Any wound begins to fog. Treatment and treatment of the faded wound

Purulent wounds may appear at any age in every person. With incorrect or late treatment, this leads to the most complex complications.

Therefore, it is extremely important to know which drugs and other means to use how to properly carry out procedures.

If infection is observed in damage to the integrity of the skin, then the question of the treatment of purulent wounds at home is becoming acute. After all, suppuration leads to the most unpleasant consequences, right up to gangrene.

Jews are clever with purulent liquid, around which an inflammatory process occurs. The disease occurs against the background of infection of any wound (cut, scratch, puncture, etc.).

Simply put, the pus is formed because of the penetration into the wound pathogenic microorganism.

Purulent education may occur in any part of the body, but most often occurs on foot, hand, buttocks, abdomen, on the finger of hands. Pump may have a thick or liquid consistency, as well as a different color.

It is the shade that allows you to determine the type of pathogen:

  • the whitish and yellowish color of a thick structure indicates infection of the Bacteria Staphylococcus;
  • with a liquid consistency of the racing yellow shade, we are talking about intestinal chopstick;
  • for the waterstock structure of yellow and green, it is characteristic of infection with streptococcus;
  • brown flicker liquid - anaerobic microbes;
  • if the shade of pus inside is yellow, but when contacting with air changes the color, then this is a siny wand.

Symptoms for purulent wounds

  1. Pulsing, pulsating or graceful pain.
  2. Redness of the skin around the lesion focus.
  3. When palpation feels the fervor of the skin.
  4. Changing the color of the skin at the location of the pathology.
  5. Female and headache.
  6. Increase body temperature, chills, weakness.
  7. The loss of appetite and the increase in sweating.

Causes of infection

As you know, purulent wounds arise due to infection. But why then one person immediately notes the inflammatory process, and the other is not? It turns out that there are certain factors affecting the transformation of a simple wound into a purulent form.

First of all, it is weakened immunity and the presence of some pathologies (diabetes mellitus, HIV and other). The climatic conditions (increased humidity), extensive pollution of the terrain play a huge role.

In the wound, the pathogenic microorganism can be used by dirty hands or use of non-sterile materials for processing.

The first question that occurs is what to treat a purulent wound. Because the effectiveness and duration of subsequent therapy depends on this.

Not everyone is ready to go with such a small challenge to the clinic. Yes, and it is not always possible to contact the doctor immediately.

Therefore, it is necessary to know the rules of primary processing:

  1. Wound disinfection and flushing. What to rinse? Each house has hydrogen peroxide, so use this fluid. Furacilin can be used, waterman-based manganese or chlorhexidine solution.
  2. Next need to handle the area around the wreck. To do this, you can take a diamond greens or iodine. After that, you need to make a dressing (impose a sterile bandage).
  3. Further care provides overlay Outflows, daily washing And other types of processing.
  4. In particularly launched cases, the doctor appoints surgical intervention. For example, if the wound is torn, open, with the presence of foreign bodies, etc. The surgeon spends deep cleaning, removing blood clots, fragments, dead fabrics and cells. This will speed up the healing process. If there is a need, the doctor is excised uneven edges, after which she imposes seams.

Quite often, the doctor proposes to introduce special serum against the tetanus, and with bite, not graft animals - a vaccine from rabies. Do not give up the procedure, as it will warn complications.

The basis of the algorithm for treating purulent lesions is to remove the dead epithelium, purification from purulent fluid, accelerating the processes of regeneration and prevention and growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

For processing you need a sterile bandage and gauze napkins, scissors, washed in alcohol, sterile gloves, leucoplasty, solutions and ointments.

Initially, flushing and processing of the site around the wound with hydrogen peroxide, manganese or other solutions is initially. Further cut the sterile napkin to the size of the wound, impose ointment on it and attach to the hearth. After that, in touch. All manipulations must be done in gloves.

If you shoot a bandage with accumulating pus, do it in rubber gloves. After removing the purulent napkin, the gloves necessarily change. Otherwise, you risk disseminate infection by body.

Methods of treatment of purulent wounds

Before treating purulent wounds, you need to familiarize yourself with the main ways. Medical principles of treatment include the following:

  • purification from purulent liquid and dead tissues, cells;
  • neutralization of the ethnicity and other symptoms;
  • destruction of bacteria.

If the pus is impossible to remove the natural way, drainage is carried out. It can be passive and active.

