Pleasant Valley map for The Long Dark. Should you look for a bunker? Wolf Mountain Map The Long Dark

The Long Dark survival guide

Except for story mode, The Long Dark only has a sandbox. Here we will talk about how to survive in the post-apocalyptic conditions of northern Canada, or, for example, our Siberia. How to play The long Dark.

How to get the most out of the game

Games are invented to interest us, so that we can happily spend our time in them and do not feel tired. We easily spend hours and dozens of hours going through something unusual real life, why? Interest of course! And interest here depends on your ability to survive. Thus, let us consider the passage of the "endless game" successful on the following condition, you have learned to survive using all available methods. That is, if you have a gun and feel that you can survive the game for a year, you can wear a laurel crown.

Now let's talk about the maximum interest in the game. The developers didn't give us any hints for nothing. Learning to survive and explore the world is really fun. Let me point out the difficulty of playing The Long Dark with the number of boring hours.

On easy difficulty, there is practically no challenge, as well as special interest. This game is primarily a survival game, and without fear of dying, this is an adventure game - gathering. There are no mysteries here, only if you enjoy exploring the world. The only goal is to find a gun. I do not advise you to take this level of difficulty, as it does not addictive and intrigue like the others. The passage of this level of difficulty will not tell you anything, the world of The Long Dark was created to test people.

On Drifter or Stalker difficulty, you really get a feel for what it means to survive. You have to die, but it will still be interesting. The goal here is to survive and find a gun with a hatchet. Then survival becomes comfortable enough.

Complexity " Uninvited guest"can be called the ending of The Long Dark. If you survive here, you can put the game on the shelf with peace of mind. * The author laughs ominously. * Take a chance on your health! Here the game will not just test your survival skills. It will try to kill you. And try hard. Cold, hunger, water, firewood, happiness if you find matches. I do not advise you to play here without reading the guide "The Uninvited Guest", it will be your funeral. There is no gun here. * The author laughs ominously *. There is no gun, ax or knife , they will have to be made by ourselves, and for this you will have to try pretty hard and walk more than one kilometer, otherwise survival cannot be considered complete.

So, to get the most out of the game, you need to complete the Drifter or Stalker difficulty, which will challenge you. No maps, no tips! Learn for yourself. These are exactly the challenges that will challenge and intrigue you. If you are interested in games that will severely test your survival and goal achievement skills, I recommend reading the article "Games as a Challenge." It features games whose difficulty may be intimidating, but since you are here, you are from a different test.

If you have tried it and want a couple of simple tips that will not take your interest, then there are "tips for the initial walkthrough of the game", but it's more interesting to get to it yourself.

Having passed enough on the previous difficulties, you can proceed to the final. The previous advice does not apply here, so there is a separate guide "The Long Dark: The Intruder". You will not live here without a map of the area for more than three hours. Death from hunger can be called successful because you cannot always find matches and firewood to prepare your own water. There are practically no resources in the boxes, but each item found is so valuable that it will cause a cry of joy. Especially matches.

If you have completed it completely, hat off, this is truly an achievement. How many times have you died? How many hairs have they pulled out? Don't answer, we played, we know.

Again, if you want to get the most out of The Long Dark, return to continue reading after completing the Drifter or Stalker difficulty! Or, on the edge, you can read the initial tips, but it's always better to come to them yourself.

Here are the simple tips that will not deprive you of your interest in playing at medium difficulties. Since it will be easier to explain important elements, we will group the tips according to the mechanics of the game.


This advice is especially important, you should learn to navigate the terrain. Walking in circles in frost - 40 almost always means death from hypothermia. You may be able to determine where the north is, but often it turns out that a storm or fog will interfere with this. Find landmarks for yourself by which you can understand where you are and where you have not been.

Try not to leave the house if there is a blizzard or fog outside. If you get lost, you may die of the cold. Remember that a fire does not always save you; it can be blown out by a strong wind.

Try to look around from the hills.

In the game, both legs are the same length and we will not be able to walk in circles in a straight line, however, due to the fact that we are not looking around with our neck, it is easy to go to the side. When inspecting the area, remember the direction of movement, say to those three trees, only then look around. Remember your path! Otherwise, you may not return, the winter landscape is very similar.

