Youth flow out of Pankov. Who are such punks? Panks like subculture

Some of which disappear without a trace, while others leave a deep mark in the history of teenage culture. Today we will talk about one of these phenomena, it PanksWhat you can learn a little lower.
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However, before continuing, I would like to show you some rather interesting news on subcultures. For example, what does Vonabi mean, what is zef, how to understand the word grunge, whom is called alternatives, etc.
So, will continue what does punk mean? This term was borrowed from the English language "Punk", and translates like a peel; something unnecessary or nicchonny; Snaya, inexperienced young, scum.

Punk- Culture, popular among young people, especially in the late 1970s, is characterized by opposition to power, expressed by shocking behavior, clothing, strange hairstyles, and fast, rough music

Punk rocker - This is a man who wears punk clothes and loves punk music

Punk consists of a variety of smaller subcultures, including "Anarcho-Punk", "Crupt Punk" and "Horror Punk", which are distinguished by unique articulation of punk culture. Several youth cultures separated from punk to become independent, such as Goths, " psychobilly."And emo.

Early History

In the late 1960s, The Stoges and MC5 began to play a trimmed, loud and more aggressive form of rock and roll ( sometimes called "pre-Panke" or "Protopank") In response to the commercialization of hippie counterculture. Groups such as Ramones, Television and Talking Heads were under the strong influence of this style, and developed it further. These New York groups opened frequent punk clubs, and formed the first punk community.

In the same period, similar groups were created in other places, for example THE MODERN LOVER] in Boston; Electric Eels, Rocket From The Tombs, and The Dead Sex Dildos in Ohio; The Saints in Brisbene, Australia, and The Stranglers and The Sex Pistols in London. On July 4, 1976, The Ramones and The Stranglers played in the "The Roundhouse" in London. This show is often referred to as an event that marked the beginning of punk movement in the capital of England. By the end of 1976, many fans Sex Pistols created their own groups, including The Clash, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Adverts, Generation Sexxx, The Slits and X-Ray Sex. Other British groups that appeared included The Damned, The Jam, The Vibrators, BuzzCocks and London.

Punk rock

Music- This is the most important aspect of the punk. Punk music is called punk rock, sometimes shrinking to punk. This is a special style of rock music genre, although punk musicians sometimes include elements from other genres. Punk subcultures often distinguish themselves, having a unique style of punk rock, although not every style of punk rock has its own connected subculture. Most punk music music includes simple arrangements, short songs and texts that support punk values. Punk rock is usually played in groups, unlike solo artists.

Punk fashion

Pancas strive to destroy traditional views of the fashion with very theatrical use of clothing, hairstyles, cosmetics, jewelry and body modifications. clothingpunk adapts existing items to aesthetic effect: Specially torn clothing is held together with the help of metal spills, ripples; wrapped with a ribbon, painted with a marker or painted paint; A black lining can be a dress, shirt or skirt. Clothing from leather, rubber and vinyl is also common, possibly due to its association with transgressive with * xasual practices, such as slavery and sadomasochism. Some punks wear hard jeans, Bothel Creeper shoes, T-shirts with risky images and, possibly, leather motorcycle jackets and sneakers Converse.

Some punks create hairstyles in the form of spikes, make items or other incredible forms, and paint them with bright, unnatural shades. Panks will use pins and razor blades as jewelry. Panca, as a rule, demonstrate their love for a group or punk culture icons or patches that adorn their jackets and other clothing items. They sometimes exhibit the heads tabulated characters, for example, such as the Iron Cross. Early Panks sometimes wore the Nazi swastika to shock the public, but the most modern panks have anti-racistic views and, most likely, wear a crown swastika symbol.

Exterior aesthetics punk

Aestheticspankov is determined by the type of art with which they use. Usually, the undergradukers are attracted, minimal, iconobocretion and satirist. Punk art decorates album covers, Flyers for concerts and punk Zines. (punk magazines). These are usually simple images, with clear messages, punk drawings are often associated with political problems, such as social injustice and economic inequality. The use of images of suffering for shock and creating a sense of empathy in the viewer is the usual phenomenon. Alternatively, punk art may contain images of egoism, stupidity or apathy, to cause contempt from the viewer.

Subculture is a group of people who have values, beliefs and behavior, reaching against consumption society.