In the first case, drainage from the tubes, strips, turb and napkins, moistened in antiseptics are used. Active drainage involves the use of devices for aspiration.

Since purulent wounds relate to the infectious group, the need to use antibiotics. Depending on the severity of the suppuration, a variety of forms of drugs are used.

For example, with insignificant suppuration, sufficiently local exposure, and in more complex cases the treatment is appointed. That is, wounds are treated with antibacterial ointments and solutions, and the patient takes the patient. Injection is also prescribed quite often.

The most popular antibiotics for purulent wounds:

  • tetracyclines;
  • cephalosporins;
  • penicillins.

Modern pharmacology produces a huge number of universal ointments that have a comprehensive action. But what ointment use with purulent wounds in a particular case will decide the attending physician and directly, you yourself.

List of best ointments:

The most common and demanded drugs are:

Treatment at home: recipes of traditional medicine

Modern medicine does not deny the positive effect of medicinal herbs and other components used in folk medicine.

After all, many drugs are made of extracts and plant extracts. Therefore, folk remedies are popular.

Juna is a folk healer, thanks to which many people got rid of various pathologies. One of her recipes is a unique june ointment.

Although, she personally argued that this remedy came from the people, and she just recommended him. The ointment is able to pull out any purulent fluid in a short time.

So, you will need 1 yolk of the raw egg, 1 tsp. Money and 1 tbsp. l. Wheat flour. All components mix thoroughly and hide in the refrigerator.

If necessary, overlap the resulting mixture directly to the hearth, covering a piece of toilet paper or paper napkin on top. Be sure to impose a protective bandage.

Ointment can be changed every 3 hours throughout the day. If you want to leave it overnight, leave boldly. After removal, you will find the accumulation of the pus that you need to remove. If the purulent fluid is not yet, then you put another layer of the mixture from above.

Almighty aloe flower

Aloe refers to a bactericidal plant that destroys the causative agent, pulls the pus and heals.

But how to use aloe correct to achieve maximum effect? There are several ways:

  1. Rinse the plant leaf and cut it along. Attach to the affected area, fixing. To enhance the antibacterial effect, you can drop a little iodine.
  2. Aloe Clean the skin and finely chop. Cashitz apply on the wound.
  3. Sull the juice from the purified plant, get into it in it a gauze napkin and attach to the place of damage.

Aloe needs to be changed every 2-3 hours. Try to use a 3-year-old plant. Be sure to treat the wound to any solution before the procedure.

Recipes from Khrena

Horseradish is a powerful antibacterial plant, so it is used to treat purulent formations. Infusion of Krenta is used as a risk, compresses and washing solutions.

Grind the root part, take 1 tbsp. l. And pour it boiling water. It is advisable to insist in a thermos for 1 hour.

You can make a tincture of fresh leaves. Stave 200 grams of plants and twist the leaves through the meat grinder. You must have a cashier, which you need to pour 1 liter of boiled water (the temperature is slightly above room).

Now place the mixture into the glass jar and close the lid tightly. You need to insist 12 hours. Do not forget to periodically monitor the components throughout this time.

Other recipes

Try not to engage in self-medication, it can lead to complications. Better consult a doctor, since individual groups of drugs can be appointed for each type of bacteria. And then you can easily get rid of the purulent wound!

Cuts and scratches are part of everyday life. In most cases, similar wounds are easy to heal. However, sometimes bacteria penetrate the wound and lead to potentially dangerous infection. Early infection recognition favors rapid and efficient recovery. Most often, to recover, it is enough to take antibiotics (depending on the severity of infection). There are several signs of infection - redness, purulent discharge and pain. The ability to check the wound for infection is an integral part of health care.


Check if pain, redness, swelling and temperature around the wound increased

    Wash your hands. Be sure to wash your hands before inspecting the wound. If you think that the wound is infected, dirty fingers will only worsen the situation. Wash hands with antibacterial soap and water before contact with the wound.

    • Do not forget to wash your hands and after contact with the wound.
  1. Carefully inspect the wound. Remove the wound before inspection. Perform it carefully not to damage the sensitive area. If the bandage is still stuck to the wound, wet it with running water or use a spray gun.

    • After removing the dressing, throw it away and never use again.
  2. Pay attention to redness and. Carefully consider the wound and pay attention to redness: it intensified or decreased. If the wound has blushed and redness applies to the surrounding tissues, this is a sign of infection.

