How to get a job in the police for a woman. The essence of police work

How to get a job in the police and be responsible for maintaining order in the country.
This position means that not necessarily district police officers, investigators, operatives, but also specialists in such activities as accountants should be required. Consequently, this opportunity is not only for lawyers, but also for citizens of other specialties.

To the police

To be a police officer, you must definitely go to the personnel department. Then provide a full package of special papers and pass the appropriate tests, a medical commission.

There are special requirements for a police position:

  1. Age restrictions up to 35 years old. By law, it is allowed to get a job only up to this age.
  2. Good biography. A prerequisite is the absence of a criminal record of the candidate and his family members.
  3. Military service for men is the main condition. This does not apply to women.
  4. Health. It is necessary to go through the VVK (military medical commission). It includes an examination of the psychological and physical well-being of a person.
  5. The conditions for the education of a citizen must correspond to the level of the position for which he wants to get a job. Take with an average and vocational education... But for a senior position, you must have a higher, preferably with a legal specialty.
  6. You should not get a job for such people who have their own business or those who cannot keep state secrets.

To the girl

How to get a job in the police for a girl? The girl should:

  1. You can go to the nearest department and find out what vacancies and positions in the police are for girls, if they are not there, go to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and submit your resume there.
  2. Choose which branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs a woman wants to work in. In most cases, they prefer to work with documents, workflow, accounting and public relations. And for this you will not need to complete a specialized institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. V necessary order you need to know the area of ​​this specialty.
  3. What education does a girl need to work in the police? If a girl wants to work as a law enforcement agency, then for this she needs to receive training at the academy or university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These educational institutions are in all large cities in Russia. Teaching takes place in different specialties, mainly in jurisprudence, forensic science and forensic science.
  4. For hiring, there are the same standards as everyone else. Restrictions between the ages of 18 and 35 and of course good health.
  5. It is imperative to pass physical and psychological standards in order to find out if the girl is ready for such a difficult position. To do this, you will need to undergo a military medical examination at the place of residence.
  6. There is a difference in passages between a man and a woman for admission to the position. Girls are arranged for a less energy-consuming specialty.
  7. The admission takes into account not only the level of knowledge and work experience, but also the information in the questionnaire. It is necessary to fill in the papers in detail, and then the information is processed in detail.

List of required papers

To be employed by the police, you must have the appropriate package of documents:

  • application for a specialty;
  • test questionnaire;
  • biography of the candidate;
  • regulatory papers regulating the field of training;
  • military ID;
  • data on income and property;
  • TIN assignment certificate;
  • if any, a work book.

The rest of all the papers depend on the service that the person wants to go to.

In addition to the papers, it is imperative to go through a medical commission in order to accurately prove the readiness for the position. It includes examination by doctors and the delivery of the necessary tests.

It undergoes control not only for physical standards, but also for the psychological state of a person. When all the conditions are met, you need to go to practice.

After a great deal, the employee may receive this work and be certified according to all the rules of a special rank.


How much time can you spend

To be accepted for a position in the police, you must first sign up for an interview with the chief representative of the department. If there are vacancies, then the candidate's application is considered and the appropriate forms are issued, which he must fill out. Then you need to undergo a medical examination and check the psychological state. Then they are sent to the military medical commission.

How everything will be ready and the personnel department will consider in detail the biography of the person and if no serious illnesses then the candidate can be accepted for the position. The final terms of the results become known from 3 months to six months. You need to have a firm character, be patient and decisive in your choice, show sufficient diligence to accurately get into this area.

How to find a place for a former police officer

Only 40% of employees have a legal education. The rest of the percentage of people do not work in their specialty, but do not know how to get a job. Some citizens can find work where they need it physical strength, for example, in security organizations, a loader and a handyman. If the former policeman knows how to lead, then you can open your own private enterprise.

Former officers who are well versed in the field of economics, have acquaintances in the authorities, can work in various banks - in the security services, in checking employees and clients. Former employees needed in oil structures. The fact is that in these areas each individual employee is of great importance. Every bank employee has access to very important, classified data.

You can go to get a job in other areas, such as the Ministry of Emergencies, FSSP, Federal Penitentiary Service. You can especially try to work in the legal field.

Another way for a former employee to find a job is tourism. Police officers have many connections in passport offices, they can easily issue a passport faster than usual, which is very much appreciated by the employer.

How to get a job in the police

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  • Instruction on the procedure for selecting citizens for service (work) in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Order No. 595).
  • For work (service) in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, candidates are considered from 18 to 40 years old (for the police - up to 35).