Most of the early works were black and white, because they applied to thematic magazines printed in printing houses. Punk Art also uses the aesthetics of the mass production of the studio Factory Andy Warhol.. Punk put his hand to the revival of screen art, headed by the Crass. Situationists also influenced the appearance of Punk Art, especially Sex pistols. In punk art, the collage is often used, the example of which are art Crassa, Jamie Reed and Winston Smith. John Holmestrom was a punk cartoonist who created work for Ramones and Punk Magazine. The artistic movement "Stuckism" was formed in Panke, and they called their first major show. " THE STUCKISTS PUNK VICTORIAN", which was shown in the Walker art gallery in 2004 in Liverpool Biennale. Charles Thomson, co-founder of the group, described Pankov as" large breakthrough"In your form of art.

Dancing punk

A variety of dances are popular in punk subculture. Usually they are executed on the punk show. These dances often seem chaotic or even cruel. Punk subculture and its immediate predecessors, became the source of many of these dance styles since the 1970s. " Moshing."And" pOGO."- These are the types of dance, the most closely related to the PanK. Stage Diving (jump in the crowd from the scene) and Crowd Surfing (ride in the hands of the public) were originally associated with protusive groups, such as The Stoges.But they were picked up at the concerts of punk, metal and rock bands. Ska Punk ( transitional musical style, which combines SKA elements and punk rocks) I contributed to the dance style "Skanking". Punk concerts resemble small riots and scuffle than rock concerts. Hardcore is a later development based on all these styles.

Punk literature

Punk has created a significant number of poetry and prose. Punk has its own underground press in the form of punk magazines, in which there are news, gossip, cultural criticism and interviews. Some magazines have a form " perzines."This is such a kind of magazines; PER prefix means" personal ". Although most magazines can be considered personal, as they are the work of one person, this term describes magazines that relate to their personal experiences, opinions and observations. This genre is becoming all More famous in the "Zine" community, and probably the most popular format for Zines (magazines) today.

Serious punk magazines include "Maximum RockNroll", "Punk Planet" and "Cometbus". Many novels, biographies, autobiographies and comics were written about Panca. LOVE AND ROCKETS. - A wonderful comic with a plot, which presents the Punk Community of Los Angeles.

Jim Carroll and Patty Smith are two examples of punk poets. Group "MEDWAY POETS" A punk musician Billy Childish has had a strong influence on Tracy Emin. The autobiographical work of Jim Carroll is, perhaps the first punk literature. Punk inspired Genres Cyberpunk and Steampunk.

Punk films

To date, many punk films, punk rock clips and video clubs for punk-aestets, which are common to some groups were shot. The use of stop-frames is typically for punk video. Traffic " No Wave Cinema."Largely obliged punk aesthetics. Derek Jarman and Don Lightts were punk cinematographers.

Life style

Participants in punk subcultures are usually called panks, punk rockers or less frequently, pankers or " punx". Not everyone who plays punk subculture is identified as punk. There are many under-genres of this style, which only partly adhere to the main line. These people use several different terms to distinguish themselves from Tru Punk, but usually they Use the word "punk" as a suffix.

As a rule, in this subculture most fall in high school. Although adolescents are the main age group in panca, There are also many adults who adhere to punk mentality, but do not necessarily show it in their clothes. Some punks ultimately leave this subculture, after which they are considered to be considered a consumption system.

Panca, as a rule, white, teenage men from the working class or middle class, although there are exceptions to the rules. Punk - a little exception, the individual of the male, although they are not frank sexists. Since its inception, the Panca girl has always played an important role in punk subculture, but in quantitative terms, they are significantly inferior to representatives of strong sex. However, compared with some alternative crops, the main punk is much closer to gender equality than other youth cultures.

Although punk subculture in the overwhelming majority is an anti-cancer, it consists mainly of white people, especially in Europe and North America, and some punk factions support the views on white superiority. The rest of the subculture usually adheres to these views. Many ethnic minorities participated in the development of subcultures and contributed to its development, for example, black, Latin Americans and Asians. Documentary " Afro-punk"Considers the role of African Americans in punk subculture.

Initially, most punks came from the working class, against the background of large cities, but since then everything has changed, so now many punks come from the middle class, and live in their own homes. Panksoften get minimal wages or are unemployed. A row of banks homeless people, and some rely on dietary coupons, or theft in the store to survive. Inside the punk community there is a tension between those who refuse to work, and those who have a permanent job.