    • Also, the skin around the wound can be hot to the touch. If you have any of these symptoms, consult a doctor.
  3. Pay attention to the enhancement of pain. The appearance or enhancement of pain is a sign of the spread of infection. The pain itself or together with other symptoms (for example, swelling, heat, pus) is a sign of infection. Consult your doctor if the pain is enhanced. The pain can be felt in the depths of the wound. Thus, swelling around the wound, heat (heat) and sensitivity (pain) are the first signs of an infected wound.

    Do not use antibiotics (if only they are not assigned to you by a doctor). Studies have shown that ointment with antibiotics do not help cope with infection in the wound. The infection is distributed throughout the body, therefore the external use of antibiotics is not an effective way to combat infection.

    After inspecting the wound, impose a new sterile bandage. In the absence of signs of injury infection, impose a dressing for its protection. If signs of infection are obvious, impose a sterile bandage to protect the wound from further contamination, and consult a doctor.

    • When applying an armband, take care that the adhesive surfaces of the dressing (if any) do not come into contact with the wound. The bandage must be large enough to completely close the wound.
  4. If the wound continues to be fused, consult a doctor. Small allocations from the wound can be normal - they mean that the body is struggling with infection. But if a yellowish or greenish pus is highlighted from the wound, consult a doctor. This is especially necessary if, along with the discharge, other symptoms of inflammation described above are observed.

Check the infection of the lymphatic system

    Carefully inspect the skin around the wound for the presence of red lines. Such lines apply to the skin from the wound. Red lines mean that infection has penetrated into the vessels of the lymphatic system (it plays an important role in the exchange of substances and cleansing cells and tissues of the body).

    Find the limp nodes coming to the wound. For hands, the nearest lymph nodes are in the armpits, for the legs in the groin area. Also, lymph nodes can be found on the side surfaces of the neck (under the lower jaw on the left and right).

    Check the lymph nodes. Two or three fingers gently press the area of \u200b\u200bincreased lymph nodes. Palp the lymph nodes to detect pathology, more convenient to two hands at the same time. In a healthy person, lymphatic nodes are symmetrical on both sides.

    Pick up whether lymph nodes are not increased and there is no pain. If the lymph nodes are drowned or to them painfully touch, this may mean the presence of infection, even if there are no red stripes. In the normal state, the size of the lymph node is 1.5 cm and it does not even fit. Lymph nodes can increase in two and even three times; In this case, you can easily find them.

Measure the temperature and appreciate the overall well-being

    Measure the temperature. In addition to the above-described symptoms of injury infection, you may climb the temperature. If the temperature rose to 38 ° C, then this is a sign of an infected wound. You should refer to the doctor without delay, if you have risen the temperature and there are some symptoms of the wound infection.

    Please note whether your overall well-being deteriorated. A sign of an infected wound can be general malaise. If you were hurt, and after a few days they felt bad, then this is most likely due. Check the wound on the signs of infection and, if the well-being does not improve, consult a doctor.

    • If you have a headache, dizziness, stomach disorder, vomiting, then these are signs of infection. Recently appeared rash - this is another reason to consult a doctor.
  1. Pay attention to the lack of fluid in the body. Dehydration can be a sign of an infected wound. Some of the symptoms of dehydration: rare urination, dry mouth, spawned eyes, dark urine. If you observe such symptoms, immediately check the wound on the signs of infection and consult a doctor.

    • During the fight against infection, you need to drink enough liquid and prevent dehydration.

Know what to do in serious cases

  1. Find out what types of wounds can be infected. Although most wound wounds are easily sad, some factors lead to injury to infection. The wound is infected with insufficient purification and care, or if it is located there, where the bacteria is easier to penetrate it (for example, wounds on the legs). If you were bitten by an animal or even a person, the wound is most likely infected.

    Learn about other infection risk factors. The most common wounds are infected with people with a weakened immune system, such as diabetes, HIV or suffering from malnutrition. Bacteria, viruses and fungi, with which the body of a healthy person copes, penetrate the body of people with a weakened immunity and multiply in it. This is especially characteristic of people with severe burns, as they have damaged the first line of physical protection (skin).

    Pay attention to the signs of a serious infection. You can have increased temperature and dizziness, as well as a rapid heartbeat. The wound will be hot, blushing, stewed and painful. You can feel the bad smell as when rotting. All these symptoms can manifest themselves in soft or in very hard form, but if you have several of them, you need to consult a doctor.

