German Shepherd. Pros and cons of the breed

This versatile, surprisingly intelligent and fearless dog is a recognized leader among service breeds. German Shepherd Dogs lend themselves well to training and need constant physical activity, training not only the body, but also the mind. This is a partner dog that needs constant attention, in return it will become a reliable loyal friend and protector.

Purpose of the breed

German Shepherd belongs to the most popular breeds of service dogs. Her first and main "profession" was to graze the herd. Later, the German breeder Max von Stefanitz, who always dreamed of the ideal working dog, worked for 40 years to give the shepherd dog new qualities. In 1899, he was joined by like-minded people who created the largest monobreed dog organization in the world - the German Shepherd Society. Since von Stefanitz considered workers to be the main qualities, the selection was carried out not only for the exterior, but primarily for learning ability, psychological stability, and speed of reaction. The breeder himself offered the German Shepherd as a service dog for the police, because it was there, in his opinion, that she could demonstrate her maximum merits. Later, the army began to use German shepherds. At the present time, the German Shepherd is listed in the first three of the smartest dog breeds and remains one of the most popular both for work and for home keeping.


Dimensions and weight: males - 60–65 cm at the withers, weight 30–40 kg, females - 55–60 cm, weight 22–32 kg.

Body type. The German Shepherd is a fairly large, sturdy dog ​​with well-developed muscles and a lean constitution. The body is elongated, the unbroken line of the back slopes towards the elongated croup. Broad, well-developed ribcage, moderately rounded ribs, front legs straight, set parallel, with strong forearms, round legs, well-knit, hind legs parallel, with a well-defined hock.

The head is of a characteristic shape, wedge-shaped, elongated and moderately massive, the skull and muzzle are almost equal, the ears are triangular, with pointed ends, erect, full set teeth has a powerful scissor bite. The nose is only black, the lips and eyes are dark.


Long, hanging almost to the ground without creases, with a gentle curve, with inside fluffy.


Straight, with a thick warm undercoat. Now German Shepherds are divided into regular and long-haired. In the former, the guard coat is short and coarse, in the latter it is longer and softer.


Black, black-and-back (black with red, yellow or gray), or zoned (gray with transitions to a darker one).

Character and behavior

The German Shepherd is a reliable, fearless, conflict-free, hardworking and well-balanced dog that needs to realize its abilities. He loves the owner and the family, feels very well changes in a person's mood and tries to benefit him.


The dog is very active, does not like to feel superfluous, always tries to serve, to do something for the owner, idleness oppresses her. The German Shepherd is constantly in need of vigorous activity, and if she is not given such an opportunity, she herself will look for something to do.


The German Shepherd is attached to one owner, and he must take on the mission of raising her. Smart and quick-witted, this dog quickly learns the requirements of the owner and tries to fulfill them. Nevertheless, it is impossible to let her upbringing take its course - it must be systematic and start from puppyhood. The owner should behave like a leader - eat first, not let the dog sleep in its place, drive it out of the way, suppress signs of aggression, etc. But the dog needs to be praised and rewarded for correct behavior, good command execution, etc. The German Shepherd must be socialized - it must see the world behind the fence, get acquainted with other dogs and people. A shepherd dog, whose education no one has been involved in since childhood, whose whole life is spent on a chain or in an aviary, is dangerous.


German Shepherds love to learn new things, they have a good memory, high intelligence and excellent working capacity. This is one of the best training breeds. Minimum set commands and tricks can be easily taught by the owner himself, but it is still better to take one of the professional training courses. The knowledge gained must be applied - it takes the dog's mind and allows it to be active. Even if the dog does not work as a service dog, on long walks it is necessary to consolidate the knowledge gained by giving commands and achieving their implementation, otherwise the dog's intelligence will decrease.

Relationship with host and family members

Unlike many dog ​​breeds, the "German" recognizes not only the owner, but also communicates with pleasure with members of his family, among whom he determines his place - not always the last. What is allowed to the master-leader is not necessarily allowed to others.

