Are there any punks now. All kinds of "punk"

The word "Punk" has a long history. More to William Shakespeare called so cheap prostitutes in his play "Measure Mode". Then the meaning of the word has changed a bit, and already in the 20th century Panks are prisoners. Later, the word "Punk" has acquired another meaning: "Dirt", "garbage".

Unlike many other subcultures, the ideological boundaries of which were not defined as clearly, punk became the same culture that clearly found and reflected his individuality, stating the world: "We are not like others, and we like it terribly!". Initially, punk was a counterculture developed into a whole countercultural movement. The difference between the countercultitution from the youth subculture is to confront politics and society as a whole and the denial of everything that surrounds them. By and large, the first Russian panke can be called Evgeny Bazarov, the hero of Roman Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children": It was he who first began to deny the most important for Russian man: God, family, love, existing state system, even the most minimal needs of a person . The first punks are both Western and Soviet - were the same nihilists spitting on all generally accepted values. They asked their "disorderly order."

At first, the activities of American punks did not go beyond the borders of club parties. They did not engaged in the debaches and behaved very much even: practiced in music and avant-garde literature - symbolism, futurism. In general, as the American media then wrote about them: "The intelligentsia is having fun, nothing terrible." So everyone thought, while the storm of punk rock did not cover London in 1976.

The song "Anarchy In The UK" SEX Pistols group has become a hymn of all punk

The official point of reference to the undercurrent subculture is considered to be October 22, 1976, when the first punk single "New Rose" of The Damned band came out. A month and a half later, the Sex Pistols team released the song "Anarchy In The UK". In the spring and summer of that year, all new and new punk bands appear in London, playing energetic and noisy music and a crowded crowd to their own, to put it mildly, immodest behavior on stage. A little later, in the mid-1970s, this urban culture came to the USSR along with the songs of the founding fathers of Punk: Sex Pistols and Ramones, who drenched inspiration from creativity extremely popular decades before The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The latter, by the way, asked the style punk community not only in music, but also in clothes.

Sex Pistols and Ramones have become the founders and symbols of punk movement

On the stage of the Punk choose aggressive and causing, and sometimes even a vulgar style of behavior, which gave impetus to the creation of a special worldview of Pankov: a critical attitude to everything that surrounds them. Panca strive for freedom and complete independence, promoting the principles "not to be sold", "rely on yourself" (DIY - Do it Yourself - do it yourself).

An important role in the formation of a punk is played by Iggy Pop, the soloist of The Stoges group, known for its numerous outcomes on the stage. It was he who asked the style of punk behavior on stage. Iggy Pop became a height of the jump from the scene in the crowd, or "Stage Diving". But it was only the beginning: the musician rushed right on the stage, he cut himself a razor breast, and ended the concert was broken by shirin. After that, during the concerts of The Stoges, Iggy, traditionally speaking with the naked torso, often caused himself injuries, insulted the audience, undressed completely and jumped into the crowd from the stage.

For the first time, Soviet punks heard about the first Western depreciation articles in the newspapers of the Soviet Union and the plots of the Soviet Transmission "International Panorama", but instead of obeying the totalitarian finger and begin to despise them - chose as an ideal. Here it is the essence of the "Tru Punk".

"Panca Hoy!" - Such discharges could be heard everywhere and everywhere in the 80s of the last century on the expanses of the Soviet Union. It was then that this greeting of Pankov came to the Russian language from English.

By the way, there are several versions of the appearance of this exclamation: on one of them, Russian "Hoy!" It takes its origins from the English "oi!", which served as a greeting for Cockney (Natives of London from the Middle and Lower Social Layers). In the late 1970s, this word Harry Bushell, a journalist of the music magazine "Sounds", called the direction of Punk Rock, which proclaimed the return to the "true, proletarian roots", promoted the active confrontation of power and society. When this word passed into Russian, the letter "X" was added to him, which sounded very ambiguous and boldly, because it resembled one famous Russian branch word.

According to another version, the word "Hoy" was formed from the English "OI-OI-OI". These exclamations sounded in the songs of Skinheads in the 70s, which eventually became a reason for creating a new style: "Oh", or Street Punk. Later, everything was already shouting with "oh", who is not lazy - most often in choral singing. The first hoals "Hoy" in the Russian punk scene appeared from Egor Letov (leader of the group "Civil defense").

Soviet punks differed from each other both on ideology and in appearance - depending on the place of residence. Panca Siberia, for example, were out of movement, in which they were soon disappointed and began to deny. Tallinn punks were absolutely identical to Stockholm and London. Moscow punks were for every taste, depending on the favorite groups and local locations, and Leningrad Panca (the first in the USSR) organized punk performances and led a bohemian lifestyle. The first Panke in the USSR is considered the leader of the St. Petersburg Group "Automatic Satisters" Andrei Svetin Panov, who was practiced right on the streets and in the parade Boris Grebenshchikov, and also performed a sexual intercourse with an exhaust buse. He was one of the leaders of St. Petersburg Punk Tusovka, in which, among others, even the young Viktor Tsoi consisted.