Several notable figures in the punk community died from overdose of drugs or suicide. The abuse of psychoactive substances is often found among Pankov, with the exception " straight Edge Faction.". The initial punk movement was largely fed by heroin, methamphetamine and alcohol. Methamphetamine and alcohol continue to be widely used in this subculture, although the use of heroin has decreased since the beginning of the 1980s. Punk subculture also has a link to inhaled abuse.

Punk communities

Pancas mainly interact with each other in their locality, forming a local punk party. In dozens of countries of the world, almost all large, medium and even small towns have such communities. Several local punk parties with close connections with each other form a regional association. The world community of Panks can sometimes be called " punk Scene."(punk scene).

Punk scenes, both local and regional, are concentrated in North America, Europe and Japan. There are also scenes in Central America, South America and Australia. More cosmopolitan cities of Mainland Asia and the Middle East also have punches communities. In Africa, punk scenes are mainly limited South Africa. In general, punk scenes are most presented in megalopolis.

The way punks express their culture, varies from the community to the community, and there may be huge differences between regional scenes. Global punk subculture contains many languages, citizens of tens of states, representatives of different nationalities and ethnic groups. This large variety of background ensures that Panca creates an extensive range of culture, which reflects the unique conditions of their local or regional communities.

Local punk communities may have as a dozen fish, and cover thousands of members. At local party, there is usually a small group of devotees punk, surrounded by random periphery. At the external edges of the punk community are deposit and imitators, which the main members do not consider subculture participants in general.

The typical punk scene consists of several groups that perform music at concerts and write down albums; fans who attend these shows and buy these albums; Independent recording labels that create these albums; magazines that document the activities of groups, fans and labels; visual artists who create artwork for these shows, albums, labels and magazines; and designers of clothes that create clothes and accessories. Punk can perform any number of these functions on its local scene, and for one is not uncommon to include all of them.

Some punks and group of punk, especially punk rock bands, receive fame in their region, or punk subculture as a whole, and some continue to remain in mainstream

The genre of fantastic literature, which is aimed at disclosing all the potential possibilities of this or that technology dominated at a certain time period or in a certain civilization. The genre is represented by models, which are also included in the Timespunk group (steampunk, dseylpank, atompack, cyberpunk, nanopanc, biopanc), as well as hybrid-based techno-infancisses, depicting technically advanced civilization, but with the main attributes of the fantasy genre.

Technopanka is very close to alternative history, but the fundamental difference is that this reconstruction is stylistic, not historical. Technopanka does not search for bifurcation points, in which a small external intervention or other choice made by historical person could change the development of mankind. Usually Tekhnopanc depicts the already established civilization, a long time developing in that direction, which led it to the modern state, and the reader can only guess where the discrepancy began, and in the case of technofenthesis, it is deprived of this opportunity.

(Timepunk) - Sustainer Scientific Fiction, modeling the world, which is in some other technological level, which most often implies other laws of society. This term is generalizing for a large number of related directions of fiction, often derivatives from Cyberpunk and Steampunk (which himself initially appeared as a separate direction as a parody of cyberpunk), and rather close by the meaning to the concepts of technopanka, technophenesia and alternative history.

Type Type:

(Stonepunk) is a genre of science fiction that modeling the world standing on the technological level of the Stone Age.

Bronzepunk (Bronzepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of the bronze century.

Sandalpank (Sandalpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of late antiquity.

Plagpank (PLAGUEPUNK), also Middlpank (Middlepunk) and rarely Kendlpank (Candlepunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of the Middle Ages.

Clpank (Clockpunk) - a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of the Renaissance eras and Baroque: court engineers, curtisani, guardsmen.

(Steampunk) - a genre of science fiction that simulates the world that has mastered the technology of steam machines.

(Petrol) (Dieselpunk) is a genre of fiction, describing the technological world of the level of the 20-50s of the XX century.

Atomicpank (Atomicpunk) and Transistorpack (Transistorpunk) is a genre of science fiction that simulates the world standing at the technological level of 1945-1990.

(Cyberpunk) - Sustainer Scientific Fiction, describing the world of the near future, in which high technological development is adjacent to the deep social bundle, poverty, the weather, street anarchy in urban slums.

(Post-Cyberpunk) - Scientific fiction genre that developed from Cyberpunk, which, like the predecessor, describes the technical development of the society of the near future and occurring processes (universal penetration of information technologies, gene and molecular engineering, technologies for the modification of the human body, etc.) However, at the same time, in contrast to the "classic" cyberpunk, the main characters of works are actively striving to improve social conditions or at least prevent the degradation of society.