    • If you have dizziness or heat, do not get drunk. Ask a friend or relative to take you to the hospital or call ambulance. You may need treatment with potent antibiotics.
    • If you doubt, it is better to consult a doctor. In case of infection, it is not enough to diagnose yourself on the basis of articles from the Internet. Alternatively, only the doctor will be able to diagnose the infection.
  2. Refer to the doctor. If you think that the wound can be infected, refer to the surgeon or in the injury. This is especially important to do if you suffer from any disease or there is another risk factor of infection.

Few people never faced in life with the appearance of a purulent wound or furuncle. Not only the injury could not serve this, but even a banal shaving, careless hiding cuticles near the nail or any microtrauma. In the increased risk group, people are with impaired metabolism, reduced immunity and excessive fatty skin. With serious cases, the help of a surgeon doctor is required, but sometimes it is possible to go out of the wound from the wound at home.

Self-treatment is permissible only in very harmless cases. If the wound or furuncle increases, the pus is deep in them, the problem is accompanied by a constant increase in temperature, then it is necessary to turn to the doctor. It is necessary to surgically autopsy and establish drainage (fixtures that does not allow the wound to be completely delayed, contributing to the outflow of pus). If you tighten with this, waiting for the pus to come out, then in the end you can even get a blood infection. This is already fraught with bad consequences.

Why is pus formed in the wound?

In the wound, in which the infection was hit, in a certain period of time, the pus begins to form, which is the protective reaction of the body. Foreign bodies and microorganisms, such as wood particles, metal chips, tissue fibers, etc. The body perceives as an alien substance that needs to be neutralized. To this end, the influx of blood is increasing to the damaged area, which contains a significant number of white blood cells - leukocytes. Along with this, local immunity is activated, and many immune cells arrive to the wound - macrophages. Macrophages are devouring foreign bodies, neutralize them with the help of special enzymes, but subsequently die themselves. Thus, the process of suppuration occurs.

In the first stages, with shallow wounds, the pus can be pulled out at home. But in severe cases it will be necessary to see a doctor.

Folk remedies that pull the rose from the wound

First of all, purulent wounds need to rinse and clean. For this, therapeutic baths and bulls are used. Make them from a variety of plant species such as:

  • plantain;
  • beet;
  • onion;
  • alder;
  • lilac leaves;
  • burdock;
  • refrigeration and juice radish;
  • dormon medicinal;
  • carrot;
  • blueberry leaves;
  • sage;
  • chamomile.

To obtain a decoction, it is necessary to take one tablespoon of crushed vegetable raw materials, add one liter of boiled water and boil on a water bath for 15 minutes on a small fire. After cooling, put the place with the wound in the bath for half an hour. Repeat the procedure daily 2-3 times.

After cleansing and disinfection, procedures are conducted to create a pus outflow from the wound. The following folk remedies will help stretch the pus from the wound.

Garlic soap compress. Purifying from a closed wound will help garlic soap compress. To prepare the head of garlic baked in the oven. It is further crushed and mixed with finely grated economic soap. A cake is formed from this mixture, applied to the wound and fixed by a bandage. Four hours later, the bandage must be changed. After some time, the Pump will come out.

Solved bulb. The revealing bow head is applied to the wound and is fixed by a 4-hour bandage.

Scarlet leaf. The sheet is cut along and side of the pulp is applied to the place of suppuration. Fastened by a bandage or plaster and left overnight. The effect will be visible after 2-3 days.

Beet and potato compresses. The beets or potatoes are finely rubbed on the grater and the cashem formed is applied to the wound. Change the compress every two or three hours.

Mazi for pulling in pus

To effectively pull in pus from wounds, high-grade ointment ointments are used. In pharmacy chains there are a fairly large range and a wide price range. If the wound is shallow and does not cause concerns, then it will be enough to contact the pharmacist and it will pick up an ointment for a particular case.

The most common use for pulling in pus from wounds was obtained by ointment of Vishnevsky and ichthyolic ointment. They are quite effective, available at a price and are not inferior on functional action to their more expensive analogues.

Vishnevsky ointment It has three main components: castor oil, xeroform and tar. Each component has its own specific properties, which determines the wide range of applications of this ointment. Xeroform is well drying the wounds. Castor oil helps healing wounds and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Dellow is considered a good natural antiseptic

Thanks to a large number of medicinal properties, the ointment of Vishnevsky is used in many situations, so its presence is very desirable.

