "Son Regiment".
Peter. Yes ... lucky you. "Thumbelling" (with a grin). Well well!
Vasya. Yes, I just read my little sister! Yes, and it was interesting ...
Peter(Online). Interesting! Say yourself too. I can boast - what thick books read! So, this reader! Understood?
Vasya. I understood ... Only about the knight you didn't say wrong ...
Peter. How is it wrong?
Vasya. The knight of this was called not a donkey move, but the Don Quixote Laman. He lived in Spain ... And who is the writer? Who wrote this book?
Peter. These writers have very difficult surnames! What to remember them?! Well, right, run to the library, I will take some other book.
Vasya. Wait! Yes, it was not Don Quixote on Donke, and his squire Sancho Pansa ...
Peter. I sled too! All remembered - not enough time to read. Will not work, Vasya, from you a real reader!

On control
The task is not solved -
Although kill!
Think, think my head
Think, think, head,
let you give you a candy
On Birthday I will give
New bare.
Think think -
In koi I ask!
With soap wash you!
We are with you
Not other people's friend.
And how as ladies on the top of the top!
(M. Boroditskaya)

Lead 1:
All decree yes scenes, and so I want to sing. Let the sixth grade fit us a song that everyone knows and can singing.
Lead 2:
What about what a song should be?
Lead 1: Yes, anything, at least about the clouds ...
Lead 2: Sixth class, we ask you!
(Song "Clouds. Belogriti Horses")

Lead 1:
Tell me, what do you think, and teachers get tired?
Lead 2:
Lead 1:
And then what?
Lead 2:
Then we should help them.
Lead 1:
Let two people learn homework.
Lead 2:
And the fidget will learn to be quietly walking on school corridors.
Lead 1:
Everyone will have soup and drinking kissel in the refectory.
Lead 2:
So that our teachers do not lose when they suddenly get started, the vocal group of high school students has prepared them as a gift
Lead 1:
"Do not rush to brew a hug" (Song sounds, gymnasics remain on stage)
Reader (from the group)
Calendar surprised pages,
Teacher's day again and again you.
Let in a dream you will dream of hot-birds today,
Well, tomorrow you will give it your class.
The sun will wink to you - not bad
(Yes, even if you fell from the left foot) ...
You are a wonderful teacher, remember it,
And you have incomparable students!
(The choral group performs the song "Teacher")

Winding, difficult road knowledge,
But together we will conquer her without difficulty.
How good that there is a teacher next
For the work of your grateful, we are always!

Music sounds, teachers gave flowers.

Gorbunova Natalia Efimovna,
mathematic teacher
GBOU SOSH No. 1245 Moscow.

Dream Island. "School" fairy tale.

1. Mary Ivanna, teacher with experience.
2. Petrovich, her spouse.
3. Narrator.
4. Queen.
5. Minister of Education.
6. Yaga Kostyanovna, Methodist.
7. First ambassador.
8. Second ambassador.
9. Third ambassador.
10. Nyanka.
11. Koschey Immortenovich, teacher for replacement.
12. Ivan, student.
13. Emel, student.
14. Vasilisa Revinda, student.
15. Tsarevna Nesmeyana, student.
16. Voice from dream island.

The memory of Leonid Alekseevich Filatova is dedicated.


In some kingdom
Famous state
Lived - were modest
In the terrium huge
Mary Ivanna, teacher with experience,
The lessons gave the highest pilot;
Petrovich, her spouse,
The computer was, they say ideological.
There was a queen there and were ministers,
Teachers were methodists ...
Let's not join you,
Rather, start a truthful story!

Scene 1.

Crazy like alarm clock
Sounded in the morning a mobile phone.
Mary Ivanna Tube Together
To escape to the kitchen,
And from the tube the voice of Grozny,
I can not find it impossible!

The voice of the queen by phone:
Royal here is a decree:
In the class to appear this hour!
Today is full of guest house -
Pedagogists of all regions.
So you break into the blood,
And we cook a lesson!
Can you - whom to blame? -
I have to execute you.
State case
Do you catch the thread? ..

Maria Ivanovna:
I won't understand
With my mind with my mind?
Tea, not lapties soup fucking,
Review what's what.
It turns out on me
All policies in the country:
Since the lesson will not prepare -
Be sure to be war.