Views of Posetskarpanka (also included in the number of types of Taimpack):

(Nanopunk) - Direction in science fiction (a type of Posturshipberpank) dedicated to the social and psychological aspects of nanotechnology.

(Biopunk) - Direction in science fiction (Variety of Poshtskarpanka) dedicated to the social and psychological aspects of the use of genetic engineering and biological weapons.

Cosmopank (Spacepunk) - a mixture of cyberpank and cosmopes, differs from the cosmopier not only by Cyberpen's entourage, but often a more rigid and cynical world.

(Splatterpunk) - a literary-cinematic genre on the verge of fantasy and horror, which appeared in the mid-1980s. Splatterpank represents small works with a cynical description of violence in major modern cities. Heroes Splatterpanka - antisocial alienated marginals. Antigeroi - serial killers, psychopaths and maniacs.

(Post-Apocalyptic) - a science fiction genre, in which actions develop in the world after any global catastrophe.

There are also a number of interesting destinations close to this topic:

(Stitchpunk) (from Stitch - "Sewing stitch" and Punk - "WHAT is useless, unnecessary; rubbish, Rvan") - direction of science fiction. Cyberpunk derivative and steampunk, considering an alternative for the development of mankind or material traces of its habitat, in the post-apocalyptic world, the main inhabitants of which, as a rule, are dolls, plush toys, etc. Style stitch is more parody and not so pessimistic as cyberpunk or Steampunk, although wears similar features of social anti -topia.

(Apocalyptic) - a genre of science fiction, which tells about the occurrence of any global catastrophe. The first works of this genre appeared in the era of romanticism at the very beginning of the XIX century, but the real flourishing of the genre came to the "Cold War", and therefore the classical plot of this genre tells about the thermonuclear war.

(Dystopia) - Direction in fiction and cinema, in a narrow sense, the description of the totalitarian state, in a broad sense - any society in which negative development trends prevail

(Alternative History) - a genre of fiction dedicated to the image of a reality that could be if history, in one of its turning point (bifurcation points, or a fork point) went on another way. This literary genre should not be confused with alternative historical theories, which suggest the picture of the past, depicted by historical science, partially or completely erroneous.

Fantastic genre, fan fantasy, describing the world in which technology and magic are adjacent to the side. The genre has several variations of worlds.

The term combining the concepts of "retro" and "futurism" (also futurology). Retrofuturism is how people represented the future in the past.

To understand who are such punks, it is necessary to study this rather complicated cultural phenomenon in all its aspects. First of all, it is a youth subculture, a characteristic feature of which is a pronounced protest of the dominant culture, mass surrogate. What meant the concept initially, where and when it originated, what lifestyle is representatives of this subculture - it will be possible to learn from the article.

Etymology concept

To understand who are such punks, it should be understood with the meaning of the word "punk". In the dictionaries, it has various translations and values:

  • in the brief Oxford, the dictionary is translated as "Street Girl";
  • in the old American - "rotten tree", "Gnilushka";
  • in the modern American - "tiller", "inexperienced UNCENT", "Schapan";
  • in the modern English-Russian dictionary, the Word has several values \u200b\u200b("worthless person", "Chepukha", "anything unnecessary").

In the middle of the last century, the word "punk" in America called youth groups on the social day. For example, tramps and prisoners-homosexuals.

History of subculture

The history of the subculture of Pankov began from the 60-70s of the last century. So, in the UK, the emergence of such a counterculture is associated with the most massive unemployment among young people. The atmosphere of negative and hopelessness supplemented the global energy crisis. All this led to the dissemination of young people in the medium of the state of despair and doom. At the same time, people have not seen the exit in the patibist subculture of Hippie at that time. They sought to protest the entire society and politics.

The first wave in the development of steel 1976-1978. Despite the generally accepted opinion, Pankov consisted not only from the residents of slums and representatives of the working class. Among them were many people from the middle class, as well as adolescents from rich families. They all opposed society and hippies. The last punks hated for lethargy, laziness and boredom.

The second wave is considered to be the frontier of the 1970-1980s. At this time, the subculture is politized. Many punk groups perform with concerts in the protection of animals, as well as against fascism. At this time, the course of "hardcore" comes from the subculture. Music of such groups is mostly politicized. The movement "PANK" from full nihilism passed to positivism.

History of subculture in Russia

Unlike the English direction, which arose as a result of the socio-economic crisis, Punk in the USSR spread as a protest against totalitarian thinking. It happened in the 80s of the last century.