The first step is to find a warm place - a house, on the edge, a cave, but a house is better. Sleeping in bed is warmer than in a sleeping bag.

The temperature varies from time of day, so it is warmer in the evening than in the morning.

In the cold, you will hardly last more than six hours, so do not hesitate.

Without food, health is spent slowly, without water, much faster, so stay hydrated.

Try to provide yourself with food and water. If the terrain does not allow it, move as soon as you can.

The most accessible food sources, besides the found cans, are fish and timothy. For fish you need a fishing line and a hook. The line is difficult to make, because it requires dried animal intestines, and drying them is a very long process. Timothy grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, it can be called the best food without exaggeration, since it has the best ratio calorie / weight.

V dark time wolves are more aggressive.

The wolves do not attack immediately, but will chase the player. If he is close, try to keep him in sight more often. From the side of the face, the predator will be careful, but from the back it will attack almost immediately. You can even try to escape if the wolf is on great distance, and yet, from time to time it is worth glancing in his direction. If you are caught in an encirclement, keep everyone in sight (if they are different sides, quickly exchange glances at one and then at the other) and retreat.

The torch can scare away wolves and bears, but this does not always work. Depending on the difficulty, wolves can bristle and stand still. Remember that the signal stick always burns for a certain time, and the torch and firebrand will be depleted when swinging. To remain in front of a wolf with an extinct branch is not even suicide, it is a Darwin prize.

In The Long Dark v426, the animal scaring mechanic has changed. In addition to listing the changes, the article also contains comments that supplement this guide.

Bears are extremely dangerous, but not aggressive and do not kill immediately. If a bear attacks you, it will leave you barely alive. Don't try this advice in your life!


Take a close look at all the shelves and even the corners.


If you die a lot, don't despair, death in The Long Dark is part of the game, but try to draw conclusions because survival is also part of the game.

You can rest in the winter shelter (dugout) if you select this option from the quick menu after you go inside.

If you have hypothermia, then you will lose strength extremely quickly, so if you fall into the water and you have the opportunity to sit out in the warmth, rest first. Almost every task will exhaust you.

In the daytime during the day, when there is fog or storm outside, it is better to mend clothes, cook, disassemble unnecessary things for trash or firewood, etc. The same can be said if you are too lazy to go somewhere in the morning, because it is colder in the morning than in the afternoon.

Fear overwork! If you get tired, you will not be able to make a dash that will save you from the wolf.

If you have a choice, eat what weighs more first, such as leaving timothy for later.

More relevant tips for Intruder difficulty

Take care of matches, they are spent on lighting the torch, and come across extremely rarely.

Save firewood, remember, the wind can extinguish the fire and everything that you put into it can burn out instantly, so add a little.

You can save matches as follows. If you need to collect firewood, devote the whole working day to it. Find a place where there are many of them, for example, a fishing village on the highway (there are many boards) and gradually collecting these boards, move the fire with the help of a burning ember.

It is also possible to light a fire with one ember, using it both as fire and as wood. True, the chance of such a device is not great.

Embers cannot be thrown from one fire to another, so control it so that it does not burn idle.

To instantly raise the temperature of the fire, you can use coal, it will also give an hour of burning.

Before moving on to eating fried meat, gain a supply of fish so as not to die of hunger and cold in case of an unsuccessful hunt.

There is a tip for leveling up your cooking. You can cut the meat from the carcass in small pieces (one hundred grams each, pressing ESC a second from the start of the process) and then fry them. Advice on the advice of pumping cooking: nafig it is necessary, you can pump the skill, but you risk being left without firewood and nerves, since it will take a very long time to fry all this disgrace. For example, 2 kg 100 g each, fried for more than four hours of play. During this time, you may run out of firewood, which threatens subsequent frostbite. Actually to be left without firewood on this difficulty serious problem, especially if you don't have an ax with you.

Collect branches along the way, without an ax, this is the most common type of fuel, albeit a short duration. Before getting the ax, you can destroy the boards with a hammer.

Whenever possible, sew up your clothes. The temperature will rise quite significantly.

Remember to carry your sewing kit with you and remember where you left the rest. If you manage to live long enough, things will slowly start to wear off. Better to be fully patched than naked.

