Interesting facts associated with James Cook. Projects and books I am Odessa, I am from Odessa, Hello

Strangely the fate of Henry James in Russia. During his lifetime (that is, before the revolution), it was periodically translated and printed in thick magazines. But from the cultural use of the Soviet reader, James was turned off completely. Still, there was something mystical in the motives of the actions of Soviet censorship. It is clear when the frank anti-stems are prohibited, like Orwell or the scandalous author "return from the USSR" Andre Zhida. Well, or all there are modernist-avant-gardeists there. But what did all this be attributed to the apolitical james, safely deceased in the midst of the First World War? The works of this "English (Rather, Anglo-American) Turgenev" were simply created to take their place in the bookcases of Soviet intellectuals somewhere between the collections of Dickens and Golzoussi. However, only in the 70s and 1980s in Russian transferred a couple of volumes of the ages and stories and three novels. And that's it.

To date, the situation has not changed too much. What exists in Russian is a drop from the volatile creative heritage of the writer. (For his long life, he wrote 20 novels, over a hundred stories, plays, hundreds of critical articles, three volumes of memories and travel notes. Some letters have about 15 thousand - their full publication has just begun.) It is said that James is hard to translate. This is really so late James and read something hard, in English-speaking literature, in the complexity of the style, he will give odds except Jois. But his early things are written enough simple and transparent language. In general, nothing is clear. As one biographer was expressed, James simply never happens.

In the English-language world, the second decade continues "Renaissance James". The author, in life, never enjoyed by mass popularity, who considered the writer for writers, "published and reprinted. Most of his works are shielded, some - more than once, on the basis of the story "Rotate the screw" Britten wrote Opera. In 1972, the publication of a superfrochet, five-volume biography, written by the main specialist in James - Leon Idem, but since then many new research has emerged. James turns out to be the hero of artwork - it flashes on the pages of Tom Stoppard and Carol Outs. 2004 became the last year of James - immediately several novels devoted to him: "Master" of Colm Toybina, "Author! Author! " Lodge, not to mention the bucker "Beauty Line" Alan Hollingcherst, whose hero is writes thesis on James.

"Passionate Pilgrim"

The first child memories of the future writer: He sits in a carriage, on his knees from someone from adults, chatting his feet and looks out the window. The stroller drives past the statue of Napoleon at the Paris Vandom Square. Little Henry was then about two years. He was born at all in Paris at all, but in New York, April 15, 1843, but he was not fulfilled and the years when parents took him on a journey over the ocean. The James family led Gypsy life, continuously cruising from one end of the Atlantic to another and nomadsy in the European capitals and resorts.

Later, James did not like to remember his not aristocratic origin. His grandfather, the poor Irish immigrant, came to a new light for the "American Dream", settled in Albany - the state capital of New York, took up commerce and became the richest man in the city. Son, Henry-Sr., in the footsteps of the Father did not go. He drank, suffered from neurotic fears, was left without a leg (an accident in a fire), he moved from place to place, could not find himself suitable classes, and his father, angry, struck him out of his will. However, after reading the works of mysticism of Swedenborg, Henry calmed down, threw a drink, married and even wrote his own philosophical treatise, where the influence of Swedenborg was mixed with the ideas of Utopist Fourier. The practical classes did not find it, he was recommended that his children were recommended to answer that the dad was engaged in the "search for truth." Nobody read the treatise, but thanks to the inheritance of a mitigated father to live - and it was not bad - it was for what.

An further life of Henry-Sr. dedicated to traveling, communicating with celebrities (he was familiar with Toro, Emerson, Tekker and Karlalom) and the upbringing of five children (four sons and daughter, Henry Jr. was a second child). Education was supposed to be as low as possible. As a result, two senior brothers James, William and Henry, replaced the top ten two schools and private teachers in America, England, France, Germany and Switzerland. Regarding two younger sons, forks and Bob (Robertson), who did not distinguish with love for reading and intelligence, the father decided that they had anything to form anything, let them engage in business.

In 1858, the family finally finally returned to their homeland, but travel continued here: first, James moved from New York to Newport's resort town and then to Boston.