    Basic requirements for candidates Employment restrictions Basic documents required for employment
    Applying for work must at least:

    fluent in Russian,

    have a secondary education,

    comply with medical indications and physical fitness

    The following candidates are not considered:

    Non-residents of the Russian Federation (stateless persons with a residence permit, the right to permanent residence, with a different citizenship);

    · In the presence of a criminal record;

    · Partially or completely incapacitated;

    · Defendants (suspects) in a criminal case;

    · When providing false (fake) documents;

    · In other circumstances determined by Art. 14 and 17 FZ No. 342


    insurance certificate;

    military registration documents

    (conscripts, conscripts);

    education document;

    employment history

    Decision on hiring a candidate for a job

    Before making a final decision responsible person(authorized employee) is obliged to conduct a comprehensive check of the candidate. Conventionally, the whole process can be displayed as follows.

    The main stages of employment Purpose, short description
    Interview of the head of the department with the candidate Conducted for the purpose of preliminary study of the candidacy
    Submission of documents to an authorized official The accuracy, completeness of the information provided is checked
    Study and verification of the candidacy in accordance with the current selection procedure

    (testing, examinations, etc.)

    As a standard, a person applying for a job goes through:

    · Medical examination;

    Psychophysiological research

    (includes tests SMIL, CAT, reaction rate, polygraph passing);

    · Verification of accounting;

    Determination of the level of physical fitness


    The authorized person draws up an opinion on hiring, reports the results to the head. The final decision on this candidate is made
    Making a decision on hiring Registration is carried out after the decision is made by the head of the internal affairs department, who has the right to appoint

    If the decision is positive, a contract is concluded for a specific or indefinite period, a test period from 2 months to six months is assigned (Article 24 of the Federal Law No. 342). No test is provided for managers. A candidate who has been selected and hired for the first time is awarded a four-year contract.

    University students of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation immediately upon admission are automatically enrolled in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Upon completion of their studies, they are transferred to the ATS units.

    Erroneous actions of candidates when applying for work in the police department

    Description of the disputable situation Correct solution
    When applying for a job, a candidate refused to undergo a polygraph, citing the fact that such a test is considered voluntary by law Indeed, a potential employee in any other situation has the right to refuse this procedure when hiring on completely legal grounds. And this will not be the reason for the refusal to work.

    But here it comes on the sphere of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where passing a polygraph during employment is mandatory

    (this measure was introduced and has been in effect since 2013). Therefore, the candidate must pass given view testing

    Expert opinion on the selection of candidates through a polygraph

    This issue is addressed by Nikolai Ivanovich Myagkikh, head of the central medical department of the central medical unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ph.D., colonel of the internal service, honored doctor of the Russian Federation.

    Speaking about the effectiveness of using this biomedical device, the expert turns to statistics. According to the available data, every second candidate is screened out based on the results of checks. The reason is hiding negative information.

    The polygraph instantly records the changes in the physiological processes of the subject during testing. The reaction of the person being tested reveals deception or a desire to hide information. In this way, when recruiting, the subject's propensity for delinquency, connection with crime, drug use, etc., is determined.

    The conclusion is unambiguous: the use of a polygraph in the selection of candidates for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is necessary. It is self-evident that the device, the expert notes, registers all deviations in the behavior of the subject, and makes it possible to reveal all the hidden negativity.

    A person must understand that he is preparing to work in a serious organization. It must meet the requirements. Therefore, passing a polygraph as part of a thorough test is warranted.

    At the same time, Nikolai Myagkikh emphasizes that the rights of the subject are not violated. At first, this activity legal. Secondly, the procedure is voluntary. Thirdly, the subject can always (before, during testing) refuse testing, and without explaining the reasons.

    Example 1. Passing a polygraph during employment in the police department

    When applying for a job in the police department of M.A.Mironenko, it is necessary to undergo a polygraph. Testing is carried out with the participation of two people: a candidate and a polygraph examiner. Verification includes:

    1. A preliminary conversation with the subject (M. A. Mironenko), during which his readiness for the procedure is ascertained.
    2. Signing a document on voluntary participation in this type of testing.
    3. General instruction, discussion of questions to be asked.
    4. Attaching the sensors to the subject, setting up the polygraph.
    5. Actually conducting testing according to the "question-answer" scheme. The polygraph examiner has the right to: clarify questions, ask them again, in order to clarify.
    6. Data processing, summing up and sounding the results. Results are confidential.

    The subject may refuse to answer separate issues, but this can significantly affect the test results. Standard test duration: from 30 min. up to 4 hours.

    M. A. Mironenko successfully passed the polygraph. Result - “recommended for service in the Department of Internal Affairs”.