Sew up clothes until they are completely worn out, otherwise you may end up without important clothes, for example, gloves (Especially dangerous with an uninvited guest, given that there can be only one jeans in the whole game).

Try not to poison yourself if you are an "uninvited guest", even a simple poisoning can kill you. Stock up on reishi mushrooms, tea from them will start the recovery process, but you will definitely need to sleep, otherwise you will lose health.

Timothy grass, besides its nutritional quality, is also the most common food on the "intruder" difficulty, since the rest of the food most often falls under the chance of falling out (cans, canned food).

Collect mushrooms and rose hips, tea from them will give us a warming bonus. The healing effect of rose hips is the same as pain relievers, and mushrooms help against poisoning. To use as intended, and not as food, you need to use from the quick menu of first aid. Perhaps in subsequent versions of the game, the work of tea was corrected.

It makes sense to disassemble one or two deer carcasses into guts, they will help for fishing. Having pumped the skill to level 2 in advance, you can use the fishing rod very effectively.

When cutting carcasses in cold period by the fire, be extremely careful. Automatic time acceleration will not stop if the fire blows out and you risk freezing very quickly, in just a couple of seconds, especially if you are low on health. On this moment added the ability to cut carcasses into separate pieces for the purpose of transfer. In a secluded place, say by the fireplace, cooking is several times more pleasant.

If you are the "Intruder" in The Long Dark

Well, I hope that you have prepared yourself mentally and have already at least tasted this difficulty ... tried it and died 10 times. The difference between the passage of an uninvited guest and the rest of the difficulties is that there is neither a gun nor an ax nor a knife. Wolves gnaw almost always, I have not tried to defend myself with a knife, because death here means another ten hours to make this very knife. Meet fear, it is your closest companion throughout the game. Only in the house can you say goodbye to him for a short while ... until you get claustrophobic. It is extremely difficult to survive here, since we were cheated not only with tools. It seems that someone has already visited the boxes. Apparently we are from the previous difficulty. The shelves are almost as cleaned as possible, except that the bar has fallen over the shelf, from where it is even difficult to get it. Wolves are aggressive and almost fearless. It is very difficult to find clothes, in general, no one is happy about you here.

Having walked the great path a dozen times, you understand two things. The first thing is that you can survive without an ax and a knife. The second is that you may not find the hammer, neither in the climber's hut, nor in the fishing hut nearby. In my case, out of ten successful attempts, only three times the hammer did not come across to me there. These three times I tried to run as a male character and with the icon turned on to run. Maybe there is a relationship, maybe not.

Why did I choose the woman? Her indignation at small falls somehow magically goes deafening. The man almost screams, as if he sprained his ankle, which also happens in the game. Well, missed the lyrical digression.

Plus the beginning of the journey from the wolf mountain. If you start your journey here, then you will almost completely visit all significant (houses) places in the zone of "Wolf Mountain", "Otradnaya Valley" (there are not enough houses at the crossroads), "Mysterious Lake" (there is not enough trapper's house and forester's tower, provided that you visited all the buildings near the mysterious lake itself). In the "Topi" there are practically no special places (except for the poachers' camp, and even that is not particularly valuable). Remember, at this level of difficulty, matches and magnifying glass... Usually they can be found in houses and sometimes in boxes (except for a magnifying glass). The hammer is not so rare in fishing huts.

In principle, you can survive and starting in other places, but survival in the swamp is especially difficult. So now in more detail.

-Great pilgrimage

Except as "The Great Pilgrimage", this cannot be called. To technically win, we need a bow. For this we need an ax. For this we need a blacksmith's hammer and a forge. And there are only two forges in The Long Dark at a very decent distance from the places where you can somehow survive at the initial stage.

So, the most optimal solution will start the game in the location "Wolf Mountain". Here almost every time you can find a hammer, matches, food (mostly in the form of timothy), water, firewood for further travel. It is more difficult in other areas. Old advice won't help here, we need a map! There is no map in The Long Dark, so you have to search the Internet and then learn how to use it. Wolf Mountain is not so difficult to identify, apart from the Echo Gorge, which cannot be confused with anything, you can see the wreckage of an aircraft. Having started here and having decided on where we are, we need to find the climber's hut. It is located by the lake. In it or in a nearby fishing booth you can find a hammer, firewood, a bed, timothy, make some water, but it's better to leave before the evening. There will be a wolf nearby, so keep watch. What can you do, no one said it would be easy. We collect all that we can Timothy, loot the building and take the hammer. We leave before nightfall in 4-6 hours, since the house resembles a sieve, at night without a fireplace we will freeze.