Tsaritsi's voice:
You are not the keen,
Colive, but look
Modern give a lesson,
Again guests so best!
ICT to apply
About clarity did not forget.
Clear, with humor, with the mind ...
In general, you know what however!
If I understood the order -
Perform this hour!

Maria Ivanovna:
Do not help doubt
Tea, it is not the first time!
Maria Ivanovna leans over the notebook. It includes Petrovich.

Husband shielded - wanting to eat,
And the wife is might and main ...
Over Tetradko She.
Things creative full.

On you, my soul,
Century would not breathe
Only breakfast, the heart is feeling,
I do not shine neither Shisha!
True my father-in-law said:
"You say with such a wife -
Clever beauty,
With any class will cope!
She works all day
From morning to night, not too lazy.
To the slab we do not pass ass
That's you, Milok, taking into account.
Kohl do not want to diet
To see the week three
You are recipes on the Internet
Culinary look!
Will you find - put in your mouth
Only duty sandwich. "

Maria Ivanovna (without taking off from the notebook):
Do not twist and do not hump!
There will be a table and will game!
In the freezer himself,
The chicken will find a fire.


Maria Ivanovna (stretches the leaflet):
Look here!
Scheduled: Once, two, three.
Clause fourth - "Salt".
Yes, and do not forget to wash!
And do not distract me
All in the instructions read.
Petrovich sighs and leaves the instructions in his hands.

Scene 2.

And the queen with the main ambassador
Sit after the round table.
Rear - you are a look-ka - nyanka countertility.
On the side - two more overseas ambassadors
(Oh, difficult to bring them).
Slightly Dale - Minister of Education,
Ready to give your interpretation
All "combat one comb"
For benefit, supposedly, an abstract child.
Against the first ambassador, in a state mila,
Yaga Kostyanovna, Methodist,
For all questions specialist.

First ambassador:
Call antires
Your technical progress:
You downloaded the computer,
Licensed al without?


Second ambassador:
Call antires
Educational process:
Cool watch lead
Alie without?

Queen, Nyanka and Yaga (chorus):


Third ambassador:
Call antires
And such a cut:
Your children go to school
With the joy of Ali without?

Queen, Nyanka and Yaga (chorus):

We do not solve all problems!
Let's not hurry.
Let's listen to different opinions
That will be all doubts.
The minister our has prepared a speech ...
Speak, not that head from the shoulders!

I will rake, gentlemen,
I will ask for a look here:
Even from a fair distance
The growth of the quality of education is visible!
And interest say -
Smart we grow guys!
With gratitude Yaga (nods in her direction)
We now pass the exam.
And all of happiness plan -
Can not be otherwise!
You, colleagues, everyone - honor,
If on time a report.
I'm not afraid of loud phrases:
The state loves you!
Even appreciates, respects
A little salary raises ...
Only will be honest -
You should be a circle!
Scroll every hour
To be busy with you:
Here - the Council, there is a seminar,
Let him not sharpen the nose of a mosquito.
How journals will alone
Then go to sleep.

Nanny pulls hand. The queen displeased with her.

Hey, cum there to buzz
Not until the evening to sit.
Hand, nannik, do not pull.
Speak already, perky.

Our mines are not an enemy
All as it is said without History.
Only I am able to -
He wants to live like that?
To rest not to know
Over the abstract fall asleep,
Spend power, spoil nerves,
Yes penny to get ...
Here let them go and went
At least one lesson spent
And I stand at the door,
While he will check the notebook.
I will not check - let it drag home.
That's then singing my dove!

Sit down soon and wipe -
Your place in the furnace.
From you - one fences,
I am ashamed, confused ambassadors!
I have long been antisode
Are you not sent to us?

A decisive step includes Maria Ivanovna with a pointer and magazine.

Maria Ivanovna:
Hello you, please in class
On my lesson, my cool hour ...

Queen (picks up):
Look, appreciate
Yes, the article about us draw.
Words stack ... two hundred,
And you will rejoice together!
All go.

Scene 3.

Let guests take care of
Our methods on the mustache shade ...
Look: for an hour, yes another pass,
And the ambassadors are sitting and do not go out.
But no, one came out,
Muffed yes important such gentleman.
Look, you need to call it urgently.
Now everyone will learn specifically and for sure!

First ambassador (spoke on a cell phone):
I wish to hear, this is me
Ready everything is ready, not taia.
Intelligence spent how you were told
To achieve our goal.