In 1862, Henry Jr. began to study jurisprudence at Harvard, but legal sciences quickly bored. He felt a writer vocation. In 1863, he began to publish critical articles and stories in journals, and since then he lived mainly on his literary earnings. In 1869, he went to Europe for a year to be treated. In 1875, published the first Romanik Hudson Roman.

Upon returning to his homeland, the writer was more and more disappointed in American life and, finally, left again for the ocean in 1875. He lived in Paris, met and made friends with Turgenev (which he highly appreciated both a writer, and as a person), Flaubert, Zola, Maupassan, Dodé, gonkers. Cosmopolitan Paris, where he became more commonly in tourists-Americans than on the French, James is quickly tired, and in 1876 he moved to London. Here he lived - until 1897, when he bought a house in the coastal town of Paradise, in Sussex county, where he spent the last two decades of his life. Thanks to the father's recommendations, James quickly tied the right connections in British society, was adopted in secular salons and aristocratic clubs. America traveled less frequently than in his beloved Italy - there was only a couple of times there, mostly because of deaths - parents, then the elder brother of Villama.

Lived James rather monotonous, misstitutional life. He never was married, did not have children. Contemporaries described it as a person of good, tactful, non-conflict, extremely polite and educated, charming and touchingly pompous. From his diaries, the image of a perfectionist and workaholic is evaporated, for which the work was "the highest good and the only consolation", which "lived with a lady in his hand."

During World War I, James worked in hospitals, thanks to the free ownership of French engaged in the affairs of Belgian refugees. In 1915, he was awarded the Order "For Merit", British citizenship adopted - in protest against the neutral position of the United States. In December, a blow happened to him, after which he lived for another three months and died on February 28, 1916. After the death of James, two unfinished novels remained. In a suicide nonsense, the writer returned to the city of his childhood and youth - imagining himself by Napoleon, he dictated orders for the reconstruction of the Louvre.

"International Episode"

This is the name of one of the leads of James, although, in essence, this name suits most of its works. James rarely wrote the books whose heroes would be Americans, and the actions took place in America, or the characters would be the British, and the events unfolded in England. The most common collision of his novels and stories is the collision of old and new light, Americans in Europe or, less often, Europeans in America. Such plots were well known for their own life experience.

The first time, leaving to Europe, James was not going to remain there. He ran off not only from America, but also from an authoritarian and eccentric father. (Henry-senior could return from the walk and declare that he had just met a very cute girl, and William should marry her immediately. The marriage of chance was successful.) But, returning to the homeland, the writer more and more convinced that live here was not can. In America, the "gilded century" - the epoch of the rapid economic growth, which began after the civil war - it was annoying decisively. Vulgarity, provincial poverty, limitations, spirit of delicacy and practicality. Everything here "insulted his early wise sense of beauty." "It is impossible to live in Boston. That is, to live in the sense of "stay", of course, it is possible; There can not live aesthetically».

Americans are actually a patriotic nation, so according to Anti-Americanism, Henry James, will probably survive any of his compatriots. From his impartial statements about their homeland, a whole treatise can be touched. "It is difficult to imagine the people more smug, narcissist than the Americans. Only one word applies to them: vulgarity, vulgarity, vulgarity. When you meet an American in Europe, the first thing that rushes into the eyes is complete, monstrous blessing. " "Making so much money that interest in the whole other is lost - here is the leading principle of American life. And if you do not work out, if you are interested in completely different, then you, in the end, open the truth: America is an unsuitable place for you. " "The unclear outlines of the ominous crowd, millions of Americans are gone away. They like raid waves - Varvara Roman Empire. " "The United States is a country without a monarch, without ships, without aristocracy, without an army, without a church and clergy, without a diplomatic service. A country without a picturesque peasantry, without palaces, castles and estates, without ruins, without literature, without novels, without Oxford and Cambridge. "

In short, James perceived America only as the province of New World. As a writer, he lacked the cultural landscape here. Regarding the novel "Washington Square", whose action takes place in his native New York, he wrote that he prevented the absence in America "Paraphernalia" during his work - established life and traditions, as in the novels of his beloved Balzak. James not only did not love America - he, in essence, was not interested in her. Almost all American literature passed by, Melville, Mark Twain, Whitman. The only American writer he admitted was Gotor.