Attitude towards children

The German Shepherd loves children and understands that they need to be treated with affection and care. Takes care of and protects the owner's children, plays with them with pleasure.

Attitude towards strangers

Shepherd dog treats strangers with suspicion, watches their every move in constant readiness to defend the owner. However, this does not mean that the dog is showing a threat to everyone - as long as they walk by, the shepherd will not take any action against them. If you want to communicate with someone, the dog must first be introduced to him.

Relationships with other animals

A dog can get along with different animals, but for this it needs to be socialized. Problems can arise with adult stranger males, but if the dog is well trained, it will obey the owner and will not show aggression even in the event of provocation.

Care and health

Usually a German shepherd lives from 10 to 14 years, although there are also long-livers who delight the owners of 18-20 years. This largely depends on the initial health, care and nutrition of the dog. Unfortunately, intensive commercial breeding did not affect the health of these dogs. the best way- many of them show such hereditary diseases, such as dysplasia, epilepsy, cataracts, various pathologies of the spine. Also, the sore spot of the "Germans" is the stomach, pancreas and intestines, the volvulus of which can kill a dog in half a day. Most of the pathologies are hereditary, so it makes sense to inquire about the health of the parents of the puppy you are going to buy.

The shepherd dog feels best in the courtyard of a private house, it is also possible to keep an aviary and live in a city apartment. However, the latter can affect the quality of the wool.

Physical exercise

Wherever the shepherd lives, she needs regular long walks for at least one and a half to two hours, as well as physical activity - running, jumping over a barrier, swimming. In the absence of opportunities for physical activity, the dog is bored, cunning, naughty. Therefore, if you are not ready to devote a significant part of your time to walking and exercising with your dog, this breed is not for you.


The German Shepherd does not require any special care. Like all dogs, it needs to be examined regularly, vaccinated on schedule, and treated for fleas and ticks. The dog sheds actively twice a year and needs daily brushing.


Typically, the shepherd is fed twice a day. "Germans" eat almost everything that the owner gives, and with normal walking, they do not gain excess weight. But for the dog to be healthy, the food must be high in protein and of high quality, well balanced. You cannot give food in very large portions - there may be a volvulus of the intestines or stomach, so it is better to give preference to high-energy food.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros: intelligence, learning ability, high activity, affection for the owner, love for children, excellent guarding qualities.

Cons: cunning, need for physical activity, a tendency to lead in the family, increased vigilance in relation to strangers.

Despite its formidable appearance, the German Shepherd is one of the best nannies. By nature itself, it is intended to protect, protect and preserve the property and family of its owner. And she has been doing this for many years.

The word "shepherd" itself comes from the word "sheep". All varieties of shepherd dogs have long been engaged in the protection of sheep herds, not allowing the sheep to scatter, at the command of the shepherd, they drove the flocks to the right place and protected them from wolves. Currently, the German Shepherd does not keep watch on sheep pastures - it has enough work to do with humans.

Thanks to cinema and fiction it was believed that the German Shepherd is a police dog with a vicious disposition, posing a danger to all people who are with her. In fact, this is a completely erroneous opinion. This dog breed is quite different high level intelligence compared to other breeds.

Is it safe to leave kids with a German Shepherd?

German shepherd and child - it seems that these are incompatible concepts. But this is not so - some of the most reliable nannies and playmates for young children are shepherd dogs. Of course, not any shepherd dog is suitable, but only the one that is brought up with the children, in the family.

If a dog sees children every day from the first day of its stay in the family, then it begins to perceive them not only as its sisters and brothers (if it is in the family since puppyhood), but also as its children. And the cubs need to be protected, entertained and taken care of in every possible way. This is what the German Shepherd does, and as always, the best.

The Shepherd dog steadfastly endures all children's pranks and will never bite a child for stepping on it or simply getting into her eye with small fingers. Sometimes it's scary to watch how Small child, sitting astride a lying huge dog, thrust his toys into its open mouth or tried to pull its tongue out of the mouth. As usual, the shepherd dog not only does not bite the child in such cases, but if he hurts her, he will only scream, apologizing for his behavior, and will simply move to another place.