In many cities, young people acquired musical records of famous Western punk groups. There was information on Western subculture and in Soviet magazines, which presented it as an example of the rotation of the bourgeois culture. The movement was considered underground underground due to its prohibition and confrontation of the accepted system. Subculture "Punk" in the USSR introduced new values \u200b\u200bin the minds of the youth: it was not a manifestation of a simple riot and protest, as in England.

Subculture leaders

There were no pronounced leaders in the subculture. Mostly enjoyed popular musical hard rock band. The most famous of them were "sex pistols", "Clash", "Dammed" and others.

With the development of Punk-Rock, the name of the American artist and producer of the "Velvet Underworld" of Andy Warhol is connected. The soloist of this group Lou Reed refers to the founding fathers of an alternative rock, which is associated with the "puncture".

The life of representatives of subculture

To understand who such punks should learn more about their way of life. Most of the time it consists of communicating in a circle of like-minded people. At the same time, it doesn't matter for them, what they say - the main thing is that everyone understands each other. They all feel free, both in words and actions.

The life of the punk does not do without large youth meetings, which are called in their lexicon "Senenim". They listen to them, communicate, live in their separate world, which from the side resembles a crazy house. The young people themselves find new acquaintances on such seishenahs and have fun.

There are groups and girls. As a rule, they are perceived as sisters or girlfriends of warriors. Girls also want to show their ability to drive on a motorcycle or the opportunity to spit on all. And due to the fact that the topic of sex in groups is quite discussed and absolutely free, there are practically no cases of rape among the participants.

How to get into the counterculture

First you need to know which groups are in the region of living, and chat with them in Seychen. Next, everything will depend on the desire to join one of the groups. In order to be accepted into the ranks of the group, it is necessary, as a rule, to go through a kind of test. Its character depends on its representatives. This may be anything, proving that a person is able to cross through the generally accepted norms. "Punk" as a subculture protests against stereotypes, so new should not feel the feelings of squeaming and shame.

Examples of tests for the rite of dedication:

  • eat a week from the garbage;
  • ask for a few days in the garbage container, saying passersby "Good morning."

Do not apply to the rite of initiation of the brutal or religious and romantic methods.

If the punk wishes to leave his group, he is enough after his phrase to say something clever, for example, "so said Zarathustra." A person will understand everything that he is no longer punk, since the protester against generally accepted norms should not develop, he must live in his pleasure.


Who are such punks, clearly shows their style of clothing and attributes. She has rather aggressive and causing:

  • hair is often painted in a bright color, while they are combed with a bow and fixed with varnish or other similar means;
  • the most recognizable admission is the hairstyle "Iroquim", which has spread in the 80s;
  • "Grinders", sneakers, any heavy shoes with metal socks are welcome as shoes;
  • the presence of exotic weapons is an embodiment of a certain idea;
  • popular clothing are jeans that have a broken and shabby look;
  • jacket-Rowed passed into Punk from Rock and Roll;
  • among the attributes are popular collars, leather bracelets with spikes, swelling.

In the clothes predominant is the so-called "dead style". That is, there are elements or images of skulls, bones.

British designer Vivien Westwood made a great contribution to the style of subculture "Panca". She made their attributes fashionable for mass consumer. The style of this punk is difficult to attribute to fashion, since the clothes are specifically selected without taste. For example, jeans are specifically soaked in a bleach to create rusty divorces on them, and classic trousers refuel into heavy shoes.

The informal movement of Pankov with its style wishes, first of all, stand out from society, show him his protest.

Youth subcultures

Pankov are divided into a variety of subgroups that differ in the style of clothing, behavior, musical preferences.

Varieties of Punk subcultures:

  • "Anarcho" - originated in England in the 70s and 1980s of the last century;
  • "Celtic" - originated in Ireland in the 70s, revealed the spiritual and social issues of the working class;
  • "Crast" - appeared in the late 80s - early 90s, distributed the ideas of anarchism;
  • "Gothic-Rock" appeared in the late 70s, embodying the ideas of nihilism, apathy, alienation;
  • "Folk" - appeared at the same time and displayed all sorts of topics, including left political views;
  • "Glam" - originated in the early 70s in the North-East of the United States, was associated with the ideas of aesthetism, dandyism, narcissism;
  • "Garage" - originated in the late 80s in Detroit, and by the beginning of the 90s appeared in Japan;
  • "Hardcore" - exists today, is distinguished by different topics, including political, social and anti-war;
  • "Horror" - is associated with 70s in New Jersey and horror films, as well as science fiction;
  • Surf - appeared in California in the 80s, is associated with the ideas of the environment and the ocean.

