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The story of the girl who didn't want to sleep


Target: Education of a culture of behavior, respect for one's health, obedience, prevention of whims during regime moments.

Fairy tale for preschool children.

There lived one girl. Good, she was kind.
But she didn't like to sleep. As soon as night fell, the girl began to act up, scream, knock her feet and even bite.

Nobody could handle her.
And then one day, when evening came, the girl, as always, began her whims.

And suddenly she heard a quiet voice. It was somehow strange and unfamiliar. He said very sadly: “Well, goodbye, my dear!”
The girl calmed down and asked in surprise: “Who is this?”
The voice replied, "I am your dream." There was complete silence.
The girl shook her head, but there was no one around.
And since then the girl stopped sleeping. She walked around the house, around the yard, down the street. But all people, and birds, and insects, and fish, and animals were all sleeping. She was bored and lonely.
The night passed, followed by another, a third - and the dream did not return.
The girl became very sad. She was alone everywhere. Even the toys did not please her - they were somehow boring and uninteresting. She lost her appetite, she even stopped growing. The girl went to her wise grandmother and told how badly she began to live.

Grandmother smiled and said, “You hurt your dream very much. He helped you - gave you rest during sleep. You went with him through fabulous dreams. He even helped you grow. And you offended him with your whims. So he left you."
The girl wanted to cry out of habit. But she stopped and quietly asked: “Grandma, what should I do?”
Grandmother was silent for a while and then said: “You must return your dream. Go and find the magical Dream-herb. When you find her, sleep will return to you.
The girl walked for a long time through the forests and fields, through gardens and groves, until she found Songrass. She plucked this grass, and her grandmother hung it over the girl's bed.
Only after that the dream returned to the girl.
Since then, as soon as she takes it into her head to prank, she will look at this grass and she becomes very ashamed.
And so our girl became obedient, and as soon as night fell, she said to everyone “Good night!” and went to see magical dreams.

Composer Yan Frenkel Editing Olga Vasilenko Cameraman Mikhail Druyan Scriptwriter Galina Lebedeva Art directors V. Gilyarova , Lev Milchin

  • The cartoon was created by director Lev Milchin in 1977.
  • The text is read by Vasily Livanov.
  • Galina Lebedeva, who created the script for the cartoon, also wrote a book of the same name.


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

Masha can’t fall asleep in any way: either the pillow interferes with her, then the blanket, then the bed. The annoyed girl goes out for a little walk in the garden. Here she meets her dog. Upon learning of her misfortune, Tyavka invites the little one to take a nap in her kennel, but she absolutely does not like it here. Then Masha looked into the chicken coop and told the chickens about her problem. They offered to sleep on their perch, but the girl, who had dozed off, suddenly fell out of there and again went to travel through the night garden. Going beyond the fence, on the pond, she met a Heron, who showed how you can doze off, standing on one leg in the water. Masha did not dare to climb there. She went further and met the Bat, who invited her to her attic. Here she demonstrated to the girl that it is best to sleep upside down on the wall, without a blanket or pillow. Masha did not like visiting a new friend. She returned back to her bed and realized that her bed was the most the best place for sleep. The girl lay down in it and immediately fell asleep.