Advice: pick mushrooms, tea from them will give us a warming bonus. Mushrooms do not grow back in The Long Dark, so this resource is worth saving.

Leaving the hut, we head to the gratifying valley. Do not miss, go for a long time and we will lose decent health in the cold. Collect branches along the way, without an ax and firewood, which we find in houses, this is the only source of heat. Try not to get overwhelmed. Once in the gratifying valley, collect firewood from the nearest house and go down to the bunker. If it's still light, look around, or go to bed and look around in the morning. If you find a sewing kit, mend your clothes immediately in the morning. It's still cold in the morning.

Advice: it's time for sewing and other similar daily activities - morning or fog / blizzard. In The Long Dark, the most in a simple way raising the temperature is just the sewing of clothes.

Then you walk to the "Skeeter's Ridge" to the basement. Loosen up and keep warm. In order not to stand idle, we can break a box or two. Above, next to the buildings, you can find a couple more boxes, firewood. Attention, there is one or even two wolves nearby, so walk carefully. Instead of looking for the climber's cable, you can gently climb down the slope with small jumps.

Next, we go to the dodger's house. Here, depending on the time, we warm up and move on, or sleep. There are several mushrooms and rosehip bushes near the house. Our further way to the river and the nearest timothy. On the way, it will not be superfluous to pick mushrooms and rose hips, but only on the way. Otherwise, you will spend a lot of health on the journey. Then we go along the river along the center of the map in the direction of the estate of the gratifying valley, along the way collecting timothy. After passing the first bridge, you can either collect more timothy trees, or immediately head to the estate.

This is the most convenient place for sewing clothes, as there are a lot of curtains everywhere, which give a lot of fabric. Don't forget to check out the basement as well. Even if you don't have a sewing kit, you should stock up on fabric because it may not be nearby in the short term. Water can be drawn from toilet barrels. Do not frown, there are very few matches and we will all need them. Inspect all places with extreme care, because a magnifying glass is the only source of heat that can always be available. Without it, it is impossible to survive in the long term.

The estate is one of the most convenient places... There are a lot of rabbits nearby, not too close, but not too far away the timothy grows ... but the wolves are also not far away. The inside is full of books. They give the best chance of lighting a fire, thus saving matches. It is recommended to pump the skill of kindling a book to the second level, so you will save even more matches. Believe me, the author lost 20 matches on empty fires and when there were only 4 left, he decided by a sinful deed that the journey was over. The next 4 hours had to look for others, greedily saving the rest. Just in case, I had to spend a match and a lot of firewood to boil 10 liters of water for a rainy day. By the way, the matches were found at 8 o'clock in a different location.

Now let's get back to talking about the knife and the ax. To make them, we need coal, metal and a sufficient amount of firewood. Coal is not so difficult to deal with on the road. Firewood can be obtained (on the edge) from furniture. It's not so easy with metal. There is an option - to find a hacksaw and start sawing the shelves. Another option is to break suitable metal objects such as tools, extra hammers, etc. What you choose is not important, the main thing is that you have enough for everything and only one hammer and tools remain. Preferably red. For the knife we ​​need 3 units of metal, for the ax 5. Also, a piece of cloth for each tool. Then, in order not to return again, we need arrowheads. How many - decide for yourself, arrows can be broken and arrowheads can be used anew. Thus, we need at least 10 units of metal. In principle, you can do without a knife, then 7 units. The hacksaw can be in the barn, not far from the estate. There may also be some useful resources in a rural crossroads. Decide for yourself whether it is worth spending time on them.

So we have it all necessary materials, we got a decent amount of Timothy, dressed up a little and sewn up. Life has become a little easier, but the wolves will devour us in no time. We need a way to deal with them. Of course, you can scare them off, but it does not save for long. In principle, you can carefully leave them, they will pursue, but not pounce on a person if you face them at some distance. Don't let them get close. Alternatively, you can throw in a piece of meat to distract the predator. The most dangerous thing is to approach small elevations. If a wolf is hiding behind them, then even a lightning-fast reaction will not save you, so be careful! In case torches are used, remember that a match is used every time. A burning torch can light a fire, so use it whenever possible. If you don't have enough torches, you can try to save them, but matches are a priority.