    If the result were negative, he would not be accepted into the service. In this case, the candidate reserves the right to re-pass the polygraph after six months. And if the retesting is successful, he will be hired.

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    Answers to frequently asked questions

    Question number 1: Are they hired to work in the police department without serving in the army?

    Yes, they do. They cannot refuse for this reason. But when testing and studying such a candidate, they will find out the reason why he did not serve, in order to determine if this reason does not interfere with future work.

    Question number 2: If a candidate in all respects is suitable for work (service), but so far he cannot be appointed for some reason, does this mean that he will be refused at all?

    If the reasons for which he was not appointed to a specific position do not interfere with work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then there will be no final refusal. Materials, information on this candidate are saved, they are recognized as valid for the next 6 months. The countdown is carried out from the moment of their approval by the head of the ATS. This candidate may be re-considered later when there are vacancies.

    Personnel officers will give preference to graduates of military universities, civilian faculties, who have experience in the legal profession. As for young teachers, they will find a place in the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to their profile - in the PDN. Graduates of technical institutes and universities are expected in the traffic police. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also waiting for people who already have one higher education and receiving the second - legal. They are ready to take on the service even before the end of the last year. In addition, Kolokoltsev allowed to take on officer positions graduates of secondary professional educational institutions with a legal profile. In the USSR and Russia, until 2008, there were many such officers in the police. They were trained by police schools, of which there were 13 throughout the country. They, like universities, graduated lieutenants, but those without a "crust" about higher education subsequently could not "jump" above the rank of captain.

    How to get a girl to work in the police

    More than one hundred volunteers are recruited to law enforcement agencies every year. This job is quite prestigious and well paid. And besides, the prospect of early retirement greatly attracts people.

    Indeed, according to the law, it is enough to serve only 25 years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to retire. With this in mind, it is not surprising that many are aspiring to get a job in the police. But everything is not so simple here. In order to get a place in law enforcement, you must go through a series of checks and tests.

    And although there is nothing complicated about them, most candidates still fail them. Therefore, in order to understand how difficult it is to get a job in the police, let's take a closer look at all the features of this process. Morality First of all, remember one important point before joining the police.

    Is it possible for a girl without higher education to work in the police?

    Accordingly, a wide range of specialists work in them - these are district police officers, investigators, operatives, accountants, personnel specialists, and so on. Hence the question - is it possible to work in the police without a legal education? Of course, it all depends on what position you would like to take. You do not need a legal education to work in accounting, but you cannot do without an economic education, and for a job in a juvenile affairs unit, you will need a pedagogical "crust".

    Conditions of admission to the police The conditions of employment to the police are as follows:

    1. Employees of the bodies can be citizens of the Russian Federation of any sex, fit for service for health reasons.
    2. There is an age qualification - men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 can work in the internal affairs bodies.

    Police work without legal education


    Features of examination in a hospital To get a job in the police, you need to have excellent health. Therefore, the first thing candidates are sent to the hospital for medical examination. One thing should be understood - the internal organs are closely monitoring future employees, so you should not look for workarounds and try to bribe doctors in order to speed up this process or hide congenital diseases.

    In general, with an average congestion of patients, the passage of a medical commission takes no more than 2-3 days. As for those health problems that can block the path to the desired profession, a list of them can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, at the hospital, you will need to take a blood test for the presence of alcohol or drugs. Psychological suitability Speaking about how to get a job in the police, one cannot fail to mention psychological testing.

    Police girl. new reality of the modern world

    But how to do that? Are you suitable for the positions offered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs? So who can get a job with the police?

    1. You can get a job in the police from 18 to 35 years old. If your age is in this range, you have passed the first criterion successfully.
    2. Before you decide to go to work in the police, carefully remember your biography. Not only you, but also your next of kin should not have any previous convictions.
      Even a minor recruitment to the police can end your police career, which never got started.
    3. In order to get a job in the police, men need to have an army behind them. Girls, fortunately, are exempt from this criterion.
    4. Even if they agreed to take you to this or that position, you will have to pass the standards of physical fitness.

    Can you get into the police without a legal education?

    The average command staff - from junior lieutenant to captain - is not lower than professional average, "corresponding to the direction of activity." Majors and colonels were supposed to have a diploma of higher specialized education. The laws also mention some "exceptions" when it is possible to hire a person with a higher non-core education or even with a diploma of secondary vocational education.
    An Izvestia source in the Interior Ministry said that Kolokoltsev's order was a forced measure. “The consequences of the instructions and laws, according to which it was impossible to get into the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without a law degree, did not take long to wait - there was simply no one to work in the regions, and in the city lawyers were not eager to serve as operatives and catch pickpockets,” explained Izvestia " a source. Kolokoltsev's new order clarifies the list of exceptions when non-core specialists can be hired in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    How to get a job in the police: requirements and restrictions

    • 1 What kind of work is offered to girls in the police?
    • 2 Requirements for admission to the police
      • 2.1 Education
      • 2.2 Willingness to follow orders
      • 2.3 Health and again - health
      • 2.4 Physical form
    • 3 I want to work in the police, what documents do I need?