First ambassador:
Well, I give a direct answer:
Antigorsno, no dispute.
Children are not at all bad,
Teachers are just a miracle.
Among them are there
What you can not have an eye!
So kids teach
As if he was irradiated with a heart.
In class, silence is:
I heard Komar flies.
Well, and patient
And modest, kind, beautiful.
And how they say it!
Everyone will show, explain ...
You can pray fairly -
This is Divo so Divo!

That would be saved here,
Yes, because everyone needs to feed!
Choose one one
Bring to my country.
You can not persuade
Experience you can fault!
State case
Do you catch the thread? ..

Well, there is an ambassador and face ...
Cossack he was sent!
Sighed, the head scratched,
Action plan ... quickly sketched.
To Mary Ivanna, he rises rising,
Yes, it takes it on the side.
She is also thinking only about one thing:
Home would now forget sleep!

First ambassador:
You fascinated me -
Miracle as taught!
And I will tell you without embellishment:
I just fell in love with you.
Why, dear,
Are you tired of this?
You probably did not sleep the night!
Can I help me?

Maria Ivanovna:
Well, you noticed right.
I can see, I look badly ...
So tired, no urine
And after all the pedsoves,
Yes, the mountain of the notebooks at home!
Do you all unfamiliar?
I dream only about
To work for a day,
In the evening go home
Not with severe sum
At night, go to bed,
And not notebooks to check!

First ambassador (mysteriously):
I watch me, you don't find the place
And the parameters are very suitable for us.
Tell me, beauty, don't you want
Me with me to go to the island of dreams?
Imagine: There will be no children of playful,
Parents, harmful and negligent,
There will be no lessons, notebooks at all -
Get rid of many problems immediately!
Change profession and, tears not tai
Scroll from joy: "Hurray! Now I
I will not school! From now on forever
I, like all, white man! "

Mary Ivanna shrugged
Naughty sparkled by the eyes,
On the door of the class slightly glanced,
Exhaled and ... agreed!
Ambassador and Maria Ivanovna go under hand.

Scene 4.

Again the morning came,
The sun is landed.
And we are with you this time
Find right in the class.
And here are students.

Over the report all day
I sat like a stump.
Not a single ever thought
All solid rubbish!

Do not worry so
You're Ivan yes not a fool!
Blow a report from the Internet
It will be exactly "FOOT".
Do not break and do not rub ...

And you yourself?

Yes, I'm lying ...
Still, learn - boredom.
Whether my pike is!
IMIG in my opinion
Easily contributes to the teaching.
Like Emelya will order her
So she will tell him.

Vasilisa Revision:
You, emelya, gently stele,
Yes, you do not see and not fade!
Tongue you are a lot of challenging -
Listen became unbearable.

Something in a sense I will not take:
You, led to what
Population learned
Not in our mind?

Here Tsarevna Nesmeyana,
I will tell you without cheating
Dissatisfied with everyone always
No thoughts - one water!
Over the tasks roars
Essays at all rip
They are in the fire later throws ...
Even spurs do not save!

Well, and harmful you are all
(Vasilisa) even you are in all its glory!
Neither understand or regret!
Heart need to have!

Enough quarrel, friends!
I will tell you, not tai
(whisper) was a long time ago.
Mary Ivanny ... There is no time!

Well it is necessary, late!
And yesterday I swore:
I did not want to plunge with the oven -
Theorem to prove.

Tsarevna (Honitch):
What now we do to everyone
We threw us at all!
I'll pay with grief now ...

Vasilisa (with a grin):
There will be a tears here exactly the sea!

Suddenly today lucky:
Mary Ivanna will not come?!
We then rushing into the movies!
Do you with me at the same time?

Pupils (chorus):
Run away.

Scene 5.

And in the meantime, the queen is angry,
Just the places itself does not find:
Mary Ivanna will not get through
Nobody fits to the phone!
I became the Duma to think the queen:
Who would take care of her?
I remembered leisure about the old girlfriend -
Yag bone leg.

Hello, jagus, it's me!
Hello, my sweet!
Help solve the problem -
Mary Ivanovna replacement.
Disappeared in an unknown direction
Without leaving even the statements.

You are no longer jealous
Integrated to behave!
Maybe Mary Ivanna Kids
Managed to bring?

Offend our children -
Best of all on white light!

Maybe you need to check
The team is not very friendly?

No, I will guarantee the ladies I:
We are all here - one family!