And yet with James never and nothing happens. So, the positive characters of his books are more and more Americans, and villains - just a major "cultural" Europeans. In his Heroes-Americans, James emphasized their "naivety" - and this is not only a shortage of culture and inexperience, but also naturalness and spiritual purity. Compared to them, Europeans are calculating and cold snobs.

Moem recalled that he met James in Boston in 1910, when he was in his homeland after his brother's death. "He was alone and unhappy. He firmly decided that his legs would never be more in this alien and incomprehensible country. " But in the same years, James gave the Council a familiar American writer: "Do not repeat my mistake. I cut myself from America, which I belonged "and complained:" If I had to live a new life ... I would become an American. In me, Europe and America joined me, and it turned out to be a detrimental. I turned into a person who is neither american nor the European man.

Bike Henry

Henry James's personal life is just knowing only that he had no one - quite. No wife nor love hobbies. For a long time, this did not cause much surprise: contemporaries considered James a classic convinced bachelor, there were many such in Victorian times. And indeed, the hypocrisy peculiar to him - the result of the Puritan education - was excessive even for the super-hencented era. One of the critics noticed that it was difficult to imagine James to ever undress. Moem wrote that his characters had no digestive or genital organs. Biographers barely scraped a couple of episodes, with difficulty pulling on love stories: the youthful passion for the adorable cousin Minnie Temple, who was dead in 1870 from Tuberculosis (she served as a prototype of the Heroine "Women's Portrait" and "Wings of Dove"). In 1872 - acquaintance in Rome with the daughter of the famous Fanny Chembl actress, a beautiful married lady, which James accompanied on the riding. And finally, the long-term friendship with the American writer Constance Fenimor Wulson (the grandmother of the phenimor coper niece). Apparently, Wulson was in love with James, but he shied away from closest relationships. In January 1894, Venice Wulson committed itself, having thrown away from the window to the canal.

Explanations of bacheotsky habits of James found different. Neurotic fear of sex. Fear lose independence. In the novel "Master's lessons" (it is based on the History of Alphonse Dodé) James opposes the artist who dedicated himself to the art that sakes his personal happiness to the writer who, to feed his wife and children, is engaged in commercial Haltur. James himself, of course, preferred creativity - family.

However, in the 20s there was a new version of the waders. It is connected with the study of one mysterious episode of his life. In 1861, helping to extinguish the fire, James was injured, whose consequences then suffered all his life. It is believed that this is the injury of the back, but in his memories the writer never directly calls her. There are several explanations of this mysterious injury. According to one, there was no injury at all - James simply simulated her to sleep from the army (by analogy with the real disability of the Father obtained during a fire). In 1861, the civil war began between the North and South. Two younger brothers James send to fight in the army of northerners. William inherited his nervous disease from his father, and for him the question of the front was not stood in principle. But Henry had no nervous diseases, but did not want to fight at all. He did not burn with enthusiasm, the war caused him only the "sense of deaf pain." So appeared "back injury." Later, he uses her again as an exclusion in order to go to Europe for a long time in 1869. True, by that time he will have a completely real, although not a romantic intestinal disease.

There is another, directly opposite explanation. Without calling his injury, James describes it as a "terrible", "extremely intimate", "real catastrophe". What kind of injury can be the most terrible and intimate for a man? If James, as a result of his injury, became an impotent - partially or completely - well, it explains a lot in his behavior. Hamingway, who adhered to this particular version, put in his "Fiesta", the main character of which, Jake Barnes, suffers from the same injury, talking about "Henry's bike" ("He fell from a bicycle or from a horse" - in the manuscript stood the name James, But the publisher from sin away dropped her away.) In 1905, a doctor examined the doctor in New York in New York, who diagnosed: "low sexual attraction". But this does not prove nothing: the writer was then for 60.

But that's not all. In the time of universal political correctness, a new version appeared, explaining the features of the personal life of James. Well, of course, he was a hidden homosexual. We need to pay tribute to James - reading his biography, sometimes you come to the conclusion that his homosexuality was hidden even from him. Gays and lesbians in his works do not appear (like a prunuer or Edward Forster), and beautiful men are described not more often (if not less often) than beautiful women.