A nanny and a nurse in the face of a German shepherd

Sheepdog and children get along well together. Very often, the dog brings rolled toys and even leads a baby who has gone too far behind the clothes. The shepherd dog can even call his mother to the awakened child, if he is in another room, and the mother does not hear.

There have been cases when German Shepherds literally saved the lives of children. In Tashkent, before the catastrophic earthquake of 1966 in one family, a shepherd suddenly grabbed a small child by the clothes and dragged him into the street. The child's parents chased after her, and at that moment an earthquake began, which practically destroyed the city to the ground.

If you choose a dog that will live with you, but doubt whether it will get along with children - choose a German shepherd! Believe me, this dog will bring your children a lot of joy and protect them in times of danger like no other! She alone will become for them a friend, comrade, nanny, watchman, burglar alarm, a doorbell, a secure lock and a warm heating pad!

German shepherd rightly called one of the most versatile breeds of service dogs. This is an intelligent, strong, courageous, rather aggressive animal. The German Shepherd is able to quickly master such "professions" as security, search, escort and much more, which require a quick mind, good reaction, a keen sense of smell, physical strength, aggressiveness and distrust of strangers. Like other breeds of service dogs, the German Shepherd has its own "cons" and "pluses".

Ideal for home keeping dogs of this breed is private house or a cottage with the possibility of placing a spacious open-air cage and allocating a special, grass-planted area, where the pet will be able to do his "business" without harming others. But even the presence of "one's own" territory implies the possibility of obligatory walks outside the territory of the house. The dog must learn to protect its territory and owner from any "enemies", and such walks contribute to the development of such skills.

Is it possible to keep such a large dog in the apartment? It is possible, but if several basic conditions are met. It is necessary to immediately determine who will be the main one in the house, that is, who will be the owner of the shepherd dog. Males of this breed are quite aggressive and stubborn, and only trained people can cope with them. Otherwise, the dog can grow up disobedient and cause trouble for the owners. German Shepherd bitches are much calmer, more agreeable, easier to work with. Physically, they are slightly weaker than males, but not inferior to them in intelligence. At the same time, "girls" are easier to train and do not try to "swing rights", like maturing males. But both "girls" and "boys" need to develop patience and endurance - this is the key to further correct training and development of working qualities of the dog.

When keeping a German Shepherd in an apartment, it should be allocated a fairly spacious "corner" where a bed will be equipped, which will rise slightly above the floor level. Dog trained with early age to its place, it is unlikely to cause much trouble to the owners. However, it should be borne in mind that adolescents of the German Shepherd can be "capricious", and not because of "hooligan motives", but simply because they are very active. In order for the dog to behave well and not be rowdy, you need to walk a lot with it. On a walk, it is best to practice useful skills and train the puppy, as well as teach him to recover at this time.

Many new German Shepherd owners do not like it when a puppy tries to climb into their bed, be it a sofa, a bed or an armchair. Dogs often like to lie where the owner lay, and that's okay. But, if it is unpleasant for the owners, the puppy should be weaned from such a habit harshly and without indulgence. One of the important reasons why it is unacceptable for a dog to lie where the owners are sleeping is an allergenic factor, namely, dog hair. Although the coat of the German Shepherd Dog is thick and dense, it will not remain on all surfaces where the dog is lying or sitting if combed in time.

At proper nutrition and with appropriate care, the coat will always be healthy, beautiful and thick, even during shedding. As a rule, shepherd dogs "change" their coat twice a year. After winter, the undercoat is shed, and then it should be combed out especially carefully so that the dog does not suffer and does not try to comb it out, scattering pieces of wool around the apartment. Before the onset of cold weather, shepherd dogs grow a new undercoat, and molting does not cause much trouble for the owners. You should be aware that keeping a shepherd dog at home can cause some disruption in the seasonal change of wool. This happens more often when the dog is little walked on the street.