The use method for wound suppuration. When the suppuration is detected, it is necessary to take a piece of medical gauze folded in several layers and apply an ointment of Vishnevsky. Attach this bandage to the affected area and secure the bandage. After 12 hours, remove, remove the residues of the ointment napkin, the area around the wound to handle alcohol and put a new dressing with ointment.

Ichthyol ointment it is a good antiseptic agent. She, like the ointment of Vishnevsky, is characterized by a good ratio of "price / quality" ratio. In its composition, the ichthyol ointment contains a significant amount of sulfur, which determines its cleansing and softening properties. It is indispensable for purulent processes, as it effectively pulls the pus from closed wounds. The ointment is applied to the gauze napkin, applied to the wound and leaves for the night. The only contraindication to use is individual intolerance.

Levosin Ointment Also relates to inexpensive means for pulling in pus from wounds, which doctors recommend using at home. It is a combined drug that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and necrolitic properties.

Ointment is applied to sterile napkins and applied to the wound. Dressing with ointment make every day until wound healing.

Other ointments are also used, pulling the pus from a closed wound:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Gentamicinic;
  • Methyluracyl;
  • Salcossuril;
  • Levonorsin;
  • Actovegin.

Most of these ointments at a fairly affordable price. Of course, if everything goes well, almost the entire tube will remain as much and will not come in handy. But it is better that it was.

The suppuration, as a rule, occurs due to the injection of infection - dirt, dust, microwave. If this happened to you, then the body begins to fight the foreign bodies with the help of protective cells - leukocytes. At the same time, foreign dying particles turn into a pussy. And if this process is to run, then serious consequences are possible, right up to access to the surgeon. After all, pus may become a source of development of tetanus infection, rabies and even gangrene. If you have noticed that there is a sharp temperature and inflammatory processes are observed around the wound - urgently need to call for ambulance.

It happens that it is not possible to turn to a specialist possible (for example, when a person is somewhere in nature, on the road) or some people simply face the opportunity to go to the doctor. In such cases, you can use a first-aid kit, which must be in a person with you.

It is necessary to take four sterile tampon and a new bandage. Bandage must be folded several times. Two tampons moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to safely remove the right from the wound. Further, then another tampon, moistened in a weak solution of manganese, is processed by this wound. On the last, fourth tampon, moistened in alcohol, is applied by a disinfecting ointment. Outflows put it on the wound and tightly borne, so that he does not leave. It is necessary to repeat daily until the wound starts to heal.

If all measures taken did not lead to a positive result - the wound continues to be inflamed and fastened, then it is necessary to comply with surgery. There will be carried out wounds, it will be processed by antiseptics and leave you in the hospital until the improvement becomes.

In the case when the wound is not yet, the process of suppuration begins - it is impossible to open it, especially in. It is necessary to apply a tampon on the wound with ointhiol content on it. Such an ointment pulls the pus from the Naryuv. And after the scope breaks, it is necessary to thoroughly process and rinse the wound to its final healing.

It is necessary to remember that it is necessary to use for disinfection and shelter of wounds only with sterile materials, all sides of the tissues from clothing must be avoided. They enjoy only in emergency cases and only when disinfection with alcohol.

Scratches and wounds arise due to violation of the anatomical integrity of the skin and mucous membranes as a result of mechanical exposure. The most common cause of the appearance of Absadin, scratches and wounds is a careless handling of stitching and cutting objects in everyday life and at work.

Blood blood clotting - the reason for non-healing wounds

In case of damage to the skin and underlying tissues, the blood vessels located there are affected, therefore wounds and scratches are usually accompanied by bleeding. Normally, the blood ceases to stand out after 1 to 3 minutes, under the influence of platelets - blood cells, which have the ability to increase blood viscosity and "stick" the wound. If bleeding does not stop, this indicates a violation of blood coagulation function. The cause may be leukemia, hemophilia, insufficient platelet activity, anticoagulant techniques. Bad blood coagulation leads to the fact that any scratch or wound will be inspired for a very long time.

The influence of infections and diseases of the internal organs for healing wounds

Often the danger is not the wound itself, but its infection of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria usually fall into the wound due to non-compliance with the rules of first medical care.