    The increased interest in how to get a girl to work in the police - clearly shows the growing popularity of this profession among women. Employment requirements for the police vary depending on the position for which the girl is applying. The package of documents that must be presented, as well as the requirements for education may be different, but invariably medical and psychological examination, the requirement for the purity of personal data.

    Who can work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without legal education

    24-hour Legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION OF A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL ISSUE: Many young people find working in the police promising and attractive. In addition, it provides good benefits (we will also talk about them in this article). How to get a job in the police? First, decide on the position (and there are no less of them in the police structure than in any other state) and understand how you meet the requirements for applicants.

    After that, it will be possible to prepare a package of documents and submit it for consideration to the HR department. Work in the police: the main positions The police of the Russian Federation are a complex of state structures responsible for order in the country.

    Who to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without education

    In the first case, you need to have a higher legal education, and in the second - a teacher's diploma. Where to go first In order to get a job in the police, you should contact the nearest personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They will tell you in detail about the existing vacancies, the requirements for candidates and, if necessary, help you make the right choice.

    By the way, many believe that in order to work in the police, you must first serve in the regular army - this is not entirely true. It's just that when selected, the former military have a better chance of getting a promising position. After all the issues in the personnel department are resolved, the candidate receives a list of documents that must be collected to get the job.

    This includes: passport, mental and physical health certificates, military ID (if any) and documents on graduation from school or institute.


    Even before the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began, police schools were closed and re-profiled into departments of departmental universities. However, now there are quite a few colleges that train lawyers who do not have higher education in 2-3 years. Now for them, after a year's internship in their specialty, the doors to the Ministry of Internal Affairs are again open.

    V last years they also could not apply for officer shoulder straps. Kolokoltsev, by the same order, ordered the heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to subsequently send civilian officers to universities for a diploma, to professional retraining or refresher courses. - Previously, it was not necessary to have a higher legal education in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but a year ago the legislative authorities insisted on new qualification requirements- a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Izvestia. Experts welcome the idea of ​​the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    V recent times the prestige of the work of a police officer has increased significantly. In some ways, this is explained by the law that initiated the reform in this area in 2011, in some ways by raising the consciousness of the population and respect for this profession. Therefore, the number of those wishing to become a police officer has increased significantly in recent years. If you are thinking about becoming a valiant law enforcement officer, read this article. Here you will find the answer to the question - how to get a job in the police.

    To get started, read the Regulations on Service in the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation, as amended on June 30, 2002. Chapter II sets out the conditions of admission as well as the specific requirements for candidates for police positions. If you do not meet them, then, alas, you will not be able to get a job in the internal affairs bodies. According to Art. 8 of this Regulation, candidates for the post of police officer must:
    • be between the ages of 18 and 35;
    • not have a criminal record and not be related to people who have one;
    • have appropriate business, moral and moral qualities;
    • have a secondary education (for privates and sergeants), special secondary or higher education (for officers);
    • be in good physical condition and in excellent health.

    Service in the army is not obligatory now, but if you served it is only a plus for you. Attention will be paid to this when selecting personnel for an existing vacancy. An alternative army service is the passage of the military department at a university or training in a specialized educational institution.

    Compare your resume to the above requirements, and if you meet them, head to your local police station. There, in the personnel department, you will be provided with information on available vacancies. If there are none, go to the website, where you will find a list of vacancies not only in your region, but in Russia as a whole (just before that you need to fill out a questionnaire and take an online test).

    If you have found a suitable vacancy, then with a completed application for employment, autobiography and application form, you should visit the head of the police department.

    Download here.

    You can find it here.

    The police officer must be resilient both physically and mentally. Therefore, before hiring, you still have to pass a physical fitness exam and a psychological test.

    For those who first get a job in the authorities, the Regulation establishes a prerequisite - probation from 3 months to 1 year. Only after successfully completing an internship can an intern be assigned to corresponding position.

    Before starting to perform his duties, a police officer must take an oath. This takes place in a solemn atmosphere.

    As you can see, it is quite possible to get a job as a policeman, but at the same time it is necessary to meet rather high requirements and fulfill a lot of conditions. This is not a quirk of the legislator, but a necessity, which is explained by the specifics of this profession.