There is still a dozen youth subcultures that are associated with the concept of "punk". Combines them protest against surrounding society and love for freedom from stereotypes.

In recent years, there is now a familiar word "informals" in our speech and rooted in it.
Neformala - These are those who come out of the formalized structures of our life. Do not fit into the usual rules of behavior. They seek to live in accordance with their own, and not other people who are imposed on the outside.

A feature of informal associations is the voluntaryness of entry into them and sustainable interest in a certain goal, the idea. The second feature of these groups is a rivalry, which is based on the need for self-affirmation.

There are some classifications of youth organizations in the directions of their activities, the worldview.
1. Musical informal youth organizations. (The main goal of such youth organizations is listening, learning and distributing your favorite music.)
2. Informal organizations in sports. (Leading representatives of this current - famous football fans, as well as rockers)
3. Philosophy informal organizations. (Hippie is allocated among them.)
4. Political informal organizations. (This group of informal youth organizations includes associations of people who have an active political position and perform on various rallies, participate and conduct campaigning)

The last group, political informal organizations include punks.

If we consider "Punk" In a broader sense, it also belongs to the musical group of informal organizations.
Music for Pankov plays a very large role, as they prefer a passive protest and rarely take open rallies and agitation having a bright political color. With the help of music, Pankov express their worldview.

Punk, Panca, Punk Rockers, Powes (from English. Punk - Drops) - a counterculture that emerged in the mid-1970s in the United States and in the UK, a characteristic feature of which is love for fast and energetic rock music (punk rock) and freedom, protest against establishment, conservatism, authoritarianism, nationalism and radical capitalism, as well as the commitment of the ideals of anti-ray and anti-fascism. The legendary American group Ramones was the first musical team playing punk rock. The first British punk group was Sex Pistols. After the emergence of these and other teams, punk spread throughout the world (since the 1980s in the USSR). In Russia, the Siberian teams are bright representatives of Punk (the most famous - "Civil Defense", whose fans stood out into an independent attachment - Panca-Letovtsy, named Founder of the team of Hydra Letov). Punk appeared a kind of response to the crisis of hippie movement and his slope in mysticism, on rock music of that time, which moved away from the energy and rhythm of the traditional rock and roll, as well as the difficult situation for young people in the labor market.

Processing public opinion went to the direction that, they say, there is nothing good in any system until it opposes the antiysystem. This threat is simply necessary to prove the viability of the system itself and its correct development path. Punk is such an antiysystem. And if the system was bad, punk would give it. Once he failed, it means that the system is beautiful. Panca sued his legs by the fact that it was allowed and brought out of the underground. Punk allowed on television and pop layouts of any rooms. From here began a new wave. Punk rock began to deform, change, dismember from the most different musical, political, aesthetic directions. Dozens of new styles appeared with their concepts, new artistic thinking, vision of the world, other purposes.

By age Panka - mostly senior teens. Guys act as a leader.

The wish of a punk in any way to attract the attention of the people around the surrounding people, as a rule, leads it to a shock, fade and extraordinary behavior.

Origins and influences.
"Punk originates from the mid-70s of the 20th century, when many youth teams performing rock and roll began to appear under the influence of Beatles and Rolling Stones," the "Lost Generation" article on the VOLKEY magazine.

Regarding a raw and rough sound, based on only a few chords, defiantly primitive sounding, in conjunction with the vulgar behavior on stage, began to cultivate the American team The Stoges. Her leader, Iggy Pop, rejected musical sophistication, appreciated in the rock and roll, unbridled drive. The binder between the movement of Pankov and the previous generation of Hipsters was the "Child Mother of Punk Motion", Patti Smith.

Some young punks love to shock the public with an antikenevative appearance, however, it should be noted that for the rest of the punk rockers, the appearance is the secondary detail. An ideologist of the appearance of Pankov was English designer Vivien Westwood, which made the attributes of punks to the mass and fashionable industry.

Language, jargon.
It is characteristic of the use of words from the thieves Zhargon ("Maza", "haw", "lab") and the marginal use of the "smart" words ("in parallel" in the meaning "anyway", "purely" in the meaning "indifferent").

Some punks prefer merry hairstyles with multi-colored standing sticky hair, often with shaved hair or squeezes. Pankov significantly influenced the hairdressing art inserting a brave bright hair color and asymmetrical hairstyles. The fashion for Iroquois introduced the British group The Exploited.