Now, when the wolves do not scare us too much, it is worth deciding on the further route. There are only 2 forges. One is in the desolation zone on the ship, the other is in the swamp. The swamp place is extremely dangerous due to the fact that it is full of wolves and thin ice. It's easy to stumble and get your clothes wet, especially when there are wolves around. Believe me, the author ran away from three wolves and fell through the ice twice. This survival ended in failure and it took another dozen hours to try again. The second place is the "Zone of Desolation". It is a little safer than a swamp, but it can be a long way to go there, but if you are not in a hurry, then this place is worth it.

Advice: it makes sense to disassemble one or two deer carcasses into guts, they will help for fishing. Having pumped the skill to level 2 in advance, you can use the fishing rod very effectively. For example, next to a fishing village, if you go to the desolation zone. There is a lot of firewood and you can sit for hours and fish.

The road to the desolation zone

From the gratifying valley through an abandoned mine (lots of coal and tools) to the coastal highway. There are many houses and trailers here, a decent chance of finding matches in the coastal village. There is a lot of firewood near the fishermen's village. Near the warehouse of logs, a wolf wanders very close. Also, in some places near roads, where they are not easy to notice due to snowdrifts. Then the old island between the zones. There is a basement here where you can warm up, or if you find sleeping bag, get some sleep. There is at least one wolf in the zone, keep your ear sharp. Next is the desolation zone and the ship.

Along the way, you will find enough resources, but keep your ear sharp, there are also many wolves.

The road to the swamp

In the gratifying valley, you need to find a cave leading to the cave system to the Carter hydroelectric power station. On the way there will be a timothy, possibly a carcass of a deer. Below, at the foot of the dam, there will be a wolf and rabbits. You can try to fit the rabbit to the wolf, thereby occupying the latter. You can get into the hydroelectric power station only through a window, for this you will need to move to the other side of the dam along a narrow ledge. There may be a deer carcass nearby.

The exit from the dam (door) is full of planks with wood. From here it may be convenient to type them in for the future and drag them to a more convenient place.

Entering through the window, you will find yourself on the lower level of the dam. You will find many drawers and metal shelves. Attention! When you reach the steps and the door, next to which lies the corpse, you know, there is a wolf behind the door! Light a torch or on the edge of a firebrand, but it will not last you for a long time, this is a huge risk. You will find yourself in a room with two huge tanks. You will need to carefully reach the opposite wall and walk along it to the entrance. Then go upstairs. The wolf may not follow, but this is not a fact, so be careful. There might be a lantern upstairs, lots of boxes, and possibly a hacksaw. Look around carefully (remember about the wolf) or leave the building.

You have entered the "Mysterious Lake" location.

You will need to walk along to the bridge, and then to the right along the rails. Approximately in the middle of the map there will be an opportunity to make a stop at the administration of the camp site. There may be a magnifying glass inside. it a good place for relax. Near the administration is the very mysterious lake. Here you can go fishing, for example, if you collect firewood from the hydroelectric power station. More importantly, replenish Timothy's supply. There is a wolf and a bear near the lake, but usually they are clearly visible and it is not a problem to get around them. As you replenish your supplies, you can go further by rail. After passing through the destroyed tunnel, you will find yourself in a swamp. Here you will find old Spence's family farm. You need a shed where you will find a stove and bed practically in the open air. If it weren't for the oven, it would be suicidal to sleep, but you can still survive. By breaking the boxes under the bed, you can find several cans of food. Make a knife, an ax and how many arrowheads you need and get out of here. This is a very dangerous place.

After any of the options, move to a safer place. Learn to shoot from a bow, this is still an art. One of the tips for shooting is to drive the victim (deer) to a dead end. After that, he will try to run next to you, this is best moment for shooting.

Advice: collect feathers along the way, at least 6 pcs. This is enough for 2 arrows. Hits in different surfaces will wear out the arrow and, if you break it, you will lose one feather.

Once you are comfortable with the bow, you can consider that you have reached the pinnacle of survival. I wonder how many lives it will take for you.