Since the German Shepherd is a fairly large animal, it needs a lot of food, especially during the growth period. How and what to feed─ depends on the possibilities, but a simple rule should be remembered: if the feed is dry, it cannot be mixed with natural, and vice versa. Although dry food is more convenient and fairly well balanced with minerals and vitamin supplements, many owners still prefer natural, freshly prepared food, adding to it the vitamins and minerals the dog needs.

The importance it also has a cost factor: good, balanced dry food is quite expensive, and not every owner can afford to feed his pet with it. Giving preference to natural food, you cannot treat and even more feed the shepherd with products from your table. Sugar, sweets, especially chocolate, fatty meat and any smoked meats, raw freshwater fish are unacceptable in the dog's diet. Salt can be added to food in a minimal amount ─ dogs have a slightly different taste than humans.

German Shepherds, especially young ones, can often get sick if their owners violate their conditions of detention. So, drafts and bathing are contraindicated for puppies. cold water in the hot season ─ otherwise colds and associated complications are possible. It is important to get vaccinated on time, while preference should be given to high-quality drugs and not to save on the health of the puppy: check the expiration date of the vaccine, the manufacturer and other factors. A dog's health is largely due to healthy food. A balanced diet and regular walks fresh air, and in any weather, will help maintain the health of a puppy, as well as an adult dog.

German Shepherds, as a large breed, are often susceptible to diseases such as joint diseases. You should always remember this and pay attention to any, even minor manifestations of such diseases. It is important to give the dog such loads that do not overwork, and at the same time, the joints are strengthened. Most large breeds Dogs are particularly at risk of their liver, most often due to poor diet. In order for the shepherd's coat and skin to be healthy, it should be bathed no more than twice a month, but combed out ─ daily, especially immediately after a walk. When combing, you can also notice the slightest violation of the skin and take action in time. The German Shepherd is a working dog, with such a temperament it is harmful for her to mess around. In good housing conditions and moderate "workload" of work, nature gave the shepherd 12-15 years of life. Moreover, the "working" period of her life is, as a rule, about 8 years. It is in your power to extend the life of your pet. Correct diet, good conditions, interesting "work" and the love of the owner ─ not such a big price to pay for loyalty, devotion and reciprocal love ...

You have purchased a German Shepherd puppy and now there are many various issues gets up daily. The first question is where it is better to equip its rightful place.

The German Shepherd is unpretentious and can live both indoors and outdoors, in an aviary (up to an air temperature of -10 degrees). In the house, she should take a place away from both the draft and the radiators. A well-cleaned dense rug is placed on the floor.

To make the puppy less worried at night and get used to you faster, you can put your old thing in the place of his rest.

It is advisable to spend a walk at the same time. It is better to take the puppy for a walk immediately after eating. But only after all vaccinations have been delivered to him.

It is better to walk an adult dog before meals: breakfast and dinner. She needs an hour's walk a couple of kilometers, preferably away from roads and people, so that the leash can be unfastened. A sporting dog needs more vigorous trainer and obstacle course training.

The German Shepherd is one of the smartest and most easily trained dog breeds. Therefore, the puppy can be taught commands from the very first day. First, accustom him to his nickname, rewarding for the correct reaction. The next puppy must master, which is better to give after attracting attention with a nickname.

A treat for a correctly executed command can be pieces of meat, bread, cheese, cracker. You can't give sweets, chocolate, sugar cubes at all.

Important rules for keeping a German Shepherd

The first walks should last no more than 5 minutes. From the age of three months, their duration should increase to half an hour. It is better to take a toy for a walk, gradually studying. The puppy should not play with big dogs and also run after birds, cats, etc. Otherwise, he will acquire the habit of running after other animals.

It is necessary to punish the puppy not after a while, but at the time of the misdemeanor or immediately after it. Otherwise, the dog will not understand what it is being punished for, and will simply be afraid.

Even friends of the owners, let alone strangers, should not be allowed to feed the dog with treats.

In order for the dog to develop a clear hierarchy: the owner - family members - the dog, it is necessary that all family members are engaged in training as far as possible. Otherwise, she will only obey the one who trains her.