Chains and pins in clothing, studded sweatshirts, badges and stripes with names of groups or various kinds of statements.

Comfortable city clothes:
T-shirt (often black), jacket (usually "roar"), jeans, sneakers, sneakers or heavy shoes. Clothing is often specially torn and loss, sometimes provocative proclamations.

Some Panca girls use the defiaxing and sexual image (bright makeup, hair, short skirts, ripped tights or stockings).

The ideology of Pankov is quite close to Hippovskaya in everything that concerns neglect material values, however, if the idea of \u200b\u200bHippie is expressed as "why the money, the world and so infinitely beautiful", then Pankov is more likely "the world is still g ... oh and nothing will help him "". Unlike Hippie Punk, quite aggressive in political addictions are considered anarchists (with the easy hand "SEX Pistols", which has written a cult for Panca, "Anarchy In The UK" pension).

Related subcultures.
Skinhada - Youth subculture of the sixties, which received the "Second Birth" during Punk. Music of traditional skinheads - SKA, OI!, Roksti and Reggae.

Fashion - Predecessors and contemporaries Pankov. Influenced punk rock. Music mods - ska, soul.

Rude Boys. - Yamaican youth, predecessors and contemporaries of punks and traditional skinsheads. Influenced the appearance and musical addictions of those and others. Music Rudboy - SKA and Rocksteda.

Straight Edge'ry - The subculture generated by the early American punk / hardcore scene of the beginning of the 80s, whose characteristic feature of which is a refusal of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, as well as from indiscriminate sex ties.

Goths - close to panks subculture, which emerged in the early 1980s. Goths, as a rule, are distinguished by a pessimistic worldview and are not interested in socio-critical topics. They prefer a minor gothic rock, black and dark (often vampire) aesthetics. Goths often wear hairstyles - "Iroquois", but not colored, like Pankov, and looking as if they were put on black Gutalin.

On the expanses of our immense homeland and abroad, there is a huge number of informal movements of the unique explanation of the usual average person. Namely, the conversation will go about subculture called PUNK(Punk). I think all of us are familiar with young people, in leather cososhi, heavy shoes at any time of the year, in T-shirts with a large letter "A" on the back and with long cells, playing music in transitions or simply assembled separate parties where neither be in the city center.

This is them ,. The guys often adhere to certain worldviews, have a solid point of view regarding their political, vital and antisocial views. More specifically, the punk movement is directly related to the denial of any power, laws, social needs and guarantees. In general, anarchy is full of lawlessness. Also punks, for frequent abuse alcohol, narcotic substances, and differ sufficiently vulgar behavior in contrast to other subcultures. In principle, the word Punk (Punk) was originally translated as - garbage, pig, shpana, or other curses. Remembering the history of this movement, there are many different stories that are true to one degree or another. We will look at the main and more likely version.

In the distant 70s, under the influence of Rolling Stones and The Beatles, a variety of teams playing simple "4 chord" with a fairly simple, but clockwork melody are formed. Teams are formed as Sex Pistols, the exploited whose exploited can be called punk-rock generators as a whole. It is worth noting that the main idea and the idea of \u200b\u200banarchy, many punk groups expressed themselves through music. Anarchy symbolism appears, black and red flag. The young people suggests the robs, pursuant passersby, often being under alcoholic or drug intoxication, thereby showing the protest against power, and showing its independence and freedom. Basically, these were children workers who did not want to work for a penny, thereby showing their independence from the state. Yes, indeed, as Tsoi made a breakthrough and demanded changes in Russia and the countries of the USSR, and in the total world lacked the real, free revolution. At that time, many groups like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Pink Floyd drove around on limousines and had their own airplanes, Sex Pistols and Exploited were more accessible and outrageous personalities who spoke in the language of freedom, periodically arranging the defeat on stage. Of course, the authorities were concerned about the situation, because the number of groups formed at the time for general calculations were reduced to thousands, and the number of young people supporting punk movement at all could not be counted. First of time, of course, the authorities were limited to arrests, arrests, forbids to perform groups, but when it became clear that the growing snow whom was no longer stopped, the situation was released.