Maybe she has little money?
Tea, salaries lacked?

Our Mary Ivanovna - Patriot:
Work loves and bribes does not take!

Well, then I will say in friendship,
The special services worked here!
Well, the control will implement
And I will send a replacement.

Poor-poor children!
What are they in response?
Yaga Kostyanovna did not spite
Mary Ivanovna Lyuhaya replacement found!

Scene 6.

Ranked back in the morning
The lesson begins ...
Schoolchildren sit and wait:
"Well, when will they come to them?"
Here is a minute, the other passes ...
Koschey Immortalovich in class comes!
Angry on children in advance
Immediately gives a task.

You are lazy, darkened,
Oluhi and fidgets!
Know, you have no mercy,
You for all keep the answer!
In a minute of this verse
To learn from this so far!
Who will not learn at all
I am babies, eat!
That is, I wanted to say
What is ready to punish you!
So better silent
Yes, sit and learn!
Ivan and Vasilisa deepen into the book. Tsarevna Nesmeyana wipes tears with a handkerchief, and Emel leaned toward the bucket, in which he has a pike, and something whispers to her. Koschey turns sharply and snatches a bucket.
You will not hold me
"Count" to you, yawn!
Two hundred times write to the notebook:
"I will not lie more."
It looks terrible on the crying princess.
Well, do you roaring mail?
Soon alive and burning!
On the task and decide
One hundred examples count.
Fits to Ivan and Vasilis.
Something you united ...
Il in evil intent affected?
Well, the stray of the corners,
Yes, sit quietly there!
Ivan and Vasilisa frightened into different directions. Rings call.
I will go a little string,
And with you, Baby, I do not say goodbye!
It goes, grabbing a bucket with a pike. Children are inseminantly look after him.

It's what a miracle yudo
We were sent and from where?
If he rides again,
Then I'm enough Kondrati!

Mary Ivanna loved us
And taught, and Zuraila.
Even if he instructed
Never insulted!

We did not know how to appreciate!
We do not really blame ...
Better think together
What do we do, how should we be?

Yes, my pike disappeared!
It can be seen, I will be science ...
Well, it's time to sall from the oven,
Mary Ivanovna Search!

Scene 7.

Without thinking, the children gathered ...
And where to look something? They were confused.
Released in the corridor, and here - Look:
Hurry up to the aid of good nyanka.

Something you are unemployed
Head hung!
I know your crash,
Your chase cause.

Whent to us with a friend, tell me
Yes, tell the whole truth.
Mary Ivanna our
Where to look for, in what edge?

I'll discover the secret
I will give your answer to your question.
Mary Ivanna far
It is not easy to get to her!

Behind the seas, behind the forests,
For high mountains
In the outstanding island there
And miracles on it - not to read!

There is a scientific institution
Learning easy work:
To joy brought
And did not spend a lot of strength.

People are listened in advance
And take into account all the wishes.
The program then make up
It is sent to the computer.

But there are stubborn rumors:
MRUT computers like flies.
All professions run around
And on teachers - together got up!

So they stole Mary Ivann something
To, then, to split this porridge!
Promised, probably, she give to relax,
And they intend to draw the experience!

Well, I do not! (knocking his fist)
That will be our answer!
How is the island called, don't you know?

Yes, it is called - the island of dreams!

Children run away. Nannik waves them after.

Scene 8.

And Mary Ivanna lives and does not know
What a seriously observed for her.
She comes home early
And for relaxation time finds.
Fresh looks and cheerful,
Thoughts are not at all busy school.
Do not disturb lessons, calls
And strippers-students.
Just paradise life has come!

But the week, the other passes ...
Mary Ivanna Tosca notes.

Maria Ivanovna:
How is my children, how is the class?
Who replaces me now?
What do knowledge give children?
And whether they will be tested?

Don't execute, because you wanted
Relax …. So what's the deal?
Speaking: Labor - Impact
And not grateful!
And now what? Conscience torment?
Distincially calm!
And let them learn further
Better someone else!

Mary Ivanna was horrified ...

Maria Ivanovna:
How is the other?

And suddenly ... I woke up!

Maria Ivanovna:
My God, so it's a dream!
What is the strange one ...

IMG, correcting your strands,
She gathered notebooks,
Cup of coffee swallowing,
Husband quickly feeding
Came out fun of the house,
Where everything is simple and familiar.
Ahead was a wonderful day
Difficult, but interesting!