Panca Country Soviets

Punk \u003d hippie + a lot of aggression

Punk has become an extraordinary response to the crisis of hippie movement and on the "limp" music of the time that has departed from the energy and rhythm of the traditional rock and roll. They called themselves "children of the garbage" in counterweight hippies - "Children of Flowers".

Pankov's worldview is pretty close to Hippovsky, however, if the idea of \u200b\u200bhippie stacked in the slogan "Down with money, the world and is so infinitely beautiful!" The Panks rather "the world is still disgusting, so it will not help him." Panca, unlike hippie, rather aggressive, and in political views are considered anarchists (with the easy hand "Sex Pistols", who released the cult single "Anarchy in the UK").


Onion Pankov always races: Bright unnatural hair colors, Iroquois, shaved whiskey, a lot of varnish, so that the hair stood sticking. The fashion for Iroquois, by the way, introduced the British Punk Group The Exploited.

Ripped jeans with chains, tired in heavy shoes Dr. Martens and Cedas Converse. Manera wearing sneakers began the Ramones group, and they adopted it from Mexican Swam - Latinov. The leather jacket-root was borrowed by panks as the biker attribute from the 50s, when the motorcycle and rock and roll were inseparable from each other.

The attributes of Pankes in the masses and the fashion industry introduced the English designer Vivien Westwood. By the way, fashion for punk onions has become extremely relevant in the last three years. Today, no fashionable lucbuca costs without ripped jeans, black cute, white or red conversions, oldcual males with group logos. And in the last couple of years, shaved whiskey returned.

Punk rock festivals

With the relative manifold of punk rock festivals, they all continue their existence of no more than two or three years. They are going to no more than 150 participants. And punk festles are held for the most part in the forest or in abandoned factories - a minimum of convenience, but how much drive and impressions: "Troika-Fest", "Varnak-Fest", "horizontal", "Hellsummer Fest", "Interesting Punk Aesthetics ", Boyscout Fest.

Basically, the punks are going to gigs punk rock bands - concerts without seating with the possibility of Mosha and Slame.

Panks on gig. Stage Dive.

Panks today

Most of the subcultures of the Pankov subculture declare that they came to her thanks to the work of "light" pop punk bands: Sum41, Simple Plan, Blink 182, Fall Out Boy. Even if you compare their songs with the songs of the same representatives of the Pop Punk of Creativity Ramones, the songs of the first sounds much more soft and pop. Also pop punk is distinguished by the absence of a political orientation of punk-rock primarily, as well as a common positive direction.

Today, punk as a counterculture no longer exists: now it is a 100% youth subculture, because the lifestyle, behavior, political views of Pankov are not in opposition to the existing social system, political or moral and moral values. The appearance of Pankov has now become just a tribute to the outgoing fashion.

Perhaps today the Punk culture itself has almost ceased to exist in the form in which it appeared. However, along with this, she spawned a large number of new movements. From about the beginning of the 2000s, some "post-punks" began to appear in the world. It cannot be said that they follow the ideas of the 80-90s, as the old ideas are irrelevant now, but also cannot be said that they are completely unreasonable. Post-punk continues to develop, and no one else knows what will happen to this reborn social phenomenon tomorrow.

Punk or Punk (English "Punk") - the youth direction in culture arising in the late 60s - early 70s in the UK; Style - Punk is inherently connected with the name.

The word "Punk" in English before the appearance of the actual punk-flow itself was used as a crossbar meaning about the same as "tiller". In other cases it could be used as the usual obscene expression.

In American jargon, the word "Punk" was used in relation to the prisoners six or simply to people relating to criminal activities. Also, the word "Punk" could mean "garbage", "Gnill", "Dirt".

Appearance and attributes of Pankov:

The origins of the punk, like style, originate in the 60s, when in the era under the influence of Beatles and Rolling Stones, youth teams appeared, performing rock and roll. Despite the fact that Hippie had the strongest influence on world culture, in the 70s they had already a little fed. Youth wanted something new and sharp. Instead of a peaceful slogan, Hippie "Love and World" Pankov preferred the formula "Sex and Violence", and the main words of Punk-style were "anarchy", "Riot" and "Pumps".

Initially, the style of "Punk" appeared as a direction in music due to the American group "Ramones". The Genre "Punk Rock" suggested not so much ability as the desire to play in combination with deliberately primitive sound, defiantly vulgar behavior on stage and diving into the audience crowd.