Common questions

The long dark carry weight or how to increase weight

*** In the December 2017 update, The Long Dark: Rugged Sentinel introduced new animals to the game - Elk... These rare animals are useful precisely because they help to increase the weight of the luggage. More details will be described below the main article. It also describes how you can lighten the bag using standard methods.

Prior to the release of the story, the game did not provide opportunities for increasing the carry weight. You can only try to control it. To do this, you can follow a few simple tips.

Carry only the necessary supply of water that you normally use. Each survivalist will count this time differently. Someone can travel for days, someone prefers short dashes. Be guided by experience. If you are playing at difficulty level "Uninvited guest" To save matches and fires, you can boil 10 liters or more, leaving most in one place. Then replenish stocks from there.

It makes no sense to carry a lot of boards with you, the main thing is that there is enough for the maintenance time, while you will get new boards, this is the minimum. Here it is already worth starting from the type of raw materials and tools, for example, for at least 2 hours. It is also not necessary to carry a lot of newspapers with you, since tinder can be created from each branch.

Most canned foods are high in weight and low in calories, so it's worth getting rid of them first.

Some clothes are noticeably heavier, although they give a very small increase in warmth. It makes sense to replace it with lighter options or even throw it away, but keep in mind that there should be at least one piece of clothing on each part of the body.

Tools can be stored somewhere, or you can carry only the most necessary ones with you. It would be better to combine both options - to inspect the entire area and put everything useful in one building. On Intruder difficulty, this won't be a problem as there won't be too many items in the location.

It doesn't make sense to carry a lot of medicine with you, so keep the most important things with you. remember, that reishi mushroom helps in case of poisoning, and rose hips in case of dislocations.

*** Now let's talk a little about Elks.

The skin of this animal can be used to make a special item - " moose skin bag". This item allows you to increase the allowable weight of the inventory by 5 kg. Unfortunately, you can only use one bag at a time. Considering that previously you had to rely only on the available weight, such an increase in weight will allow you to easily carry heavier items of uniform than will block any increase in the warmth of other accessories for the belt.

The Long Dark where to find the gun

The shotgun can, with a certain chance, be in different, but specific buildings. All of these buildings have long been inspected and marked on various maps that are easy to find on the Internet. They also show the locations of the bow, knife, ax and other items, but they may not always be there. The drop chance decreases with increasing difficulty. Also, the number of additional buildings decreases depending on the complexity. If you are the "Intruder", you know, you will not find a gun, an ax, or a knife. They are not provided for this complexity. We'll have to make them ourselves. The highest difficulty also deprives us of bunkers except for one located in the location "Wolf Mountain", before moving to the gratifying valley.

When you find yourself in such a huge world as in game The Long Dark, you immediately get lost. Where to run, what to do and how to survive. This is where a map of the area with all the designations can help a lot. Below you will find a map of all locations. A complete map of The Long Dark is available here. There are also cards from the Steam community in Russian and with all designations. You can download the archive with them.

Mysterious Lake Map in The Long Dark

This is the very first location that the player is likely to encounter. High mountains, endless forests, snowy hills, and in the center is a large frozen lake. Mysterious Lake Map available just below. This location is also called Mystic Lake. You can learn more about this area from the material "Survivor's Diary: Mysterious Lake"

Pleasant Valley Map

Pleasant Valley is about ten square kilometers of mountainous snow-covered countryside. The valley map is available just below.

Wolf Mountain Map

Wolf Mountain is the purest untouched nature. A mountainous expanse with practically no human structures. Is an perfect way test out the newly added rope climbing. Wolf Mountain map in The Long Dark available below.

Coastal and Broken Highway map in The Long Dark

The Coastal Highway is a weather-ruined coastline with many facilities and resources. Beware of wild animals. The second highway in the game is "Broken Highway" - it is a transitional place between the coastal highway and the desolation zone. Coastal Highway Map available -. And the broken highway -.

Winding river map

It is a transitional location from the hydroelectric power station to the Otradnaya Valley. Here you will find: mushrooms, moss, rose hips. You can also see a wolf that catches rabbits and frozen deer. You will find coal in the cave. A map of the meandering river is available a little below.