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Polinka. She was an obedient and intelligent girl, and even often very brave, only at night she did not want to sleep in her room. In the evening she obediently fell asleep alone, and at night ... top, top, top, top, top ... she ended up again in the bed with mom and dad.
One evening, my mother said: "That's it, Polinka, with today you will only sleep in your own bed. You are already a big girl and, of course, you can sleep alone." She kissed Polinka and left the room.
Polina was offended. "It's not fair," she thought. "It's dark and scary in here. I'll go back to Mom and Dad." She lay down a little more and ... top, top, top, top, top ... went to the door. holding on to door handle, Paulinka pulled her towards her, and (oh, miracle!) She saw through the door blooming garden. “Wow…” she thought admiringly. "Then you can't sleep at all."
She walked across the soft grass, which was covered with bright flowers that looked like candy wrappers. Polinka already wanted to pick one of them, but changed her mind. "I already brushed my teeth today." And she moved on. The most unusual trees grew in the garden. On some grew small yogurts, on others - cookies, and on the third - dolls in lace dresses. Polinka opened her mouth in delight and decided that on the way back she would still pick a couple of dolls. So she walked on until she came across a small arbor, all twined with green ivy. A pretty girl was sitting in the gazebo and reading a book. Hearing Polina's steps, she raised her eyes. The girl had magnificent brown hair to the waist and snow-white smooth skin. Seeing the girl, she smiled affably and waved her hand. "Hello, Polinka! I'm very glad to see you." She stood up, straightened her purple satin dress, embroidered with silver stars, and walked over to the girl. At first, Polinka was confused and silently looked at the stranger with all her eyes. She soon remembered to always be polite, and slowly nodded in response.
- Hello! Who are you? - It suddenly occurred to Paulinka that the stranger was very similar to the tutor Maria Alexandrovna from kindergarten, only more beautiful.
My name is Night Fairy. - The girl sat down next to Polinka right on the grass. The girl, too, sat comfortably beside him, pulling her nightgown down to her toes.
- I make sure that it is dark and quiet at night, and I also light the stars and the moon in the sky so that it is beautiful and cozy. I am the sister of the Day Fairy, she lives in a garden on the other side of the Sunset and Sunrise River. We are very good friends and have never had a fight. Paulinka was surprised:
- And you are so ... so kind and beautiful! I always thought that the darkness was bad and I was afraid of it ... suddenly all sorts of monsters are hiding there, but I don’t see them!
The Night Fairy laughed, a rippling laugh so infectious that Paulinka couldn't help but smile back.
- I know, baby! So I arranged for you to come visit me. I was sad that you think badly of me ... I wish everyone only the best. Imagine if I didn't exist! In the evening and at night it would be as bright as day, noisy, and no one could calmly rest and gain strength for the next day. I protect the sleep of children and adults and believe me, I would never allow any monsters to scare people! I quietly talk all night interesting tales, and then people see dreams, and poets and writers even sometimes write them down. The Night Fairy thoughtfully picked one flower and unfolded the petals. There was indeed a chocolate candy in the middle of the flower.
- Would you like some candy?
Polinka courageously refused:
- I have already brushed my teeth and my mother says that nothing can be eaten until morning.
- What you all-??? already already big! The girl shook her head admiringly. - It's amazing that you still can't sleep alone in your bed. And then Polinka became terribly angry:
- Is it something I can't do? As well as I can! Yes, I can sleep all night alone and I won’t cry even once! - out of indignation, she even jumped on the spot and stamped her foot. "I'm going to go and sleep in my room right now!"
The Night Fairy smiled.
- Do not be angry, please. I didn't mean to offend you at all. I know that you are brave and you can do everything. Let's go, I'll walk you to the door.
She took Polinka by the hand and they walked across the lawn. On the way, the Fairy plucked the most beautiful doll from one tree and handed it to Polinka.
- Here, for you to remember.
The girl took the doll and said "Thank you!" Still, she was a very polite girl! At parting, the Night Fairy kissed Polinka on the cheek and hugged her.
Don't forget that I love you very much. If you suddenly want to chat, look at the starry sky in the evening and for sure one of my stars will wink at you. This will be my hello to you.
- Bye, Night Fairy! The girl opened the door and stepped into the room. There was a fluffy carpet underfoot again. She gladly lay down in her bed, covered herself with a warm blanket and yawned. “Good night!” Polinka whispered, closing her tired eyes and smiling already in her sleep.

