Angel's Day Olga: Sincere congratulations in prose and verse. Congratulations on Angel Olga

Olga. Even the princess was magnified by this name. It is very beautiful and majestic. It sounds perfectly and easy to pronounce. Girls who wear this name often love him very much. This name means that the girl is light, holy, and it carries the Scandinavian roots. Since childhood, Olga is independent and is judicious, which is very distinguished by her from peers. Name Day All Olga celebrate on the 17th or July 24th. This bright summer day can be decorated with a beautiful and unusual congratulation, which Olga will take excellent pleasure. Wish owner perfect name All the most kind, sincere, light. It is very important that the angel never turned away from Olga, always helped and accompanied her in all her affairs. Give a piece of happiness and a good mood of Olga on the day of her name. Let her smile shines brighter the May Sun!

Olga Favorite, Happy Angel Day you,
Accept the whole soul congratulations,
Let your wonderland be full,
Let always be excellent.
Let every day you lucky smiles
Let friends reliable meet,
Let love will be bright and beautiful
Be, Olga, always happy.

You are a birthday book today - cheers,
Congratulations to the waterfall fall on you
We wish you, Olek, good luck,
And the fulfillment of everyone is desired in addition.
Let the bad weather go
On a debt of life,
We wish good health, happiness,
Large and bright love.

Your name means "Great", "Holy"
Olga, for us you are honey, native,
With the name of you congratulations,
All the best sincerely wish.

Let luck do not pass by,
Let them melt all the doubts
Be the most beautiful, the most happy.

On the day of the angel you congratulate you glad,
Olga, you are about us,
Good, beautiful and smart,
Your bright smile is always pleased.
All compliments only to you,
You are like a beautiful spring,
Let dreams come true by sure
Let it be in personal life everything is exceled.

Olga, let the angel of life keep his own,
Sorrow let you do not know
Let luck to you run
Let the reliable friends surround.
Allowed this bright day,
From the heart to congratulate you,
Let happiness go to you like a shadow
Let be faithful friends surround.

You are today, Olya, Birthday,
Around you fun, jokes, laughter,
Let life be a beautiful, long,
Let them always be successful.
Let him always smile
Bright, happy star,
Let everything be in your destiny,
Filled full.

Olga, beloved, native,
With the name of you today congratulations,
Let a kind angel flies over you,
And all the desires, as in magic, performs.
Let him give life to you only inspiration
Let it be excellent
Be loved and welcome always,
Let the fate of full.

In is important date: Olga Day 2018. The Holy Church on this day honors the image of a great woman, an extraordinary person who entered the story, Princess Olga. Olga Day church calendar - The reason to honor the memory of the saint, and also congratulate the name of those who carry this name. Search in our material congratulations on Olga Day and beautiful postcards For the day of St. Olga.

Recall that on July 24, the church calendar, the believers of the Eastern rite honorable an equivalent Olga, Princess Kiev, who made a lot for the development of Kiev Rus. In foreign Policy Olga supported friendly relations with Byzantium, preferred peaceful diplomacy funds. Also during one of the political visits, the princess was baptized in the Cathedral of St. Sofia.

Therefore, the day of Princess Olga has always been celebrated with great honor, and the tradition came to congratulate those who wear Olga's name with the name of Olga. Next, see Olga Congratulations.

Congratulations on Olga Day

Beauty Olga to everyone is favorable,
Smart and practical, and knows how to live,
We are pleased to congratulate her, and we wish
Only a smile and joy to give!

Always stay the same perky
A bit stubborn, but with a clean soul,
After all, happiness and sun waiting for you on the way
And we are friends together with a big helmet.

Congratulations for Olga
Colrice collect
They have already typed so much
What I'm afraid, they are confused.

Take more in the palm
Congratulations mine
Light joy fill
They are tomorrow.

Bring you good luck
Will bring you success
I wish you happiness
We divide it at all.