It is worth washing the German Shepherd only in case of significant contamination and preferably not more often than once every two months. You need to wash warm water with shampoo for dogs, as a last resort - baby shampoo. After washing, the dog must be wiped off and provided with a draft-free place. It is better to wash after an evening walk, especially in winter, so that her coat has time to dry out by morning.

In dirty weather, the paws and belly of a shepherd can be simply wiped with a damp cloth.

The dog must have two bowls. One is always with fresh water, and the other for food. Food doesn't have to stand all the time. If, within 15 minutes after serving, the dog has not eaten or has not eaten everything, the food is removed exactly until the next feeding.

To prevent the dog from growling when family members take its bowl, the puppy should regularly take the bowl away, give it, and then return the bowl. You can stick your hand into the bowl, making sure that this gesture does not cause growls. Obedience takes a lot of time, especially given the insatiable appetite of small predators.

German Shepherds have one peculiarity. When they get used to a clear feeding time, they begin to demand food 10-15 minutes before this hour. In order not to develop this not always convenient habit, it is better not to adhere to a clear feeding time for the puppy, varying it, plus or minus half an hour.

1-2 month old puppies are fed 5 times a day, 3 months old - 4 times a day; from 4 months to six months - three times a day; 7 months and older - twice a day.

Every year, an adult dog needs to do and primarily from rabies.

By applying these simple rules Keeping a German Shepherd Dog will provide your pet with a healthy and long life.

No wonder they say that dogs are very similar to their owners. And sometimes this similarity is seen in the smallest details... After all, it is the owner in many ways of his pet that brings up in the dog not only love for people, but also many other qualities. which is very flexible - perfect option for those who have long dreamed of big dog.

The German Shepherd Dog, whose character will simply fall in love with itself from the first minutes, is very flexible and loyal, but requires care and attention. According to cynologists, this breed of dogs is distinguished by courage and intelligence. It is not for nothing that a well-trained German Shepherd is a loyal assistant to law enforcement agencies.

Devotion to the owner and his family is undoubtedly one of the best qualities these dogs. But if someone else falls under her sight, then she is extremely suspicious and studies with curiosity uninvited guest... But there is in the character of the German Shepherd both firmness and fighting instincts, although this does not prevent her from being friendly with children and true friend for people with

The most an important milestone in the upbringing of German Shepherd puppies, you must become a master. After all, it is the owner who becomes the main person in the pet's life. And his attitude, upbringing and a warm word are the best that can have a beneficial effect on a developing character.

The development is very complex and painstaking work... But if you set the tasks correctly and gradually work on their implementation, then as a result you will get a well-bred dog that will become a loyal friend. According to some studies, the character of a puppy is formed at the age of one and a half months, but further education is also important.

The most important element in dog handling is training. Even the execution of the simplest commands - "sit", "lie down", "paw" - is a kind of training, because you have to start somewhere.

It will be difficult for a layman to cope with dog training alone, so it is best to consult with specialists in this matter. Seek help from special schools for software and you will see that a properly trained dog is a godsend.

The German Shepherd Dog whose character is already formed to a lesser extent, but also amenable to training and you should not be upset if your pet is already several years old, and he does not know how to do anything. Give your dog a little attention, work out with him and he will surely thank you.

Feeding the German Shepherd is also an important part of its overall development. After all, for a dog to develop correctly, it needs a balanced diet. The most simple option dry food will become, but even when choosing it, you should pay attention to the quality. If you decide to self-cook food, then you need to take into account some points.

First, don't think that your pet is omnivorous. He also needs to follow certain dietary rules. If you decide to cook porridge, then you should not overcook it, since it is not only not useful, but it can even cause harm, it is better not to cook it.

Second, feed your dog only fresh foods that contain vitamins and nutrients... It is not recommended to give sweets, fish bones, smoked meats, potatoes. Make sure your dog does not drink from puddles or eat food that is too hot or cold. Consolidated access for the dog should always be pure water.

The right approach and love is the best education for a dog. The German Shepherd Dog, whose character is very susceptible, may react incorrectly to constant aggression on your part, so try to show only kindness to the dog. Autumn shepherd kind dog and do not abuse her kindness.