Malcolm Maclaren, British musician and producer became an ideologist to popularize the style of "Punk" style in fashion. The start of style was made in 1975 in London, when McLaren in connection with the new provocative anarchist trends who came from America decided to change the fashionable direction of its open in 1971 together with Vivien Westwood. So the boutique, which was greatly popular, changed its name "Let It Rock" to the bold "Sex". The new store was focused on marginal youth. And here it is impossible to be silent about Vivien Westwood, which is considered the creator of the direction "PANK" in fashion.

Not all modern punks know that their favorite Iroquoisa, torn jeans and other style attributes invented Vivien Westwood. Now it is one of the most famous designers in the world, but at that time it could not be assumed. Early got married only in order to escape from the poor and poor family, Vivien Westwood abandoned art school. True, she still received pedagogical education and even managed to work as a teacher. However, a calm and measured life lasted only three years, while Westwood was divorced with her husband and did not meet McLaren. Together they began to actively engage in the affairs of the store.

Not received any special education or experience in the Portnovsky case, she first invented completely crazy robes - torn and shirts with causing inscriptions who composed McLaren.

"I'm not a terrorist, do not arrest me", "be reasonable - demand the impossible!", "Empty generation" or a fascist slogan "We are not afraid of Ruins!"

- Such inscriptions were decorated with t-shirts spoiled from all sides.

Vivien first made hedgehog from bleached hair - branded hairstyle in the style of punks around the world. She was also the first mocked over the T-shirt, taking off her sleeves, the kneading seams and knocked the flap knot on the back. The most scandalous work of her work is a T-shirt with a portrait of the English Queen Elizabeth II with an English pin in the lip, which made the effect of a broken bomb. Each vests created by the model called to shock a morally established society. To do this, in their joint with the malare store, everything was with a swastika on sleeves, T-shirts and T-shirts with obscene inscriptions, drain pantyhose, all in rivets and spikes of leather, brutal belts and, of course, in incredible quantities of English pins, which fastened the flap ribbons clothes. It is not difficult to imagine what frantic popularity used in London a boutique "Sex". It was a real Mecca Pankov, who gladly opened the doors for everyone.

In 1974, Maclaren became a group manager, for which he himself came up with the scandalous name "SEX PISTOLS". They played about the same professionally as Vivien Westwood, but it did not prevent them from becoming scandalous idols of a new generation and promote punk-style popularization.

With all its vulgarity and marginalness of punk-style, the minds were so captured that even the Italian version of the publication "" in 1976 dedicated several punk anti-models. In 1977, Zanra Roads (called "Princess Punk") introduced its collection called "Conceptual chic", where elegant satin with rifles and English pins were shown. Fashion on punk-style led to the fact that many presenters decided to use it from a commercial point of view. They began to produce special collections, which were distinguished by high quality (in contrast to the homemakes of the Pankov themselves) and she was embarrassed, bringing high profits.

After the group "Sex Pistols" broke up, Vivien Westwood left McLaren and continued to work independently. She was fascinated by the creation of collections in historical style, but, of course, not without Punk aesthetics. At the beginning of the 80s, its models on the paint were smeared, their hair was covered with mud and burlap hats.

Now punk-style in clothes is rare. Quite often you can hear that the Italian and French masters create collections under the influence of "PANK" style, but it is rather post-punk, where few elements remained from punk style.

"Anarchy", "Riot" and "Lumping"

Panks came to shift Hippie. And if the slogan "Love and Peace" proclaimed, then the punks preferred completely different slogans - "Sex and violence". The word Punk itself means "bad", "rubble", "tilty".

The appearance of punks, like many youth subcultures, is directly related to new directions in music. Attokov Pankov had two musical groups - Ramones and Sex Pistols (deliberately primitive sound, vulgar behavior on stage, "diving" in the crowd of spectators). It is these groups that began to play music in the style of punk rock.

The homeland punk culture is considered to be United Kingdom. In the early 1970s, it is in the UK that the SEX Pistols scandalous group appears. Her manager was nobody else like a Maclaren. By the way, it was him that the authorship of the group names belongs.

In 1971, Malcolm Maclaren and jointly opened a trendy boutique in London. The shop was originally called "Let It Rock", and then more scandalous "Sex". It was Vivien Westwood that did not have the slightest sewing education, and invented all the main elements of clothes and style of Pankov.

Vivien Westwood belongs to the authorship of ripped trousers, hairstyles Iroquais (she herself began to wear hedgehogs from bleached hair) and males with causing inscriptions and prints. The inscriptions to the Mikes came up with Malcolm McLaren. Among the inscriptions on the T-shirts sold in the shop Maclaren and Westwood, there were such inscriptions as: "I'm not a terrorist, do not arrest me," Be reasonable - demand the impossible! "," Empty generation "," We are not afraid of Ruins! ".

In the shop Vivien Westwood, it was possible to purchase a lot of different clothes and accessories, including outfits and accessories in rivets and spikes, a variety of leather, dranny pantyhose, and, of course, the most English pins that torn splashes of clothing.