All the hearts of men to pain,
Conquering our Olya.
And the smile will decide.
Wish you a princess
We want one hundred percent,
Happiness female big
How rings are so golden
If the stones are diamonds.
To say the chiromants,
That the hand is marked
Sign of happiness and good.

Stubbornly follow the dream
And believe that the sun forever
In the sky, in the heart. For you
Heaven also follows.

Always strive and we will help
Always choose the vertex.
You can get better
And pride will be through the edge.

Let the beloved little man
Your friend and love
Always warm and hugging
And will wait for you home.

And Olga is "holy"
Create good deeds.
They will be rewarded, let them not immediately
But there will be a happy soul.

You are a dismissed princess,
Holy, good goddess.
Accept you our congratulations
In your day - on a wonderful birthday.

Let Luck smile to you in life
There will be any task,
Let the tale opens a branch in fate.
You, Olga, always and for everyone - Ideal!

Congratulations on Olga in prose

We also offer Olga on the Church Calendar day to congratulate expensive girls with the same name using Congratulations on Olga Day in prose. So the day of Angela Olga 2018 will be unforgettable for the addressee.

Cute Olenka, I congratulate you on your holiday. I want to wish you a clear sky and a bright sun, passing wind and sometimes a warm droplets of rain. Stay as kind and cute, beautiful and beloved, desired and happy, joyful and irresistible.

Dear Olga, I congratulate you and I want to always be free and proudly bird, to fly to my dreams and desires, in any case to show my talent and high intelligence, with confidence and ease to achieve all goals, completely surrender to good and bright feelings, keep in Love heart, and in the shower - happiness.

Dear Olenka, I congratulate you on the holiday! Let in your life there is a key of the chest, in which the fulfillment of your most cherished desires. And let this key itself turn out to be in your hands exactly when it needs you most. Be happy!

Congratulations, Olenka. I sincerely wish you to admire all with my beauty, surprise with my talents, to hit the wisdom of thought. Let all the roads always be open for you, let the heart lead to a cherished dream, let the soul find bliss in every day.

You wear a name great PrincessYou are the most brave woman who knows how to create and protect the homely focus. I congratulate you on your holiday from all my heart, I wish you love and female happiness, let them accompany you all your life. I am proud to know such a generous person, a good friend, a kind mother and understanding wife. Let this day become a wonderful fairy tale for you, where the heroes will be your loved ones and favorite people.

  • Now you have a day Olga 2018 there are congratulations on Olga Day and beautiful postcards. Spend the day in the festive atmosphere.

    Cover: Maizrun Trete Pivnі, photo: Open sources online

    \u003e July 24 in orthodox calendar marked as the day of memory holy equal to the Apostles Princess Olga. Not everyone can boast the knowledge of the history of this woman's life. After her husband, Prince Igor, was killed Drevlyan, the princely title in Russia passed to Olga. In the chronicles, she remained as one of the greatest rulers old Russian state, the creator of many aspects of the political and cultural life of Power. In 954, Olga went with pilgrimage to the capital of neighboring Byzantium, Tsargrad. There it was struck by the magnificence of local orthodox churches. Under the impression of what she saw, she decided to take this religion. Upon return, she began to popularize a new religion in every way. After death in 969, her power remained on the storage in the Kiev Town Church. Date, celebrate the day of Holy Princess Olga - July 24th.

    Holy Equal-Apostles Princess,
    Baptism on our land accepted
    First temples began to build
    With faith in God, she lived.
    Let for all Olg she will be a patroness
    For patients, everyone will be healed,
    Let the name holy bless you
    Let in your life there are many days of good days.

    With the story, we remember how different times,
    Princess Olga revenged for the edges of relatives,
    She served a good example
    And in Orthodoxy, all Russia entered.
    On this day we consider prayer,
    Princess equivalent to apostle glorify,
    Let the temples build it
    All Orthodox calls to themselves always.

    We are the memory of honor about Princess Olga,
    She was all the eve of Russia
    And temples in Pskov, Vitebsk and Kiev,
    Remind a great woman always.
    Prayer today mad
    Holy Olga and her affairs
    For how avenged all the rafts,
    We will always remember.