First aid for wounds and cuts is the removal of foreign bodies, processing the wound surface with an antiseptic agent, overlaying a sterile dressing.
Penetrating into the subcutaneous fiber microbes provoke the development of the inflammatory process: the wound begins to be fused, redness and swelling are formed around it, the temperature has increased. The suppuration leads to the fact that the wound healing period is significantly increased.

Sometimes wounds and scratches do not heal for a long time despite the right treatment. The cause in this case may establish the therapist, focusing on the results of clinical studies. There are the following diseases and pathological conditions in which wounds and scratches are badly healing:
- diabetes;
- oncological processes;
- anemia;
- lack of vitamins and trace elements;
- Violations in the work of the immune system.

A person with these diseases violates metabolic processes in cells, which worsens the ability of tissues to regenerate. Sometimes long-term healing of damage is a temporary phenomenon that can be observed due to a decrease in immunity after ARVI and other infectious diseases. If the problem of recovery after injuries is systematic, you need to consult a doctor for a complete examination and setting the correct diagnosis.

One of the species of this pathology is the breakdowns. There are several processes based on slow healing of wounds:

  • the presence of a sluggish infectious inflammatory process;
  • poor blood supply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound;
  • the presence of severe diseases of the type of diabetes, malignant tumors, insufficient nutrition, immunodeficiency, avitaminosis, etc.
  • incorrect surgical wound processing.

For normal wound healing, several conditions are necessary: \u200b\u200bthe sterility of the wound surface, the proximity of healthy skin edges of the wound to each other, the good skin ability to regenerate. In the absence of these conditions, the healing process is delayed. Small wounders usually heal without the formation of the skin scar. Large in size wounds require significant efforts to "grow" new fabric for replacing an existing defect, therefore scars are formed. Scars, by the way, are all the more pronounced, the more intensively the healing process is. So, everything is good in moderation.

Inflammation of the wound caused by infection, prevents the synthesis of new skin cells, so until it is removed, the wound will remain open. Therefore, it is so important to initially process any rice with an antiseptic solution (see below) and if the defect is significant in size (more than 1 cm), then it is necessary in the first days to close the sterile bandage. At the same time, it is not worth holding a wound under the bandage for a long time, since the increased humidity does not contribute to rapid height.

The above-mentioned diseases significantly worsen the blood supply in the area of \u200b\u200bthe wound defect and suppress the immunity, which struggles with the infection that fell into wound. Therefore, treatment of the Russian Academy of Sciences in these cases requires careful treatment of the underlying disease, against which the wound flows.

For good healing, some vitamins participating in regeneration are required. These include vitamins A and group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B5).

Thus, treatment of bad healing wounds is directed to:

  • creation of sterility;
  • improving blood supply in the wound area;
  • stimulation of skin regeneration.

Preparations used in the treatment (for the appointment of a doctor and under his control!)

  • Miramistin, Betadine, Desitin, Drapolen; Antimicrobials
  • Vitamins: decantenol, retinol
  • Skin: Kurizin, Iruksol, Salcossurle, Actovegin
  • Antibiotics (Mazi): Dalacin, Bactroban, Levomecole

With injuries and wounds sign every person. On some people wounds heal quickly, others have to fight for a long time for their recovery. What is the reason for poor wound healing?

Poorly heal wounds on the skin in case of their infection infection. Microbes may fall into the wound not only during damage (although most often), but after. It can happen when the wound is tied up. Or infection is transmitted to the surrounding items.

Infection of the wound is characterized by:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • the emergence of red stripes;
  • subcutaneous suppuration;
  • severe pain;
  • tumor.

Treatment is to special processing, overlapping seams, cleansing, destroying microbes. In more serious cases, blood transfusion, vitamin preparations can be appointed.

In the pharmacy, you can ask a suitable ointment, they are now a wide choice and they are quite effective.


Leather damage is poorly heal in people with weakened organism. With such a common disease, how long the wounds are healing. At first they can dry, then crack, fastened. Fast healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the feet interfere with the swelling of the lower extremities, which often accompany diabetics.


  • increased body temperature;
  • swelling, redness;
  • pain;
  • pus.

Treatment of damage to the skin during diabetes mellitus is to take measures to combat the main disease, proper nutrition, processing of the Russian Academy of Sciences by antiseptic, the use of ointments with antibiotics.