Of course, here there were several cases that can be considered with stretch as love hobbies - now men. The lawyer Oliver Wandell Holmes, with whom James in his youth spent the night in the same bed (only one was unoccupied in the hotel - the number). Artist Pavel Zhukovsky (son of Poet Vasily Andreevich), with whom James met in 1875 in Paris. It is believed that this under his windows the writer once stood all night, without deciding to enter. James mentions this - it is hardly the only one in his biography - a romantic episode, but it is about whom, it remains incomprehensible. Finally, the sculptor Hendrik Andersen, the 27-year-old handsome blonde American-Norwegian origin, whom James met in Rome in 1899 and then rewritten with him for a long time.

Describing the "not the orientation" of James, remember his almost demonstrative hostility to open gays. So, he could not tolerate Wilde, called him Ham and refused to sign a letter in his support after the famous process. However, all this is easily explained by ordinary envy: Wilde was a successful playwright, and James is quite the opposite. Another case is associated with the writer John Addington Symondome. One familiar lady suggested James to write about him a necrologist, naive noticing that they had a lot in common (she only meant to pass through Italy). James got angry and abruptly refused.

Supporters of this version love to quote the affective-tender letters of James to his men 'friends, the same Andersen ("I feel you, my cute boy, in the very depths of my heart, and I hope that you also feel me - every beat of your soul") . But exactly the same letters James wrote and the women with whom supported friendships ("I love you so passionately, so passionately, ten times more than anyone else, and nothing and never can tell me with you" ). In his nature, it was clearly something from a mixture never a matured child with an enthusiastic old girl.

In principle, in all these "blue" assumptions there is nothing wrong-like. They lack only one - evidence. And very little likely that they will ever appear. With all the huge number of letters left from James, it is just known that part of his correspondence he burned. Sometimes he sent letters with the asscription "burn it!" After the death of Constance Wulson, relatives invited James to disassemble her papers, and he was obviously part of them destroyed. In the end, we are talking about the author of the "Letters of Asperna" - the history of the philologist, who is ready for everything, just to get love letters of the romantic poet Asperna - invented by James of the American analogue of Bairon. (Letters to Andersen are therefore preserved that the writer himself did not see anything special in them.) So if some compromising his documents existed, nothing left for them. The master preferred his secret to the grave with him.

"Tragic Muse"

Once the Moem on the dispute composed the story "Under Henry James". The plot is brief as follows: the British Colonel and his wife will find out that their familiar spouses-Americans arrived in England. The British decide to give a dinner in their honor, but not sure who is worth inviting. For all weeks, the meeting with the participation of his wife's friend (their relationship, of course, is purely platonic), but when the decision is finally accepted, it turns out that the Americans have already left their homeland.

Parody, what to say, killing. According to the same Moem, a characteristic feature of James's works was the combination of the sophistication of the narrative and the banality of the plots. For her books, "he chose the items insignificant. It can be compared with a mountaineering, which, stirring everything necessary to climb Everest, climbs the Hamik in the middle of the London Ridgeth Park. "

Indeed, James's plots are mostly suitable for the middle ladies. He especially loved the stories about rich heirers, behind whom slackers and scoundrels are chase. The options for this plot from James Massa: in the "Washington Square" Catherine, at the request of the father, refuses the groom and remains a single old Verine; In the "female portrait" of Isabella gets married and turns out to be in the power of the bastard, in the wings of doves, Milly Til dies.

More "serious", the socio-political topics of James did not interest. Only once he tried to write a similar novel - "Princess KazaMassima" - about London revolutionary anarchists - and suffered a crushing failure. He also did not know the life of social bases, and therefore nothing wrote about them. All his heroes belong to the middle or higher class.

James lived for a long life and in his work sometimes there was a change in radical. His early works are the greatest popularity - the 70s and 1980s. They are easy to notice the influence of Turgenev. (The ignorant reader, holding the Russian translation of the "Europeans" or "female portrait," may think that this is some kind of unknown Roman Turgenev. True, the action is not happening in Russia, but after all, Turgenev lived so many years in Europe.)