    Great woman Princess Olga was,
    The memory of her today keeps Russian land,
    She spread Christianity in Russia,
    And in faith of people urged everyone.
    We are the memory of honor about the Government of the Wise,
    In prayers, we always glorify it,
    That Rus in Orthodoxy entered
    Huge merit of princess and her strength.

    When baptism, Olga, Elena took the name,
    All Russia-Mother in Christianity introduced
    Ranked sainted saints
    Decent state affairs led.
    Let Olgam be lucky today,
    Happiness to them river let go
    Support will be fate
    Let the Lord from the troubles always keep.

    Today, the Orthodox holiday is celebrating
    Wise Princess Olga, in prayers glorify,
    We remember how the state is the ruler of the widow,
    As a cunning with the Drees, she cried out.
    The memory of you is always alive,
    You for all holy woman, princess,
    Let the darkness of the skies per day,
    And faith in our souls will be lit.

    Today is the holiday of equivalent princess,
    Olga's courage, wisdom, remember now,
    Skillfully the state of the widow,
    We always call her always.
    Princess Commands to keep
    Russia - Mother always glorify,
    Live correctly, honest and beautiful,
    God forbid you happiness, health and strength.

    Holy Princess Day, Olga Holiday,
    I wish you to be satisfied,
    And learned evil from the truth to distinguish
    And could reinforce the prayer faith.
    How she was with the apostles
    About loved ones in this holiday did not forget
    With God, I confess, easier to live,
    Behind yourself and your joy to follow.

    From the whole soul with great love,
    Note the day of Holy, Princess Olga,
    Let's try to fix what is
    And keep your honor before God.
    And let it help in decisions,
    And so far so long worries,
    Will indicate where to seek the cherished way
    And how do we not collapse from the paths.

    When the pagans are jumping on the temps,
    She already understood many things
    Holy, beloved for the people became,
    And Christ as God showed us.
    Princess Olga, you were beautiful
    And on icons I admire the face,
    Prayer in the temple of Jesus I carry
    And maybe part, your soul SPARE.

    Guests meet on the threshold,
    Carry for them on salt bread,
    Today is the day of Princess Olga,
    You are about all the alarms.
    On the heart of the stone? - in the temple, try,
    Be a man try
    And with the saints take an example
    And do more good deeds.

    If the heart hurts and suffers from pain,
    Need Olga to find, because she understands
    How to live in ignorance and without God to suffer
    As Jesus Christ in your soul to take.
    And the princess will understand, the errors will indicate,
    The best way will find and tell a prayer,
    You go to the temple, do not get anywhere,
    And I wish you, your faith to save.

    Your faith is not broken, not to win anyone,
    Orthodoxy people call everyone.
    Understanding in you, the grain of joy will sit,
    And no longer tempt if a person believes.
    As the princess is hatching, and how Olga straightened,
    Only with best side before the enemies open
    Olga knew that both, and the people with svala,
    Sorry that only at one moment,
    Suddenly, it did not become for us.

    Church on this day honors the image of a woman who has entered the story, princess Olga. Olga Day for the church calendar is a reason to honor the saint's memory, as well as congratulate those who carry this name.

    History history and why Olga consider holy

    Great Princess Olga was born in Pskov. In 903, she became the wife of Prince Kiev Igor. And after the prince died in 945, Olga took his throne and became the princess of Kievan Rus. She was a guardian of his son Svyatoslav, who eventually became the ruler of the state.

    Named Olga is associated by the arrival of Christianity in Kievan Rus. In 954, the Princess made a pilgrimage to Constantinople, where she accepted the Holy Baptism, receiving church name Elena, A. great father Emperor Konstantin became.

    Olga consider the patroness of the Orthodox faith. Thanks to its activities in Russia, temples began to build, install crosses and destroy the pagan symbolism.

    Later, her grandson, Prince Vladimir, subsequently the cross rus, took the baptism precisely for her example.