HOW MASHA FIGHTED WITH A PILLOW Mom put her daughter Masha to bed. She turned off the light and went to her neighbor. Masha lay, lay - no way sleep comes. Now she is hot, then she is hard, then the pillow is high, then the pillow is low. Masha got angry - and well, knead the pillow with her fist: - Oh, nasty, fat, stuffy! And then let's kick your feet. She threw the blanket on the floor and said: - And you get out, heavy, biting! She pulled off the sheet: - It's better without you, otherwise you all move out to the floor. Masha got off the bed and stamped her foot. I'm tired of this bed! Sleep yes sleep! Boring! She put her feet in slippers, and, as she was in a long nightgown, slowly left the room. He looks, the door is not locked on the hook - through a narrow crack, a ray of moonlight falls on the floor. Masha stood, listened... Quietly. Only in the garden the nightingale sings, and the frog responds to him from the pond. Masha shivered and cautiously descended the steps into the garden. - Oh, how fun it is not to sleep! Oh, how fun it is not to sleep! she jumped on one leg. Masha ran along the path, and from the booth at her the dog Tyavka: -R-r-r-woof! Who goes? - It's me, Masha. - Why aren't you sleeping? It's too late. - Yes, my bed is bad, uncomfortable ... I was offended by her. So I'm not going to sleep. - Well, that's right, - says Tyavka. - It's best to sleep in a kennel. You lie down on a bed, curl up in a ring, face under the tail - and you have such dreams! Come on, get in! While I'm guarding the house, you sleep. - Oh, how interesting! - Masha was delighted. She got down on her knees and climbed into the kennel. I tried to curl up like Yelp does, but it doesn't work. Hard, tight. Masha tossed and turned, tossed and turned - it was uncomfortable to lie in a ring. Yapping stuck her face into the booth, and she has an old bone in her teeth. - Here's a bone for you, - he says, - it's sweeter to sleep with it. - Thank you, Tyavka. - said Masha and crawled out of the kennel. - You have a nice house, but I just don’t want to sleep in it. - What you picky! - offended Yip. - You won't please. She got into the kennel. Masha ran to the chicken coop to see if Ryaba the hen had laid her speckled egg or not. She made her way through the wet mallows to the barn. She pushed the latch and opened the door. He looks, the chickens are sitting on the perch, fluffed up - they are sleeping. Only the cockerel does not sleep. As soon as Masha stuck her head through the crack, Petka shook himself, turned his head: - Who-who-who? - asks? - Hush, hush, Petka, it's me, Masha. - What do you need? Petka says sternly. - And I, Pet, came to find out if the hen Ryaba laid a colorful egg for me or not yet? -Look how fast you are! the rooster got angry. Every day only white testicles are laid. And speckled ones are rarely obtained. Go - you better sleep. - I can't. - Why? - I'm offended by my bed. She's uncomfortable. You won't fall asleep on it. - Yeah. Whether business on a perch! the rooster agreed. - You will squeeze closer to each other, spread your feathers, close your eyes - and sleep until the morning. Get to us! Somehow Masha climbed onto the perch, folded her legs, pulled her head into her shoulders - she sits. From one side her hen warms, from the other - a cockerel. And really good - warm. Masha dozed off the perch and fell off. It’s good that there was straw on the floor in the chicken coop, Masha didn’t hurt much. “Oh, you,” the chickens laughed, “you need to hold on tight!” Masha jumped out of the chicken coop - yes, running. She sat down on the porch. He looks at the moon, but does not go to sleep. Suddenly, a bird flew past her, and then - bang! and sat on her knees. Masha looks, and this is some kind of wonderful bird. It looks like a mouse, only it does not have a tail, but instead it has soft black wings. - Hello, - says Masha. - Who are you? - I AM Bat. I sleep in your attic during the day and fly at night. Why don't you sleep? - My bed is uncomfortable. You lie down, you lie down, you can't sleep. - Yes. I sympathize with you very much, - the Mouse sighed. - Lying to sleep is bad, and even on the bed. Do you want me to help you? - I want! - Masha was delighted. - Then follow me to the attic. The mouse fluttered its wings and flew into skylight. And Masha climbed into the attic along the rough wooden stairs. In the attic, cobwebs swayed in a dark corner, and a cold breeze came from the window. -Here is my bedroom, - said the Bat and raised its muzzle up. - I confess, I am a terrible sleepyhead, I love to sleep so much! -Where is your bed? - asked Masha. - That's just the point, - the Bat laughed, - that I do without any bed. Oh, what wonderful dreams I have! One has only to climb up to the very ceiling, cling to that carnation with his paws and hang upside down there. Everything is dreaming upside down. Well, what are you standing? Climb up to me, I give you my favorite carnation! Masha remembered how she had fallen off the perch in the chicken coop and rubbed her bruised knee. "How am I going to sleep there?" she thought. "Upside down? I'll fall off! And somehow it's uncomfortable here..." The moon looked through the dormer window for the last time and hid behind a cloud. It got quite dark. Masha cringed. -Well, where are you? - called the Bat in a sleepy voice. - I'm already falling asleep! Masha did not answer and began to slowly descend the shaky stairs down. She climbed out of the garden through a gap in the fence and down to the pond. The frogs stopped croaking from fear and - plopping, plopping - into the water. The old Heron fluttered its wings in fright. - Who did it bring there? - Heron grumbled and twisted her long nose, but then she saw the girl and calmed down. - Why are you wandering, scaring my frogs? - I don't want to sleep. - He-he-he! - Heron coughed with a cold. - I thought that I alone, the old woman, could not sleep - rheumatism from dampness. What is your sadness? - Yes, no, - Masha hesitated, - it's just boring to go to bed every night. - It's true, it's boring, I know from myself ... So you are ... climb here to me in the reeds, we'll be friends. I’ll treat you to a lightly salted frog, and then we’ll stand side by side in the mud on one leg. I will cover you with a wing. And Masha's shirt hem was wet with dew, her legs were cold. “I’m afraid of frogs,” she whimpered, “and the water is wet!.. I won’t sleep in your house!” - Oh, you, roar! - Heron got angry. - Go away, and hurry up! I have enough damp without you. Masha turned away. "It's so wet and cold to sleep in a frog pond," she thinks. Masha goes home. She tiptoed into her bedroom. She picked up the blanket and sheet from the floor, then replaced the pillow and climbed into her soft bed. She yawned and said: “Still, no one in the world has a bed better than mine!”