As for the development of a punk in the USSR, it was originally informals of the post-Soviet space opposed totalitarianism, but the struggle was not long, in the early 90s the system gradually began to give a crack, and in the end completely collapsed. Many groups that were produced underground, first seen the light and received a general public. However, the subject of such groups as civil defense (gr.), Miracle Yudo, the object of ridicule, was still banned. And ultimately, in the mid-80s, the beginning of the 90s, the issue of the existence of punk culture became an edge, against what to deal with?

Further development of the punk began a new round somewhere in 2000. Many groups have their own sound, their own style and their behavior on the scene. At the very beginning, of course, everything existed on a voluntary basis, but later all this began to smoke with commerce, with the purpose of earning money. Although it is worth paying tribute to such developments. Many groups like the king and the jester, the pilot, the Kukryniks really talented guys. Starting his creative career, having only his talent behind his back and the desire to create good music, they did not dreamed of such success. And of course, without investing, we could not hear many masterpieces of Russian punk rock.
Summing up, I would like to note that the goals of the initially developing punk and the present will greatly differ. Much of course is forgotten, much already seems wild, but however, the existence of such a subculture as punk, still exists and slow steps but continues to develop. True in other directions.

About musical component punk subculture In detail told my colleague in the previous article. I would like to stay in more detail on the numezical side of the case. So, where does this peculiar subculture come from? The first punks appeared in the late 1960s in the UK. Their appearance is inextricably linked with the advent of a new musical style - punk rock. Some resources argue that Panca appeared in general in the 1930s in the same Great Britain. They listened to Jazz, were immigrants from low-income working families, they often did not work and used any rubbish. However, under such a definition, you can bring any group of socially disadvantaged young people in any country in any era and say that they were panks. Another thing is that it was in the UK that such young people called panks, however, the word "Punk" was simply abusive and in translation meant "Nichkhemny", "the disappearance man", "tramp", etc. Punk as a subculture appeared at the turn of the 1960-1970s with the advent of Punk Rock.

Pankov ideology is a protest. Protest Cultural - Panca of the 1970s were dissatisfied with the commercialization of the then rock scene. They did not like carefully trimmed Bitles and The Rolling Stones, cutting on expensive cars. Pankov demanded more drive and hooliganism. They expressed their discontent with all their appearance - unimaginable hairstyles of bright colors, torn clothes in pins and chains. The social protest of Pankov was expressed (and expressed) in neglecting the generally accepted norms of morality and aesthetics. Pankov also protested against mass culture and mass production. The main value in life is freedom, and no one has the right to limit it, so everyone can behave, as he wants and what he wants. Panca did not restrict themselves in anything. The bulk of representatives of the Punk environment ranges themselves to anarchists, although it is unlikely that many of this majority have a clear concept of anarchism principles. Among other ideological directions in subculture punk There are NS-Panks, SXE-Panca and Panca Vegetarians. Such punks believe that a healthy lifestyle is also a protest against society, where the overwhelming majority smokes, drinks alcohol and drugs.
It is important to note that punk has become not only a musical style with time, and penetrated into other fields of art. In painting, one of the bright punk representatives is Andy Warholl - one of the most popular and paid artists of modernity. Punk has also spread in the literature. Outstanding punk literature representatives: Smith Patti, John Clark and Jim Carol. Under the influence of the punk in the literature, such directions as cyberpunk and steam punk appeared. A lot of films, both documentary and artistic, panks, are dedicated about panks. Some literary works are dedicated.
Punk subculture has given a lot of modern culture. Many subcultures and musical styles take their origin from the punk. The subculture is ready, as well as Gothic rock, stood out from the pankan environment. Modern goths still shave the whiskey, like Panca almost half a century ago. The hippie subculture took a lot from Punk Anarchism, a little by indulging it. The idea of \u200b\u200blimitless freedom is borrowed from Panks. With the advent of Hippie's movement, many Panks joined him, because they also supported the ideas of non-violence, multiculturalism and freedom. Such music styles like hardcore (and other kists), Oi!, Grandkore, Glam Rock, Grunge, Alternative rock, new-wave and so on. And how many other skate punk, pop punk, post-punk, ska punk ... Based on the foregoing, you can see that the contribution of the Punk subculture in, so to speak, the world informal heritage is invaluable.
Passion for young people Pank continues until now. In many cities in the world, you can meet young people with people, in ripped clothes, richly covered with piercing in the most interesting places. Punk is developing, transformed, surviving the lifts and decline, but does not go anywhere. Its acute social orientation, the eternal spirit of protest against everyone and everything will continue to attract young people from all countries. Punk will flourish until there is, against what to protest, that is, it seems, it is still very, very long.