Old age

The duration of the wound healing is influenced by the age of man. Elderly people often encounter diseases of the cardiovascular system, overweight, poor blood clotting and other pathology.

Unknown wounds in old age are characterized by such symptoms:

  • pain;
  • edema;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pus;
  • hot and reddened skin.

The treatment of skin damage in this case is to purify the wound, combating microorganisms, removing the purulent accumulation, washing the wound, antibacterial therapy.


Although such a problem may be observed at any age and act the cause of a longer scarring of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but the children have in the first place, because they have less likely to occur other health problems.

Poorly heal wounds in a child, if the growing body lacks the necessary vitamins and trace elements. These can be calcium, zinc, vitamin A and vitamins of group V.

This condition is manifested not only to the long healing of the wounds, but also the fragility of the nails, hair, the poor condition of the teeth, bones.

The treatment of avitaminosis in the child provides for an immediate appeal to a specialist who will select the complex of vitamins. By eliminating the cause, you can count on rapid healing of wounds.

The injury of the gums and bones after the removal of the tooth

The removal of the tooth (extraction) is a serious test for the human body. It may be accompanied by the injury of the gums and bones. In this case, the risk of the inflammatory process arises. Then it is not necessary to count on rapid wound healing.

The reason why poorly heals the wound after the destruction of the tooth can be the infection of the well.

After some time, after extraction, pain appears on the site of a remote tooth and in the gum. It does not stop painkillers. The body temperature increases, swelling occurs. The patient has overall macake, reeling smell, the lymph nodes increase. Such symptoms indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

With these features, it is necessary to urgently apply for help from a specialist. For rapid wound healing, the doctor will start treating inflammation. At the same time, the wound is washed with antiseptic solution, the healing tampon is introduced into the well.

Additionally, rinsing, reception of anti-inflammatory funds, vitamins, analgesics are used. In some cases, antibacterial therapy is assigned.

Other reasons

Bad healing of wounds is present with such health problems:

  1. Lack of blood supply in the place of skin damage.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Oncological diseases.
  4. Obesity or exhaustion.

These diseases are accompanied by a significant decrease in immunity. Therefore, for rapid healing of skin damage, the main disease is required.

Vitamins A and group B are actively involved in skin regeneration. Their sufficient number stimulates wound healing. , Chronic fatigue, as well as harmful habits, as alcohol and smoking are able to cause long healing of damaged skin coverings.

The process of tightening the wound depends on its nature. Cheerful, purulent wounds require more careful care than damage with sharp edges. The closer to the heart the wound is located, the faster it is delayed.

In order for the wound to quickly bore, it is necessary to care for it, to treat chronic diseases and to seek help to a specialist in a timely manner.

If the wound does not heal for a long time ...

The period of the greatest child injury

Age from 6 months to 3 years, parents and doctors call the "period of the greatest child injury." At this age, children actively know the world with the help of new skills that have appeared, but do not yet realize the risks associated with their actions. In this article I want to draw your attention to injuries that are found in children most often - various skin damage, from small abrasions and scratches to more serious wounds.

First aid for easy wounds in the kid

Sepsis is usually evolving in cases where the infected wound does not heal for a long time. Therefore, an increase in pain or an increase in swelling and redness around the wound, continuing suppuration should be caused for concern. If the mouthman himself turns out and the pus will begin to go out - it is good, and the wound, most likely, will quickly heal. However, this suggests that the ulotnik was not in a timely manner and was the likelihood of sepsis. With purulent infection of the wounds and long-lasting jets, it is necessary to refer to the doctor to prevent the development of sepsis and intensify the treatment.

Normal wound healing


Leather damage is poorly heal in people with weakened organism. With such a common disease, like diabetes mellitus, long heal wounds. At first they can dry, then crack, fastened. Fast healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the feet interfere with the swelling of the lower extremities, which often accompany diabetics.

Poor blood circulation and, as a result, insufficient feed cells of the skin do not allow to heal the wounds quickly.