    Traditions for Olga Day

    According to Orthodox traditions, on the day of Olga, it is necessary to pray for the consolation of widows, as well as to strengthen the faith of newly-made Christians.

    Holy Olga helps protect themselves and relatives from the troubles and adversity. And young girls successfully marry.

    In the old days of St. Olga, field work began: people went to the fields to collect and harvest the hay.

    By tradition, in the churches they hold festive services in memory of the Holy.

    Congratulations on the name of Olga in poetry and prose

    Olga's name is borrowed from the Scandinavian language, is due to Helga. The meaning of Olga is holy.

    Sun with clear rays in the embroidery

    Lights, Olga, the way to you,

    Let your success do not break the thread,

    To live in joy and happiness for a long time!

    Dear Olenka, I congratulate you on the holiday! Let in your life there is a key of the chest, in which the fulfillment of your most cherished desires is hidden. And let this key itself turn out to be in your hands exactly when it needs you most. Be happy!

    Olga - Scandinavian "Holy".

    Your name - courage and light,

    Your name is tormented and caresses,

    Name - Passion and Name - Easy Track ...

    A day when you celebrate the name day

    Wrote want you to read:

    Be beautiful, smart and happy!

    Stay what is what!

    You wear the name of the Great Princess, you are the most brave woman who knows how to create and protect the homely focus. I congratulate you on your holiday from all my heart, I wish you love and female happiness, let them accompany you all your life. I am proud to know such a generous person, a good friend, a kind mother and understanding wife. Let this day become a wonderful fairy tale for you, where the heroes will be your loved ones and favorite people.

    Now you have for the day of Olga 2018 there are congratulations on Olga Day. Spend the day in the festive atmosphere.

    Olga is one of the most popular names in Ukraine, so Olga's name is a rather popular holiday with us.

    Angel's day Olga on the church calendar is celebrated on the day of memory of the Holy Equal-Apostles Great Princess Olga - July 24. This is the day of her death.

    Also, in addition to July 24, Oli also celebrate its named on February 10, March 6 and 14, as well as July 17 and November 23.

    Name Olga and its meaning

    Olga's name is borrowed from Scandinavian languages, comes on behalf of Helga.

    In the translation of Helga means "holy", "sacred", "bright", "clear", "wise", "rocky". It is also believed that name Olga is a female form male name Oleg.

    The ancient Slavs had a relative name of Volga and was translated as "a wonderful wonders."

    What girls with this name

    The main features of the character of the girl named Olga is a strong will, intelligence and great performance. She stubbornly goes to the target target without noticing problems around her. For Olga, it is dangerous not to give to manifest itself to your talents. Olga strives to be independent in everything. She is like a fighter with a difficult, but strong character. Be sure that what was in Olga's hands, she will not be so easy. For his "prey", the girl fights to the last.

    Compatibility name Olga

    Excellent couple Ole will be: Zakhar, Anatoly, Vadim, Vladislav, Victor, Lev, Ruslan, Sergey, Ilya, Oleg, Stepan, Semyon. If the chosen is called: Nikolai, Denis, Konstantin, Igor, better not to make up relations.

    Congratulations on behalf of

    We wish you, Olya,

    The age does not know the longing and pain.

    More holidays and happiness -

    Brightly life is painted!

    In the trifles, look for a miracle,

    Avoid Perekov

    And to dreams go clearly

    You are a confident gait.

    Olga all wise - sure!

    Congratulations! We love very much.

    You wear the name of the Great Princess, you are the most brave woman who knows how to create and protect the homely focus. I congratulate you on your holiday from all my heart, I wish you love and female happiness, let them accompany you all your life. I am proud to know such a generous person, a good friend, a kind mother and understanding wife. Let this day become a wonderful fairy tale for you, where the heroes will be your loved ones and favorite people.

    You are a dismissed princess,

    Holy, good goddess.

    Accept you our congratulations

    In your day - on a wonderful birthday.

    Let Luck smile to you in life

    There will be any task,

    Let the tale opens a branch in fate.