Pupils (chorus)

... - Night sounded,
The heart immediately stood ...
Sees: the road in a row
Her schoolchildren stand.

Maria Ivanovna, we understand themselves,
That we are not sugar that we are a noisy class,
That it is very difficult for you sometimes happens to us
But it is still difficult, probably without us?!

We are restless, and sometimes lazy,
Do not listen to simple and wise phrases,
Thank you for being patient,
What believe, hope for us!

We understand, it's not easy -
Live in the vortex daily bustle.
But who knows where he is, this island
So wonderful, righteous dream?!

Maria Ivanovna:
Beautiful dream dreamed me yesterday:
Take anxious day to leaf fall

Now I am not a teacher, I am free
From school endless problems
And life flows so chinno, noble,
Without unpacted theorems.

Imagine: these eternal notebooks
From now on, not me,
And I can dream of water stroit,
About Prince on a silver horse.

I can go to the pool I am at leisure
I can bake pie for the whole family,
And not about school chat with a girlfriend,
And tell about the joy of your own.

Other people's children do not disturb the soul
There is no lesson series, change ...
But for some reason I do not become younger,
I miss the cute school walls!

Yes, it seems, I miss them now,
Without children's eyes, no noise, fuss ...
After all, children give me his hearts
Like bouquets of wonderful beauty!

A terrible dream dreamed me yesterday:
I am not a teacher, I do not need
Read with a wave days before leaf
And to go to school every day in the morning ...

Decorate a festive concert, dilute it with funny notes will help the scenes on the day of the teacher, the plot of which tells about unusual cases from the life of school teams. These are usually small miniatures sketches, which reflects one short episode of school life. These mini scenes are akin to "Yeralsha": funny, fun, tanks and harmless.

The main characters of festive ideas, of course, are schoolchildren and teachers. It is not necessary to fulfill the role of Mary Ivanovna to invite a favorite teacher. It is much more interesting to watch a funny scene on the day of the teacher, where all the roles are performed by students. It is not necessary to specifically indicate someone on a holiday. If in the proposed scenario of the humorous scene on the teacher's day, it will be inscribed by chance the name of the teacher who coincides with the name of who works at your school, be sure to replace it so that there is no hint of someone's shortcomings or mistakes.

Extremely popular with children and teachers enjoy greetings on the day of the teacher, in which heroes are reincarnated in famous artists and from the scene give their congratulations to educators. It turns out a rather original number, which will also cause a smile, something like the performance of new Russian grandmothers or congratulations from the star of the pop.

Scene for Teacher's Day "Cheerful School"

The plot of the scenes is pretty simple, but at the same time alive and interesting. A journalist appears at the school, which on the eve of the holiday takes an interview with children, at the director, from a young teacher. All this is played, according to the script that is in the application.

Funny Scene for Teacher's Day "Incidant Long Long

The main actors of this scene are the school principal and the Vova boy, which will play several students. At first, before the children appears Vova-first grader, then the director talks with Vova, who is already studying in grade 5. We'll have to get acquainted with his tricks in the 9th and 11th grade. Surprisingly, the final scene represents the Vgo director of this school, before which the girl Katya is. This funny scene is written in verses, so it will look particularly interesting.

Humorous scene on the day of the teacher based on the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok"

Something general has this scene for the day of the teacher and and in the fairy tale of Ershov "Konk-Gorbok". The main character of the little idea of \u200b\u200bIvan. Whether he is a fool, or Tsarevich, it is difficult to figure out. He is found to the hump hump, with whom he discusses school problems.

Merry Scene - Congratulations on the day of the teacher "Nikitichna and Petrovna"

Who does not remember the funny funny leading Nikitichna and Petrovna who presented the world hundreds of interesting stories, forcing laugh to tears. We suggest to laugh with them, because they will play on the school scene the original scene-congratulations on the day of the teacher. She can fulfill two students, but it is necessary that they possess some small talent of theatrical reincarnation and could plausily play two old men, who came to congratulate the teachers.

Scene-presentation on the Day of the Teacher "Ring Show"

A small theatrical representation for the school scene, in which schoolchildren and their eternal opponents of the teacher, but also parents and teachers who entered into an unequal dispute will perform the main actors. Ask what the dispute? Yes, all about the same, about children. A cool scene for a teacher's day will allow you to smile and teachers, and parents, and the schoolchildren themselves, about which there is a speech.