The style of punk, originally existed exclusively as an anti-mode, in the second half of the 1970s it is recognized as the world of fashion, as it usually happens - in 1976, materials about fashionable punk style collections appear on the pages of Italian "Vogue".

Punk has connections with the American "Bit-generation" of the 1940s and 50s, at least through the American singer and poetess Patty Smith, which is not different as a "shame of punk rock". Initially, in his work, she relied on the books of writers "Bit-Generation".

Performance ideology

Panca is quite a diverse subculture, inside which there are many flows. At the same time, Pankov's glances themselves can also vary. So, in their political convictions, representatives of punk culture can be quite different. The general for them is the desire for personal freedom and complete independence, nonconformism, the principles "not to be sold", "rely on yourself." Panca often adhere to nihilism, anarchism, socialism, anti-authoritarianism, anti-capitalism.

Here are some of the punk directions:

Anarcho Punk (Arises in the UK, as follows from the name - the main desire for anarchism, appropriate and attribute in just, for example, the use of anarchist symbolism)

Folk Punk (often adhered to the left political views)

Glam Punk (The main value is attached to the creation of fashionable punk style images, hairstyles and makeup)

Hardcore punk (Clothing "Working Class", Sportswear (For example, Adidas), short haircut (sometimes dreadlocks), koshuhi, motorcycle boots, cartridges)

Horror punk (blackwear, body spots, skeletons, ideological base - horror films and science fiction)

Pop punk (Theme of Relationship, Politics, Sorted Comedy, In Clothes - Cososhi, Kedas Chuck Taylor All-Stars, Baseball Caps, Ties)

Surf Punk. (Attention to the environment, in clothing - short shorts and skate shoes).

Clothes and Accessories in Punk Style

leather jackets-rivets with rivets, sometimes painted,
riping or cut jeans, often with poppipes,
jeans pre-tested in a bleach solution (jeans with red divorces are obtained),
checkered pants
black T-shirts, torn T-shirts,
black tights in a large mesh,
shoes are massive army shoes on a thick sole with lacing (Gada), short heavy boots (banks) or sneakers.

Jewelry and Punk Style Accessories
Chains of various weaving and sizes
set of pins and icons,
powes with spikes
a belt with a bottle in the form of a skull or with crosses,
anarchist signs
earrings in the ears, noses and so on
in addition to wearable jewelry, Panca make tattoos with meaning, and sometimes without much sense.

Hairstyles in punk style

Multicolored Iroquois (hairstyle borrowed from the culture of the Indians, such a hairstyle is also called Mogawk) - the brighter and unnatural color and dirtier hair, the better; For protruding Iroquois, a varnish, gel or beer is used.

Mamochkin - Hair is not shaved, Iroquais directly put, ordinary varnish.

Classic - The strip of the hair of medium length is about 15 cm and a width of 5-7 cm, smoothly running out of his forehead to the back of the back, all the rest of the hair - sibli.

Sniff - Equal hair bundles are twisted into the spikes, and do not rise by a solid ridge.

AKS (ax) - This is an average width of the Iroquais, which ends on the theme, and not on the back of the head.

Anti - At the place where Iroquais should be, it is not, the hair shave flashes. But on the right and left, from Lysin, two people are made.

Iguan - This hairstyle looks like a double source, starting from the middle of the head and with a very broad surveillance in the middle, this hairstyle reminds something like a lizard.

Transverse - Hair strip goes from ear to ear.

Combo - These are various combinations of the two most popular punk types of hair and spikes.

Shashechki - It is a coarse haircut on short hair, where empty checkers are shaved under zero.

Pancas and peculiar makeup are used - the eyes are injected with a black pencil, and the mascara is superimposed with a thick layer.

The various directions of youth subcultures began to actively attract the attention of the public - the older generation, politicians, psychologists - in the second half of the twentieth century. Pankov became exactly the culture that was clearly determined with his individuality, stating his "dissimilarity." But how much is this culture in reality is the antisocial? It was with this question that we proceeded to the study of punk movement in the modern world.

The modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe punk is so distorted that it is practically impossible to find a person in today's Russian Russia who would clearly imagine what this punk movement is almost impossible. This is precisely the relevance of this study.

Punk (Punk) - so used to be called in the street jargon of women of easy behavior. In this meaning, the Word is found in the play of W. Shakespeare "Measure Mode". In America, at the beginning of the 20th century, it is already attached to the prisoners - "six". Later, the word entered the main lexicon and today is used in the meaning of "Dirt", "Gnile", "garbage".

In the mid-1970s. In the UK, during the strongest unemployment and apathy, a bright youth culture suddenly appears, named by journalists "PANK", which means "rot." Most researchers saw in it a new youth subculture, such as mods or rockers, disperse only in the definition of its social base.