In the 90s, the "Theatrical Phase" of the Creativity of James came. The writer always dreamed of becoming a playwright, considering the dramatic form of "the most beautiful of all existing ones," but his plays did not have success. Most were even delivered. Particularly acute, the writer reacted to the failure of the "Guy Domville" in January 1895. This play, which he tried to make "as clearer, simple and intelligible" caused a real scandal - half an hour of Roeva, squeal and ullyukanius of dissatisfied spectators. The play soon removed from the stage, replacing it with the creation of the author, the fully gathering full of halls - Wilde. (It is not surprising that James hated him so much.) Why James's novels and stories were still successful with success, and his plays never reached the theater - another mystery.

After that, James wrote a few novel, whose heroes were lonely, offended children with whom he apparently identified himself. In his books, at this time, those changes occur, which led to the emergence of a genuine Henry James - who will never be confused with any Turgenev. His style has changed. Quick, verbose, mannered, flowery: complex offers with many branches, the use of rare words of Latin origin - all this is not entirely typical and logical English and makes you remember another famous style - Prut. (In the novel Hollingcherst, the hero - a specialist in James - likes to quit expressions like "his cheeks and a selection of familiar with a subtle chill of morning steel" or "oblong torment tile" is about waffles.)

But the stylistic difficulties were not for James in itself. On the contrary, he tried many times to fight his own verbal - but nothing came out. I tried to write in short, but it turned out only longer. His style corresponded to the established new poetics of James - hints, halftone, inexpensive, incompleteness. The world lost certainty for him and blurred. He increasingly wrote from the position of the "Overall" author, but showed what was happening through the perception of some of the heroes ("Central Consciousness", according to his own terminology), which sometimes complement (or contradict him) other characters ("Additional consciousness") . In the "rotation of the screw", all events are told by the heroine, and therefore remains incomprehensible, which, in fact, happened: were the ghosts are real, or is it hallucinations of exalted governess? The story is fundamentally constructed so that it allows both interpretations.

This technique of "multiplicity of reflection" was later developed by Virginia Wolfe. Late James is generally much closer to the searches of modernists than to their peers-Victorians. In the 10th year, at the same time he writes memories of childhood. Late its novels probes cause associations with kafka. So, in the famous "beast in more often", the Hero, Marcher, obsessed with an intrusive idea that some extraordinary event, a monstrous catastrophe await him in life. He is waiting for this catastrophe along with Mai Bartrem who loving him - and does not notice her feelings. Only after her death, March understands that the disaster was that "he was lying all his life," passed by passion and happiness. "To undergo disappointment, dishonor, a shameful post, the gallows - this is not a bankruptcy; Bankruptcy - not underway. " Another, a more positive option of the same "late", "of the shelf life" is a "cheerful corner". Here Spencer Bridgeon after the thirty years of absence returns to New York - and meets the ghost - his twin, "the evil, disgusting, coarse, vulgar", who he won't be, staying in America and become a successful businessman. But in this story for the hero is not all lost: he can still achieve love of the cute Alice Staverton.

In one of the earliest leads, the "bundle of letters", James expressed desire: "The most important thing - live, to live in a complete measure, feel, conscious of your own opportunities, it is necessary to wander in life mechanically, how the letter is wandering on the emboticing of the post office. " Many years later, in one of his last novels, the "ambassadors" of the head of the chief hero, the writer proclaims: "Live in full force - you can not live otherwise. It doesn't matter what you are busy while you live a full life. I lived an incomplete life - and now old, too old, to use what I see ... Now I have spun ... Do everything asks the soul, do not repeat my mistakes. Live! " Were these words last, bitter wisdom of a writer, about which Kolm Toybin noticed that he actually did not live?

"With Tom Hardy. The first series not only made an indelible impression on TV viewers, but also left them in painful thinking over mysterious issues. Let's list the main riddles of the series.

What orders James Dlyini?

"Tabu" begins to make riddles already from the first scene. At the beginning of the 1st series, we see how James Doleini somewhere on the outskirts of London bursts a small bag. What does he hide? Jewelry? Secret documents? Or something related to a conversation, which later James has with his sister?

Does the reality is the island of Nutka Sound mentioned in the series?

Yes, Nude Island, inherited by James, is a real place that has been the subject of territorial disputes for a long time.