3. Disinfective:
Chlorhexidine Lyfrere
Dioxidine ointment 5%
Dioxidine solution for injection 1%
Dioxidine solution for injection 0.5%
Hydrogen peroxide solution
Potassium Permanganat
Iodine alcohol solution 5%
Miramistine solution 0.01%
Sanguiritrine solution 0.2%
4. Vitamins:

Vitamin C
Riboflavin mononucleotide Solution for injection 1%
Ascorbic acid drage 0.05 g
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
Retinol acetate solution in oil
Ascorbic acid solution for injection 5%
Ascorbic acid Tablets 0.05 g
Additive vitamin with hyperships with lemon taste

5. Skin:

6. Others:
Methyluracil ointment 10%
Methyluracyl tablets 0.5 g
Candles with methyluracyl 0.5 g

Treatment of wounds by folk remedies
Wound to cover the layer of ichthyol ointment, to lay potato masculine (it is better to take the tubers of pink potatoes - "American"). Dressing to spend daily, preferably in the morning.

Each person suffering from diabetes must control the condition of its skin and access the doctor when any defects appear, since the infected wound is very difficult to treat.

Fast skin heal contributes to proper nutrition containing a sufficient amount of vitamins.

Any wound in diabetics should be processed using an antiseptic.

Does not heal the wound after the removal of the tooth

After removal of the tooth, the process of normal wound healing lasts approximately 4 months. There is a rapprochement of the edges of the gums, at the same time the blood clots in the well formed, which is replaced by the granulation, then osteoid (bone) cloth. The process of normal healing of the wells flows painlessly. On the 3rd day after removal, the first signs of the epithelization of the wound appear. On the 4th month, a new bone is formed in the upper part of the well, which over time acquires the normal spongy structure. With the formation of bone tissue of the edge of the wells and the alveoli is absorbed, approximately 1/3 of the root length. Over time, the alveolar crest in the area of \u200b\u200bremote teeth is becoming lower and thinner. Over the mouth of the wells, it has a concave or wavy shape. In the absence of blood clots, the hole heals as a result of the formation of granulation tissue from the bone walls of the wells. Gradually, the edges of the gums above it come closer, the well is filled with granulation, then osteoid cloth. In the future, the process of formation of the bone occurs in the same way as described above. In cases where the hole is infected or during surgery, the bone or edge of the gums were injured, the regenerative processes proceed slowly. In these cases, the inflammatory process develops in the cloth surrounding the wound, therefore the beginning of the regeneration of the bone and epithelization of the wound is delayed. Very often, to remove the tooth, they are resorted during inflammatory phenomena in the hole, so the healing of the wound after the removal of such a tooth occurs in a later date than when removing not inflamed teeth, instead of 3-5 days the process takes 10-14 days. The first signs of the formation of the bone appear on the 15th day. The formed osteoid beams lay on the walls of the wells. Epithelization of the wound is often completed only on the 30-50th day. As the wound cleansing from the dead tissues from the side of the walls and the bottom of the wells the granulation tissue grows. Only after 1.5-2 months. Most of the wells are filled with osteoidid fabric, which will gradually turn into a mature bone. The delay in the formation of the bone and epithelization of the wound during the traumatic removal of the tooth with a gap of gums and damage to the holes of the wells was expressed. In these cases, the edges of the gums are not closer.

Answer: I first reset the hydrogen peroxide, then either with a green or iodine, and you don't need to be wounded with all sorts of patching to close, to stop if you are at home, so they don't give her to dry, the faster it will dry up the faster it will delay, close it only if it is if Go where either.

Answer: It was on my hand. I even started off. I tried different ointments ... Sleepless! While the neighbor did not see the doctor. He said to sprinkle streptocide powder. I bought in a pharmacy, but only it turned out to be a pill, I crushed the tablet between spoons and sprinkled peroxide on the washed rink. To this day grateful to this doctor. Fat MiG! Only I did not cover the wound with streptocide.

Answer: If you have any varicking, it will not help anything! My Bati varicose veins of the veins, he, too, Maza Mazal applied a grazing and TGD! Not helped! After when he almost could not walk the leg of the permeal, he made an operation! And all right now, the edema was sleeping, he goes without any problems, the non-hand rinsed! My advice to you better turn to doctors and not engage in self-medication!

V. In addition to chitosan, something else can be used?

O. Not in this case, it is as quickly and efficient as possible. It is necessary to comply with food discipline, it is impossible salted, marinades, smoked meat, oily meat, animal fats, salt consumption, salt concentration limit, as well as sweet. In its position with its vessels, salt and sugar are equally destroying on the vessels equally. You can try high-quality olive oil of the first spin, a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, not necessarily daily, but regularly, constantly drinking water with small sips, every 15-20 minutes. Subsequently, any wounds to immediately handle hydrogen peroxide, but have chitosan in the first aid kit.