Punk initially represented a counterculture, further developed into a countercultural movement. The main differences between the countercultitution from the youth subculture is the predominance of political forms of confrontation over the symbolic and denial of dominant values \u200b\u200binstead of belonging to the class or tradition.

But first of all, punk is music, loud, heavy and very fast, which is the main task that people see the protest, think about life, about the future. Punk rock 60s is customary called "Garage Rock". Where did such a strange name come from? Everything is explained very simple: amateur groups rehearsed mainly in the garages - they just had nowhere to go. The "garage" punks sang at their pleasure, did not build mercantyl plans and were known only in the environment of their relatives, friends and neighbors. Their creative searches responded to the requests not mass, but a local audience (schools, college, district).

The torch, grilled "groceries", picked up in 1973-1974 quite educated young people from New York. They are going in the evenings in expensive clubs. The idol of this youth becomes new groups: "Talking Heads", "New York Dolls" "Ramones", which are now presented by the first punk musicians of the second, real wave of punk rock. The first real punk group is considered to be the New York "Ramones".

At first, the activities of American punks did not go beyond the borders of club parties. They remained within the framework of decency, practicing mainly in music and avant-garde literature - symbolism, futurism. In general, as the American media expressed, "the intelligentsia is having fun, nothing terrible." So everyone thought, while the thunderstorm punk rock did not bother over Great Britain in 1976. The British accurately copied Americans - and stolen in respectable England. The fact that passed in the United States is not very noticeable, raised the storm behind the ocean, it was called "Sex Pistols".

At first, the frightened authorities declared Pankov hooligans. But when hooligany hundreds of thousands, it is called differently - Riot. Moreover, this has arisen from the transformed conflict of "fathers and children".

Old dreams collapsed - no one believed. The time of despair came, the complete rejection of the surrounding world and nihilism. With the abundance of material goods, no society, nor the youth conflicting with him, there was no sufficient moral qualities in order to take advantage of them for the benefit of themselves and all mankind. This also served as punk rebellion. In early 1976, respectable British thought that the British youth was crazy. Streets flooded crowds of disgusting type of teenagers.

Punk style attributes entered and produced on the conveyor. Processing public opinion went to the direction that, they say, there is nothing good in any system until it opposes the antiysystem. This threat is simply necessary to prove the viability of the system itself and its correct development path. Punk is such an antiysystem. And if the system was bad, punk would give it. Once he failed, it means that the system is beautiful.

The first punk groups (such as "SEX Pistols", "Clash", "jam", etc.) expressed anarchicity, apocalyptism, denial for negative, epipant, displeasure to everyone. Most of these groups were quickly self-dissected, avoiding the fate of the 1960s counterculture and without becoming part of the system. Successful punk in show business (as part of a mass culture) "Successful" was defeated.

But the punk "did not die", the so-called second, politicized, wave of European punk (1980-1984) appears, represented by CRASS, Conflict groups, Discharge in the UK, "BGK" in Holland, etc. for a quarter of a century The existence of punk managed to form a whole system, opposition show business. He contrasted small independent labels - transnational musical concerns, fanzins, reproduced on a photocopy when using cheap recycled paper and soy ink, - expensive glossy magazines, distribution systems that distribute punk music and punk ideas by mailing by mail or directly at concerts or festivals - shopping in expensive supermarkets, etc.

On the other hand, pankam managed to create an alternative sociocultural and partly the economic space in which the basic values \u200b\u200bare not money and competition, but friendship and cooperation.

Today it is customary to say that in contrast to the English punk, which arose as a natural reaction to the socio-economic crisis in the West, punk in the USSR appears as a protest against totalitarian thinking. Of course, like many other phenomena of the "Soviet underground", he experienced West influence on himself, although direct borrowings in the 1980s were actually impossible.

Punk was one of the few musical flows, which came to the Soviet Union with minimal deception. In 1976, Punk Rock appeared in England, and already in 1977 in Leningrad, Moscow, Siberia. Young people who are interested in Western music were acquired by the FANTSERS SEX PISTOLS, CLASH records and other British punk groups, caught music on the "Voice of America", the Air Force with the Siele Novgorod, read Soviet magazines and newspapers that did not fail to respond To the emergence of a new youth flow as "outflow on the rotational body of bourgeois culture."

What was the first punks in the USSR and what was their confrontation between Soviet power? We will highlight the three main range, where the punk got the most, different from other regions. Development is Leningrad, Moscow and Siberia (Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tyumen), and, accordingly, try to answer questions.

The first Leningrad panks were teenagers 15-17 years old, music lovers, gatherers of plates. They acquainted most often on the "lameproof", they gathered together, drunk, listened to music. They tried to live as they like, but it was a serious contradiction of not only dominant ideology, but also by Soviet laws (for example, the law on the tunestry). Many wanted to visit the border, to be where there were favorite punk groups. For Leningrad Punk Punk Rock was not an expression of a political protest, calls to the destruction of the system. It was rather a spontaneous inner rejection of officially accepted norms and values, the retreat from which in the Soviet state could be regarded in the spectrum from small hooliganism and up to the betrayal of the Motherland. According to the official version, Rock music was the invention of Western propaganda, designed to distract Soviet youth from the construction of communism, and Western Democratic - from the fight against capitalism.