What happened to James when he collaborated with the East India Trading Company?

Of the 1 series, we learn that James collaborated with the East India Company for some time. Dlyini mentions that he made some evil as directed by Sir Stewart Strange, who commanded a detachment. However, what exactly happened at this time from Dlyini remains a mystery. Did he participated in the infamous campaign on the extermination and enslavement of indigenous peoples of Africa? Or is "evil" somehow connected with a mysterious person, whom James sees in a dream?

By the way, have not yet forgotten. In the network now there are not so many resources that behave intelligent analytics on films and TV shows. Among them - the telegram channel @scifinews, the authors of which write the one-year analytical materials - dissemination and theory of fans, interpretment of postitar scenes, as well as secrets of bombing franchises, like movies Marvel and " The game of thrones" Subscribe to not to look for - @scifinews. However, back to our topic ...

Who is this mysterious man from Doleini's nightmares?

During the scene of autopsy, James sees the image of a dead slave, who accuses him in his death. But Dilaini denies his guilt. Perhaps this person was killed at a time when James worked on the East India Company.

What language is James Dlyini talking about?

This is the real language of the Twee, which is talking to the African tribe of Ashanti.

Is this a real dog Tom Hardy?

Tom Hardy is famous for his love for dogs and often uses its own dogs in projects with its participation. However, the dog, accompanying James Dilain, does not belong to Hardy.

After the dog of Woody (Woodstock) appeared in the Biographical Ribbon "Legend", Hardy decided not to take it into new projects, since the dog became recognizable.

Who is this guy?

This hero (Godfrey) plays Edward Hogg. It seems he is no more than the clerk of the East India company. Nevertheless, during one episode, the camera is delayed several times on his face, and judging by the look of Godfrey, this guy will play an important role in the fate of James.

Who plays a dead father of Jase Dilaini?

This is a veteran actor Edward Fox, a representative of the famous acting dynasty. It is unlikely that Fox appeared in the series only to play dead man. Most likely, we still see the father of Dlyini in his memories or flashbacks.

Who killed the father of James Dlyini?

Of the 1 series, we know that Dioleini's father was poisoned, but who committed this atrocity remained unclear. The main suspect - Thorn Giri, the Consolidate Brother Doleini, who inherited island of Nude. However, it is unlikely that the impact will be so simple, because we have 7 more series ahead!

What rumors go about James Dlyini?

Within 1 series from different characters, we hear about the alarming rumors that are connected with James and his return from Africa. However, we never learned what happened there. Does James have something to do with African witchcraft or terrible rites?

Dueleyni boy - who is he?

When James decides to meet the extramarital son of his father, we immediately assume that the child is actually the son of James and his pivot sister.

The spy series about James Bond is one of the most prolonged and successful in the history of cinema. The next film "Bondians" is called "007: Spectrum," and his premier took place on October 26 of this year in London. Such a significant event has come across us on the topic for the next selection of facts.

Yang Fleming - Head of the Secret Division

The author of the series of adventure novels about James Bond, which then went on the basis of movies, is Jan Fleming (Ian Fleming). Unlike many other authors who come up with their plots in the silence of cozy cabinets and never kept anything in their hands, except for the handle, he was great with all the imprint of the work of secret agents. During the Second World War, Yang Fleming was the head of No.30 Commando - a special division of the British Commando. It was created for special intelligence operations in the rear of the enemy and on the front line, such as the capture of military maps, samples of advanced German military equipment, as well as German military specialists and scientists.

The prototype of James Bond became Odessa

As a preparation of James Bond, several intelligence officers spoke at once, whose biographies and activities were known to Fleming on the debt of the service. But most often among other researchers call the name of Sydney Railley (Sidney Reilly) - the famous British spy, operating in the 1910-1920s in Russia and the Middle East. This person is completely mysterious, surrounded by secrets, adventures and adventures. Interestingly, Reil was born in fact in 1873 in Odessa under the name Solomon Rosenblum.