Gorge Map

Long location with harmless animals. Berries and mushrooms grow here. It is also a transitional location. Watch gorge map in The Long Dark can be a little lower.

Desolation Zone Map

The location is intended more for intermediate level players. It will be quite difficult for beginners here. In the Desolation Zone, you will encounter a fair amount of aggressive animals, as well as most likely encounter with harsh weather. There are also several buildings in the desolation zone. You can leave this location only on the Coastal Highway. A map of the desolation zone in The Long Dark is available below.

Lonely Swamp Map

According to the players, this is one of the most difficult locations. The area is surrounded on all sides by mountains, strong winds they blow here almost constantly, and the ubiquitous swamp with thin ice complicates survival even more. You can get to the lonely swamp through the railway tunnel located on the Mysterious Lake. Most appropriate place for survival in this location - Old Spence's Family Farm. Lonely Swamp Map available at

The map of Pleasant Valley in The Long Dark is often searched for by gamers through various search engines in order to better navigate the terrain while playing. Is it worth looking for one at all? This will be discussed in the article.

The game

Hinterland's The Long Dark is an open-world survival simulator, realistic physics and good game mechanics. The goal of the game is to survive as long as possible in the harsh forests of Northern Canada.

The hero constantly faces difficulties such as lack of food, water, fatigue and low temperatures... Moreover, hostile wolves and bears can tear apart if provoked.

Survival mode has several maps, each of which represents an open world with many shelters, ways of obtaining food and components for crafting vital items. Hideouts are very important places in the game. In them you can wait out the storm, warm up, rest and wait until the wolf or bear leaves.

How to find a bunker

The Pleasant Valley map for The Long Dark is, in principle, easy to find. It shows the most important areas of the terrain, possible zones of danger, places where a corpse of a person or an animal may lie, as well as the expected points of appearance of bunkers.

It should be noted that the probability of occurrence of the latter is not one hundred percent. It may appear at the location indicated on the map, but it may be absent on the next playthrough. Therefore, in order to find bunkers, you should not refer to the Pleasant Valley map for The Long Dark.

Survival mode has its own "mapping" system - to mark the terrain on the snow with coal. After this procedure, the designated area appears in the desired menu tab.

Permanent locations on the map

Pleasant Valley in The Long Dark is replete with places that are always "where you need it." It:

  • estate "Three Throws";
  • farm house;
  • radio tower;
  • HPP "Carter";
  • Valleys.

At these points you can relax, warm up, replenish food and shelter from the weather. In addition, there are many places for various purposes: fishing holes, caves, hunting guards, sawmills, abandoned cars, abandoned shacks and abandoned shops.

A rough orientation on the Pleasant Valley map in The Long Dark will help you find the above locations for any purpose, whether it be searching for ingredients for crafting, food, or just to keep warm.


It should be noted that The Long Dark, although a "survivor", is nevertheless an author's view of a certain situation when a person finds himself alone with nature and is forced to fight for life.

The developers warn that the skills learned in the game should not be used in reality. Indeed, the world of wildlife is dangerous and unpredictable. There are no saves here, as in computer game, and the Pleasant Valley map for The Long Dark will not fix the situation.

The Mysterious Lake is one of the main regions in The Long Dark, and the first to be played in an open sandbox. The region is named after a lake that is filled with the Carter Hydro Dam. Region crosses Railway, which is mainly used in summer, supporting local logging and the flow of tourists by the lake.

Map of the Mysterious Lake in Russian

How to survive in the game for more than 50 days:

  • It is better to organize your main camp at a tourist base. Take most of the items you find there.
  • Collect wood from time to time around the camp for a fire. Also, try to collect a lot of matches.
  • Find a bow and arrow (or craft one). Also pick up all the arrows fired and repair them.
  • To hunt rabbits, use traps, deer and wolves - bow and arrows, and to catch a bear, you will need a hunting rifle. But be careful, as the clubfoot can kill you with one hit.
  • Remove skins from animals, dry them, and then craft warm clothes from them.
  • Go fishing in the lake in the afternoon. warm clothes.
  • Heat the stove every few days to cook fish and meat supplies and water. The meat must be stored outside, near the camp.
  • If you are going on a trip to another location, then try to either manage it in one day, or take a supply of water and food with you to spend the night.