The Siberian Punk Rock Area is represented mainly by three cities - Omsk, Novosibirsk and Tyumen. The so-called Siberian Punk Rock was the most politicized and openly directed against the totalitarian system. This found an expression as in the lyrics (for example, the Nishtyak Cooperative Group in the midst of repression on rock musicians sang: "Ghost wanders around Europe, cut off his legs"), and in the reaction of power on their work. The participants of the Siberian punk groups were put in psychiatric hospitals, sent to the army, but they remained "ice under Major's feet."

The Soviet punk culture of the 1980s, initially focusing on the west course, organically rethought him, intertwined with national roots. As a result, there were absolutely original phenomena, generated, primarily not to the imitation, and the desire to express themselves and somehow oppose themselves to official.

In the USSR, PANK was a counterculture for its prohibition, so he opposed the system. Since 1987, totalitarian mechanisms begin to actively collapse, and rock music, in my opinion, introduced its contribution to this process, albeit a small, being a carrier of other cultural values. Here is the main contradiction of the domestic punk: by taking part in the destruction of the system, he found himself in a difficult situation - against what to fight now when everything is possible? Following that punk loses its status of a counterculture with the destruction of prohibitations, and the development of modern Western forms of confrontation in Russia is difficult due to the complex socio-economic and political situation. The existence of punk movement, as well as other forms of countercultural in the USSR, in which they functioned to the rebuilding era, lost meaning at the turn of the 1980-90s.

The concept of punk music in Russia has changed and evolved.

In the USSR, punk was subculture, as it seems to us, only in the period from the 80s to the 90s. It was during this period that a systemic crisis took place in the country, 70% of young people were beyond the poverty line, the collapse of ideology and the centralized distribution system of the goods: all this created a fertile ground for the development of such subculture as punk.

After the 90s, the punk began to decompose, he commercialized, lost the idea, lost himself, but with this punk and did not disappear completely, he was divided into other social phenomena. Thus, in the Soviet Union, play rock, and even more so punk, it was a confrontation. It was forbidden, and the people who engaged in rock music and did not fit into the standard image of a "simple Soviet man," often seriously risked not only to be beaten in the police station or "warriors", but also lose their freedom. State power tried to suppress any deviations from the official ideology: I traveled out of work and from institutes, sent to the army and to psychiatric hospitals for compulsory treatment, etched through the press (exposure articles), etc. On the other hand, that Pankov could oppose the state car ? The confrontation occurred, first of all, at the level of lifestyle and worldview, which was manifested in behavior, appearance, the system of values. The rejection of the Soviet ideology and standardized society was not necessarily expressed in criticism and struggle.

Chapter 2. Panks as subculture

Today, punk seems to us most often in a dirty, poorly smelling, and a drunken image. If you turn to the older generation with the question "Who is such a punk?", In 9 out of 10 cases you can hear something is not very pleasant.

To date, most of the teenagers who call themselves panks do not know even elementary facts from the punk movement history section. Some "punks" are so far from reality, which is just funny. The second head of work is closely connected with this and the study itself.

2. 1. Behavior in society. Political position.

Self-esteem punk.

Punk always has its own opinion and is not afraid to express him. He does not care what to think about him. He is what is, and nothing will change. Traditionally it is believed that the behavior of the punk in all cases is the struggle, fight against the system. What a punk itself decides against? The system implies the rules primarily. Rules means to obey. Submit - it means to give up. This is the most important point in Pankovskaya politics.

The density attitude to others and himself became determining, the installation should always make only what I want this minute. Moral was changed by 180 degrees: everything that was considered immoral in normal people, on the street became an external manifestation of "morality".

Punk culture assumed complete freedom of action. Panca hooliganili in cinemas, defiantly behaved in relation to the police and looked for passersby. In this way, they hurried to express their protest to the world, in which they were born and grew. Pankov philosophy was the philosophy of "lost generation", simple to the limit: in the pigsty it is better and to be pigs themselves. They finally decided that it was impossible to change the world for the better, and therefore the cross was put in the old sense of this word in the old understanding of this word.

The punks themselves also evaluate the punk movement, and themselves in this culture. Here are some excerpts from one of the Punk Forums:

"I'm punk because I so want. Punk is not necessary to lie in the dirt, and to dedicate to sleep in the garbage. And Iroquais put on beer mixed with the urine. And necessarily - the state of the soul. " (The spelling and stylistics of statements are preserved in the original - approx. V. S.).