The most boring name in the world

According to the author's memoirs, he wanted to give his hero the most boring and inconspicable name. Somehow his eyes came across the book of the Ornithologist James Bond, standing on the shelf in his office, and he understood that this was exactly what you need. Scientist James Bond was subsequently very displeased with superpopularity of his twirl, literary hero, and in February 1964 decided to express this Jan Fleming personally. However, the conflict managed to settle, and the ornithologist as a compensation was received by the new novel about Bond with the dedication to the "To the Real James Bond from The Thief of His Identity" (this James Bonda from the kidnapper of his personality).

Agent 007

Everyone knows that James Bond is an agent 007. But why exactly such a number? According to one of the versions, this figure was borrowed by the author from the English spy John Di (John Dee), who signed his secret reports to the icon depicting two mugs and a corner bracket, similar to the seven. This meant that the information is intended solely for the eyes of his royal majesty.

Some statistics

Movies about James Bond are unthinkable without shooting, verses and beautiful women. Fans of numbers calculated that for all time the screen hero killed 352 people and made 4,662 shots. Not very good performance. But with the ladies, James Bond appeals more skillfully: he managed to sleep with 52 women in 22 films. I wonder if the changes will make this statistics released on the screens "007: Spectrum"?


Yang Fleming armed his literary hero Pistol Walther PPK sample 1931. However, when creating a film in 1963, producers seemed to be that on the poster, this model in the hands of Sean Connery (Sean Connery) looks insufficiently impressive. Then, in the nearest store, a pneumatic Walther Luftpistole 53, looking solid, but shooting on a tet meter. This error subsequently has all over all experts and weapon lovers. And the same toy gun was sold in 2010 at the Christis auction for 277,000 pounds.

Place of work

All connoisseurs of films about James Bond know perfectly well that it works in the English secret intelligence service MI-6 (Military Intelligence, MI6). Interestingly, until 1994, this division of foreign intelligence had no legal framework, and its existence was generally denied by the Government of Great Britain.

Will you go to the premiere of a new movie about James Bond?

On August 12, 1964, Yang Fleming died - a man who wrote a cycle of novels about Supergente James Bond. We decided to bring a list of places that are associated with an eccentric agent 007.

Yamaica Island

It was in this place that, on one of the beaches, Yang Fleming began writing the main novel in his life. In a small villa, he wrote 14 novel about Agent 007. It is interesting that he borrowed the name of the main character at the British ornithologist, whose book was poured in the desktop of the writer.

The first film about Bond was filmed on the same island, in 1962. The film release of Fleming made such a furor that after the premiere all women rushed to buy underwear, like a girl James Bond.

Currently, Villa Yana Fleming has become one of the most expensive Jamaica resorts, not least due to its past associated with the 007 agent.

White Heron Castle, Japan

The next part of the bondian "live only twice" (1967) was filmed in Japan for more than two years. Especially noteworthy was, in which the Ninja School was located and the development of secret weapons was carried out. This castle of stunning beauty is available to visit tourists, near him is located an incredible beauty of the park.

Spa Shilthorn, Switzerland

In this beautiful snow-covered place, part "in the service of Her Majesty" was shot. Here Bond fought with the enslavers of the world against the background of the beautiful ski slopes and the restaurant "PIZ GLORIA". Interestingly, the creators of the film agreed with the owners of the hotel to finance the construction of the institution (at that time it was not completed), on other conditions the owners refused to provide a place to shoot.

Now right in the restaurant has a small museum dedicated to the Bonda, as well as in the bar you can try the notorious Martini, who loved the agent so much.

On this picturesque arctic lake, the shooting of Bondians passed twice. The first here was filmed "a view of the murder" in the middle of the eighties. These were the most memorable and bright scenes in the film. In 2002, the second here was filmed "die, but not now", in which Bond chased on ice on his chic car.

In May, small forty-minute excursions are arranged here, during which you can admire the places in which I fought with the villains of Bond.

"Grandhotel Pupp", Czech Republic

At the Grandhotel Pupp Hotel, James Bond beat Poker his rival - Le Schiffra. "Casino Royal" was the debut part of the bondan for Craig, which did not like many in the role of Bond. Nevertheless, this five-star hotel in the Czech Republic (although events unfolded in Montenegro) It is worth visiting the agent fans 007. "Grandhotel Pupp" was built at the beginning of the eighteenth century for nobility and lords, now it is one of the most fashionable and expensive hotels in Europe.