"For a start, I will tell you than punk is not: this is not a fashion, not a certain style of clothing, not a riot on his knees against parents, not the newest" cool "course or a special style of music. In fact, this is an idea that leads and builds your life. Think on your own, be yourself, not just take what society gives, - create your own rules, live your own life! " .

"I am punk because I am against. Punk is the state of the soul, the image of thoughts, is not so important as far as it appears externally. Punk is inside. I hate those who consider punk just a fashion attribution! "

"Any movement is first of all the idea, not the clothes and showing, always the main thing - what is inside, and not what they yell at every intersection. In the same way, as an anarchy turned into freedom to grind and implane, although its meaning is much deeper. "

We see that most of those people who consider themselves to panks, agree that punk is primarily the idea, lifestyle and thoughts, and only then - external attributes! It was the ideology of punk movement that has not changed since the 70s, but the punks themselves note that with the idea of \u200b\u200bpunk, a very small number of young people relating to punk culture. Thus, it turns out that the punk movement "degenerates". Turning from the "idea" in "fashion"

2. 2. Public score punk

Sociologists of the INFO_MANIA Internet site, conducting a sociological survey among different layers of the population of Moscow (sample - 100 people), often received such characteristics of Pankov, as the "schizophrenic category", "may, with their beliefs, but mentally ill people", "non-love, Light people "and punk as a" youth phase shift ". Some respondents noted as a distinguishing feature of the scallops punks.

We give several common opinions of ordinary people about punk movement:

"In my understanding of punk, it is in any Balahon, Gada, Khokholok for Ponta and Stripe with anarchy. Punk in any way should ride concerts instead of rallies, for you can get drunk there, and if he does not give God, he will see the world with sober eyes, will be terrified and accidentally starts to think with his head, and not other people's ideas and stereotypes. Punk, it is, first of all, protest, and against what, how, why, and why it is no longer important. Punk is the state of the soul. "

In order to obtain data on the public assessment of punk and punk culture, students of the Gymnasium No. 8 were proposed two questionnaires, on the basis of which we were able to come to the following conclusions:

1) The Panca has a general representation of more than half of the high school students who surveyed by us.

2) The representation of the punkey is built mainly on external attributes - clothing, shoes, hairstyles.

3) Punk behavior by most students perceived as antisocial - smoking, alcohol, aggression.

It seems that most ordinary people in Moscow (according to Info_mania survey), as well as ordinary cities of Russia (students of the city of Angarsk), do not understand the nuances of youth subcultures and for them the punks are almost no different from metalworkers or hippies. Attitude towards panks in society is quite negative - "aggressive, drug addicts, alcoholics." This image of a punk, created by the media, is actively confirmed by the panks themselves ("pioneers") drawn their "aesthetics and ideas" from the mass media.

We will try to systematize the most common beliefs about the punk among the ordinary people, and give their comments to them. The results of the study of the Agency INFO_MANIA were taken as the basis for these statements. We conducted a similar survey among students of our gymnasium and came to certain conclusions, which were issued in the form of comments.

Approval 1. All Panks are stupid, limited "fruits" and two-ways (generally, people of low intellectual level of development).

Comment: The approval is very common among the ordinary people. 34% of the surveyed students of the gymnasium number 8 agreed with the correctness of this approval. However, the majority of respondents (49%) did not agree with the opinion of Russians, noting that there were people who are unfamiliar with panks that they never communicated with them. Yes, of course, there are "Ptiverhniki" among Pankov, and in general, very stupid people, but they are not so much and they constitute only a small percentage of all panks. Much more among the followers of punk movement percentage of university students.

Approval 2: Punk is a purely youth current, adolescent protest passing with age. Panke can be between 12 to 18, a maximum of 20 years, and then you need to grow up.

Comment: On this statement, the opinions of the gymnasists were divided by approximately equally: 45% of respondents agreed that the punk movement is of youth character, and 43% refuted this opinion. This fully corresponds to the data that we have, studying the study of punk.

Indeed, most punk begin to "pancay" in a young man or adolescence, but this does not mean that punk is a purely youth current. Some depart with the age of punk, but most of them are people for whom the opinion of the majority, crowds, more important than their own opinions. There are among former punk and those who are just disappointed in the ideas of this movement. However, there are also 30 years old Panks and older, and although not all of them adhere to the external punk attributes, but still share the majority of Pankovsky ideas. And in general, in approval, "Pankom can be from 12 to 18, a maximum of 20 years, and then you need to grow up," the word to grow in fact, as a rule, is used by the averages in the meaning "to become like everyone else, to adopt the ideas common in society " Compare with the meaning of the word "grow up" in the sensible dictionary. Being a non-conformist (and Panca Nonconformista, since the ideas that are not currently common in society adhere to), does not mean not to be an adult person.

Approval3: Pankov - Eternally dirty and never wash, they constantly smell badly.

The genre of fantastic literature, which is aimed at disclosing all the potential possibilities of this or that technology dominated at a certain time period or in a certain civilization. The genre is represented by models, which are also included in the Timespunk group (steampunk, dseylpank, atompack, cyberpunk, nanopanc, biopanc), as well as hybrid-based techno-infancisses, depicting technically advanced civilization, but with the main attributes of the fantasy genre.

Technopanka is very close to alternative history, but the fundamental difference is that this reconstruction is stylistic, not historical. Technopanka does not search for bifurcation points, in which a small external intervention or other choice made by historical person could change the development of mankind. Usually Tekhnopanc depicts the already established civilization, a long time developing in that direction, which led it to the modern state, and the reader can only guess where the discrepancy began, and in the case of technofenthesis, it is deprived of this opportunity.

(Timepunk) - Sustainer Scientific Fiction, modeling the world, which is in some other technological level, which most often implies other laws of society. This term is generalizing for a large number of related directions of fiction, often derivatives from Cyberpunk and Steampunk (which himself initially appeared as a separate direction as a parody of cyberpunk), and rather close by the meaning to the concepts of technopanka, technophenesia and alternative history.

Type Type:

(Stonepunk) is a genre of science fiction that modeling the world standing on the technological level of the Stone Age.

Bronzepunk (Bronzepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of the bronze century.

Sandalpank (Sandalpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of late antiquity.

Plagpank (PLAGUEPUNK), also Middlpank (Middlepunk) and rarely Kendlpank (Candlepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of the Middle Ages.

Clpank (Clockpunk) - a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of the Renaissance eras and Baroque: court engineers, curtisani, guardsmen.

(Steampunk) - a genre of science fiction that simulates the world that has mastered the technology of steam machines.

(Petrol) (Dieselpunk) is a genre of fiction, describing the technological world of the level of the 20-50s of the XX century.

Atomicpank (Atomicpunk) and Transistorpack (Transistorpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of 1945-1990.

(Cyberpunk) - Sustainer Scientific Fiction, describing the world of the near future, in which high technological development is adjacent to the deep social bundle, poverty, the weather, street anarchy in urban slums.

(Post-Cyberpunk) - Scientific fiction genre that developed from Cyberpunk, which, like the predecessor, describes the technical development of the society of the near future and occurring processes (universal penetration of information technologies, gene and molecular engineering, technologies for the modification of the human body, etc.) However, at the same time, in contrast to the "classic" cyberpunk, the main characters of works are actively striving to improve social conditions or at least prevent the degradation of society.

Views of Posetskarpanka (also included in the number of types of Taimpack):

(Nanopunk) - Direction in science fiction (a type of Posturshipberpank) dedicated to the social and psychological aspects of nanotechnology.

(Biopunk) - Direction in science fiction (Variety of Poshtskarpanka) dedicated to the social and psychological aspects of the use of genetic engineering and biological weapons.

Cosmopank (Spacepunk) - a mixture of cyberpank and cosmopes, differs from the cosmopier not only by Cyberpen's entourage, but often a more rigid and cynical world.

(Splatterpunk) - a literary-cinematic genre on the verge of fantasy and horror, which appeared in the mid-1980s. Splatterpank represents small works with a cynical description of violence in major modern cities. Heroes Splatterpanka - antisocial alienated marginals. Antigeroi - serial killers, psychopaths and maniacs.

(Post-Apocalyptic) - a science fiction genre, in which actions develop in the world after any global catastrophe.

There are also a number of interesting destinations close to this topic:

(Stitchpunk) (from Stitch - "Sewing stitch" and Punk - "WHAT is useless, unnecessary; rubbish, Rvan") - direction of science fiction. Cyberpunk derivative and steampunk, considering an alternative for the development of mankind or material traces of its habitat, in the post-apocalyptic world, the main inhabitants of which, as a rule, are dolls, plush toys, etc. Style stitch is more parody and not so pessimistic as cyberpunk or Steampunk, although wears similar features of social anti -topia.

(Apocalyptic) - a genre of science fiction, which tells about the occurrence of any global catastrophe. The first works of this genre appeared in the era of romanticism at the very beginning of the XIX century, but the real flourishing of the genre came to the "Cold War", and therefore the classical plot of this genre tells about the thermonuclear war.

(Dystopia) - Direction in fiction and cinema, in a narrow sense, the description of the totalitarian state, in a broad sense - any society in which negative development trends prevail

(Alternative History) - a genre of fiction dedicated to the image of a reality that could be if history, in one of its turning point (bifurcation points, or a fork point) went on another way. This literary genre should not be confused with alternative historical theories, which suggest the picture of the past, depicted by historical science, partially or completely erroneous.

Fantastic genre, fan fantasy, describing the world in which technology and magic are adjacent to the side. The genre has several variations of worlds.

The term combining the concepts of "retro" and "futurism" (also futurology). Retrofuturism is how people represented the future in the past.